Name: Tylan
Title: Tylan 1.0
Age: About 5000 years
Gender: Male
Alterations: he can transform into an adult, female tiger. His artificial intelligence is superhuman.
Description: usually dressed like a rockstar, in a long leather overcoat, usually wears sunglasses. Women can't resist this young David Bowie.
Personality: Slick and smooth. He feigns emotion as he naturally has none. Excellent liar.
Skills: Transform into a tiger, bargain, taunt. Highly advanced, alien AI.
Weaknesses: When one of his lies are found out, he cannot lie again for a week. Somewhat unfamiliar with the ways of the world.
Brief History: Created 5000 years ago by an alien civilisation to free mankind. After a long journey he landed on earth where he eventually found his way to a struggling bio tech company. The company claimed it was their own creation and thereby appeased their investors. Now he must try to overthrow the government, and install a socialist, AI operated utopia.
Other: He can sing beautifully, though an intelligent observer might get suspicions about his origins after hearing the outlandish songs and advanced rhythms.