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  • Sandalphon’s Leg

  • Island Empire

  • Designated in Red

Major Settlements - Establishments - Locations
  • 1 - The Capital City, Drusom
  • 2 - Craforq
  • 3 - Hinass

  • 18350

Politics - Economy - Atmosphere
  • In short, this particular country makes its money through shipping and piracy. As a nation established among an archipelago, every portion of its construction has been done with consideration towards how it may influence docking ships, defense from the natural and mortal made dangers of the sea, The nation imports everything from weapons, textiles, and slaves to resources like mercenaries, gems, and copper. The nation also functions as the main hub for export shipping of the majority of the eastern nations of Ksemari. The nation uses piracy as a means to control who may ship across the Savage Waters. While the nation typically ignores incoming ships those outgoing ships from the eastern ports that move without the nation’s knowledge are typically swiftly hunted down and boarded. One of the only things that this nation exports on its own accord is fish and other marine resources such as whale oil, or bones for use as materials in buildings, furniture, and weapons or armor. In this nation people survive as merchants, traders, sailors, fishermen, shipwrights, or pirates. While the total population is relatively small for a nation, they are one of the most dangerous as the general tone of that population is aggressive. It is safe to believe that every natural born of Sandalphon’s Leg will learn how to sail, fight, and live as a pirate before they reach the age of adulthood.

  • In the eyes of what is left of Ksemari, Sandalphon’s Leg is typically seen as a necessary evil and an intricately important member of how the entire country functions. While Sandalphon’s Leg typically keeps its hands off other nations plates as to not unnecessarily complicate an already tense situation. That is; however, until those countries try to find a roundabout to undermine the nations control of the Savage Waters. From the Whispering Peaks to the Golden Mountains, Sandalphon’s Leg is both the bodyguard and the bully of the waters along the eastern coast of Ksemari. Unfortunately for the other nations, this means that they must interact with Sandaphon’s Leg at least as much is necessary to secure their exports and imports. Typically, this means adding either a bit more gold or a few more goods to be skimmed off the top from what the region needs. Either way, the pirates of Sandalphon’s Leg will get their piece of the pie whether or not it damages the regions they are protecting. Relations with Ascoa or Draezoya are complicated in that their ships are often effects by the pirates of Sandalphon’s Leg but harmed only if those purchasing or selling from Ksemari were not prepared in allowing for an extra portion of goods to be reaped by the pirates often referred to as “The Twins Share.” Rarely does Sandalphon act in aggression towards these nations, or their ships other than the typical boarding and removal of their share which after so many centuries is often offered with little more than stifled resentment. It is for this same reason that the nation absconds from involvement with any military affairs with any nation that isn’t influencing their own business. Because of the stranglehold that the nation has on shipping industry around the eastern edge of Ksemari, it is very easy for Sandalphon’s Leg to retaliate and or control the relationships between other countries given its large pull.

Major NPCs - Inhabitants
  • Tyraxor Craghack, Pirate Lord of Drusom, Captain of the Tempest’s Edge and Captain of the fleet of the northern savage waters.
  • Alkin Elberoth, Pirate Lord of Craforq, Captain of the Dragon’s Scorn, and Captain of the fleet of the central savage waters.
  • Jhora Hastrel, Pirate Lord of Hinass and Captain of the Night Rose and Captain of the fleet of the southern savage waters.
  • Duncan Winsela, sovereign “ruler” of Sandalphon’s Leg.

  • As cliche’ as it may seem, consider this entire region to be something similar to the Pirates of the Carribean and their interpretation of eighteenth century Tortuga or any other pirate settlement. We might also consider the interpretations presented in Assassin’s Creed, Black Flag of various pirate settlements across the map. Things often times are rowdy. The typical inhabitant is ornery, easily agitated, quick to anger, and even quicker to throw a punch or draw a cutlass. Respect is earned. Whiskey is shared but never spilt. The sea is the true ruler of the island kingdom. The overall attitude is “never say die.”

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A Man Is No One A Faceless Man

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  • Nivaria

  • Inland Kingdom

  • Designated in Blue

Major Settlements - Establishments - Locations
  • 1. Sastead
  • 2. Avleigh
  • 3. Kreim

  • 70000

Politics - Economy - Atmosphere
  • Nivaria makes its money through means typical to other inland kingdoms. Consider this nation as a jack of all trades and a master of none. It’s main exports include lumber, livestock, beasts of burden, agricultural products, and derivatives of the aforementioned exports. Nivaria exploits its surroundings more than any other nation currently defined. If there is a particular resource that can be mined, molded, melted down, or made for transport in anyway to states that will pay real coin for it Nivaria will exploit that potential relationship. Nivaria’s economy is directly impacted by the imports that pass through the port city of Sestead as well as the plethora of bandits that raid the traveling caravans. On most days, the kingdom imports precious metals, gems, weapons and armor from the Golden Mountain dwarven kingdom of Nelgarlun and food as well as a number of rarer amenities from other areas of the world that may be seen as valuable to the people of Nivaria. Survival in this area is quite simple as the state’s military might maintains a worthy presence over its well defined borders. While the military is prevalent along the borders of the kingdom as well as the cities in between major boroughs bandits roam free and are allowed to do so to fuel the economy. Those who require assistance find comfort in mercenaries for hire to defend their journey. Otherwise, those robbed by bandits must acquire new goods from the local stores. With a population as large as Nivaria’s, many people find solace in the animinity blending in with the metropolitan atmosphere of the nation’s capital city with ease.

  • Nivaria holds trade treaties with the dwarven nation of Nelgarlun, although neither ruling body has met to discuss new terms on the trade agreement in more than a century. The dwarves typically stick to their mountain range and Nivaria maintains separation at their borders. As with many other nations, Nivaria acts as a slave to the pirate lord’s of Sandalphon’s Leg, where the only time the two states interact is during ships are moving. Sandalphon’s Leg will very often maintain a strong presence before Sestead and within the Gulf of Sowth to main control over maritime trade. While Nivaria holds strong trade agreements with these other nations they are not beholden to respond militarily should the need arise. The response to an issue of this magnitude is strictly on a case by case as well as a benefit-cost basis. Because of Nivaria’s position between the Gold Mountains and the Iron Heights, the state has little direction interaction with the states found further south on anything less than a superficial basis.

Major NPCs - Inhabitants
  • Fineous Galthran, Sovereign King of Nivaria
  • Lorenzo Erling, Baron of Avleigh
  • Lewin Mezizto, Baron of Sestead
  • Aeris Castrata, Baroness of Kreim
  • Arterion Marcel, Hand of the King and Royal Advisor to the Kingdom

  • Think of Nivaria as the classic medieval fantasy setting. Sometime attune to the rolling hills of Rohan speckled with rocky outcroppings. Dense thickets tucked in beneath loose-grown forests speckle with the remnants of lumberjacks quartering word for their fires, homes, and other daily needs. The forests house goblins. The crystal blue waters of rivers and lakes might house mermaids or other aquatic wonders and in that rock might very well be a sword waiting to be drawn by the true king. Anything and everything can truly take place here whether it be a fabled damsel in distress or some epic of espionage that flips the entire kingdom upside down.

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A Man Is No One A Faceless Man

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  • Nelgarlun

  • Mountain Empire

  • Designated in Yellow

Major Settlements - Establishments - Locations
  • Namdarum

  • 95400

Politics - Economy - Atmosphere
  • Like every dwarven nation, Nelgarlun finds monetary solace in its massive mining operation. Iron ore, copper, silver, gold, rubies, sapphires, coal, and whatever else they can dig up from under the mountain. The single city of Namdarum in this nation is built like a water droplet, the larger portion descending deep under the mountain while the point delves even deeper as it grows while the dwarves mine. Weapons and armor of all shapes and sizes are constantly pouring out of the mountain, mainly to Nivaria mainly for them to export the items further but of course, what is done with the items once they leave the mountain is no concern of the dwarves. While the dwarves are nearly entirely independent finding all the sustenance they require from the mountain, its main imports include only things in which are edible. The dwarves horde their gains in great vaults buried deep beneath the mountains. They toil day and night digging, looking for bigger veins of resources, larger gems, stronger metals. There is nothing that the inhabitants of this kingdom cannot be gifted from the mountain and little reliance do the dwarves put on the outside world.

  • If every other race had perished, leaving the Ein Sof inhabited only by dwarves - the dwarves would not miss any of them at all. They might even say that Ein Sof had just before a better place. The dwarves of the Gold Mountain have as little interaction with the outside world as they possibly can. Any interaction they do have is centered around the trade industry they maintain with the outside world. While they may not necessarily despise other races or the world beyond their mountain dwellings, few dwarves find the means to trust the outside world with anything more than an old loaf of bread. Militarily the dwarves are not in open conflict with anyone although through their upbringing the dwarves of the Gold Mountains are ready to fight at a moment's notice. Shrouded in mystery from the outside world, those surrounding the mountain while intrigued by its rocky crags and peaks are weary to travel about its rocky trails. Most commoners may be aware of the dwarves existence, few humans of the surface world have any interaction with a dwarf. Most people go their whole lives without even seeing a dwarf outside of books or drawings.

Major NPCs - Inhabitants
  • Ungarion Khorrun, Emperor of the Gold Mountain, Chosen of Turiel.
  • Raelag Vatawna, Engineer Grandmaster
  • Jabarkas Karth, Miner Grandmaster
  • Elleshar Ajit, Military Grandmaster

  • While mysterious, the dwarves have always been known to be innovative in both warfare as well as feats of engineering. As with typical fantasy dwarf settings, their civilization is filled with large gears, water pumps, elevators and great furnaces. While there are many guarded tunnels into and out of the city, the settlement is built with the more upper echelon homes moving up towards the peaks of the mountains while the lower income houses are mined from the stone as they delve deeper and deeper into the crust of Ein Sof.

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A Man Is No One A Faceless Man

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  • Drusom

  • Settlement

  • Sandalphon’s Leg on the Island of Dernerleor

Major Establishments
  • Eastern LIght House
  • The Sailor’s Booty
  • Drismert Mansion
  • The Fading Rune
  • The Treasure Trove
  • While the Iron’s Hot

  • 11400

  • Welcome to Drusom where everything is for sale and no one walks away empty handed. Drusom makes most of its money on the import and export business that flows through its shore to shore built city. It is this business, as the major thoroughfare for all goods shipped into or out of Ksemari that drives the political atmosphere. Drusom is home to the sovereign ruler of Sandalphon’s Leg Duncan Winsela who ensures that the trade industry is not jeopardized. But of course, Lord Winsela is merely a figurehead for the rest of the world. The true rulers of Sandalphon’s Leg are the trio of Pirate Lords that rule the Savage Waters along the eastern shores of Ksemari. It is the pirate lords who determine who or what enters the realm from the east. More importantly, the pirate lords exploit their position to determine who gets what and when in order to maintain control over entire continent. On the flip side, despite the strife that these Pirate Lords generate it is a very rare occasion when Sandalphon’s Leg gets involved in any military conflict whether between states of continent or of separate continents unless it poses an immediate threat to their way of rule.

  • Drusom is the center of the kingdom of Sandalphon’s Leg. This is to suggest that it is merely the largest collective of individuals amongst the variety of settlements across the archipelago. Each settlement within the loosely defined borders of Sandalphon’s Leg is a self ruling and self policing entity under the rule of head-piece governors that are strongly influenced by the Pirate Lord of the area. Presumably, as long as one settlement does not actively invade another or interfere with any particular shipments (coming or going) relations between the lot of them should always remain on a cautiously ambitious relationship. The inhabitants of other settlements journey to Drusom not because the environment is more controlled or any different than their own settlements but usually because the merchants have better or more unique wares to sell or the job opportunities are more lucrative.

Major NPCs
  • Ayden Lorenzo, Governor of Drusom
  • Eldarian Haart, smuggler and captain of the Dragons Scream
  • Cyrus Damacon, mercenary pirate and captain of the Blasted Daemon
  • Axis Blackdog, Stevedore Thug and leader of the Angels of Azrael

  • Built in a land named after the Demiurge of Life it is rather odd that the people of Drusom would exhibit actions very much similar to the settlement of Tortuga from the modern day pirate movie Pirates of the Caribbean. However, rarely does anyone die. While their lifestyle mimics that of a devil may cry attitude exhibiting very apparent traces of a lack of caring and a typical disregard for the well being of others. The people of this settlement live life to the fullest as an homage to Sandalphon. But death is looked down upon and spoken of as strictly forbidden. While death does occur within the confines of the settlement, it is not taken lightly. Capital punishment is out of the question; however, the typical punishment is exile by means of a single massed dingy that is most certainly doomed to sink in the savage waters.

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A Man Is No One A Faceless Man

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  • Avleigh


  • Settlement


  • On the eastern coast of Lake Klynn.

Major Settlements - Establishments - Locations

  • Tout de Sweet, a bakery known across Nivaria for its fine confectionery.
  • Sparkling Grove, a lumber known for its durable and fine scented timber.
  • Hawking Academy, a combat training school


  • 3300

Politics - Economy - Atmosphere

  • A small town on the edge of Lake Kylnn, Avleigh is relatively quiet. Those people in the city proper spend their day working their businesses or going to the market. This particular village has the largest lumber industry of any settlement north of the Iron Heights. The majority of men go to work in this industry at the earliest possible age. However, others still pursue careers as blacksmiths, yeomen, and other occupations. The people here are pleasant to say the least, exploiting the easy life provided for them by the Nivarian Monarchy. Not everyone on EIn Sof has it so lucky. While the population of the town is quite large in number the majority of the population exists beyond the town’s walls. Here, many people farm their given land in order to supply food for their families, those in the town and with any lucky are able to make a small fortune by selling their goods to the capital Kreim or to other cities with a greater need. While the poor do exist within the town’s limits it is not comparable to the poor of other nations or even Kreim where the poor consists of beggars, street urchins, pickpockets, and other rabble rousers. But instead, the poor consist of a lesser socio-economic class where one room homes or apartment living is more common.


  • Few settlements exist today without the help of Avleigh and the timber industry that has prosper there. Many people make the trip in order to secure bits of lumber for their various projects whether it be carving a wondering shield or for the intricate figurehead on a ship ready to venture out to sea. Others might find it prudent to visit the town at a young age to find purpose at the Hawking Academy should their natural talents point in the direction of a combatant. The Hawking Academy is known all across Ksemari as producing some of the most prominent fighters the continent has to offer. Overall, Avleigh is a quiet town that finds a modest existence to be substantial towards their way of living without threatening the chance of continual raids by goblins or bandits.

Major NPCs - Inhabitants

  • Virgil Valoryn, Headmaster of Hawking Academy
  • Terek Kel, Master of Weaponry at Hawking Academy
  • Neska Erling, Sibling of the Baron and mistress proprietor of the Sparkling Grove Timber Company.
  • Octavia Pyre, regional leader of the Sisterhood of Dragons


  • Although most of the inhabitants of the entire nation let alone simply of Avleigh, the timber of Klynn Grove holds a magical property that makes it extremely durable, malleable and burns much hotter and brighter than normal wood. The ash from wood burned is suggested to contain magical properties and is often used to create runes of magic when blood is disfavored by the caster. The entire town emanates with a magical feeling of calm as the majority of the town’s buildings have been constructed using this wood.

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A Man Is No One A Faceless Man

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  • Namdarum

  • Subterranean City

  • The Gold Mountains, north of Sestead.

Major Settlements - Establishments - Locations
  • Grimstone Mine, to date the most profitable mine in the Namdarun at the expense of the highest death rate
  • Titans Forge, a great furnace with the privilege of being responsible for the creation of the largest iron and metal pieces within the dwarven kingdom.
  • The Fracture, a large a extremely well known tavern and inn literally constructed in at the base of a massive fracture within the mountain.
  • Coltherstone, the cities massive town square featuring a large dwarf statue that serves as the location for many shops and buildings as well as the central support structure for the massive cavern’s ceiling.
  • The Caldera, a great battle arena built in the ebony crater of an ancient caldera.

  • 95000

Politics - Economy - Atmosphere
  • Life under the mountain is fairly simple. The dwarves awaken and journey to the mines, the mills, the smiths, the variety of other businesses that might be found in any major city. The dwarves do their work with great focus and skill. They work with attention and a fever that rivals most masters on the surface world, even at an apprentice level. The dwarves are known far and wide for their attention to detail and the great amount of pride they take in their work no matter the endeavor. While time by the rise and setting of the sun is nearly impossible within the subterranean depths, hour glasses filled with sand or even water clocks are exploited to maintain a regular work schedule or at least record how their time is spent. For once the vibrations of the dinner bell reverberate through the stone halls of the thriving city, dwarves put down their hammers and the pick axes retiring to their families, their homes, and their taverns for strong ale and hardie meals. Day in and day out, from the beginning of life until the end - this is the life of a dwarf. Rarely, do the dwarfs of the Nelgarlun leave the sanctity of their mountain to return another day. Few dwarves willingly find the opportunity to interact with races beyond their stone carved walls. Those who dare to venture beyond the gates risk being shunned, treated as if a contagion or exiled to never return.

  • This settlement carries on as the capital city for the dwarves of the nation of Nelgarlun and the nation of dwarves that exist within the Gold Mountains. While there are many smaller settlements none of them support a population even close to ten percent of what is found in Namdarum. Many settlements function in similar ways, centered around a deep mine or spectacular forge but their purpose is entirely to feed the main capital, each with its own set of railway tracks in which allow a variety of mining carts and machinery to be moved around the subterranean depths with ease. Those settlements are all subservient to Namdarum in all aspects. The Gold Mountains function as one massive city-nation under the control of the Ungarion Khorrun, where his hand is a less secure the further away from the capital the settlement is. Those dwarves that live in a settlement beyond the main city are less concerned with the daily hassle of city life but instead survive on their own accord if only in a smaller setting. Namdarum and most dwarves for that matter never really have direct involvement with those of the outside world. So the city generally remains a mystery to those beyond the mountain so relations are always shrouded in mystery.

Major NPCs - Inhabitants
  • Orthorn Nebiros, leader of the Fortune Fighters often employed by the Military Grandmaster to help protect smaller settlements
  • Jerwall Hagaer, a fan favorite and skill warrior existing as property of the Caldera
  • Faldrus Glaum, expert miner and responsible for the latest great discovery of the Grimstone Mine.
  • Winifred Erj, proprietor of the Fracture

  • Like most fantasy settings, the Dwarves of the Gold Mountain are a mysterious group favoring a style of life that is very intrinsic with regards to their relations in the outside world. Humans and other surface dwelling races might be captured, imprisoned or even killed on sight if they were bold enough to venture into the darkness.

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A Man Is No One A Faceless Man

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  • The Gulf of Sowth

  • Region

  • Off of the eastern coast of Ksemari, between Nivaria and Sandalphon’s Leg

Major Settlements - Establishments - Locations
  • Kyndrill, small island rumored to be the host of great treasures
  • The Wreckage of Hades Deceit, a sunken ship rumored to contain great treasure
  • The Wreckage of the Black Tide, a sunken ship known as the largest vessel to ever sail the Savage Waters.

  • The population of this region is dominated by aquatic life with perhaps a few vagabonds drifting within small boats.

Politics - Economy - Atmosphere
  • The Gulf of Sowth is a body of water outlined by the mainland and Sandalphon’’s Leg. The tranquil waters are churned a ruddy brown, the nutrient rich soil turned up from the gulfs relatively shallow bottom. A well versed man could easily dive in and swim to the bottom with time again to reach the top. On average depths reach about thirty feet with the gulf floor’s deepest point being around fifty feet. Waves rarely crest beyond single digits even during the rare seafaring storm. While the gulf is calm, tensions often run high with seafarers as the men of Pirate Lord Tyraxor Craghack patrol the waters as part of their typical routine. Merchant vessels and other ships are often times stopped and boarded by the men of Craghack’s crew for inspection, tribute, and to ensure that the appropriate taxes and paperwork are in order. For commoners and locals to the area this is a usual and expected thing. Gatherings go by quick and easy. For interlopers; however, and those who through inexperience find their way in the waters of the pirate lords the event can be rather difficult.

  • The locals regard the Gulf of Sowth with the typical respect that comes with large bodies of water on the coast of civilized society. The relatively shallow waters are known to host a number of shipwrecks over the vast distance that the gulf covers which attract treasure hunters and free divers looking for a good story. Fishermen are a common sight on the waters although the stories that return are nothing interesting as the waters are not quite deep enough to support fantastical life forms or such leviathans of legends. A journey from the main continent to the islands surrounding the gulf is often an uneventful trip made only slightly longer by the regular intervention of pirates.

Major NPCs - Inhabitants
  • Horned Itrecaine
  • Ashen Blums

  • Not Applicable…

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A Man Is No One A Faceless Man

Member Seen 8 mos ago


  • The Gold Mountains


  • Mountain Range


  • Northern Ksemari

Major Settlements - Establishments - Locations

  • Namdarum, Capital city of the dwarven nation of Nelgarlun
  • Turiel’s Throne, highests point of the Gold Mountains
  • Drebohx Depths, a vast subterranean body of water positioned near the center of the range
  • Rel`Endas, a subterranean human settlement left in ruins for more than a century


  • The population of the mountains is dominated by subterranean beasts, creatures and the majority of intelligent life is mostly dwarven humanoids - to the best of common knowledge.

Politics - Economy - Atmosphere

  • Immense. Vast. Mesmerizing. Treacherous. Unforgiving. These are just some of the words often used to describe the stagnant atmosphere of the Gold Mountains. The surface appearance of the mountains is quite typical with the exception of the golden yellow rocks that glisten with dew in the sunlight. Rocky crags and treacherous peaks are a sight to behold for miles around. Only the highests points of the range, such as Turiel’s Throne are cold enough to play host to a regular covering of snow. But while the Gold Mountains are a spectacle to be seen for hundreds of miles around, their true beauty and mystery lies deep beneath the mountain’s surface where tunnels carved by dwarves, various subterranean denizens, and time. Tunnels that run for thousands of miles under the surface of Ein Sof find their end and beginning at these mountains believed to connect the entire continent. Subterranean seas churn to support whole ecosystems of creatures specifically adapted for life beneath the mountain. That ecosystem acts as the entire support structure that allows the dwarves of the Gold Mountains to thrive. It is that ecosystem that was so unforgiving to the human settlement of Rel`Endas, as humans failed to more swiftly adapt to the unforgiving world of the subterranean. At times the mountains resemble a serene and somber oil painting. And at other times a raging maelstrom of misery and woe.


  • Most of the surrounding inhabitants show the Gold Mountains like most other gigantic Ein Sof made constructions with a healthy respect. However, while many adventurers journey across the Gold Mountains humans often refrain from breaching the mountain depths for fear of invoking the wrath of the dwarven entities below. There are a great deal of stories and folklore surrounding the mountain range, dragons and terrifying demonic denizens of the darkness.

Major NPCs - Inhabitants

  • Frilled Crojor
  • Weeping Utremelese


  • Like other mountain ranges, the Gold Mountains host a plethora of mysteries and offer some of the most diverse opportunities in almost every aspect of life. Lava vents flowing deep from beneath the surface give birth to new channels of travel and new life to inhabit those channels. The highest peaks force inhabitants to adapt, perhaps creating a new races of intelligent life best suited for survival amongst the rocky crags. Be realistically creative and justify your creativity.

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