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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Chapter 0: - Prologue

The KGDF Headquarters: - TOKYO, JAPAN

The stern face of Commander Akane Yashiro glares motionlessly outside her large office room window as she oversees the glaring sun slowly raising above the cityscape. The clock above the entrance door shows that it is currently 6:30 in the morning, but it meant little to the cyborg for she had been up an hour earlier. She's always been the early bird in these situations, perhaps having assumed the title of commander does Yashiro does she feel like she must get up this early. Who knows if they could be hit with another alarm that recognizes the threat of an incoming kaiju somewhere in the world. And once it does, everyone will have to assemble quickly and fight the incoming invaders...

But this entire week summoned no attacks at all.

As Yashiro continues contemplating on a reason why, she can hear the commotion of KGDF forces murmuring behind her in the following corridors. The other staff members are just beginning to wake up and do their regular business. Some of the staff are on 'night duty', but they must've left at 5:45 because by the time Yashiro bothered to hear her surroundings since she woke up... she heard nothing at all. Even now does it still continues to issue an eerie silence to this whole event, minus the people walking about There were no alarms, no panicked shocks, no gasps... Everything seemed calm and in order, just the way Yashiro likes it.

Of course, she wasn't entirely relieved at this result.

The last kaiju attack was directly one week ago at the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, by a monster mutant known as Eleking. She popped out of the ocean and began wrecking havoc on the city for some time before the KGDF sent out the newly-created Gipsy Avenger, sequel to Gipsy Danger, as a test run. The sequel android was ultimately a success and she has been placed in a rookie squad to get herself started by training for the eventual missions at hand. But ever since then, there had been no reported kaiju attacks for the entire week...

But of course, there's also a jinx to it.

Suddenly, the alarms go off and a heaving blaring can be heard from across the entire facility. Akane's cold face quickly morphs into a face of surprise as she walks briskly out of the door and to the command center. Her metal clanking can be heard for several meters as she marches towards her next position. Once she arrives, the doors quickly open automatically as the commander enters the room.

"Status report." she commands coldly without emotion as she looks down at the two main personnel that were accessing the situation.

The female operator looks up in a horrified face on pure terror.

"We got kaiju contact..." she replies trying to be calm as possible. She pauses as she looks back at the monitor to reveal multiple red dots around the globe. "At multiple places simultaneously!"

Akane looks on as she inspects the areas of contact.

There are three places around the world where kaiju activity are taking place...

- Osaka, Japan
- Los Angeles, California
- Casablanca, Morocco

"Are you able to identify them?" Akane asks again.

The operator simply shook her head.

"Our main satellite is still under repairs." she replies with a distraught sigh, "We have NO idea what we should be expecting."

"Prepare the units." the commander orders strictly as she begins to leave the room...

"They're back."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Jackie had been sitting in her room, reading, of all things, a romance novel. She didn't need to sleep, and she'd found the human ideas of love fascinating. Arranged marriages were the norm where she was from, so it was interesting to see a different view of things. Then the alarms blared. Joy.

She put her illusion on- granted, virtually everyone knew what she really was anyway, but it was polite not to freak them out- and headed down towards the briefing room. Hopefully, this would be a good hunt. It had been too damn long since she'd gotten to do field work.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Desary stretched languidly as she reconstituted herself. Long distance swims were always a bore, and crossing the ocean even more so. Still her Micro form had once again proven to be invaluable in slipping past the various checkpoint and border patrols that would cause an unending flood of troubles for her. Especially after the city she had ruined over in Brazil, it was nowhere of importance, but the KGDF had responded with greater alacrity than normal.

‘Either they are becoming more competent or I am starting to become predictable’ she mused as she stalked to the edge of the alleyway she had formed in, and couldn’t help the small smile that graced her features as she looked out at the busy street.

It had been a few years since Dez had been back to Japan. It was where she was born, in a sense, and she always loved it when she able to stay. Granted a fair amount of that had to do with the fact that Godzilla was frequently found roaming these lands, but a part of it was honest nostalgia for her home territory.

Taking care that her ‘apparel’ was a touch more modest than usual, a simple endeavor considering her clothes were made up of more of her, but was completely uncaring that her heritage was on full display with her tail swishing behind her and the blatant of the horn atop her head. She ventured forth headed deeper in to the depths of Osaka intent of enjoying the flavors of her home territory once again.

A few hours later and the Kaiju was starting to grow bored. She had enjoyed the various leers and stares that she always garnered. From the women it was always jealousy or contempt; occasionally she would detect lust from them but rarely was it obvious. The same could not be said of the men, whom almost always would leer at her as she would strut by. Some would whistle, most would stare, and occasionally one would be brave enough to try and coerce her in to spending a night with them.

Inevitably all of them would taken aback by fear as they noticed her tail was not a prop. This suited Desary just fine as she knew form past encounters that humans were simply too fragile for her to get any satisfaction from them. Unless, of course, she was seeking to inflict pain, then their fragility made them all the more enjoyable to play with. Now however she was attempting to find something interesting to distract her.

And before she could drum up something to do, a shrill sound split the air as alarms started going off. Slowly a blood thirsty grin started to form on her face as she realized that they were Kaiju alarms ‘Seems someone has graciously volunteered to help me with my boredom’ she thought merrily as she started to skip in the direction that the warnings were blaring people away form.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

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Numbani airport - early evening

Upon the recently repaired tarmac of the African city of Numbani’s main airport quite the crowd has gathered, centered around a soon to depart KGDF cargo transport plane and the small group of scientists and military personnel preparing to board it. The main focus of the various local reporters and paparazzi, who had been allowed a brief opportunity to ask questions and take photographs before the group went of to japan, was on the Month old android Orisa and her 11 year old creator Efi Oladele who they were bombarding with questions.

”...looking forwards to learning from experienced units like Gipsy Danger...”

“...all thanks to our wonderful university's...”

At the back of the congregation Asmaa Kattan, the highest ranking of the military personnel present received a high priority phone call from KGDF headquarters and, after a short conversation, approached the android and her inventor. Efi noticed her approached and turned from the journalists to ask

“Are we ready to get going Miss Kattan?”

“Change of plans. Private Orisa, walk with me.”

I.. Yes. At once mam!”

The centaur android turned from the now unruly press who were desperate to know what was going on, and the two walked towards the aircraft, only to be joined by Efi.

“I don’t remember asking for you to join us Efi, go and rejoin your colleagues.”

“Where Orisa goes, I go.”

“I will not be the one to take a child into a war zone. Go back.”

”A war zone? Whatever is going on?”

Kattan sighed and turned to face the young pair, rather exasperated. She was in the military, she should not be having to deal with children.

“The KGDF just got word of 3 separate simultaneous kaiju attacks, one of which is currently hitting Casablanca: the capital city of Morocco. As you are the closest available unit it has been decided you will be engaging the threat. We are to leave immediately.”

“Then I have to come, I’m the only one who knows how Orisa works and it’s her first mission! What if something goes wrong? I should be there, supporting her!”

“I will not budge on this issue, and every second we waste on it puts more lives in danger. Go back. That is an order!”

“I. But.”

”I’ll be fine Efi and you can still keep an eye on me remotely. Right?”

Kattan nodded and, after a few moments of deliberation, Efi slumped, accepting her predicament but still clearly upset at the limitations remote communication would bring. Seeing this, Orisa gave her creator a quick hug.

“Come home safe so we can both go to Japan together. Promise.”

”I promise. See you soon.”

Approaching Casablanca - Morocco, early evening

Inside the rear end of the transport plane a visibly nervosa Orisa stood before a currently closed exit ramp. The android was running a few last minute pre transformation diagnostics, as much to calm her nerves as to make sure she was ready, when Kattan’s voice came over the intercom.

“We’re approaching the dropsite. We still don’t have an orbital visual of the target, so your primary goal is to get us a clear picture of the kaiju. Once we have that you’ll engage or pull back on my order, understood?”

”Understood mam.”

“Good. we’re opening the door now. Prepare to jump”

At this, the large bay doors at the back of the plane began to open slowly, the ramp lowering and exposing the city of Mohammedia, a port city just east of Casablanca, below. The lights of the city came into focus as the plane descended and slowed in preparation for android deployment.

“Drop in, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, go go go!”

At that command Orisa galloped down the exit ramp and leaped out of the aircraft, the freezing wind blowing through her dark curly hair for just a moment before she activates her size changer. At this android massively expands in size while in mid air and, while her lower half remains roughly the same in appearance, her upper half becomes covered in metal armor, her horns expand massively in length, a plasma cannon forms in the place of her right hand and her face is covered by a golden tinted mask. The now 70M tall orisa activates her Fortify ability, a golden aura shimmering across her entire body, which braces her for the impact with the water seconds later. She grinds to a halt, canceling the momentum she had inherited from the plane, and then turn quickly to face the city of Casablanca.

”This is Orisa. landing successful. I am ready to initiate combat operations.”

“Confirmed. Proceed as planned.”

From her hiding place among the cargo in the plane, Efi watches this all through Orisa’s eyes on her laptop. She opens a chat window alongside all of the various diagnostic info she has onscreen and types Good Luck

Down below Orisas eyes briefly make a ^_^ expression before she begins her steady advance along the coast line towards the beleaguered city.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Skinner35
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Skinner35 One-Sided Thief.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Ark sat in his resting state, restarting some processes, then he received the message, and quick-started all of his processes and began to walk towards the active departure area, running diagnostics on his systems, all coming back as 100% functional. "Seems as though we will see action today. I believe that this will be interesting." He says, monotone, as he arrives at the area where his Mech is housed. "If granted, I would like to take California." He says, preparing to transfer to his mech.

Now, he awaits further information.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Grail
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Holy Grail

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Osaka, Japan

Though not among the tallest kaiju present, Otachi in her kaiju form was a great, monstrous hulk as compared to many, and stronger than she looked to boot. Some of her blue, alien acid, having just been spit upon a few buildings, was beginning to dissolve the structure at an alarming pace as she stomped about on buildings, leaping from one to the other and crushing many in the process. The audible screams of people moving underneath was nothing surprising, nor was the sounds of crumbling spires and towering structures that had taken years to build. In short, it was essentially a normal day for Japan and its people when it came to giant monster attacks.

It had been an interesting emergence from the Rift, though, that had led Otachi to discover her state of being broken from the hive mind. She and her young for that matter. And yet, she had panicked, moved towards the nearest landmass....which happened to be Osaka, Japan in this case. Aggressive instincts in her haste had taken over eventually as she had moved onto the beach and frightened many humans in the process, and thus she had gone somewhat berserk. Berserk....and filled with the urge to level everything before her completely. And such was what she had begun doing, and is what she was still engaged with.

Rearing her head up a she leapt upon a taller building and felt it crunch beneath her weight and mass, Otachi let out a guttural and fierce roar that seemed to shake the air around her....a challenge for anyone who thought it actually wise to face her here.

Space Godzilla

KGDF Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan

'Yuki Fujimoto' had been hurrying about her daily tasks of gathering files from reports, organizing the information to archive, and generally mulling about the mundane work that occupied her life here among...humans. Though not necessarily a fun thing for the kaiju in disguise, it had been a good learning experience thus far, interesting outside of her job, and had been a good source of wealth for finding out how she and other kaiju were investigated and understood by this group. Heh. Such information could be put to a good use....or perhaps a very bad one depending on her pick and choice in the matter. And yet, this was not a thing she had done thus far.

Now with the alarms blaring, signaling a fresh batch of kaiju attacks for the first time in a while, she felt a grin come onto her face that was masked over by a look of concern and worry over the matter that was befitting her disguise. Even now she had been sent to gather files from the archive, mainly on the usual suspects from the last several recorded and investigated kaiju attacks, and to bring them to the boss. Or rather, that Kiryu girl that was the commander over this base in particular. She seemed a pain in the butt, but her ability to control others and similar skills had gained her some respect in the deceptive kaiju's eyes. Being ordered around was a butt of a thing, but it was far better than being mind controlled to fight for the Xiliens.

And for that matter, if she ever saw a Xilien again she would kill them on the spot regardless of the reason they could meet. That would be a thing she could take great pleasure in.

Armload of files and documents cradles safely in her arms, the formally-dressed secretary and archivist 'Yuki Fujimoto' stepped with a firm pace into the room with Akane and the operators present there. Mentally sighing to herself that she had to rush in these files to the commander to attempt to assist in identification of the kaiju now appearing, all based on local reports on the matter and agents sent to the sites themselves to deal with the trouble. Lovely. Just...lovely.

"Commander, i have been sent to you with files on potential kaiju that might be involved in these attacks, with the intent that by comparing these to local reports at the affected areas we can find out which kaiju are attacking," she said, after having first approached the Commander, given a respectful bow, and then saluted her and such as was fitting for the situation and their respective ranks.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago



As Akane continues to monitor the situation from the drones already being dispatched to the locations of kaiju activity, assistant Yuki Fujimoto quickly stepped into the room while carrying a large stack of papers with classified information. The cyborg commander looks behind her shoulder to see the woman come into the room, yet she still kept here eyes on the screens.

"Yuki Fujimoto." she greeted her unemotionally as her eyes gleam against the monitor's reflection, "Status report."

The other woman bows as she explains to the Commander the situation. "Commander, I have been sent to you with files on potential kaiju that might be involved in these attacks, with the intent that by comparing these to local reports at the affected areas we can find out which kaiju are attacking."

"Very good." Akane nods as she takes the heavy stack of paper with ease and plops them on the desk, "Let's take a look and the combatants..."

She signals the neighboring female staff unit with green hair to come hither and look at the documents at hand. The woman quickly rolls her chair to the planning desk and begins looking at the files. She picks up the file containing big red print that is labeled...


"If Tokyo is considered as the Guardian for Northern Japan, then Osaka guards the south flank. A previous hotspot for kaiju activity in the past, it has not received a major kaiju attack in around five years. However, it's no record breaker as the longest it has gone without an attack was between 1976 - 1982, six years to be exact...

We have detected two confirmed kaiju entities from within the city limits: Otachi - Codename: Spitter - a Rift Kaiju that had participated during the Great Pacific War (GPW). Was presumed dead by the hands of Gipsy Danger, but seems to have survived her encounter. Has highly corrosive spit that can wreck buildings and androids if it touches them and she can also fly. Approach with caution.

We also have photographs of a suspicious woman, with a witness claiming she came out of the sea. We suspect she's a gijinka as well, but it's not determined. Must be captured for questioning."

"Gipsy Danger is the best candidate for a possible double-threat. Her familiarity with Otachi during the Rift War should be enough to combat her alone, although a reinforcement unit should be sent to that location with her as well to inspect the mystery character. Send Jackie to help Gipsy with the search."


Gipsy Danger

@Holy Grail@shagranoz

"This is Gipsy Danger. I've made my touch down." announces the lieutenant as she makes a small crater from landing roughly a hundred and 50 meters from the air by copter.

Already the city was in a wide-spread panic with the alarms blaring all across the city as the gijinka Otachi made landfall in the city. This wasn't the first time the android fought against that specific kaiju, having fought her in Hong Kong near the end of the Rift Wars. Surely this ought to be easy enough to beat considering she doesn't have any new abilities that she picked up recently. And with her partner in tow, this should even be considered a cakewalk... although they must keep their eyes peeled for a possible second threat.

Gipsy quickly scouts the city as she scans the area for the kaiju's whereabouts. It's been years since she's been to Osaka, Japan but she's still firmly capable of traversing the streets efficiently. Suddenly, her audio receptors picked up the sound of a terrifying shriek coming from within a mile radius. That familiar shriek was enough to remind her of their last encounter and indeed does it confirm that Otachi is nearby.

"She's nearby..." the lieutenant confirms to her partner, "I'm going to take a look around."

Gipsy launches into the air with the help of her twin rear jets and scans the tops of the skyscrapers for any gijinka signature. Indeed, she finds Otachi perched onto a skyscraper in a fit of rage as she seems to prepare her next move. Once the android lands back on the ground, she begins running towards her location.

"I've located the threat!" she confirms as she continues running, "I'll deal with her personally. You try to find the elusive possible threat that may be lurking around, I'll contact you if I need assistance, over."


"Despite being one of the most popular cities on the West Coast of the United States, Kaiju Activity is extremely low here. Last attack was back in 2017 by a Rift Kaiju known as Yamarashi who was stopped by Jet Jaguar, but ever since has been relatively unscathed. Yet San Fransisco has one of the highest kaiju invasion rates, with an attack having taken place just six months ago by Earthtron, in which jaeger Bracer Phoenix was able to push her back. San Fran also had the 2014 Trespasser attack, which started the Rift War, alongside sightings of creatures known as 'MUTOs' as well as a large creature that seemed to follow them. Why they choose here over LA is a mystery to me.

We have identified a single confirmed kaiju entity that has made landfall near the Santa Monica Pier. Zilla Jr - Codename: GINO - a kaiju that was once mistaken as a Godzilla species, is now placed into a sub-category. Her mother rampaged through New York in 1998 and was killed by the KGDF. Taken care by scientist Nick Tatopoulos briefly before sent to Monster Island. Strange how she is prowling around this place considering her status. She's a speedster, using incredible agility and speed to dodge attacks and can fire her own green fire breath at her opponents. Make sure you have good reflexes in fighting her."

"We would send Suijaku out to combat her, but he was destroyed in his last attack. Send the Ark out for inspection. She must be persuaded to head back into the ocean... by force if necessary."





"There hasn't been a kaiju attack in Morocco for quite a long time. Longer then most that is. The latest attack we can find regarding it is during 1961, when Gorgo attacked the city while trying to search for her baby, who just so happened to have been terrorizing London at that time. Otherwise, not much more to say here.

We have identified a single confirmed kaiju entity: Red King - Codename: Skull Monster - a kaiju who had fought the Ultramen during the 60s and 80s, enough to highlight herself as their rival. Despite the name, this Red King is a female, although another Red King that was found back then happened to be a male. Said male is now deceased. Along with her superhuman strength, enough to issue earthquakes and cracks in the ground, she can fire explosive rocks from her belly that detonates upon impact. She is also an extraordinary jumper as well. Caution is advised.

"Orisa is the only powerhouse android we have available. She can definitely match Red King's strength with her own strength and keep her at bay with her arsenal."


Red King

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Otachi's roar startled the crap out of Jackie, mainly because she wasn't expecting it. She nodded as Gipsy leapt out to deal with the threat. She didn't like it, but the android was right. The other gijinka could be a problem, and it was quite frankly easier to deal with the devil you knew.

"I'll do my best!" the Eldritchian yelled back, letting her illusion fall away and revealing herself in all her weirdness. Her myriad eyes started to scan at multiple distances and frequencies. It could be surprisingly difficult to distinguish between a human and a gijinka, but she'd have a better shot than most.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Destoroyah was amused by the rather simplistic carnage that Otachi was currently causing. The micro-oxygen kaiju herself was on a roof top a dozen or so building away from where the rift kaiju was, and while Des was rather tempted to reveal herself in all her unholy glory and answer the challenging call that Otachi had bellowed out. She had opted to wait for a bit first; after all she knew nothing about this interloper at the moment.

There was also the fact that she had seen the KGDF choppers in the area and was positive that they had sent someone to deal with the current threat. Depending on who that was would determine whether or not Des would intervene. She had been careful to not reveal herself too often to the KGDF, but if she was being honest she was starting to grow tired of the game of cat and mouse they had been playing for the past few decades.

The final thing that cemented the decision to stay hidden for the moment was the possibility of seeing her beloved, after all Godzilla was known to defend Japan more frequently than anywhere else and was even seen cooperating alongside the KGDF at times. The possibility of seeing Godzilla work up close was an exhilarating thought.

‘Still, it wouldn’t do to not be prepared in case things ended up turning boring’

With that thought in mind Destoroyah began to split in to a few dozen parts, a majority of them changed in to their juvenile forms and took off in to the city to start hunting down stray humans in the chaos by the kaiju attack.

The remaining three parts maintained their Gijinka forms but split up to watch Otachi level a few more buildings while the expected reinforcements arrived. It was while the larger pieces were moving in to place that one of them saw Gipsy Danger speeding through the streets.

‘Seems that you will be the deciding factor little Gipsy’ She mused as the piece that spotted her began to tail her instead. ‘Don’t disappoint me now’

@Lmpkio@Holy Grail
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