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The Triquetra

The physical makeup of the cosmological realm is unknown to the peoples of the material plane known to them as “Ein Sof”. It is an ineffable concept that some scholars spend their entire life trying to explain. An expedition that is often times fruitless, as the idea is understandably beyond comprehension. However, to those who are pious the realms of the gods are visually explained within the common circles as a triquetra. Originally meaning “triangle,” the word triquetra was used to refer to various three-cornered shapes. But after being adopted by the religious scholars of the world to explain the mysteries of divinity, it has come to refer exclusively to a particular, more complicated shape formed of three vesicae piscis (the leaf-like shape in between two equal diameter circles when both centers are the circumference of the other circle), with an added circle in the three lobes. It is also known as the “trinity knot” because parallel double-lines are used in the construction.
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Ein Sof, the Infinite


  • Ein Sof, the Infinite


  • Ein Sof inhabits the realm of Vaettfengbjoo, a place in which was created specifically for Ein Sof and the material plane.


  • Ein Sof holds dominion over the domains of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water.


  • In the most simple terms, Ein Sof is truly neutral. The true manifestation of the land, water, and air that make up the material plane. It is through Ein Sof that all things of the material plane came to be. Ein Sof feels all that occurs upon its realm. From every fallen tree and every chicken slaughtered. Every drop blood spilt and every stone thrown. The good and the evil, for better or for worse - Ein Sof is all knowing and within his realm, all powerful. Ein Sof values balance whether good or evil with no true favor towards one or the other. One might conclude that Ein Sof would prefer those who do good over evil. However, this conclusion would be wrong for without balance good or evil may become a force of oppression and tyranny. Ein Sof respects those who reap what they sow and return what they take. For Ein Sof is from life had once came and where life will ultimately return to await fruit grown from the flowering stems within Ein Sof’s bountiful canopy. While Ein Sof values life over death, it is the balance of that life and death in which it values more. When the scales are tipped to favor one extreme or the other Ein Sof cannot thrive. If its influence cannot be exploited to allow for mortals to correct the scales, Ein Sof will enlist it’s terribly terrific power over the elements bring down mountains and flooding entire valleys to ensure balance is maintained. For the only absolute is that there are no absolutes - for should the Infinite wither to a husk it shall speak the end of the material plane as it is known until a new sprout springs forth from the barren waste to produce life anew. Ein Sof appreciates this most of all - that all things must come to an end even itself.


  • Ein Sof does not have direct interaction with the other twelve deities of the common pantheon. Ein Sof’s existence is to play a role in the struggle of power between those deities, a battle field where the mortals of Ein Sof are watched as if pieces on a chessboard. While Ein Sof has knowledge of the remaining pantheon, its interaction is truly nonexistent and for all extensive purposes Ein Sof is at the very mercy of the remaining deities. Ein Sof is both subservient to all and yet in open rebellion against all as well. While the pantheon sits and watches the game carry-on, little do they comprehend the sentient involvement that Ein Sof maintains a stranglehold over. Ein Sof has no direct interaction with the remaining pantheon but must share information through prophets or oracles. It is through these prophets or oracles that the deities interact with Ein Sof, which they may only do on the material plane. In this way, Ein Sof rules over all.


  • One must return what is taken.
  • One must reap what they sow, in order to prevent waste.
  • Life must be returned to the soil so that it may be returned to from where it once came.

Parishioners/Common Practices

  • Ein Sof has no particular type of person who is more likely to worship the divine being than any other. People of all races, occupations, classes, and regions are likely to worship Ein Sof, more so than any other in this the Time of Darkness. People have turned to Ein Sof as the other deities have abstained from direct contact with their followers. The people believe that Ein Sof is the only one who answer their prayers as the natural effects of the material plane speak volumes. Parishioners pay homage to Ein Sof by following the beings commandments, treating the land and its fruits with respect and love. Often times, active parishioners will have a small trees, finely trimmed and very well maintained in their yards, which are used as shrines to the deity. It is here that tribute is paid in the form of sustenance in which to feed the beings spirit. The bodies of the dead after provided proper funeral rites may being must be buried before decay begins to set in and protected from the desecration of animals to be returned to the source of all life to be born once again.

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Remph, Demiurge of Time

  • Remph, Demiurge of Time

  • Remph, the Demiurge of Time is the patron deity of the realm of Bjargvollr which is a manifestation of time itself waxing and waning changing as time flows never maintaining the same construction for very long.

  • Remph holds dominion over the domains of Earth, Knowledge, Magic, and Travel.

  • Time. Remph is the very essence of time. Always in constant motion, continual progression. While numbers or cycles associated with time as well as the labels applied their too may be arbitrary, the being of time is real as embodied by Remph. One may choose to abscond from keeping track of time but it still progresses. Remph is constantly moving forward. Time does not flow backwards nor does it branch out to maintain new streams of motion. In the beginning there were only three but all would be meaningless without time. Remph reflects on this immortal existence. For Remph has experienced all. Remph also represents true neutrality for time cares not for good or evil. Time cares not for anything except the movement of time. Remph’s apathy is not due to a hatred for the mortal coil but because their existence is meaningless in the larger picture of time. Remph exists in contemplation, watching the mortals struggle with the concept of time. Remph finds amusement in watching the mortals struggle to grasp the concept of time. Remph’s neutrality is quite different from that of Ein Sof in that while Ein Sof would obviously prefer good over evil Remph cares not one way or the other as neither the alignment of mortals affects him at all.

  • Remph’s interaction with the other divine beings is relatively slim. Remph is spoken of as a philosopher, a contemplator, and a great thinker. This is how Remph spends his time, deep in thought often in avoidance of the other deities within the pantheon. Remph holds dominion over the Celestials of Divination, Truth, and the Mountain. These beings regard him as a superior, as he is one of the three major deities of the pantheon. In mortal terms, Remph encompasses an entire visicae piscis of the triquetra, the realm of Bjargvollr. Remph is subservient to no one directly. The qualifier directly is used to exemplify how Remph spends most of his time contemplating on the concept of whether or not a divine being needs belief or people to believe in that being to exist? The three Demiurges have existed for so long their origins is unknown, even to them. As being truly neutral Remph does not standing in direct contrast or open rebellion with any other deity in the pantheon. Remph cares little for the squabbles of the other deities and is often seen as a black sheep by mortal society.

  • Above all else, pursuit of knowledge is paramount.
  • Time may be infinite, by life is a finite although unknown - do not waste it for life is precious.

Parishioners/Common Practices
  • Remph, the Demiurge of Time is most often worshipped by those who value knowledge. Historians, sorcerers, scholars, wizards, and anyone else who may spend their life in the pursuit of knowledge. These men spend their time with a nose pressed between pages of musty tomes or torn scrolls. However, others such as explorers, inventors, and criminals may often find Remph as an ally. While there is no specific race that may choose to worship Remph, any being that is more prone to pursuits of intellect rather than strength or dexterity will find Remph to be a perfect choice. Those who worship Remph often find sundials, hourglasses or for the more high class follower a water clock to be a favored choice of religious symbols. Often times, parishioners form of prayer comes by way of daily time set aside for contemplation or meditation. Wasting time is seen as a slight against the deity by those of the mortal coil, so followers of this deity are often early to rise, late to bed making sure to make the most of every waking moment.

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Eistibus, Celestial of Divination

  • Eistibus, Celestial of Divination

  • Eistibus, the Celestial of Divination is a lesser deity of the realm of Bjargvollr which is a manifestation of time itself waxing and waning changing as time flows never maintaining the same construction for very long.

  • Chaos, Knowledge, Magic, Protection

  • Eistibus follows his whims. It is an individualist first and last. The Celestial of Divination values his own liberty but does not strive to protect others’ freedom. Eistibus avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. It does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, the Celestial of Divination would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those who think different from itself suffer). Eistibus may be unpredictable but its behavior is not totally random. Eistibus is not as likely to intervene in an argument between Sandalphon and Azrael than to go around it. It wanders the realm in quiet contemplating living by its own wits.Eistibus is one of the best deities to follow because it represents true freedom from both society’s restrictions and a do-gooder’s zeal. Eistibus often avoids direct interaction with his follows. For interference with the real world could very well lead to a dangerous precedent of intervention. The deity would most easily be described as chaotic neutral but it’s followers are not specifically aligned one way or another. The Celestial of Divination is fully aware of what is going to happen before it happens on the material plane. This is the curse or blessing of Eistibus’ capabilities. Its response to these acts are both calculated and well thought. Eistibus fails to see the purpose in exploiting the material plane as little does the material plane have to offer to a deity that spends its days looking deep into the future on an almost constant basis. The Celestial of Divination sees the material plane as merely something to deal with in order to maintain some form of a meaningful existence. Parishioners who slight and disobey its rule are often punished by being given glances into their future, or perhaps an altered future with Eistibus’ curse or blessing. Further, those who are found lost in Eistibus’ hell are trapped in a flow of time to watch their own existence from beginning to end time and time again with no possibility to alter the events.

  • Eistibus is subservient to the Demiurge Remph and sibling to both Phanuel and Turiel. It is this small familial group that it calls home within the realm. Within the familial group Eistibus is civil, interacting only when it is necessary. This is because the Celestial is often lost in its own pursuits through the future with little to no concern for the actions of the other deities. Of course, because Eistibus can see how the other Celestials will act before they can even consider changing their mind Eistibus is hated by those celestials that are equal to it. Because Eistibus is often lost in its own pursuit of future sight, little time does it have to act juxtaposed to other celestials or rebel against the more powerful Demiurges. Where others exploit Ein Sof as a battlefield to struggle for power with their mortal puppets, Eistibus sees all possible outcomes and subsequently has little direct interaction with the conflicts of the remaining pantheon.

  • Eistibus does not have any explicit commandments or laws.

Parishioners/Common Practices
  • There are no categories of race, occupations, classes, or inhabitants on Ein Sof that are more likely to be followers of Eistibus, Celestial of Divination than any other deity. Often times, followers of the Demiurge of Time or other deities in the same familial group call upon Eistibus in addition to their chosen patron deity. As powerful as the gifts that Eistibus may bestow upon parishioners, Eistibus’ typically has little concern for those who pray to it and often times ignore their call. Parishioners often pay homage to Eistibus by lighting incense that place the user into a trance, a trance that is claimed to show them the future. They often find Eistibus’ interference when the parishioner after learning the future alters the path of time thusly interfering with the patron Demiurge’s domain.

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Phanuel, Celestial of Truth

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Turiel, Celestial of the Mountain

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Sandalphon, Demiurge of Life

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Zaquiel, Celestial of Purity

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Chesed, Celestial of Empathy

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Matariel, Celestial of Water

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Azrael, Demiurge of Death

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Hasmed, Celestial of Destruction

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Simikiel, Celestrial of Vengeance

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