Name: Callibryna Hortensia IX. Sometimes she'll answer to Calli or Bryna or Ten or Sia or even Hor (but not
whore). Depending on the day she'll say that the IX (which is certainly a Nine) is pronounced 'Icks'. Who can say if that's even her actual name. Well. Well, Callibryna Hortensia IX can and she assures that it is very much her name.
Title: The Stingy. It wasn't selected by her but rather given. The way she tells it, her true title is The Thrifty and Crafty and Daring and Amazingly Handy but most people tend to zone out the more she speaks.
Age: It's just a number. And hers happens to be up. She's younger than twenty five but older than nineteen. It's rude to ask a lady, you know.
Class: 'Merchant'. Some might call her a thief but she considers herself a merchant first. A merchant that happens to deal in goods that aren't always obtained through the proper channels.
Sexuality: Flirts with
everyone. Sleeps with and is actually attracted to women.
Home: Yes. Yes it exists. Somewhere. She speaks with an accent but it could easily be put on. And her garb is a mixture of cultural attires.
Equipment: Iron Sword. Vulnerary. Bag of Goods (Stolen)
5000 500
Personality: One could be forgiven if after a meeting with Callibryna Hortensia IX (as she oft-demands being referred to as) the only word that came to mind was immature. It's hard not to see it given her eccentric and hyper nature. But it would be a disservice to the woman who is a bit more crafty than she lets on. While yes she is incredibly excitable and even more happy-go-lucky to the point where it seems like nothing ever truly phases her, she is rather perceptive both in terms of determining the abilities of a person or encampment as well as picking up on social cues. In a game of cards, for instance, Callibryna Hortensia IX would be confident she could tell when an opponent was bluffing; and that carries to her normal dealings where her perceptive ways lets her determine who is being less than honest. At almost every juncture, however, the most dishonest one is Callibryna Hortensia IX herself.
That isn't to say she's disloyal necessarily. Of course she IS technically loyal only to herself, when she senses a great business opportunity she'll throw her lot in just long enough to get in, get what's worth taking, and be on her way. She's honest about her dishonesty which in a weird way makes her somehow trustworthy. When she describes it it makes sense, though that could well be her rapid fire delivery and rambling nature.
Callibryna Hortensia IX is incredibly charismatic. She has to be given her occupation. Salesmanship is ninety percent the pitch and experience has taught her how to pitch some truly ludicrous purchases. Not all of them succesful, of course, but therein lies the perception at work. If a deal goes south, Callibryna Hortensia IX is out of there faster than can be. The list of people she's angered or swindled grows by the month.
On the plus side, if she likes someone she's always willing to cut a deal or negotiate. A pretty lass or a commanding one has on more than one occasion walked away with jewels and trinkets and odds and ends free of charge. It's a weakness, of sorts. Flirtation is part of the pitch and sometimes she even means it when it's the right color hair or the right figure that stops by looking for an extra few Vulnerary's.
Alignment: As neutral as can be. True or Chaotic is up in the air. Lawful is out of the question.
Simple description: Callibryna Hortensia IX has...interesting taste in attire. While her normal attire does show skin, particularly in the leg and middriff region, the articles she does wear come from different locations. It's the mark of a world traveler and someone with an eccentric sort of fashion. The skin she does show are the bits she's most proud of, and many a wannabe sly lad has been swindled when they were pulled in by the promise of getting a bit of a closer look. On a normal enough day her breastplate is a leather make that isn't tight around the chest, with light leather half-pant leggings. Her right leg is bare, save the garter belt that doubles as a sheathe for a dagger (for show). Her right boot is longer than her left, with the right boot stopping just below her knee while her left is more of a shoe as it stops above the ankle.
Her skin is presently tanned though that's less an indication of heritage and more a result of spending time in a heated climate. Nothing about her attire suggests where she's from nor does her accent. All that's clear is that she appears to wear an article of clothing from every region she's visited. And that she's very protective of the locket around her neck; it's the one thing on her person she would never sell.
Level: One
Basestats: Allocate points to the following stats. You have 45 points available at level 1, with 3 extra per level above (level 2: 48, level 3: 51 etcetcetc).
Health Points: 12
Strength/Magic: 2
Skill: 6
Speed: 10
Luck: 10
Defense: 3
Resistance: 2
Growths: Allocate the odds for levelups in the following stats. You have 360% available to allocate, or if you're promoted already you have 200%
Health Points: 30%
Strength/Magic: 30%
Skill: 40%
Speed: 120%
Luck: 110%
Defense: 20%
Resistance: 10%