souleaterfan, did you post in the roleplay previously, or is this the first time you posted in the thread?
And the Unicorn's not really fighting anyone, Ash is being dragged by it and Jonah's playing catchup. They're more of a distraction for it, the actual Unicorn fight's coming up later. :P And Pascale can wake up, she's being carried by Jonah at the moment, but they can split off to meet with Jack and Tark if you want. :P They haven't activated their cache yet, though, so for the moment, they're just partners.
Oh, and Christophe and Lorelei are underground in a water filled cavern, they haven't even seen the Unicorn yet, but they've got their own problems to deal with. :P
Also, Arara's Semblance may have a wider range than Corrie's, but her's is fundamentally different, less "customizable," and more subtle. :P