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4 yrs ago
Current Kind of going through a breakdown. Some personal stuff is getting mess.. Thanks to some idiots who not only left the fan on but threw shit right at it!
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I probably missed this somewhere, but What do orcs excel at? Humans are standard with a high potential. Dwarves are sturdy and can make do with fewer calories. Elves are physically weaker but excel in magic. Deities are immortal with lots of magical power.
"Your old crew?" Rintin arched an eyebrow back at the woman. He would've liked to hear details on the specifics of the story, but figured it would best to wait for another time, when things quieted down. "Ash it is."

"Well." The girl stopped to look at Ash, her eyes wide, bright, fearful. "Nothing really. I mean, we're not supposed to talk about the background stuff. We just bring people to the restaurant were given and hope they'll spend a lot, because." She paused.

"I mean, our place is this way." She turned a corner and continued walking until she stopped in front of a door with a picture of a unicorn on it. The place was called the horned pub and grill. "Come on in. First drink is on the house, if you order some food." She motioned her guest to go inside.
The magic system is interesting. Kind of reminds me of the system used in the Dresden files. I like it. Curious to see how it'll be used in the story.

Actually, the way the OMR is set up with the deities kind of strikes me as a cross between the Dresden File's accords and the SCP Foundation.

Would things like faith and custom have any impacts on magic use?

This looks like it has a lot of potentials. I have a few questions though.
How will the magic work?
What's the current level of technology inside, and outside the OMR?
How do different races within the world work?
It said there were pantheons, so are the deities, deities in the conventional sense where each represents or guards over various aspects, or are they just another race?
"Alright then?" Rintin shrugged. "I'll move on a head then, and you can keep up at your own pace. Just let me know if you need any help then, Asteria."

Jasper took a moment to frown at the young woman. She was like a deck of cards standing before a hurricane, held together by will and cheap glue. At the slightest breath, Shade could crumble. He doubted she'd get back up. Much as he would've preferred to argue he didn't. The woman's pride meant a lot to her and he'd respect. With a shrug he turned and walked off the ship into the crowd.

Jasper wasn't the largest man by any means. He wasn't a large man by the average of the individuals around him, but he was a big man in that he made others want to give him space. Which most did, until a young lady dressed in blue stepped up to him.

"Hello, Mr." The child couldn't have been more than twelve.

"Yes?" Jasper stopped, hands in pockets.

"You look hungry. Would you like something to eat? WE've got deals at our place today." Jasper would've responded in the negative but the girl's face stopped him. There was a deep scar under her chin, and a terror in her eyes. When he didn't tell her nw, she turned her back to him. "Come on. This way." She started walking.

Frowning, Jasper turned back towards Shade and motioned that he was going to follow the child.
"It's understandable" Rintin's eyes wondered over the people milling about at the fair grounds several dozen yards away from them. Beyond that as a large castle that towered into the sky. It looked like mankind was giving god the middle finger and daring something to be done about it. "The marines aren't gentle during the best of times. If they think you were responsible for hurting one of their own or making the world government look bad then they take off the kid gloves and strap on the widowmakers." A pause. "I can't imagine anyone not wanting to hurry up and leave those memories in the past."

"No outside forces huh?" Jasper rubbed his chin. Somehow he doubted that. The area they were on looked massive. There was no way it could move quick enough to remain out of notice by the world government, especially in such a peaceful sea. There had to be something going on.

"It does look like a location out of time, doesn't it." He looked down at the woman. "So shall we go?"

"You've heard of this place? Odd." He'd been a marine for a couple of years and hadn't heard about it. "But since we're on the subject what kind of rumors?" He turned his face towards the island. The place looked like something out of a renaissance fair.

Jasper watched the woman head towards the boat's exit with a raised eyebrow. When she stopped and cursed the situation he nodded. "It hasn't been a day yet. I doubt you'd be able to heal very much with only a night's rest, especially if there's structural damage. If anything its impressive you're not bed-bound." He paused to let the idea sink in before continuing. "Though, it might not be a bad idea to resign yourself to staying in bed, and keep from complicating the injuries further."
"You might've" Rintin said with a frown, and a nod. "Didn't think you had anything left in you much less enough to manifest any type of attack." Jasper stood behind her, hands in the pockets of his red pants. His eyes moved up and down. It wasn't a sexual way, but a 'is this stack of guards going to blow over if I give it any kind of knowledge' sort of way.

His attention turned to the colorful docks around them. Each one was pained a different color. They were parked in purble. The empty one next to them was red, and the one on the other side was green. "Wasn't sure where to head next." He pointed to a sign over the docks, with the picture of a few knights fighting that said "Mirlens Magical Dinner Town."

"They had free parking, whatever that is."
When Shade hit the floor, she made a loud bump like a textbook slammed on the classroom flower. Which wasn't a surprise, anymore. Jasper had grown accustomed to the volume a human body made when it impacted hard against the floor.

Frowning, the man turned from the wheel. He was curious to see what happened since he hadn't heard anyone else get on board. Which was true. It was Shade, on the ground, out like a light.

"Well," Rintin arched an eyebrow. "Here's a neat little complication." He frowned. "It's going to take awhile before I get to the revolutionary army. So one or two pitstops isn't going to be a big deal." With a sigh he bent down, to pick up Shade and carried her over to one of the beds. "Not sure which one you want, or if there's any difference. So you can have this one." With a nod he turned and went back to the wheel.

"Where to though?" Jasper scratched his chin as he surveyed the blue seas, swirling in night ahead of him.

Somewhere off in the distance there were bell chimes. Jasper followed the sounds and came to a floating sign, with a bell on top. It said "Mirlens Magical Dinner Town. Come for the food, stay for the show, and never leave for the great deals and honest living. Free docking."

"Eh?" Without any better idea, Jasper decided to follow the direction on the sign and head towards Mirlen's
It wasn't easy to refrain from offering to pick Shade up and put her on the boat, but somehow he managed. The woman's pride might've been more battered than her body, and he didn't want to add to the inury. So as she struggled onto the ship he bit his lip and made his face as still as possible.

"Miria, you pain in the ass" he grumbled to himself. "You had to do that knot thing. Ugh." After a few minutes of struggling he gave up with the traditional route of rope removal and ripped the line. There'd be another one on the ship. He hoped there'd be another one on the ship.

"Hey!" A voice called from the other end of the dock. "What's going on over there?"
The chorus of voices grew. Shadows appeared out of the boats and started in their direction. Marines.

"Alright." Rintin said. "We're good to go." Without waiting he hurried over to the end of the boat and gave it a mighty push before jumping on and hurrying over to the wheel after lowering the sail. There was a strong breeze tonight. So the ship would have a good head start before any of the marines were able to get out to the water. That is, if Miria did her part and tied extra ropes to the bottoms of the docks.
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