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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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As always, the Grant Hall and the food the palace staff prepared was always of the highest quality, though the conversation wasn't necessarily on par, not when it came to comfort levels, at least. Wesley did know that there was going to be a lot of uncomfortable moments. Considering how Jaakuna and Emiri went off on their own and the news about what exactly led to the saving grace of all of those monsters of darkness suddenly vanishing. Wesley felt a mixture of gratitude and dread for it. To think that Levi herself was the person to thank for both saving Ivalice from an unending slew of Zodiark's spawns, but it came at the cost of allowing her control of Zodiark.

And to make matters worse, Shion's rhetoric towards Emiri didn't help their case. It came as to no surprise to anyone at the table why she felt a certain way about Emiri's unique situation. Using such a word like purifying when referring to Emiri was, if nothing else, blunt. All knew Shion not be one to mince words, but Emiri would benefit from a different approach; that's what Wesley - and from the looks of it, Jaakuna and Savayna shared his opinion on the matter. But, as fate would have it, Emiri seemed to show more spunk and drive than Shion might've originally thought. There was almost an approving glance from Shion to Emiri (and likewise).

Wesley gave a cough, calling attention away from Shion and Emiri for a moment. "I do believe that we should carry our next order of business," Wesley stated, looking in every direction to everyone. "First off, I sent Reia and Cassandra to ARchadia before things here got too dire. In Jaakuna's absence, I thought it was best that they go ahead with preliminary treaty negotiations. I sent Cassandra in my stead."

"Do you think that was wise?" Savayna inquired, looking to Grant and Lorenzo. "It wasn't too long ago that the two were about to wage war against each other."

"Ah, yes I'm well aware of what almost happened. I assure you that Reia took care of it. Though she took the crass approach, Cassandra had become less of a problem since then. They will have no problem. I sent Alistair with them to make sure my sister doesn't cause any further stress." Wesley informed them, reaching down to his plate, and taking a bite of a potato. "I am sure, once everything settles, their talks will go on as originally planned."

"Well, that's a relief." Jaakuna let out a sigh of relief, feeling somewhat responsible for what happened earlier. "I am concerned about Archadia. In the same week, it has suffered two major blows. Roman is an outstanding man, but there's only so much he can do as Emperor. He's going to need all hands on deck."

"What are you suggesting?"

Jaakuna paused, hesitant. He looked at Emiri and then around the table. "I can't speak for all of you, but I plan on heading for Archadia as soon as I am able," Jaakuna stated as a matter-of-factly.

"I understand. you are obviously worried about your people and family. This might work out in our favor. With you there, the treaty might go along swimmingly. Plus, the presence of the rightful Emperor in Archadia would be good for morale." Wesley mused, eyes on Jaakuna.

He nodded, agreeing with Wesley's assessments.

"I suppose that poses the question about what everyone else will do?" Wesley would specifically focus his attention on the Rozarrians: Lorenzo, Grant, and his beloved, Nadeline. "I imagine you three are worried about Rozarria."
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"As much as I love the adventure, I'm pretty sure my perfect, patient, prodigious pretty wife has her own delicate hands full," Lorenzo said in response to Wesley's question, winking. "It's about time I headed on back, I'm pretty sure the Council's gonna grill me on why I've been away for so long since Reia's been handling all the heavy duty stuff."

Grant was surprised, though he wasn't sure on his own action. Nadeline would instead be the next to speak, "I will accompany my father back to Stigma. Once I know my mother is safe and sound, I can meet up with everyone," She announced. "There are a few other things I'd like to make sure of as well."

Shion was certainly glad she didn't have to play the political game, simply listening as she would take a sip of water. Aloa chuckled, as if reading her thoughts, though she would look at Grant. "I wonder, will my lord do the same?" She asked him, curious. "You seem troubled."

"It would make sense..." He said with a small shrug.

Shion nearly choked on her drink. "What in the--what happened to your voice?" She asked as Lorenzo would burst out laughing, realizing this was the first time Shion would hear Grant's new voice. Nadeline would be equally surprised, though she gave her father a disapproving look.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to ask that, too." Emiri remembered, looking at Grant innocently. "Why do you sound like a girl?"

"A girl is putting it nicely, he sounds rather shrill," Shion said, flabbergasted. "I can't say I like it, your voice was perfectly fine. Unless you're making some...other changes? Then I wish you well on that path."

Lorenzo howled with laughter, nearly falling off his chair. Grant groaned, though he had enough, shoving Lorenzo off his seat. "I'm not like this because I want to be!" He stated as Lorenzo would continue laughing on the floor. "It's either this or not being able to talk at all!"

"You chose...poorly," Aloa chuckled.

"Yeah, I don't...it's rather jarring..." Emiri admitted.

"Did you do this on purpose?" Nadeline demanded to know, hands on her hips as she glared at her father.

"That's the best part! It wasn't even intentional!" Lorenzo said between laughs.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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"I must admit, it is...not something one gets used too easily," Wesley admitting, muffling his chuckle with his napkin.

Savayna couldn't help but mimic Lorenzo's laughter, although she didn't burst into a fit as large as he did but she did find the question on Nadeline's part intriguing. "Despite how hilarious it would've been to plan this, it certainly wasn't intended. The Sonosis Macigicite--"

"You aren't serious?"

Savayna looked at Jaakuna. "Yeah, that is what's allowing him to speak. Why?"

Jaakuna shook his head. "Sonosis Magicite is used to bring about the natural femininity out in a person. It's most commonly used in giving voice to female AI's. It's what is used for Iris." Jaakuna said, recalling how tedious it was to get a hold of that specific magicite. "Frankly, I'm surprised you would do this to him."

"I didn't know. I just saw it being mentioned on one of Lorenzo's blueprints. Besides, it's the goddamn mist that's making this dude sound like a lady."

"Well, all I know is that, primarily, Sonosis Magicite is used to give a voice to female beings." Jaakuna gave a shrug, going to his meal, not really paying any mind to what anyone else was thinking at the moment.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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"So you did do it on purpose!" Nadeline couldn't believe Lorenzo. "That's going too far!"

"You can still bake a cake without flour. It's trickier, but it can still be done," Lorenzo finally got up from the ground, frowning at Nadeline. "The point of the magicite was to emulate his voice, not to give him a voice the way you would give one to an AI. That's essentially the entire point of the collar. Since his lack of voice wasn't cause by sickness or a physical ailment, I went under the assumption that it's probably magical or mist-based. That in mind, I did make adjustments to accomodate the higher pitch, but this threw me off guard, too." He reminded both Savayna and Grant. "That being said, it's a hell of a mist that's blocking his voice. The short of it being that I anticipated such a block--but I never imagined this to be the result. I'd estimate it would probably take about maybe ninety eight Sonosis Magicites to get him down to his usual, much deeper voice."

Shion seemed entirely amused, though something Lorenzo said caught her attention. "Mist-based...I see." She said, seemingly understanding something.

Emiri thought to herself for a moment. "So, if I understood all that, what you're saying is that without your adjustments, it could have been worse?" She asked.

"He probably would've made a chipmunk embarrassed," Lorenzo grinned.

Grant let out another groan, burying his head in his arms.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 1 day ago

If they thought the laughter would be contained, the mention about how Lorenzo could've made Grant sound worse than a chipmunk made everyone—even Wesley—burst into their own form of laughter. Jaakuna and Savayna had emulated Lorenzo's style of cackling as they weren't subtle about their raised, almost-cracking voices. As for WEsley and no doubt those who were more dignified, had gone into a muffled chuckkle. Though, Grant seemed to be the only one who couldn't find the humor in it.

"Cheer up, Grant!" Jaakuna patted Grant's shoulder, offering him a smile. "Take pride in that you sound like a chick and not some annoying little monkey--oh wait, that's how you usually sound."

And then the laughter continued!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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Nadeline patted Grant sympathetically, clearing her throat to get attention. She decided the group had enough of enjoyment out of his expense, and so decided to bring back the topic at hand. "So then, what will you do?" She asked Grant gently, giving him her full attention.

"I'll go home, lock myself in the castle chapel, and pray until my voice comes back," Grant's muffled reply came out from his arms. "If the gods have any mercy, I'll either get it back or die praying."

Lorenzo snickered, though this time Nadeline gave him a swift whack upside his head, and he yelled in protest. "We will go to Stigma, then. And the rest of you?" Nadeline asked, ignoring her father's grumbles.

"I'll go with Jaakuna to Archades." Emiri said immediately.

Emette stayed silent, though she looked at Shion, who seemed very interested in the dismayed Grant. "I suppose...I will go to Archadia as well," She said, folding her hands on her lap neatly. "I should check in with Francis. And..." She looked at Emette, who would shrug. "For the moment, I will leave things in your hands."

"You will accompany me, then?" Aloa asked Emette.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 1 day ago

"Then I guess it's decided," Wesley announced, closing his eyes, and crossing his legs. As he would open them, he gave everyone a smile.

Each and every one of them had come so far. He still remembered the time that Grant had captured them for the reason of solely getting Emiri back. Though it felt like a lifetime ago, it was a simple few months of time that had passed. During that specific point in time, Wesley's father had just been murdered by Judge Ixion. Wesley could recall being more than simply furious at him. He wanted his head on a pike. He wanted to maim and make him feel how it was like to get your entire life taken away from you, but that was the anger he felt about losing his father so suddenly and how he wanted someone to hurt like he had. In the end, it didn't matter because he gained a perspective that not everyone's fortunate to receive. He did end up not only forgiving Ixion for his clouded outlook and pardoned him from the crime. Under the order of an even more troubled Vincent, who had been operating under the influence of both his misguided hatred for Jaakuna but also the distorted views bestowed upon him from Hamut.

As he thought about all of that and how everyone had suffered their fair share of pain that would otherwise make an average person take their own life, they've all proven to be strong individuals who have the strongest will to live that he had ever seen. All of them--even Aloa and Shion--went through their own respective ordeals. Wesley might not have known the specifics of some, but there was no denying that they carried painful memories. Just like Jaakuna, just like Nadeline, Grant, Savayna, and Wesley himself, those two were better for it. It's made them who they are today. As someone who was observant and noticed these things and having gone through similar strife, Wesley could tell that as being one with who knew pain.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to take a commercial airship," Jaakuna admitted to the group. "There is no way I'm rested enough to drive."

"Yeah, you're reckless as it is," Savayna added, responding directly to Jaakuna.

"Look who's talking!" Jaakuna scoffed.

"Don't you go turning this on me. As I recall, back when you and Emiri here first met, weren't you the one who decided it was a brilliant move to use your Mist Knack to cause the entrance to the Garamsythe Waterway in Lowtown to cave in."

Jaakuna scoffed again. "You and I both know that the circumstances surrounding that are--"

"Wait," Wesley interrupted Jaakuna as he was about to speak. "You're the one responsible for that?" He asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at Jaakuna.

Just as Jaakuna was about to speak, his mouth betrayed him. Instead, he looked around the table for any kind of assistance.

I'm screwed, aren't I?

Better start praying to a god.

Jaakuna ignored Belias, though he would look at Wesley. He could never tell if the prince was ever mad at him or not because he had flawless poker face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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Nadeline rolled her eyes at Jaakuna, disapprovingly. "If that isn't a resounding 'yes', then I don't know what is," She said as she would once again cross her arms. "Considering your tendencies for destruction, I can't say I'm entirely surprised. Honestly, what reason could you have had to cause such a mess?"

Emiri thought long and hard, wracking her memory. "Oh, I think it was to get away from his 'crazy ex-wife'!" She remembered excitedly, though her enthusiasm fizzled. "That reminds me, I never got paid for my cactuar flower..."

Shion raised her eyebrows. "Those are quite worth a pretty gil."

"Yeah, I told them to meet me at the Sandsea with the payout, but then he showed up!" Emiri defended herself, pointing at Jaakuna. "He suddenly showed up in my room! It was actually kind of scary..."

"I remember our first meeting. You had jumped down several floors from a hotel in Bhujerba, and his words were quite crass," Nadeline said, piling onto Jaakuna.

"I was kinda jealous 'cause you were going around Ivalice with my fiancé," Grant's muffled addition of his first impression of Jaakuna came out, though he would raise his head. "In all fairness, I wasn't exactly a good guy at the time."

"Jaakuna was crass, but deep down, he still had that kind heart of his," Emiri grinned.

"Isn't this the same one that tried to kidnap you?" Shion couldn't help but ask.

"Kidnap? What?" Grant was surprised.

"It wasn't a kidnapping! It was a romantic escape!" Nadeline gushed, completely changing her tone. "They were so in love with one another, and rather than hand her over, he decided to flee with her off into the sunset!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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"Well.." Jaakuna awkwardly interrupted Nadeline's last sentence, looking at everyone, scratching the back of his head nervously. "I was paid by Aloa and Vlyn to retrieve Emiri for Reia. Though, I didn't return the gil I got paid. I decided, like a true sky pirate, to take the gil and goods." He let out a proud laugh.

Wesley kind of chuckled, "well, I guess you really haven't changed in these months that passed. To think the infamous explosion in Lowtown that my guards thought was some rebel trying to usurp my father's rule turned out to be nothing more than a reckless buffoon." He chuckled, giving Jaakuna a smile after receiving a scowl.

"What do you mean reckless idiot?"

"I meant it as a compliment." Wesley assured Jaakuna, "although.."


"Cassandra's going to be disappointed."

"What does your sister have to do with how Jaakuna is a kidnapping, gil-stealing idiot?" Savayna asked, beating Jaakuna to the punch.

"Yeah, what my crazy ex-wife said."

Wesley let out a sigh, glancing over at everyone's exasperated expressions. "Around the time that you had blew up Lowtown and the story behind who it was got way out of control, you could say, Cassandra, though she didn't know who it was, developed this obsession about the person." He let out another sigh, seeming to dread what he was about to say. "I remember she had said she wanted to meet this person and honor them in a way that only she could." He shuttered at the thought.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Emiri visibly twitched at Wesley's statement. So even back then, Cassandra had figured out that it was Jaakuna, huh? She let out a small, evil sounding chuckle, though she plastered on a smile. "Good thing that's not something we need to worry about. Right?" She looked at Jaakuna, and from the outside, it seemed innocent enough, but the reality was that it was a rather unsettling look. The girl wasn't afraid to remind the princess exactly who she was messing with. "And no worries, I can easily remind her as such since we're going together anyway."

Lorenzo ended the conversation with a rather loud yawn, though he would stand. "Right then! So you'll be letting me borrow your vehicle again, right, Jaakie?" The man grinned at Jaakuna, causing Nadeline to look at him suspiciously. "I'm more than certain I can make it go even faster than before! I got this neat idea where if I charge it with lightning--"

"No!" The princess immediately protested. "We can go by airship and get there just fine!"

"Aw, come on! We got here pretty quick from Archadia, and besides, you'll end up going from Stigma to Archades by ship," Lorenzo pointed out, nudging Grant.

"It would mean we would return faster," Grant agreed with Lorenzo.

"And if we become unstable we can die in a fiery crash!" Nadeline refused.

Aloa ignored the conversation, nodding at Shion. Once the woman returned the gesture, the viera would depart without another word. As Nadeline continued to argue with Lorenzo, Emette would choose to do the same, following the viera. Emiri would then stand, walking quickly to catch up with them. "We'll meet again, won't we?" She asked Emette.

The white haired girl stared at Emiri for a moment. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked as Nadeline whined in response to Grant's reasoning. "Although...I suppose before I go, I should give you a fair warning."

"What is it?"

Emette let out a small sigh, though she looked at Emiri seriously. "The more you try to fight it, the worse it will get. The more you try to deny yourself, the more you try to shut out your powers, you'll find yourself buried in self doubt. Shion will try to show you the way, but heed my advice; embrace it. It's just as much a part of you as your heritage is." Emette informed her quietly.

Easier said than done, The brunette couldn't help but think, though she nodded. "I appreciate it."



Blue eyes examined Emiri for a moment, though she closed them. "It's nothing. Until next time, then," Emette stated, turning on her heel as she would follow Aloa out.

"I'm just saying it's more practical," Grant had said, shaking his head, informing Emiri that the conversation was ending.

Taking in a deep breath, she rejoined the group. "I guess it's time we headed out, too. I'm sure Roman would like to be informed of what has happened," She said.

"Indeed," Shion agreed as she would stand.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Things at the Royal Palace went into a bit of an uproar as Wesley had announced he was going to accompany Nadeline and her uncles to Stigma. In that, it caused the staff to rush around and panic as they had to make adjustments to the lack of their king. Of course, no one was more surprised by this rather impulsive decision than Isabelle was. As Wesley could note, she wasn’t too pleased with the decision. She noted that it was just like how she used to be. After a back-and-forth, she gave in, and would simply let him be.

And then, after one additional hour, the group walked in bulk through the city from the palace, escorted by the Knights of Dalmasca, of course, and made their way into the Aerodome. Each of them booking their own flights. The group of Jaakuna, Savayna, Emiri, and Shion were booking a commercial airship flight to the Imperial City of Archades, and the Rozarrians of the group (with the addition of Wesley) booked their own flight for the Divine City of Stigma. They would, of course, say their farewells. Mostly, it was Grant and Savayna acting a bit awkwardly. They didn’t embrace or anything - well, they kind of did, but not as much as both probably would’ve preferred.

And thus, they each with forth into their respective terminals. Some returning home and some going for their own reasons. Whether it was to support the one they loved or to reunite with one they loved, it was not to be denied that their reasons for going were good enough for those who had a trip to return home in mind.

Jaakuna was well-rested after taking half of the day to just sleep. Though, it not only took that much time away from not only him but his traveling companions. After the night they had, a nice, long rest was just exactly what the Doctor Cid ordered. Besides, he welcomed the low-paced rest with open arms. Sometimes, even a Sky Pirate needed to be grounded for a while. Nothing like a commercial airship that moved slower than a Wood Toad to knock back a few hours of some shut-eye.

As he got up a bit groggy, the pilot announced through the telecom that their vessel had arrived in Archades, to which Jaakuna let out a loud groan, possibly waking up Emiri, who seemed to still be asleep. Though, perhaps not anymore after Jaakuna wasn’t so quiet in his groan just now. Either way, they would have to get their stuff ready, so Jaakuna repeatedly shook the bed, which seemed to be a mistake because he did so too violently and Emiri was sent on a first-class trip to Face-Firstville on the floor. Jaakuna knew he made the mistake when heard two things: a loud thud and Emiri’s sudden yelp of pain.

“There have been worse ways to wake up, I suppose.” Jaakuna nervously laughed as he would go to help her up As soon as he did, he would make sure nothing was broken. He couldn’t be responsible for her hurting herself even if it was his fault.

Wesley didn’t sleep much.

Unlike the rest of his friends, he was able to catch some sleep before they’d returned to Rabanastre. Besides, there were a few thoughts on his mind. As he sat in the room he and Nadeline shared for the entirety of the trip by the window, he gazed at the open sky as they had come into view of Stigma. Despite what happened, it seemed to retain its stability since he was last here. A lot has happened and Wesley had to wonder what the state of the empire was. He knew that the Rozarrian council, no matter how much they liked Karolina - and Wesley knew they were fond of her - they needed someone with blood ties to the family. Wesley knew it was on Nadeline’s mind. He knew it was also on Lorenzo’s and GRant’s mind too.

Soon a voice announced that they’ve arrived and Wesley would turn and get his things. He strapped his sword on his left hip and strapped his rations along his entire waist. Once done, he looked to Nadeline, giving her a nod. “Let us go then.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Can you hear me?

You again?

Ah, you remembered. Good. Nice to see you in one piece. But we have a lot of work to do, don't we?

Work? What? Who are you? How do I know I can trust you?

Yes, work. Everyone else has surpassed you. It's about time we caught up! And I'm--

The sensation of falling seemed to wake her up before hitting the floor did, resulting in a yell of terror. She let out a low groan followed by a whine as Jaakuna would pick her up by her arms. She was momentarily dazed, though a hand was on her nose, wincing from pain. She almost forgot where she was for a moment, Jaakuna's words clearing her mind. There was that voice again, though it spoke a lot more than it did before. She crossed her arms, trying to match the voice with anyone she knew, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. It was the same voice that had confirmed Zodiark in her dream, but for some reason, she was perfectly comfortable with it. But who was it?

After a moment, Emiri looked at Jaakuna, as if wanting to say something. "Honestly...this trip makes me miss the Ifrit," She admitted, changing her mind about telling him at the last second. "It was a lot faster, too."

Grant patted the dozing Lorenzo's shoulder once, signaling their arrival. The man groaned something about needing more rest, though the moment he realized they had arrived, he sprung to life once more. Grant had to admit he wished he had a little of Lorenzo's spirit--he seemed very excited to be back in Stigma. It was likely his enthusiasm to see Karolina again, though it just made Grant slightly more regretful. He should've accompanied Savayna, but he had his own business to attend to. Still, distance makes the heart go fonder, and as the pair met up with Wesley and Nadeline, he noticed her fidgeting slightly. She had changed into something more appropriate, though it was obvious that she wasn't used to such a flowing dress. Likely, she was trying to hide her figure--and it was then Grant knew exactly what Nadeline was going to do. He gave Wesley a sympathetic look, and together, the group would go to the castle.

To his relief, the city had been let off with minimal damages. The soldiers were busy at work, but the civilians were doing their part as well. Some of them would greet the group before continuing on their way, bringing Grant joy he didn't know he had. He was worried when Aloa informed them that the cities had been attacked, but it seemed they handled themselves just fine. He let out a sigh of relief, though an equal sense of dread took him for a moment. He wasn't sure why, but it was likely due to Nadeline's announcement. He was probably going to hear it from...everyone. 'How could you let your niece do something like that under your watch' or 'The dignity of the princess stolen under her nose'! Gods, he wasn't looking forward to this. At all.

They entered the castle easily, at which point Nadeline would take the lead. She was nervous, but she hid it rather well, all things considered. That, and everyone's attention would likely turn to Lorenzo, who apparently couldn't stand to be away from his wife for another second. "Oi! Mariano! Where's Karolina?!" He yelled out to a servant, his voice slightly more demanding than usual.

"Welcome back, Your Highness," The servant greeted him, seemingly used to Lorenzo's wildness. "Lady Karolina is on her way to meeting with the Council. Shall I inform her of your arrival?"

"Meeting? Without us? Pshh...assholes. Nope, we're going there now," Lorenzo said, motioning for the group to follow. "This is probably what Reia was afraid of, and another reason I need to stay here. They're probably all hatching their own plans, passing shit without opposition..."

"Karolina knows at least how to stall," Grant said, frowning.

Nadeline exhaled, though as they came to the door leading to the Meeting Room, she gave Wesley an apologetic look. "Time to face the music," She mumbled, pushing the doors open.

There sat four older gentlemen, completely silent, though all equally surprised at the group's arrival. "Your Highnesses! You've returned!" One exclaimed.

At the same time, Karolina had arrived, equally as surprised. "Lorenzo--!" She didn't even get a chance to properly express herself before literally getting swept off her feet by her husband. "Goodness!" She giggled, clearly happy to see him again.

"How could I go another minute without you?" He asked, grinning widely as he put her down.

"We were going to meet about...well, it seems you have something more important," Karolina was surprisingly astute, though she smiled warmly at Wesley. "It's wonderful to see you again, Wesley."

"Wesley? Of Dalmasca?" Another councilman questioned.

Nadeline clapped her hands together. "Be seated, please, I have an announcement to make," She implored everyone. As they did, all eyes were on her. It was somewhat unsettling, though she had little choice. "Before I begin, I would like to formally introduce His Highness, Prince Wesley Alexander of Dalmasca. Wesley, these are four representatives of our Council--Arcturus, Aurelio, Leblanc, and DeVanios." She would introduce them, and only then would she decide to unveil her announcement. "I've come here today to officially withdraw myself as successor to the throne."

"What? Truly?" DeVanios asked, shocked. "This is quite sudden."

"I assume this coincides with Prince Wesley's arrival?" Aurelio asked, a suspicious look on his face.

Karolina frowned, though Lorenzo took her hand in his, as if assuring her. Nadeline would nod once, and continue, "It is a decision I did not make easily. I assure you, I weighed every possible outcome, though as you've suspected, it...does have to do with Prince Wesley," She stated. "As of this moment we are engaged--he has proposed marriage to me, and I accepted."

The four men looked at one another, concerned. "With all due respect, this is usually something that is discussed between members of the royal family," Aurelio said slowly. "While the prospect of unifying Rozarria and Dalmasca is one that will lead to much prosperity, it could quite possibly send the wrong message to Archadia."

Grant cleared his throat, deciding to help Nadeline out. "We--uh, excuse the voice, it's...complicated--we understand the implications, and have been working extensively with Prince Jackson Darcone and Emperor Roman. As a gesture of peace, Her Highness Cassandra is being offered in place, as you know the treaty between the three nations is also a symbol of this." He said.

Leblanc let out a sigh, placing his hands on the table. "We are aware that that is the reason our Empress is far from home. Though...you must know we have also come to a decision on our current succession crisis. Admittedly, this changes things," He told them. "While we appreciate you going out of your way to ensure peace and creating a relationship between the three countries, the fact of the matter is that Rozarria is--technically--without a ruler. We named Reia Empress after the death of Augustus out of necessity, though we have learned that she is not fit to rule."

"As Lorenzo refuses to take part, that would lead to Princess Nadeline's ascension. Of course, with this news, things change once more..." DeVanios added. "If Nadeline is to be wed to Dalmasca's prince, then that leaves Grant as next in line. It's...somewhat unconventional."

"Well, having Grant as ruler would be beneficial. Though it would lead to the question as to who to marry him to," Aurelio said. "His marriage to a commoner is no more at his request, but perhaps the daughter of Baron Timothy, or Duchess Jessibel?"

And now to really throw the oil onto the flames. "I've laid my heart out to another," Grant told them, bracing himself for the backlash. All four men seemed unsettled by this, but Lorenzo would nod at him. Still, Grant had to tell them the truth. "...to an Archadian General by the name of Savayna Glacie..."

Suddenly, it felt like the spotlight was thrown onto Grant. The conversation was getting out of Nadeline's hands, and she summoned all her willpower to make sure it didn't get derailed. "That being said, we have laid out our future. We hope to gain your support," She told them.

"Both of them marrying outside of the country, how will our noblemen take this?" DeVanios asked, worried.

"They'll be outraged." Arcturus was more blunt about it. "To think an Archadian becoming the wife of our emperor...our princess handed off to another country without any sort of warning..."

"We mean no offense," Nadeline quickly said. "Among other reasons..."

Karolina's expression went from confused to shock. Unfortunately, it seemed Aurelio had also picked up the cue. "Other reasons? Marriage between nobility has no other reasons other than something to gain from their nations. Or...Are you bearing a child?" He asked her, eyes narrowed.

"This is an insult to the highest caliber!" Leblanc gasped. "How could this have happened?! Who is the father? Is it Wesley? Some other man?"

Nadeline's eyes widened, though she immediately recovered, gaining a second wind. "Do not think me some common whore! Remember who it is you are speaking to!" Her words had all the weight of her birthright behind them, silencing everyone at once. Once she had gotten the reigns of the conversation once again, she would continue. "I have always acted with Rozarria's intentions in mind. With Jackson's treaty, our reign will be one of peace. Marrying Wesley is a step in the right direction, and I am willing to forsake my homeland, to leave and ensure that we prosper together!"

Arcturus nodded. "Rozarria's very heart lies with you, Your Highness," He told her. "But you must understand our position as well. Marrying out of love is a fantasy people in your role dream to have."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 1 day ago

“You and me both.” Jaakuna let out a sigh of sadness. Oh, how he missed his baby. More importantly, he missed hearing Iris’ voice. If there would be anything accomplished out of this trip, it’d be that he and the Ifrit get reunited. But for now, they had more important things to tackle. Specifically, getting to Roman as quick as possible.

Jaakuna had gathered what he needed and pulled Emiri along as he went for a sprint. In his haste, Jaakuna may or may not have activated his mist and blazed up, creating a rather noticeable hole in the door and rushed past Savayna and Shion, causing them to be left in his dust. Additionally, Jaakuna would rush past everyone and burst through the doors, leaving a path of total destruction as he yelled with glee and excitement.

Once out of the aerodome, he and Emiri (mostly him) would not worry about the hassle of using an aircab. Instead, with Emiri in his arms, Jaakuna sprouted an aura of fire and would take flight, speeding past all aircabs and miniature airships that had been flying.

“I hope this is fast enough for you, my darling!” Jaakuna yelled out from the excitement, turning and twisting as he played keep away with oncoming traffic.

Meanwhile, in the airship, everyone was all in a frenzy as their supposed prince had left all with minor burn injuries. Savayna looked at Shion with a sigh. “I bet you regret not taking separate airships.” Savayna said to Shion, sighing annoyingly.

The journey through the city made Wesley feel a little at ease. Stigma had always been a staple for the pride of the Rozarrian people. To see it not only withstood the onslaught of the invasion that took to Ivalice’s soils throughout the night but all Rozarrians - military and civilians - were working together so their city may return to its former glory at some point in time, Wesley felt his queen’s pride as well as every ounce of pride that came from Grant and Lorenzo.

When they stepped through the Castle gates and walked in the castle itself, there was a brief moment of conversation between some servant by the name of Mariano. Apparently, the meeting with the council had already begun. Wesley didn’t know what this meant, but as Grant noted that Karolina knew how to stall, Wesley noticed Nadeline’s sigh of relief. Despite that, however, it didn’t stop either of the Rozarrians from heading to the Council Meeting Room.

Upon entering, Lorenzo made all come to a pause as he brought his wife into an embrace. Wesley couldn’t deny the entertaining factor of when Lorenzo and Karolina were in each other’s arms. There was something infectious about it - so much so that Wesley glanced at their daughter, giving her a sweet smile.

“And to you, Karolina.” Wesley gave a similar smile to his future mother-in-law.

Shortly afterward, the meeting would continue with all taking their seats. Wesley took a seat on the far left with Nadeline, Lorenzo, Karolina, and Grant following to the right. Across from them were four men who all looked to be in their mid-life, though one by the name of Arcturus seemed to be older than the other three. They seemed to be devoid of outward emotions. They seemed to be the types that were excellent at hiding their true intention. Wesley knew men like these. He was a man like them.

After letting out a muffled chuckle, Wesley simply minded his tongue as the conversation started with a bombshell he’d suspected Nadeline was going to tell them. While she did mostly keep it to herself, there had been suspicious that she’d inform the council. Given what happened to them in recent days and how she’s most likely carrying his child, it was an obvious choice from anyone with inside knowledge. Though, as Wesley had noticed from the councilmen, they didn’t seem to share Wesley’s approval.

And to be frank, Wesley thought they were a tad harsh on her. However, Aurelio seemed to be more understanding of it, if not a tad uninformed. Thankfully, Grant would enlighten them about Jaakuna’s treaty and how, even as this meeting took place, they were in the process of getting it started. Added to that, Wesley did find it mildly amusing how, no matter what either of the four men said, they would be silenced by a correction from either Nadeline or Grant. And when they would bring up an alternate solution, they would, again, be thrown off-guard. There was absolutely no denying that Wesley had found the entertainment value in this.

You’re enjoying yourself, aren’t you?

It’s hard not to. These men, try as they might, are having the most difficult time in getting what they want. As far as I’ve heard of them, they’ve made Reia’s life hard, which in turn had made her into a difficult person. If anything, I am a firm believer in--

And as Wesley was cut off mid-thought, Aurelio implied something that got Wesley’s attention.

On the subject of Nadeline’s other reasons, he saw through the subtlety on her part about how she was bearing his child and the councilman, despite his attempt to not insult her, had flat-out accused Nadeline of being a common whore - something she corrected him that she wasn’t. That didn’t matter to Wesley, however. This man, no matter his nobility status, talked down to his queen. If there was one thing Wesley could not and would not stand, it was anyone disrespecting the love of his life without them paying for it.

Proceed with caution.

Wesley heard Hashmal’s words and he cleared his throat. Even after Nadeline had explained it, they seemed as stubborn as any Rozarrian was. Wesley eyed all of them. They all made him sick. These kinds of men who had no business ordering around those in power what they should do in their personal lives. Telling Nadeline that she couldn’t marry him because it was a fantasy. To think that their hearts have grown stale and empty that they couldn’t see to Nadeline’s reason.

Well, fortunate for them, it was not only her place to speak.

“Forgive me, Noble Council. I know I am not familiar with all of Rozarria’s traditions, but is it not stated in your laws that, should an heir find a suitable partner, they are free to choose what they want to do no matter where it’ll lead them, correct?” Wesley seemed to recall from memory as he looked at each of them. Wesley leaned back into his chair, resting his head lightly on his arm, eyes still on the councilmen. “There was a time where the Rozarrian Council encouraged the heir to seek foreign partners. So, pray tell, when did you forsake the traditions your forefathers fought so hard to establish?” Wesley asked them as he remained in his seat.

Inside the Emperor’s Tower, Roman had been busy at signing order after order. Isaiah, as First Judge Magister, oversaw each order. They were anywhere from building permits to pardons for wrongly-convicted criminals. There were at least five piles of them and Roman was only halfway through the first stack of them.

He let out a sigh, looking out the window, admiring how far the repair had come. With as much technology that was at their disposal, the restoration of Archades should be completed within a month. Of course, that’s assuming the city doesn’t take another massive hit. Thankfully for them, Archadia’s allies have been helping with the renovation.

As he had his eyes on the buildings, he noticed an odd shine coming from the central building. “It might just be me or…” Isaiah noticed it was coming closer and closer. Only was it as it came into full-view did he realize what it was, or rather, who it was. “Get down, my Emperor!”

Isaiah didn’t have enough time to warn Roman in time, so he tackled the man to the ground as the blazing aura had came bursting through the window in a crazed, excited laughter, setting the piles of papers ablaze, and nearly burning the door to the office too. Thankfully, he had a control of his speed.

“Jaakuna, what a pleasure to see you.” Isaiah tried to say that as genuine as he could, but given the circumstances, he couldn’t very well mean it the way he had hoped.

“Damn babe, now talk about a landing!” Jaakuna, who had completely ignored his cousin, looked at Emiri in his arms, with a wide smile. “We almost bit the dust there with that aircab holding those Viera. I swear, if I hadn’t done that spiral, they’d be toast.”

“Did you hear me!?”

“Not to mention, getting here was a real test of speed and strength.” Jaakuna was still in his own zone until he felt something zap him, which sent him face-first into the door and unconscious.

Good going, dumbass!

Oh shut up, will ya?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"At least he knows how to cut a clear path," Shion commented as the pair sped off. "You can't say he doesn't know how to entertain."

Meanwhile Emiri struggled to keep up with Jaakuna, their advancement at a rather alarming speed. She sent hurried apologies to whoever was unfortunate enough to get in Jaakuna's way. There was no stopping him once he started, and when he did stop, she was shocked when he would take her into his arms and immediately continue at an inhuman speed. She let out a less heard squeal of delight, hanging onto him tightly. Archades passed them in a blur, and before she knew it, they ran straight through the door, and she erupted into laughter.

Roman hadn't heard the warning until it was much too late; gone were his organized stacks, gone was any sense of dignity, flown out the window as he helplessly watched his piles scatter onto the floor. He let out a cry that could be mistaken for one of pain, reaching out as if he could somehow rectify the situation with willpower. But it was much too late, no, it was a doomed cause for which he could never recover. How cruel, what had he done to deserve this? He had just been getting in the groove, surely in a manner of hours he may have hoped to put a dent into things? But gone was that hope, gone...all gone...

As Emiri had finally gotten on her feet, sharing Jaakuna's grin. As she was about to reply, she let out a rather alarmed yell as Jaakuna was sent flying. It was then she remembered where she was, giving Roman a rather sheepish, apologetic look. "R-Roman! I mean, Emperor, it's good to see you!" She hastily gave him a greeting, bowing deeply. "Please excuse the intrusion! We have come to see that the treaty be completed!"

Ah yes, the treaty. Roman would stand, dusting himself off. "A pleasure as always, Miss Iniko," He greeted her cheerily, regaining a majority of his composure, though as his glance went to the fallen paperwork, it looked like he wanted to cry. "Your very presence brings a new light to this place."

Grant had to hold in his chuckle to the best of his ability. He had almost forgotten that Wesley knew how to play the game just as well the older gentlemen did. At that point he would lean back in his chair more comfortably, though still alert and attentive. Leblanc seemed to squirm in his seat, not having expected such a swift response from Wesley himself. Arcturus seemed to hold steady, though Grant wasn't surprised--out of all the council members, Arcturus was the most experienced. Despite the way he came off, he out of all of them held Rozarria's best interests, even if it came out the wrong way.

This time, however, DeVainos would chose to respond. "Of course, Prince Wesley. Foreign partners are not an uncommon prospect. But with the recent death of Augustus, Rozarria would do well to stay within her borders, at the very least until its family is once again prosperous," He would explain respectfully. "Roland has stained the Roselia name, and Lorenzo outright refuses the throne. Both Nadeline and Grant are looked to for our future, and it is quite shocking they would go and make these decisions very suddenly. Perhaps if only one had--for example, if only Nadeline had made her intentions clear, we would rest easy knowing we have Grant for Rozarria. But admittedly, knowing Grant wishes to make an Archadian his bride..."

"To be quite frank, it's a dilemma." Arcturus stated. "Our princess wishes to marry a Dalmascan, but will go to him rather than stay in Rozarria--especially with a child on the way, more reason for her future king, whose claim includes a future heir for the Alexander family. Our prince wishes to wed an Archadian--the same prince that will likely be our choice of Emperor. We cannot lose them both."

Nadeline tried to remain calm, though Wesley's words gave her courage. As she moved to speak, however, Grant would then lean forward, catching their attention. "Tell me something." He said, his expression curious. "You state it is because you fear our loss. Is it that you fear the Roselia family's power will fade? Or is it that another family wishes to take the throne, and this is not something you want?"

"Well...if we go down the line, I suppose Duke Herman and the house of Juniper would be next..." Leblanc said. "Although they are more focused on the market, looking more for personal profits as opposed to profits for all..."

"Herman is ten years Grant's senior, and Duchess Fiona remains without children for half of that," Aurelio reminded them. "If Nadeline is to bear a child, why must it be an Alexander? Why not continue the Roselia name?"

"I suppose that's a point..." DeVanios seemed to agree.

They seemed fixated on Nadeline's future child, much to her dismay. She looked over at her parents, noticing Lorenzo's scowl. She was surprised to see her mother's sadness--she was probably disappointed in her. Nadeline looked away, though she heard Grant let out a sigh. "I think Wesley would certainly want his future wife and child to have his name. Do you think he will just abandon them?" Grant asked, feigning ignorance. "What an assumption..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Isaiah shook his head at his Emperor. Even in the wake of his paperwork being reduced to nothing but ash, he still found the time to flirt with his brother’s girlfriend. Honestly, it was times like these that made Isaiah miss his grandfather. Even still, at least with Jaakuna down and out for the time being, there would be time to have a moment of reprieve. Surely Roman was craving his tenth cup of tea since his last break.

“For heaven’s sake, Roman..” Isaiah would go over to where the tea was and pour two cups - one for Roman and one for Emiri. He would hand one to each of them and take hsi position back at the right side of Roman’s desk. “So, what are you two doing here, anyway?” Isaiah asked Emiri.

And just as the question had been asked, Jaakuna started to wake up. As he would start to stand up, the door suddenly burst open with force and it smacked Jaakuna in the face, flipping him once. He was, once again visiting the Land of Dreams.

“Yes, can we help you?” Isaiah asked, looking at two women in front of him. Both of them were blonde, but one was certainly older than the other. “Oh, Princess Cassandra and Empress Reia, how good of you to join us.”

Cassandra looked around the room, seeing two Archadians with the added bonus of an unconscious Jackson and Emiri, which made her scowl for a brief moment, though she would recover. As she walked past Emiri, she offered the girl a superior scoff, laughing somewhat at the blonde prince's predicament. "Ah, Judge Ixion, well met!" Cassandra greeted him pleasantly, giving him a kiss on the cheek, "and Emperor Roman! Your reputation proceeds you, though I was to assume that it would just be the three of us." She inquired confused.

Hearing them all speak made Wesley grow more irate as they kept speaking. Honestly, most of what they said fell on deaf ears. He heard bits and pieces, but there came a point where Wesley just heard it as the same thing, just in different phrasing. At which point should Wesley keep his mouth quiet? If Jaakuna were here, they’d shut up. In all honesty, Jaakuna would’ve made them fear him the second they’d call his beloved a whore. Maybe that wasn’t always the right way to go, but if they kept speaking the way they did, Wesley might have to resort to that kind of desperate tactic.

Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

Wesley couldn’t agree more. It was his last resort.

In the meantime, of course, Wesley had to deal with the growing frustration at this council. He now understood what drove Reia to her desperate actions. Having these out-of-touch, soulless, fools always breathing down your neck would drive anyone to hold onto power no matter what it’d cost you. Wesley sure as hell knew that he would be without a soul with these four on him all day and night. One has to think that Reia was thankful for the time away.

Of course, that didn’t solve the problem that Wesley and the others were facing right now.

“My apologies, Council, but I don’t believe I heard right.” After a long moment of silence following Grant, he spoke, looking at the four men as neutrally as he could. “Did you actually imply that I, Wesley Alexander and rightful king of Dalmasca, give up my heir’s name just because it inconveniences you?” Wesley inquired, “I, of course, am meaning no disrespect, though you’ve hardly showed me the same courtesy.”

“An inconvenience isn’t the half of it,” Leblanc informed him. “An inconvenience is having a prince choose to wed an Archadian--who until very recently was a threat to our country. This threatens to crumble what little order we have. Do you think it wise to simply give up our princess out of a love she claims to have? Clearly lust was at play here.”

Grant had to bite his own tongue at his point, giving Lorenzo a swift kick to prevent him from speaking. Lorenzo glared at Grant, who would shake his head. He knew Lorenzo had good intentions, but he needed to understand that Nadeline, for all intents and purposes, was not his problem. She was Wesley’s--and he knew that Wesley wasn’t going to take this sitting down (figuratively, of course).

Nadeline scoffed. “You wound me with your words,” She said icily.

“Perhaps. Unless you’ve eloped and married without anyone knowing?”

“Nadeline is not yours to give away. She is not a hound that you can train and retrieve a stick you have thrown across the way nor is she a bargaining chip for you--none of you--to use in your quest to hold onto power.” Wesley informed them rather firmly without losing his cool. “She is, as Councilman Arcturus said, the heart of Rozarria. And the fact that you councilmen have the audacity to imply that she doesn’t know how to differentiate lust from love in not only an insult on her or the Royal Family, but it’s an insult on Rozarria!” His voice stung harder than a flock of wasps.

The three men seemed displeased with Leblanc, who would quietly sink into his seat. Grant wasn’t quite able to hide his grin, clearly enjoying this much more than he should have. DeVanios would instead do his best to appeal to Wesley in a way he could understand. “Absolutely, Highness. We wish only for Rozarria’s future the same way I am sure you think of Dalmasca,” He said. “But as a ruler, even you must agree that this comes off very much as a shock. Nadeline is our princess. She comes and goes as she pleases, and then suddenly comes back, engaged and pregnant? Even at the best of times, it’s startling. She can do as she pleases, but that doesn’t mean she should. Or, at the very least, announce her intentions ahead of time so that we may adjust.”

“Marriage between royals is as strategic as it is seeking benefits. Despite gaining a positive with our relationship with the Alexander family, we feel her loss is a huge one,” Aurelio couldn’t help but add.

“Huge doesn’t begin to describe it,” Leblanc ended up admitting. “Nadeline is completely adored by all. Losing her to another country is a blow unlike any other.”

Now they were just grasping at straws.

Wesley eyed all of them carefully, but he centered his attention at Leblanc. “Let me ask you a question, Councilman Leblanc.”

“Yes, my lord?”

“You all claimed to know about the treaty, but do you know what it actually entails?”

He seemed to struggle with an answer, unsure of where to go. This time, however, Arcturus would speak. “We do not. Please, enlighten us.”

“It is an intricate, detailed treaty that was penned by myself, my mother, Queen Regent Isabelle Alexander, the rightful heir to the Archadian Empire, Jackson Darcone, and your Empress, Reia Roselia. In it, they organized a way where our three, great Empires will enter a binding treaty that is tied with Ivalice’s greatest and simple pleasure that she has granted us.”

“A treaty we have yet to see,” Aurelio couldn’t help but point out. “Are you suggesting your marriage to Nadeline is included?”

“Not just mine, Councilman.” Wesley said, “in it, our countries will be connected through the unions of myself and Nadeline, my sister, Cassandra and Roman, Grant and Roman, and Jackson and Emiri. Through this treaty, it will ensure that we all get what we want. I will be able to rule my country with my beloved at my side, you will get your wish to have a successor in the form of Grant, who, in my humble opinion, is the best option. He is not only a battle-tested commander, but he is just as emotionally-sound as he is compassionate to those close to him.” Lorenzo could barely contain a snort of laughter, though he then grunted, his face on the table. Karolina smiled for Wesley to continue. Grant reminded himself to never piss Karolina off.

He looked at all of them, his eyes suddenly shifting into something threatening. “Royal Council, I can promise you one thing: if you do not forsake any and all notions you have of using Nadeline for your political agenda, your tenures as councilmen will come to a swift end.” Wesley threatened them, his resolve unwavering.

The air in the room had this invisible lightning, the tension rising much faster than it should have. Nadeline looked at Wesley, unsure of what direction he was trying to take this. It would be a moment before anyone would break the silence--and DeVanios would, once again, take that honor. “This is certainly an accusation…” He admitted. “Though...this ‘Emiri’...that wouldn’t happen to be the same Emelia Iniabi, would it?”

“Iniabi...Lord Andre’s daughter?” Leblanc asked, surprised. “We are aware that Grant cancelled the engagement...is this the reason?”

“Regardless of the reason, I do wonder how Archadia will take it.” Aurelio wondered outloud.

“Losing a commonborn--even a daughter of a famed general--can’t quite compare to our princess,” Leblanc muttered. “Jackson...not the same Jackson accused of murdering his father? That...can’t be right.”

This time, Grant felt the need to speak. “Jackson was acquitted, and deemed not responsible,” He intervened, halting the discussion between the councilmen immediately. “I only ask you not let false information cloud your judgement.

“A comforting thought. Commonborn as she may be, an offering to Archadia would certainly be beneficial,” Arcturus spoke, though he would then turn to the situation at hand. “The three countries united...it almost sounds too good to be true.”

Aurelio nodded. “Then we assume this will all be happening in the near future?” He asked. “I admit, however, I am still concerned. Nadeline will wed Wesley--clearly, their decision is made. But I fear, for our...next issue.”

Grant wanted to let out a groan; he hated being put on the spot. “Emiri--Emelia and Nadeline will serve as symbols. Despite her ‘nominal’ importance, I urge you take Jaakuna--Jackson’s marriage to her just as seriously,” He was stumbling over their names--why the hell didn’t they use their normal names like everyone else again? “[color=magenta]Now more than ever, we need to all be on the same page.”

“Which is all well and good to be said, but the actions laid before us are on the contrary!” Leblanc frowned. “Which also brings us to you. An Archadian woman! And not just any, no, it had to be a Glacie! Have you any idea what that name means?”

“I must ask,” Aurelio would interrupt Leblanc’s rant. “Grant, if anything has made this conversation clear, it is that you will be our Emperor. And seeing as how...haphazard this has been, you are aware that the responsibility of the country falls to you? And your bride to be is alright with this?”

Unfortunately, this time, Grant was like a deer in headlights. Tripping over the finish line; ah, sweet ignorance, thy taste was pleasant. He hadn’t a clue what to say: should he admit outright that he hadn’t actually spoken to Savayna about this, or should he just lie about it? The awkwardness and tension between the two had skyrocketed. He wasn’t even half sure that Savayna wanted to move to Rozarria. And yet…

Of course she is” He said rather confidently. “You will find her to be quite an addition; her military status is second to none, I assure you.

Lorenzo had to physically cover his mouth, only managing not to get a sound out as Karolina would give him a rather frightening look. Nadeline cleared her throat, her hand scratching the back of her neck rather nervously. Wow, she was not jealous of Grant right now. At all. She stole a glance at Wesley, as if pondering his thoughts.

Interesting tactic, Zeromus’ Chosen One has. Hashmal mused to Wesley.

Wesley agreed with that to an extent. It certainly solved one of their problems, but there still were a few that remained. Specifically, the councilmen didn’t seem to think Wesley was serious about his claims earlier. Though, perhaps with Grant flexing his muscles, so to speak, they hopefully received the message. “I’ve no doubt that you understand all that has been said, but just so I’ve made myself clear, Nadeline is no longer yours. You will get your wish for Reia’s successor in the form of her brother. You’ll get a uniting bond with both Archadia and Dalmasca with the marriages between myself and Nadeline, and Grant and Savayna. There will be no reason for you to pursue this matter further. Should you test me, I can guarantee none of you will particularly enjoy what’ll be the result of your greed.”

“Of course, Your Highness. We look forward to our relationship with Dalmasca,” Arcturus spoke, leaning back in his seat.

DeVanios nodded, though attempted to put a positive end on the conversation. “If I may ask, my lord, what is our future Queen like?” He asked Grant about Savayna.

She is the female version of Jackson.”Lorenzo burst out laughing for real this time, unable to contain it. However, he grunted not once, not twice, but three times, his laughter dissolving into a whimper.

Nadeline let out a short, polite laugh, though she cleared her throat. “That is to say--she is loyal, determined, passionate…” She found herself struggling to not use the words ‘crass’, ‘fiery’, or ‘foul-mouthed’. She threw Wesley a look for help.

“Her ability to be unyielding is as much admirable as it is one of her greatest strengths. She’s someone I’m sure will surprise you.” For better or for worse, that was probably the truest statement that anyone could make about Savayna.

She likes ice, too. She froze me once--OOMPH!” This time Karolina stomped on his foot, causing him to whimper more. “She’s...extraordinarily talented...with ice magicks...darling, that hurt…!

She sounds lovely!” Karolina cheerfully stated as she patted her husband.

Grant wanted to cry. Nadeline glared at him, motioning him to say something. “...the love of my life…” He murmured, letting out a sigh. “And she’ll be delighted...to come live here...away from her entire family...and giving up her entire career...yes, that...that is the woman I’m marrying…

The four men looked at Grant, unconvinced, yet they dared not spark Wesley’s wrath a second time.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Stay civil, stay civil, be the bigger person, this is probably going to be your future home, so you have to stay civil, you don't want Roman to get the wrong idea, stay civil, be--the--bigger--person--! Her mental mantra hadn't quite worked as well as she hoped, throwing Cassandra a glare, though at the very least she resisted the urge to yank that mess of red hair. However, she noticed Cassandra's very warm welcome to Ixion, and she scratched her head. Did she not know...? She caught Reia's wary smile, bowing her head in embarrassment. Reia responded by patting Emiri's shoulder, though she would then take a seat, hands folded neatly on her lap.

"Jackson should be present for the very treaty he drafted," Reia would remind Cassandra, quite apt at keeping her elegance.

Roman nodded, a glint in his eye that Emiri caught. "Ah, yes...the treaty and its terms..." He said, though he would retake his own seat, sipping his tea. "Ah, passion flower. Good for the nerves," He said as he poured out a cup for both Reia and Cassandra.

That would explain why she felt so relaxed. Emiri nodded. "You said passion flower, right? I feel like there's also...a lemon flavor?" She couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"I did add some lemon balm, the two flavors are quite interesting, even though they contrast. Passion flower, on the sweeter side, and lemon, whose zest stands out even with the slightest addition," He stated, putting his cup down. "A nice metaphor for you and Jackson, don't you agree?"

Was that what Roman thought of her? She couldn't quite hide her embarrassed smile. "I feel Jackson is more akin to the Assam flavor," Reia chuckled. "Strong, malty, and difficult to mix."

"He will need to learn to adapt himself better, I'm afraid," Roman pointed out.

Grant felt like he had aged a thousand years.

The meeting continued, mostly the usual 'yes or no' to several upcoming bills, discussion of taxes and the like. By the end, the council would depart, with Arcturus in particular giving Wesley a rather polite farewell. It was unheard of--Arcturus held himself to his own standards, though it seemed Wesley had earned his respect. Grant should've been pleased, but now a crippling dread had taken hold of him, constantly whispering reminders of his actions. What had he done? No, he had signed his own death sentence, it would seem.

As they were alone in the meeting room, Karolina let out a sigh of relief, though she would stand, walking around the table to Wesley and Nadeline. Placing one hand on each of their shoulders, she smiled. "Congratulations!" She told them, clearly elated at the thought of Nadeline's pregnancy.

"You're awful happy about this!" Lorenzo whined.

Karolina brought her hands to her cheeks, slightly blushing. "Wesley showed his determination for keeping Nadeline all to himself! He proposed, knowing he had no ring, and then decided to settle for the next best thing!" She said, a little too happy about all this. "I've always seen him as a gentleman, but it is good to see he is willing to do whatever it takes to keep Nadeline in his life! Bravo, Wesley!"

Nadeline's face turned a deep shade of red. "M-M-Mother! Please!" She was completely embarrassed at Karolina's insinuation. "Th-that's not what happened!"

Karolina knelt down to Nadeline a serious look on her face. "He was determined to show you his love, knowing that words simply weren't enough anymore," She told her, causing Grant to laugh. "But passion is a subset of love, physically showing your love is taking it to the next level, where words don't suffice! Well, some words can be said--"

"So, in other words, she didn't think Wesley had it in him, and is relieved. Isn't that right?" Grant clarified, trying to stifle his laughter.

"Of course!" Karolina clapped her hands as she would stand. "Oh, I hope it's a girl! WHat do you think, darling?"

"I want it to be a boy! Since I made half of Nadeline, he'll be great, just like me!" Lorenzo declared.

"Nadeline was such an adorable baby. Oh, I was just looking at an album the other day, I wonder if I can find it?"

Whoa, whoa, whoa! "Mother, you need to know that--that I'm not completely certain about this!" She stopped Karolina in her tracks, flustered. "Someone put the idea in my head, and..."

"Hm? Oh, so you'll probably know soon, right?" Karolina asked. When Nadeline nodded, Karolina let out a giggle. "But wouldn't it be wonderful if you were? Wesley is such a handsome man, your child will come out so beautiful..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Speak and you shall be heard.

Like a zombie raised from the graveyard, Jaakuna let out a rather ominous moan, holding his golden mane-covered head. His eyes were barely open and he had a throbbing headache. Getting whacked in the head not only once but twice within the same half-hour never would sit well with anyone. He had a hard head - it was common knowledge, but even someone with a stubborn head like he does had a limit. More to the point, when one finds themselves at the receiving end of two, strong blows to their cranium, it definitely brings up the question of how much is too much?

He asked himself that question a few times as he finally took to his feet. As he glanced around the room, taking in exactly who was present, it also took Jaakuna an extended amount of time to realize that there was double the amount of people that he was slowly remembering. He definitely remembered his cousin and brother, but the addition of Reia and Cassandra was a bit new for him. To be frank, it was too much. He needed to take a seat, so he would find one next to Emiri, who was across from Cassandra

"What's going on?" He asked lazily, wincing as only one eye was open.

"Seems like you've seen better days," Cassandra stated, looking at Jaakuna rather lovingly, reaching over to rub his leg.

Isaiah raised an eyebrow, leaning to Roman. "Bold one, isn't she?" He whispered.

After the meeting had commenced and Wesley received a nod of respect from Arcturus, WEsley would return it and give the other council members a nod. Despite what had transpired, he meant no harm. It was a tense moment and they forced his hand. He had to ensure that they understood what was at stake and that, no matter who they might be or what pull they might have in Rozarria, Wesley wouldn't let them talk down to Nadeline nor would he allow them to force their will upon her. It seemed as though that tactic succeeded (much to Wesley's relief).

"Thank you, Karolina," Wesley offered her a smile.

It was an interesting conversation that the 8Rozarrians were having about not only Wesley's actions during the meeting but how he and Nadeline were expecting a child. Additionally, there did seem to be a rather positive air around the bunch. With Nadeline feeling embarrassed about her parents' comments and Wesley finding the energy motivating. Karolina wanted them to have a daughter and Lorenzo wanted it to be a boy. Honestly, Wesley hadn't given it much thought. To him, as long as the baby was healthy, he had no reservations about it being boy or girl. The child would be his first-born and he would love it regardless of sex. Though, the idea of having a son did strike an interesting thought. To be able to bestow the knowledge his father placed unto him would be wonderful, but a daughter made him feel think how she would be his life..

"You're too kind, Karolina, but honestly, I just want my child to be healthy. Although," Wesley chuckled at his current thought, "I do wonder what color hair it might have. While it's true I have dark, almost black hair, my mother is also a blonde. Nadeline is too, as well as yourself and Lorenzo. My father also was one, but more in the dark gold shade." He thought on that for a hard moment. "I seemed to have missed out on the gold of hair. My grandfather, according to my father, had hair as dark as the night sky, so that explains why I lack the same shade as both of my parents had."

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Quite so. I wonder what my brother did to catch her attention so," Roman murmured back, a curious expression on his face.

Reia crossed one leg over the other, watching Emiri with some amusement. She would certainly need some lessons on hiding her displeasure, as the brunette's rather expressive face showed her disdain at Cassandra. Still, her reaction was much faster than anyone had anticipated. Emiri had immediately placed her own hand on Jaakuna's lap, tilting her head as she would smile at Cassandra. "After we arrived, Reia and Cassandra have come as well," She explained to Jaakuna, subtly shifting herself closer to him. "I'm sure Savayna and Shion will also catch up, though we arrived rather quickly compared to them."

"Surrounded by beautiful women once more...ah, this is the life, I tell you. The only thing better than a charming woman is a nice, warm cup of tea." Roman stated cheerfully.

Reia couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "With all due respect, we are here for the treaty, not for pleasure," She couldn't help but remind him.

"Better to share such trying and irritable work with those who are quite easy on the eyes rather than stuffy, elderly men," Roman didn't skip a beat.

Emiri couldn't help but giggle. "Good to see you're handling things well here," She couldn't help but comment.

As Wesley spoke, a pair of maids would enter soundlessly, laying two pitchers before them and enough cups for all. They bowed and left the room without a word, and as Lorenzo listened, he'd pour a cup of what looked like wine. He poured out a second cup of water, offering it to Nadeline, who would take it. As Wesley finished, Karolina would speak. "I like your hair, it makes you look very mature," She told him as she would take the drink Lorenzo offered her. "You know, both my parents were dark haired, but you can see I did not, and neither did Justine--may her soul rest in peace--who came out closer to red hair."

"Dad was blonde. Grant was the only one that got Mom's hair," He nudged Grant, pausing only to take a swig, but he would continue. "Still, all of us came out with Mom's features. Dad was super gruff and had sharper facial features. We all came out a lot softer--though Grant looks more like Mom than the rest of us."

Grant scowled at Lorenzo, causing Nadeline to laugh. "He means you look like Margaret, not that you look like a woman," She said, though she would let out a happy sigh. "I'd love our child to look like Wesley. It'd be like having a little mini-Wesley!"

"It's going to be the ultimate symbol of your love," Lorenzo added, grinning at Karolina.

It was nice to see Nadeline look so pleased about it. It gave Grant some satisfaction. As he was about to drink, he sneezed, spilling his wine. "I've got it," He would take a napkin from Karolina, discouraging her from cleaning it up. "It's probably a sign, though I should probably take some for the road, I doubt Savayna's going to be happy about...what I lied about."

Nadeline frowned, though she remembered a similar situation with Jaakuna and Emiri. "I'm sure she'll understand," She assured him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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While Isaiah rolled his eyes at Roman's comment, Jaakuna snorted. He remembered the kind of old men that usually handled such affairs like treaty signing and other paperwork. During his time being with his grandfather and, of course, his father, there were a lot of times where jumping out of the window seemed like the best course of action. It sure as hell beat sitting through the boring lectures and sifting through the sub-clauses of treaties and bills. honestly, Jaakuna knew, in that instant, he wasn't cut from the same cloth that Hamut and Roman was. He could do the ruling aspect no problem. If nothing else, Jaakuna had a mind for ruling his country, but the paperwork was not one of his strong points. Best leave that to the nerds.

Letting out a sigh, Jaakuna looked around, only now realizing that Cassandra still had her hand on his leg. Seeing as how she spoke nearly a minute ago, she knew very well it was on there. What was even worse, she tried to go more inward, nearing a place where she had no business going, so he smacked it away. Of course, she didn't like that, so she would casually place it back on his leg. "Stop it," he whispered, smacking her hand away again.

And still she would persist.

"I...think you better intervene. I've seen that look on Jaakuna's face before. We don't need him angering her before things get started." Isaiah advised Roman to take a seat where Jaakuna was, or at least next between him and Cassandra. He also could tell Emiri was close to doing something about it as well.

Wesley nearly lost his composure when it came to thinking about Savayna being understanding. She was a lot of things, that could not be denied, but he never saw her being understanding, least of all when it came to what Grant impulsively made the decision of. In fact, if he wouldn't know any better if she found out, Wesley had it in his mind that she would do something rather...violent to Grant. He dared not speculate, but he could estimate that, when she and he have the conversation, it might not end up in the way that Grant would hope.

"I do suppose it'll be an interesting moment for you two," Wesley mused, pondering on the possibilities. Though, as he would, he thought of something else as if it just came to him at that very moment. "I wonder if I was too harsh on the council." Wesley murmured to himself, though it was within the proximity of the others. "I must confess something." Wesley looked at everyone, though his attention was centered on his fiance. "When Leblanc implied you to be promiscuous, Nadeline, I wanted to draw every breath of air left in him with my own, two hands. I found myself thinking what would Jaakuna do? I know that is not the wisest thing to do, especially when dealing with a foreign council, but I couldn't allow him to even imply such things about you." He informed her regretfully, feeling a bit of shame about the whole matter. Even if it felt good at the time, that was no way for a future king to react despite how it garnered him his desired results.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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Roman raised his eyebrows, amused, though he supposed his cousin had a point. Reia offered no assistance, likely considering the fact that she had already burned Cassandra once, so for the sake of keeping things right, she would not speak. Emiri was also growing increasingly irritated, though subtlety clearly wasn't getting her anywhere. "Are you hard of hearing or just plain stupid?" Emiri snapped at Cassandra. Yes, it would seem Roman would have to do something, lest the entire office erupt into flames or Emiri throws Cassandra out the window, both possibilities steadily rising.

Putting his tea down rather reluctantly, he would catch Emiri's rather scathing gaze. He patted her shoulder once comfortingly, though he would signal her to move. Confused, the brunette obeyed, though she was surprised when Roman would outright push Jaakuna aside, putting himself between his brother and Cassandra. He would give the princess his full attention, a smile on his lips. "Now, now, ladies," He said cheerfully. "This is a mark on the pages of Ivalice's history, surely we can all get along for the moment. Why, if things go well, we could all be friends."

"Is that what we're calling it now?" Reia asked with a hint of mischievousness as Emiri's expression soured. "Though he does have a point. No use in delaying anything."

"The more I think on it, the more I realize this would also be our first chance to get acquainted," Roman told Cassandra. "In a personal sense, of course."

"Those old farts had some nerve!" Lorenzo huffed in agreement, stifling a yawn. "My precious daughter was raised with the highest of virtues! And she chose to sleep around with a prince, not some--some rapscallion!"

"That makes me feel so much better," Nadeline shook her head at her father, though she noticed her mother rubbing her eye. "You've done so much in our absence, do forgive us for leaving you here to do everything on your own."

"Hmm? Oh, forgive me, I thought I was fine until now," Karolina apologized, a peacefully sleepy look on her face. "I suppose I took on more than I thought I could."

Grant chuckled, though as he raised his cup to his lips, he noticed Lorenzo's drowsiness as well. The man seemed to agree, his eyes widened, and he outright knocked Nadeline's cup out of her hands. She let out a cry of surprise, glaring at him. "Father! What--Father?!" Her shock turned into one of concern as Lorenzo outright face planted the table. "Father, what's wrong?!"

Karolina opened her mouth to speak, but she swayed, and Grant leapt out of his seat to catch her before she hit the ground. "How...strange..." She said softly, before closing her eyes.

"Karolina! Lorenzo, what's wrong with you two?" Grant couldn't help but ask, though it took him a second to put two and two together. "The wine...?"

"Forgive the intrusion," A servant walked in with a tray, though they were shocked at the scene before them. Nadeline noticed a different looking pitcher in their hands. "That's odd, who could have brought this here?"

It clicked in Nadeline's mind, and she immediately stood up from her seat. As she was about to order the servant, a sword went right through his chest, blood splattering on the ground. As his body was unceremoniously shoved to the side, the sword seemed to float in mid-air, though it would return to its owner, an unsatisfied look on his face. "Hmm...so the gang split up, did they?" The man wondered out loud, frowning. "What a pain in the ass, I was hoping this would be pretty straightforward..."

Grant placed Karolina down, though he brought his gun out. The man was rather young, reminding him greatly of Cassandra. "What exactly is your purpose here?" Grant asked him.

The man's eyes widened, though he burst out laughing. "Well, shit! Word got you good, didn't it, Rozarrian Prince?" He said after he finished, wiping a tear from his eye. "Let's see...you, the Dalmascan Prince, the Rozarrian Princess...I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the others are probably in Archades. Tch, making me look all over..." He grumbled to himself, though he caught Nadeline's glare.

"If you think you can get away with any of this, you are mistaken," Nadeline warned him, withdrawing her rapier. As she focused on him, however, she could feel its effects starting to make her drowsy. Just from one sip? Whatever it was, it was potent, this she had to admit. "Who are you?!"

"The man of your dreams, you can call me Igeyorhm or Daddy, gorgeous," He winked, his sword on his shoulder. "In a literal sense, I can tell you had a drink, hm? Though, I'm not supposed to kill you yet. Your folks aren't dead, it's just a little help to send them off to dreamland, so you can relax."
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