Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Musashi sighed as she was getting tired of the ramblings of the brainwashed. To be honest she should just slit their throats and get it over with, maybe they could benefit everyone more by sleeping with the fishes and providing them with food. Instead of wasting their lives playing make believe pirates. Instead she picked up a bottle of wine and threw between their heads. She looked at them, eye full of absolute clarity as she said.

"When did I say I was going to end you? I said I was going to crush all of you!"

She didn't bother waiting for a response from the men as she ran towards the dock. She was no stranger to Destruction, but to be honest this was just plain disgusting. Never bring your blade towards an innocent is what her master had taught her. To wield a sword is to wield an oath, you don't get to pick up a be swordsman and the fact that some on them had swords in their hands just pissed her off some more. Though it wasn't a good idea when several of the theatre rejects got in her way while using them. These were not swordsmen, they were just children that thought of them as toys! But she wasn't playing around. She drew her swords, her eyes hidden by her hair. She said with a coldness that could rival a billizard.

"Two sword style: Trade Winds."

She flowed from person to person striking each of them down with one slash, then using the momentum from it to flow into the next strike like a deadly dance. She ended up behind them with her swords out stretched like wings as one by one they fell to the ground. She got up and looked towards her target, a look that had an icy inferno within them and with that she continued running towards the dock.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"U-um, miss? I don't think hitting him that hard is nesseccary." Rainer said as Abbygail punched the man with a 101 on his mask. Then again, thats better then what she did to that one guy. He thought as he remembered how she had choked a man to death just moments before. Note to self. If I make her mad ... run.

In an instant, the screams of people grabbed his attention. He looked behind him to the sight of the burning ships and screaming people. "Oh no." He whispered as he began to sprint towards the docks.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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As expected, the spear did not kill the steel user. Janet wasn't surprised by that, she had a hunch that mere explosions alone wouldn't take someone like him down. That guy fights differently from the rest, perhaps somebody who ate that strange fruit. And it seems to her that not all of those fruits gives explosive abilities.

With that metal user charging at her, Janet has no choice but to enter close combat. Close combat was too much of a hassle and exhausts her more than usual. "I've to get this done quickly." She whispered to herself, flicking her wrist as she readies herself for the battle.
"Rocket Punch"

Janet ignited her elbows, to send her punch at the metal user's torso at full speed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyy nodded at Rainer and Abbygail. "I'm Kyysucara. Thanks for the help you two." He looks in the direction of the docks. "I know the way there. Come on!" He starts running through the streets toward his destination but stops just before arriving, starting to think of a plan of attack.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Crimson Lion@grandia20
Abbygail's face twitched after she hit the man. He was still breathing, on some level that was a shame, but on another level, one much closer to the surface, she was relieved he was still alive. At the right things were going there weren't going to be many of the Legion pirates left alive once the day was over, and there needed to be at least one left to take the punishment for the rest of them, just one.

"That's fine" Abbygail, stood up and looked towards the swordsman. "We're all entitled to think whatever we want, but just don't try to get it my way. Trust me, it's for your own good." She smiled. "As for making me mad, I wouldn't worry about running if I were you. You'd only die tired."

"Hmmm?" She mumbled to the man who introduced himself. "There's no need for thanks, at least from me. I'm only fighting on account of rather liking this village. It's not exactly peaceful, but there's a sort of gentleness to the way it bites, don't you think?" She turned her attention to the docks and watched the man named Kyysucara head towards them and then stop. "I'm not sure what you're waiting for, but I'm going to go on ahead. There's too many people in trouble to stand back and wait. Hesitation can costs lives!" The purple haired woman shouted as she ran past him.

"Damn. Meddling pirates." One of the men behind the metal mask muttered as he propped himself up on a piece of wood that was scorched along its side, probably came from one of the buildings that had been blown up. "Hey!" He shouted to the man as he limped towards him. "Hey you, with the vacant look in his eyes."

"Hey!" Abbygail shouted, noting that the swordsman was running with her, and for once since the whole thing started, they weren't being surrounded by men in metal hats. "I'm assuming you're heading towards the docks too.
I don't know if you're planning on getting to their ship or trying to save the civilians being attacked, but either way I think it would be a good idea for us to split up! I'm going to head to the left most side of the docks and help who I can there before trying for the ship. I suggest you do the same but from the right, or not?
Do whatever you thinks best." Without waiting for a response she picked up speed and hurried ahead.

For a moment she was surprised that none of the Legion pirates were trying to get in her way, but then she realized it was because most of them were dead and the ones that weren't, were either out cold or incapable of fighting thanks to missing something to fight with. Not that they weren't capable of flinging insults and trying to rally other members to go and do the fighting for them. What was going on? Was there someone else taking care of the vandals? She didn't spend much time pondering the matter, not because it didn't interest her, but because she found an answer answering itself. @Shiyonichi Up ahead, Abbygail noticed a woman, but not just any woman. Before her was a woman that went through thugs like a stick skimming through clear waters. Instead of the gentle splash of waves she left screams and blood in her wake. The purple haired woman didn't know who she was, but she knew she liked her. Plus, her legs were't anything to laugh at. Her thighs looked like they could crush a walnut between them.

"Hey there!" Abbygail shouted as the woman took down two more guards. "Fancy some company?" She grinned as the weighted piece of steel appeared in her hand and she launched it passed the woman, towards one of the legion pirates that had climbed up onto the dock they were and was rushing towards the swordswoman. Although, that still left three more, but Abbygail didn't want to push it. A lot of the time, strong women took offense to being helped out too much.

"What the hell is that?" The man shouted as the woman's elbow seemed to explode before it fired toward shim like a cannon ball. Strangely enough, the man didn't think of death, or all the things he would've liked to do before the fist smashed into his steel helmet. Really, all that played through his mind, over and over again like a scratched record was the phrase. 'What's a rocket?' Then, the girl's fist slammed into his head, hard enough to send force directly into his skull, causing his brain to bounce around like a rubber ball through in a tiny room. Needless to say he went down afterwards.

"Hey!" The tavern owner called to the woman with the explosions. "I'm not sure if you're with the other ones fighting the legion pirates or not, but they're heading towards the docks. I'm not sure if they're crazy or not, but I know they're string. I really think they can put an end to the Legion pirates once and for all. Are you going to go help them?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Rainer and Abbyggail ran towards the docks, he decided to take her advise and split off to the right, "I'll meet you on the ship aftyer a save the people on the right!!" He told the purplette. "I think I heard that one lady said she used two sword style, so I guess I should be calling this Sheathed Blade Style: Raging River!!!" As he said that, he began to quickly strike at multiple enemies in his way, knocking them out by hitting their heads or hurting them severely by hurling them into nearby boats or to the floor.

As he swatted away enemies he noticed a group of men being chained up head to toe by 4 legion Pirates, "Okay boys, drop them!!!" One of the legion, #77, yelled as the other ones began to throw or shove the men off the docks.

"NOOO!!!" Rainer yelled ran up to the pirates. "Sheathed Blade Style: Ocean Wave!!!" He yelled as he used a wide slash, striking all 4 in the stomach. He then immediately did a 180 and jumped into the water as he put on his goggles, his eyes behind the goggles began to become surrounded by white. In a feat of pure speed, Rainer zipped through the water as if it wasn't there, grabbing multiple men before swimming back to surface and dropping them off."You guys ok?" He asked as he looked himself over to make sure he didn't show any of his Fishman traits. The chained men nodded as the slowly began to wiggle out of their chains.

"W-We're fine. Thank you so much!!!" One of them said as Rainer approached, untying the chains off of them.

"No problem, just get to safety." Rainer said as multiple Legion pirates began to surround him.

One stepped forward, the number 77 he had attacked awhile ago looking pissed. "Boy, you got any idea who you dealing with?" He said as he took out metal knuckles, as well as the other Legion pirates taking out their own weapons. "Lemme teach you some respect boy!"

Rainer sighed as he got into a defensive stance (For the second time today) and got readyt to fight. Seems like it's gonna take some time to get to that ship. Hopefully the Purplette has won't need back up.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Of course at the sound of the purple headed girl's voice Musashi turned around to see three people. Of course she still had her killer cold eyes and a scowl that showed the tip of her canine, however, also she had a splatter of blood run from her left cheek to the her right brow. Overall giving her a rather feral and intimidating look, it was quite a first impression.

They didn't seem to be enemies, rather they seemed to be on her side, but there was something bothering her... Why was that girl looking at her thighs, was there something on her thighs?

One of the three jumped into the ocean wanting to save the people in there. It would appear that he was a Swordsman. The man struck at the enemies in his way and she had a feeling that he was trying to emulate her Trade Winds technique, the result was, well it works, so what's for her to argue. She was interrupted from looking at the fight when the three men were behind her and swung their swords downwards, however, a sharp metal crash could be heard as her sword were above her head in an X formation blocking the three blades. The sword shook as the three tired to get pass her guard. In the next moment she pushed their swords away, turning around she raised her swords and struck all of them in a wide X slash and sent them flying a few feet back.

With her back turned to the group that recently appeared, she asked them:

"So, I suppose you are all here to deal with these theatre rejects?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyy listened while he thought and nodded. It sounded like there was fighting coming from Abbygail's destination, so there was a good chance that someone else was fighting too or there was internal discord. The sounds from Rainer's direction were quiet at first so he runs that way to give him backup. Just as he arrives, he sees a pirate sneaking up on the swordsman. "First Movement: Belial's Horn!" Speeding himself up, Kyy dashes passed Rainer and jabs with both spears simultaneously.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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"Of course, I don't give a damn about whatever Legion Pirates, but I'm going to finish what's left, then become the Pirate King!"

Janet exclaimed, stretching out her elbows upon finishing the remains of this tavern's battle.

"By the way, after all this is over, I need directions to One Piece~ I've just started out pirating a week ago, so I don't know much, haha."

Janet continued, as if she is asking for the location of the nearest restaurant. Clearly she doesn't know anything, and it was a miracle that she had actually managed to reach this island. She turned for the docks, sulking upon seeing that she'd missed the fun. But on the bright side, the group are actually going to rob this ship as their first actual job as a pirate. She charged downhill, sending down one javelin to one of those masked men from the far back. Better not put too much damage on the loot,
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rainer looked behind him as Kyy rushed passed him, stabbing a man that was directly behind him. Rainer said a quick thanks before striking at the men directly in front of him “Sheathed Blade Style: Ocean Wave!!!” He yelled as he created a wide swing striking multiple of them. He backed up as him and Kyy stood surrounded back to back. “This is … new. Fighting back to back with someone I mean. Usually it's just me.” Rainer said as he thought back to how long he's been travelling alone, a smirk forming. “I could get used to this though.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Crimson Lion@grandia20
Members of the Legion pirates fell into the water, lots of them. Some where conscious when they hit, most weren't. A few had bodies that weren't banged up enough to keep themselves from swimming, or at least floating in normal circumstances, but there weren't normal circumstances. So once the men's bodies submerged ever so slightly they wen't completely stiff and sunk like rocks. The smallest amount caught onto the wooden frame of the dock they were on, and managed to pull themselves up to face the men causing problems for them.

"Well look at what we've got here." A masked man with #82 on his head.
"Two punks that don't know when to quit." The legion pirate #42 said in response. More members of the legion pirates appeared, as if from nowhere, climbing up on the docks, and hurrying from pier. "We should teach them a lesson." #82 said, drawing a sword he had taken from a sailor who tried saving his family.

"Hehe. I'm not a teacher. I never went to school just like you." One with 33 on his mask muttered. "So I say we break their limbs, tie them up and kill them slowly." There was a quick laugh, as the the man strutted up to the guy with the spears, but he stopped right in front of his enemy and looked down. "Oh! A silver dollar! It's my lucky day." Without hesitation, he dropped to a crouched.

"Really slowly!" #59 chimed in, jumping with excitement. "Give them time to reflect and what not." In one hand he held a small round can top for a shield and in the other there was a hammer, ball point to be exact. Someone had curved the name "Lucky" in the hammer's handle. It was funny because the previous owner didn't strike #59 as a 'lucky,' but more of a mat because of he was sprawled on the floor.

"The hell are you idiots wasting time for." A masked man called from the end of the dock. There were several struggling forms at his feet. "Shut up, you!" He shouted, kicking the largest form hard enough to make it go completely still. "You all know the plan. We're not supposed to stop anyone right now. Just kill everyone who was trying to leave." With that, a smile, one invisible behind the mask but could be heard int he words, he pushed the tied up figure off the docks and into the water.

There wasn't anythings special about the splash, but in the silence, it sounded like thunder. The legion pirates around the men, who were back to back, did't hesitate. They knew the plans. Once the body hit the water they moved. #82 rushed towards the swordsman, thinking he was the one who cared most about the innocent. It was tempting to swing at his neck, but instead he swung towards the body, an easy thing to counter for most sword users. As this was going on, #59 rushed towards the swordsman, and flung his hammer at the man's head. He didn't stop after that. He put the shield in front of him and lunged in the air. He was hoping to hit the man with the sword but if he'd be just as happy if he got the one with the spears.

Knowing his signal #33 shot up, hoping to ram his metal encased head into the spear man's jaw. Two of his brothers, each armed with a blade moved forwards. One swung up toward's the redheads neck while the other went low hoping to cut him open.

Two of the legion pirates fell past the point of no return, hit the water and sunk without a moment's struggle. The other one flew too, but without the traditional wet and violent sound that came when a body hit the water.

Abbygail smirked at the woman, keeping her eyes on the stranger's face, which wasn't easy. "Sure." She gave a shrug. "I rather enjoy this town and would hate to see it leveled on account of a couple of shitty little men with bad attitudes and kamikaze complexes. So I figured I'd save the people, dispatch their enemies and hopefully get some beer and food out of the process. How about yourself? If you're interested in getting rid of them here and now." She moved towards the end of the dock and pointed towards a large ship a bit out to sea where several row boats were coming from. "That ship's their's. I'm sure the leader is inside. Once wit take that, we've got them." To punctuate her point she slammed her booted foot down on the remaining Legion member's hand hard enough to break bone.

"Interested in coming?"


"The One piece?" Bob said, face turning pale. "Uh." Desperate he looked around for someone who knew what to do, but there was nobody around, or there were plenty people around but they were either, dead, hiding, or died hiding so well that they wouldn't be found until the smell became unbearable. "Uh yeah. Just, go with the other guys at the docks. I'm sure they know."


"Hey!" One of the men, on the ground, missing a pinky, said to another that was missing an entire arm. "Why don't we get out of here?" Several heads, most alive and one that was still rolling from a breeze, turned to face the source of the question. "There's enough of us taking care of everyone trying to leave and I doubt we'd make a difference with the guys who the town hired to defend us. Why don't we just go find some place to rest? Enjoy our last few minutes relaxing."

"Because none of us are strong enough to get up and move." Another said. It was a good point and nobody had anything to add to it.

"That's true." The speaker nodded. "Well, I guess this is kind of like resting, right? I mean we're all laying down."

"True." Several of the speaker's audience nodded.

For a moment they were quiet, enjoying the peace of the moment. Then they heard the whistling sound of something falling towards them. Someone asked what it was but there wasn't enough time for a reply before the spear hit and their world was covered in light and enough concussive force to rip limbs off bodies.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 5 mos ago

For a moment Musashi didn't answer and walked towards the end of the dock waiting facing the on coming boats. She waited for about 5 minutes before jumping onto a boat. They were rather surprised to say the least, before Musashi did a spin while slashing. She was basically a blender in the close space of the the boat, causing the men to be cut down rather quickly. She kicked the bodies into the water and and gave a wave to the purple haired girl.

"Well think this shows you my intentions. Just have your pals join us when they're done cleaning up, the name's Musashi by the way. Miyamoto D. Musashi."

And with that she turned another boat and jump at them, while this time they we're ready, she slashed at an unexpected target, the boat itself, causing the men to fall into the sea. Then she dived into sea the going under another boat and stabbing its hull from underneath. She came up for air and started to neutralize the other boats in a similar fashion.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyy chuckled when his new friend mentioned getting used to a team. "Hey, two heads are better than one. And three weapons are better than one as well." He listened to the pirates ramble on, yawning. "Can we hurry up? I don't have all day!" As soon as 33 sprung up, he steps to the side and knees him in the jaw before bringing the blunt end of a spear on the back of his neck and simultaneously blocking the neck strike from the swordsman. With the other spear, he guarded the low strike and spun, sweeping their legs out from under them and jabbing the sharp end down on them. Speeding up gradually, he rushes at the one barking orders. "Guess I'll give it a shot... First Movement: Belial's Horn!" He thrusts both spears forward at the man. "Second Movement: Abbadon's Claw!" He then swings the spears in opposite directions, slicing the man's chest so fast, he wouldn't even feel the injury.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 10 days ago

Lee was outside the tavern when it exploded. Gently, he sidestepped the onrushing people and the subsequent debris from the explosion. There were pirates attack people. However, the seemingly innocent seems to be dealing with the pirates quite efficiently. Lee peered around, trying to spot any government agents among the crowd.

No marines thus far, thats good at least.

There were people still fighting, kicking, slashing and causing all sorts of violence. Lee took a deep, steady, breath. He will not resort to violence. Even if his aggressor means him harm, he will do his best to simply dodge. Lee waded through the chaos, sidestepping people that were shoving and pushing each other aside. If he was his former, more hostile, self, he would have sprung into action and attacked. However, after the unspeakable events he had witness and been a part of, he has sworn off violence. Never again would he return to his former self.

Keeping a mental note of everything that is going on around him, he decided that he needs to find a way out of this town. Soon, the chaos would calm and the area would be filled with marines and other government agents investigating the situation. Lee cannot possibly remain here for that. Spotting a boat off in the distance, he made his approach, looking to get on board and using what little funds he had left to bribe his way to a new town...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Janet observed the scene, both hands with a firm grasp of her javelins. Annoying as it is, they still had the sheer numbers against them. And, its best to whittle them down first. But seriously, a whole army like that just for a barfight?

"Spear Barrage"

A dozen javelins were sent, raining down upon the masked men. Janet ensured that most of her javelins wouldn't damage her target ship nor her allies. The bad news? She said 'most', as clutter of her uncontrolled explosions ignite upon the enemy crew with her dead accuracy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“What the hell are you doing bastard!!!” Rainer yelled as he tried to charge into the water to save the people being pushed in, only to be interrupted by #82 and #59. As the two attacked in unison, it was obvious that he wouldn't be able to block both attacks with his blade so he settled for the next best thing. My right hands already burnt, who needs the left? He thought in remorse at that he was about to do. He did a horizontal slash with his right hand in order to block #82 and an open palm grab with his left in order to grab #59s hammer. The sound a bone in his hand snapping filled his ears as he grabbed the hammer and threw it to the side along with its wielder. He parries #82s next strike as he backs up, looking over to the water at the drowning men. A human can only hold their breath for an average of 30 second.

“You don't have the luxury of looking away!” #59 said as he rushed forward for an overhead strike.

“I have 30 seconds,” Rainer said as he thrusted forward and struck the man in the shoulder, causing him to stagger back, "To defeat you.” He finished as he began to run forward towards the staggered man. 25, 24, 23.

Rainer slashes upwards at the still stunned hammer wielder, hitting his directly in the chin hard enough to force the man to back flip in the air and land face first into the ground. 19, 18, 17.

“Don’t get in our way!!!” #82 says as he slashes at Rainer, making a deep cut in his arm and causing Rainer to yell out in even more pain. 13, 12, 11.

“THATS MY LINE YOU BASTARDS!!!!! Sheathed Blade Style: DRIZZLE!!! Rainer quickly raises his sword, blade swinging downward as it shatters the mans own sword while cutting across the mans chest. 5, 4, 3, 2. “ONE!!!” He yelled as he quickly followed his downward strike with an upward slice, attacking along the same diagonal as the last attack. “Sheathed Blade Style: Water Spout!” He said as the man fell to the ground.

Not wasting even a second for the mans body to drop, Rainer jumps into the water again, swimming for the people dropped into the ocean. He swims as fast as he can, causing his jacket top rip off his body as he grabs each person one by one, before throwing them all onto the docks. He hears gasps of air and coughing as he tries to climb up onto the dock himself.

“Well well, looky here. No wonder you were causing us so much trouble you damn dirty Fishman!!!” The man who had pushed the people into the water, #29, said as he and the rest of his men began to crowd the exit of the dock.

Rainer goes wide eyed as the man says that as he looks himself up and down, his dorsal fin on his back and and the black skin on his arms and legs fully exposed without the cover of his jacket. “Fuck.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyy noticed the difference in Rainer's skills but had no problem keeping to themselves. "What are you talking about you piece of shit?" He winks at Rainer so he knew he knew but was willing to keep his secret. "I don't see any fish man even remotely close by."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rainers eyes went wide with surprise at Kyy’s obviously false statement before a grin showed on his face. He whispered a small thank you, for the second time that day, as he brought his brought his sheathed sword up. “Kyy, i’m going to create an opening for you. All of them will be stuck in place for a bit. Whatever you do, don't stop attacking.” Rainer said as he began to run forward. They all know I'm a fishman already so might as well do this.

The crowd of pirates were baffled at Rainers sudden and reckless approach, as he came to the front of the group but instead of stopping he kept rushing them. He deflected some but not all the attacks aimed at him with his gauntlets as he tackled his way to the center of the group. “Now then, LOW HUM!!!” As he said that a soft vibrating noise began to emit from Rainer before it started to grow louder and more powerful. The legion pirates one by one began staggering and moving around as if confused, the ones closer to him dropping their weapons and clutching their heads. Luckily these guys are all pretty weak, if someone strong got hit with it all they'd do is stumble a bit. He thought with a smirk as he looked back at Kyy, mouthing 'Now' at him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyy saw the opening Rainer was going for and got to work immediately, speeding up to his top speed to take them as quickly as he could. It didn't take long before he'd wiped them all out. "Too easy!" He smiled at Rainer.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 10 days ago

@grandia20@Crimson Lion@Noodles@Shiyonichi@jynmi88

Lee approached the boat. He saw that there were men being stabbed, then thrown overboard. How barbaric... He thought. Not only did the assailant attack the people, but to then throw them overboard as well. That is simply cruelty. He heard a low humming noise. He turned his head towards the origin of the sound and noticed the fishman. Interesting. And quite an interesting technique as well. Using the natural vibrations that are so common among his people to disorient us land-folk... Taking a deep breath and unfazed by the noise, he continued to make his way to the boat.

Through this chaos, Lee was almost able to make his way to the boat without attracting any attention. Almost He thought. A rather pirate looking man approached him, weapon drawn. Without saying a word, Lee continued down his path, hoping the pirate would simply rush past him to aid his brethren. However, that was not the case. The pirate's attention was fixed on Lee. Sighing and shaking his head, it looks as if he will not be able to get on the boat without getting his hands at least a little dirty...

The pirate let out a savage roar as he slashed downward towards Lee. Gathering his breath, Lee swept his left foot out in front of himself, first to the right then back to the left. Using the momentum of his slight leg swing, he pivoted his body so that his right side is now facing the onrushing pirate. The sword was still descending on Lee. Bending his right arm at the elbow to a 90 degree, he pulled his fist back just past his left ribcage. With a swift movement, he struck the pirate in the solar plexus with his elbow, stopping the pirate in his tracks. Gasping for breath, the pirate had a shocked expression on his face. Without hesitation, Lee rotated his forearm using his upper right arm as the axis and struck the pirate on the nose with the back of his right hand. The pirate was now on the edge of fainting. Lee did not stop his assault however. With the pirate further stumbling back, Lee rocked back slightly on his left leg. Extending his leg, Lee swept out a kick towards the stumbling pirate. By this point, the sword the pirate once held had hit the ground. The next movement by Lee happened in the blink of an eye. With the pirate in the air for the split second between being swept up in the air and gravity taking over and dragging the pirate towards the ground, Lee swung his right arm down with a hammer-fist and struck the pirate in the solar plexus once again, this time cracking the center of his ribcage. With the pirate passed out on the ground, Lee continued to move towards the boat.

Upon arriving on the boat, Lee tried to conceal his presence from anyone that could be on the boat or even near by....
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