Age :19
Sex :Female
Nationality :British
OFFENSIVE : Magnetism
DEFENSIVE : Shield Generation
Bio : Jessie/Drifter is the only child of Major Amelia Winchester father unknown.
Born three months after her mother's return from a two year assignment to the International Space Station Jessica strangely has no shared DNA with any of her mother's male crew members. This has lead some to speculate she is the result of an artificial insemination experiment carried out by either UKSA or a joint UKSA/NASA but neither government has any records of such an experiment.
Jess's birth was the cause of her mother's early retirement from the RAF and suspicion of collusion with unknown entities which resulted in her suicide when Jessica was 5 years old.
Taken into custody and made a ward of the state the tragic Orphan might have simply faded into obscurity had she not begun to display unusual abilities around her 10th birthday. Once more the young girl found herself at the center of curiosity and speculation as she was whisked away from public view and sent to a facility in the Falkland islands.
For the first three years Jessie cooperated her handlers till like most adolescents she began to rebel against restrictive authority both actual and perceived. Her rebellion began as simple refusal to cooperate with experiments and schooling which frustrated the scientists and her handlers; little did they know that they'd look back fondly on those days.
By her 15th birthday Jessica had enough of her unjust confinement where she felt alone and isolated by her condition. Using her abilities which her handlers had spent years defining and training she escaped the island and was spotted on a beach in Rio two weeks later but disappeared before she could be brought back. It was a full 6 months before Jessica was finally discovered again and this time convinced to at least cooperate with Her Majesty's government.
When the UN discovered that the UK had a secret research project to study Meta sapiens and their prime specimen was codenamed Drifter (Jessica) they demanded her immediate surrender. (Under international agreement the United Kingdom had signed the treaty of Baltimore which forbade the militarization of Meta types outside of UN control and Jessica was declared an attempt at violation of that treaty.)
Once under UN control Jessica found herself lied to constantly by the powers that be who told her she was free all the while controlling her life in nearly the same manner as she'd experienced on Lively Island. She was forced to adhere with a tight schedule and brutal authority her complaints falling on deaf ears and while still technically a minor; at best she was a conscript and worst a slave.
Her condition was unacceptable to her so she began research for other options and building both a logical and legal argument. She knew she was about to overturn the Apple cart and that the powers that be wouldn't make it easy for her unless she found some form of leverage; that's when she was approached by the International Space Agency and told she would perform high altitude tests for them.
After observing how thrilled the Squints at ISA were with not only the test results but with how much money she'd saved them by going around the need for an expensive and risky launch Jesse saw a chance to ingratiate herself to an International Agency, the Public and the countries to small to be able to afford a berth in the emerging space technology race going on at that time.
No one saw her research into Public Relations as a threat of the Status Quo in fact they helped her by mentoring her to an older and more experienced Meta who performed the function for her branch of the UN hoping that in the future they could use her in that same capacity. Perhaps they would have never approved of her outside training if they'd considered applying military strategy to a PR move was her eventual goal.
Most thought she'd become enamored of the spotlight and was simply seeking glory and admiration to bask in till she sprang her trap during an interview by questioning how she and others like her were treated like criminals in reality. She spilled the ugly secret of her virtual kidnapping and how she'd been treated like a lab rat and a weapons system when she was only 10 years old. The Public at that time had developed a love for Jesse both locally and Internationally for her expansion of the space program and how when she was on patrol in her assigned city she'd stop and change tires on cars or tow them off the highway if they were broken down.
They had thought her extraordinary work (bonus work that brought in more money than her UN pay) was like other Meta's an attempt at gathering wealth to buy nice things and roll like a big dog; they never suspected she was saving money to hire lawyers and a PR firm to represent her case in International court