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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Terraline rejoined Tia and the boy she had choose to sit with. She set down a tray complete with two slices of French toast, drizzled with syrup, a cup of apple juice and some scrambled eggs. She smiled in greeting and quietly began to eat. From the way a boy had screamed about everyone being freaks of nature, Terry could tell this wasn't horribly that different from high school. Terry glanced at her schedule for the first time. Now this part was different save for a few classes she had been taking at school such as creative writing and whatnot. Hand-to-hand combat? Were they being trained for the military or something? "This is so weird.."She commented quietly. The boy introduced himself as Mikhail and she glanced up, "I'm Terraline but you can call me Terry."

Xander had waved back to the boy who waved at him. He hated them all yet he had to act like they were all his best friends. He followed them all to the cafeteria, picked up an apple and took his spot against the wall with the other guards.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by athanshadow
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Brookes blushed when Tris got embarrassed. "I-I'm Brookes. Brookes Durrant." He stuttered. He awkwardly held his hand out as his face turned a bright shade of red. One of his eyes turned from a nervous blue to a bright shade of pink as he became more and more embarrassed. He could feel her embarrassment as if it was his own. "S-stop feeling embarrassed. You're making me feel embarrassed." He said looking away. Brookes looked towards the ground and bit his lip, trying not to make eye contact with Tris.

Nearby, another person was getting very angry with getting kidnapped. Which of course Brookes could understand. But even so, his other eye turned a dark red and he felt to very different emotions. "I hope I don't go lucid again." He whispered to himself as he heard an angry scream from nearby.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Alright.” Tia nodded in response to Sage as he recommended her to stay near him. Although she didn’t express her nervousness out in the open, she felt safer being in a group rather than being on her own.

“Wait, you chose to come here?” Tia said with a raised eyebrow as Mikhail said that purposely came to the school. “A lot of us on the bus were forced to come here.”

“Of course you can join us.” Tia said when Willow asked if she could join them, glad that she joined them. “and you know what, I think I’ll take you up on that offer of helping me with hand to hand combat, that would be helpful!” Tia said with a smile to Will. Although the girl seemed to be a bit tough when looking at her appearance, she seemed to be a nice girl, someone Tia could easily like.

However, before they could get any further in their conversation, the teen that was yelling and two other teens about the same age came to the table. Keeping a straight face to hide her nervousness of the erratic teen, Tia listened to the teen named Josiah before he left to grab breakfast for the other two.

Her lingering suspicion and nervousness continued even after John yelled for steak and Jack spoke to the group. “Thanks, I guess.” Tia said watching the teen carefully with the same straight face she held since the trio joined them as Jack welcomed them to the school. Returning a handshake from Jason, Tia introduced herself. “My name’s Tia. So is it true that everyone here has powers and such like Xander said on the bus?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

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Jack heard the girl named Tia ask about their powers.
"Very true Tia, believe it or not everyone here has a special ability. Jason here can teleport to wherever he wants despite him being blind, he also has a very high perception that he knows where everything is. Me i can shoot a somewhat laser out of my hands, and Josiah, the one whos getting us two some food, can make very real illusions." They remembered their timetable and had a look over it.

1st: Music
2nd: Hand-to-hand combat
3rd: Calculas
4th: swimming
- - lunch - -
5th: Australian history
6th: Pole-arm training
7th: free
8th: Power training

"Well that's different, i seem to have Pole-arm training...hey John did you request this?"
Yeah I did, you got a problem with that?
"No but i was kind of expecting something different this year you know?" John pulled the hood up to see himself
"Get over it Jack, at least you get your free period to practise your stupid piano." John said pulling the hood down.
"Hey Jason what did you get?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vantas
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"S-Sorry?" Tris said her eyes widening once again, "But how would m-me being embarrassed ...N-Nevermind." She muttered looking down, feeling slightly upset as she did but that faded away only to be followed but the usual numbness she usually felt, kind of a blank feeling, a tightness in her chest. She didn't feel an emotion she just kind of felt there. She guessed the description she was looking for was depression, but she refused to tell herself she was depressed because if she did she might just sink into it, and she had to keep fighting the darkness, that's what she always told herself.
"Uhh, anyway, it's nice to meet you, Brooke." She said, her voice a little more steady now that she wasn't so surprised, she reached out and took his hand to shake and as she did so her arm bumped into her laptop and it fell to the ground next to her shield backpack.
"Fuck!" She cried crumpling her brow in anger.
Sighing she leaned down, trying to reach the device that had started playing the song she had been working on, but to no avail, it was out of her reach.
"W-Would you mind- uh-." She held onto her hair as she brushed it back nervously. Her question hopefully speaking for itself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

At the mention of powers Mikhail stood up and walked away throwing his food into the garbage, he now knew why his mother had wanted him to attend this school. He remembered his mother telling him about his fathers various 'talents'. He remembered the stories she told him about how he could survive almost anything, no matter what. He knew now that his father was like him, like the people in the news. He clenched his fists and proceeded to walk out of the cafeteria, he was stopped by some man who appeared to be watching over the students.

"Sorry Kid," the man said "You gotta stay here with the rest of em."

"I paid to be here," Mikhail said aggressively "So step aside. Besides I'm just going to go move my bike, it'll be quick."

"If you try runnin' they got plenty of guards outside that'll catch you," The man said as he moved out of Mikhail's way. Mikhail stormed past the man and walked outside then into the office. He politely asked the woman at the front desk where he could find the mechanics class garage, she told him to go around the right of the school and that he would find a large metal garage door. He thanked her and exited the building. He crossed the main yard over to his bike and threw his right leg over it. The bike revved to life as Mikhail twisted its familiar handles and he slowly backed it up and then revved it forward sending him down a gravel path that lead around the right of the school. He continued down the path looking into the windows of the school and around him and he noticed a girl and a guy sitting near a tree, at first Mikhail thought she was sitting in a chair then realized after a closer look that she was paralyzed. He looked ahead at the gravel road, and continued down the path for a little under a minute and saw the large metal doors and parked his bike on the pavement outside. He walked to the doors and noticed a side path that lead around the edge of the structure, he followed the path and saw a wooden door. He opened it and entered the mechanics shop, he saw a man sitting there tinkering on an engine sitting on a table. Mikhail approached the man and leaned on the table next to the engine, the man did not seem at all distracted by Mikhail's presence.

"Can I help you with something kid?" The man asked, Mikhail read the name on his mechanics uniform, Mr.Mason.

"I need to store my bike here," Mikhail said. The man grunted and looked at the boy out of the corner of his eye.

"What kinda bike you got?" The man asked still tinkering with the engine.

"1999 Fatboy," Mikhail said and the man smiled. The man walked set down his tool and walked over to the door, he pulled the one side of the chain that controlled the doors closing mechanism and opened it. Mikhail smiled and walked out to his bike, he revved its engine once more and slowly pulled it into the shop. Mikhail kicked his bikes kickstand into place and dismounted it, he got off and shook the mans hand.

"I'm Mikhail," Mikhail said.

"Mr.Mason," the man began, "I run the mechanics class here."

"Thanks for letting me keep the bike here," Mikhail said stern faced "Mind if I leave it here while I'm at the school?"

"Not at all kiddo, I'm glad to have a real bike in here considering most of the kids here prefer those newer age bikes. All cutesy looking like they came out of a plastic box, a kiddy toy."

"Thanks," Mikhail said. He shook the mans hand one last time, grabbed his saddle bags and slung them over his shoulders then proceeded to walk back to the cafeteria, he passed by the office still thinking about his bike spending the night in another persons care. He then realized he had nowhere to sleep and turned around and went into the office.He asked the woman about the students sleeping arrangements, she laughed and realized her mistake and handed him an improved version of his schedule. At the bottom of it it read, Room 34: Dormitory B. He thanked the woman and walked outside he followed signs that lead him to his dorm, he found his room on the second floor and opened the door using the code written on the bottom of his new schedule. 16-17-84, he typed into the coded lock and walked inside, he saw two beds and grimaced. He hated roommates. He walked in and left the door slightly ajar. He threw his saddle bags down on the edge of the bed and laid back for some time, getting his first bit of rest in a long time. Eventually he fell asleep and dreamed continuously eventually slipping into a nightmare, his bone armor kicked in, running up the sides of his arms covering his arms and hands. It encircled the top of his head and the sides of his face leaving only a V shape with a line going from the V exposing his mouth. The armor encased his entire body stretched all his clothes except for his jeans and leather jacket. He continued sleeping, the nightmare becoming more vivid and increasingly scary.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jason's hand quickly went to Jack's arm as he heard the small cloth against hair sounds of the hood going up and down, but he released Jack from his titanic grip on the dual-personality teen's arm as he heard Lucky bark a few times, Jason returned his hand to his pocket and finished looking over his schedule for that year as he did.

Jason replied to Jack's request with "The usual, Got a Free period on either end of the day this year, means only 6 classes and sleeping in, also Ancient history and fencing, Not to mention Hand-To-Hand, should be fun" Jason wondered what was taking Josiah so long to come back with their food, must be a long line, though that was to be expected, what with today being the day everybody is trying to figure everything out and whatnot.

Upon hearing his friend's explanation of his powers, Jason smiled and, clapping his hands twice for semi-humorous dramatic effect teleported, disappearing from the group for a moment, Lucky's head turned up and looked around, curious as to why his friend hadn't taken the canine with him, but then put his head back on the floor again as Jason reappeared, only seconds later, in exactly the spot he had disappeared from, but this time a rose in his mouth, and clapped twice again. Chuckling at his own joke he removed the rose from his mouth and threw it in the middle of the table. Jason also 'watched' as Mikhail got up from the table, his steps and heavy breathing, not to mention scent, suggesting to Jason that perhaps he was doing so in a huff. Jason tucked that away for future use and turned back to the conversation at hand
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stormberry


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"Absolutely," The boy said with a Russian accent. "I'm Mikhail." Willow thanked him and sat down shyly. His accent reminded her of an old friend she had before... before things 'changed'. His name was Nikolia, and he'd been one of her closets friends. She missed him quite a lot, but there was nothing that could be done no matter how much she tried. Not after That Night... No, never. Her expression saddened and her eyes darkened before the red-headed teenager became impassive and she looked at the others from the corner of her eye.

He watched as she sat down and Will knew since she could feel the stare. He kept checking her out from the corner of his eye ever so often as the conversation continued with the other students. She glanced around, noticing how everyone was eating. Her stomach grumbled at the thought, though she didn't know what the portion sizes. More so, she didn't know what some of the food even was since her family could only afford so much of it. Occasionally, they would make enough money and so would she. When that happened, they would buy some more food but that was once in a blue moon. And after That Night, she wasn't much of an eater...

Just then, Tia's voice interrupted her thoughts. She looked at Tia and listened to her speak. "You're welcome." She managed a faint smile, then frowned. "It seems to be... I mean, I don't know how this stuff is happening if it wasn't real. It would be difficult to make special effects like these and whatever else." She glanced over, watching a kid freeze his water before making it normal again. She gestured Tia to watch and then looked at her. "I think so."

Terraline came back with a plate filled with food as well as Sage, who was on her heels. She stifled a laugh. He was almost like a puppy and it was day one. "Good choice, that's some of my favorite food right there." He said to Terry with a smirk, pulling her chair out. He sat beside her and looked up at her. "Here you go, mate." He had that playful, boyish smile on his lips, yet he was being sincere. Those two seemed like they were going to be best friends. Will could sense it. She looked away, her gaze becoming distant. In the background, she heard Sage saying to Terry, "So, mate, what's your schedule like? How about you, Tia? Want to exchange schedules?"

"That's my favorite. Are you going to eat it or should I just fucking take it?" Willow tensed, the flashback beginning to creep up on her. The memories she had tried so hard to repress were going to surface. Her gaze became distant briefly before she silenced her fists hard enough to leave marks in her palms. Still, it wasn't over. "You look like a stick. I could snap you in half with my bare hand if I wanted to. Maybe I will some day."

Will abruptly stood up, just as Mikhail left just as suddenly. She watched for a moment before her head shot up rapidly. The sense of being watched consumed her, and she gazed around with panic. Please, no, Will thought. Not here, not now... Not ever. As she turned to look at the shadows, she found nothing. Willow sighed in relief before going in line to get a small bowl of eggs and returning. She wondered where Mikhail went off to. He didn't seem to be okay, and she wanted to check up on him. Will followed him, keeping her head up and passing Xander and the guards. Her eyebrows furrowed. Why did they need guards for and did they have to be watched like they were dangerous animals?

Shaking her head, she finally found where he went: his bedroom. Seeing the double bed,s she realized that they would have room-mates and internally groaned. Hopefully her room-mate would be bale to tolerate her. She looked at Mikhail who was covered in metal armor and stared, wide-eyed. What the heck? Shaking her head once more at the bizarre situation, she went up to him and saw how tense he was laying. Willow went up to his side and shook his shoulder. "Mikhail?" She called. "Mikhail!" She swallowed and did it again and then stepped back in fear of being struck out of shock or fear from whatever he was seeing. She had seen people lash out after having a nightmare and had learned her lesson. "Mikhail, are you alright?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

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Mikhail's nightmare was shattered by someone screaming his name he snapped awake. He breathed heavily and looked ahead of him he saw the cute girl from earlier, Willow. He looked down at his arms and hands, when he saw his bone armor he instantly retracted it. He looked at Willow and noticed she look scared. He stood and walked over to her slowly and calmly, he lightly grabbed her by the biceps and looked her in the eyes.

"I know its a weird "Mikhail said, he coated one of his arms in bone and held it out for her to feel, "It's just bone, I promise it doesnt hurt if you touch it. Its just a defense mechanism, to protect me not to harm anyone."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

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Listening to Jack, Tia still found it hard to believe everything that was going on or rather she tried hard to believe that everything that was going on was not true. As Mikhail suddenly stood up, Tia looked over towards the older teen with concern. However before she could say anything he was gone, closely followed by Willow. With concern in her voice she turned towards the others at the table and began to talk. "I hope that those two are...WHAT THE HELL!!!" Tia exclaimed, jumping back and almost falling out of her seat as Jason suddenly disappeared. "Geez, you're going to make me piss my pants or somethin' if you keep doing that." Tia said, this time only jumping slightly as Jason reappeared.

As Sage brought up the idea of exchanging classes, Tia nodded in agreement as she laid her schedule at the center of the table so that Sage and anyone else could see.

1. Free
2. Hand to Hand
3. General Science
4. Swimming
5. Ethnic and World Studies
6. Elemental training
7. Archery
8. Algebra

"Hey look!" Tia said with excitement as she peered at Sage's schedule. "We're in the same Elementa Trai... Oh wait, never mind. I'm too young to be in the fourteen to eightteen year old group." Tia said as her shoulders slumped downwards as her initial excitement fizzled away.

"Hey, sorry for the delay." A new voice said as Josiah joined the table with three plates of food. "They didn't have any steak but I grabbed ever sort of meat they have for you and a little extra for Jack." Josiah said as he handed a plate to the twins and then slid Jason's plate in front of him. "And I got you a little bit of a few different things since I wasn't too sure what you wanted." With his own plate, Josiah sat down and started to eat. "So, did I miss anything?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

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"Not much just the usual introductions."Jack replied while eating, he placed his cutlery down after eating his side and pulled the hood up to let john eat his. John stuffed his mouth full of different foods at once and swallowed in one gulp pulling the hood down letting Jack talk again.
"Anyway's i better get going. I need to attend to a few things in my room." He said picking his tray up, as he walked he yelled back to the group.
"I'll see you guys later yeah?"

He made it to his room, the door was open, he peeked in to find the guy who stormed away and the girl who followed him.

"Not to interrupt but this is my room and you're not supposed to be, you know doing that." Jack said to the two.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mikhail stopped and turned towards the door retracting his armor, he stood about 3 feet from the newcomer.

"Its both of our rooms," Mikhail said pointing to the two beds "And I don't think whatever you thought we were doing is exactly what we were doing, so just give me a minute here."

Mikhail turned away from the nutcase and back to Willow, he walked her out the door shouldering the boy that stood there out of the way. He gave her a quick kiss then went inside and closed the door, he spun around and looked the kid dead in the eyes. He looked him once over, the boy wasn't exactly beefy nor was he entirely scrawny either. Mikhail figured if it came down to it he'd be the one who came out on top.

"Your friend informed of your disorder," Mikhail said "but there's only so much I'll put up with before I get serious. For instance stuff like what you just did, that doesn't happen again. We got an agreement?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


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Jason listened as Jack/John's footsteps led away from the table, not turning to touch his own food until the two had past, having eaten their rather quickly, Jason took in the smell of his own, Josiah had guessed well, a good medley of meat and vegetables, he sniffed deeply, taking it all in as the savory meats and cheeses mixed their smells and created a quite vivid picture of what was before him. "No need to lose too much excitement, Tia was it? Plenty of people are going to be in the elemental training, and most of them will be new, you'll make friends in no time" Jason smiled, adding a bit of an apologetic tone to his voice as he took a bite of the delicious food and made sure to pass a little to Lucky. "MMMMM, thanks Joe, that really hit the spot, So, what'd you get this year?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

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Jack let John take over for the moment to put the new kid in his place, raising the hood.
"Listen here, new kid, you don't scare me, you think that because you like the tough motor cycle guy that I would be intimidated? No one can scare me, so get off your high bloody horse and sit your arse down and shut the fuck up before I make sure you end up as ashes on the floor." He replied to the biker looking teen. Jack pulled the hood down and started reciting some of the rules for the new kid.

"Ahem, first,Males and females are not allowed to intermingle in each others dorms. second, Public displays of affection are also forbidden. Sexual contact, especially unwanted, will result in severe consequences. Keep these in mind next time you have your little friend over." he said more serious than usual.
"I don't want you to get in trouble on your first day, but keep up this tough guy attitude and your gonna have to deal with a lot of consequences. Get over your bravado and learn that life is different here." He continued, they felt that this kid was going to be trouble, but they could handle trouble. He moved over to the piano sitting in the corner and looked back at the student.
"Also you're going to have to get over the piano because I'm not giving it up for someone like you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Look here asshole," Mikhail said "Whatever little trick you got hidden under that hood isn't gonna do much against this okay."

Mikhail let his bone armor grow covering his body then retracted it after a few seconds and stood there.

"Secondly the public part wouldnt have happened had you not walked in, Thirdly I didnt intend on that last bit," Mikhail continued "Whatever attitude you think I have, I have every right to have it. However different life may be here I dont expect to have some ass hat to tell me that I'm on some high horse. My mother worked her ass off to get me here and I dont take shit for granted so dont ever tell me about being on a high horse. About that damn piano, if you play it while I sleep I will break it in four different pieces. Now that I've gotten that off my chest, I'm Mikhail Arkadin."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

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As soon as parents were mentioned Jack broke started getting angry, when Mikhail introduced himself normally he lost it.

"You really think being here is a good thing?" he said, he was on the verge of tears.
"Do you really think that the people here want to be here?" he continued
"We haven't seen our family in over 3 years, let alone talk to them. They cast us away like a piece of rubbish, you were sent here because your mother wished it? We wanted nothing more than to see them again!" he screamed and Mikhail
"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO HAVE BEEN LOCKED UP HERE FOR THREE YEARS AND TO HAVE KNOWN THAT YOUR FAMILY NEVER WANTS TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" they hit the floor hard tears of anger pouring. That's when a very rare occurrence happened, John came out without the hood. He stood wiping away the tears Jack had left behind.
"Do you know what I hate the most Mikhail? Seeing a lovable, friendly person angry and upset. And you know what I hate more than that? Jack being angry and upset. I have a deep care for that kid no one else on this planet has. I'm his only family that talks to him, yeah he may be the same person but I help him in ways nobody else can. So when a little shit head like you comes in knowing nothing and bullies my brother into this state, I must make them pay." He said clenching his fists into balls, emphasising brother. He raised their head to look at the student in front of them. He reached his arms out palms pointing at the student and fired a combined lazer that shot him out the window. He ran over to the bed grabbed the weapon underneath and jumped out after him falling to the ground pointing the blade straight for Mikhails chest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mikhail watched in vague curiosity of what the boy would do and when an energy beam shot out, well you could say Mikhail was fairly surprised. His armor instinctively triggered but still Mikhail felt the impact on his chest as his armor coated his body, he was launched through the window and hit the ground shattering cement. The boy jumped out the window holding some kind of spear type weapon and attempting to drive it into Mikhail's chest. He increased the density of his armor and then grew thick gauntlets of bone that had small segments of bone that jutted outwards forming a brassnuckle of sorts. He rolled to the side and checked to see if his leather was ok, he quickly took off his fathers patch and tossed it aside. He then proceeded to take steps towards the boy, his fists drawn and ready to retaliate with anything the boy came at him with. He flexed his fingers and hands and walked to within 10 feet of the boy.

"Come on Looney Toons," Mikhail said smirking thought it was not visible through the plate of bone covering his mouth and nose, "We dont have all day to rumble so lets go."
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