Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


“SICI you sure you translated that right?” the commander looked to the hologram.
“Of course, what do you take me for?” SICI was perplexed why that had prompted Muriel to respond aloud.
“Just ... making sure because I don’t care for where that leads.”
She looked to the kyrians who had spoken - in her opinion at least - out of turn. Raldyr raised valid points though. When he went to question Kindal however, she raised a pointing finger. “I do not believe the Overseer has made any indication that he lays claim to this world. Let us not jump to conclusions.”
Her own diction had become more formal, eliminating common slang and mannerisms to ease the burden on external translators. SICI could cope either way.

Kindal snapped at the kyrian immediately. Muriel jumped on that too. “Hey! Nobody should be snapping at anyone on my ship. I expect better civility than that,” she softly reprimanded before giving him her full attention. “SICI, double take?” she had glanced left again.
“It’s accurate commander,” SICI copped a bit of attitude with the commander, prompting an uneasy silent exchange between the Alduuri and the AI.

Her unsettled look shifted back to the overseer. “I am not sure I like the implica-” she was interrupted by a couple of bridge officers on her headset at once, “wait say that again? Let me see it on the holotable.”
She retreated inside the briefing room and activated the table while Natka briefed her. The visitors who had their own translation were probably very confused observing only one side of the conversation through the briefing room’s acrylic wall. “Commander we’re looking at subspace disturbances in the hundreds. We’re about to be in a warzone!”
“Who are they? Can we get an ID on something?”
“Stand by, something’s coming out now .... looks like direct match to the covenant warships already in the AO. Commander do we engage?”

Muriel didn’t get to answer the follow-up question. Her eyes had snapped up to the fleetmaster. By the looks of it, Kindal was hearing a similar briefing. Impulsively she stomped towards the open door at the fleetmaster, grip tightening around one of her sidearms. She drew and aimed square at his head the instant she came out of the door.
Kindal bellowed at the fleetmaster in the same moment, reading his staff - likely a weapon as well. Unsure how much of a threat he posed, her aim flicked over to him for a moment, then back to the fleetmaster, and then she drew her left weapon to train on Kindal. “You! Stand down!” she bellowed at him, very slowly beginning to lower the pistol she held on him.
She looked to the fleetmaster, eyes narrowing to searing laser beams. “You, start talking,” she growled, “You come for diplomacy only to kill us all?! Is that it?!”

In his infinite audacity, the overseer found virtue in threatening not just the fleetmaster, not even just the commander, but everyone all at once. Her attention turned to him once more, weapon snapping back up to a well aimed neck shot. “Do not threaten me on my ship overseer! I care not what your gods think of me; stand down now or else!”
They wanted the so-called vault, both of them. That was her leverage. “Tactical load mod 21 torpedoes; fix target on the surface structure.”

The marine sergeant had heard both the shouting and Muriel’s headset feed. He and a fireteam had begun to slowly move in as the situation went code yellow: weapons drawn. “I guess you were right Commander, this is turning into a shitshow.”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raknarion
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Destiny Ascendant

As the Fleet-Master glared at the Commander, simply ignoring the heretic whom are aiming his staff at the Fleet-Master. He anticipated this reaction from all parties. His guards were reaching for their weapons, but the Fleet-Master quickly gestured them to remain still.

"To offer you and yours a chance to live, Commander. Depart the Aurora system to evade a conflict. Don't do anything that you will regret doing. Our two species have yet to clash. I offer your this chance to evade war, my superiors won't give you this chance. Turn this ship around, depart at full speed. Let us mind to our own business."

His guards exchanged glances, starting to question the fleet-master's true goal. This didn't sound like the demands he usually gave? Then the Fleet-Master moved his gaze at Kindel, the one aiming with the staff. Growling quite visibly with his mandibles.

"You hold no honour? I suggest you silence your tongue and disarm yourself, heretic. We may do battle -after- we're off neutral grounds. "

The Fleet-Master awaited the response from the gathered, doubting that they might have not understood him at all. It didn't help that the next moments may decide the outcome of this conflict.

Within the flagship of the Pious Transgression, the Illuminated Consecration. Loud ruckus could be heard from the bridge.

"The Fleet-Master is where?! Did what?! I specifically told him to not conduct diplomacy, simply to secure the vault! He will know the true meaning of disciplinary punishment, IF he returns. Pfah, no matter. We must keep focus on the current battle. Bridge-officer, bring up the map."

The somewhat-nervous bridge-officer quickly brought up a holographic map over Aurora's orbit and surface. The Arbiter inspected the map, thinking through what tactics which could be used. He could see the transmitters from the Jiralhanae within the Vault, nodding slowly in approval of their efficiency. The map also displayed the gigantic creature. Clearly a hostile. Reports from the ground mentioned that the beast wears a hide-or armour- that protects it from close to all infantry-based weapons. While units with anti-armour weapons could be deployed to eliminate the threat, it seems that some alien species are protecting it. Much as the Arbiter would like to know more of the beast, the only thing he -needed- to know was how to kill it. A scarab had been deployed onto the battlefield, but due to the sandstorm, it had landed outside of the city. It needed time to arrive. Time Tartarus and his brutes didn't have. A plan began to form within the Arbiter's head.

As he zoomed closer the ruins with the holographic map, The Arbiter began drawing lines. Designated lines. Infantry to move into ruined buildings with anti-armour weapons. Fuel-rods, plasma-turrets, anything that could deliver damage. Before the infantry would move into the ruins, however. Several banshees would conduct air-raids upon the beast and those in the vicinity of it. The area outside of the Vault was empty of Covenant troops, or there might be some alive. Doing a last stand. If they fell during the air-raids, so be it. They died in the name of the Great Journey. Once The Arbiter had drawn the lines created on the holographic map, he began to send the designated description of the attack to the troops. Soon after, the assault would initiate-...But just before the plan came into motion, the beast alongside it's smaller infantry began moving into the vault. The need for air-raids were gone. The Covenant forces was free to move at their leisure. With the Pack of Jiralhanae already within the Vault, the enemy would have to survive enemies from two fronts.

"All ground forces in the vicinity of the Vault, move inside! Corner the heretics, make them suffer for their trespassing!"

Aurora, within the Vault.

The Pack of Jiralhanae observed the magnificent fight, some even gazing upon it in awe as they saw the sparks and the sounds that came from the duel. Tartarus spent a moment to observe as well, but he quickly snapped out of it. Silently, Tartarus began gesturing his pack to form a line. Blocking the exit from those within, as well as to block from anyone outside to come in. The Chieftain noticed how the two managed to do...Unnatural things. Grab things from thin air, like the rifles. Which had been vaporized by lightning that came out of the dark-cladded's fingers. The Chieftain began to think about this. These two held powers which none of the Covenant could display. Clearly, they must have stolen Forerunner technology, twisted it to their own decrepit ways. They were the price the Jiralhanae would bring back to the Prophet.

Master Kavar and Darth Dragos could soon feel the earth starting to tremble? As if something large was coming their way. They were so focused with the duel that they didn't even see what came charging for them. Leaping forward, Tartarus held his Gravity Hammer high above his head, sending it straight down between the two duelling. The kinetic pulses coming from that strike could be strong enough to blow both the Force-wielders away, possibly knocking the two unconscious. If successful, Tartarus gestures the Jiralhanae to carry the two unconscious during their way out of the vault.

"This is Tartarus to Pious Transgression! We have something-Someone from the Vault that holds Forerunner presence within them. Requests immediate assistance."

The Arbiter himself answered the Chieftain.

"Set up a defensive position within the Vault. The beast alongside its allies are on their way to you now. Covenant reinforcements will soon attack them from behind."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DragonofTheWest
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Inside the Vault

How unexpected, how unforgivable for a Jedi Master worthy to sit on the Jedi Council and a Sith Lord that was considered the Emperor's right hand man to be caught off guard. Perhaps it was fitting that the two warriors consumed in their fury to defeat one another deserved to be taken captive. The blow from Tartarus was powerful leaving the Sith and Jedi floating in and out of conscienceless. Perhaps if they hadn't openly committed to use their full power against one another they would have been able to will their bodies to move. Use of the force to enhance their strength, speed and as a combat ability was incredibly draining... it would be some time till they woke, the Covenant were their protection now.

Outside the Vault
The Sith Commandos had watched with uneasiness as they watched Dragos successfully navigate his way into the fault but the moment he entered the vault, the situation had escalated beyond their control. While they remained a a good distance away from the vault having used the ridge as protection it was evident they were severely outnumbered and outgunned and to make matters worst their helmets shared a camera feed of Dragos perspective.. and the Sith was compromised.

As per Sith military doctrine with Dragos currently out of action, leadership then went to 2nd in command of the task force Captain Fordo. With a silent command, Fordo urged the commandos back and towards their hidden craft nearby. The order went through and there were no arguments but each trooper had their own private thoughts on the matter and it wasn't long till one trooper voiced his displeasure. "With all due respect Captain, but Lord Dragos is still every bit alive and we still got a shot at getting him"

"No. Not by ourselves" The Captain replied. "We've sent word of our situation some time ago, Sith High Command has likely received our message by now and will work towards a solution. Once they arrive in the area we will inform them of Lord Dragos condition and efforts to retrieve him will be made"

"Thats not good enough." The trooper again responded, his tone showcasing his frustration as opposed to Captain's cool demeanor. Fordo raised his hand in a fist to pause the soldiers as the Captain approached the taller, unsatisfied trooper. Despite their helmets, Fordo's released a gaze that the trooper, whose faced remained hidden behind his mask could not ignore.

"We have two methods on keeping track of Lord Dragos. His helmet remains intact along with the tracker in his wrist. From the looks of it, they are taking him captive and will likely present him to their leadership. Lord Dragos anticipated a possibility such as this so keep your head together trooper, I will not have my order questioned again"

The frustrated trooper paused but then recalled the brief moment Dragos and Fordo shared before Dragos went towards the Vault. The image was clear, Dragos had tapped his wrist several times as a reminder that his tracker was on and operational and that in a worse case situation that would be a secondary source in tracking him. "Yes sir. Sorry sir" the disgruntled trooper replied as Fordo turned and lead the soldiers back into their hidden space transport. They would remain hidden for some time, monitoring the situation around them and await reinforcements.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mass Relay Loka

The Asari 12th fleet sat in orbit around the Mass Relay that took them to the Galactic Center. The fleet of 52 ships was commanded by the newly promoted Admiral Ralla V’ Naari. She stood before her crew in the CIC of the dreadnought Madron watching the data being sent through her holographic sensor display. 20 unknown vessels at over a hundred thousand kilometers away from them. There was a tense standoff as the Asari attempted to hail the strangers several times with no success.

“Request their surrender. We both know why we’re here anyway.” Ralla ordered to the crew who all knew what she referred to. These vessels all carried the same signatures of the ships that raided their colonies. The few aliens captured gave them a brief glimpse into their language and even motives. They were nothing but pirates.

“We’ve been hailed!”

“On screen.” The words of the alien language appeared on a hologram for everyone to see. At this point their intent was known.
Surrender Ships, Weapons and Personnel or DIE.

The entire fleet saw these words and none were particularly enthusiastic about the idea of Surrender. The enemy fleet began to move as their weapons were readying. Ralla decided to sit down in the captain’s chair. While combat meant unnecessary loss of life to the Admiral it was the simplest scenario to deal with regardless of the results “No matter the species, raiders are the same. Commander Mera!”

Second in command of the Dreadnought Commander Emisa T’ Mera walked to the Admiral’s side and stood at attention. She was rather tall at 6 feet 3 inches, dark blue skin with emerald eyes. “Yes Admiral!”
“Enemy ships appear to be powering weapons and are moving towards us! ETA thirty mins.” The disembodied voice of the ship’s VI said for the entire crew to hear. NIA (Naval Intelligence Assistant) was one of the newer Virtual Intelligence out there. Not necessarily as adaptable and independent as a AI but powerful enough to match one in electronic warfare. It was powerful enough to essentially be borderline AI, but the military allowed it simply to experiment with its capabilities.

“The situation is escalating what would you advise Commander? If these were usual pirates we would eliminate them with little hesitation, however we know very little of their technology other than their ground personnel preferring plasma based weaponry.”
Emisa nodded and thought for a minute on the plan. “NIA show us the current battle map.” A screen appeared in front of them showing current fleet movements. The enemy fleet was a collection of rather large and heavily armed vessels. Scans showed that they had enough armaments each to be a serious threat in knife fight range. They clustered together in a long spindle formation. The most heavily armed vessel in front with the nimbler ships towards the rear. “Wouldn’t usual doctrine in this situation call for an envelopment? The only issue I see with that is if it would work against the enemy’s speed. They are unusually quick for ships of their size.”

“It’ll work Commander you just need to tweak it. Let’s begin.”

Admiral Naari ordered the fleet to spread their formation far enough to retain some density but also allow for maximum maneuverability. “FIRE!”

On command, the fleet fired repeatedly at the oncoming attackers, but due to their range no shot hit, but instead it forced them to constantly evade fire. Each Asari ship is capable of firing small slugs every two seconds or less forcing the enemy to try and avoid hundreds of slugs each minute slowing down their movement considerably. As they drew closer the Admiral barked another order. “Began a half envelopment. The fleet of cruisers will split into these sections. Frigate flotillas and fighter squadrons go for close quarters combat and harass them. Just be aggressive enough to keep them together no need to neutralize unless they’re open.” The Admiral’s orders along with more precise data for fleet moments were sent to the fleet. With the cruisers moving in a threatening posture the enemy fleet decided to pick up speed and even ignored the constant suppressive fire. They intended to take some damage instead of risking an envelopment. However, as they moved in frigate and fighter squadrons pounced on the enemy with constant attack from Disruptor torpedoes. Each blast from a torpedo caused a small miniature singularity that tore through the shields used by the enemy ships. Lasers from the pirate vessels and fighters cut through space as the skirmish continued to heat up. Combat lasted for over an hour and up to ten frigates took damage and were forced to retreat.

“The only DEWs kinetic barriers may be able to handle are Plasma based. This isn’t surprising. Let the injured lick their wounds.”
The Commander watched the fight realizing what the Admiral might be going for. “The enemy fleet is still heading towards us. If they get close enough they’ll break through our formation. It appears the two dreadnoughts are the target.”

The Admiral simply watched the display. She told her fellows the plan already and expected it to be followed through. The pirates charged in quickly and were just in range of the dreadnoughts. While strong the two Dreadnoughts along with the carriers only had ablative armor to deal with directed energy weapons. The Admiral wasn’t too confident in the dreadnought’s ability to handle energy weapons of unknown yields. Instead she simply was going to let the front-line soldiers beat on them.


A hail of slugs from the entire fleet fired. However, most simply fired at a section of space where the pirate fleet was moving towards. The moment they realized this was a trap it was too late. As if moving through a blender the fleet charged through a hail of slugs going at relativistic speeds. Their shields couldn’t take the punishment for more than a few seconds before succumbing. Some made it through attempting to take the dreadnoughts down, but each shot simply melted away some of the heavy dreadnought armor. The rest attempted to retreat.

“Only 50% of their fleet is intact.”

“Pursue them, keep at least some vessels intact but disabled.” like wasps the frigates and fighters chased after the enemy trying to disable as many ships as possible. They destroyed five vessels with constant fire. Enemy fighters attempted to defend but were overwhelmed. The Admiral’s Dreadnought and its sister shifted positions and simply fired through the ranks of the enemy ships. Constant fire from the capital ships cut through shields and armor. Not long one after another they were beginning to fall. The cruisers began their pursuit and soon the fleet was eliminated. Only two ships were still intact leaving the job to Asari commandoes.

“NIA how many casualties have we received so far.”

“thirteen frigates were damaged along with twenty fighters. There are approximately 70 casualties with only 20 dead. Your first battle as Admiral was a success.”

Ralla frowned but knew the VI could notice how anxious organics were. Its attempt at relaxing her didn’t help knowing the most difficult portion still wasn’t over. “The top priority of the boarders are to take prisoners. Even just two is satisfactory to me.”
“I’ll also inform the Justicar to be ready.” The Commander said as she was ready to leave.

“Negative! I said I wanted prisoners. Tell Justicar Ametha she cannot step a single foot on that ship. It’s a direct order.”
The Commander wanted to protest, but decided not to. It wasn’t unknown that their Commander had a very severe view of Justicars and regardless of how the Asari view them no one wanted to challenge it. “Yes sir!”

24 hours Post Boarding

Enroute To Aurora

As the Admiral predicted the boarding of the two pirate ships was the bloodiest part of the struggle. They were large vessels designed to make nearly any boarding action extremely difficult. Up to 120 Asari commandoes participated in the operation. However even with decades of training they were still operating against unknown enemies. Each ship had nearly 200 crew members each. While their plasma weapons were effective biotics and superior training allow the commandoes to succeed. It took hours to clear the vessels, but there were far too many enemy casualties for Ralla to be satisfied. They were only able to capture 20 of the crew who were luckily very willing to talk after seeing most of their comrades get slaughtered. The information they gave up along with coordinates from their ships computers showed the location of their leaders and possibly Asari slaves.

Ralla was in her quarters with the datapad given to her on the planet Aurora. The entire fleet was enroute to the destination as she examined what little data they had on it. Aurora seemed to be a mostly barren world with a few settlements. Most noticeably the main city is home to a crime lord who essentially commands a small sector of space. The small fleet they attacked was commanded by an ex naval officer who was being paid off for protection.

“Admiral we’ve arrived in system. It would be preferable if you hurried. Commander Mera seems to mutter several curses to herself.” NIA informed the Admiral

“Thank you for that observation. I’m coming.”

It took a few minutes but the moment she reached the bridge and saw what was on display she quickly understood. Commander Mera turned towards the Admiral and saluted. “Ma’am, we’ve detected many foreign vessels unlike the pirates we previously encountered. We also received a rather aggressive message. Its likely was sent out a day or two before our arrival.”

“What does it say?”

The VI decided to link the recording to the Admiral’s personal omni-tool. The recording played through it. "Listen, non-believers! You may believe that you have been blessed by your false gods, to survive this little and insignificant onslaught! But you too will soon face justice of the Great Journey, soon hellfire will consume you and your loved ones! Spread the word; That the Arrival of the Covenant have been ushered upon this sector, and those who wishes to halt the eventual forthcoming of the Great Journey will falter! If you wish to live for but a glimpse longer, tell all those whom inhabit and taint the planets blessed by the Creators, The Forerunners, that they will soon be cast into hell by the Wrath of the Covenant!"

“Strange, I wonder whose vessels are the Covenant out there. Send down probes to the planet I want to find the main settlement where this crimelord stays. We don’t know whose friend or foe out there so let’s wait a moment before establishing control. I feel like we jumped into a mess already.”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Niryrk and the others held their defensive perimeter until their evacuation ship arrived. A Ketch had reached them and landed between the ruins. Niryrk ensured the Kell was the first one onboard. After that, all the other servitors, captains, vandals, and dregs loaded up what equipment they could salvage onto the Ketch.

The Ketch roared as it took off. It quickly cleared the atmosphere of the planet and continued to flee. The sight of war ships soon faded. The massive battle below was more than a distraction enough for them to get away unseen. Niryrk approached the small command center within the Ketch. Several other captains also made their way into the room. They began talking about what they had salvaged and gave their reports. Niryrk spoke up. "You saw what?" He said to one captain. The captain spoke up. "A massive four legged vehicle. It was purple and could have easily stepped on the spider walker we have." Keliks began to get worried. "We saw what we are dealing with. Those massive war ships, a beast that played with a what appeared to be a tank like it was it's own toy. We are severely outmatched." Rahn then spoke up. "Its become apparent we need better equipment. The dreadnought we possess is powerful but we would not be able to stand against such forces for very long. I suggest we stay low, salvage what we can from abandoned worlds for now." Rahn paused. "It makes me feel pathetic saying it but we aren't strong enough." Niryrk silenced the crowd. "Transmission from the Archon." He pressed a button revealing a hologram. The Archon Priest spoke up. "Kell. While you were away, the servitor managed to find the other signal. The one the dissapeared almost immediately after it was detected. We have the coordinates and the data leads to an abandoned research facility. We couldn't find data on what it might contain but I believe it is worth looking into. An abandoned facility did lead the Devils to the nanotech known as SIVA."

Niryrk turned to Ephsor. "The other Ketch ships have regrouped with us. I suggest following the signal. I could take a small force to check it out. If it's something big, I can send a transmission back to you, if it's nothing then I can easily return. We should make the desicion once we regroup with the rest of the house."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Starwhip
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Starwhip Lakon Deli Console

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Main Hangar

Both kyrians present in the hangar bay instinctively drew back towards the shuttle, hunkering down as if about to dodge a pounce as weapons were drawn on multiple sides. Arelya momentarily let out a low, loud growl, before cutting herself off and tucking the wing that held her kalbiir back onto her side. "Situation has gone south, we may require evac. Stand by." The message went silently to the Shadow Star through the shuttle's uplink, before the kyrian stood to her full height on hind legs and wings, resembling some massive, scaled praying mantis, and let out an eerie, attention-grabbing cry from her throat. She was eye to eye with the escort droids now, looking down at the Overseer. "We intend no harm to any party, Overseer. If there has been a plot we have had no part of it."

Slowly she walked forward until she was ahead of the shuttle again, transitioning back to four legs now that she had their attention. Her voice was laced with the same near-musical tones of synthetic speech, even more prominent with the increase in volume and the fact that she was being translated, and she was still holding herself up higher than normal, reaching close to seven feet at eye level."Presuming our host isn't bluffing, I would suggest refraining from violence. It would be a shame to lose whatever it is on the surface."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Main Hangar

Kindal glanced over to the kyrians, his hands still clutched around the his staff. To his surprise Arelya wasn't so quick to jump to conclusions in light of recent events. The kyrians actually spoke of a peaceful resolution despite their naivety. A plan started to form in the Overseer's head as he turned towards Arelya to speak up. "If your intentions are clean, then you shall not feel threatened by our presence." Kindal retracted the staff back into a small metal tube, but his droids kept their aim on the enemy marines.

"Captain Muriel, I wouldn't waste your primitive weaponary on the surface." Kindal turned away the kyrians and turned to face the captain. "You may not yet understand what lies below the planet's surface, but you will learn of it's implications in due time. The Sanctuary has survived for millions of eons in face of all odds, and it is yet to give away to any form of weaponary that your kind can throw at it." Kindal bowed slightly before turning towards the fleet master. The alien called him a heretic before, a word that Kindal prefers to throw around himself. But the forces of the Covenant were too numerous in orbit to do anything about such insult. Most Gashathi prefer total dominance, but perhaps this time it would be more benefical to make a deal with the enemy.

"Fleet master, I beleive you are yet to explain your reasons for being on Aurora, but my suspicion tells me that you and I are looking for the same thing. If it is truly the Vault's riches you seek to attain, then I am afraid I have bad news for you and your forces. Like I've told the captain before, the Sanctuary yields to no force other than the raw psyche of a Gashathi." Kindal waited for the information to sink into the mind of the xeno. "Your efforts are in vain if you seek to enter such holy ground. Of course, I do not expect you to give up so easely, so I offer a deal in accordance to our mutual interests. I can open the Sanctuary and share our technological heritage with your faction, and I will take my leave with the members of my kind currently in slumber inside the safety of the sacred walls. Of course, if your forces lay as much as finger on my troops then you shall find the Vault remain sealed for eternity. I will have no trouble finding another, but it may take another eon for your race to stumble into another grand oppurtinity." If the Council heard of this, Kindal would be shamed. But they aren't anywhere near to interfere with his master plans, not this time.

Inside the Vault

Nyugen watched as the rest of the team descended down the stairway into the vault. After a short roll call, they confirmed that the entire team was down here. A total of 176 Vixar, 12 of them wounded, and Misha clogged up the stairway. Nyugen opened the intercomms and signaled for those nearby to make space. He used his suit to make a holo map of the nearby rooms in the free space. "We know that at least one of the xeno forces entered the Vault. We are postive they are the same group as the one sending the ships, so we need to make sure we are on their good side. That said, we cannot take chances. Bravo squad form on me, we'll be using our suit's shields to push into the next room. Alpha team, stay with Misha and cover the doorway in case anyone hostile tries to get inside. We'll leave the injured with you." The squad leader of Alpha and Bravo both acknowledged the plans and already began to regroup their squads. Nyugen and his team pushed to the front, with the other squad leaders of his team behind him. They walked down the stairway slowly, allowing the squads to neatly form up in several rows behind him.

The sound of clash could be heard from the room around the corner of the stairway, but it soon faded away with a loud bang. Multiple troops could be heard as they strafed through the room. Nyugen looked back at his team, gesturing with his hand to activate shields. The rows of soldiers crouched down and started to mess with their wrist consoles. One by one, they activated the emitters on their offhand and the bright red oval energy shields started to shine in next to the soldier's hand. When palced in front of them, they were big enough to cover the crouched silhouette of the Vixar. Most of the troopers switched to their bulky sidearms and pointed their barrel out from behind the shield. When the last row finished, the soldiers tapped each other's back to signal that they are ready. When Nyugen recived the signal he gestured silently to advance.

As they turned around the corner, the phalanx of Vixar units were faced with the brutes of the Covenant as they took up defensive formation in whatever little cover they could find in the mostly empty room. Their imposing hammers could deal serious damage to the Vixar, but they wouldn't stand a chance in the long run if a firefight was to escalate any further. However Nyugen didn't want to risk losing any men, so he signalled for the others behind to stop, and sheated his pistol. He raised his empty hand but kept his shield still in front of himself. He hoped to god that the translators aboard the Gem managed to piece together a usable translation matrix after al this time. "We mean no harm! We are here by the order of Grand Overseer Kindal'Q of the Aldum Ordo to secure the vault." Not entirely sure that the message got through, Nyugen projected a hilo recording of the earlier firefight in front of the Jiralhanae. It showed brutes running into the vault and the Vixar forces marking them as neutrals and ingoring them. "We could've clashed before if we meant harm. Seeing that we seek the same goals, I say we stray from meaningless hostilities. We have wounded we want to take care of, but our medics can take care of your wounded as well." Nyugen glanced over at the two unidentified men laying unconcious near the Jiralhanae. "And those two. Do we have an agreement."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ephsor was furious, he growled and beat on the machinery around him in frustration knocking over anything that wasn't heavy or nailed down. They were so close, the treasures of that vault were almost theirs but they still slipped through their grasp. Ephsor had underestimated his rivals, perhaps blinded by the promise of something great, a foolish move but he was not going to let it happen again. Two of his guards were nearby trying to keep most of the crew from seeing his rage while a medic was also there trying to tend to a wound on the kell's leg that was giving him a limp. At least they had been prepared for a sudden retreat so not much was lost but this was still a loss.

He was finally calming down, taking a seat an letting the medic properly tend to his wound, around the same time an Archon was reporting that the servitors had traced another signal, this time an abandoned research facility. It was a bit less exciting that the vault but it could still hold promise, as the Archon pointed out by mentioning the devils. However, the fleet was still regrouping but Niryk volunteered to lead an expedition before Ephsor even had to ask. "hmmmm yyes, take your crew, find this place. I'll get the fleet back together and follow you if you find something"

With that he dismissed Niryk to prepare and contacted one of the house's Archons, one that had an old pursuit on her mind "You were right, follow your leads, we will reclaim the great machine" He didn't need to say more, he had dismissed that old quest as a maddening endeavor that would lead to the House's demise, but after seeing what they were facing now, they were going to need it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The bridge crews grew increasingly frenzied as the situation spiraled out of control. There were weapons drawn in the main hangar, a war being waged on the surface of the planet, and a tactical nightmare forming in the orbital battlespace. There would be no winners in a contest of conventional military strategy; that much was clear. But the Aeon class cruisers were not suited to employ conventional military strategy. The tactical officers knew this well, though the rookie XO was still adapting.

“Shhhhhiiiit.” Natka swore at her station and promptly abandoned her post.
She moved to the holotable in the back center, a position usually reserved for the command structure only. “Lieutenant what are you doing?”
The XO was not up to speed with many of the mutual agreements between the Destiny’s veteran crew. “The situation is getting chaotic. I need a bigger workspace, I’m stealing the table,” she answered him.
“Command table is for commanding officers only.”
“Per the commander herself, if she is not on the bridge and we are not in active combat, I can take the table. That’s how it’s been for ages.”
The XO stepped back and let her have the table. Black ops was different enough from what he was used to that such an agreement might actually stand here, and he was too new to have the clout to challenge the supposed agreement.

Natka worked quickly to get herself set back up in the new workstation. She waved over the XO to include him in the analysis. “We’ve got at least two major forces pressing for this objective here,” she pointed towards the surface structure everyone was after, “a civilian population center directly adjacent, and two smaller forces I’ve identified on the fringes. One has an FOB going up here to the northwest but has not advanced. The other force is here to the south of the objective and has attempted an advance, but remains engaged at range. Meanwhile the two large entities are doing work.”
“So who is who exactly?”
“That’s actually a good question; I’m not one hundred percent sure yet but I’m running some traces to figure it out,” Lieutenant Natka did not miss much thus confounding her was an achievement, “The large force with an armor asset approaching and multiple air assets appears to belong to the self-identified 'Covenant' fleet that has arrived and thoroughly provoked the commander.”
“Absolutely fantastic ...” the XO snorted.
“I also have this other force that has moved into the structure and I’m not sure where they came from. I didn’t trace them from a capital ship. Their shuttle either had stealth or local system FTL. SICI, can you rewind our data and find that shuttle?”
“I do not need to. Per your earlier request, I have finished analyzing the engine trails from said transport,” SICI’s omniscient voice confirmed, “interestingly enough, the trail emissions match the vessel that the overseer arrived in the hangar aboard, despite being different life forms.”
“Does that make it his force? Are you sure?” Natka looked back at the covenant forces, which had similar variation of life forms, “Son of a bitch!”

The XO and the lieutenant exchanged a face. “So he is on the ground too. SICI, reverse the imaging data we have, I want to try and assess escalation,”
“Copy XO, running it back.”
SICI digitally scanned the footage for anything she noticed while Natka and the XO, Senior Officer Viktaan Dyykes. Both of them immediately noticed the viciousness with which the Covenant forces attacked. Alone it was insignificant, but the foreboding threat they broadcasted SICI had caught earlier suddenly became relevant. Again there was a concerned glance exchanged as both of them silently acknowledge just how ferocious they were being, and how dangerous that made them as an adversary. They kept rolling the footage.

Lieutenant Dyykes caught it before Natka, a rare feat. “There, those are the overseer’s forces yes?”
“Yeah, why- oh shit!” Natka had seen it too.
The overseer’s forces landed, turned towards the civilian center, and attacked without provocation with flamethrowers. Neither of them needed to say why that was bad. They both already knew. “Do it now; she needs to know!” Natka barked, turning back to the intel.
The XO nodded and clicked his headset. “Bridge to CO, we have a problem.”


Muriel wanted to nuke the ruins; she wanted to bathe the entire site in the fires of a miniature sun and obliterate both their ground forces in one fell swoop as punishment for their audacious- no, egregious transgressions. Letting them get away with threatening a commander of the Alduur Imperial Navy was tantamount to heresy. Alas, the tactical situation made the decision a poor one. Covenant forces had numbers in excess of what the Destiny Ascendant could possibly deal with even if they succeeded in taking no damage. The ship simply didn’t have the necessary quantity of ordnance.

“Fleetmaster your ‘business’ appears to be waging war,” SICI subtly interrupted her, reminding her about the intercepted transmission earlier they had opted to ignore, “and your force has explicitly stated it does not care who it engages with.”
For a brief moment she wasn’t sure where she was going with this. The fleetmaster and the overseer seemed at odds with each other yet the overseer felt it prudent to ... attempt diplomacy? Where was that five minutes ago? That pissed her off more than anything: that he felt suddenly the Covenant was worthy of some semblance of respect and she was not despite being the one who extended her hand first.

The overseer did pull back his staff as she demanded, though. She really wanted to shoot him. Really they both deserved it at this point, but the tactical situation was far too unfavorable. The Covenant had a fleet that could overpower her ship in an instant. If she killed him, there was nothing stopping them. The overseer was a far easier kill to get away with, however his droids would react faster than her marines. There would be a number of injuries, potentially fatalities. Four deaths was a cost too high for a vengeance kill. She could not reconcile the numbers, so she slowly lowered her weapons, returning them to their thigh holsters. “Tactical, hold fire on mod 21 torpedoes.”

She felt confident the overseer underestimated the power of a fusion torpedo dropped directly on a target. Short of being buried under twenty meters of solid rock, nothing survived such devastating weapons. If he was right however, then her threat remained only effective versus him. The Covenant could easily replace the forces she could slay with such a strike.

The marine sergeant did not follow her lead and the fireteam kept weapons trained on the overseer’s droid security force. Until they lowered their own weapons, Commander Muriel would not demand the sergeant do the same. Anything else would be a measure of trust that no one within the hangar was willing to extend. Her train of thought was derailed as the transmission came through her headset. ”Bridge to CO; we have a problem.”

She clicked her headset and responded, “Go for CO.” Only her speech would be audible to the rest of the hangar.
“Commander, we have strong evidence to countermand any assertion that both the fleetmaster’s Covenant and the Overseer’s force intend to accept peace,” the XO cautioned.
Muriel’s first thought was ’tell me something I don’t know,’ but she merely acknowledged with a brief “uhuh” before allowing him to continue.
“We have confirmation of unprovoked engagement versus civilian targets.”
Muriel failed to suppress her immediate reaction this time. “Oh shit! Are you sure?”
“Yes, the overseer’s forces engaged civilian presence with flamethrowers. We recommend that both forces be considered extremely hostile. For your safety, I strongly advise ending this meeting immediately,” he urged.
“Understood, we will proceed as recommended.”

Muriel looked to the fleetmaster, then to the overseer, then back to the fleetmaster. A token glance was given to the two Cindorians as well. It was plainly obvious she didn't want to say what was on her mind. That would likely start a war. As much as she desired to punish such a horrendous violation of the rules of war, it wasn’t possible. Moments like this were why she hated trying to play diplomat. She looked back at the two belligerents. Still struggling to choose her words carefully, she opened her mouth to speak, "I thi-" before being cut off.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raknarion
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aurora, within the Vault

"Do we have an agreement?!"

Tartarus growled to himself as he inspected the holo projector, calculating his options. A devout member of the Covenant would've charged at the enemy at the first sight of them, but Tartarus? No, he wanted to live. He had more to accomplish in his life, some lesser beings wouldn't be the reason for his undoing.

"Create a passage for me and my pack to go through, unharmed! You'll not touch my troops or my prisoners!"

What would stop Tartarus' superiors from punishing the Jiralhanae for allowing the enemy passage into the Vault? Well, luckily for Tartarus, there's a Covenant army just outside of the Vault. What would stop him from just charge straight back into the vault?

Destiny Ascendant

The Fleet-Master listened, and listened to the gathered. Then he spoke to Commander Muriel and Raldyr. Ignoring the Overseer at first.

"Leave the Aurora System. The Vault belongs to the Covenant, it is our divine right to lay claim to it due to it's information on The Great Journey. No matter how much innocent blood are spilt over i. You may still avoid a war that will end in blood. On either sides."

Then the Fleet-Master turned to the Overseer, eager to plunge his traditional Energy-Sword into the Kindal's guts. But he kept himself in check.

"What you speak of is heresy, which neither The Prophet or The Arbiter, our leaders, will accept. I will offer you what I offered the others; Leave or there will be blood spilt. And I assure you, all of you, that The Arbiter are of the zealous ilk of my kind. He will be zealous in the potential war that will usher from this.

Pious Transgression, Illuminated Consecration.

The holographic table projected the map of the current fields of interest. It showed the dying-battle happening down on the surface, displaying more and more assets being deployed to surface. Since there was sufficient troops deployed at the Vault, The Arbiter had deemed the nearby cities as threats to the Vault. Banshees and seraphs was deployed to conduct bombardment. Anti-Air assets was asserted into various spots around the city, to halt any unwanted guests.

While the other spot of interest was the Fleet-Master's flagship and the Destiny Ascendant. Battle-Cruisers and support frigates was at standby if the situation changed.

The Prophet and The Arbiter both awaited eagerly on what the results of the meeting would bear.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Main Hangar

"Then I fear we have no deal. It is a shame that history will remember you as an imbecile who gave up on this historical oppurtinity." Kindal smiled under the mask as he turned away from the fleetmaster and focused his attention on Muriel. "Excuse my earlier transgression of proper manners. The art of diplomacy is often shrouded by the mists of war. It is now clear to me that this hangar houses only one xeno of heretic mind." Kindal glanced at the fleetmaster before continuing his speech. "I will be sure to answer all of your questions related to my actions later, but I have to deal with the Covenant menace before that." Kindal turned towards his droids and gestured towards the fleetmaster and his envoy. The combat husks quickly turned on their heels and now aimed towards the Covenant escort. They stood between the hostiles and the Overseer in case shots were fired. "I need but a few secondss while I quickly contact some of my kin."

Kindal crossed his arms and closed his eyes as he let his minds slip into the Shroud. The hangar bay seemed to be so distant, the only detectable sources of psychic energy were the xenos around him, but they were only faint lights in the darkness of the mind. But in the distance shone a star a thousand times brigther than any Kindal has seen before in the Shroud. His mind crossed the infinite seas in haste, the limitation of physics not applying to his psychic self in the Shroud. As he approached the source of the bright light he felt his mind going numb from the immense power. But he pushed on towards the great light, knowing it will not harm it's own kin. He was suddenly brightened as the light expanded into a grandiose ball, a supernova of psychic energy that lit up the Shroud like a beacon for thousands of light years. His mind recoiled back into his body, sending the Overseer to his knees as the exhaustion of his psychic self spread through his muscles.

He looked up at Muriel with a faint smile behind his mask. He stood up slowly, carefully straightening his robes. It has been far too long since he used his psychic powers. The exhaustion on the mind of a simple gashathi was still immense after long periods of slumber. He felt his body ache, but Kindal turned towards the captain once again. "Do not be alerted captain, I am but exhausted after using my powers. We shall soon talk in the purifying light of my superiors."

Inside the Vault

Nyugen listened as the xeno tried to get out of the Vault using the chance he gave him. He just smirked in response. All xenos are the same: you lend them a hand, they take your whole arm. The sole expection is the Gashathi, the race who helped them to reach the starts and establish a rule of their own. And this day, he shall honour them. "I don't think that's gonna happen pal. I need you as leverage, not as a runaway. Put down your weapons and we won't kill you. That's the full extent of the deal." He cancelled the holo projection and pointed at the prisoners with his empty hand "We'll handle those two once you made up your mind." With that, Nyugen formed back into line, and readied his pistol at the xeno. He began to stream a countdown to his squad. He gave the xenos ten seconds to react, or else they would open fire. He checked behind his back, and examined the lines of Vixar with their guns at the ready. They were all focused on the covenant troops, no doubt calculating the firing angles and tagging potential hazards.

The countdown was halfway through when the earth began to shake violently under the foot of those in the room. Nyugen signaled for a quick retrat onto the stairs and the lines moved back to avoid the full extent of the large floor. A smoke-like substance emerged from small cracks the began to appear, and the internal computer began analyzing the material. It was just water vapour, but it quickly raised the humidity of the air inside the room. Slowly but surely the small cracks started to take form: a spiral door was opening up in the middle of the room. Bright white light shone through the opening, and Nyugen signaled for the first row to slowly move up to it. He kept his weapons aimed at the Covenant troops, but he was more focused on the door.

But the curiosity didn't last long, as a familiar silhoutte slowly ascended on a alrge elevator in the middle of the opening. Nyugen wanted to move back to the formation, but a sidden sense of pain came over his body. It felt like every single one of his muscles hurt the more he was trying to move them. His body wouldn't move, and he was stuck in the pose he took up earlier. He peeked around to see both the enemy forces and his allies next to him stuck in a similar manner. Nyugen wanted to take a look at the state of the other Vixar, but he couldn't move his head. He tried to speak up, his mouth numb and barely able to form words. He painfully ushered a few words into the comms, his gaze stuck on the slowly ascending figure. "Squad, report in." To his surprise a much more fluid answer came from the leader of team Alpha who stayed back at the opening. "Sir, what is happening? It seems like everybody is paralyzed out of the sudden. Not even Misha can move." Nyugen wanted to answer, but he was too late to form any words as the silhoutte finally emerged a few meters away from him in the middle of the room.

The stature of a Gashathi is something you don't forget. It towered above the smaller Vixar forces and even the Covenant troops. Whoever he was, he was unordaniraly tall even for a Gashathi. A dozen armed figures stood about waist height next to the Gashathi, still taller in their armor than most of the Vixar. It took some time for Nyugen to realise who these aliens were: Genshati Royal Commandos ,the lapdogs of the other Gashathi who were supposed to escort Kindal instead of the Fanheim. Their slim angelic stature could be seen even through the armor as they stood next to the Gashathi with their weapons drawn. Nyugen muttred to himself in confusin. "What the heck-"

The voice of the Gashathi boomed through the room like an explosion. "Silence you worthless meatsack. You dare corrupt our tounge by taking it upon your heretic mouth." Nyugen was filled with pain all over his body, his mind struggling from the attack of the Gashathi. It was no ordinary Praetorian, this guy was a Hirule. No wonder he had the ability to single handedly paralyse the entirety of the Vault. The Hirule looked around in silence as the Genshati commandos moved out towards the stiarcase and the entrance, no doubt having psyionically received their commands.

The Hirule spoke up again, concern in his sound. "I was awakened by my bretheren, but I only see inferior specks of cosmic dust like you at my Sanctuary. Your presence eludes me, and I can feel that my kin is not here. Their words will measure the worth of your pathetic lives. Until proven otherwise, you are all considered foes." He finsihed his sentence and his gaze eluded everyone in the room as he moved towards the entrance. Nyugen's body move on his own as it made way for the Hirule to advance. "More of your pathetic species converge on our sacred Sanctuary. I, Hirule Mak'shaL of the Gashathi Rule will take you as prisoners and test subjects until your forces are either pulverized or subdued. You should be happy to serve me in the future." The Nyugen was finally able to look around, but his body moved on its own. The Vixar lines and the Covenant forces all marched onto the platform, their faces anxious or scared as the situation further escalated. In less than a minute, the entirety of the Vixar and Covenant forces stood uncomfortably close to each other on the platform. The Jedi and the Sith were still carried by Covenant troops.

Then Misha came through the doorway leading to the staircase, on leash and controlled by several of the Genshathi. But it seemed like she was smaller. Much smaller. Nyugen had no idea what the did to Misha, but the Vulkhar appeared to be near a third of it's original size. The Genshati forced her upon the Floor of the Elevator and then injected a large shot of sedating units into her neck. Misha plopped down on the floor in an instant, and the elevator began to descend and the spiral door began closing above them. The Hirule focused his gaze on Misha and spoke up after a brief inspection of the Vulkhar. "One of you pitiful races managed to tame a Vulkhar, a proud banner beast of the Gashathi. Either you wish for your death, or you truly are connected to our kin." The spiral doors closed above them, and the unbearable pain in their muscles started to alleviate. The Hirule looked around one more time, his gaze almost petrifying those around him. "I give you a chance at redemption. Even if you have violated the Gashathi's immortal empire, you may yet be of use to me as servitor races. Act obedient, and you will live to serve under the new great empire of the galaxy." Nyugen knew this could mean almost anything, but he didn't want to risk disobeying the Hirule. It is never a good idea to defy the will of a being whose psychic power can make your nose bleed just by being in your presence. He just watched as the elevator silently descended into the depths of the Sanctuary.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonofTheWest
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


The Sith stealth transport carrying it's task force had moved a reasonable distance away from the vault to avoid detection from the arrival of Covenant forces as well as the ones who claim the vault as their own. The gathered members waited patiently inside, silent as they monitored the situation of their captured leader through the shared HUD interface they shared within their helmets. Fortunately none of them had damaged the helmet allowing Dragos helmet to continue to serve as an inside look. However with the situation seemingly escalating and recognizing the danger, Captain Fordo decided to take initiate, the armored captain rising to his feet and walked over to the main holoterminal located at the ship's center.

"It's possible they'll pick this up." A trooper stated though it sounded more like a reminder than a warning. If anything it was all silently agreed upon that they were willing to take whatever it took to retrieve their captured lord and the waiting was killing at them.

"Our ship's stealth characteristics should provide us some cover. Besides with all that is going on I'm sure they'll likely ignore us, if not..." Fordo shrugged and input the commands attempting to establish contact with Invincible . For several moments there was nothing, no response until suddenly a holographic figure took shape in the form an older man but one that all in the Empire recognized "Governor Tarkin, I was not anticipating you to be on board the Imperial flagship unless of course I contacted the wrong ship" Fordo said.

"Ah not at all captain, you made no such mistake. I was in the area with Imperial command retrieved your previous message and I decided to come aboard in preparation for what I assume will be the request of immediate assistance." Tarkin paused, pondering his next decisions. "Is there an update on the situation?"

"Lord Dragos remains in the hands of the enemy but the situation he's in continues to intensify." Fordo then leaned over, pressing several buttons on the monitor as he transferred a display of Dragos HUD allowing the governor to see for himself.

"How odd for Lord Dragos to be caught in this situation. It seems our approach to this must be well thought out... Grand Admiral Thrawn, your opinion?" The captain's eyes slightly widened at the mention at the name. Grand Admiral Thrawn was a legend among the Empire being the only alien to achieve the rank of Grand Admiral. Stepping into the holographic view a tall, blue skinned alien appeared alongside the older individual as he gave a quick nod to acknowledge Fordo "Captain" The admiral stated as if too encourage the Captain to continue.

"Grand Admiral your appearance is also unexpected."

"I can imagine. I had long been waiting to work with Lord Dragos again how unfortunate he's in a difficult situation"

"I felt it was appropriate to call on you to help retrieve Lord Dragos. Together your efforts smashed the greatest of Republic defenses" Tarkin returned his gaze back to Fordo. "Grand Admiral Thrawn is here to assist us. His mission that led him to be temporarily transferred of the Invincible is over, he has command of the ship now along the rest of Dragos fleet. We are prepared to strike at once"

The Sith task force silently watched but this was the best news they could possibly hope for, Thrawn arriving with the largest ship in the Sith fleet? Surely the enemies at Aurora had no chance however "Governor Tarkin if I may... I disagree." Thrawn took a pause to eye Dragos HUD and began looking over the prior information that was sent earlier. "Our tactics must differ from brute force. The Invincible despite it's unrivaled firepower lacks any sort of discreet qualities. The gathered factions on Aurora will long be able to detect this ship and likely have time to leave before we arrived or worse yet be able to trace our movements back to Imperial territory." Thrawn paused again to gather his thoughts as he monitored a small map of the Aurora system. "Arrival on top of Aurora would also be quite the risk. I believe an arrival outside of the system and stealthily approaching will seem most appropriate. For now we shall coordinate only in code, I'll make the necessary arrangements for this rescue party, Captain I hope your men ready"

"Understood Admiral" Fordo bowed his head as the hologram faded watching Thrawn give a small shrug towards Thrawn as if to acknowledge his intellect and trust his opinion. It would take some time but sure enough the Sith would arrive to aid their own. It was just a matter of waiting.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Niryrk nodded and bowed at the Kells request. "I will take one of the other Ketch. I'll transfer in a skiff now and turn course." Niryrk turned around and began to walk off before a hand landed on his left shoulder. Niryrk turned to see Keliks. "Be careful. With all that has happened, I fear you will find more trouble." Niryrk smirked. "I'll be fine. It's you that I'm worried about. See the a medic already." Niryrk walked to the hanger with his personal squad of vandals. We he got to the hanger, he could see the crew gearing up and ready. They boarded their skiff and transferred over to another Ketch that followed.

Niryrk was greeted by several vandals and murauders. "So where are we going?" The vandal asked. Niryrk issued them to follow. "We are scouting out a abandoned facility. Our experiences on the dust bowl of a planet told us we need to lie low for a little while until we can gather up better gear." The Ketch soon began to turn away from the others that accompanied the Kells ship.

Niryrk let out one final transmission before going radio silence. "I'll contact you if we find anything. Glory to the House of Ruin. May you continue to lead us to an age of glory Kell."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dreadnought Madron


The order to send recon drones to the planet Aurora was already completed. Two frigates deployed dozens of volleyball size drones with their own Mass Effect Fields and thrusters to maneuver and shield itself from debris. They sent information on their scans of the surface and even communications they were able to intercept. Both were sent to command quickly confirming Admiral Naara's fears.

"So this is the Covenant then huh?" she whispered to herself knowing that extraction of any Asari captives on the planet was likely impossible. This was of course not just because of the massive Covenant presence, but also due to the large presence of Covenant forces on the ground. The Probes weren't able to detect the state of the settlement, but they were able to monitor constant movement of Covenant vessels to and from the settlement. Ralla sat down in the captain's seat and closed her eyes wondering what to do about this. She considered making contact which she expected to turn violent due to the faction's motives. If it turned hostile a fleet to fleet battle seemed unlikely to go in her favor.

"NIA have you translated any other intercepted communications yet?"

"Of course and this one appears less hostile than the Covenant."

"Let me hear it."

It was a diplomatic message calling for potential negotiations and a neutral ground. From a military officer no less, but there was at least some precedent in the Asari military for this. The Admiral wondered if it was too late to even join this. "I'm no diplomat, but maybe have some information. Just knowing more about the Covenant's objective could change my objectives." at this point she was essentially talking to herself. Commander Mera just arrived coming from informing the Justicar personally of the situation.

"Commander good you're here. Think we should do battle with the Covenant?"

Mera wondered if the Admiral was just joking, but decided to answer seriously. "The enemy has multiple dreadnought sized ships and far more cruiser size ships. Size isn't everything, but if their weapons, skill and range are even somewhat comparable to ours we will lose a significant amount of forces. Without reinforcements we won't have the numbers to complete our mission."

"Basically we don't have a proper fleet. You should be Admiral. I think I just want another fight." Naara smiled to herself before giving out another order. "Send a message to Commander Muriel. Let it say this. This is Admiral Ralla V' Naari of the Asari 12th Fleet. Our interest is in the Planet Aurora and the disappearance of our citizens." This was the name the pirates gave her. She still sent information on the planet she mentioned with the message. Even if the Covenant attempted to encrypt the message it would still serve its purpose.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sierra
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Sierra The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The commander sighed. She wanted to kill him. She wanted to hammer on the trigger of her sidearm until the heatsink overloaded. But the situation made that impossible. Or did it? Her mind pieced together ways to make it work, no doubt the manifestation of her suppressed rage about to boil over. Nothing she could think up could pass a rigorous tactical analysis, or if it could it was far too unsatisfying. Vaporizing his entire transport upon departure was quite viable, but she wanted personal retaliation. She wanted to personally see his cold, dead corpse lying crumpled at her feet.
“Fortunately for you ...” she glowered at the fleetmaster, speaking through grit teeth, “I have a more significant, more immediate problem to deal with.”
She had thought through her strategy. It was excruciatingly unsatisfying, but it would keep everyone alive and ensure that her plans for the future were not revealed. He may see her hatred, but he could not know just how far the Imperial Navy was willing to go to collect his corpse.

“We have contacts incoming. These are not unknown contacts, this is an enemy we have battled before. They have advanced cloaking and fusion torpedo technologies beyond our own. Sensors tells me we have ... about seven, maybe eight minutes ... probably closer to seven, before incursion. I need to ready my ship for combat and per protocol, I cannot have any of you still standing around in the hangar. I highly recommend you prepare for immediate departure. I cannot take responsibility for your lives if you choose to remain aboard my vessel. Now if you will excuse me, I will be in the briefing room strategizing. If you need me, knock.”

She did not wait for a response. Instead she turned around, grunted under her breath, and stepped into the briefing room. The sliding door shut behind her as she engaged the holotable. For a brief moment, she considered turning on her heels and gunning the fleetmaster down from where she stood. The shot was clear ... but without synchronizing the strike with the marine team, his bodyguards would represent a major problem. She returned her mind to the plan, finally able to brief the bridge crew in the privacy of a sound-dampened room. “Tactical, get ready to engage those sleeper torpedoes. Mark targets for a flash jump maneuver. Have railgun turrets 8 through 12 fire towards them once they’re engaged. We’re faking an ambush.”

“Copy you Commander; be advised we have an additional transmission incoming from outside the system. They too appear to be staking claim to the planet below.”
“Aria have mercy, what to they want?!” Muriel barked.
Her XO ran the transmission. “Well if their sensors are remotely capable then they probably realize that their goals are a waste of time,” Muriel supposed.
“Well then why would they contact us anyway?”
Dyykes had her stumped. He raised a valid question. She thought about it for several seconds. “Can you trace it? If you find them, set our jump position to relatively close by. I think we might have a shred of common ground,” she ordered.
“Commander Muriel, you’re not ... If we do that’s an act of war!”
“Welcome to black ops Dyykes. Truth be told, I’m impressed we made it this far without killing anything yet ...” she contemplated just how bad it could get, “at the bare minimum, we get clear of the Covenant and can file preliminary reports whether we choose to return to Tiir or go for engagement.”
“Fair enough, Boulti is running the trace now.”
Muriel rubbed her hands across her face. Black ops took nerves stronger than steel. Any other commander would be dead by now, but she bided her time, bottled her emotions, and planned very ... very carefully.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raknarion
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Destiny Ascendant, Main Hangar

The rather hostile move by the Overseer's droids caused the Sangheili Ultras to raise their own weaponry at the droids and the overseer. The Fleetmaster gestured his guards to keep their weapons down, while glaring at the Overseer, observing.

"I eagerly await your solution to our menace. You will find hard to break our faith, even harder to break our fighting spirit, Overseer."

Then he turned to Commander Muriel, listening to what she had to said. Noticing how obvious her agitation was. He merely shaked his head when she finished the good-bye speech.

"Very well. Consider yourselves warned of what the Covenant may unleash if you interfere in our divine sanctioned duty. I will no longer be able to grant you any further aid. This will be the last time we meet, I believe."

With the warning uttered, the Fleetmaster turned about and headed for his phantom. His guard followed suit. The negotiations no longer held any presence in his mind, the only thing that his mind had in focus was the eventual confrontation with the Arbiter. The fleetmaster feared little, but the Arbiter was known for his position on insubordination.

The pilot of the Phantom spoke in the comms.

"Fleetmaster! The phantom are prepared to depart for the Arbiter's flagship."

Aurora, the surface.

The Covenant forces on the surface had begun to spread, heading for nearby cities and villages with one intention. To clear the surrounding area of taint. The area around the Vault were littered with unmoving Covenant forces, unable to move by an unknown force. Before the unknown force had taken hold of the troops, they were in the process of clearing the entrance to the Vault of corpses of both hostiles and Covenant. As well as preparing for insertion into the Vault. Various troops of the Covenant stood at the ready, armed with Anti-Armour weaponry to deal with the behemoth that stood between them and the Jiralhanae pack. But there was one species of the Covenant that was un-touched by the unknown force. The Engineers, as most called the species. The backbone of the technology aspect of The Covenant.

Not much was known of their origins, but they had an unique touch with whatever technology the Forerunners had created. They opened the option for the Covenant to achieve their power, but they are treated like slaves. There were no friendlier species within the Covenant than the Engineers, they held no hatred for anyone. But despite this, to unable them of working with the enemy due to the Engineers kindness, bombs had been implanted into their bodies.
While the Covenant troops were frozen, the engineers continued their work; clearing the field of Covenant corpses.

Aurora, within the Vault.

Tartarus observed the enemy, clearly seeing that his pack was outgunned and outmanned. Their only hope was to hold out and await for reinforcements from outside. He noticed how small the enemy was, close to the height of a Jackal. For every dead Jiralhanae, there would be ten dead on the opposing team. A fair fight, Tartarus decreed!

"Pfah, then you will have to rip them from our cold, dead hands! Come! Face the might of the Covenant, our faith will enable us to crush you like the insects you are!"

As Tartarus were about to land a plasma shot at one of the enemy, his body froze. He could do nothing. Just watch and speak.

"What is this black-magic?! Pack, report!"

"Bwarh! I'm frozen, I can't move!"

Similar reports came from the rest of his pack. All frozen like pictures. Then he heard a voice behind him, following his own body began moving against his own will. Tartarus listened to the al-mighty being, growing more angrier by the word.

"Bwarh! Don't listen to the tainted mad-man, pack-members! With the Prophet's Will and Guidance, they will soon be cleansed from the Holy Sanctuary of the Forerunners, and soon enough in our bellies! Harh!"

As both the Vixen troops and Covenant troops began move onto the platform, Tartarus went through the pain whenever he tried to move his body at his own will. It proved for the mostly fruitless, but once the forces began lining up beside eachother, his Will proved right. For a moment, Tartarus managed to bring his hammer from his back. That was a far his faith and will brought him. The pain was too much, even for Tartarus. If he'd gotten his will, the heathens around him would be flying in every direction. There was only one thing to do, he spoke into the comms, even if it might fall on deaf ears.

"All Covenant forces on Aurora, attack anything that is not Covenant! Cleanse!"

Afterwards, he howled in the fashion of a Jiralhanae. His pack followed suit.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Shortly after Niryk's departure the Fallen fleet kicked up with a flurry of activity. While most of the fleet was preparing to move again a portion of it was trying to pick up communications from the system they had just fled from and a dedicated group of servitor was sifting through whatever they picked up as well as information from before their retreat. Ephsor had ordered this because, while they awaited word from Niryk, he wanted to learn just a bit more of what they were up against.

As information came through a list began to develop of the faction they had encountered, as follows:
-The Covenant
-Gashathi High Order
-Destiny Ascendant(ship, owning faction unknown)
-Shadow Star(ship, owning faction unknown, Cindorian?)
-Unknown Empire
-at least one other unknown faction

They had little more that names and an early impression at this point, but that was enough to safely say the Covenant and Gashathi would be enemies, Both factions were quite hostile to whatever wasn't them and seemed ever so slightly on the arrogant side. While the attitude of the Destiny Ascendant couldn't really be determined they had been the first to call for a diplomatic meeting, one Ephsor had dismissed but perhaps that had been a mistake. The Shadow Star was almost entirely unknown, all they had on that one was that it responded to the Ascendants diplomatic call.

In light of all this Ephsor ordered off several scout parties with different orders depending on their target. Both the covenant and the Gashathi were to be watched from afar and their activity reported. A scribe was sent with the party sent after the Destiny Ascendant, they were to observe for some time before looking for an opportunity to make contact. The group after the Shadow Star was to learn what they could but not worry about being detect unless the Shadow Star proved openly hostile.

Once the parties were away Ephsor leaned back in his throne to await for word from Niryk while one of the Archons, Rhemis, came to stand by his side.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Dreadnought Madron

Admiral Naari along with holographic representations of a few high ranking fleet officers discussed current military action. She already expressed her wish for an assault on the superior fleet. The battle map represented in the large room showed a visual representation of the battle space.The scenario Admiral Naari presented was a simple hit and run attack using precise ftl jumps to hit key targets and jump away. Deploy ground forces in the process to secure the settlement where the Asari were likely being held. Of course the option to simply retreat while leaving some reconnaissance ships in the field to monitor the situation was presented. The latter is what most of the officers present agreed was the most reasonable choice. Asari in general hated groups like the Covenant. The last fanatically religious species they battled used powerful fusion weapons to annihilate themselves instead of submitting. While emotionally preferable the former was unlikely to accomplish any objective without significant assistance.

The Admiral couldn't help but agree with this.Even with more forces under her command than she has ever had it was still impossible to successfully engage the enemy. For some time she seriously considered simply attacking once, deploying anti matter and warp bombs and disappearing into ftl. Destroying or even crippling dreadnought size enemy vessels would have to be enough.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Within the Vault

Mak'shaL stared coldly at the walls of the tunnel in which the elevator descended. He seemed to have spaced out during the descent. Nyugen opened a secure comms with his squad leaders and sent a short encrypted message. "Be careful. Watch the others." It wasn't much, but he didn't want to risk the Gensathi decoding their message. He waited for a few seconds, but they didn't move. That either meant they didn't decrypt the message, or they simply didn't want to act without command. He slowly shifted closer towards the middle of the group, hoping that he could organize a breakout attempt better if things go sour.

And they went sour fast. A few minutes into the descent, they psychich force seemed to have all but left their bodies and the troops were starting to regain their vigor. The covenant troops seized this oppurtinity to try and break out. Despite being locked in a close space with little space for their unwieldy weapons to be properly used, the manaics still decided to face the Hirule. Nyugen shouted into the intercooms as he readied his pistol: the only weapon he could use in such a crowd. "Phalanx formation!" The Vixar began to power up their shields and line up, but they had little time to properly organized themselves. As the first of the Jiralhanae began their assault, the Genshati on the outside of the circle opened fire indiscriminately. At the same time, Mak'shaL pulled out two iconic batons from under his robes and unleashed a flurry of attacks at anyone near them. "Hit the dirt!"

With the Hirule and the Genshti shooting at the others in the elevator from both sides, there was little chance to survive. However, both Misa and the captives were kept safely behind the Genshati lines, their safety ensured by the captors. When the Genshati stopped firing, most of both forces lied dead on the floor. Nyugen and about two dozen Vixar still drew breath, crouching with their heads down amongst their dead allies. Nyugen didn't see the covenant forces, but he was sure they took heavy casualties as well.

He could only sense the elevator slowing down, as it amde it's final descent into the Gashathi Sancturay. Light flooded the shaft as the elevator descended into the middle of a grand hall dressed in white, supported by 30 meter tall columns decorated with ancient motives. The room was extremely big, from one end to the other about 200 meters long. The walls were lined with machinery and cryo-pods containing the servitor races. Mak'shaL stepped off the elevator, and gestured for the survovrs to follow. "I must see to final preparations. If you imbeciles have learnt anything from the death of your comrades, you won't try anything stupid until I come back." He headed off towards a massive gilded ddor in the distance, and the Gensathi escorted the rest of the group off the elevator for safekeeping.

Main Hangar

Kindal could not beleive how stubborn this alien was. But so be it. If this "Covenant" wanted to do this the hard way, then Kindal will give them the fight of their life. The Overseer wished to talk to Muriel, but she had already left to make plans for the future. Kindal turned towards the Kyrians and bowed deeply. "Despite this meeting's failure to achiev progress, I hope that we can develop friendly relations in the future. The Gashathi are ALWAYS looking for allies."

Once Kindal was inside the cockpit of the Corvette he could finally relax his muscles. He seated himself in the central chair and took of hiss mask to remove his breathin and translator gear. He took a deep breath from the air before adressing the pilot. "Are we ready to go?" The pilot signaled with his thumbs up, and the ship shook for a second as the magnetic docking clamps disengaged. Kindal didn't hear what the pilot was saying, but he was sure that he was consulting with flight control. Soon enough the ship finally began to move and left the hangar. They didn't go too far from the ship when the familiar sound of the SDD began to echo through the small ship. The warning lights truned on, and Kindal made sure to tighten his safety belts.

The transition from point A to B was seamless. One second he was looking at the strange alien architecture of the Destiny and the other second he was enjoying the sight of the familar curves that made up the Gem. The Corvette stopped moving as it spooled it's engines. Kindal quickly sent a point-to-point message to the Gem as he was waiting for their arrival at the home base. "We're switching to plan B. Initiate phase 1 of Operation "Fallen God"."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Starwhip
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Starwhip Lakon Deli Console

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Main Hangar

Arelya bowed in return, kneeling on one leg while the other folded underneath her body. "Cal trel, Vier'yen." Her voice was subtly different in her native tongue, a bit smoother than it was in Aurerran. With a wing she gestured for Raldyr to get in the shuttle, before turning to follow, opening a channel to the Shadow Star. "This is Arelya, prepping for departure. Requesting a flight path to '31."


Observation Deck

"I don't think we should get involved down there. There's almost too many different xenos to count, and we'd be spread thin with our current forces. It would be a tactical blunder to be caught planetside if a large-scale conflict broke out." Kel'ar shook her head, the jet-black scales on her neck shimmering from the overhead lights. "We'd need more troops, some fightercraft and a handful of surface vehicles to even stand a chance of making a dent, and that would require Command to send Archangel to this hellhole."

Lyra sighed, putting more weight on the railing she leaned on. "You command the ship; I would imagine you have some influence over where it goes."

"Some, yes, but it would be treason to take it here without orders. With the current situation, even though there are civilians involved, it isn't a sound decision. I'll put a request in, but I doubt anything will come of it yet."

The two commanders watched as the away team's shuttle continued its slow approach for docking, its dorsal side becoming illuminated by the hangar floodlights as it halted beneath the Shadow Star. The kyrian snorted, fogging the window in front of her for a moment. "At least your weapons officer didn't get herself killed, we might need such a position in the near future."
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