Character Sheets

Godzilla "Gojira" "ゴジラ" II
80 Years; (Estimates say she can be much older)
Kaiju Size:
50 - 100 Meters (Depending on Nuclear Intake)
Earth Defender
Godzilla is a solitary creature, often staying away from human settlements on Monster Island, the main hub for most kaiju gijinkas. Often you can find her sleeping in a cave, patrolling the island, or watching her daughter closely. She is incredibly bad-tempered however, kicking out any intruding character out of her territory if she thinks they pose a reasonable threat to her or her child. However, she is not entirely cold, for she does help her allies if they need valuable assistance and can still be reasoned with. But when she goes into a deep raging fury, you better run!
The Godzilla Family Dynasty (GFD) is one of the most well-known family legacies in kaiju history. After all, it was Godzilla, who attacked Tokyo, Japan in 1954, that jumpstarted the Kaiju Era in the first place. However, that Godzilla isn't like the one we know currently. Known as Godzilla I, the 1954 kaiju was a vengeful and chaotic spirit who wanted revenge against mankind for their usage of nuclear weapons. Nobody knew that another Godzilla was present after killing the first one with the now lost weapon, the Oxygen Destroyer...
This Godzilla, Godzilla II, appeared shortly a year after the first one while fighting another kaiju known as Anguirus I (later scientists found out it had a daughter). Many at first considered that she was the daughter of the original, yet that theory can be instantly dismissed as this character is as tall, if not slightly taller (she later gets the capacity to being able to grow 100 meters tall), than her descendent, despite indeed looking like a much more fit and slightly younger version. It's now believed she is just another separate member of the Godzilla family taking ahold of her species' mantle.
At first, many feared she'll become evil just like the original, but as time passed it became clear that she is simply protecting her territory, along with the entire Earth, from threats that threaten to destroy or conquer the planet. While she still retains a very stained dislike of humans, or not giving a shit about them really, she does not go out of her way in actively killing them but rather only attacks if she's provoked.
Recently its been found that Godzilla II has a daughter known as Godzilla III, her age being equivalent to a six year old human girl. One must also not dare in doing harm to her as her mother can sense when her daughter is in trouble and will do whatever it takes in order to protect her.
- Atomic Breath: Godzilla's trademark and iconic ability is to spray a blue laser beam of radioactive energy. She can fire it during both her human and kaiju forms. When charged enough or during a fit of rage, she can also unleash a devastating red spiral beam at her opponents, causing triple the amount of damage compared to the regular beam. This special beam is often used as a finishing move.
- Nuclear Pulse: Godzilla can unleash a powerful nuclear pulse that can repel opponents within a tight radius.
- Kaiju Transformation: Godzilla's kaiju transformation turns her into a giant 60 meter tall dinosaur-like kaiju, fit with jagged spines down her back, thick arms, strong claws, thick legs, and a long tail.
- Superhuman Strength: As a human, Godzilla can throw objects the size of a semi-truck, as well as slashing through metal plating and breaking down concrete buildings using her tail.
- Enhanced Regeneration: One of Godzilla's secrets in keeping on her feet in battle, or even being alive in the first place, is the enhanced regeneration that is imprinted in her cells. Weather in kaiju or human forms, she can fully heal up a pretty bad injury, say a gash on her arm, in roughly an hour, with more severe wounds taking several more hours to a day of healing. Of course, this doesn't mean she can't be killed, given if you are able to damage her grievously enough, but she can definitely recover from some injuries that a regular person would be unable to do.
Theme 1 (The March):
Gipsy Danger

Gipsy Danger
18 Years
Mech Size:
80 Meters
GDF; Jaeger Program - Lieutenant
Gipsy Danger is a battle-scarred veteran android who has seen the harshest of conflicts in her days. Despite her robotic nature, the Jaeger, as well as others, are just as emotive as regular humans are, being able to feel raw emotions of anger, fear, sadness, and others. She's also quite the patriotic Jaeger, as she represents the United States. In battle, Gipsy is a cautious yet serious warrior who takes every measure to ensure victory for the humans and with many of these experiences under her belt,
she has become a formidable lieutenant on the battlefield.
She is also very protective of her sister jaeger, Gipsy Avenger.
"To Be Revised"
- I-19 Plasmacaster: For each hand, Gipsy possesses an I-19 Plasmacaster, a particle dispersal cannon that fires plasma via a charged carrier rail, which wound and cauterize Kaiju anatomy, which is handy when dealing with one that happens to have toxic blood.
- GD6 Chain Swords: Gipsy also has two retractable GD6 Chain Swords which is created from steel-obsidian alloy, that can be used as solid blades or whips.
- Mega-Punch: Gipsy is able to dump much of its coolant as an improvised weapon and possesses a rocket for increased punching power in its right or left elbow.
- Turbine: Gipsy's Vortex Turbine maintains health checks and returned radio chemical readings in excess of safety parameters. The turbine can also be utilized to fire a directed heat weapon powerful enough to puncture completely through a grappling Kaiju when fired at point blank range.
- Twin Rear Jets: Gipsy also features two rear jets which allows for an increase in forward movement for a limited amount of time. They can be used to aid in the the Jaeger's ability to leap into the air, quickly decreasing the distance between it and a kaiju to land a melee attack.
- Size Increase: Like all the Jaegers, Gipsy is outfitted with a special height enhancer that increases her height up to 50 meters tall, as well as being able to make her back to normal size. It does waste a ton of energy, having a time limit of up to 8 - 10 minutes, depending on how much energy she uses, before she either shuts down or is forced to go back to regular size.
Akane "Kiryu" Yashiro

(Colored by me)

Akane "Kiryu" Yashiro
Android Cyborg
Mech Size:
50 - 100 Meters
"To Be Revised"
"To Be Revised"
- Flight Pack: Akane's primary weapon of choice in both regular and Super Armors is the flight pack on her back and waist. This allows her to fly in the air for long distances at a time. In addition, the pack also comes with twin laser cannons on her shoulders and two forward firing rocket launchers alongside four batteries along its back and sides for launching guided missiles. Upon emptying its payload, the flight pack can detach from Kiryu's body and used as a projectile shield before being remotely detonated. The pack also contains nanobot self-repair units and other weapons such as pistols and swords.
- Electrical Blade: For close combat, a short blade can be extended from Kiryu's right wrist to discharge a crippling electrical surge into the opponent's body.
- Drill-Hand: Kiryu's right hand can collapse into a revolving drill, which allows to tear through hard rock, steel and armored kaiju hide.
- Oral Maser Cannons: Only present when wearing the Super Armor, Kiryu can blast maser cannons for her mouth.
- Absolute Zero Cannon/Triple Hyper Maser Cannon: Kiryu's chest, both as an Android or in the Super Armor, can unleash two ultimate firing weapons behind a trio of folding panels that can deal a great deal of damage towards the opponent, but at the cost of wasting a hefty portion of her energy reserves. The Absolute Zero Cannon fires a ball of energy that flash-freezes its target to Absolute Zero, thereby causing it to disintegrate under the weight of its own mass at the molecular level, but wasting 40% of her energy reserves. The Triple Hyper Maser Cannon can fire a large volley of maser fire and can be fired simultaneously with Kiryu's mouth cannon, wasting slightly less energy than the AZC (25%). Only one weapon can be equipped at a time.
- Size Manipulation: Kiryu can grow up to a height of 60 meters and can then use her super armor. She can only stay up to that size for up to ten minutes at a time, due to the energy it consumes.
Godzilla Jr

(Right Design Picture is her design)

(Left is her current design)

Godzilla Junior "III" ゴジラジュニア
51 Years (looks 19 - technically entering young adulthood in kaiju years)
Earth Defenders
"To Be Revised"
"To Be Revised"
- Atomic Breath: Like her mother, Godzilla Jr can also breath out an atomic beam, although its slightly less powerful then her mother's.
- Kaiju Transformation: Also like her mother, Godzilla Jr can grow up to 40 meters high when in her kaiju form.
- Superhuman Strength: Same as Godzilla Sr, but slightly weaker.
- Enhanced Regeneration: Same as Godzilla Sr, but slightly weaker.