Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

The year was 2020 and World War 3 had finally begun. It wasn't long before everyone was bombing each other once again. Japan decided to bomb a couple nuclear power plants in the United States, killing many of our people. However, this had a different effect than Japan planned on. As radiation filled the air, side effects started to show in younger generations. When sick children and teens were brought to hospitals, there were reports of a glowing child and a girl who could fly. The government was quick to take as many of them as they could personally to their own classified hospital where scientists looked into what was happening. They never saw their parents again. The scientists came to the conclusion that something in the radiation turned on genes they had never discovered before. They had yet to see older people develop these strange abilities. As the children grew, they were raised in labs and taught to control their powers. The older ones were used to their advantage as soldiers in the war. The war ended in 2029. Over the years, there had been even more reports. They multiplied by the minute. Kids everywhere in the country were developing these abilities. The government knew they had to keep this hidden from the public.

These powers could be a menace to others and they just couldn't allow the children to run through the streets. Thus, a very large school was created along with a branch in the government specifically in charge of finding and bringing mutated children to the school. This school was named Darkwood Academy. It is located in isolated area in North Carolina. They would live here and train here to control their powers. Some of those in the first generation were assigned mentoring roles at the Academy, some into the military, while others were assigned into the new branch of government, Trackers. Of course all of this was very classified. No one other than those afflicted with the mutation, government officials and doctors knew of this.

One day, you start to feel horribly sick. Suffering from a high fever, nausea, and most flu symptoms, you're taken to the hospital. You're examined and then deemed okay. However, you miss the secret conversation between doctors trying to figure out if you too are one of the mutated. After being given some medicine to take, you go home. Next day, two suited men arrive at your door. They tell you to pack your bags and say goodbye to your parents. You're going to Darkwood Academy.

Darkwood Academy is probably one of the biggest schools ever built. Equipped with anything you could ever dream of being in a school, it's not the worst place to live in. However, a place full of all different kinds of personalities from all across the country could be a hazardous one. Especially if those mentioned are given dangerous, superhuman abilities. Students range from ages 8-18. Classes are grouped as ages 8-13 and then ages 14-18 when it comes to training and power-oriented classes. When it comes to basic education such as with mathematics and sciences, you are grouped with a grade like normal schools. One might say this is basically a normal school with just some extra classes added in. They would be wrong. Some are suspicious of the government's intentions and some are outraged at the idea of being plucked from their lives to be forced to come here. Meanwhile, some people brought here are just plain crazy. The radiation had some funky effects on a few people. They may act normal but the moment they look at you, they start to formulate plans to hurt you. What happens next is up to you.

When it comes to classes, most classes are the same as one might take in a normal public school. However, there are some required ones. Everyone is required to take a swimming class, a hand-to-hand combat class, a power training class, and some sort of weapon-oriented class such as archery or fencing. There is one breakfast period at 7 am, a lunch at 12pm and a dinner at 6pm. Bed checks at 10 pm for those younger then 12 and 11pm for those older.

Mutation? (There are the rare few who mutated and grew wings or claws or something of the sort):
Brief Personality (1-3 sentences. Don't give too much away about your character; it ruins the fun):
History(What was your life like before Darkwood?):
Did the radiation have any other effects on you? (For example, there are those whose minds were demented and wish to hurt others almost all the time):
Class Schedule:

Dorm Rooms will be assigned.

1. This is PG13. No limit on violence or cursing but take the freaky stuff to the PM.
2. No speed-posting.
3. No god-modding
4. Posts must be at least a paragraph.
5. If you have read this, write your favorite color in the other section.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Haha, you can count me in! I'm leaving in the morning tomorrow for a hike so I probably won't have my character sheet up until Monday.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Terraline Gray
Grade: 11
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Ability: Telekinesis
Mutation?: None
Brief Personality : Terry is a outwardly a bit reserved. She's the type that becomes more friendly as the conversation goes on and she becomes more comfortable with you. For the most part, she is quiet and keeps to herself. It is easy to get on her nerves or strike her temper and if it is done, she will have no problem letting you know. She is stubborn, bull-minded, outspoken at times and a bit of a loner. Terraline isn't mean however; she is very good-natured and will put others before herself in a time of danger. Additionally, she's a bit on the peculiar side to most, often daring to go into frightening situations without rational fear. Daring and adventurous, she is not afraid to look for trouble.
History: Terraline was orphaned at a young age when her parents died in a plane crash. She lived with her aunt and uncle in New York until this point who she didn't really much care for. It was a mutual feeling and the pair minded their own business while she minded her own. They were always out and about while she stayed home and read books. Terry grew up used to being alone and independent. She had a select few friends in school and they were probably the only people she truly missed when she was forced to leave her life.
Did the radiation have any other effects on you?: No
Class Schedule:
1. Pre-Calculus
2. Hand-to-hand combat training
3. Physics
4. Swimming
- Lunch
5. United States History
6. Training for the Mental-Oriented Abilities
7. Archery
8. Creative Writing
Other: Burgundy

Use my class schedule for an example. I may make another character soon. That's okay Kirra! Can't wait to see it. Take your time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stormberry


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I like! :D

Name: Sage Lockheart
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight

Ability: Hydrokinesis
Mutation?: None
Brief Personality: Sage is caring and sweet down to the bone. He's one stand up for himself, though he is reserved. Brave to the core and loving, he's willing to go to any lengths for his friends and to find out the truth. He's seemingly arrogant as well.
History: Sage was born to a rich family, and usually had everything he wanted at his fingertips. As he grew up, he found that he didn't quite care for it. He attended a rich school and rose in popularity. For him, it ws an escape because his parents weren't the nicest. He didn't socialize with him and was often in trouble for not sticking with "the status quo." When his parents found out he would be attending Darkwood, everything changed.
Did the radiation have any other effects on you?: No.
Class Schedule:
1st- Pre-Calc
2nd: Hand-to-hand combat training
3rd: Chemistry
4th: Swimming
- - Lunch - -
5th: U.S History
6th: Elemental training classes
7th: Fencing
8th: Creative Writing
Other: Pink

Name: Willow Clarke
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Grade: 11
Sexuality: Straight

With auburn hair though
Ability: Flying
Mutation?: She has snow-white wings
Brief Personality: Willow is kind and caring. She loves helping others and is rather friendly. She's shy, but is bubbly once she opens up. Optimistic and fun-loving, Willow is innoccent and patient. Sometimes, people can take advantage of her patience. In addition, she's brave, tough, and stands up for herself.
History: Willow grew up in small house with her parents as only child. As a consequence, she was often lonely. To make it worse, they lived in a bad town. She quickly learned to be street smart and defend herself, but befriended a little amount of people. When her wings began to grow, her parents began to realize it was only a matter of time before she would attend Darkwood. Now that she's oging there, Willow is sad ot leave her parents but excited to attend a new academy.
Did the radiation have any other effects on you?: No
Class Schedule:
1st- Pre-Calc
2nd: Hand-to-hand combat training
3rd: Physics
4th: Swimming
- - Lunch - -
5th: U.S History
6th: Flying Lessons
7th: Archery
8th: Free Period
Other: Pink

Name: Rowan King
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Grade: 11
Sexuality: Straight

Ability: Pyrokinesis
Mutation?: His body was altered to be stronger, thus making him be able to withstand more pain than a usual human being. Additionally, his senses were enhanced.
Brief Personality: Charming, sweet, chivalrous, and kinds, he seems to be the perfect gentlemen. He's quick on his feet and with his tongue, either using it to weasel his way out of things, or produce a lie. Smart, intelligent and bright, he's a mastermind and is also sly, cunning, and highly ambitious. Once he starts something, he sees it out until the end. Very levelheaded and eerily calm - almost too calm.
History: You'll see.
Did the radiation have any other effects on you?: Made him crazier and twisted his mind more than it already had been.
Class Schedule:
1st- Pre Calc
2nd: Hand-to-Hand
3rd: Physics
4th: Swimming
- - Lunch - -
5th: U.S History
6th: Power training
7th: Archery
8th: Creative Writing
Other: Still pink
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Adriane
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A bio will be posted here sometime soon, probably tomorrow!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Accepted! And okay take your time!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Adriane
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Persephone (Per) Davis
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Grade: 11th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Ability/Mutation/Other Effects: Vampire - the radiation affected Per by inhibiting her ability to produce enough blood cells. After many transfusions in the hopes of removing the radiation from her bloodstream to allow it to return to it's self-sufficient ways, her body evolved so that transfusions were unnecessary and even detrimental. Now all she has to do is drink the blood, and it will directly enter her bloodstream. Along with these effects the radiation also gave her super speed, super strength, enhanced sight, smell, and hearing, and if she fed recently a shorter healing time than others.
Brief Personality: Persephone is mainly a people-pleaser. She's only happy when other people are happy, and looks to her friends for approval and acceptance before she looks to herself. She is attentive and assertive with other's problems but very passive with her own and would rather suffer in silence than make a bother of herself by asking for help.
History: Persephone grew up with her family in the suburbs. For as long as she could remember she's known her best friend and current boyfriend, Orren. She got along better with him than her own family, and when the radiation hit they stuck by each other. After the first few times Per got really sick or blacked out because of her lack of enough blood cells she was sent to the hospital. Blood transfusions seemed to work for a little while- with each new transfusion she was able to produce enough new cells for her to go about a week without problems. However, the time between transfusions decreased rapidly. Orren joked to Per that she might as well have been drinking the blood, she was using so much so fast. It was only a joke, but in desperate times Per resorted to desperate measures. She tried drinking the blood, and immediately it became clear that was the best way for her to continue getting the blood she needed. Along with this vampiric behavior came her enhanced senses, speed, strength, and healing. One of the doctors attending to her realized what she had become, and sent her to Darkwood Academy.
Class Schedule:
1st- Pre-Calc
2nd: Hand-to-hand combat training
3rd: Physics
4th: Swimming
- - Lunch - -
5th: U.S History
6th: Physical-Oriented Ability training
7th: Archery
8th: Free Period
Other: various shades of blue
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Whoa nice job guys! Both accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Penguin said
Whoa nice job guys! Both accepted.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Tia Stewart
Gender: Female
Grade: 8
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ability: Ferrokenisis
Brief Personality: With an outspoken personality along with a sarcastic tongue, Tia is a person that is not afraid to speak her mind to anyone. With her energetic and spunky nature, her curiosity is one of her driving forces in life. She can be a little stubborn and hardheaded at times and along with her ‘I can do it’ attitudes, she is not one to admit easily she is need of help, is scared or hurt.

History: Tia lived in a very energetic household growing up with four older brothers on a farm. Being the youngest as well as the only girl among her siblings, much of the playful banter was focused on her or her getting back at her brothers. Growing up, she was not a type of girl that normally hung out with the girl playing Barbies or going to the mall when she got older. Rather, with her experience being around her brothers, she was a tomboy at heart. During recess in elementary school, she would often be playing football, kickball or soccer with the boys and her brothers while they were in elementary school with her and was often thought of as ‘one of the guys’ growing up. Her relationship with her and her brothers were a strong one as they often looked out for each other, though she did think that her brothers were a bit overprotective at times. However, things changed when Tia started to get sick. She was lucky to survive the incident but was quite unhappy when she was shipped to her new school away from her family. As a new student at the school, Tia is still a bit unsure, if not scared with everything going on.

Did the radiation have any other effects on you: Since the radiation, Tia has been struggling with auditory hallucinations. Usually they are heard as undistinguishable whispering but sometimes the voices are clear and can be hard to distinguish between what she is actually hearing and what she thought she heard.
Class Schedule
1. Free
2. Hand to Hand
3. General Science
4. Swimming
5. Ethnic and World Studies
6. Elemental training
7. Archery
8. Algebra
Other: Teal
Name: Josiah Wells
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ability: Illusions- Josiah is able to create vivid and realistic illusions that effects the five senses.
Mutation: None
Brief Personality: Josiah is an easygoing, roll with the punches type of guy. He is a fair type of guy that will listen to both sides of an argument equally before trying to justify which side is right. Although is not one that is angered easily, he is someone that will voice his opinion and call someone out if they are in the wrong.

History: Josiah was born and raised in the city of Seattle with his parents and two siblings. As the middle child of an older sister and a younger brother, Josiah was often the mediator between his two overly argumentative siblings growing up. In school, he was a student that would do superb on his test and would turn in the minimum amount of homework in to pass the class, often saying that schoolwork was too boring or bothersome to complete. However, his motivation could easily be seen in his love for playing the guitar as he would play hours upon hours on the guitar during his free time.

Did the radiation have any other effects on you? :No
Class Schedule:
1. Pre- Calculus
2. Hand to hand
3. Chemistry
4. Swimming
5. U.S. History
6. Telepathic Based power training
7. Fencing
8. Creative Writing

Other: Oddly enough, it’s teal again
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yay! Accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Nice! I'm excited to see how this roleplay plays out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Making a CS.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Adriane
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Thanks Penguin! At some point hopefully soon my friend will be posting Orren's CS!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Orren Grey
Age: 17
Grade: 12th
Sexuality: Straight

Ability: He can transform into a large, wolfish creature. He has little to no control over the transformations, or what he does while he's in them. They're usually provoked by negative emotions: anger, intense fear, panic, some times sadness, ect. In his 'werewolf' form, he possesses enhanced strength and very fast healing.

Radiation side effects: His personality and general mood has been drastically effected. While he used to be a really sweet, decent guy, he's just kind of a jerk now.

Personality: He's a pissy little pisspot.

Appearance: He's not very tall, standing around 5'5". Orren has pale skin, black hair, and greyish-blue eyes that are generally cold and mean. He almost always has a scowl, frown, grimace, or other such expressions on his face. His colors are all dull in color: black, grey, brown, light grey, dark grey. All the essentials.

In his 'werewolf' form, he's a lean, mean, mauling machine. A black furred, long legged, still scrawny but unnervingly strong and durable creature. The behavior of this creature it effected by which emotion brought it ought. Since Orren struggles with anger issues, the werewolf is usually pretty monstrous.

History: Orren was and still is the lifelong friend of Per. He lived with his single father who cared more about working his sorrows away than taking care of his kid. Orren was also always picked on in school because he was short and kinda' puny, but Per always saw past the angry little kid. She saw past the walls he put up to protect himself. He was a sweet guy when he wanted to be, and with her, he always wanted to be. They started dating towards the beginning of high school. Orren had never had a girlfriend before, so he went through every single first time dating, awkward geek cliche that you could ever think of; it was adorable.

He stayed by Per's side throughout her whole ordeal, ready to remain loyal to her no matter what she was. And then his own mutation raised it's ugly head. For him, it wasn't such a slow transition. One day, he was walking to meet Per somewhere, some guy shoved past him on the sidewalk and gave him some kind of assholish remark, and he just became unreasonably angry. The next thing Orren remembered, he was waking up in a large cage at animal control. He'd apparently chased the guy for half a block before being hit by a car, but there wasn't a scratch on him.

He was quickly traded off to the school, his father sure as hell not wanting to deal with him. He's changed a lot since then.

Class Schedule:

1st- Calculus
2nd: Anger management fun time with the school counselor
3rd: Chemistry
4th: Swimming with everybody else.
- - Lunch - -
5th: Learning to control yourself 101
6th: T'ai chi ch'uan
7th: Riflery
8th: Free Period
Other: Suffocation purple
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Thanks for joining Metronome! Nice personality LOL. Accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Joining today, I have to finish up my CS....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

That's cool with me. Can't wait to see it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hello! Do you guys think you're up to starting the IC today?
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