Character Name: Sir William de Mendoza
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 42
Physical Description (Pictures can go here if you want):

Profession: Ex-Bard, Knight of the Order of Comoara (it means treaure in my language)
Starting Equipment/Belongings: Plate Mail armor, Longsword, a silver sword, a small knife
History: Sir William, born William Mendoza to a beggar and a low life thief had a hard life since he arrived in this world. He never knew his parents as his mother was hanged for theft and attempted murder soon after he was born and his father never desired to meet him.
He was raised by local prostitues and for him life was not easy. What set him apart from the other kids was him voice that was like a storm. Loud and strong, full of thunder and fast as lighting. He began singing war songs in the marketplace of the city while the other children were pickpocketing those that would stop and listen.
Growing up, William learned to fight from the thugs which kept the whorehouse safe and he could be seen fighting in different arenes set up in barns or warehouses.
At the age of 28, William left the city to become a traveling bard and occasional con-man. Many years later when his voice was no longer good enough for him to sing, William took a job as caravan body guard and that is when he heard about the treasue. Pure greed made him to seek it out, even if it was a long shot.
It is not exactly known what exactly happened when he found the old crypt in which the treasure was found but two years passed and when emarged from the crypt, he was a changed man.
A bard or con-man no longer but a knight of an old order that most people knew nothing about.