Uriel, Celestial of Fire

Coming Soon
[*] What is the name of this spell in the common tongue or in colloquial terms
[*] Is this spell a part of the divine, blood rune, kinetics tree or a result of broken magicite
[*] What are the particular steps required to activate this spell? Does it require specific finger gestures or certain words? Are there other ingredients that need to be mixed in with the blood? Or does it require a specific mental image to properly unleash?
[*] What is the effect of this spell? What happens? How big is it? How focused is it?
[*] Is there an amount of charge time required before this spell can be unleashed? Does a rune have to dry or cure for a specific amount of time before becoming effective? Is the spell delayed? Is there any amount of recovery time?
[*] Is there anything else that that might be important for a player to know about this spell that isn’t covered in the above categories?
[*] What is the name of this spell in the common tongue or in colloquial terms
[*] Is this spell a part of the divine, blood rune, kinetics tree or a result of broken magicite
[*] What are the particular steps required to activate this spell? Does it require specific finger gestures or certain words? Are there other ingredients that need to be mixed in with the blood? Or does it require a specific mental image to properly unleash?
[*] What is the effect of this spell? What happens? How big is it? How focused is it?
[*] Is there an amount of charge time required before this spell can be unleashed? Does a rune have to dry or cure for a specific amount of time before becoming effective? Is the spell delayed? Is there any amount of recovery time?
[*] Is there anything else that that might be important for a player to know about this spell that isn’t covered in the above categories?
[*] What is the name of this spell in the common tongue or in colloquial terms
[*] Is this spell a part of the divine, blood rune, kinetics tree or a result of broken magicite
[*] What are the particular steps required to activate this spell? Does it require specific finger gestures or certain words? Are there other ingredients that need to be mixed in with the blood? Or does it require a specific mental image to properly unleash?
[*] What is the effect of this spell? What happens? How big is it? How focused is it?
[*] Is there an amount of charge time required before this spell can be unleashed? Does a rune have to dry or cure for a specific amount of time before becoming effective? Is the spell delayed? Is there any amount of recovery time?
[*] Is there anything else that that might be important for a player to know about this spell that isn’t covered in the above categories?
[*] What is the name of this spell in the common tongue or in colloquial terms
[*] Is this spell a part of the divine, blood rune, kinetics tree or a result of broken magicite
[*] What are the particular steps required to activate this spell? Does it require specific finger gestures or certain words? Are there other ingredients that need to be mixed in with the blood? Or does it require a specific mental image to properly unleash?
[*] What is the effect of this spell? What happens? How big is it? How focused is it?
[*] Is there an amount of charge time required before this spell can be unleashed? Does a rune have to dry or cure for a specific amount of time before becoming effective? Is the spell delayed? Is there any amount of recovery time?
[*] Is there anything else that that might be important for a player to know about this spell that isn’t covered in the above categories?
[*] What is the name of this kingdom in either the common tongue or the colloquial racial understanding?
[*] Is this particular entry an empire, kingdom, sovereignty, city, town, thorp, mountain range, or some other region?
[*] Where is this particular kingdom, city, or region located?
[U]Major Settlements - Establishments - Locations[/U]
[*] If this is a Kingdom, what is the capital city called? What other settlements exist within this kingdom’s boundaries? If it is a settlement, what are the major businesses or locations with that city? Do they have a particular purpose? If it is a region are there any specific locations of importance within this region? Elaborate?
[*] What is the total population of this kingdom, settlement, or region? This does not have to necessarily be an exact number, but a ballpark estimate.
[U]Economy - - Atmosphere[/U]
[*] How does the country make its money? What does it import? What does it import? How do people survive in this area?
[*] How does this country interact with other countries? How does the settlement interact with other settlements and the country as a whole? How is this region treated by surrounding inhabitants? Why might an adventurer journey to this particular area?
[U]Major NPCs - Inhabitants[/U]
[*] What major NPCs are known to inhabit this country or settlement? What bits of flora and fauna might be discovered here?
[*] Is there anything else that is important for a player to know that may not be touched upon the categories above?
[*] What is the name of this creation in the common tongue or the colloquial name of the racial or regional area?
[*] Is this creation either a piece of flora or fauna?
[U]Typical Appearance[/U]
[*] What does this creation typically look like? How big does it often grow? [I]A picture is acceptable here.[/I]
[*] How large does this biological mass grow?
[*] Where would one typically encounter this creation? Is there a specific region or continent this species inhabits?
[*] How does the fauna act? Does it have a specific mentality? Is the creature smart? What does the creature eat? How does the plant grow? Where does it tend to succeed better? Does the creature grow in a particular manner?
[*] How does this species fit in with society and everyday life? Is this species a pest or does it have a great use that has made society better?
[*] Is there anything that is important for players to know that is not included in the above referenced category?
[*] What is the name of this kingdom in either the common tongue or the colloquial racial understanding?
[*] Is this particular entry an empire, kingdom, sovereignty, city, town, thorp, mountain range, or some other region?
[*] Where is this particular kingdom, city, or region located?
[U]Major Settlements - Establishments - Locations[/U]
[*] If this is a Kingdom, what is the capital city called? What other settlements exist within this kingdom’s boundaries? If it is a settlement, what are the major businesses or locations with that city? Do they have a particular purpose? If it is a region are there any specific locations of importance within this region? Elaborate?
[*] What is the total population of this kingdom, settlement, or region? This does not have to necessarily be an exact number, but a ballpark estimate.
[U]Economy - - Atmosphere[/U]
[*] How does the country make its money? What does it import? What does it import? How do people survive in this area?
[*] How does this country interact with other countries? How does the settlement interact with other settlements and the country as a whole? How is this region treated by surrounding inhabitants? Why might an adventurer journey to this particular area?
[U]Major NPCs - Inhabitants[/U]
[*] What major NPCs are known to inhabit this country or settlement? What bits of flora and fauna might be discovered here?
[*] Is there anything else that is important for a player to know that may not be touched upon the categories above?
[*] What is the name of this creation in the common tongue or the colloquial name of the racial or regional area?
[*] Is this creation either a piece of flora or fauna?
[U]Typical Appearance[/U]
[*] What does this creation typically look like? How big does it often grow? [I]A picture is acceptable here.[/I]
[*] Where would one typically encounter this creation? Is there a specific region or continent this species inhabits?
[*] How large does this biological mass grow?
[*] How does the fauna act? Does it have a specific mentality? Is the creature smart? What does the creature eat? How does the plant grow? Where does it tend to succeed better? Does the creature grow in a particular manner?
[*] How does this species fit in with society and everyday life? Is this species a pest or does it have a great use that has made society better?
[*] Is there anything that is important for players to know that is not included in the above referenced category?
[*] What is the name of this kingdom in either the common tongue or the colloquial racial understanding?
[*] Is this particular entry an empire, kingdom, sovereignty, city, town, thorp, mountain range, or some other region?
[*] Where is this particular kingdom, city, or region located?
[U]Major Settlements - Establishments - Locations[/U]
[*] If this is a Kingdom, what is the capital city called? What other settlements exist within this kingdom’s boundaries? If it is a settlement, what are the major businesses or locations with that city? Do they have a particular purpose? If it is a region are there any specific locations of importance within this region? Elaborate?
[*] What is the total population of this kingdom, settlement, or region? This does not have to necessarily be an exact number, but a ballpark estimate.
[U]Economy - - Atmosphere[/U]
[*] How does the country make its money? What does it import? What does it import? How do people survive in this area?
[*] How does this country interact with other countries? How does the settlement interact with other settlements and the country as a whole? How is this region treated by surrounding inhabitants? Why might an adventurer journey to this particular area?
[U]Major NPCs - Inhabitants[/U]
[*] What major NPCs are known to inhabit this country or settlement? What bits of flora and fauna might be discovered here?
[*] Is there anything else that is important for a player to know that may not be touched upon the categories above?
[*] What is the name of this creation in the common tongue or the colloquial name of the racial or regional area?
[*] Is this creation either a piece of flora or fauna?
[U]Typical Appearance[/U]
[*] What does this creation typically look like? How big does it often grow? [I]A picture is acceptable here.[/I]
[*] Where would one typically encounter this creation? Is there a specific region or continent this species inhabits?
[*] How large does this biological mass grow?
[*] How does the fauna act? Does it have a specific mentality? Is the creature smart? What does the creature eat? How does the plant grow? Where does it tend to succeed better? Does the creature grow in a particular manner?
[*] How does this species fit in with society and everyday life? Is this species a pest or does it have a great use that has made society better?
[*] Is there anything that is important for players to know that is not included in the above referenced category?
[*] What is the name of the race either in the common tongue or colloquially in the the racial or regional dialect.
[U]Typical Appearance[/U]
[*] What does this race typically look like? How tall do they typically grow? How much do they typically weigh? How old do they typically age? When are they seen as an adult amongst their own kind?
[*] How does this race typically behave? What are they generally known for? How do they often respond to everyday problems?
[*] How does this race typically respond to interactions with other races? Are there any racial biases or prejudices that this race carries? Does this race abscond from directly interacting with other races?
[U]Racial Lands[/U]
[*] Where does this race typically call home? Is there are particular region or kingdom that this kingdom calls him?
[*] Does this race have a particular deity they follow as a whole or are they not pious at all? Describe their religious beliefs here.
[*] How does this race typically fit into adventures? What classes do these races typically occupy? How does this race fit into society outside of their racial lands? What occupations does this race typically take up outside of their racial lands?
[*] Is there anything else that might be important for players who want to play this race to know?
[*] What is the name of this class or occupation whether in the common tongue or the colloquial language of the region or race?
[*]What is the purpose of this class or occupation? What does it mean to be a member of this particular class or occupation?
[*] Are there any particular requirements that must be met before this occupation or class can be exploited?
[*] What sort of skills does a person in this occupation or class have? What does it take to do the job or handle the class qualifications? How long does it take to become an effective member of this occupation or class?
[U]Special Attributes[/U]
[*] Are there any special powers or abilities that this particular occupation or class requires and possesses or can eventually gain through training?
[*] How is this occupation or class received by other members of society? Do other people look down on this occupation? Is this particular class highly sought after for their special skills?
[U]Known Members/Trainers[/U]
[*] Are there any masters or trainers that can be found or employed that are spoken of in this class or profession? If so, where are they located? How long have they been in the profession or class? How willing are they to aid potentially “students”? How much might they charge or what would they require before they training a potential student?
[*] Is there anything else that a player may need to know that was not covered by the above categories?
[*] What is the name of this clergy, priesthood, or religion whether in the common tongue or the colloquial language of the region or race?
[*]What is the purpose of this group? What does this group promote or actively seek to rebuke? Who does this group follow or represent?
[*] Does this group have a particularly important historical background that pushed them into developing the way they have so far? This isn’t a year by year historical recount of events but simply the important points.
[*] Are there any current members? Who is the active leading member of this group? The names that appear here do not necessary require character sheets at the moment but will allow people to generate characters or NPCs that already have a hook into the story.
[*] Is there anything else that a player may need to know that was not covered by the above categories?
[*] What is the name of this order, organization, or tribe whether in the common tongue or the colloquial language of the region or race?
[*] What is the purpose of this group? What does this group promote or actively seek to rebuke?
[*] Does this group have a particularly important historical background that pushed them into developing the way they have so far? This isn’t a year by year historical recount of events but simply the important parts.
[*] Are there any current members? Who is the active leading member of this group? The names that appear here do not necessary require character sheets at the moment but will allow people to generate characters or NPCs that already have a hook into the story.
[*] Is there anything else that a player may need to know that was not covered by the above categories?