J A K O B H E N S C H E L / / E I G H T E E N
"Pride is an eminent trait, but too much will cause arrogance. That is when it becomes disgusting." - Duke TΕgΕ [ β ] I N F O R M A T I O N
Branch of Service: 104th Training Corps
Years of Service: Year 847β (104th Training Corps)
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 81 kg
Hair Color: Jet black
Eye Color: Vibrant green
Complexion: Weathered
Body Composition: Bulky
[ β ] P E R S O N A L I T Y
Narcissistic like most of Wall Sina's inhabitants, Jakob, in simple terms, is a pain in the ass. As he happens to be overly confident of himself, Jakob is more than willing to challenge anyone's opinion or belief on any matter. Sometimes this has turned out to be a simple verbal altercation, but Jakob has exchanged fists in the past to get his point across. While Jakob is skilled with the gear, most cadets and military personnel wish that a Titan would simply eat him due to the cadet being largely a nuisance. To those that would think such thoughts, Jakob casts them aside as if they were weaker than him during his loud boasts.
[ β ] B I O G R A P H Y
Jakob Henschel had been born as the only child to the Henschels, a rich family with a militaristic background. Residing deep within the walls, Jakob had everything in life and no fears, often boasting that he could take on ten Titans at once despite living so far from them and never seeing a Titan in person. Growing up, Jakob had a small clique of companions, where they would often showcase their strength and live as denizens of Wall Sina have done for years. The Military Police had often been involved because of incidents his clique caused, but most didn't dare to touch Jakob because of his family's status. Those that did were often met with fists, and their judgement challenged by people swayed by a large sum of money.
While Jakob had soon reached his twelfth birthday, his parents held him back to ensure Jakob's training would be perfect. However, by Jakob's thirteenth winter, Shiganshina exploded with Titans, falling as a result. His parents had been so arrogant that they held Jakob even further back to ensure his training was in good hands, going as far to call everyone in Shiganshina cowards. By the time Jakob had been allowed to join the rest of the cadets, he was a well-versed trainee, but his boastfulness had made all the other cadets not want anything to do with him. This lack of teamwork and respect for his comrades had shown on the day his graduation came, and Jakob failed to place anywhere on the top ten. Angry, Jakob was ready to contest the rulings, but the Colossal Titan had other plans for the cadet, as its appearance had with all of them.
[ β ] S T A T I S T I C S
Battle Skill: 15
Strength: 15
Agility: 10
Teamwork: 3
Leadership: 7
[ β ] T I T A N K I L L S
Solo: 0
Team: 0
Total: 0
[ β ] F A M I L Y
Father: Torsten Henschel β Alive
Mother: Viktoria Henschel (nΓ©e Cronnenberg) β Alive