Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Rugged Fish, the docks

Alexandra yawned after Ryker left and stretched herself. Soon after, Alexandra started reading through the Bestiary with interest and was lost herself to the pages when she heard a knock on her door.

" Miss Flores? You are expected downstairs, it's time. " said the Dreg slave that served the innkeeper with a quite voice.

" I'll be down in a minute. Thank you. " she replied and put the book away. She rose up from her bed, took her lute from the table she put it from and went downstairs.
Patrons gathered as they knew this was the Siren's singing time and while most didn't cared who would sing as long as someone would, there were some that came specifically for the Siren.
Going downstairs, she took note of the different faces in the crowd and smiled a smile that could most of the times could be seen on the faces of diplomats or experienced traders.
Without any introductions, she started singing a patriotic war song then proceeded to sing an old time favorite called "The Ship at the Docks" which was a song about debauchery and whores that always made the crowd sing along. Finally, The Siren, sang another one of her masterpieces "The Siren's Journey".
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kaesus


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Delucian District - Sir Luca

Luca went to grab the midwife's hand forcing her to stay and listen: "I'll dig two graves in my backyard, one for my wife and one for my son, they both died in labor and there was nothing you or I could have done to avoid this. If you have kids my sure you will understand. I just lost my wife and he is the only thing I have in this world. I can pay you hundred bells, and if you ever need anything you can come and ask and I'll help you much as I can, I will owe you his life forever.". Luca stopped, with tears rolling down his face and he looked the woman in the eyes waiting for her to accept his begging.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Icarus


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Golden Gryphon - Tomas

Tomas glanced around him as he tried to recall whether he'd ever travelled to this Inn before. With so many years on the road it was a distinct possibility he had, but after visiting so many inns he felt almost ashamed to admit they all tended to feel familiar after awhile. He extended a hand towards the barkeep with a flash of his signature smile. "It seems I'm in great need of somewhere to stay, and something about the Gryphon feels like home. The name is Tomas De'Sean, but you might have heard of me by a number of other names; Salty Tom, or perhaps Tom De'Salt. You of course can call me Tom, and to answer your question, it's more of what I can do for you!"

He reached down to his hip, and as his hand reached his belt a look of shock would reach his face and he snapped back to the thickly muscled barender, "Blessed Empress Lad, can you hear that?" He panicked as he stepped towards the door, before turning back around and stopping the man from leaving his post. Tom locked eyes with the man once more, this time on the verge of terror. "A dire sign indeed my boy..." A blur of motion to the man's left and Tom was beside him, chuckling lightly with his flute in hand.

"There's no music Lad! How can anyone be expected to truly enjoy a meal in an establishment such as this without the proper ambience! Give me a place to rest my head, and a warm meal in my belly, and each night I'll entertain your fine guests..." he leaned in a bit closer to the man's ear, as if to share a secret between them. "And I'll guarantee we both walk away pockets heavy with their fine silver as well."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Winterwake
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Winterwake Úlfhéðnar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Eastern Farmlands


Davian raised his eybrows, exclaiming aloud "Oh-hoho!" at Emmirien's playful jabs. "A harmless mouse, am I? I'll have you know I am scourge of the crop fields, and many a weeping crow-widow knows my name.". Her words rang true, as despite his generally even-tempered and relaxed demeanour, his cocky attitude and an unlucky tendency to joke about those not to be joked about occasionally lands him in fights and scuffles. Typically these altercations arise with men his age with Davian himself preferring to avoid confrontation, which resulted in him having been branded with the reputation of a cowardly troublemaker. Still, he didn't seem to mind the woman's taunts, and laughed along with her as the two joked.

Davian voices his agreement "That sounds like a good deal to me, Emmy, I shoot the birds and you pluck them." and goes to string his hunting bow, placing it between his legs, supporting the lower limb against his shin and bending the upper limb against the calf of his other leg, as he slips the bowstring over the string notch. "All set, and ready when you are." he says, as he looks at Emirien and a soft smile tugs at the corners of his lips.

Averine City Docks

Ryker of the Barrows

As Ryker addresses the boy he nods silently and begins to back away, then pauses as he is addressed a second time. "Oh, of course, yes m'Lord." The young attendant scurries off, returning quickly with a large, fresh towel in hand. "Do you want it now m'Lord, or should I put it right here beside the tub?" he asks sheepishly while eyeing Ryker's sword but knowing better than to disturb a guest with foolish questions he opts not to mention it and simply awaits an answer from the man.

Alexandra "Siren" Flores

It's a well known fact that the Empire's opinion on the aesthetic charm of Sethkra'Vesh was a subject with as many conflicting opinions as whether or not they should be considered thinking, feeling creatures like Humans, or more akin to sheep, cattle and horses. As Alexandra stood and entertained the crowd with her music, she had the pleasure of seeing their reactions to the creature.

It, or she, was a tall and thin thing, towering half a head taller than even the tallest man in the tavern, with flowing, graceful movements and light feet. She made her way down the stairs and across the room, some of the patrons sneered, some tried to trip her, some of them grabbed at her or spanked her on the behind as she passed by, others looked on in pity and Alex even managed to read the lips of some as they discouraged their companions from treating the Dreg badly.

Everyone, the Dreg in particular knew that it would be better for her to be out of sight and out of mind, and so as soon as she had made across to the bar on the other side of the room she disappeared into the cellar, only occasionally popping her top half up through the trapdoor to pass bottles of alcohol to the innkeep and serving girls.

All the while, the patrons inside drank, sang and laughed.

Delucian District

Sir Luca Aimery

By now, not only did the midwife look terrified but she was visibly shaken by what was going on, she gasped as Luca grabbed her arm and tried to wrench free, but brought her hands up to shield her face when his grip was too strong for her, and when no blow was struck she attempted to push him away, but stopped to listen when he started talking. By the time he was finished she was sobbing gently, having nodded along to what he said to her she replied "Y-.. Yes, Sir, just don't hurt me, please. I'll keep this a secret and no one will ever have to know."

She looked up at him, her eyes just as wet with tears as his by now. "I-..." her voice cracks and she closes her mouth, unable to find the words she wanted to say, perhaps never knowing to begin with. "The Mage-Hunters could be here tonight m'Lord... You... You should start digging."

Residential District

Tomas De'Sean of the Salt

The bartender in the Golden Gryphon, who at first seemed guarded and defensive seemed to quickly warm up to Tomas once he realised that the man was no immediate threat. "The lads and lasses here are a tough crowd, matey, I'll tell you that now." He whispers and grins, adding in jest "You know they only accept the best of the best, right? Are you the best of the best?".

"If it's a job you're looking for you'll have to prove you can keep this lot paying without making too much noise, eh? Golden Gryphon's not like all those quayside inns and bars, folk here like to relax, not just get sloshed, and some of them might take offence to the noise." The man pauses and starts pouring a glass of foamy, dark orange ale from one of the many barrels sitting behind the bar. He holds the ale in one hand and leans forward on his other arm, putting all of his weight on his elbow as he looks Tomas in the eye, offers the tankard to him and says "And as for me. Whether or not I've heard of you's irrelevant. I need to know you're not just a freeloader who's after a quick drink and an easy meal. How about you pay for this one and show us what you've got?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kaesus


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Delucian District

Sir Luca Aimery

As the midwife said she accepted Luca's deal his face turned back to the normal soft smile that he always carries around. He put his son in a small bed that was bought for him and went to grab a shovel from the garden's stash. He came back to the bedroom where he left the midwife also bringing with him a pouch with the promised currency. Luca leaned the shovel against the wall and approached the woman, he smiled as he handed the pouch to the woman. You may go now, and remember as the life of my son his tied to yours, yours is tied to his.
Luca turn to look at his son, and went to touch his face softly with the back of his finger, "I'll call you Ember." he said.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nymeria
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Bathhouse - The Docks

"Now is fine," Ryker said, beckoning the young boy to come closer. He stood up, the water quickly dripping off of his scarred, muscular figure. He grabbed the towel and patted his face dry. Stepping out of the pool, he wrapped it around his waste and wrung out his hair. He walked over to his clothing and pick up each piece and brought it inside with him. He went back into the dressing room and finished drying off before putting his clothing on. It was still quite damp but he only had to wear it back to the inn. He grabbed his leather armor and slung his sword onto his back. He walked back out front and laid a a handful of copper Shards on the counter before exiting the establishment.

He made his way back to the inn he had been staying in, the rain noticeably softer, the sounds of the dock still very much ringing through the streets. When he got back to the inn, he noticed another patron sitting at the lone table, drinking out of a large mug with the owner. He shot them a quick glance before continuing to his room. They were clearly deep in conversation and paid him no mind. He closed the door behind him and laid down his leather. He took his sword off his back, unbuckled his belt, and carefully leaned his weapons up against the wall. He stripped down again and laid his clothes out to finish drying. He redressed with a simple tunic and trousers. He pulled his boots back on and once again strapped his sword to his back. As valuable as Oblivion was, he didn't trust it in this lowly inn by itself.

Emerging out of his room, he noticed the two at the table had suddenly stopped talking. He looked over and the guest was staring at him intently, a look of intensity in his eyes. Ryker stopped right outside his door, and stared back. The innkeep seemed completely oblivious. His body stiffened. He didn't know this man, he didn't know what he wanted. They stared for what seemed like an eternity before the man finally smiled softly and turned back to the innkeep, and continued their previous conversation.

Ryker paused, taking in what had just happened. Still not quite sure, he slower stepped towards the door. He left the building, pausing again, his eyebrows furrowed. Something wasn't right but he wasn't going to start a fight over a stare. Shaking it off, he began walking back towards the Delucian district.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Aska


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Averine City Docks - Velta Burr

Velta had spent the morning looking over the books, old binders and old sells. She had also attempted to dictate several responses to the enthralling offer. Which was exactly what she was doing when Rose walked through the door. Several versions of the same letter lay scattered around her on her desk. She hadn't crumbled them, that would imply impatience, instead they lay in neat rows and piles where Velta could easily see them for reference.

As Rose started insulting her Velta looked up from her papers with a somewhat confused look, one that said " Who let you in?" but she responded in a much less teasing manner. After all, she was not a fat woman, she just wasn't starving in the streets.
" I'm sorry to hear you still can't afford to eat, Rose. Or is it the constant pregnancy sickness that makes it impossible for you to keep down food? Perhaps you should take up swallowing? I hear some men pay for that." She didn't so much soften her words as to simply hammer them in harder with a smug look. " My brothers are hopefully fine, and when they get back to town I'm sure you'll know long before I do. As for things that might interest you, I have dregs, but the finest ones are reserved for someone else. I'm expecting a shipment in the coming days, or weeks. You know how it goes. You are of course free to lock at the rest of the stock, but I know what you prefer... " She let the words trail off unfinished.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Winterwake
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Winterwake Úlfhéðnar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Delucian District

Sir Luca Aimery

The midwife had her eyes covered by her hands as Luca came back into the room, and a set of bloody fingerprints covered her face and forehead. Her look of horror turned to one of anger as he spoke and handed her the coin, and if looks could kill, Sir Luca would be naught but a pile of ash. Even so, the midwife took the coin and nodded once at him before hurrying out of the room with a few parting words. "If fate is kind we shall never have to cross paths again, Sir."

She decided to make use of the facilities in Sir Luca's house, particularly the plumbing and the kettle, rather than be seen outside covered in blood and went about warming up some fresh water with which to wash her arms and face in a basin. She remained clothed the entire time, removing only her apron which she left in a heap on the floor, and did a quick job of washing the blood off of her, drying herself and rushing out of the front door of the house to disappear into the city streets. The basin, now filled with warm, bloodied water and a soaked towel was left on the floor of Sir Luca's kitchen beside the midwife's apron.

Averine City Docks

Ryker of the Barrows

As Ryker left the inn, he found fhe quay still bustling with noise and energy, stevedores and sailors work or socialise, standing in doorways as they converse with one another, a pair of what look like urchin children wielding sticks trundle hoops along the wharf-side footpath. The merchants have either packed up or moved on by now save for a small handful, and as Ryker walks he's only offered fresh fish, eels and squid a total of three times.

As he makes his way across the seafront, and then north up the main road: The easiest if perhaps not the quickest route to the Delucian district, Ryker can eventually tell he is approaching his destination by the quality of the houses and the fact that the smell of fish becomes more and more distant. As he is coming up the main street and nears the Siren's Pride inn a woman heading south from the Delucian district makes a brief moments eye contact with him as she passes by. She wears a simple dress, is sour faced, red eyed and stuffy nosed from crying, and would have been entirely unremarkable if not for the brownish-red stains covering her sleeves which Ryker would no doubt recognise as drying blood. Perhaps not a common sight, but not an uncommon one either.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Kaesus


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Delucian District

Sir Luca Aimery

As the midwife left the house Luca went to his backyard and started digging a hole, he dug for almost half an hour, when he finished a hole deep and large enough to fit a newborn could be seen, he went inside grabbed some of the bloodied sheets, the towels and the midwife's apron and folded them as to look like a baby rolled in sheets. He went back to his garden and after giving a soft kiss to the rolled sheets he put them softly inside the grave and started filling it with earth.

After he was done with his son burial he went inside, he covered himself with a dark cloak from head to toe and left home, carrying in his arms inside the clock his newborn son covered up with a soft brown blanket that was made just for him. He tried to rushed as fast and safe as possible towards the Delucian District, he knew this place like his hand, after all he was one of the Knights that guarded it. As he was walking he was hugging his son as tight as possible, after all he knew what was going to happen next, and then he reached it, the door of a brothel.

If there was a place that he could hide his son this would be it, so, he knocked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Icarus


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Residential District - The Golden Gryphon

Listening to what the bartender said, Tom's face contorted for a moment into mocked rage "Good sir! You're words, they wound me." His arm raced behind his back ad he reached for his coin purse, the small fabric bag came forward and he opened it in front of him with a deep sigh. "Seems some young souls have certainly given you cause to doubt the profession. I suppose you're not to be blamed, and damn if you don't put forward a compelling argument..." he shuffled through the various shards inside, trying to decide the best course of action.

After a moment he looked up, slyly eyed the bartender, and produced from withing a silver bell. He placed it lightly on the table, and took the offered ale. "Let this stand as my deposit. You see what I've got, and you can make the decision from there: decide to keep me on, hand me my change for the drink, but if you think it a poor fit then the bell is yours."

He moved into an unoccupied area close to the bar, and surveyed the crowd. The man had spoken true, many of the patrons here seemed to stand far straighter than any common man usually would. For some that may prove daunting, but as Tom saw it no man could ever truly despise music and he was nothing if not a musician. He took a sip of ale and placed the glass on a nearby table. From his side he reached for his flute, and wet his lips. From the bartender's description it seemed something melodic and smooth would be the best course of action. Not something that would detract from the meal, but rather something almost imperceptible, something you could only hear when you wanted to.

As ever he began with a single note, low and strong, it would serve to draw the attention of interested parties while leaving those who weren't none the wiser. From there he began a tune. Quick and lively, but never loud. The pitch rose and fell almost without warning, yet still created a flowing sensation, and the tempo never dropped. With his trained ear, Tom heard the notes as they carried gently through the inn, the building providing an acoustic despite its manager deference to music.

There were no words spoken on this tune, at least not as he played it now, and as he blew the final note he reached for the alE while looking expectantly towards the bar for a sign of whether to continue or not.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by GeekFactor
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GeekFactor Lady of Complexity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Eastern Farmlands

"Scourge of the crop fields, indeed," she snickered, propping a hand on her hip while giving him a good-natured smirk. Her demeanor was friendly and affable, but there was a sharp wisdom behind her bright, blue eyes that told she was no fool. She knew of Davian's reputation, as most folk around the village did. But Emmy herself had always been a wild and free-spirited creature, and propriety was not often high on her list of concerns.

She glanced down at Coby and Nell, and when both dogs had their eyes on her, she said simply, "Let's go!" Apparently, this was a phrase well known to them, as they both immediately began bounding in excited circles on their long legs. Emmy laughed lightly, holding out her hands with the palms flat, facing outward, in a "hold on now!" gesture, and the pair of hounds stopped, staring at her with perked ears and eager eyes. She pointed at the sky with one finger and said in a clear voice, "Birds." Coby gave a low chuff, and both he and Nell quickly put their noses to the ground and began snuffling their way towards the gate.

She cast a sidelong grin at Davian, and nodded her head towards the fields beyond the yard. "Shall we?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Suaiedail
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Madame Rose - Docks, Velta's office

"The one about swallowing is good, first time I hear it this week." Rose keeps her sterling composure with her usual smile. If she got one bell for every joke or insult regarding prostitution she would have enough to open her own brothel in the Delucian District... Oh wait!
She stands up, looking around in the office as she talks "I'm sure there is a market for dreg whores, somewhere. I like to keep the Garden classy, though", and moves closer to the desk, peering at the unfinished letters "writing a love letter, are we? Oh well, I'll tell your brothers you miss them, when I see the boys." The Madame turns on her heels, making her way to the door.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Winterwake
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Winterwake Úlfhéðnar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

'The Garden' Brothel

Sir Luca Aimery

Shortly after Luca knocked the door was answered by a young girl, though her exact age was difficult to place. She had a smile on her face as she opened the door, and was dressed in a corset coupled with a flowing sleeveless gown which looked to be at least a size too small. "You don't have to knock, monsieur, come on in." she said as she held the door open and stood aside for Sir Luca.

The brothel was well lit, with wide windows high up on the walls and a candle lamp on each table. Me and women made merry within, talking, drinking and occasionally groping. A pair of burly guards who were stood beside one another talking at the other side of the building peered at Luca through the open door while a third stood by the door, taking no notice of him. These were not the city guards one finds patrolling the streets, but armed bouncers hired by the Madame of the brothel to keep it and her girls safe.

The girl who answered the door reached for Sir Luca, offering him her hand and purring "Come on into the warm, sit down and get comfortable".

The Golden Gryphon

Tomas De'Sean of the Salt

The barman keeps his eye on Tomas and the few gathered parties and patrons in the Gryphon while he goes about his business behind the bar, only occasionally turning around to pour a drink or clean a glass. It seems he keeps his eye on Tomas not out of suspicion but rather to pay close attention to the patrons reactions to the music. Some turn away from their meals to watch Tomas play, some continue on without showing any change in their mannerisms or even signs of having noticed the music.

Once Tomas finishes playing many of the patrons within who turned to watch him raise their cups in silent toast, and the barkeep, whether he likes the result or not grins at Tomas and salutes him, placing two raised fingers against his brow. Perhaps unsurprisingly he fishes some copper shards from his money apron in plain sight of Tomas, counts out the exact change for the drink and places the money under the bar counter with a single, firm nod.

The Residential district is generally far quieter than most of the others, save for perhaps parts of the Delucian district, and now that the patrons who were watching Tomas play his flute have gone back to their feasting and drinking the low hum of many a conversation and the gentle tapping of silverware on crockery are the only sounds which can be heard. Such conditions seem to almost invite Tomas to begin playing another song.

Eastern Farmlands


"Absolutely, we shall!" said Davian enthusiastically as he made after the two hounds, through the gate and then around and past Emirien's house towards the great forest further north. Only one thin, messy field of uncultivated land divided Emirien's house from where the forest started abruptly.

Emirien and Davian had to watch their footing as they followed after the dogs across the field as the occasional large stone or hole in the ground, likely dug by a rabbit or badger could leave either with a broken foot. The dogs ran happily along lead by their noses after the scent of bird and didn't seem to care much for the smell of rabbit and badger for the time being.

It wasn't long before they had reached the woods. There was no commonly used footpath or trail leading into them here, save for that marked by a few broken off twigs and trodden ferns which Emirien and her family may have used in the past. Still, that didn't seem to bother Davian who pushed twigs and branches aside with his arm. "Have you ever seen a real, live Dreg, Emmy?" He questioned idly as he made his way into the woods.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kaesus


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

'The Garden' Brothel

Sir Luca Aimery

As the girl opened the the door Luca felt the warmth and the perfume coming from inside. Apart from having a newborn son, that was the most comfortable and heartwarming thing he felt that night, he knew that his son would soon be safe.

"Is your mistress here tonight? Tell her that I wish to speak with her, and only with her. Tell her I have a very special request to make."
Luca walked in as he spoke to the girl signalling her to close the door behind him while he was looking around looking for that one face. Luca had never spoken with the woman he was looking for, but he knew her face, and he knew that behind that mask that she always wore there was a person that could help him, probably for a good price, but she could help him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nymeria
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Delucian District and the Docks

Ryker watched the woman as she walked out of the building. He recognized the stain of blood on her garments immediately. He stared for a moment, stopping in his place. She seemed to be coming from a residential area. Someone must have died, he concluded as he turned and continued walking.

He stopped by a local pub and had a quick meal with a strong ale. It was fortunate timing of this new job as he had just about emptied his purse. He nodded at the barkeep and headed back to his room. The man he had seen while leaving earlier was gone and the innkeep was quietly sweeping. He disappeared into his room, unloading his gear and laying down in the bed.

The next morning he awoke with the dawn. He gathered his gear, packing everything he had into a small bag that he swung over his shoulder. He walked out of his room and to the counter the innkeeper was sitting behind. "I don't imagine I will be back for some time. Thank you for your hospitality." He left a few more coins on the counter and left. He walked down the streets, the early morning hustle and bustle just beginning. He breathed in the city air, many different smells mingling together to create a rather unique stench.

Coming upon The Rugged Fish, he entered and paused just inside the doorway. He looked around briefly before heading to Alexandra's room. He knocked quietly on the door and waited for a response.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by GeekFactor
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GeekFactor Lady of Complexity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Eastern Farmlands/Forest

Emmy trailed readily behind Davian as they crossed the yard, exited the front gate, and turned to the field nearby, beyond which lay the vast, green-grey wall of the wood. She hummed softly now and then as she trotted to keep pace with him, her golden ponytail flouncing against her shoulders. Her gaze flickered sideways to him as they walked together, and her blue eyes were keen with curiosity, perhaps to ask more about him; what he'd been up to, why he'd decided to ask her to join him on his hunt. Was he lonely for company? Did he have stories to share? Were none of his village friends free to join him? She did not pepper him with these questions, at least not for the time being, but instead simply smiled to herself, content to ponder on the mysteries.

As he reached the first of the outlying trees, Coby and Nell snuffled on ahead into the shadowy expanse of the forest, tails erect and waving lazily. Emmy parted her lips to reply to Davian's question, stepping forward as she did so, though she was interrupted by a sudden twisting of her leg as her foot sunk into one of the bothersome holes in the soft soil. Whether dug by badger or fox or some other creature, she yelped softly and flung her hands out to catch herself as she lost her balance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Aska


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Velta Burr - Docks, Velta's office

" Don't be cranky, you started it. " Velta gathered up the drafts piling the papers up out of sight when she saw the other woman looking, but Rose most likely had time to read a few words. "
To the esteemed Gareth Nolani. I am honoured by the offer-
To the honoured Gareth Nolani. I am glad to see you have turned to me in this matter.
Dear Gareth Nolani,
Gareth Nolani, Financial and business administrator of House Sauvage"
She speaks as she shuffles the unfinished letters in under a book, to hide them further. " You know since dad retired we stopped handling humans here. But I thought you'd at least stay for a cup of tea since you are here." Velta adds the last bit as she looks up to see Rose moving towards the door.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Suaiedail
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Madame Rose - City Docks, Velta's Office

Rose looks over her shoulder to Velta, and with one hand resting on her hip, she turn around to her. Even this simple movement makes her hips swing in a bewitching manner. After so many years seducing men and women this comes natural to her. She had a good teacher.
"I thought you were busy, however I can't refuse a cuppa in this rain. And it's always enjoyable to talk with another business woman. After all, we are similar, are we not? Difference is you sell you merchandise and I rent mine."
She pulls a chair closer to Velta's desk and leisurely sits, crossing her legs again.
Without the regular sarcasm on her voice, she asked "How's daddy?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Aska


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Velta Burr- City Docks, Her own office.

Velta watches the hips sway under the skirts and finds that she's not bewitched despite the other woman's best efforts. There was a reason her brothers frequented the brothels, and she didn't. She shakes her head at the strange logic, after all Rose had barged into her office, not the other way around.
Velta stands up and makes her way to the small liqueur cabinet where she selects a fine brandy which she slips into the teacups. Her slave had promptly slipped off at the mere mention of tea and she now returned with a teapot. She filled the remainder of the cops with sweet sweet tea and served one to Rose. The slave kept her head down and back hunched so not to tower over the Madam.
" Father is doing well, he mostly eats and when he's not eating he's drinking. I think we can both agree it's a good way to spend a retirement. Had any interesting customers as of late? "
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Winterwake
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Winterwake Úlfhéðnar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

'The Garden' Brothel

Sir Luca Aimery

"Oh? How mysterious. Madame Rose isn't here at the moment, she left not long ago." said the girl to Sir Luca as she closed the door after him. Despite the teasing, she knew better than to get too inquisitive and she could see that Luca was anxious to find Madame Rose. "If you've got the time to spare I don't think she will mind if I let you wait her in her office" added the girl as she makes her way past Luca, brushing a hand against his backside as she does.

She lead him up a flight of stairs to an indoor balcony which ran around the entire room, on one side was an ornately carved wooden railing which gave those above a good view of the main lounge below, and on the other side were rows of closed doors leading to the bedrooms. The girl continued along the walkway, leading Luca to a double-door which she opened. Inside was a huge, 4-poster queen bed, a bathtub, a wardrobe, an armchair and a locked desk, all built in the same style and pattered with an array of carvings. One of the walls was lined with bookshelves containing a large collection of ledgers and books. "Would you like for us to get you a drink?" Asked the serving girl as she turned to leave.

The Great Northern Wood


Davian jumped in surprise at the sudden cry behind him looked over his shoulder as Emirien fell forward, causing him to let go of a handful of twigs he had brushed aside which twang back and hit him in the face. Davian stumbled back in surprise, directly away from the branch that hit him and out of Emiriens way, unable to react in time to even try and catch her. He rubbed his right eye with his fingers and started forward to attempt to help Emirien up by offering her his hand. He quips "That could have gone better." and then follows up straight away with sincerity "Are you alright, Emmy?"
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