Conference of the White Tower
Part I
The Industrial Age after magic

Dignitaries, I welcome thee to the White Tower, a place of once great antediluvian magic and a neutral ground for thy.
I welcome you all to this little experiment. This is an RP that will consist in three parts:
I.- The Colonial Powers and their histories:
This is the first phase of the RP. In it, we create what will be the colonial powers of the world during the equivalent of this world to the period of European history that goes from the end of the Napoleonic Wars to the First World War. This phase is entirely OOC and purely of worldbuilding.II.- The Colonies and the Conference of the White Tower:
This is the equivalent of the Berlin Conference of our world. This time the advanced nations decide to divide a world (that we created) that once had magic in it, and with it, magical races and the supernatural, the twist? Magic itself has been decaying for a long while and now magic is mostly dead in the world. The Gods have turned their backs on the people and the power to influence the world with will and a staff has been replaced with steel and cogs.III.- The Conflicts of the Great Powers:
This is the time of nationalism and imperialism for the Great powers, now that the world has been split into colonies, they have been turning their eyes to each other. It’s time for conflict, will it be a swift victory, a bloody stalemate, an empire that rises and falls, maybe nothing conclusive and the Powers lick their wounds for the next conflict, let’s see how the world develops!Rules for part I:
- Respect and politeness before everything.
- Discussions are to be held here, not arguments. Defer to be for anything that can fall in the second category.
- We are only going for an OOC in this thread and it will be only around world/state/nation-building.
- No parodies of RL nations. You can draw as much inspiration as you desire from RL, but we will not be having the Hungarian-Austrian Empire, the Caliphate of Eurabia or ‘Murica.
- Build together, for example, if you see a religion in a nation that is next to yours, it is likely that it is present in yours too. Collaborate.
- Have fun, this is a place to unleash our creativity.
The World in part I:
- Mankind and industry dominate the landscape of the continent we are setting our nations in. That isn’t to say that there aren’t pockets of magical creatures or even the most human-like acting as minorities for the human nations, but they aren’t the driving force by any means.
- Magic’s decline has hit an all-time low, magic is practically non-existent on the world for creating new supernatural acts and each year, fewer and fewer are the places where magic still works and maintains its influence on what it has already created. In general, the only magical things still going around are the magical races, whose inner magic keeps them alive and well despite all, when sometimes physics and biology can’t.
- Mankind possesses a mostly superior attitude towards the magical races, as a model to the racism the Europeans had at the time towards the rest of the world.
- Industry can move mountains, we are in the point in history where mankind viewed their future the brightest and progress as a thing of the daily lives of everyone. Despite the fact that there are little to none workers’ rights, or maybe because of it, it is the time of the industrial revolution and the powerful fight to reap the fruits of the labour of iron and human cogs.
- The more worldbuilding you can create, the better. It does matter if you add things that might seem inconsequential in relation to the main aspects such military of governance. For example, how appreciated worldwide are the luxury goods that your nation produces? Is your wine the best in the world? A drink for the masses? What else can you get at a pub to drink and who would most likely drink what?
Now, for the part you’ve all been waiting for: creation of States.
Estate Template
General Information
Official Name: It can accompanied by flags, shields, emblems or whatever symbols you like.
Common Name(s):
Type of Government:
Head of State:
Head of the Government: It can be combined with the category above if they are one and the same by law.
Population: Numbers and percentages if possible. Remember that the majority must always be human.
Languages: Official and not.
Government Information
Type of Government: This time it is time to explain it in detail. You can be by name something and in practice something completely different.
Capital: If it exists, if there is one or several. Name, population, how industrialized it is. What is life like in the city?
Head of State:
Head of the Government: In both categories is now time to describe the ruler him/herself, what is the ruler like? His or her policies? Does he or she belong to a political party and how does it affect him or her?
Political parties:
Political movements: What doesn’t fit into political parties such as terrorist groups, separatist without representation, student and labour movements, etc.
Powerful individuals: Who are the ones that guide the political orchestra? And outside of politics?
Stability/Legitimacy of the Government: How young or old is the system of governance? Is it ingrained in the minds of people? Is it legitimate by their standards?
Demographics Information
Population number:
Main ethnic groups:
Main religious Groups:
Historical Information
International Relations:
Economical Information
Industry in General: Is it concentrated or dispersed? Is it incipient or part of the essence of the nation? Is it controlled by the invisible hand or state-planned? Etc.
Main common goods:
Main rare goods:
Main luxury goods:
State of economic innovation:
State of science, research and development:
Military Information
Military size: Both standing army and reserves. No need to go into detail about what it is composed of.
Type of army: Conscripted, if so, what type of conscription? Voluntary?
Speed of concentration, mobilization and deployment:
Navy size:
Type of navy:
Other Information/Worldbuilding