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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chapter 0 - Critical Mission Failure - Deploy Second Team!


Time: 3:50 - Location Chaldea HQ - Alps Mountains


It all started as a standard day in the middle of a cold afternoon in the Alps Mountains where the group of mages known as The Chaldea Security Organization who keep the peace in the history of time. This time, and all alternatives that would cause havoc in the grand scheme of the universe. With the Great Grail, and the Lower Grail often falling into the hands of people who do not deserve them it is possible for time itself to be displaced because of that. Or simply perhaps because the time lines failed to reach a predestined conclusion. Some alternatives were accepted Altria Pendragon not fading away into non existence after the Fuyuki War. Or possible failures of people like Shirou Emiya to end a conflict properly leading to other victories. Some of those were predetermined time lines that were possibilities. Some possibilities that were not accounted for such as an unaccounted for servant. Or a leak of the mysterious essence known as 'All the World's Evil' which typically surrounded the Avenger Class.

It was typical for Chaldea to send agents off to different times using the Coffin: Spiritron Chassis which allowed them to go back towards the past, or alternative relatives in order to stop these events from happening. The process known as Rayshift was the technique used to do so. It was today that Team A consisting of Scipio Africanus summoned by Keiji Togami, Mitsuhide Akechi summoned by Miranda Einzbern, Zhao Yun summoned by Blake Bell, and Helena Blavatsky summoned by Judai Adachi once more stepped into the fold. Togami being a powerful mage with an equally powerful servant led the group, as per the usual, into a issue with the Fuyuki Grail War in an alternative timeline. A strange reading had occurred and it needed to be dealt with immediately...that was a full day ago. It was not the usual the group to loose contact with the station. Director Orson had been quite tight lipped about the whole situation but now things were starting too look bleak.

Chaldea Staff on the other hand were on par with their usual assignments of keeping eyes on the rayshift machines, and the other machines that monitored the world. Some of them vastly improved thanks to the genius of the knowledge of a Caster known as Archimedes whom was known for his famous inventions. Despite the vanishing act that had befallen the first team everything was rather quiet as the other teams went about their duties separately. This day was different. Director Orson had ordered the Team to meet them at the Global Environment Model "CHALDEAS". It was where the world itself was usually monitored since it contained the soul of the world.


Leon had been training in the testing facilities since he woke up. His team had not been needed to be assembled for a while. Usually given assignments when Team 1 had already had their duties filled up he was more often than not given difficult but not extreme assignments. He remembered his first mission was to simply put down a few mages that were plotting to overthrow the order of the Fuyuki Grail War. The servant summoned by their team at the time, Andrew Jackson, had made quick work of them. Since then Jackson had joined Team C somewhere in Scandinavian, and his old friends had either died, or transferred leaving him to be in charge of B Team by default. There were still a few people he recognized here, and there but he didn't really know them all too well. Ever since leaving America a few years back he had been in charge of his own life and he vastly preferred it to his father hovering over him. He found the work more gratifying than simple dueling. Leon needed to make a living as a mage so why not as a protector of Earth? It was not fancy work, and it didn't get him any fame with the average person but it just worked for him.

Of course he couldn't stay training all day by himself he wondered what Orson could want. He was a coarse, rough, and deathly serious man but he was honest, and respectful of people as long as they did not act out. As a Director he lacked charisma but made up for it in a clear talent for leading people in dangerous situations. He wondered what Orson had been like when he was younger? Was he always this stuffy? It was possible but he simply failed to ever remember a time where he saw the director smile from a joke. It may have been better that way better to act as a strong pillar than a goofy fool. He had to command respect from his troops.

Those were the simple thoughts on Leon's mind as he made his way out of the training rooms. He was still hot so he kept his white pristine Chaldea uniform unbuttoned. It was cool, but not humid in the halls of Chaldea. It made up for the fact that the climate was kept under good control by the staff here. Still he wondered if it was unprofessional as the boss of his team he had to make a good impression. He'd make a mental note to button up before getting to see Director Archibald. He did wonder where his team was exactly and hoped they would make it on time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KawaiiKyouko
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KawaiiKyouko Professional Newbie

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A movement. The rustling of rolling pebble and grass. The scent of fresh animal droppings. The grip on the trigger tightened a tiny bit. The prey seemed to be unaware of it's threat which was certain to end in an attempt on it's life. The trigger tightened even more, and the sound of breath was nonexistant from the hunter. Click. Ah, the soft sound of the clicking trigger, followed by a loud echo which travelled through the alps. The hunter smiled lighlty, picking up the carcass of his prey, a limp mountain hare. Dinner secured for whoever liked this type of food.

Freya threw the corpse away, head tilted up towards the sky. His entire body felt numb, his hand twitched lightly. Seems like his hunger could not be sated by any animal. He needed bigger prey, but time was running short now. Now that he had duties as an assassin and sniper for this... mage thingy, yet he could not know why they even had any remote interest in him. If anythibg, he assumed they sought his head instead. Well, they boy shrugged. It was't his busin-His eyes caught onto something! A much larger prey, that's certain. Moving at a fast velocity. Ah, a skiier. Click. Freya instinctively fired the gun that claimed a vacationer's life.


Although there was a meeting coming up, Freya seemed to be rather uninspired and willful for it. He'd long concluded that he was here just because they wanted to keep an eye on this frightening boy that wore skirts and stockings. He peered about the entry hall of this Chaldean group thing. Freya was not really all that interested in such, whether it be magic or high tech gadgets. All he needed was his trusted L115A3 AWM rifle, a gun with both mighty power but also within his grasp it held an almost magical accuracy. It was his baby, and he would never abandon it for any other dumb tool or child's play.

He cuddled his gun a tiny bit before hanging it over his shouldef, moving towards his room. He needed to change he figured, considering that his clothes were soaked in wet snow and dirt, but it at least was his own clothes and not these Chaldean uniforms which were so uncomfortable. Tight-sitting, white, it both made the hunter groan softly before picking himself back again. He had to change and get to that meeting in time, otherwise he'd be thrown out.

Reaching his sleeping quarters, he pushed the door open and gently placed his rifle into his gun cabinet, locking it dead shut again. Then he stripped naked, hanging the clothing up to dry while noting his own slight hourglass form in the mirror. Strange. That was almost believable. With a smile, he moved over to his closet and pulled out a white top and white skirt, as well as some underwear and stockings. All the apparell was marked with the Chaldean symbols so whenever he wore their clothing, he just felt like a walking advertisement. Atleast, at the very least, did the clothes look cute on his frame. That was a major plus, indeed.

Moving out of the room again, fully dressed in female clothing and even with a dash of makeup on, it'd be hard to even notice him being male. And so he walked through the large halls as if he was a woman, until reaching the place where another male walked towards the same location. He didn't recognice him, but that was beside the point. He wouldn't recognice anyone after all, "Hello. Team B I presume?" He said. Even his voice was that of a female's, soft and delicate. Freya's strange heterochromatic eyes looked onto Leon with gentle interest.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"That would be correct I'm the Captain of Team B. I believe I looked at your profile earlier. Freya correct? Nice to meet you, Leon Winchester. Just call me Leon, or Captain. It doesn't matter one way, or another too me as long as you follow the rules everything should be fine." Leon said as he kept walking but deciding it would be better to not just act like the callous professional that someone like say Togami acted he decided to stop for a moment at the end of the hallway. "Everything working out fine at Chaldea? I know it's not the most homely of places but it suffices for our needs here. You're new here so it may take some time to get use to be the people around here, while crass, are good people. Director Orson sees that his men, and women, are all well fed, and kept up to date as possible." Leon said as he offered Freya a hand shake. "I'm sorry if you were expecting someone older, and more experienced. Chaldea usually makes use of Designer Babies. Orson has decided to take that aspect of Chaldea, and tone it down at least here. He thinks hormunculus don't have much of a place in missions. Too expendable, and prone to taking orders too seriously thus why people like us are here now." Leon informed Kreya regardless of if they shook his hand, or not. Too him this was Leon's first moment to actually make a good impression as team leader. Kreya may have been labeled as a cold person but it didn't hurt to try to be friendly. He didn't read too much up on people. It caused rifts when they weren't exactly like their profile and you ended up labeling them. More often then not Leon, while not especially thrilled at the prospect of working with a weaker mage such as Kreya, still needed to make due with his position.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KawaiiKyouko
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Freya nodded at the mention of his name, before picking up a toothpick, placing it between his lips. He liked to nibble on things, the boy. Especially while listening in to such long-draught conversation when a simple 'Yes, I am X' would work well. But he supposed not everyone was like him, so he feigned interest with a smile that, while fake, seemed genuine enough. He had to learn how to blend in long time ago. "Leon, huh. Leo. Lion. Løve. Freya muttered lightly to himself while idly listening to him. So, he's named after a lion, is he?

"Hmm? Yes, thing went well. Though I still have no idea wht I am supposed to do here. Or why me, exactly. He shrugged, he knew that he was an anonaly in this place. He couldn't use magic, he had no interest for it neither, and he had no practical skills outside of his marksmanship. And from what he knew, guns were frowned upon here. Freya frowned at the mention of various magic things, like Designer Babies and homunculus. He had no idea what that even was.

"Mmh, I'm sure everything will be fine. He concluded at last while chewing on his toothpick, the wooden splinter softly soaked in spit before falling apart. Bringing out his lipstick, he began reapplying it to the withered spots on his lips, atleast taking care of one self was important.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"There's a long, and short answer to that question. I'll give you the simple version: We're 'heroes', or rather what humanity would amount to that. Our job is to summon servants, or rather heroic spirits, to aid us on our cause. I've been here for a few years now and I still haven't summoned mine yet. I don't know how it works simply that we anchor people to this world from times long past." Leon explained as he tried his best to think of a proper way to explain it. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't particularly hard. It was simply finding the right words to describe it that gave Leon a hard time. He wondered if the person if front of him really understood what it meant to be a 'hero', or rather what it meant to be a person to fight for others. They had skill in combat from their profile examination but they weren't exactly use to 'heroic' work.

"We summon servants only as necessary. The main servants around here are Scipio Afranicanus whom defeated Hannibal. He's vainglorious, a hard general, and a dangerous person. But he has seen Chaldea through some of it's hardest missions. I trust him." Leon explained to the newbie. He wondered if any of this was nessessary exactly. "But on the opposite end of the spectrum are people like Mitsuhide Akechi the one who killed Nobunaga Oda. A calm, serene, but treacherous man. He's not to be trifled with on, or off the battlefield. There are more but I'll leave that up to you to decide on how you see things here." Leon said he tried to think about the why of the question though. "I can see that look on your face though you're not much of a mage. I'll be honest I have my own reservations about you being here. You're not from a strong family line but you have been brought here none the less. I can only assume Archimedes thought that we lacked more practical experience outside of magic. Magic while sufficient has it's downfalls. If we fall into a situation where we can't reliable use magic it may be up to you to put down the enemy." Leon offered as a possible explaination.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KawaiiKyouko
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KawaiiKyouko Professional Newbie

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Freya realized that following in on the history lessons might have been a good idea, after all. Instead of spending his time prowling for prey in the forests, with a gun capable of blowing the minds of any careless person away with just a single flick of the trigger. With his grip gently placed around the hard metals, his eye peering inyo the gun's scope while the adrenaline of the hunt coarsed through his veins, washing all thought away. Freya quickly shook his head, discarding these thoughts before they got to him again. Seems like he'd lost a bit track of the conversation, so he shrugged. At the leastit may seem like he caught onto it all. "I don't think I'm cut out for heroism. But when you have no other options.." He shrugged again, remembering that it was either joining them or lifetime imprisonment with risk of execution. In other words, no real choice.

Yup, more and more names of old heroes that only vaguely triggered a memory in Freya. He definitely should've attended more history classes. But oh well, he had a legitimate reason not to. "I see." Not really. But Leon didn't need to know that.

"My only magic tricks is making delicious food out of freshly hunted big game. I don't know anything about the stuff you people do." Truth is, he didn't even know about magic until very recently, and he wasn't sure if he believed in it still, "But since you know who I am,
I suppose you know what I'm capable of as well. And none of what I can require magic."
Atleast from what Freya knew. He didn't know that his eyes were a magical gift of his own, and not something everyone had. Seems he should've been present in biology class as well.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Time will tell I guess. We should get going though Orson wanted us to get there as quick as possible." Leon said to Kreya as he checked his cellphone he found no extra messages from the Director, or any of his aides so he thanked his blessings for that. "If you don't got what it takes, or if you fail badly somehow you'll find your way out of here. I hope it doesn't come to that though. It's hard finding good teams members now of days." Leon told her as he began to resume his brisk walk towards the CHALDEAS system. He considered for a moment if this really was the best idea by Director Orson to let this person in but once more he reminded himself he needed to give him the chance to do what he could for him. "You'll learn what magic you can in our journeys if not then you'll just have to play support until your reassigned to another location. Remember Heroes are made not born in most circumstances." Leon decided to say to him as he felt a sickening feeling in his gut that made him feel like today wasn't going to be a very good day.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SaveusY2J
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SaveusY2J Astolfo's Biggest Fan

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When Amelia was told that Team B was assembling she couldn't have been more excited. She joined Chaldea so she could help people, but being assigned to Team B she didn't get many chances to do so, they were more of a backup team while Team A did the majority of the work. Still, Amelia liked being a part of Chaldea, she knew that they helped people, and she didn't really care about not gaining any fame, in fact she actually kind of liked it. Being praised every time she walked down a street or something... Maybe there were some people who would love that, but she would hate that.

Amelia looked at herself in a mirror and made sure that everything about her was... Correct, she had to make sure her uniform was buttoned up and straight, and that she wasn't slouching, even if she wasn't the most powerful mage in her family, her parents had made it clear that part of her responsibility as a member of the Lowell family to make sure that she looked good, if she slouched or if her uniform was sloppy that would reflected badly on her and the family. She also needed to make a good impression, she wanted people to trust her, so that if they ever needed help they wouldn't be afraid to come to her. If she looked like a slob she was pretty sure no one would trust her and her healing abilities.

She left her sleeping quarters and into the hallway, she was trying her best to contain her excitement, but she still had a huge grin on her face while walking, though she made sure she wasn't walking too quickly, another thing her family made sure of was that she whenever she walked, it was with grace. She felt like a medieval noblewoman or something like that. Still, it was another thing that showed that she was trustworthy.

She saw two other people walking towards the CHALDEAS system. She approached them and smiled, I guess now is as good a time as any to introduce myself to the others. she thought to herself. "Hello!" she said in her cheery voice and with a smile still etched on her face "Are you two also members of Team B?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

'Well at least they're punctual...' Leon thought to himself as he saw another person running down the hallway towards CHALDEAS just like him, and Freya were. They were rather bubbly in stark contrast to the quiet, and distant Freya. Noticing the uniform branding he made a quick note that they were indeed a part of his team at least from the looks of it. He stopped for a moment to address the young lady. "Another one huh? Hey there I'm Team B's Captain. Name's Leon Winchester this is your teammate I'll let them introduce themselves. Just call me Leon, or Captain though. I'm not much into last name stuff find it weird. My dad's still alive so I'm hardly 'Mister Winchester' material." Leon chuckled at the end but he started off rather calmly, and as clearly as he could. "Um your name is Amelia right? Forgive me if I'm wrong I'm still trying to get in all the new names down. We're meeting Director Orson soon enough so you may as well follow us if you weren't already on your way there." Leon told whom he could only assume was Amelia Lowell. "Sorry to push you off a bit but I'd rather not get on Director Orson's back. He gets pretty pissed off if people directly ignore his orders." Leon said as he kept walking assuming that the new girl would be following him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KawaiiKyouko
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Freya shrugged. He didn't care for the reasons, purpose or goal this corporation had. It was completely and utterly pointless to him, hunting down scary mages using old heroes and what not. Just nonsense. Why go through all of that when you can just click the trigger and blow their brains out? Easiest way to go about things, after all. And now he'd grown bored of the conversation, dropping his fake interest in a second. Atleast he had an umbrella he could open, despite them being inside, just for the style. He much enjoyed the looks of Victorian style noblewomen, after all. "I don't do magic, it feels too cowardly." Was his last response to the last remark. He'd already decided he'd not dig into magic stuff. It sounded so boring.

With a hand covering his lips while yawning, Freya heard a fast yet controlled pace behind them. Turning his head slightly, he noticed the girl moving towards them with a cheerful pace. Dear, no... He muttered softly to himself, turning his head back again while the now open umbrella covered his upper body. He was not in the mood for chat, hopefully this went by quickly. And it did, atleadt for now, "Yes, we are." He responded, his effeminate tone still lingering, as if his words were as soft as high quality pillows. But he did not turn to phase the female, nor Leon, he simply kept walking. And for some reason, he realized he could wear high heels better in mud and root-filled passages in forests than on the hard concrete floors.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SaveusY2J
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SaveusY2J Astolfo's Biggest Fan

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"You're correct, my name is Amelia Lowell! It's nice to meet you, captain!" Amelia said happily as she began to follow the captain of her team, he seemed nice enough, maybe a bit too focused on work from what she could gather, but she could work with that. Not everybody could be light-hearted, and plus he was the captain of the team so of course he was going to be serious. Though she did imagine the captain of her team to be a lot older than he was, she always imagined that the captain would be an old experienced mage, not someone who didn't seem much older than she was, but she didn't really care, as long as the captain was a good man she would obey his orders!

She looked towards the other member of the group expecting a greeting that she soon realized would never come. They don't seem like they're much for speaking. Amelia thought to herself, she knew a lot of people who were quiet had reasons for being like that, and that she shouldn't really pry into it, but still, she at least wanted to know their name, they were going to be working together on this mission, so at least a nickname at the very least would be useful to know. "What about you, what's your name?" she asked politely keeping her ever-growing smile on her face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KawaiiKyouko
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KawaiiKyouko Professional Newbie

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Click. Clack. Click. Clack. His high heels tapped along the floor with his sun umbrella covering his back. He couldn't stand overly cheery people. They bugged him. At face values they're always happy-go-lucky, but he knew better. In their heart of hearts they were cruel, foul, intimidating. Rotten to the core. He knew, for he had seen it himself. And that is why he seemed highly reluctant to answer the newcomer, though finally Freya sighed. And the gentle tapping of his shoes ended as he came to a halt. "Freya." A single word in answer with his soft, gentle voice, though he turned to look at the spirited woman with his inqusitive gaze, the different colored eyes peering onto her, examining her. And only one conclusion could be made from his view, these two were from completely different worlds.

He then looked over to Leon again, examining him briefly, something he hadn't done in their relentless chatter. He seemed more mature, yet he too was of a different fiber, different caliber. Neither of those would ever understand him, so Freya figured it better to keep a plain, professional relationship to them. No pleasantries, no friendships, just cold, hard professionalism. Not that he knew any other ways to be, but that was irrelevant. He was after all just your average short male, dressed like a girl, speaking like a girl, with a soft spot for coldblooded murder. Not much of friend material either way.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I understand the need to exchange greetings, and all that but come on guys we gotta keep moving we're almost there." Leon told the two members of his team as he hurried to the next room over. As he came to the doorway down the long hall that led to CHALDEAS he saw the two guards standing in the doorway though they had almost never saw combat they had to take precautions even with Heroic Spirits wandering around. Who knows if someone has been secretly working to undermine literally everything they stood for CHALDEAS was almost irreplaceable, and it being disrupted, or destroyed would set them back really badly. Let alone the Rayshift technology, and everything that went with it. The guards looked over Leon, and the group quickly checking them for weapons, and anything else before letting the group through. It was once they were inside did they meet Director Orson whom was standing in the middle of the hallway leading up to the giant blue globe with his back to them, and the door. He was in his standard outfit he wore a long white cape with a white shirt. His hands were covered in black gloves, and his boots matched them. He also tended to wear black, or white pants to match the uniform. His graying slicked back tan hair meshed well with his uniform. He seemed really tense despite all of this but kept quiet. Instead of him, or Leon going up to them they were met by another man.

The man, or rather the legendary scientist, who stood before them looked at Leon, Freya, and Amelia with a serious tone which was out of character for the usually calm, and collected individual. "You took your time arriving here Captain Winchester." commented the individual in front of them as he folded his arms and waited for a response. He was clearly frustrated but he was trying to keep calm. "Sorry I wasn't expecting us to be called on such short notice. I thought you wouldn't need us for a mission since the new guys are still settling in, and all." Leon responded too them as the man turned his eyes on the two new comers. He gave a sigh but it was more of an attempt to regain his usual composure than to express distaste, or disgust with the group. "So you're the newcomers finally gotten into action I see? I've already read you files, in fact I helped compose them, but I suppose introductions are best done in person. I am Archimedes. Also known as the Wizard of Balance. Forgive me it has been a hard two days...as you've sure you've heard Team One has gone missing...Normally this would not be an issue. However we have made...progress on that matter. Which is why you're here today. Director Orson the new ones have arrived." Archimedes called over as the director turned back his light blue eyes scanning the three of them with a stern steely gaze and he strutted over to the three of them. "This is hardly the greeting I intended to give you all but time is of the essence. But I would be a bad gentleman if I did not officially welcome you both to Chaldea. You're lucky to be working under Leon he's not the best agent we have but he's a talented, and sensible one. Do not be afraid to voice objections with him. He listens unlike some leaders who simply go by their own accord. That being said don't believe him to be infallible he isn't. You probably know my name but just in case I am your Director. Orson Dane Archibald the Second. I am the acting head of the Archibald family." commented Orson quickly speaking through his greeting as he turned back to CHALDEAS. "Do you have any questions before we go on? I can't stress more how urgent this matter is. But I can't send new agents out without answering some of their questions." Orson said trying to keep himself organized but it was clear to even Leon that he was holding himself together with sheer willpower.


Archimedes's outfit/Appearance:

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