Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Oh, oops. Yeah, I haven't heard from @Sierra since the other day; I'm assuming they're working on the sheet template in the meantime.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

I imagine the mechs to look something like this:

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm not dead guys! I was a bit busy with a bunch of schoolwork (being a full-time college student can sometimes eat large chunks of time & motivation). I have had the chance to catch up on all the commentary made so far ... glad to see the interest. I believe we can fit everyone in however I will be closing it once everyone here gets character sheets in, at least for now. I will consider allowing a third squad in the future (I had plans to go up to 4 - a full platoon - but the 2 co-GM limit will cap it at 3 arbitrarily).

Thank you @Aristo for handling things so nicely in my brief absence. @Ollumhammersong Aristo basically nailed it. For everyone else, I purposefully did not define what the thing looks like for the reason that everyone can hold their own image of the mech in their minds and no one person is right or wrong. In regards to loadout, you've got the two standard plasma cannons as your arms and you can attach additional stuff. Mortar pods on the back for example, or some machine guns coaxial with the cannons. Non-weapon equipment is also cool if someone wants to pitch a sniper kit with active camo, I'll hear you out. Ollum, yes. I will be signing off on these mostly for balance reasons. Once signed off on, they do go into the list. However anyone can throw an idea out and unless it's egregiously too strong, I won't outright reject it.

I'm gonna be a bit metagame-y here and give you guys the heads-up as a GM that you will need: an explosive ordnance indirect fire kit, something to put high-arc fire on threats entrenched behind terrain or fortifications that direct or low-arc fire cannot hit; an extreme-range precision direct fire kit, some kind of sniper/marksman build to deal with threats at very long range that other mechs cannot. I've been blocking out the first mission everyone gets dropped on and without these things, you will have a very hard time pressing the mission objective.

@Thecrash20 @Skyrte See above about 'no one right image'. Basically it is what you choose it to be in your mind within a few basics. As for the bruiser-with-the-wrong-chassis-piece there (yes I recognize it), there's a couple of problems bringing that particular armament into this.

EDIT: Aristo's pic is the closest to what's in my head personally. If there was going to be a definitive image of the Predator, that's definitely a strong contender.
Also I posted the character sheet in the zero'th of Characters tab. Have at it!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

@SierraBy "Nationality,' could that mean Earth country, or also a home colony off-world?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Aristo Sure. Anywhere in the inner planets is technically fair game. The Mars population is by this point, probably a few tens of millions. Venus is a tougher nut to crack for colonies but I wouldn't rule it out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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i'm not against the idea of the standardized mech. Quite the contrary, though I feel if we go down that route it should probably be enforced. if we are all driving a 'standard' mech. Logic dictates they should all look the same instead of wildly different. I'm not talking about this weapon or that weapon. but if everyone is describing the 'same' mech with completely different locomotions methods or gaits, layouts even general heights and sizes that it is going to be a little strange.... no?

Basically in me head it should either be one or the other. Either various different mechs, or a more rigidly enforced standard image.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Talia Kohan

Prefered Moniker/Callsign: Runner

Nationality: Martian

Talia’s short and compact; not what most might call ‘model status.’ He build is square and athletic, honed solely for the rigours of military service. Her olive skin and dark hair are characteristic of her Israeli origins. She possesses a stern face, strong and angular. She wears her uniform well, though has a distinct causal, or aloof flair in the way she styles herself. When not in dress uniform, Talia’s attire is very pseudo-military. She often pairs camouflage BDU pants and tactical boots with a simple tank top or other athletic wear. She’s hardly seen without her Vietnam-style bomber jacket, emblazoned with a huge back patch of the unit’s insignia. She keeps her hair braided tightly to her head in a Greek style, or in pigtails.

Talia feels a need to demonstrate she can be not only a skilled pilot, but a capable leader. Being a native Martian, she’s developed something of a need to fit into the UNE fold. For this reason, she can be introverted and self-critical. This, coupled with the desire to lash out at the FCA and represent her native Dauntless colony gives her a strong burden to bear.
In light of her personal struggle, Talia’s strong-willed and willing to do whatever is needed of her. She values the principles taught in the UNE military academies and is a proponent of collectivism. Talia’s squad is her family and she’ll fight tooth and nail to see them through the mission. She does her best to exhibit a good example for her subordinates. That’s not to say she’s soft; she’ll bark, and bite, if that’s what it takes to get them in line.

Talia hails from the formerly-independent Dauntless Martian colony. Dauntless was forcibly annexed by the FCA just several decades ago, cutting it off from trade with Earth and other independent entities. For a time, the occupation was relatively peaceful, though it inconvenienced the colony’s economic standing.
However, when the purges started and colonists instrumental to Earth’s interests on Mars started disappearing, many started to realize the danger of their situation. The Kohans were one of the families that attempted to flee, and part of a much smaller number that made it out successfully.
When news of Dauntless’s treatment reached the desks of UNE leaders, it opened up to the Martian refugees, granting many asylum within Earth’s orbit. Talia and her family had left everything behind in exchange for their freedom. As she acclimated to Earth’s society, Talia made the decision to enlist with the UNE military. With nothing to lose, Talia was intent on taking the fight to the FCA and repaying the UNE’s hospitality.
Having already served two tours of duty on the edge of UNE space, Talia now operates aboard UES Halcyon as a squad leader.

Personal Effects: Talia keeps a little notebook on her person and jots down anything she thinks worth writing: ideas, thoughts, grocery lists, do’s and don’ts, etc. It also contains lyrics to songs and poems, in varying stages of completion. She takes effort to keep it hidden from others.
She also keeps a flag of the Dauntless Martian colony emblem hung in her quarters.
[More TBA]

Skills: Talia makes a habit of exercise three or more times a week, duties permitting. This primarily includes weightlifting and calisthenic exercises. That, poetry, songwriting, singing, recreational shooting and tinkering with firearms make up Camilla’s chief interests.

Motivation: See History.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

@SierraHope her history is plausible; let me know if there's anything to change.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Looks most excellent. I give props for taking initiative on the worldbuilding. I'm getting close with mine but also working on other stuff (GM stuff and other RP stuff). Once others start getting sheets in too I will throw up a starter for folks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AstroLu
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Wait, so what Aristo put up was the format for our sheets? I was waiting cause I didn't know if you had some specific way you wanted us to put in the information.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@AstroLu I threw up the sheet template in the Characters tab. I did not do a great job of making that clear.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AstroLu
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'll get to work on it tomorrow. It's real late over here rn.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Here's a shot of adrenaline to wake the thread up. Are folks still working on sheets?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I quickly made the OOC tab zero-post into an announcement of the fact character sheet template is up and that people should work on that. There's not much you or I can do until people start submitting them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Working on the sheet right now, just kind of slow going.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

What the CS sheet is up? I guess I'd best start working on something when I get the time ... tomorrow maybe ... Also next time for next time, might I off a piece of advice. Mentioning people would be a good quick way to of let us know that CS is up. It also means you know we are at least aware that you want our attention for one reason or another.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Styr Volle

Prefered Moniker/Callsign: Jotun

Nationality: Belter

Appearance: Styr is an average sized boy, not exceptionally tall nor short. His build is fairly muscular, but he often wears baggy clothes when not in uniform. He has pale skin, blue eyes and black hair, which he keeps styled in a lazy ritzy. Casually he often wears comfortable, baggy clothes. Sweats, hoodies, a high collared coat he likes when it's cold. He's often seen with a standard issue infantry assault backpack.

Personality: Styr is a mostly serious pilot, willing to follow orders and having the discipline to carry them out. At least during live fire exercises. He sometimes makes remarks and wisecracks, mostly to himself. Outwardly Styr is calm, collected and professional. He's more mature and responsible than his young age suggests, a result of circumstance, he doesn't hate it. Instead he embraces it, knowing that he's already gotten his partying time in. When someone attempts to approach him informally, they'll find that he's shy and unused to social interaction with strangers. He has difficulty looking people in the eye unless they're already a friend, or addressing him as a soldier.

History: Styr was born on Luna, where many of the wealthiest families in the solar system reside. His father was Karl Volle and his mother was a civilian pilot of a cruise liner, making Styr a bastard child. His fathers wife had Styr sent off with a foster family to the asteroid belt, saying that Volle Industries couldn't possibly deal with the publicity of a bastard child, they were supposed to be ideal family owned corporation, with a perfect family at the head. Volle Industries made mechs, primarily mining, industrial and terraforming mechs. Styr saw a lot of Volle Mining Mechs in the Belt.

His foster family, the Amsdens, were good to him, treating him as one of their own but they always let Styr know that he was a Volle, and not an Amsden. He lived on the biggest Belter colony with the Amsdens, Ceres, and as soon as he was old enough he piloted a mining mech and went to work to help provide for his family. The war seemed distant and Styr was happy, doing simple work, getting paid, blowing about half of that pay on the Ceres nightlife and the other half going to his family. But the war seemed closer after he befriended one of his coworkers, a man named Cortaro, former UNE Marine, left after ten years in the service. At first Styr was fascinated by his war stories, Cortaro often mixing in some life lessons into his stories, but Styr began to realize that war was not a place where people sought glory and fame. Soldiers who wanted to be heroes often found themselves full of bullets or splattered across some rock far away from home. After meeting Cortaro, Styr matured and became more responsible, a more diligent miner, even getting a promotion alongside Cortaro to small asteroid mining.

Then the war got even closer. Styr, Cortaro and eight other miners was caught in the middle of a space battle, a skirmish between two small battlegroups. To Styr, it was like every asteroid in a mile radius was actually a bomb going off. Strike Fighters moving at break neck speeds, zipping across space, dodging and weaving through the incomprehensible movements of the dense patch of asteroids the miners were working in. Missiles, cannon shells and plasma bolts lit up the void, often with explosions at the ends of their trails. Styr saw frigates keel over and snap into two. Cortaro quickly took charge and lead the miners back to the safety of their ship, flying away from the battle. Though none of the miners were injured, the flight back was filled with a heavy silence. Nobody ever thought the war would get so close to Ceres. Once Styr got home, he noticed news about smaller Belter colonies being seized by the rebelling FCA, and they were even making incursions to Mars.

He and Cortaro and many other Belters of Ceres joined the Ceries Militia, funded by the UNE. Cortaro trained Styr and many others, and Styr learned how to shoot a rifle, throw a grenade, fire a rocket launcher, he learned how to fight. Three months went by after Styr and Cortaro joined the militia, and nothing happened. Cortaro was frustrated, as a member of a defensive organization, how could he take the fight to the FCA? After a few rants, Styr agreed. The two, along with several others joined the UNE. Due to Styr's experience with mining mechs, he was put in Ranger School to pilot an MR-7 Predator.

Personal Effects: Styr has a keychain containing his house key, a rifle bullet, and a small sphere of Ceres steel. He also carries a small notebook with a picture of his family taped to the backside of the front cover, a pen, pencil, comb and pocket knife. Styr is often seen with a small backpack, he keeps a toolkit inside, a roll of duct tape, a few patch repair kits, a small medical kit, 2 emergency air tanks, rations, a water bottle and naval emergency fire mask, used by naval crewmen when their ship is on fire. Features an air tank so the crewman avoids breathing in noxious gasses or smoke, and an infrared visor to see through smoke.

Skills: Experienced mech piloting from his mining days, as well as basic mech repair and maintenance. Infantry combat training, specializing in anti armor and anti air launchers, with from the Ceres Militia.

Motivation: Enlisted. Wanted to fight alongside Cortaro, but was put in Ranger School.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'd like to take this opportunity to highlight @Skyrte's character sheet because it does something very interesting. It completely circumvents my intent to deny previous combat experience in a way that's actually very cool and I can endorse. He's managed to have actual combat experience but from a civilian perspective and I'm looking forward to see what comes of this guy going forth.

I stamp thee with a large red seal of approval.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

@SkyrteI threw my CS in the Characters tab, and yours is good to go in there, too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Leon Valentan

Preferred Moniker/Callsign: Spider

Nationality: North American Union

Appearance: Leon has short cropped blond hair, with a build that is more on the lanky side of things. Has blue eyes, and an arrow tattoo on his right cheek which he refuses to remove. There is also a scar on his left hand from a knife fight. He likes to dress in casual clothes with a lot of pockets when he has a choice in attire.

Personality: A rough edge with an understandable lack of respect for authority, Keon looks out for his own well being first and foremost. To those who have earned his loyalty though h is a solid ally not inclined towards betrayal. Otherwise he tends to be relaxed about this whole thing, and it hasn't really sunk in just how desperate the situation really is. So he's in for a rude awakening when the time comes.

History: The UNE prided itself on the prosperity and unity that it had brought to Earth. But even in this supposed golden age before the war, there were those who slipped through the cracks. Leon was one of those, through no real fault of his own. His parents divorced when he was young, leaving him with his father who was busy working in a steel mill in what used to be the Midwestern USA.

Because of that Leon was left on his own much of the time, aside from those times when his father got him a sitter. This lack of parental supervision meant that he was able to fall in with the wrong kind of crowd,and he ended up running off to join the Burn Gang, one of the criminal groups that had sprung up following the formation of the North American Union within the UNE. He found a place in the ranks and a surrogate family, and grew good at what he did. Yet at the time he did not have aspirations of rising higher, and was content where he was in the organization.

With the war dragging on and not going well crime was able to flourish, meaning that Leon was busier than ever. Unfortunately his luck eventually ran out and he was captured by the authorities. Rather than throwing him in prison or executing him however, he was instead dragooned into military service, where he now fights for his freedom.

Personal Effects: His trusty pocketknife, with several notches in it

Skills: Aside from those required by the service (Shooting, piloting, etc), Leon is also skilled at lockpicking, lifting cars, messing with security measures and a bit of work with explosives.

Motivation: To win the war and make it to tomorrow in one piece. He was 'drafted', in actuality conscripted.
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