Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Faeya glared at the prince. "Do you think I am a fool to believe that you would not hurt the princess? Who do you think you are talking too hear?!" She yanked her hand from Thack's grip and stood defiantly in her tattered, dirty, bloody dress. "I have seen your people, your army kill my parents without a second thought. They were nobility, for goodness sake! I thank the King everyday because he took me in and made me the princess' lady in waiting. Now, my best friend is in the hands of a murdering sadist and he says he would not hurt the princess?!" She put her hands on her hips. "As I said before, do you think me a fool?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eagenitheflamingkprince
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Eagenitheflamingkprince Flaming Prince

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Leopold looked towards Feaya. Do you really think i will act like the last rulers, I actually killed min Korinka's Parents when I lost my cool and I executed them in front of everybody of my kingdom. So i'm already tainted in my own families blood and I quite enjoyed it a lot without any kind of second thought. I'm not ever going to murder that I crave to keep by my side and my love of your princess. I will never kill somebody that my heart has feelings for or anybody that hangs around her. You should be pleased that I didn't tell him to kill you right on sight. I have no interest in harming whoever hangs around the person that I love." he said to Feaya.

Inori went over to her and swapped forms into his Kitsune form and looked at her and scanned her body to make sure that Thack kept his word and nodded in approval since she had no wounds. Inori just sat at her feet with his tails swaying. Biane just stretched and hoped off of the thrones arm." well you are a pretty person and really lovely I won't even lay my fingers on you to kill and I'm just a pet, but let me say this madam Korinka is the kindness prince and Leopold always keeps his words and promises. The people that attacked you family and love ones wasn't Leopold or Korinka, but their parents who dead now and will never return in their lives." he said directly in her eyes as his eyes glowed a bit.

Korinka just watched what was happening and his ears perked up and his tail was waging. " oh by the way your friend the princess of the light is still kicking and she doesn't even have any wounds on her body at all so brother is totally telling the truth to you, so settle down a bit please and I'm not taking sides it is just logical thinking that's all and plus I have no scent of your friends blood around here at all and the nose can easily find the smell of anybodies blood and death." he said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Faeya looked into the eyes of every man in the room with a determined expression, her cheeks turned slightly pink at the mention of her looks."I did not travel into the Dark Kingdom, trade a dear item of mine for a cloak, steal from an innocent man just to be told that my best friend and princess is 'okay'; and I certainly did not come to be told I am okay to look at." She sighed. "Men are all the same" she mumbled to herself. "I came to see her! Do what you want to me. Kill me, beat me, enslave me, but allow me to be with my friend." She stayed silent for a moment as she looked around at all the men in the room. "The second in command would know. He would surely do the same."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scara_blood
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Thack clenched his fistes. "Grantet you are the most annoying thing I have ever met, but because I have orders, I would not lay a hand on you." He thought of feeding her to a krag, but pushed the thought to the back of his mind. "I suggest we put her in the dungeon and leave her there." He turned to her and an evil smirk came on his face.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eagenitheflamingkprince
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Eagenitheflamingkprince Flaming Prince

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Inori changed back to human and looked at his prince and nodded " alright I will show you where your lovely dear Princess is and Korinka is the only person to enter his brothers chambers. Me, Biane, and Korinka is allowed to let you in. Lord leopold is it okay for us to show this madam where the princess is and show that you didn't do any harm to her." he said in a polite tone. Biane just smiled and bowed towards Feaya and slid his arm around her shoulders." well should we go madam." he said with his ears twitching as his tails swayed happily.

Leopold just laughed at Biane and Inori's actions. Then jumped of his Throne and lead her to his room with Biane, Inori and his brother following him, to his own Chamber." you better not get the wrong idea, I just had enough room for she can stay here and I didn't do anything sexual to her at all. Faeya am I right about your name madam?" he said pleased with himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scara_blood
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Thack just stood there. Let them do what they want Tack. You don't matter to them. I'll show them.. He walke out and back to his room and grabbed his sword. He layed down on his bed and began to sleep.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Faeya followed after them and she nodded as he asked if that was her name. "Yes, it is." She looked over at all the men standing next to her. If she weren't in the light kingdom and if her best friend was not kidnapped by them, she'd consider them decent looking. She glanced at the knights roaming the castle and she scowled at the rememberance of the knights at her own castle. She looked away from them and toward the Prince's bedchambers. "I would have taken it as such, but because you cleared it up so nicely..." she said sarcastically. She knew his last thought was to sexually assault the princess. Killing her would have, if his recent statements were lies. She did tease him, though. It was part of Faeya's 'charm', after all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eagenitheflamingkprince
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Eagenitheflamingkprince Flaming Prince

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Savi said
Faeya followed after them and she nodded as he asked if that was her name. "Yes, it is." She looked over at all the men standing next to her. If she weren't in the light kingdom and if her best friend was not kidnapped by them, she'd consider them decent looking. She glanced at the knights roaming the castle and she scowled at the rememberance of the knights at her own castle. She looked away from them and toward the Prince's bedchambers. "I would have taken it as such, but because you cleared it up so nicely..." she said sarcastically. She knew his last thought was to sexually assault the princess. Killing her would have, if his recent statements were lies. She did tease him, though. It was part of Faeya's 'charm', after all.

Leopold just sighed and spoke. " I will only do sexual things when I'm married to somebody, not just fun in games Faeya I'm not a rapist at all, I'm raised much better then you think Faeya. I will show proof I didn't do anything at all." he said as he opened up his sleep chamber pointed to where Lenora was she was on his bed asleep. " I sleep on that couch every night and I never dare let myself go over to my bed when she is here, see I told you Faeya." he said went to his couch and laid back on to his back and looked towards the ceiling, he knew he had his families coats of arms very well so Faeya won't ever find it at all.

Biane laughed a bit at faeya's teasing way of his master and inori laughed a bit as well, but hid it very well since he knew Leopold will totally ignore and be very pissed off at him if he showed any reaction towards negative things that somebody said about Leopold. Biane just lifted his arm off of Faeya's shoulder and nudged her with his elbow saying go ahead and check with your own eyes.

Korinka went over to his brothers bed and changed back to human then looked at Lenora's body to see if his brother did anything to her that would totally show in the open without any special way revealing any wounds, he smelt burnt skin and was shock, but he acted totally normal like nothing has happened." see Brother was telling you the truth madam." he said to her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Lucian felt a tug in a certain direction. Someone at the castle was sleeping. How fun. The dreams found there are always interesting. He followed the tug, allowing himself to be pulled from the space in between the dreams of others into this new space. Hopefully he wouldn't be cut off by outside forces this time. It was always annoying when something got in the way of someone's dream and his new opportunity.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Faeya looked at the bed and instantly ran over to it. She felt tears well in her eyes as she sat on the bed and hugged her sleeping best friend. "I am so happy you are okay." She felt tears slide from her cheeks and onto her friend's dirtied dress. She instantly let go, remembering her position, and stood from the bed. "Th-thank you..." she said. She had to remember that they were not sisters at the moment, but princess and lady-in-waiting. Faeya cleared her throat and hid her reddening cheeks behind her raven hair. "I am able to die happily now." As her blush faded, she walked back toward the door.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scara_blood
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Thack layed asleep waiting for something. He dreamed of his village burning and his fate almost destroyed. Then he saw him, a man riding at the attackers. He cut at them like they where paper. Then the prince came, and the battle of the most epic proportion took place. Bothe of them hacking at eachother wanting to win. Finally, the man fell. The prince left and Thack, as a kid, walked over to the corps. He reached for the white helmet and removed it, seeing his face.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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Scara_blood said
Thack layed asleep waiting for something. He dreamed of his village burning and his fate almost destroyed. Then he saw him, a man riding at the attackers. He cut at them like they where paper. Then the prince came, and the battle of the most epic proportion took place. Bothe of them hacking at eachother wanting to win. Finally, the man fell. The prince left and Thack, as a kid, walked over to the corps. He reached for the white helmet and removed it, seeing his face.

Lucian appeared a few meters behind the child, watching as he removed the helmet. "My, my, now isn't this an interesting one..." He begins murmuring to himself. "Very rich. I don't suppose you'd be willing to give it up as a snack?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scara_blood
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Thack grabbed the sword and turned to the voice. "W-Who are you?! Don't come near me or else!" He tryed to lift the sword but it was too heavy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Now, now, no need for that. I don't kill potential clients, especially not the more curious ones." Materializing a cane, he began to inspect the handle. "I prefer to be known as Shirokuro by those who have business with me, but feel free to call me Lucian in friendly conversation. Ones that don't involve swords." He turned back to the boy, amused by him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scara_blood
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"Client? What do you mean?" He lifted the sword with difficulty. "Tell me! You think I will not kill you? I have seen worse things then your nightmares! I have seen baby's explode and men have there lives go past them and then the died!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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Lucian began to circle, taking in whatever details he could. "Oh please. Nightmares are my business, and I have seen those of far more messed up people than you. I know it's hard to believe." He smirked. "And as for your other inquiry, why don't you tell me? Wasn't it you who called me here?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scara_blood
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"N-No. I don't know. Is this a dream? I could be assassinated as I'm here! Alow me to wake dream eater!" He raised the sword. "Or do I have to cut my way through?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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He leaned forward on his cane. "You're certainly welcome to try, though I think you'll have trouble with this current form. Besides, I believe there might be something you want from me. I wouldn't be here otherwise."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scara_blood
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Thack looked at him and plunked the sword down. "No one has known what I want since I cut a batham's head off. What do I want?" He asked. He looked around and the dream changed to a dark room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lucian took note of the change in scenery. The flavor of the dream would certainly change a bit, he was sure. "You're asking me? Or is this your way of deciding? I can only do what you ask of me, and I'll warn you that eating dreams only happens to be one of my talents." He grins. "And I'm not exactly powerless outside of them, either."
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