
How the church was changed. Being made into a facsimile of a workshop,the heretical turned to hide within the holy. Yet he supposed its current inhabitants were as secular as could get, so it was hardly heretical if they were divorced from the belief completely in the first place. Pews were removed or moved, equipment and tools were moved in, along with more basic and mundane supplies. The homunculus was doing as much work as him in a way. Most importantly was the clean up of anything that was unfortunate enough to be caught in his Glocke. The second most unpleasant task for sure, paling only to his responsibility and his burden of accountability.
A report was like a poem. The composition of, and the meaning behind the content were very much important, but just as important was the recitation. He was essentially telling a story, the story of their campaign in Fuyuki. The lack of any good news, the overeagerness to prove one’s success. Both were things he believed best avoided. Their presence needed to be sold as an investment, something with promise, but something that needed more support, an extra nudge to get to where it could.
In short giving his report he was like a businessman trying to get extra budget allocated to his project. Truth be told, there was little to say. The enemy knew of their transgression and there was a delay in their establishment of their territory. But there was no reveal of their capabilities or any true contact. If the enemy had been observing them then it would have still been little a loss. He believed them to be ignorant of the Vimana as well, the most important thing they had outside of their servants.
Still, they were rather behind schedule. A point that he was reminded of each time he saw the proud figure of the Edelfelt lurking around. Brauer did not hide his annoyance at all, eyes narrowing on sight with a clear dourness directed towards her.
“How praytell goes the preparation of your servant? I hope that the next time you’re charging forth valiantly you’ll be better equipped for it.” There was hardly a need to press her upon the obvious. If anything referring to the other part of it, that she left her position while not completely prepared for a fight he felt would grate at her more.
He established the bounded field that brought them the control of the church. It was a task he pushed to have. He didn’t speak things as unbecoming as insulting the competence of an ally at a simple task. Instead Brauer explained that with it being likely that he’d stay at the Church the most of all of the masters, and his own work benefiting from the leyline greatly it was normal for him to want to have the bounded field made by him.
He was glad for the presence of an ally, but there was something that was most awkward being with Janika. Despite her arrival that felt rather uncharacteristic of his first impression of her, her air as a noblelady did not fade away. Sure, his view of her wavered for a bit in the face of the rush of travel and his own admonishments in the heat of the battle, but he could not deny that she carried herself as a fine lady.
Why then was he annoyed by her? Ah, there was something very annoying, something that simply itched at him.
“We should speak of the future, Fräulein Janicka.”
There was no beauty in her beautiful demeanor or stride. There was nothing that enflamed his heart like the simple plead for victory and success from the German folk. There was no hunger behind that nobility. There were those who called such a thing a savagery but to him it felt a spice that gave it meaning. Simple purity was not as beautiful as a slightly imperfect work that grasps at the idea of greatness. People were imperfect beings, and their blood, their genetics have become impure. He had no intention of simply striving for a result of purity. Even if one’s ideals or dreams were beautiful they were meaningless if they were impossible and could not be made into reality.but simply making children that were pure for them because they were not pure was an inclination he could not agree with. They themselves would become pure, they would be refined and become the ones who could attain 「」.The story of something dirty being shined and becoming beautiful was something that interested him more. To make something impure and imperfect to something pure and perfect while keeping it as its original self.
He paused his trailing thoughts for a moment to gesture the Finnish girl to come along with him in a casual invitation. “My work has finished, and it is time for a small break. Do you enjoy film, Fräulein? A church can make quite a theater, or so I believe.”
He began to walk off, his previous introspection coming to its close as his eyes lingered upon Janicka for a last moment.
There was nothing silly or strange about the idea in his eyes, simply a beautiful goal that he’d actualize for sure. People, materia, they could all be refined, all be changed. May this world we live in give birth to a magnum opus, let us become as gods.
Now then. Which theatrical masterpiece would be good for this time of the day?

How the church was changed. Being made into a facsimile of a workshop,the heretical turned to hide within the holy. Yet he supposed its current inhabitants were as secular as could get, so it was hardly heretical if they were divorced from the belief completely in the first place. Pews were removed or moved, equipment and tools were moved in, along with more basic and mundane supplies. The homunculus was doing as much work as him in a way. Most importantly was the clean up of anything that was unfortunate enough to be caught in his Glocke. The second most unpleasant task for sure, paling only to his responsibility and his burden of accountability.
A report was like a poem. The composition of, and the meaning behind the content were very much important, but just as important was the recitation. He was essentially telling a story, the story of their campaign in Fuyuki. The lack of any good news, the overeagerness to prove one’s success. Both were things he believed best avoided. Their presence needed to be sold as an investment, something with promise, but something that needed more support, an extra nudge to get to where it could.
In short giving his report he was like a businessman trying to get extra budget allocated to his project. Truth be told, there was little to say. The enemy knew of their transgression and there was a delay in their establishment of their territory. But there was no reveal of their capabilities or any true contact. If the enemy had been observing them then it would have still been little a loss. He believed them to be ignorant of the Vimana as well, the most important thing they had outside of their servants.
Still, they were rather behind schedule. A point that he was reminded of each time he saw the proud figure of the Edelfelt lurking around. Brauer did not hide his annoyance at all, eyes narrowing on sight with a clear dourness directed towards her.
“How praytell goes the preparation of your servant? I hope that the next time you’re charging forth valiantly you’ll be better equipped for it.” There was hardly a need to press her upon the obvious. If anything referring to the other part of it, that she left her position while not completely prepared for a fight he felt would grate at her more.
He established the bounded field that brought them the control of the church. It was a task he pushed to have. He didn’t speak things as unbecoming as insulting the competence of an ally at a simple task. Instead Brauer explained that with it being likely that he’d stay at the Church the most of all of the masters, and his own work benefiting from the leyline greatly it was normal for him to want to have the bounded field made by him.
He was glad for the presence of an ally, but there was something that was most awkward being with Janika. Despite her arrival that felt rather uncharacteristic of his first impression of her, her air as a noblelady did not fade away. Sure, his view of her wavered for a bit in the face of the rush of travel and his own admonishments in the heat of the battle, but he could not deny that she carried herself as a fine lady.
Why then was he annoyed by her? Ah, there was something very annoying, something that simply itched at him.
“We should speak of the future, Fräulein Janicka.”
There was no beauty in her beautiful demeanor or stride. There was nothing that enflamed his heart like the simple plead for victory and success from the German folk. There was no hunger behind that nobility. There were those who called such a thing a savagery but to him it felt a spice that gave it meaning. Simple purity was not as beautiful as a slightly imperfect work that grasps at the idea of greatness. People were imperfect beings, and their blood, their genetics have become impure. He had no intention of simply striving for a result of purity. Even if one’s ideals or dreams were beautiful they were meaningless if they were impossible and could not be made into reality.but simply making children that were pure for them because they were not pure was an inclination he could not agree with. They themselves would become pure, they would be refined and become the ones who could attain 「」.The story of something dirty being shined and becoming beautiful was something that interested him more. To make something impure and imperfect to something pure and perfect while keeping it as its original self.
He paused his trailing thoughts for a moment to gesture the Finnish girl to come along with him in a casual invitation. “My work has finished, and it is time for a small break. Do you enjoy film, Fräulein? A church can make quite a theater, or so I believe.”
He began to walk off, his previous introspection coming to its close as his eyes lingered upon Janicka for a last moment.
There was nothing silly or strange about the idea in his eyes, simply a beautiful goal that he’d actualize for sure. People, materia, they could all be refined, all be changed. May this world we live in give birth to a magnum opus, let us become as gods.
Now then. Which theatrical masterpiece would be good for this time of the day?