Welcome to New-Hong Kong, Jewel of the Eastern Hemisphere, from 2107 to present. Notable trade hub, center of technological and scientific development, and cultural oasis, New-Hong Kong is one of the most important cities in the Eastern Hemisphere, along with the likes of Neo Tokyo, Singapore, and Seoul II. Major regional headquarters for a variety of notable mega-corporations, New-Hong Kong leads the world in cyber-technological advancements, and is well known for both its well oiled infrastructure and free economic rules. New-Hong Kong is a jewel of an opportunity for the rich, powerful and entrepreneurially minded, and money and fame flows freely for these people.
You are not one of these people.

This is the New-Hong Kong Com-Res(Commercial & Residential) District 9, or as its inhabitants like to call it: the Valhalla District. As far as standards in Year 2157 go, its not a slum, but its not much better. Built in the shadow of the more notable Business District 8, Valhalla is the slowly dying no-man's zone between the more gentrified and technologically advanced city, and the run-down chinese quarter and slums. Its a rather diverse place, a melting pot for the have's and have-nots, where squalor and luxury intertwine. Its not the friendliest of places, but its home.
This world is harsh and dirty- and at times inhumane, but you've managed to survive, if just by the skin of your teeth. You've worked a couple jobs in this city, some legal, others less so. Maybe you were born in raised in the squalor, maybe you came in from a different country seeking your fortune. Life takes all sorts of twists and turns, sometimes plans pan out, other times they don't. Either way, you're down and out, fallen on hard times with little else to your name than a working body and a handful of credits.
Things are desperate enough that you've started working for a company called the Mavericks, a 'Security' consulting firm. The pay is dirt, and the work is hard and of questionable legality, but until you get to move onto greener pastures, this is your lot. Low level extortion, beating up drunk thugs for bars, walking a particularly worried man to and from work, writing up quick fixes to security systems, its hardly glamorous, but it keeps a roof over your head- as tiny as it may be, and enough food in your belly to keep you from keeling over.
But when your old friend and coworker, Tommy DeGarro sends you a desperate message from a private terminal, with the promise of a lot of cash at the end of it, you can't help but get the feeling something interesting is about to happen. Its your way out of this hell hole- either up into 5-star condos, or down 6 feet under.
Well. Good thing your schedule's pretty empty, huh chummer?
Hello potentially interested individuals and welcome to my interest check! I've always loved the dark dystopian cyberpunk world, and have always had a hankering for the whole Shadowrun-Blade Runner-Cyberpunk kinda setting. I'm looking around for 1-3 particularly dedicated writers who want to get into this whole sorta deal.
One part choose your own narrative, one part mystery thriller, I have a loose storyline thought out with specific story beats for players to hit while they do some good old fashioned romping through a city that doesn't really care who you are or whether or not you live or die. I aim to put the focus on individual characters along with the story plot- I myself won't be piloting any one specific character, as it tends to end up with everyone following what the GM character does which feels kinda degrades the whole point of having a plot- hard to surprise myself with my own work. Instead, I'll be operating various npcs and environments to react and guide the players along the plot. Think of it like a adapting and evolving Choose-your-own-adventure narrative, with yourself/your character as the focus.
As far as characters go, I'm generally looking for 'low power' characters, could've been a former soldier or ex-cop, a small time hacker, just a plain thug, or the like- I'm definitely not looking for hotshot CIA Agents, SAS operators or Ex-Spetsnaz. This is a story about (a bit above) average Joes/Joannes being thrust into rather extraordinary circumstances.
So whose game?