Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pumpkinbot
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Pumpkinbot Some kind of electric gourd?

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Miri's eyes flitted back and forth between the two holding guns to one another. "By the Light, I've seen kobolds less paranoid than the pair of you. Please, weapons away. If she had wanted to shoot me, she would have done it already, yes?" She cleared her throat. "Now, then..." Suddenly, a strange screen seemed to pop up on the table. Miri stared at it...and after a moment, she jumped up and down in her seat like an excited child. "Yes! That's it! Here, right here. This is Stormwind!" She jabbed a blue finger at the western coast of the long continent on tbe east side of the map. "That's where I came from!"

((Sorry if I'm hopping between tenses in different posts, just trying to get a feel for what feels natural.))
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AllHollowsEve
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Maestro 01

Maestro had been listening to the conversation calmly, trying to think of something to add. However, it wasn't familiar with anything anyone was saying. It's planet, Dehr Almos, wasn't even on the map that had been pulled up, though it could just make out the shape of it's star, Dagus, at the edge of the map.

Maestro was still trying to figure out what drink to order when everyone seemed to go crazy. The lady that had just walked about pulled a gun on the goat lady. The goat lady cast a magical shield on herself, Maestro had seen other people use magic outside of cyberspace, so it knew what it was, if not how it worked. The cloaked guy pulled a gun on the new lady, who then brought up a map of a fantasy world, saying the space goat was a video game character. Maestro had been about to reply how stupid that was, but then the goat lady said she was right!

It was at this point that Maestro got up and stood between the goat lady and the new chick. "Even if you're right, and she is from a videogame, that just makes her an AI. That means she's every bit as real as I am." It informed her. It's eyes and hair suddenly changed from their bright, digital green to a scarlet red. It's voice dropped down several octives as it raised an open palm towards the new lady. "If you even think of hurting her, I'll send you through the next three buildings."

Each of Maestro's palms, as well as other parts of it's "body", had small round speakers built into it. This was how it played music. However, the Maestro 01's speakers, while small, were powerful enough to be weaponized. It wasn't bluffing about it's capabilities. It was however bluffing about how it intended to use said capabilities, as a sonic blast of that magnitude would effect everyone behind her as well, and, as far as Maestro knew, they didn't do anything to deserve physical trauma, temporary to permanent deafness, or even deaf.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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"Alright little robot, I won't shoot her."
Anya says while pouting as she let out a soft sigh and loosened her grip.
She dropped the gun to her side and started to holster it on her hip when...


The powerful little pistol went off. From Anya's side it was aimed right at the mechanised AI sending a bullet straight at its blue metal head.
Anya quickly instantly removed any doubt they might have about it being deliberate as she flung her legs up and rolled acrobatically over the bar taking cover.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AllHollowsEve
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Maestro 01

The Maestro 01 shuddered as the bullet passed through it's synthetic skin and into the inner workings of it's endo-skeleton. "Y-y-y-.... y-y-y...." It stuttered. It's jaw no longer worked, and the lights in half of it's hair and one of it's eyes had shut off entirely. The other eye flashed, glitchily, the upper half appearing in the lower right corner, the lower half in the upper left. Sparks were spewing forth from the gaping hole in it's face.

"You unbelievable BITCH!!!" It shouted through the speakers on the rest of it's body. It could barely see anything, having only one, partially operational camera left, so it sent out an ultrasonic pulse. A second later, it stuck it's arm over the bar, keeping it's main body safe on the opposite side. Not only had this piece of shit chosen to hide someplace away from everyone else, she chose to hide in a box. Win for the little robot. He blasted wave after wave of sonic blast at her, intending to deafen and disorient her. At the same time, he stuck out his other hand and blasted a repeating message.


@Dark Light
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pumpkinbot
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Pumpkinbot Some kind of electric gourd?

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Miri recoiled and yelped at the shot, but didn't even wait to check on the strange, metal man before thrusting her hands out and summoning a large six by six foot barrier between Anya and...well, everyone else. She positioned it right above the bar, as if to try and keep her there. "Gah! Metal man, do you mind?! Tone it down and just c--" She huffed. "Ah, the police should easily be able to find this place with that racket you're making..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

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His kept his pistol aimed at the blue-haired woman while Miri spoke. For a moment, he pulled his arm back so that his arm was bent at an 90 degree angle, clicking the hammer off the firing pin.

Now, some background on his weapon.

If one was the classify it, it would fall into the revolver category. Six round chamber, seven rounds total capacity. Not his usual weapon of choice but more of a personal protection detail. Aptly named The Virtuoso, Jhin has heavily modified this weapon as well. A typical Smith & Wesson Model 500 has a muzzle velocity of about 2000 feet per second and an effective range of about 165 feet using .50 caliber bullets. By custom-milling the interior of the barrel and giving it a smoother, more precise finish, Jhin is able to extend the effective range to about 500 feet. Using Frixion Prime technology, he altered the firing mechanism and bullet construction to increase the muzzle velocity to 3000 feet per second, rivaling that of a .416 Barrett. Needless to say, getting hit by this is like getting shot with a sniper rifle from 1/3 the distance away...

Just as he was about to speak, Jhin was interrupted by a loud bang. Maestro had previous put his hands up to defend Miri. The blue-haired woman just shot the android in the face. Instinctively, Jhin turned to where to shot was fired from, not waiting to check on the android or Miri. Seeing the blue-haired woman tumble over the bar for cover, presumably from him, confirmed his suspicion. Seeing a barrier go up above the blue-haired woman raised another suspicion in him. Was Miri in on this? Why would they plot to take out a seemingly harmless android...

His thoughts were interrupted, again, by a loud noise. This time, it came from the android. Of course it wasn't dead. It can't. It would just shut off. In any case, Jhin had to deal with the blue-haired woman, who is still armed and considered dangerous.

Spotting the bottles of alcohol behind where she was located, Jhin fired off two shots in rapid succession. With his off hand, he pulled out a lighter and lit it. As his bullets tore through the glass bottles and the wall behind it, Jhin threw his lighter at the outpouring liquor, lighting it on fire directly above the blue-haired woman. Taking aim at the bar itself now, Jhin emptied his chamber in a horizontal fashion starting from about 3 meters from where the blue-haired woman initially rolled over the bar all the way to about 3 meters on the other side. As soon as his chamber was emptied, he ejected the magazine, took out another, flicked it into the chamber, turning it several rotations with his left thumb and pulled the hammer back down, readying to fire again.

He uttered not a thing during these past 30 seconds of action...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pumpkinbot
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Pumpkinbot Some kind of electric gourd?

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Miri let out a low growl. "John! Jessie! Whatever your name is! I'm trying to stop the bloodshed! I'd appreciate it if you didn't go in guns blazing like a drunk goblin!" She briefly flicked her eyes over to the mutilated machine, though with her pupil-less eyes, it was hard to tell. "You. You're some kind of high-tech machine, right? Can you contact the authorities? So long as John J. Keeshan over here doesn't complicate things."

Suddenly, the liquor bottles above the blue-haired woman burst and caught fire--was there a gap between her shield and the ceiling? Or perhaps her shield wasn't nearly as strong as she thought. Of course the woman wouldn't stay there and let herself catch fire. Right? (Alright, she was a few elekks short of a stampede...) Anticipating, hoping, praying that the blue-haired woman would bolt out the side of the bar, Miri split her shield into two smaller 3x3 foot squares, each one controlled by either hand. One jumped over to block the woman's retreat out from behind the bar, while the other stood where the larger shield was, trying to stop her from vaulting back over. Of course, with less surface area, one could easily fire around the shields, but they'd at least hold the woman there. The only way to retreat would be the other way, away from the shields.

((I'm imagining the bar being something like this, where there's only one way out of the bar, since the other end just ends at a wall. Buuut I suppose it could also be like this, how it's open on both ends. I'm just overthinking things, go with whatever you guys want. :P ))
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Anya couldn't help but giggle with excitement from her side of the bar as the android made loud noises and Jhin managed to hit one of the only highly fmamable bottles behind the bar.
"Ha, police? Please. You guys are a hoot. Can someo-'ugh'-one turn off that bloody individual AI?"

Anya was curled up with her back to the bar and her head tucked down. When the bullets started tearing through it. One smacked her in the shoulder but couldn't penetrate her armour. It hurt but not enough to log her out. The secret was not to panic, as soon as you panic fail-safes would boot you. Still she winced in pain.

As soon as she heard the chamber click open Anya sprung up and fired multiple rounds at her attacker. All caught or deflected by the magic barrier.
"Huh, what the fuck?" she asks, lowering her gun and staring at it confused.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

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Steady breaths came from Jhin. His hands unwavering. Aiming down his sight, he noticed that the blue-haired woman had stood up. The barrier Miri had put up is keeping the fire from actually being on the blue-haired woman.

"You better hope her shields hold up." Jhin said in a monotonous way. He wasn't about games right now. She had opened fire first. For all he knows, this woman in front of him is a cop of some sort. Whatever agency she works for has an agenda. Sure, her logic was that death would boot a user out of the virtual world. But still, there are other ways do achieve what she wants to do.

"Who the fuck are you and why are you here? You sure are packing a lot of heat for just visiting the bar..."

Sure, Jhin was being hypocritical. He himself was carrying. He knew why he has to, but not her. He doesn't know why she was carrying as well. There are very little chances that this blue-haired woman was in the same line of work as he was. People come and go from his world, but he hears about all of it, in a professional standpoint.

"Miri, you better pray to whatever gods you pray to that your shields hold up. As soon as it comes off of her, I'm putting a bullet between her eyebrows."

Jhin ain't playin no games. His pistol was still fixed on his target, ready to fire.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pumpkinbot
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Pumpkinbot Some kind of electric gourd?

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Miri kept the shields up. Again, with it being split into two, it was more like holding a large up to cover a doorway. There's no squeezing through, so long as Miri can move her shields to keep her in, but it's far from impossible to get a bullet through. It's just a matter of putting the woman's head in the path of it. "I am a Priestess of the Holy Light. Compassion, Respect, and Tenacity. I am trying to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. I'm not about to let anyone get killed. And that does include you, too, John." She's either forgotten his name, or is still referring to him jokingly as "John J. Keeshan", whoever that is. "I'm trying to keep her trapped. She can't scoot out of the bar, and she can't flip over it. If she wants to move, she has to move closer to the wall, which just gives her less room. Now, you can either bitch and moan about wanting to kill her, or you can go call the police. If you can't kill her, you can at least get some sick satisf--...some satisfaction from watching her rot in prison. A compromise between me protecting her and you killing her. Deal?" Her eyes flit nervously toward the man with the gun. She knows it's unwise to piss off angry, brooding guys with weapons, but a girl still has to keep her principles.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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"Ughh" Anya groans, dropping her hands and rolling her eyes. Her small pistol dangling loosely in her fingers as she pokes the barrier.
"You fucken newbs!" She looks to Jhin shaking her head deciding his comment didn't warrent an actual reply. "There's no police because nothing here is illegal. What could they do in VR anyway?"
As she spoke her free hand pulled out her cigaret packet, looking into it she frowned remembering she already lit up the last one and dropped it somewhere.
Frustrated she pointed the gun at her prison wall and pulled the trigger.
'BANG', 'click', 'click', 'click'.

Flipping the gun around in her hand Anya started banging on the field.
"C'mon, what the hell is this? Let me out already. I got no bullets left."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pumpkinbot
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Pumpkinbot Some kind of electric gourd?

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"You shot someone in the head. How is that not illegal? He may be a machine, but...he still has sentience and sapience. If I let you out, John J. Keeshan over here is going to kill you." She starts panting lightly from the exertion of keeping the shields up.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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"Yea I did ey." She says with optimistic admiration as she peers at her handy work with a proud smile.
"He's a tough lil toaster, I'll give him that much. I still don't get your angle though..." Anya presses her forehead against the barrier with a sudden 'thud' then proceeds to softly roll it from side to side as her devilish eyes peer up past her brows and through her long eyelashes. Her words are sweetly haunting.
"You can't really be from there, what's wrong. Someone been playing in your head? I know what that's like."
While keeping her forehead to the barrier Anya twists and plants her left cheek against it as her eyes fall onto Jhin.
"He looks like the kinda guy who 'knows a guy'. He might be able to get someone to look into that noggin of yours."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

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Jhin sighed. Seeing as Miri kept her barriers up, he lowered his weapon. "This is becoming a farce. I understand that one can have an avatar in this world that resembles nothing like how they are in the real world. I chose not to do that since I have nothing to hide. I am who am I, What I am.... You two, I'm not so sure. A blue-haired woman who speaks as if she knows exactly whats going on with anyone, while shooting with blatant disregard to others. A Draenei. Those only theoretically exist in video games. Seriously. This is getting more and more out of hand by the minute. You, blue-hair, I don't know what you're after or even who you are. Right now, I don't care anymore. Yeah, sure, I know a guy. Why wouldn't I. Miri, I. I don't know what to think of you. Your kind exist in video games. Sure, there are aliens and such all around now. For all we know, the blue-haired one isn't even human."

Sighing once again, taking a sip of whatever is left of his whiskey. "I'm logging out. I hope we, all four of us, can meet again, and under different circumstances. Until then, goodbye."

With those words, Jhin opened up a small screen, and proceeded to log himself out...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pumpkinbot
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Pumpkinbot Some kind of electric gourd?

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Miri was seriously struggling to keep the shields up now, her mana pool running low. "I...have no idea what to make of any of this, personally. I have no idea what a 'video' game is, and I still don't much understand what this place is. I'm just doing my duty as a priestess." She sighed. "Very well. Light be with you." Just as the man logged out, Miri dropped the shields completely and began panting. "I saved your ass, blue-haired girl," she said bluntly. "Harm anyone else, and...huff...I won't be obliged to do so again."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Anya stumbled forward now that the shields were gone and caught herself behind the bar leaning over it. Brushing the hair from her face she simply smiled.
"He's wrong you know. People can't just avatar up in here, it's not how the scanners work."
She discarded her gun with blatant disregard, tossing it carelessly off to the side.
"I gotta remember to carry more ammo before I plug in. Any way doll... What are we gonna do with you?"
Anya now rested her chin in her hands and her elbows upon the bar. With a smile so sweet and innocent you wouldn't guess that only moments ago she was firing madly with the intent to kill. Now she was calm, relaxed and even a little playful.

"So what else can your video game magic do?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pumpkinbot
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Pumpkinbot Some kind of electric gourd?

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Miri scowled, but slowly sat back down. "We aren't going back to being friends after that scene you caused. If I had it my way, you'd be in the Stockades right now. Or whatever the equivalent here would be." She sipped at her wine for a moment before continuing. "Might I ask what prompted you to shoot an innocent machine-person in the face?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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"I was trying to shoot you remember." Anya said with a sly grin and giggle. "And I still would if I had the bullets." she teases with a wink as she makes a gun shape with her fingers and pointing at Miri pretends to shoot her.

"hmm." Anya paused and pondered on the question properly for a moment.
"I normally shoot people because others pay me to do so, but besides the money I do it because I'm good at it. And why I shot him, well I guess I find it easy. You know, almost fun. If that makes any sense?" Anya's wide eyes lock onto Miri's as she awaits her reaction and reply.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pumpkinbot
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Pumpkinbot Some kind of electric gourd?

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Miri's scowl turned into a glare, a sharp, hate-filled glare. She's quick to squeeze her eyes shut and take a deep breath before she does anything rash. A few moments later, she wordlessly pushed herself up to her hooves...and simply walked away.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Anya shrugged and sighed as the Draenei walked away, or at least the self aware AI identifying as Draenei. Anya was still curious as to what would happen to it if it was to leave the programming of the Space Bar. Was there an artificial body of sorts somewhere for it? Would it just end up back in its game? These questions faded from thought as Anya realised the barman hadn't returned.

'damn!' Anya's brows furrowed as she realised her unruly behaviour must have cost her a first level ban. 'What's the point of a bar if you can't even get a drink?'
Anya tried to logout again. It failed.
Once again fear crept into her bones. This time stronger than the last. Something was wrong but she didn't know what. With only the robot left Anya spoke to him before making her way out of the building and into the more dangerous streets.

"Reboot yourself man, you look a mess." She gave a wavering smile as she left doing anything she could to keep her mind from her troubles. She was torn between seeking a distraction and seeking help. The later meant possibly facing things she didn't want to. Maybe the violent streets would give her at least one of those things she sought after.
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