Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Location: Sky Lakes Medical Center

Interacting with: Cassandra Arvanitis @Caits, Xerxes Arvanitis @YoshiSkittlez, Syleste Vos @Vicier, Gage Brooks @BlackPanther, Miranda Burke

The symphony of the two sirens voices brought an incredible serenity to Sebastian, relaxing his muscles and pulling him into a distant memory. He hadn't sung with another siren since he was a child... Since he sung with his mother. As he hummed the last part of the tune, he sighed deeply, relaxing into his pillow.

"Sebastian? How are you feeling? Get enough sleep last night?" Sebastian's eyes snapped away from Miri and Gage to Xerxes and to the doctor standing by his bed, waiting for the Siren to respond.

"Oh, um, not too bad, all things considered," Sebastian smiled faintly and nodded his head. "Just kinda tired, that's all. Sleeping in a hospital bed isn't the most comforting thing on the planet.

Gage's questionable mood tugged at Sebastian's attention, but he refused to tear his attention away from Xerxes. The recent revelation of his supernatural identity had taken Sebastian by surprise; he had always chalked up the weird vibrations he detected around Xerxes to other things, not an actual sign of a supernatural's natural vibrations. It had seemed ridiculous, and even now, it still surprised Sebastian.

Sebastian had spent so long running from Supernaturals and other creatures that he had almost started to believe that all supernaturals were untrustworthy. While consciously he knew that wasn't true, he hadn't really encountered a non-human he could trust. With his friends, it was different. Sebastian had known them long before they had been turned, and he had fought tooth and claw- rather, leg and voice, with them to survive. Knowing everything about his friends supernatural experiences made it easy to trust them. But Zoe? Quinton? Xerxes? The others in the town he had always shied away from? It was foreign to feel anything but panic around them. Now, with one standing so close to him, even if it was an angel, it made him slightly uneasy.

Yes, he was Cassie's father, and yes, he had always shown the same compassion to Sebastian as he did to the werewolves, but still...

Sebastian cleared his throat and nodded again. "Yeah, just a little tired is all."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hunter and Cassandra

Location Sky Lakes Medical Center.


Unable to help the smirk that played over his lips, Hunter let her words hang in the air for a few moments, his free hand reaching out to take a gentle hold of her side, pulling her in closer against his body before he spoke again, a soft chuckle falling out through his lips, “..I woulda thought somethin’ more like handsome… or studly… but hey, I’ll take it…”

Blushing deeply as he pulled her against him, Cassandra was barely aware of Miranda at all, and didn’t even acknowledge her leaving, too… overwhelmed? Distracted, that was it. His words did nothing to help her regain any sense of composure, and she tried to at least form some sort of sentence, ”Well…. I… of course… beautiful still works though” still trying, and failing to at least sound articulate, she nevertheless tried. ”i mean… maybe gorgeous is a better word”. As she realised what she said, she wondered if she’d just keep going, or if something would stop her.

“..you’re pretty new to this stuff ain’t ya..?” Chuckling once more, he shook his head lightly from side to side, his eyes however, never once leaving hers as he continued to take in all that he could about her- damn, she was so fucking beautiful…

The backs of his fingers trailing a little further down her cheek, he dropped his hand, the tips of his fingers trailing lightly over her flesh as he reached around, cupping the back of her neck as he kept her close, his posture showing clearly that he wasn’t about to be letting her go anytime soon. It was ridiculous, right..? Feeling like this towards someone that he knew nothing about.

Pretty new seemed like an understatement, but Cassie just nodded, and said softly, never once considering that she shouldn’t say anything, ”Since last night… “ she leaned against him slightly, feeling like it was only natural to do so, but didn’t break eye contact, feeling like if she did, none of it would be real. Only after she’d spoken did she realise that that hadn’t been what he’d meant.

”oh… that wasn’t what you meant… “ She said almost hurriedly.

“..hey… it’s alright… don’t worry ‘bout it, little wolf…” Shooting a wink down in her direction, he smiled, his heart beating quickly within the confines of his chest- he had no idea what was going on anymore… this had to be something more than just sexual attraction. Like yeah, she was stunning… beyond stunning… in like, every way imaginable; but things like this didn’t just go and happen… there had to be more to i-...

..there was no way… it just wasn’t possible… right..?

The thought falling into the back of his mind as his attention was brought back down to her, his gaze flickering down to her lips for a moment before he leant in, closing the gap between them as he pressed his lips softly against hers, his eyes closing as he pulled her in, bringing her as close against him as he possibly could.

Whatever she was going to say next was lost as he kissed her, the softness to it seeming ever more intimate because of it. Her eyes closing, she returned the kiss, moving her arms around his neck, wanting to be as close to him as possible, feeling her heart beating fast, and that her chest wasn’t capable of containing it.

She didn’t want the kiss to end, it just felt so right, even as the rational side of her mind- small at the moment, truly overwhelmed by everything she was feeling,- knew that it wasn’t possible. She squashed that part, at least for the moment.

Could anything ever be as perfect as in that moment?

Fuck, there was nothing better than this- it was perfect… she was perfect… His hand sliding further around the back of her neck, Hunter held her gently in place, his lips pressing further into hers before eventually… reluctantly… he pulled back from her, his forehead resting softly against hers.


Damn seemed to sum it up quite nicely, she thought as she opened her eyes once more meeting his gaze. ”Yeah… “ she said softly, not knowing what else to say, at least for the moment, She simply took everything in, her attention still fully focused on him. Content for the moment to just stay like they were, Cassie smiled, feeling… not happy… was there something beyond happy? She didn’t know. Whatever it was, she was sure it didn’t come close to describing this.

So, damn covered it.

She eventually said softly ”I’m Cassie, by the way”

“..Hunter…” Answering the unasked question before she even needed to voice it, Hunter let his thumb brush lightly back and forth over her side in a soothing manner, wanting her to be comfortable… to be happy… with him, “..names Hunter Evans…”

Satisfied with even that small amount of information, Cassie moved so she could lean against him, enjoying the contact. She gave a small, happy sigh, still feeling like it was just the two of them, that no one else was around.. Everything that had happened…. Didn’t seem so bad now, and she felt like she could face anything, so long as she had him. ”What is this?” she asked softly, keeping her gaze on his.

“..I got a hunch… not sure you’d believe me if I told ya though…” His hand breaking away from the back of her neck, he lifted it up, his touch gentle as he used the tips of his fingers to brush some stray strands off her face, neatly tucking them behind her ear as he shuffled the both of them out of the middle of the hall, stopping only once his back had hit the bare wall beside the vending machine.

“..you’re still new to this world… you got a lot ya gotta learn, but… there’s this thing that our kind can go through- it’s very rare… mostly cause the amount of people there are livin’ in the world makes it kinda impossible; but that’s not the point…” Keeping her body pressed up against his, Hunter paused a moment, forcing his mind to attempt to focus on explaining what he needed to before he spoke again, “..in a fairytale; every Princess finds her Prince, right..? True love- breaking the curse with a kiss, a sacrifice, a rose; whatever it might be in those Disney films my sister watches. For us… for our kind… it’s called imprinting… and it’s when we meet our one true mate- the one person we’re destined to spend the rest of our lives with…”

A small smile playing lightly over his lips, he once more brought his hand back to her cheek, his thumb brushing lightly back and forth over the skin just under her eye, “..everything we do; we do it for them… to see them smile; to make them happy… they become your reason for everything… even just waking up in the morning…”

Listening as he explained. Cassandra followed the basic theory if it- compared to everything that had happened, ‘Imprinting’ at least had some biological basis. And she was feeling particularly opened minded lately. Two days ago, she was just a normal girl, and now… she was a werewolf, with an angel for a father, and god knows what else was out there. And… what she was feeling... it was something else entirely.

Enjoying his gentle touch. It was hard not to get distracted, but she focused on his words as he finished, pondering them for a few seconds. “And you think that's what this is? Imprinting?” She asked softly, not wanting him to be mistaken, everything he described… she wanted.

“..I think so… yeah…” His hands both making their way to her hips, Hunter spoke softly, his thumbs brushing lightly back and forth over her sides.

Satisfied with the answer, she fell silent, letting her mind go through everything, ,but there wasn’t really a simple conclusion to anything… it was easier to simply accept it. In the end… she was more than happy right then. She finally looked away, back to the hospital room, wondering what was going to happen now, if she went back in there… She couldn't stay in the hallway, and surely the fact she hadn’t returned with Miranda would have been noticed, by now.

She looked back to Hunter, and decided that whatever happened, would be worth it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Magnus Bane

Magnus felt a bit of relief sweep through him like a comforting blanket. She didn't want him gone. He did't pull back his hands when she reached for them. Rather he let the contact happen. He gave a nod. "Okay" it was a simple response, but the way it was laced with his relief showed how much stress he had been experiencing. He gave a light squeeze of her hands and nodded again. "Okay biscuit" A nickname that often popped out of his mouth with friends. Not enough for it to be recognized by those he was still working on socializing with, but enough with closer friends that they knew he was showing a bit of his softer side with it.

Magnus then tilted his head as she cut off. Concern sweeping his features for a moment. The panic that swept through her caused him to try to center himself enough to sense if anything was there. He flickered his eyes a moment and really centered himself. Sensing the room out. After moments had passed he shook his head. "If there was something they must have left" He gave her a quick hug before pulling back. "With it being gone I believe you're safe now" His thoughts traveled to leo in the car and he sighed. "Ill get leo away from here so you don't have to worry anymore" He gave her hand a gentle squeeze before moving out, this time feeling a lot better and knowing that he would be back.

Magnus made his way to the car and slid into the driver's seat. "Where to? somewhere with drinks?"

Gage Brooks

Gage snapped his sleepy attention up to xeres as he spoke. A wave of emotions washed over his features as he stood. He shuffled his way over to his girlfriend and somehow managed to not trip and fall face first onto the floor. He shuffled right up to the side of her bed and went for her hand. He gently held it and had a smile on his face. "Hey" His half lidded eyes seemed entirely focused on the pink haired girl laying in front of him, even with his brain only partially functioning. He gently took her hand and pressed it to his lips before inhaling. "Im going to sit down. Ill still be next to you....i just...need rest" That was evident enough just from the tired tone coming from him.

Gage made his way to the chair closest to her side and plopped into it. A sharp exhale left him and he found himself sinking into the chair like it had its own gravitational pull. His eyelids drooped a bit more on him and he found his head tilting back in order to still have Syleste in his range of limited vision. He was way too tired. His eyelids fluttered more on him and he let out a soft sound of frustration.

Gage did not want to fall asleep yet, but his body decided it had other plans for him. His head gently rolled to the side and a sigh escaped him before he fully was enveloped in the world of the dreaming once more. It was a more gentle and soft sleep that he would easily be broken out of should any noise be made. The type of light sleep that was perfect for napping. Though, should he be left sleeping it would likely transition into a deeper sleep that would require more effort to wake him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Miranda Burke

Location: Sky Lakes Medical Center

Interacting with: Sebastian Monroe @December, Gage Brooks @BlackPanther, Syleste Vos @Vicier and Xerxes Arvanitis

"Gage is sleeping, Miri, be quiet!"

"Hm?" Miranda looked to where Gage was and smiled a bit. So the big brute got sleepy. Adorable.

"I asked for one sprite, hon, not for you to mug some poor bastard and use his life savings on a vending machine. And what happened to Cass? She went out looking for you. You didn't mug her and take her lunch money, did you?"

"What? Oh yeah, no she found me. Wanted to help me with the sodas but I figured that if she went to the McDonalds just down the hill and got Syleste some chicken nuggets it might help - they are her favorite, you know." Miranda told Sebastian, though making sure she was loud enough so that Xerxes could hear. She had no idea how much time she was supposed to buy for Cassie, but she figured that would be a good place to start. But... just in case... "She said she had to go to the bathroom first, though, and honestly I'm not sure if she'll go. It looked pretty packed when we passed it on the way here." She shrugged nonchalantly. "Either way, she's got her phone. She'll give us a ring if something comes up. Actually, I'll just send her a text now."

Covering up both of their tracks, Miranda sent Cassandra a quick text about the chicken nuggets and sudden bathroom trip.

Just dont want cha daddy gettin pissy. that would be bad. have fun sweety! I got this! 😘😘😘


"Holy schnikes he's alive!" Miranda said, almost boredly as she hit the send button on her phone before looking up at Gage.

"Why is there a pile of sprites attacking Sebastian? Care to share one?"

"Go for it, Gage. No one's stopping you." she replied, popping open her soda can and took a drink.

"I thought you'd be more interested in your girlfriend, Gage... You may go back to her now."

Miranda almost spit out her drink at Xerxes comment. Okay, so she wasn't the only one who saw it. She looked over at Syleste. She could only imagine how the poor girl was feeling - so lost and alone while her boyfriend slept and binged on sodas.

"Fricken prick." she grumbled lowly to herself as she wiped away the stray stream of soda that did manage to leak from her mouth in an attempt to not spray it everywhere.

She didn't even hear Xerxes speaking to her about getting someone to look at the soda machine as she was watching Gage as he left Sebastian's bed to go over to Syleste's. She took another drink, silently judging his movements and their small interaction. She liked Gage, she really did. Or at least... she used to. Maybe it was because she was still incredibly romanticized over the whole Cassandra/Handsome stranger encounter. Maybe it was because they had all been viciously attacked and brought into the supernatural world. Weird, yeah. Scary, definitely. But that should be bringing couples closer together... not... not this bullshit...

"Hey" she could hear him telling Syleste. "I'm going to sit down. I'll still be next to you... I just... need rest."

"Oh for fucks sake!" Miranda exclaimed out loud as Gage retreated to a chair and fell back asleep - not even caring about the look she was getting from Xerxes at her use of profanity. Shaking her head, she grabbed a sprite can, went over to Syleste's bed and plopped herself down at Syleste's side. "The part of the big, macho, manly boyfriend will now be played by Miranda Burke. Here, Syleste. I brought a sprite over for you. You are so beautiful and I'm so very glad you are okay. Maybe after you get released we can go out for ice cream or something. Because I love you and you're the best girlfriend in the world." Miranda said in the deepest, ironic voice she could manage.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Callie Lenson

Location: Secluded area, Callie’s training area→ in front of Leo and Magnus
Interacting with Leo (@December), Magnus (@BlackPanther)

Beginning to show Alexis some of the more basic defensive maneuvers, and one or two offensive ones, Callie was well pleased with her progress, and found herself rather enjoying the chance at teaching someone so brand new to the world of magic. With Leo, it had been different. This… this was what Callie loved best. The raw basics of magic. Suddenly, Callie spun about, her senses alert, and shoving Alexis behind her, a sound escaping her throat, a rather vicious sound, a spell on her lips, the flash of black and white her only indication that there was something stalking them.

”Stay behind me” She said to Alexis, her tone one that was not to be denied, as she began to weave a spell, throwing it towards the wolf as it came towards them, the spell missing by a hair. The wolf would have been handsome, if Callie didn’t know what was behind that fur. A white face, with a black framing of fur, the wolf was a lovely combination of light and dark, and if it had been any other wolf, Callie might have let it go. Yet she suspected that this wolf was the one responsible for the attacks, and Callie wasn’t going to let it stand.

”and run if you have to. I mean it Alexis, this is not your fight” She said, slinging another spell towards the wolf, cursing as it didn’t land like she wanted to. She cursed her again, knowing that there was a ley line close by, and she could travel through them, but knowing it may as well be miles away for all the good it would do. She spun, shoving Alexis behind her once more, dodging the wolf.

She cursed again, ”Get to the car!” she shouted to Alexis, beginning to fling spells as fast as she could, giving Alexis coverfire to retreat, knowing she might very well be giving her life for Alexis’s, but not caring about that. She would always give her life for those that couldn’t protect themselves. Alexis was not ready, not ready by far.

To hold her own against a werewolf, Callie knew she’d have to fling about some powerful spells, and the only thing she was thankful for was that it wasn’t around other people. Humans, who wouldn’t be able to do anything. Here, it was secluded, and she could be the powerhouse that she was. Leo liked to think he was stronger than she, but… he hadn’t seen Callie well and truly unleashed. And she’d be damned if she was going to let this creature harm Alexis.

What happened next was something Callie would never forget. The wolf managed to get in close, taking her off guard, and forcing her to fling up a defensive shield, shoving the wolf away from her as it crashed into her, and shoving her to the ground, her head slamming against the ground with enough force to make a thwack sound, and leave her dazed for a few seconds. Enough time for the werewolf to slip past her guard, and for screams to fill the air.

”Alexis” she screamed, the name ripping from her throat and leaving it raw, getting to her feet as quick as she could, the sight she saw sending shivers down her spine. Alexis on the ground, blood forming a pool around her body, and the wolf coming towards her. ”No” her voice came out in a hoarse whisper, broken, and she threw up her arms, the wolf’s jaws clamping down hard over her forearm. She slammed her free hand into its nose, and a spell shoved the wolf away.

She couldn’t get to Alexis, her gaze landing on the fallen girl, blood still falling from the wound, the terrible wound, on her shoulder, her neck, her eyes going lifeless even as Callie met them. The shock, fear and pain fading…. She couldn’t save the girl. Feeling like a complete failure, Callie closed her eyes, and reached her bloodied arm up to the charms she wore, seeking Leo’s… did he have it on him? She couldn’t remember… but she needed to get out of here, and the leyline was too far… ”I’m sorry” she whispered, to no one, to everyone, to Alexis’s departing soul. She cast her mind to Leo, to perhaps one of the only few people she completely trusted, that she’d let into her heart, knowing she needed him, more than ever right then.

Opening her eyes, the last thing she saw was Alexis’s body, the wolf leaping towards her as she traveled away from there, the familiar feeling of a leyline filling her, like she was being squeezed from all sides, until she came out. She recognised the car that she fell in front of, scrapping her palms, her wounded arm dripping blood on the pavement, looking up to the car, she barely saw it, tears in her eyes. Her voice painful, and filled with emotion, she reached out to the car, unable to pick herself up. ”Leo… please... “
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Location: Veterinary Office > Klamath Woods
Interacting with: Magnus @BlackPanther, Callie, Alexis @Vicier

As Magnus climbed into the car, Leo controlled his breathing, making every effort to appear natural.

"Where to? Somewhere with drinks?"

Leo chuckled and looked over at Magnus, a sly glint in his eye. "Well, I feel like we have more pressing matters, but I suppose-!"

Leo jumped in his seat as Callie slammed on the hood of Magnus car, her arm soaked in blood and rapidly draining more. Her hair was disheveled and her clothing torn, a wild, pleading look in her eye. The Witch looked like she had gone through hell and back, and her voice was barely audible over Leo's shout of anguish.

”Leo… please...“

The door to Magnus car practically exploded open when Leo shoved against it, leaping from the vehicle and rushing to Callie's side, his arms wrapping around her, gently pulling her to the ground in a panic as words rushed from his mouth.

"Callie! What's wrong? What happened? Who did this? Where are you hurt? I need to see your wounds. Is there anyone else? I need-!" He barely gave the Witch time to speak in between his questions; nothing on the planet had ever injured Callie as badly as she was now, and her appearance of utter despair and agony only made Leo worry more. Before the Witch could speak, the amulet on her neck flared a bright red in unison with Leo's alerting them to the danger that the third amulet was in. Leo frowned for a moment as he realized that there was a third amulet, but he couldn't remember who-


The amulets flared again, indicating that it was not long before the young warlock perished. Leo whipped his head around, unable to see Alexis anywhere nearby. The realization that Callie had warped through a leyline and abandoned Alexis sent a chill down his spine; if Callie were to abandon Alexis in danger, her end must have been certain.

Leo shook his head, growling in frustration as he clutched his amulet with both hands, unwilling to let her die without a fight. The Warlock had spent far too much of his life learning how to save people for him to let Alexis go quite so easily.

As Callie bled out on his lap, Leo snapped at Magnus. "Save her!" The Warlock's voice was low and powerful, commanding authority that he had never used before. Magnus was far older and more powerful than Leo, but in a time of crisis, that took a backseat to Leo's protective instincts.

Leo's fingers interlocked around the amulet as it pulsed red a third time and let out a low tone, indicating that she would be dead within seconds. The Warlock's eyes closed as he channeled his energies into the amulet's connection to its sibling, pumping magical energies through the tether as his lips began to move at lightning speed, casting a time alteration spell. Gold energy began swirling around the man, and the amulet in particular, spinning faster and faster until a golden vortex enveloped Leo, overflowing from the hastily cast spell.

In an instant, an image flashed through Leo's mind: The bloodied maw of a wolf clamping down on the throat of a girl, however, just before the teeth sank into her flesh, a yellow flash stayed its fangs. Translucent gold chains came shooting out of the woods, converging on Alexis' body as the energy surrounded her, freezing her body in time as the stasis spell was completed.

Leo fell backwards onto the ground as his eyes fluttered open, exhausted from casting a spell of that magnitude over such a large distance. Callie's body lay limp in his lap, but she was still conscious. Her blood trickled onto Leo's pants, staining them a dark crimson.

His fingers found her neck, and he placed his palm on her cheek, cupping her face as he muttered a second spell. Dark blue softly glowed between his hand and Callie's face as the spell permeated through her skin, magically freezing her blood. The dark red liquid still ran through her body, but it was almost like a cryofreeze, slowing her heart rate and lowering her blood pressure. It would help her survive for longer, but beyond that, Leo could do nothing for her until they got back to the inn. It was up to Magnus until then.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Magnus Bane

Magnus chuckled as leo spoke and was about to say something when something hit his car. He was instantly sitting forward about to shoo whatever animal it was away from his car when he saw callie. Much like leo he was out of that car in a rush, yet he was eerily calm. The type of calm that enveloped doctors when they were in surgery. The only piece missing was music.

Magnus went to the trunk of his car first pulling out various supplies and then threw up a bag. As the bag fell a cloud of black dust shot out and landed in a thick circle around the car. Upon closer inspection it was clearly mountain ash. Once that was done he knelt down next to leo and callie. "...I don't intend on letting her die...so of course" He moved his hand over the ground and left a rune of deception clearly meant to hide what he was doing.

Magnus nodded at the rune then snapped his fingers causing a blue flame like light to appear out of them, his eyes snake eyes. As one hand moved causing several ingredients to crash into each other, the other hand was gathering more identifiable supplies. Mainly gloves, a needle the type of normal looking things. A small trail of blood left his nose as he went, but he ignored it.

Once the ingredients made two items Magnus really went to work. Pressing a bit of the more liquid potion to Callie's arm he made sure it was number before he started sewing. His movements were quick and the threading was precise. If it even left a scar it would be a sharp line. Once finished there, he slathered a more paste like substance on the areas that needed t and then wrapped them with a bandage.

Letting out an exhale magus wiped the blood away and then looked at leo. With a head shake he pressed a different fluid against his forehead for helping with over use of abilities. Another face wipe as magnus pulled out a rather glittery flask and took a sip before falling over exhausted with the amount he just did. Luckily he had closed the flask back up before the contents spilled everywhere.

Gage Brooks

Gage blinked awake as soon as he heard Miri speak. He sat up and rubbed his eyes before the emotions hit him like a truck. He looked at mirianda and felt the tiredness melt away. This was not like him. He had always bottled up everything...always was the quiet glaring brother. He inhaled. What the hell Miri He slid forward in his seat and clasped his hands in front of him. "I had stayed here all night. Only leaving to try to save what belongings i could from the fire my ex foster parents started. Im trying my best miri" It was a different sort of anger. More like rolling thunder clouds then the actual thunder.

Gage stood anger still rolling off of him and made his way to syleste. He lightly kissed her hand and shut his eyes while his arms shook. He wa trying to find his anchor. To stop this feeling he had never really experienced before. He wanted to break something that much was clear. But would leaving help anything? He wasn't so sure at the moment. His arms tremors again and he gave a frustrated exhale. He really wanted to go punch the heck out of a tree. Maybe throw something...possibly even yell a bit.

Aron Brooks

Aron was standing there awkward as could be when there was a knock. He moved to open it being the closest one to the door when an envelope slid under the door. It had a rather ornate seal and was addressed to Aron. He blinked and lightly held it up before shrugging and opening it. He read through it once. And then twice. Ashe read he moved toward the wall as his eyes watered.

Aron slowly slid down the wall and tears fully streamed. It was unclear if they were happy or sad tears, but the continued to fall as aron read the letter once more. His hands started to trembled and finally he dropped the letter and tucked his face into his knees and just cried. Along with the tears there was a small amount of hiccuping laughter at how insane the information he just received was. He seemed to be loosing it.

Aron reached over and grabbed the letter once more before reading it. A look filled with varying degrees of emotion swept him and he tossed the letter again as his head leaned against the wall. No longer really noticing the others in the room with him while he had a mental break down.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Callie Lenson

Location: Outside veterinary clinic
Interacting with Leo (@December)

The sound of a car door opening… rushed feet… Leo’s voice… being pulled to the ground, but not resting on the ground, instead nestled in Leo’s lap… she blinked up at him, not truly seeing him, but she’d taught Leo the last five years… she knew his presence, and she leaned against him, not caring that she was dripping blood all over him, ruining his clothes. She turned slightly, burying her face against his chest, tears falling unbidden, her shoulders shaking, pressing her injured arm against him. As Leo was putting two and two together, Callie was trying not to fall apart completely, drowning in a pool of grief, fear, and shame.

She hadn’t been fast enough… she’d done something wrong… she should have protected Alexis better… she’d been foolish to go out there, but she’d thought they would be safe… She couldn’t unsee the image of Alexis on the ground, light fading from her eyes. She hadn’t protected her, when she should have, she’d done everything she thought was right, but it hadn’t been enough. She’d as good as killed Alexis. Why couldn’t she ever save anyone? Was she doomed to just watch people die?

Shaking violently, sobs escaped her. Alexis had been so bright, so eager, always asking questions, she’d had a bright, wonderful future, and now it was gone. The chance to help mould her, for the future… was gone. The girl had been so worried about telling her classmates what she was… she’d been just a normal teenage girl, wanting to be accepted, and Callie hadn’t been able to do anything, anything at all but run.

Leo beginning to weave magic pierced her mind, but even that wasn’t enough to break her thoughts, her grief, to rip open the shock beginning to settle over her, making everything thick, hard to hear, to see, to focus. And she still saw Alexis, heard her screams, and still, she was unable to save her. ”She’s dead… she’s dead… I couldn’t save her” she kept on whispering, muttering against Leo’s shirt, which was rapidly being stained with her tears, her blood and still she clutched herself against him, his warmth and familiar presence perhaps the only thing she was hanging onto, tethering herself, her very sanity, to him.

She didn’t care what Magnus might try to do, or if he was even going to do anything, all that was keeping her from the ledge was Leo, and it was him she wanted, needed. The spell that Leo cast on her settled over her like a blanket, but a wet, cold, itchy blanket that she couldn’t shake off. She didn’t have the presence of mind to shake the spell off, nor did she want to. ”L-L-Leo… No inn… s-Sombra’s there… Myra… No hospital... “ There was no way she was going to go back home, not if Sombra was there with Myra… Sombra would properly charge off, and get herself hurt… Myra would want to see where the attack had happened, and probably wind up getting hurt- the tough chief of police might like to think she could hold her own… but she’d be torn apart…. Just like Callie… squeezing her eyes shut tight, she clutched Leo’s shirt, her arm throbbing painfully.

The hospital was also out of the question… if she was taken there, the doctors, the staff, hell, even passing cops would put two and two together, and then the new pups would be in danger… Zoé would be in danger, and Xerxes… and anyone else covering for the miraculously healed teenagers. She couldn’t have that happen… she couldn’t put anyone else in danger. There was no where else to go... She opened her eyes, and looked up at Leo, pleading, begging to not have to put anyone else in danger. ”No hospital… I don’t want anyone else.. “ Something caught her eye, and she turned her head slightly, blinking, before letting it drop.

”The vet clinic… “

As Magnus approached her and began to do something, Callie shook her head, reaching out with her uninjured hand to shove him away. While she trusted Magnus, and knew he had skill, she didn’t want his administrations. She didn’t really want any ones administrations, but she recognised that if she was asked by anyone, she needed… needed an official report that stated that the bite was from a normal wolf, or even a dog, something that could cover the packs asses. So she pushed Magnus away, the idea of the vet clinic in her mind, ”No… the vet… the vet, she’s supernatural, right? She can help cover up… She needs to see the bite, then… “

She didn't even seem to be aware of Magnus anymore, focusing hard on Leo, needing him to do this for her, "Please... it will protect Alexis, too... Its the only thing I can do for her... Please, Leo... "
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Location Zoè Flores’s house
Interaction with @YoshiSkittlez@Vicier@BlackPanther

Cody watched Aron, his expression serious, and even though his suggestion to leave via the window might have seemed like a joke, it had been a serious suggestion, and Cody wouldn’t have thought less of Aron for taking that option, but he was rather proud that Aron opened the door, and he followed him out the door, silent as Aron addressed Zoè, saying goodbye to Zoè and her companion, walking to Aron, silent for a moment or two, before gently bumping his side, and giving him a smile, ”Proud of you” he said, but his voice trailed away as there was a knock on the door, effectively stalling them from leaving for a moment. As Aron went to it, Cody watched him.

He wasnt too sure what was happening. One minute, Aron was reading a letter, the next he was crying, and seemed more than a little out of control. Worried, and wondering what could have caused Aron to act like this, Cody stepped towards him, crouching down besides Aron, he tried to get him to meet his gaze, but seemed unable to do so. ”Aron?” he asked, his voice soft, as he tried to figure out what was wrong, looking to Zoè and her guest, before looking back to Aron.

”Are you okay?” he asked, gently reaching out to try and take the letter and see what had caused Aron to have this break down. He didn’t like seeing Aron like this, and wanted to kick the butt of whoever was responsible for making him like this.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Location: Veterinary Office > Klamath Woods
Interacting with: Magnus @BlackPanther, Callie, Alexis, @Caits and Seraphina @Vicier

Leo's vision briefly blacked out as the toll from such an immensely powerful spell took hold. Time manipulation was typically seen as an inaccessible form of magic, due to its volatile nature, but Leo had a small amount of mastery over it. In his unquenchable thirst for knowledge, he had learned it under the guidance of his grandmother. Unfortunately, he could only manipulate time in the present, not past or future events, but it was still quite an advantage to be able to freeze time's passing on an object. Or at least stay time's sands in their hourglass.

The danger Alexis and Callie were in spurred the Warlock back alive, forcing himself up as he blinked the black spots out of his vision. He needed more energy to be able to keep casting spells without overtaxing himself, that much was clear. Leo gently rubbed the sapphire thumb ring on his right hand, mentally activating the spells placed upon it years ago. A soft aqua marine glow emanated from the ring, indicating the magic stirring inside it.

Leo inhaled sharply as the energy stored in the stone flowed into his body, revitalizing the Warlock and bringing him back to buzzing consciousness. Shooting upright, Leo gasped and took in the scene, noting that Magnus was practically passed out on the pavement. Callie's arm had been skillfully stitched up, but it was only a temporary fix. Without further attention from a supernatural healer, she would certainly perish.

However, that would only be true if she had been bitten by a Werewolf. But what regular wolf would randomly attack a Witch and her apprentice, much less overpower a Witch of such caliber as Callie? He had to take her to see Xerxes'. But that would bring more attention to the pups. If he didn't, he would be as good as killing her.

Callie had suggested the vet's office, but Leo doubted the Angel would help them. There was a chance her doctor's heart would feel obligated to help Callie, but would that be enough? She was terrified of Leo, and he wasn't quite as obvious about his powers as Callie was. While Leo and Callie squabbled about who was a more talented magic user, there was no question as to who had more raw power. You could feel the magic crackling around Callie from thirty yards away. Leo's magical trail was much easier to mask.

He had to help her, but what if Seraphina ran? Or worse, turned on them? Leo was revitalized, but as long as Alexis remained frozen, he would be weaker than normal, and he had no idea how powerful she was. She had been adept enough to notice his scrying almost immediately-

Callie's groan broke through Leo's panicked thoughts, snapped him back to life. He had to act now, or she would die. With a grunt, Leo pulled Callie into his arms and stood, looking down at Magnus with a look of concern flashing across his features.

Magnus will be fine. He can take care of himself, and he isn't bleeding out. The wolf might be out here... He has a cloaking spell. But the wolf found and overpowered Callie... Leo analyzed the situation in less than a second before pulling off his ring and tossing it to the Druid. The jewel-studded titanium landed on the man's chest. He could use it when he got the energy to access it.

Leo sprinted towards the door of the office, careful not to jostle Callie. The door opened at a flick of Leo's head, giving way to the metallurgy spell that manipulated the handle into opening. Leo burst into the room he had last seen the Angel in, panting heavily despite his new surge of energy. Before she could say a word, Leo began flooding her with information.

"I'm not here to hurt you. She's hurt, and needs help," Leo's word were quick yet concise. "This is Callie. She was attacked by a Werewolf near Klamath. She's a Witch, the wolf isn't near us. I have nowhere else to turn, and you're an Angel. You can save her."

Leo's eyes pleaded with her, clearly desperate.

"I won't want to hurt you. I don't know why you're scared of us, but we're good people. I've spent my entire life saving supernaturals who have been wrongly accused. Saving those who don't deserve to die. Callie has done the same. She's the best person I have ever met, and I can't think of anyone else more worthy of being saved." Leo's voice quivered with emotion as he held out Callie towards Seraphina, his eyes watering yet his resolve unshaken. As he spoke the last word, his voice cracked with strain, but his expression never lost its steel. "Please."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crono
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Crono Dudeman

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alexander Flores

Location: Cedar Ash Inn
Tags: Myra @Caits, Sombra @Vicier

Alexander rolled his eyes in annoyance when his sister had quite literally growled, for whatever reason it just shoved the maturity level of the argument further down for him. Though at her first words that she hadn't wanted them to die he'd simply given a confused look, despite the fact that Sombra had her eyes closed. Sombra continued on saying it was for their protection that she and James had left, which didn't help the contorted confusion on his face. Still she was being distant, not giving the full answer, a reason without a full meaning behind it. Something about the fact that he finally had Sombra in a face to face and she wouldn't give him a straight answer just pushed at the mans buttons.

Reaching a hand up he rubbed harshly at his forehead, catching sight of Sombra suddenly turning towards him and giving a mighty glare. And for a moment he could have sworn he'd seen a flash of yellow in those eyes of hers, despite knowing full well they weren't normally such a color. Alexander chalked it up to some reflection as he crossed his arms over his chest whilst his sibling mentioned the feds, then tossed the badge at both his and Myra's feet. Alex didn't make a move to really look at it further or pick it up, just glaring at Sombra. It both pissed Alex of as well as hurt that her excuse was that they needed protecting from something, like somehow in some stupid train of thought they were at fault when it came to her leaving.

When they were younger Sombra had done just that, protected him, stood up for him, just simply been there. She'd made it clear that anyone who messed with her brother, messed with her. So any of those kids who'd picked on him or attempted to bully him...well, she dealt with them. Alex had no issue with admitting it to anyone, a part of him was proud to have had a twin that cared. But as years went on Alex had changed and had stopped needing her to fill that role for the most part.

So to be given this crap excuse...it took everything he had not to walk out and leave. But a part of him feared if he left he'd never see Sombra again, that fear kept his feet planted where they were. "So why now? What reason could you have to show up--" Alex's frustrated voice cut off abruptly as it clicked in his head as he glanced around the room. James wasn't here. But judging by the bags on the bed he was in Klamath Falls. And where exactly would James go without Sombra? To see his family. Why? Because Miranda had just been involved in the recent wolf incident. "Oh." Alex spoke much quieter as things started to click into place. James was checking on his sister, probably at this very moment, and they'd likely come back for that reason. Unless there was incredibly good timing involved.

Alexander shook his head as his arms unfolded, as he briefly wondered if they were even planning to stay or if this was just a visit. The thought of Miranda seeing her brother and being happy, only to have him leave again caused the man to flinch. Miranda didn't deserve that. "You aren't planning on staying, are you?" It was a rather accusing question, and despite Alex's attempt to hold back any emotion other than anger, his voice betrayed him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Syleste Astrea (Vos) Nioré

Location: Sky Lakes Medical Center.
Interacting With: Sebastian Monroe (@December), Gage Brooks (@BlackPanther), Miranda Burke and Xerxes Arvanitis (@YoshiSkittlez).

"I’m going to sit down. I’ll still be next to you.... I just… need rest..."

“..o-okay, Gage…” Her fingers curling slightly around his, Syleste held softly to his hand, her gentle pink lips parting ever so slightly from one another as she tilted her head lightly to the side, causing some of her long and wavy bubblegum pink locks to fall lightly over her shoulder with the action. She was tired… her body screaming in pain, and practically begging her to once more relax back into the pillows like she should be already doing; though she knew that if she did, she might just fall back into a slumber.

She didn’t want that- she couldn’t go back to sleep… the nightmares were just too much to handle. But that didn’t mean that the others had to force themselves just to stay awake for her… they deserved their rest as much as anyone else… right..?

"Oh for fucks sake!"

At the sound of the familiar voice cutting through the air, she lifted her head up, her light blue, though ever unseeing eyes turning to gaze over in the direction that she could hear Miranda’s angered words coming from- though why she was so upset, she wasn’t too sure; perhaps she had missed something while speaking with Gag-...

“..M-Mimi..?” Her cheeks flushing a bright shade of red as she felt another’s figure falling down onto the bed beside her, Syleste winced slightly in pain at being jostled, the sudden extra weight causing her body to fall in and against Miranda’s side, only helping to fluster the young girl even more than she already was. Was it something she had done..? Miranda was angry at something- was it really at her..?

"The part of the big, macho, manly boyfriend will now be played by Miranda Burke. Here, Syleste. I brought a sprite over for you. You are so beautiful and I'm so very glad you are okay. Maybe after you get released we can go out for ice cream or something. Because I love you and you're the best girlfriend in the world."

Her head lifting so that she was looking up in the direction she knew Miranda’s voice to be coming from, Syleste blinked a couple of times, confusion flickering over her ever gentle features before she smiled, a soft giggle falling out through her lips as she reached out, her fingertips brushing lightly over the cool aluminium of the can of Sprite before she took it, holding it happily in her lap with both hands, “..heheh… thanks, Mimi…”

"I had stayed here all night. Only leaving to try to save what belongings I could from the fire my ex-foster parents started. I’m trying my best Miri."

Flinching slightly as the sound of her boyfriend’s angered voice filled the air, Syleste let her eyes shut, her shoulders hunching over slightly as she lowered her head down; any sign of the smile she had fading from her features as she instead tried to focus on the can that she held in her hands, her thumb brushing lightly back and forth over it for a few moments before she felt a warmth against it, causing her to look up in that direction as her hand was lifted away from her lap.

The blush growing brighter as she felt his lips pressing softly against her knuckles, she turned her head away slightly, another giggle filling the air with the action before she bit down softly upon her lower lip, chewing on it lightly- they were both so angry… though she still wasn’t sure why...
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Xerxes Arvanitis

Location:Sky Lakes Medical Center.
Interacting With: Miranda Burke, Syleste Nioré (@Vicier), Gage Brooks (@BlackPanther) and Sebastian Monroe (@December).

Nodding his head as Sebastian confided in his exhaustion to him, Xerxes picked up Sebastian's chart at the end of his bed and looked over the numbers. At least, with him, he didn't have to worry about an improperly placed IV. The numbers looked good, and better yet, Sebastian didn't have any wounds that required any surgery from the night before. All in all, he looked rather healthy, all things considered.

"I'm just going to check a few things on you - like your temperature and blood pressure - and make sure everything's steady before I go ahead and clear you." he said, putting the clip board back down and went to retrieve a few of his tools to check the boy over properly. Once returning, he checked Sebastian's temperature followed by his pulse and blood pressure before taking a small flashlight to Sebastian's eyes and watching the pupils dilate a few times, checking for any kind of head trauma. He could hear Gage shuffling quietly behind him as he made his way over to Syleste, but didn't think much more of it. He even tried to drown out the parts of Miranda's conversation with everyone on what had happened to his daughter. She was a growing girl - she was independent. She could handle herself. She didn't need him to know where she was at all times - hell she was almost an adult!

He tuned her out. He tuned them all out, letting them talk as friends, until Xerxes has his stethoscope was on Sebastian's chest - checking on his heart and lungs - before Miranda's voice cut through the air.

"Oh for fucks sake!"

Her voice, amplified through his use of the medical instrument, rang in his ears uncomfortably to the point where Xerxes had to sit up and remove the ear pieces and rubbed at his eardrum on the left side for a few moments. He opened his mouth to say something, but it seemed that something else had already begun to unfurl between Gage and Miranda.

His pocket was vibrating - a phone call. He couldn't check it right then, however. It would be very unprofessional even if it was important. He let the call go, writing down the last few numbers on Sebastian's chart. He would release Sebastian and then take a look at it. Maybe is was Cassandra. He almost smiled at the thought.

"I had stayed here all night. Only leaving to try to save what belongings i could from the fire my ex foster parents started. I'm trying my best Miri"

Sighing, Xerxes turned to Sebastian.

"Everything looks good, Sebastian. I'm clearing you from the hospital but just in case of any lingering mental trauma I want you to stay home from school for the next few days, alright? I'll forward your parents the medical information they will need to clear you." he told the boy before turning to Gage.

He could practically feel it - as if it were his own emotions. Gage was about ready to pop, and with Xerxes no longer having any medical business to tend to in the room... he simply hated to admit it but he did not trust the boy in his current state to remain within the room. Not with Miranda.

"Gage... why don't you help Sebastian out of the hospital and get him home. The walk and fresh air will be good for you." he said as pleasantly as he could manage while keeping a firm tone. It wasn't a request. "Miranda, keep an eye on Syleste for a few moments, will you? I've got a few calls to make and a quick sweep but I'll be back to check on her in just a few." he gave the girls a nod (knowing full well that Syleste could not see it) and headed out of the hospital room, fishing in his pocket for his phone to see the missed call and voice mail that had been left. But it wasn't Cassandra's name that was displayed on the screen, and his heart jumped a bit.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Seraphina Astarte

Location: East Ridge Animal Hospital.
Interacting With: Xerxes Arvanitis (@YoshiSkittlez), Callie Lenson (@Caits), Leo Kwon (@December).

..come on… pick up- please Xerxes; pick up…

Shutting her eyes as the familiar sound of his voicemail hit her ears, Seraphina turned away, the tears that had been stinging her eyes before glistening in the corners before eventually, they began to fall; rolling down her cheeks as she waited the message out- the usual instructions causing her to shift almost nauseously over the spot in which she was stood, until finally, she began to speak after the beep, leaving her message.

“..X-Xerxes, I-... I need you… please…” Pausing a moment, she glanced around, her body shuffling just that little bit closer to her office door- she couldn’t do this… that was it; they were going to close early today. She had to get out of here, “..something… something doesn’t feel right- I-I feel like somebody’s watching me; and I-... I’m scared… p-please, Xerxes...”

Jumping at the sound of the door slamming open from somewhere behind her, Seraphina screamed, her gentle features flickering with fear and her body shaking lightly as she turned slightly on the spot, the phone lowering only slightly as the speed of her heartbeat began to rise, her breath coming quickly as she shuffled back, her gaze fixed upon the door as she waited for whoever it was that had come barging into the building to find her- so this was it… this was how it was all going to end, “..Xerxes… h-help me…”

"I'm not here to hurt you. She's hurt, and needs help,"

The witch..? Her bright blue gaze flicking down to the woman he held in his arms, Seraphina shifted nervously once again- there was more of them..? And he brought her here..? What if the thing that had done this followed them..?

"This is Callie. She was attacked by a Werewolf near Klamath. She's a Witch, the wolf isn't near us. I have nowhere else to turn, and you're an Angel. You can save her."

“..a-a werewolf…” The very word sent a terrified shiver down her spine- she knew there was a pack living within Klamath Falls; but she had been assure on multiple occasions, and by Xerxes himself that the alpha wasn’t that type of wolf… that she wouldn’t condone her pack attacking another… All this time- had he been wrong..?

"I don't want to hurt you. I don't know why you're scared of us, but we're good people. I've spent my entire life saving supernaturals who have been wrongly accused. Saving those who don't deserve to die. Callie has done the same. She's the best person I have ever met, and I can't think of anyone else more worthy of being saved.”

Her attention flicking back down to the woman, Seraphina hesitated- she had taken part in the hippocratic oath, even when she knew she didn’t have to… she had the knowledge; the skills to be a doctor- a human doctor if she wished; but there was just something about animals that drew her in...


Her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly from one another at the plea, Seraphina lifted her head, her terrified gaze meeting with that of the witch for a moment before finally, she nodded her head lightly, her voice soft… shaky as she spoke.

“..put her on the table…”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Callie Lenson

Location: Outside veterinary clinic
Interacting with Leo (@December), Magnus (@BlackPanther), Seraphina (@Vicier)

Callie sighed in relief as Leo seemed to listen to her, which soon turned into a small groan as he picked her up. She curled into his chest, still clutching his shirt, closing her eyes against the pain, and a wave of nausea that flowed over her, causing her to whimper. ”I don’t feel good” she said softly, her eyes clenched tightly shut, unable to shake the images that were still plaguing her. I’m sorry, Alexis… She thought to herself, only aware that Leo had cast a spell on the energy that was around him, the contact against him making it impossible to ignore.

The opening of the door told her what spell it was, but Callie was sure that she had missed a few seconds… Leo’s voice echoed in her mind, his words sounding fuzzy and far away, knowing he was worried for her, panicking. She wanted to comfort him, but she didn’t seem to have the energy, feeling far away, although she didn’t seem to be letting her death grip on his shirt go. Something caught her fluttering attention, recognising Leo’s aura, frowning as she wondered if he had already been inside the clinic, or if this was something else. Her attention was taken away from the aura, Leo’s panicked words once more reaching her mind.

”I’m not a good person… “ she mumbled. Alexis was dead because of her. If she was good people, Alexis would be alive. Something else caught her attention… why did Leo seem to think the woman was scared of them? Opening her eyes, just enough to look around, she realised that the woman was scared.

What had Leo done?

At that thought, her mind focused, and she hissed out a breath, the rapidly fading but still discernible aura of Leo’s magic telling her just what her warlock had done. She looked up at him, wondering if she had been mistaken. If maybe he wasn’t ready to be a witch, if he was going to pull stunts like that. And maybe she was just too emotional. She didn’t know… she didn’t want to deal with this, not right then.

She needed him.

She leaned against him, her gaze meeting that of the woman. ”I’m sorry” she said softly, ”For everything” she added, hoping the woman would understand, ”It… it was the same wolf, that attacked the teens… I’m sure of it… Gotta protect them… Can’t be traced back to them” She said, rambling a little, still clutching tightly to Leo.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Location: Sky Lakes medical Centre
interacting with: Hunter Evans, (@Vicier), Xerxes Arvanitis (@YoshiSkittlez)

As Miranda’s message came through, Cassandra shifted only enough to get her phone out, opening the message even as she settled back against Hunter, reading the message with some concern, frowning slightly. While Miranda’s quick thinking would give her some time, she couldn’t help but think that maybe… it would just make things worse in the long run. She couldn’t hide away forever, and sooner or later, her dad would find out about Hunter. And… she didn’t want to hurt him by hiding something that was, well, important. Something she couldn’t change, that simply was… like… being a werewolf. And she knew that the longer she waited, the longer it would hurt. The harder it would be to do.

Had her father thought of that, the longer he had kept what he was a secret? She didn’t want secrets anymore… she wanted to be open, but she knew her father would have a bad reaction. It wasn’t like she’d exactly had any… experiences before. Neither of them were prepared for what would happen, and she didn’t know what her father’s response would be. Not good, in any case. A little uneasy, she shot back a thanks to Miranda, putting her phone away. What was she going to do? She didn’t want to make a scene in the hospital room, not when Syleste and Sebastian were hurt. She didn’t want to cause a fuss… and yet, she suspected that that was what would happen.

She sighed, and for a moment seemed to forget where she was. Finally, she reached up and brushed her hair behind her hair, looking to Hunter, trying to figure out what to say. ”Miri… Miri’s trying to make sure my father doesn’t come out and see us” she said softly, her tone troubled and more than a little uncertain. She looked back to the room, almost wishing that her father would step out the room. She didn’t want to have secrets… not anymore.

”He’s not going to be happy… and I don’t know what to do… “ She said softly, looking back to Hunter, leaning into him, and laying her head on his shoulder, finding comfort in the simple closeness, and finding it amazing that it was so easy. And how that could make her heart beat fast.

The sound of her fathers voice pierced the air, and Cassie stiffened slightly, and she looked back, realising that he hadn’t seen them, his phone having his attention. Something seemed wrong… for a moment, everything else took a back seat as she turned towards her father, worried. He never took care of himself… he'd work himself to death, especially for Syleste and Sebastian, Angel or not.

”Dad? What is it?” Had something else happened? Had something happened to Syleste, Sebastian? No… if something had happened, she was sure that things would be crazy. She hadn’t been that far gone over Hunter to not notice running and alarms, had she?

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by December
Avatar of December

December Currently ignoring responsibilities

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Location: Veterinary Office
Interacting with: Magnus @BlackPanther, Callie, Quinton, @Caits Seraphina, and Zoe @Vicier

“..put her on the table…” The Angel's voice was soft and shaky, but there was a certain resolve to it.

Relief surged through Leo's body, but his concern for Callie quickly quelled any positive feelings he might have. "Thank you."

The Warlock stepped forward, lifting Callie gently before setting her on the table usually reserved for animal patients, extracting his arms out from under her with the most delicate ease.

”I’m sorry." Callie gasped softly, her eyes feverishly moving back and forth from Leo to Seraphina. "For everything.”

Leo reached over and brushed the bloody hair out of Callie's face and greeting her with a smile that could pass as authentic to someone who didn't know Leo as well as Callie did. "It's okay, hon, you survived. We're gonna get through this."

”It… it was the same wolf, that attacked the teens… I’m sure of it… Gotta protect them… Can’t be traced back to them.” She said, still clutching tightly to Leo. Her death grip on his clothing was unrelenting, preventing him from distancing himself from the Witch. Leo squeezed her hand lightly with his before turning to the doctor, taking on a serious tone.

"There's a rogue Alpha in Klamath who attacked a group of kids in the woods last night," Leo stated, figuring that any and all information would help her. "Zoe adopted the pack and has been training them, but it came after Callie. We need to make sure the wounds can't be traced in any way to the kids, or there'll be panic. We're working with Zoe to handle it."

The Warlock's voice was clipped and quick, spilling out the information in less than five seconds, shooting information rapid-fire at the Angel. Terrified or not, she was an Angel, and that usually meant they were good in a crisis.

As he spoke, he pulled an amulet off of his neck and placed it on Callie's chest, muttering the command phrase that empowered it, allowing it to work its magic on Callie. Spells of pain relief, soothing, and increased healing flooded over the Witch.

Leo glanced out the window to see if Magnus had gotten up yet, but the cloaking spell preventing him from seeing anything. Disappointed, Leo turned back to the Angel. "There was another girl who was attacked. I'm keeping her safe for the time being, but she's still in the woods with the Wolf, and I can't leave her there. I have to go."

Turning his attention back to Callie, he gently attempted to pry her hands free of his shirt, his heart wrenching out of his chest as Callie refused, instead clinging tighter to him. She needed him to be there for her, support her. She had done it for Leo in his time's of need, and he couldn't just abandon her. But, if he stayed, he was condemning Alexis to certain death. One hand kept gently pushing Callie's hand down as the other went to her face as he leaned in, smiling with tears in his eyes.

"Listen, love, I have to go save Alexis," Leo said, stroking her cheek gently. "I'm gonna leave you with Doctor Astarte. She's gonna help you. But I gotta go. I love you, and you're gonna be okay."

With that, Leo forced her hand off of his shirt and began walking away, mentally shutting out the crushing weight of guilt he felt for leaving her. If she died before he saw her again, he would never forgive himself. But saving Alexis was the priority. Everything was being done for Callie that could be done, and if she were more coherent, Callie would want it this way. Alexis had to be saved, even if it meant Leo missing Callie's last moment-

Leo wouldn't- couldn't think like that. Callie would be fine, and Leo would save Alexis, and everyone would live. They had to.

As Leo left the room, he pulled his phone out of his pocket, taking a moment to wipe the blood off of his hands and phone with the clear part of his shirt before unlocking it and putting it on speaker, dialing Zoe's number.

As the dial tone went off, Leo typed out a quick text to Quinton. Leo had only met the man once or twice, in very brief instances. Really, they only knew each other through Zoe, but Leo had requested his number from Zoe in case of an emergency. Leo was always prepared for the worst, but he had never expected it to happen.

To: Quinton Matson

This is Leo. I'm a friend of Zoe's. The Alpha attacked again, its somewhere in the woods. Protect the kids at the hospital and spread the word: The woods ARE NOT SAFE.

Leo breathed in a shaky sigh as the phone kept ringing, stepping outside and making his way to Magnus' car. Whether the Druid was up or not, Leo was gonna need him to be ready to go.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Xerxes Arvanitis

Location:Sky Lakes Medical Center.
Interacting With: Cassandra Arvanitis (@Caits) and Seraphina Astarte (@Vicier).

Knowing he might regret listening to the voicemail Seraphina left behind for him, as it would only be a distraction, the Angel raised his phone up to his ear, letting the message play out. The more he listened, the more color drained from his face. Something had happened - something absolutely terrible. And she was screaming. She needed him. What if...

”Dad? What is it?”

His daughter's unexpected voice nearly had him dropping his phone from surprise. He fumbled with the phone, cutting off the voicemail and hastily stuffed his phone back into his pockets.

"Cassie... listen to me. I need you to fill in for me for a while, okay?" He looked her over. Technically what he was asking her to do was illegal - but most everyone at the hospital knew who she was; knew that she studied under her father. He just hoped that no one would think twice about allowing her to check a temperature here and there and file some medical reports without him around. Not that he was going to tell anyone that he would be leaving.


He turned his body fully towards his daughter and got down on one knee, putting both hands on her forearms and looked up at her over the tops of his glasses.

"Something has come up and I have to go take care of it. So while I'm gone, I need you to take Sebastian's paperwork to the help desk counter and let them know that he has been released and that his parents need to be notified. In the notes section, I need yo to put that he is excused from school today and tomorrow and needs plenty of rest and water - no exciting activities. Prescribe him a two week supply of pain killers - you know how to do my signature. Gage is going to be getting him home, so Miranda is still with Syleste, okay? And after all of that is done, and I'm still not back, go ahead and check on Mr. Jensen for me, will ya? He's just had glass removed from his eye yesterday and is still in recovery but he's been doing fine. A standard checkup will do. Any questions just give me a call, but I really have to run, sweetheart." Xerxes stood himself back up and gave her a long, pressing kiss to her forehead, as though he never wanted to let go, cradling the back of her head. Whatever Seraphina called him about... it wasn't good. And given the activity from the night beforehand, he could only imagine that whatever happened, it might be related somehow.

"I love you Cassie. And I'm very proud of you." he told her as he turned to leave, hurrying down the halls to exit the hospital to find his car where he had parked it. He unlocked the door and hopped inside quickly, not even bothering to throw on his seat belt as he started it up. He had to focus - Seraphina never said where she was, though his best guess would have been at the vet. Still, he didn't want to waste any time by going to the wrong place.

Alright, Seraphina... where are you? He cast a telepathic line out, trying to reach her mind. Once he could make contact with her there, not only would he know that she was still alive, but where he could find her. I'm coming, I just need to find you.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Location: Sky Lakes medical Centre
interacting with: Hunter Evans, (@Vicier), Xerxes Arvanitis (@YoshiSkittlez)

He… He wanted her to do his job for him? Her father would never as her to do anything like that… not unless he didn’t have a choice. Cassandra bit her lip, even more worried than she had been a moment ago. What he was asking her to do was extremely illegal, not only asking her to work in the field of a medical position she didn’t have a degree for, but asking her to forge his signature on work that could, if she did it wrong, come back on him. What had happened, that would have him flying off? She didn’t want him to go, and she nearly said as much, going so far as to open her mouth, before closing it once more, no words escaping her.

She didn’t want him running off into danger… she didn’t want to lose her father… and she feared she just might, he had such a strong sense of honor and duty… She met his gaze, knowing she couldn’t let him down, but hoping all the same that he wouldn’t go while knowing that he would. She listened intently while he spoke, but she nearly burst into teas as he hugged her, kissed her forehead, feeling like a child again. She closed her eyes tight, feeling the sting of the tears in her eyes, and wanting to hold them back, knowing she’d break his heart if she didn’t.

”Okay, Daddy.... “ she said softly, opening her eyes when he went to go, watching him leave, and wanting to go after him. But like her father, she had a strong sense of duty and honor. He’d left her here, knowing she’d do what he’d asked, trusting her to do it well, putting an enormous amount on the line, not to mention trouble if she messed up. He was putting so much faith in her… she couldn’t let him down.

Not ever.

She turned back to Hunter, more than a little scared, worried and concerned, for a moment not knowing what her first move should be. ”So… that was my dad… “ she said, managing to give him a smile, ”I guess I have to go check on my friends… will you stay?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Location: Sky Lakes Medical Center

Interacting with: Cassandra Arvanitis @Caits, Xerxes Arvanitis, Miranda Burke @YoshiSkittlez, Syleste Vos @Vicier, Gage Brooks @BlackPanther

The uncomfortable proximity to the angel resulted in a tight knot forming in Sebastian's gut, adding to the immense tightness in his chest. Despite his best efforts, his heart rate and breathing skyrocketed as the angel's hands touched his skin. Fight or flight insticts went haywire as every cell in his body screamed danger! Supernaturals were dangerous, they got people killed, and they caused shit tons of pain.

The rational part of the siren's brain informed him that Xerxes had always proven to be trustworthy in the past, and if he wanted Sebastian dead, the boy wouldn't have survived the first time he encountered the angel. If he remembered correctly, and if hearsay was a reliable source, angels could distinguish any species with ease. Therefore, he had no reason to be-

"Oh for fucks sake!" Sebastian's head snapped towards Miranda, his attention momentarily diverted from the unease he felt from being near another supernatural as power as Xerxes.

The woman was moving towards Syleste's bed, openly glowering at Gage. An obvious tension existed between the two, but Sebastian had been so preoccupied preparing to deafen the doctor in case of emergency that he hadn't noticed anything about what had transpired between his friends. Gage snapped at Miri, but she brushed it off in her nonchalant, go-fuck-yourself manner that Sebastian always admired. The younger siren giggled, holding her arms to her chest.

Sebastian cast his gaze warily back towards Xerxes, sizing him up as the doctor gaze instructions to him regarding his health. The comment about notifying his father sent a pang of worry through the boy's chest, but there was nothing he could do about it for the time being. Telling his father about the attack and his subsequent involvement meant telling his father that not only did people know that he was a siren, but that also his closest friends were now members of the same species that had slaughtered Sebastian's mother.

Assuming I'm right about who killed her.

Sebastian nodded his head, offering a weak smile to the angel standing beside his bed before breathing a sight of relief that Xerxes was done with him.

Xerxes moved through the room, picking up a clipboard and giving the others instructions as he went. Before he could get a word in edgewise, a ride home with Gage was orchestrated and sealed; there was no getting out of the very awkward car ride to follow. Sebastian hadn't even gotten the chance to talk to Syleste about her newfound heritage, or how they would progress moving forward, or how he could help her family through the process, or-

Be serene.

Letting his thoughts run wild wouldn't help anyone, and it would only cause a panic attack. Sebastian needed to be in control of himself and his emotions if he wanted to make everything run smoothly.

Nodding his head, Sebastian sat up and smiled. "Sounds good to me. I just need to get dressed real quick."

Getting out of bed was quite the process, as every movement on his legs was painful. Not excruciating, but painful nonetheless. Once he had successfully escaped the covers, Sebastian pulled the curtain around his bed closed, providing himself privacy to change. Due to the fact that his clothing had either been blood soaked or torn to shreds, the hospital had provided a new set of pants and a shirt to change into.

The siren quickly slipped out of the hospital gown and pulled on the new pair of clothing, scrunching up his nose as the cool air drifted across his skin, sending a shiver down his spine. There wasn't a pair of shoes to change into, but Sebastian didn't care; it wasn't worth bringing up with Xerxes. The less he talked to him, the better.

Stepping out from behind the curtain, Sebastian nodded to Gage, motioning towards the door. "Let's hit the road. I'll text you guys later, Miri."

With that, Sebastian made his way out of the room, snagging a sprite as he went. The hospital corridor was awfully quiet, providing easy access to pick up on the low vibrations of Xerxes' voice as he gave instructions regarding the medical needs of Syleste and the paperwork for Sebastian. Something had spooked the angel, and that concerned Sebastian greatly, but he could only handle one issue at a time. Once the angel had left, Sebastian stepped up to Cassie right as she turned and spoke to someone hiding behind the corner of the corridor.

”So… that was my dad…“ Cassie smiled faintly at the mystery figure, earning a frown from Sebastian. She seemed rather uncomfortable, but that was probably due to the immense responsibility Xerxes had just dropped on her. ”I guess I have to go check on my friends… will you stay?”

"Uh, Cassie?" Sebastian pursed his lips, feeling awkward for intruding. "Your dad discharged me, and I just overheard that he asked you to tell my dad. I was just gonna see if..."

Sebastian trailed off as he stepped forward, catching sight of the stranger Cassie was talking with. Before the siren stood not just a man he didn't recognize, but also a work of art. Sebastian's eyes fluttered wildly between the man's deep green eyes, handsome features, lush hair, excellent jawline, and astounding body, unsure of which incredible feature to take in first. Viridian irises that captivated Sebastian's eyes lay over powerful cheekbones and tanned skin, holding Sebastian's attention for just a moment before the siren's eyes continued to wander, glancing over the man's well groomed hair, tall stance, and impressive physique. The fact that Cassie clearly had dibs was irrelevant as Sebastian took in the view, immensely grateful he was getting the opportunity.

Before he could say anything, the odd sound made by Sebastian's clothing as it rustled together reminded him that while the man in the front of him may look like a god on earth, Sebastian did not; from his disheveled hair to his bloodied and bruised features to the evident limp he possessed to his horrendous wardrobe, Sebastian couldn't hope to look even remotely appealing to the stranger Cassie had managed to pick up. Sebastian's voice finally escaped his lips, combining Sebastian's clear pleasure with the view to the disappointment he felt from realizing that Cassie probably had him wrapped around her finger by now with her striking features, as well as the embarrassment of wearing a glorified napkin for his first impression with the man.

"Well, fuck..."
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