Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xaxl


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Yog Sothoth said
I already explained what responsible capitalism is in the economy description, responsible capitalism is a more governmentally controlled capitalist system which helps lessen the inequities that occur in a regular capitalistic system. A stratocracy is a government run by military leaders, Sparta is the most well known example of a stratocracy. Also when I say republic I mean that explorers are the representatives of the people, as I said I will be adding more soon which will elaborate more on their style of government

Re: "responsible capitalism", you might be looking for the term "mixed economy".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Xaxl said
Re: "responsible capitalism", you might be looking for the term "".

I like the term responsible capitalism, I found it on a list of different forms of capitalism
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alfhedil
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Yog Sothoth said
I already explained what responsible capitalism is in the economy description, responsible capitalism is a more governmentally controlled capitalist system which helps lessen the inequities that occur in a regular capitalistic system. A stratocracy is a government run by military leaders, Sparta is the most well known example of a stratocracy. Also when I say republic I mean that the explorers are the representatives of the people, as I said I will be adding more soon which will elaborate more on their style of government

That's... Not a republic. A Republic is a government run by representatives of the people, elected by the people. What you just described is a Stratocracy with a competent enough military to have diplomatic envoys and a Recon division.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alfhedil
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Alright, here's what I got so far for you, Yog.

Yog Sheet said
Razorians are an alien species that are exactly like anthropomorphic rats. they are a little bit larger than the average human, and because of the 1. heavier gravity on their native planet, they have very 1. strong developed muscles which allows them to take a 1. good amount of damage. they are 2. very skilled in the building of spaceships to help assist them in their journey to explore the stars and 3. battle possible threats to their civilization. Rozorians have a 2. really natural skill for combat and it is 4. easier for them to effectively use a weapon that they are not use to fighting with. Razorians have a lifespan of about ninety years and it takes longer for old age to effect their physical strengths.

1: These traits don't necessarily result in what you have specified. While living in higher gravity environments will result in a species adapted to such a gravity, it does not make them tougher.

2: Why are they skilled in this manner? Is it instinctual mechanical skill? Has this knowledge been taught to them as part of required schooling? Genetic memory?

3: Why? Surely as explorers, their first reaction would be to establish diplomatic ties and make peace with other civilizations, rather than see everything as a threat that needs destroyed.

4: You're going to have to go a bit more in-depth here to explain how they can instinctually understand the workings of alien weapons. Battle-prowess does not mean that you are able to pick up a weapon you are unskilled with and be able to effectively use it.

Yog Sheet2 said
Astroism teaches its followers that conquering their fear of the unknown is the next step to advancing their society. It also teaches that all the answers that its followers seek are in the cosmos and that traveling into space can make them achieve enlightenment. Lastly the religion preaches for people to be strong and honorable and [/i]1. charitable to others.[/i]

1: This directly conflicts with #3 above, and makes me question it even further. Going to have to clear things up here and be more concise.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alfhedil said
Alright, here's what I got so far for you, Yog.1: These traits don't necessarily result in what you have specified. While living in higher gravity environments will result in a species adapted to such a gravity, it does not make them tougher.2: Why are they skilled in this manner? Is it instinctual mechanical skill? Has this knowledge been taught to them as part of required schooling? Genetic memory?3: Why? Surely as explorers, their first reaction would be to establish diplomatic ties and make peace with other civilizations, rather than see everything as a threat that needs destroyed.4: You're going to have to go a bit more in-depth here to explain how they can instinctually understand the workings of alien weapons. Battle-prowess does not mean that you are able to pick up a weapon you are unskilled with and be able to effectively use it.1: This directly conflicts with #3 above, and makes me question it even further. Going to have to clear things up here and be more concise.

Again I have been busy and haven't refined everything about my faction yet. I would like to point out that when you're exploring the unknown it is best to be prepared and the military provides protection against possible threats, do you think that an exploration style nation would just open its door to anyone? Look at America, we got the first man on the moon and have plans to explore space and our country is pretty militarized. I was going for a hybrid faction of warriors and explorers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alfhedil said
That's... Not a republic. A Republic is a government run by representatives of the people, elected by the people. What you just described is a Stratocracy with a competent enough military to have diplomatic envoys and a Recon division.

I was planning to have the military leaders and explorers be voted by the people to represent them in the government.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlienBastard


Banned Seen 10 yrs ago

I gotta jump in here for a bit.

Alfhedil said
3: Why? Surely as explorers, their first reaction would be to establish diplomatic ties and make peace with other civilizations, rather than see everything as a threat that needs destroyed.

I don't know about that.

The spanish were explorers themselves too, as their motives were to establish trade routes with china and they found the new world. This didn't stop them from destroying much of a civilization because they deemed it devil worship.

[of course that's a exaggeration of what really happened, but there is no doubt the catholic priests from spain took one look at human sacrifice and said "Nope nope nope nope nope"]

Also norsemen explored the northern seas and colonized greenland, iceland and even a part of canada for a bit. However the norse were very much a warlike society.

For instance a xenophobic society may use exploration as a way to scan the galaxy to make sure no other sentient life exists, and if they find it either try to destroy the potential threat if they're still in the crib or start rapidly militarizing if it's something as powerful or more powerful than them.
Before one asks, no, I likely won't be joining the RP since I have my hands full RP wise. I find the app sheets and some of the factions here interesting though, and am always watching.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alfhedil
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AlienBastard said
I gotta jump in here for a bit.

Unless you intend to participate, don't jump in on the critiques of our player's sheets. This is one of the most disrespectful things you can do to someone in an RP, and it makes me question your personal character. If you have no interest in joining, then don't make comments regardless of how right you think you are. =D

Yog said
I was planning to have the military leaders and explorers be voted by the people to represent them in the government.

Ah, okay, that makes more sense then. Just toss up a couple lines that explains things to that effect and we're cool. =D

Yog said
Again I have been busy and haven't refined everything about my faction yet.

Alright, that's fine, just take what I said in consideration when making alterations =D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Fair Lady
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The Fair Lady

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Hiya, might join
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cosmic Fury
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The main reason I'm asking this is because 1) the term "responsible capitalism" and your description of it strikes me as a socialist government, and 2) I'm not sure where a clear definition of the stratocracy ends and the "republic" begins.

Furthermore, how is the republic a republic? Are certain people restricted from holding government positions outside of veteran explorers and military personnel? How do the elections work? How much does the government influence the economy? (More specifically, why is it a form of capitalism rather than a [semi] socialist economy?) How much influence does the military have on the government, and vice versa? I think these are major issues to address.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cosmic Fury said
The main reason I'm asking this is because 1) the term "responsible capitalism" and your description of it strikes me as a socialist government, and 2) I'm not sure where a clear definition of the stratocracy ends and the "republic" begins.Furthermore, how is the republic a republic? Are certain people restricted from holding government positions outside of veteran explorers and military personnel? How do the elections work? How much does the government influence the economy? (More specifically, why is it a form of capitalism rather than a [semi] socialist economy?) How much influence does the military have on the government, and vice versa? I think these are major issues to address.

As I said I am still working on it
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cosmic Fury
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Alright, but these are good issues to keep in mind as you're polishing off things.

@The Fair Lady: Excellent! I look forward to what you have to contribute to the RP.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alfhedil
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Hey all, for anyone who's still around, we've got a Skype group going on right now for not just this RP, but all of the other RPs we are running/participating in. If anyone has Skype and wants to join the group, send me a contact request(Same as Guild name) and I'll have you added into the group. Just make sure to put your Guild username in the contact request so I know who you are. =D

@Yog: I took a look over your revisions and was quite pleased that you went back and clarified things. As far as I'm concerned you should be good to go, unless Cosmic has anything that he needs clarified or completed from you. =D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bewilderedTranscendent


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The Chemdlat War Bands. A chaotic race of mercenaries and drifters without a common banner or identity. They find homes among other races that welcome them, or more often, hire them.

[hider=Society, Culture, and Religion]Dominant Society: Chemdlat society tends to be informal and individualistic. Most chemdlat are concerned with improving their abilities and their bodies, and proving the augments in the throes of combat. This doesn't quite make them brutal, however. As defeat in battle rarely spells death, chemdlat warriors treat it very lightly, as something more of a refined entertainment.
Social Hierarchy: There are roughly three categorizations to the chemdlat. A warlord is a very respectable position, and the best one could aspire to. Leaders of larger war bands are often afforded somewhat more attention, but as it is a warlord doesn't possess excessively more power than other chemdlat, as their position is very much held by common consent. Warriors make up the majority of their species, nearly all of which treat each other as equals, barring particular personal relationships, good or bad. In fact, this respect applies even to opposing chemdlat, as it is an unspoken rule that the head of an enemy chemdlat be left intact regardless of what else is done to incapacitate them, so that they may survive and grow a new body. Lastly are the various chemdlat that decide to take up any occupations other than military. Theoretically they should be treated as warriors; in practice a good majority of warriors consider the "civilians" to be beneath them.
Moral Values: Above all, a chemdlat aspires to be unique, mostly in the development of her body

Culture: (Give a brief description of your faction's culture. List anything that lets it stand out.)
Other Notes: (List anything truly unique that doesn't fit with the rest.)

Religion: (What's it called? How did it emerge within your faction? List one form for each major religion practiced within your faction.)
Gods: (if any)
Tenets: (What are the principles taught by your religion?)
Religious Beliefs: (Give any examples that make it stand out from the crowd.)
Other Notes:

Misc. Cultural Traits
Class Distinctions: (What divides the classes and castes in your faction? How do they work? Does your faction have social mobility?)
Politics: (How does it play a role in your society?)
Entertainment: (What do your people talk about or do in their spare time? Do they even have spare time to goof off?)
News & Other Media: (How is your faction informed on current events?)
Language: (How does it work in general? List anything of note here.)

I will... keep adding to this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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Just curious, how do the chemdlat reproduce if not sexually? I mean, do they have asexual reproduction or do they just clone themselves?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Just posting here to put up my WIP for the Nation sheet and be adding bits up soon
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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So, a couple people raised concern over the use of Skype as the RP's sole method of maintaining communication between RPers, so I've made a chat that people can use to actively speak with members of the group. We can use this until Cosmic gets around to making an official one, or something.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bewilderedTranscendent


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TheSovereignGrave said
Just curious, how do the chemdlat reproduce if not sexually? I mean, do they have asexual reproduction or do they just clone themselves?

The latter. They have all the means to just grow a new chemdlat, and so... well that happens. Not often, mind. Not much of a social impetus for that sort of thing, but there's reasons from time to time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cosmic Fury
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Cosmic Fury Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alright, I got the first IC post up. Go nuts and make your intro posts!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xaxl


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I have a question regarding the "no instant FTL" rule and how it relates to wormhole-related mechanisms. Presumably a direct window-style wormhole isn't allowed, but if the wormhole instead opens a "tunnel" that one must traverse between the two points, just how long does that tunnel have to be? Where do you draw the line between "effectively instantaneous" and "acceptable travel time"?

I mean, a wormhole tunnel that stretches five feet is technically not instantaneous and requires you to spend however long it takes to move five feet to get from point A to point B, but that seems like it'd still be unacceptable.
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