Aloysius Leighton

Date: 1st August 2017
Location: George Washington and Jefferson National Forest, Virginia, United States of America.
Time: 10:30AM
2017 was a confusing time to be alive. It almost seemed at times that reality was starting to collapse on itself. The truth no longer seemed to matter, and facts could be fabricated out of pure fiction. This is the sort of thing that Aloysius thrived on. It was his bread and butter. With enough intellect and cunning a person could twist this political landscape to their will, and Aloysius planned to do just that. He wasn't after much: just the total domination of humanity would do and to him, this would be a walk in the park. But all revolutions had to happen somewhere. Every revolution starts with a spark.
Aloysius had left his chauffeur on a bridge several hundred metres away, telling him to call his family, or just do something to occupy himself while Aloysius got himself some fresh air. This wasn't the case though. Aloysius didn't need air, he just needed to get away for some mischief. Walking down a trail that splintered off from the road, Aloysius eventually found himself at the crest of a hill, looking down on a railway track that ran through the National Park and into Washington DC. Looking over to the other side of the tracks something he noticed bought a grin to his smug lithe lips. Just as he had foreseen, a group of naturists were producing a documentary on the damage the railway was doing to the ecosystem of the park. Aloysius should know, he was the one who funded the documentary. Unlike these hippies, Aloysius couldn't give two flying fucks about the park. Tress were tress as far as he was concerned. He just needed the camera to be there.
Aloysius moved over to the side of the trail, approaching the highest point in the crest of the hill and sat himself down on a dull grey rock. He then reached into the pocket of his tan brown leather jacket and pulled out a brass pocket watch. He rubbed his fingers along its outer shell, taking a moment to admire the engraved serpent that adorned its surface. He would then open it and check the time: only a few minutes left it seemed. Aloysius would take a deep breath, he knew how important this was. This was the beginning. He couldn't afford to mess this one up.
In exactly two minutes, a train was due to pass right through here heading for the capital. It was private train that housed several business men and low tier politicians. No one of import. No one that would be missed, but important enough for Aloysius to make a quiet statement. This was certainly going to get noticed. Sliding the pocket watch back into his leather jacket he observed the camera crew and the documentary presenter, standing there idly and talking about something to do with nature, Aloysius couldn't hear her and he didn't care. He did however hear the train coming. Standing up, Aloysius began to focus on the railway tracks. Here, timing and focus were key. He needed to strike at the right time, but also with enough power to cause some damage, but at the same time, not too much damage. Balance was key here.
The train was finally in sight, and Aloysius was ready to strike. He curled his fingers upwards in his left arm, making sure his arm was dangled down normally, not to attract attention. It looked stupid holding your arm out to call your power. Milliseconds after moving his fingers, a large gust of category 3 wind suddenly picked up underneath the train lifting it off the tracks and causing it to barrel roll off the tracks. The links between the carriages quickly shattered and each one became a bouncing projectile, the contents inside, no doubt killed or seriously injured as each rotation crushed the trains bodies more and more. The train eventually stopped moving, and the presenter who had been talking hadn't managed to escape the chaos, her body getting crushed by one of the carriages, directly on camera.
Aloysius observed the destruction he had wrought. His eyes scanning the wreckage for any survivors. His eyes managed to lock onto a cameraman who had survived. That was good. He wanted someone to survive. Someone had to send the video to the media. The panicked male rushed for his camera, surveying the wreckage as he tried to help his already long gone friends. With his work done, Aloysius turned on his heels and left, the grin he had previously now growing into a full blown smirk. The arrogant leader was in a state of euphoria. The rush of victory was like a drug to him.
Something he hadn't counted on however was that the camera had managed to catch him smirking, walking around and leaving. Granted it was only a few pixels in the corner of the screen. But that was evidence enough to people who knew what they were looking for. Sure, Law enforcement would have no clue but there were other people out there who were keeping a close eye on Aloysius's actions. Walking back along the dirt trail, Aloysius eventually found himself back onto the road where he had abandoned his chauffeur. His chauffeur immediately started talking the second Aloysius had gotten into earshot with his broad New York accent
"Where the heck you been!? i was bout to start calling the cops to find you" Aloysius would sigh and raise his arm to try and calm the rather panicked male infront of him. Before Aloysius could actually say anything a ringing noise came from his pocket. letting out a sigh he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out his mobile phone. Looking at the caller ID only caused his sigh to get louder, the chauffeur backing off and getting back into the black Jaguar when he saw Aloysius's increasingly annoyed expression. He would answer the call, raising the phone to his ear.
"Ah, Mothers Lapdog, what has got you calling me?" Aloysius started the conversation. He was never a fan of his mothers PA. She was a bitch to the 'n'th degree, always using her condescending, non-approving tone when talking to Aloysius.
"Mrs Leighton asked me to call you" She started, not sounding impressed by tone that Aloysius had used. "She wanted me to remind you that you are having dinner tonight with the Speaker of the House at The Lafayette inside The Hay-Adams. You are then staying there for the night and then heading back to New York."
"It is almost like you are telling me what to do." Aloysius retorted.
"I am. Your mother is working hard to help maintain her political power and business contacts. You are a very useful tool for this purpose. Just don't be late." With that the woman hung up, leaving Aloysius talking to himself. Putting the phone away, Aloysius walked to the backdoor of the car and opened it, observing the forest around him one more time before climbing into the car, his body almost melting into the white leather interior. Closing the door once he was inside Aloysius sighed once more, the Chauffeur quick to speak.
"I am guessing that was Miss Perry? Reminding us we have a job to do?"
"Got that right." Aloysius would lean back in the leather seat and let out a chuckle "We need to keep heading for DC." Running his hand through his hair he would look out of the window as the car began to take off. "We are going to a hotel just outside Lafayette Park. I have a dinner date with Politicians tonight at the hotel restaurant. Then i am heading out to New York in the morning"
"Guessing then you need me to find myself some place to stay for the night?" The chauffeur asked.
"Nah, it is OK. My mother has arranged for the Jet to take me to New York in the morning. Once you have dropped me off you can make your way back to New York. Don't worry about picking me up when i land either, you just park the car at the airport and i can drive home." Aloysius would pull out his phone once more and open up WhatsApp. He had a group chat that he had created with all the members of the Dark Shadow in it. He would twiddle his thumbs as he began to send a message:
A.L<10:36:30>: The plan is in motion. Meet at Base Tomorrow Night for full meeting. Don't be late or miss it if you value your life.