The physical makeup of the cosmological realm is unknown to the peoples of the material plane known to them as “Ein Sof”. It is an ineffable concept that some scholars spend their entire life trying to explain. An expedition that is often times fruitless, as the idea is understandably beyond comprehension. However, to those who are pious the realms of the gods are visually explained within the common circles as a triquetra. Originally meaning “triangle,” the word triquetra was used to refer to various three-cornered shapes. But after being adopted by the religious scholars of the world to explain the mysteries of divinity, it has come to refer exclusively to a particular, more complicated shape formed of three vesicae piscis (the leaf-like shape in between two equal diameter circles when both centers are the circumference of the other circle), with an added circle in the three lobes. It is also known as the “trinity knot” because parallel double-lines are used in the construction.