Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
So you think you have what it takes to be a Preciprick?

Many have tried, but few have the nads to keep up with this RP. We've had dozens of scrappy young kids come in thinking they have what it takes, only to limp away defeated a few posts later. This messes with the lore of countries. Because of this, we've reinvented our application process.

If you are new to PoW, you must prove yourself to be a valuable poster before we will give you your choice of world nation. How do you prove this you ask? This is simple. You will start out on the proving grounds of PoW: the shattered remained of mighty Imperial Russia!

This map isn't a definitive set of borders; a post-apocalyptic chaos like PoW Russia has no true borders, but this map gives you an idea of where the centers of power lay. Here you can be whatever you want so long as it makes something like sense. Want to be...

A rebellious Imperial officer ruling their own little Kingdom?
A communist or anarchist commune?
A King out of the gutter?
A roving band of Cossacks?
A mysterious horde of animal-mask wearing criminals?
A cabal of mystical orthodox monks trying to unite Russia under the cross?

Go for it! Your imagination is one of the things being tested in the application process, and the more creative you are the better we'll like you.

How long do I have to be in Russia before I can pick another country?

As long as it takes. What we are looking for is evidence of skillful writing, evidence of imagination, but most important of all, evidence of consistency. We need proof of your stamina. That means we are looking for posters who maintain a relatively dependable RPing schedule. And we don't ask for much. If you post once every two weeks, we can live with that, though it'll probably take longer to promote you to full Preciprick.

What happens if I don't have what it takes.

You can stay in Russia. Maybe you'll develop what it takes there. Russia isn't just an application process, it's a training ground.

What about the rest of the world?

Color means taken or reserved. A shade of grey means the borders of that nation have been defined, but are not taken or reserved. White means areas where national borders are not defined, and are not taken or reserved.

Countries already taken

-China: AaronMK
-East African Confederation (Ethiopia): Vilageidiotx
-Philippines: Letter Bee
-The United States: Byrd Man
-Danubian Federation: Wilted Rose
-German Empire: Shyri
-Ukrainian State: Mihndar
-Federación de Centroamérica: The Spectre
-People's Republic of France: Asuraaa
-Armenia: TheEvanCat
-Russian Empire: Pepperm1nts
-Ottoman Empire: Chapatrap
-Hellenic Socialist Republic: Nerevarine
-Herzogtum von Deutsch Westafrika: NecroKnight
-Algeria: SgtEasy
-India: Killian
-Great Britain: WrongEndoftheRainbow
-Kingdom of Spain: The Wyrm
-Assyria: EveryMemeAKing

Hall of Shame: Countries abandoned or retired.

-People's Republic of Thailand: BingTheWing
-Rhodesia: The Wyrm
-Empire of Japan: Keyguyperson




Location (on map):

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 11 days ago

“The most important accomplishment, I believe, was my voting against the Great War.”

“The Great War may have been a uniquely horrific war, but it was also plainly a just war.”

“Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs
And towards our distant rest began to trudge.
Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots
But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;
Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots
Of disappointed shells that dropped behind.”

Ending thirty-one years ago to the date, the Great War came to an end. Starting as a mighty Jingoist orgy on part of the war parties involved, the nations of Europe marched to war as steadily as they so often had in eras in the past. And with the columns of native sons also went the columns of the colonies as vast Empires were mobilized into the killing fields of eastern France. Excitement rang over the chance to show the enemy what for. But as the scale grew, the body-count rose, and as mankind dug themselves lower with the hell they brought to bare against one another the enthusiasm died, but the pride did not.

As trenches divided Europe and cut cracks in the earth and the war came to a dirty stalemate none of the leaders of the world saw fit to ever end the damnable conflict. Save only a few. The Russian Empire withdrew early in 1916 wisely responding to pressures on the home-front and reconciling with a quickly dissatisfied bourgeoisie, and in so doing staved off an immediate threat by the reds. The United States stuck to itself, and chose to not get involved even as German Uboats scoured the Atlantic shipping lanes.

It was as if in those days the world leaned over the brink of annihilation as the stories, the images, and the reports from the front came in increasingly telling of an apocalyptic landscape. The preachers preached this was the Second Coming, and the hosts of heaven were dealing battle with those of Satan. But neither army was that of Satan's, nor that of God. It was the furious act of man.

Fronts flared, fronts sputtered, fronts fell into silence as they burned elsewhere. In the end, in 1921 peace was uneasily signed into effect as the politicians bent the knee to the demands of their people and the monarchs to their courts. Pride was bitten back, it was a swallow pill to take. In the end what arose was a peace none wanted. Little changed, only that which changed was done to the bare minimum to bring the parties into agreements. One gained no upper hand to the other, and the diplomats turned from the table and fought to put on a happy face as they presented the terms of armistice and awkward world peace to the world.

And as the war burned out, the war factories quieted, and a generation and a half of broken, dispirited, unsatisfied, and dead men came back home came the dangers of the post-war. With nothing left to sustain the demand, industry became lack luster. With no strong young hands in the field the crops became threatened. The economy depressed, and collapsed. And for the longest time it felt as though the war would again be preferable. Secretive mutterings filled the workman's ghettos, the coffee houses, the universities, and the halls of powers as men struggled against themselves to maneuver away from the new crisis, one that can not be bargained with, one that could not be fought with guns.

These mutterings have not died.

In 1952 the unspeakable and unexpected happened: the Czar in Russia was murdered. But while Europe prepared for a succession in the throne they found instead chaos as the antiquated Russian machinery cracked and broke, throwing its springs and cogs as revolt and open fighting within the Russian state flared. And in the years that came increasing waves of opportunists entrenched themselves within the civil war. Bolsheviks, never truly beaten; Republicans, never really gently delivered to that bed of peaceful reconciliation. Feuding generals, statesmen who never got what they wanted. Ethnic tension from the groups within the mighty and far-reaching Empire.

And while no one has reported them since, the rumors and folk tales of the assassination have long cast blame on two Finns perhaps only really known to the Russian state: Viktor Laine and Juhani Mikheal.

It is now the year 1960's. Like the long after effects of a terrible disease Europe has come to suffer from the turmoil of the early era of the century. It faces the end stage of the 20th century with as much doubt and unrest as it had in the dark days of the war and after. It is feared that the events of Russia deliver a dark portent to the Europe of tomorrow.

Welcome to Precipice of War, the reboot! Precipice of War was an RP started way back in 2011 on the Spore forums by one Gorgenmast, though inherited by me several months after. For years, Precipice developed as a world and a narrative over five years of development on and off until finally coming to a sputtering close in 2016. But as of recently, old PoW members have gotten together and it was decided to breath life back into the universe and start it all anew. Some old facets have remained to retain the original setting, more are as of yet to be introduced in applications, and many more new stories, narratives, and histories are yet to be introduced as you; the writers and contributors join in.

The history of PoW is set several decades after the closure of the First World War, where our deviation of history occurred. By chance decisions in the early 20th century the United States kept its pledge to not be involved in a foreign war and kept clear of the conflagration in Europe as its old Empires chewed itself up. To further prolong the conflict, the Russian Empire made an early peaceful exit to attend to problems at home, preventing the Revolutions that would overthrow it and breaking the Bolshevik movement before it could gain traction. We pick up this world during May of 1960.

This RP is a literate, narrative RP. As such I will not be putting much emphasis on such things as turns, stats, or other game-like features. I want the emphasis in the RP being story telling and world building, to write posts that tell drama and not list encyclopedic facts, actions, dates and times. Each post will advance the progress of the story through time by the author's discretion; but I do not want to see anyone taking considerable advantage of this by forcing the RP to jump large spans of time, the RP does not exist for you, the RP exists for us all.

Technologically, because of the circumstances of this world technology is stunted by several decades. The arms race that was the Second World War never occurred and the old industrial power houses of Europe were crippled by war and economic depression; restraining the advance in jet plane technology as no power has had the resources or capital to invest in the advanced metallurgical means to produce jet propulsion engines. Likewise, space exploration has not even begun to take seed with the limited advances in rocketry and aeronautics. The atom has not been split, so nuclear weapons do not exist not does nuclear energy. And all over the board the lack of large multi-national economic zones and alliances as was the East and Western world in our timeline have not come into being, so the large-scale use of resources across multiple nations and institutions has itself had the effect in limiting the advance in great large-scale technological progress, more without the cold war. The world might easily be said to being ruled by the same old Great Powers in their own, old independent blocks of power and economic span; if not on shaky ground as the post-war world matures around them and threatens to leave them behind.

And Russia in this world is plunged into almost perpetual sectarian conflict. With the Empires Central Asian territories free of the yoke of Moscow they are once again free to define their futures; however much they may have changed with the Russian influence. Else where across the old Empire ethnic, cultural, political, and sectarian differences have wedged the old Empire apart in a modern reenactment of the old Time of Troubles.

Map and world

Applications Center

Application is for nations


Location (on map):


Other: (Throw misc stuff here, Vilage can pretend this doesn't exist.)

Application is for NGOs (non-state organization participants)




Application is for individuals (non-state, non-NGO participants)



Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 11 days ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 11 days ago

I can't remember if you ever specified if the US kept Cuba or not, so I left it off until you confirm, Byrd.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hands off Cuba!

That's my way of saying no.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Brithwyr
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Brithwyr Primus inter Pares

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Can I claim Korea?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 11 days ago

Can I claim Korea?

You'll need to talk to our two prospective Japanese claimants, since in this world Japan would still own Korea and Taiwan and if they're proposing civil war the outer territories might be forced to side with one or the other, or they're independent, or they're left to be loyal to Japan but not taking sides so not independent. You'll need to wait for their apps or speak to KGP or Clock.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Societas
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Okay I'm here, what kind of country can I claim
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Brithwyr
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Brithwyr Primus inter Pares

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Dinh AaronMk

What about Kamchatka?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 11 days ago

Okay I'm here, what kind of country can I claim

Italy, Portugal, I don't think anyone has claimed the UK yet though someone put it down as a maybe, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Thailand, Siam...

It's a very long list. It's better to name who's spoken for: China, US, Ethiopia, Germany, Austria, Ukraine, Japan, Philippines, Central America, France.

@Dinh AaronMk

What about Kamchatka?

I mean: I guess? But that part of Russia is what I'll be involved in quick and Kamchatka doesn't really seem like the place a state could last very long.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pepperm1nts
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Pepperm1nts Revolutionary Rabblerouser

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tfw you think up a cool character but you're stuck in a disaster zone until further notice

PS keep the map updated

PSS send toilet paper
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Societas
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Italy, Portugal, I don't think anyone has claimed the UK yet though someone put it down as a maybe, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Thailand, Siam...

It's a very long list. It's better to name who's spoken for: China, US, Ethiopia, Germany, Austria, Ukraine, Japan, Philippines, Central America, France.

Since I don't know much about this storyline can you tell me you went country has been the most uneventful I assume Switzerland because usually no one goes to war with Switzerland
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Brithwyr
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Brithwyr Primus inter Pares

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Who is playing China? Need help!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 11 days ago

<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>
Since I don't know much about this storyline can you tell me you went country has been the most uneventful I assume Switzerland because usually no one goes to war with Switzerland

Depends on how you want history to go. Switzerland wouldn't have been the only neutral power (in Europe). Ireland and Sweden were also neutral through the conflict.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 11 days ago

Who is playing China? Need help!

I am.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Brithwyr
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Brithwyr Primus inter Pares

Member Seen 6 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Brithwyr>

I am.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Societas
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Societas>

Depends on how you want history to go. Switzerland wouldn't have been the only neutral power (in Europe). Ireland and Sweden were also neutral through the conflict.

I'm not very familiar with Switzerland types of politics since it's mostly referendum, I mostly familiar with a presidential system but I do understand the mechanics of parliamentary systems so I think I can do Ireland
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pepperm1nts
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Pepperm1nts Revolutionary Rabblerouser

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aight, I thought about it and I'm interested in playing a Russian state (and a character tied to Russia but with ties to Colombia). I know Russia is a mess, but what can we reasonably expect the central government to be like? By central, I mean the "legitimate" government. How much control could they have/how powerful could they still be? I'm looking to play a Russian state that still has the potential to be a major player. But yes, I understand Russia is the Somalia of this timeline and everything is fucked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Dinh AaronMk How would have Russia’s eastern territories seceded that easily? Most of the factories and manufacturing industry are west of the Ural Mountains.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 11 days ago

@Dinh AaronMk How would have Russia’s eastern territories seceded that easily? Most of the factories and manufacturing industry are west of the Ural Mountains.

Because there's no one controlling the country to claim anything east of the Urals. There's no Russia left anymore.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Byrd Man I don't have any solid ideas for a country right now so can I play as a frustrated writer CIA agent?
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