Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"So those are the guys causing problems?" A man said behind a pair of binoculars. "They don't look like anything particularly special."
"They're tough." Another masked man said. He had one hand in his pocket while the other leaned against the ship's railing.
"Oh. Of course they're tough. Nobody's doubting their strength. It's just that they look like every day brick a brack. There's nothing uniform about any of them. it's just a random assortment of thugs and cut throats."
"So it's just our luck that they're beating us back like pin-pong balls?"
"Hasn't that always been our luck." The man whistled. "At least we're not as lucky as those guys on the boat." Shaking his head the man handed his companion the binoculars and lowered the metal plate over his face.
Another whistle. "What a mess."
What the hell's that, one of the Legion pirates thought as the woman got on top of the life boat. He didn't have time to think anything else before the woman's blade slashed the life out of him. The other men didn't do much good. Mostly, they were killed by blade but a few fell in the water, became stiff as a board and sank to the bottom or at least as far as they could get before running out of oxygen.

Smiling, Abbygail crossed her arms in front of her chest as she watched the woman attack the individual boats. "A D. huh?" She muttered, eyes dancing in rhythm with the white haired stranger. "Well this got interesting fast." Arching an eye brow she turned her attention towards the other side to see how the rest of the crew was doing.

@Crimson Lion@grandia20
The Legion pirates never had a chance against The spear men. One moment it looked like they were on top of things, but then everything got confusing and the entire world seemed to shift, a little to the right, then the left, and finally they were dead. It sucked to die, but at least there was no further confusion as to what direction the world was turning. All it went was down. Simple.

"Hey!" The purple haired woman called from the other side of the docks. "You guys look like you can handle everything here, right." It wasn't a question. It wasn't a statement. It was Abbygail thinking out loud, and sharing it with anyone in ear shot. "I'm going to go on ahead. Meet you guys at that big boat over there!" Without waiting for a response, she tucked her weapons into her belt and dived into the water.

"Hurry up!" A legion pirate muttered beneath the docks. "While their distracted by that tiny woman." Several members pulled out spears, and thrusts upwards, hoping to catch their targets from below.

"Eh." A Metal masked pirate tapped another masked pirate on the shoulder. "Whose that? Is he with the rest?"
"Does it matter?"
"Guess not. Just curious to see a random pirate on the docks, picking a fight with another random guy. Thought it was us against the randoms here. Oh well. It doesn't matter. Here throw me a rope." The man held up his hand and a rope was neatly placed there. "I said throw me one, but alright." Grinning, he pulled the string tight and started moving towards the bald stranger, with his alley following close behind. "Hey, not sure who you are, but you're going to regret strolling along these parts."

Flashes of light and explosions from the corner of his vision caused the man without binoculars to tap his compatriot on the shoulder. "What's that?"
"Explosions, lots of them." The man muttered.
"I know that, but where are they coming from?"
"A young woman. She's throwing javelin's."
"That explode?"
"Seems that way."
"Shouldn't we stop her? There's an unproportional amount of our guys dying over there. "
"Not as many as you would think. She's mostly sending dead bodies all over the place."
"Still, It's a bit much."
The man sighed as he put the binoculars down. "Hey!" He called to a pirate by a cannon. "You see the girl over there?"
"The boom one?"
"Fire a few rounds her way, but don't waste the cannonballs. We're going to need the explosives in a bit. Just dump a bunch of knives and whatever metal bits you can find and blast them in her direction."
Three minutes later the cannon was loaded, sighted and the fuse went down. An explosion rang out as shrapnel was fired into the before coming down towards Janet a moment later.

"Crap! Hurry up with those bottles!" A legion pirated shouted, watching the female swordsman swim from boat to boat. "Come on. Come on. We're going to miss our chance."

"Hold up!" I'm getting it.

A bottle appeared in the panic pirate's hand, complete with a wet cloth stick out of it. "Don't just give it to me! Light it!"

"I have to do everything!" With that the bottle was lit, and the masked man pulled back his arm, before hurling the explosive towards the boat he thought the woman with swords would attack next.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 5 mos ago

As the man saw Musashi jumped on to the next boat taking out the men on it with no issues like the last few boats she took out. The man narrowed his eyes as a grinning as he saw his victory, however, Musashi put the tip off her sword into the water. Then she swung up sending a volley of water at the Molotov cocktail, putting it out in midair, causing it to shatter across the deck of the boat harmlessly.

The thrower of the Molotov looked at what just happened with complete and utter shock, as Musashi gave them a wave and jumped back into the sea. He stood there stunned for a moment, before getting back to his senses. He put his arm back not even turning to the rest of his team and facing towards the next boat that was going to be struck by the red eyed menace.

"Give me another one quick!"

There was no answer just silence. This went on for a few moments of awkward silence before a voice answered him.

"Here you go!"

Then he was handed a new bottle. Now with this they would finally take her out! Wait something didn't feel right... That voice sounded awfully feminine and the surface of the bottle was wet... he slowly turned around to face the one that gave it to him the rest of the men was nowhere to be found the one that gave it to him, it was... Musashi! The man's jaw dropped seemly unhinged and his eyes popped from his sockets, he was trying to get out the words. Musashi gave him a grin that would melt any man's heart if it wasn't clear she was trying to kill him, then she jumped off the boat, leaving the man utterly confused at what just happened.

Why had she given him the bottle? He thought to himself. He checked the bottle and his jaw hit the floor, she had taken a fuse from one of his comrades and replaced it with the rag in the Molotov! With this he finally got the words out.


He managed to get it out before his boat went up in flames.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyy looked around curiously while Abbygail spoke up. "Something's not right... That was too easy, even for them..." He suddenly shoves Rainer over, taking the spears himself. He was able to avoid most but one caught his calf and another went through his left forearm. He winced in pain but grabbed as many as he could with one good arm, ripping them from their weilders.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rainer tries to wave to the purple haired girl but is pushed by Kyy off of the dock. Before he had time to react multiple spears shot out of the dock on the spot he was standing, now the spot Kyy is standing. 2 of the spears injure Kyy as Rainer falls into the water. “Kyy!!” Rainer yells as he resurfaced in the water only to come race to face with several legion pirates, spears in hand as they stared back at him. Rainer scowls at them, “You better hope he's fine.” Rainer threatens suddenly as he submerges back into the water before swimming and grabbing their legs, dragging them deep into the water. He drags them through the water at high speed bumping them into boats and rocks around them before finally resurfacing and throwing the now unconscious pirates onto the docks.

Rainer runs to Kyys side, “Thank god you're fine.” Rainer says as he looks over the two spear injuries. “I thought they had gotten you way worse.” He said as he helped the redhead off the ground. "I think that's all of them, we should meet up with that purple woman." He says as he quickly grabs his jacket that's floating nearby.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Janet noticed a cannon angled towards her. Cannons are no hassle for her, she is immune to explosions anyway. Ignoring the cannon is the big mistake, as the muzzle reflected out a very strange glitter. Sensing something amiss, she swung her javelin across the projectiles. It was a spur of the moment act, but she wasted one spear because of that. I'll need to add defensive capabilities, after this battle is over...

She returned fire, deliberately targeting the cannons and artillery of the ship, sure it would cause damage, but it would be repairable at a repair shop, or a shipwright. After all without cannons, they will be sitting ducks under Janet's sheer range. That would work if they are aiming to destroy that ship, but since they are trying to pillage this ported ship, they will have to storm into the ship and kill the captain. She thought, now closing upon the port and rejoining her allies.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 10 days ago

[color=00a651][/color]Having dispatched one pirate rather easily, Lee thought he was in the clear. However, two masked pirates called out to him, saying something along the lines of essentially Lee being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sighing slightly, Lee shook his head and said "Please, brothers. I do not wish harm upon you. If you continue to approach me, I will have to defend myself...."
Seeing the pirates having no intentions in stopping. Lee was formulating a plan to subdue his possible aggressors with minimal harm to not only them, but the general environment as well. Taking a deep breath, Lee turned so his right side was facing his aggressors. Leaning back on his left leg, he lunged his right leg and charged at his aggressor. Measuring the distance, it would have taken a normal human being walking at an average pace about 20 steps to reach his destination. To the pirates, it must have seemed like Lee covered that distance in the blink of an eye. As he arrived, he swung his right arm down, splitting the taut rope in half. Before the two pirates could react, Lee was about an arm's length behind where they were standing, facing the same direction as them. Placing on hand on the base of each pirate, standing to Lee's left and right respectively, Lee delivered an unnecessarily strong, absolutely precise, pinch to the many baroreceptors within the cartoid sinus. The receptors, detecting an unusually high pressure, causing reflex hypotension and thus rendering the two pirates unconscious. As the pirates dropped to the ground unconscious, Lee was internally glad he remembered the lessons on pressure points he had received many years ago.

Noticing some injured person along the docks, Lee hastened into a small jog and approached the injured redhead and his companion. "I'm no doctor, but I do have some herbs that can stem the bleeding and help with the pain if you need..."

@Crimson Lion@grandia20@jynmi88
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As the new person approached them, Rainer quickly put back on his jacket to cover up his Fishman features. As the stranger offered herbs to help Kyy, Rainer looked himself over. Broken left hand, burnt right hand, and an assortment of injuries all around his body. If it wasn't for the adrenaline he'd probably already be passed out on the floor. “Ummm, I'll probably need some of those herbs.” He told the man as he took a few, using them to cover some of his wounds and eating a few. (don't know if that's how it works)

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyy looked at the man and smiled. "Thank sir." He accepts the herbs gratefully, using them however they were meant to be used. "I can stop the bleeding and pain but doing so would leave as motionless as a statue, so completely useless and defenceless. This will definitely work out better." He carefully tested his leg and arm before nodding. "We should get to that boat."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Flowers of fire bloomed upon the edges of the ship as each of the cannons were specifically targeted and utterly destroyed. Though, the odd thing was, to anyone paying attention, the explosions weren't exceptionally large. In fact, other than the destructive power Janet's assault accounted for, there didn't seem to be any damage at all really. It was as if the all of the Legion pirates cannons had been completely emptied out.

"Damn. That red girl is really causing us some problems!" A masked man muttered. "Look at all the damage she just did to the ship!"
"No kidding." Another muttered in reply. "But what can we do about it?"
The first one smiled, and hefted up the unconcious bodies of a couple of kids they knocked out. "I say we rush her, using these guys as human shields. If she's as good as a goodie two shoes as we think she is, she won't fire at us."
"Eh. It's worth a shot. Only live once, right?"
With that the two men tied the tiny children to their chest, gave each a rough bump to wake them up and started rushing towards the woman with the spears, Ax and sword drawn.

Smiling, Abbygail watched the carnage of D. Normally she wasn't much of a watcher, but the lady looked like she was enjoying herself and who was Abbygail to get in the way of that?

"WE need to stop that blasted swordsman from getting on board!" One of the Legion pirates called from one of several life boats dropped upon the waters. On each ship there were two men, each wielding swords, and above each of the boats there was a man with a rifle aimed at the water. He thrust his blade to the air. "So the second she shows her face, cry havoc, and let lose the pigs of war!"

"Alright then."
Lot's on unrecognizable murmuring filled the air.

"Okay!" The one poking the sky with his sword said like a scorned lover. "Was hoping for a bit more of a reaction than that, but I'll take what I can get." He frowned behind his mask. "Everyone just be ready to attack once you see the flicker of her blade!"

@grandia20@Crimson Lion@KillBox
"Crap!" The one remaining Legion pirate on the boat who tried to attack the men through the dock muttered to himself. "Crap. Crap. Crap!" Desperately, he tugged on the knot one the leader of the boat had tied so they could attack. There was no doubt the leader had been put in charge for a reason, what with the ability to tie a knot being a clear indicator of ability in regards to attacking stronger foes. "Got to get out of here. Got to get out of here." He yelled at himself as he finally worked the knot lose.

"Ha!" He shouted in triumph, grabbing hold of two oars and starting the boat towards the open waters. "We didn't kill them, but it looks like at least we won't be supplying them a means of passage to the ship!"


"Hmmm." Abbygail mumbled, rubbing her chin as she bobbed unseen in the water. Her eyes roamed over the considerable defenses that had been put up around the boat. "I'm sure my D. should be fine dealing with those low tier pirates, but that's a lot of bullets that'll be firing, even if every single one of those riflemen have awful shots there's still the chance they could hit her due to their bad aim." Abbygail took a deep breath, forcing her lungs to their maximum capacity and disappeared below the gentle waves.

A moment later, a large spray of water shot up from the spot the purple haired woman just submerged. Beneath the waves, Abbygail looked like a bullet, rocketing through the water. As she moved, powerful circles rings of water pushed outwards from her feet, propelling her forwards. As she closed in on the ship she came back up to the surface for a quick breath before disappearing once again.

"Hey!" One of the men shouted, pointing his sword at the shape speeding beneath the waves. "Is that red-eyes?" Before he could reply, the shadow under the water went below his ship. A breath of silence occurred before a blade shot through the bottom of his boat. There was an explosion of spray beneath the tiny vessel. Waves of water shot out from around the ship. the boat yanked forward underneath him.

"Hey watch where you're going!" Masked men yelled, as the leader's boat shot towards their own ships.

"It's not me! I think it's the swordsman." The boat crashed into the nearest other boat, and kept going straight. Then it crashed into another and another. The men shouted as they were thrown off, falling into the water, freezing solid and sinking underneath. When the heap of ships hit the Legion's pirate boat, they formed a heap several meters high.

"Fire!" A rifelman shouted, fallowed quickly by more shouting the same. A barrage of bullets were unleashed towards the heap of destroys boats, but Abbygail wasn't there any more. She was already rushing to the other side of the boat, desperate for a breath of air.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 10 days ago

@Crimson Lion@grandia20@jynmi88

"You there, Jacketed One. You need less than the rest of us. If you know what I mean. And next time, try not eating it. Its not good for you" He said to the fishman. Lee deliberately did not call him by his race as he observed that the fishman was quick to want to cover up the fact that he is a fishman. Turning to the other man, he said "Well then, here is some cloth so you can bandage up your wounds. As of the boat. It looks like someone is taking the longboat so we can't get to the actual ship. Seeing as you two are at least slightly injured, I'll go get that longboat back for us... Until then, please stay safe. I don't have much of the herb left and they are dreadfully hard to find or even cultivate..." With a small nod, Lee stood up and steadied his breathing slightly...

What happened next, if the two men are observant and know at least something about the Navy, would be rather shocking. Lee dashed off, kicking hard into the sand. With each kick, or stride, Lee gained speed. Until finally, as he reached the edge of the beach, he jumped slightly and took to the air. He continued to 'run', through thin air. The pirate was still rowing, but Lee was gaining on him, covering the distance very quickly....
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rainer rubbed his arm in embarressment. And here I thought I covered it up. He thought as they heard a legion pirate rowing away from the docks. Rainer didn't even get a chance to say anything as their new ally began too jump off the docks to chase after the rowboat "H-hey Kyy ... Is he ... running ... on air?" Rainer said in disbelief at the sight of the monk looking man walking ON AIR!!!! "I, how? Bah whatever!!! At least its not as crazy as exploding spears." He said as he grabbed Kyys arm, wrapping it around his shoulders. "I'm gonna drag you to the rowboat, then you and that guy meet me at the boat up ahead." Rainer said as he dived into the water, dragging Kyy with him.

As Rainer swam past the flying monk, he slowed down while near the rowboat before tossing Kyy into the rowboat before continuing to swim towards the main boat, looking for a way to board it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 5 mos ago

When the theatre rejects wasted their bullets that's when Musashi made her move and jumped onto the boat heap, though she did miscalculate somewhat as one still did have his gun loaded and fired at Musashi only for her to deflect it back at him with the side of her sword. She got into a low stance, looking like a tiger ready to pounce. She slashed them one by one using the momentum to flow though them.

"Two swords style: Tradewinds"

She put her swords back into their scabbards, as the men fell down.

"Sorry I'm red eyes, the miss over there is the one who you were shooting at."

She sent a thumb at Abbygail.

"So miss purple haired how long do you think we have before your other friends arrive?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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"Tsk..." Janet snorted, stopping to look at the childrens. Going as far as to take hostages, and they even dare to call themselves pirates? As dishonourable as their acts are, that still put her into quite a tight situation. Every of her attacks are too destructive to deal on harmless things like hostages. Gently, she swiped her finger against her palm, seeing on what she could accomplish with that pyromanic body. Noticing faint light and whirring noise, it turns out mere explosions weren't the only thing she could create.

Janet rubbed her hands against each others, producing a bright flash and high frequency noise. "Flashbang," Blinding the two pirates, she seized the opportunity to snatch the two kids and throw them down the side for safety. Her new technique wasn't perfect as burns could be seen on their tender skin, but its better than dying at least, she thought. To finish up, she sent two punches on both 'pirates', blasting them away naturally with her explosions.

Didn't expect that this would turn out more useful than I thought, my explosions... She turned to look at Lee who is flying in mid air. "Oh, he can fly, so do I, Burst Steps," Creating one big explosion on her heels, she blasted herself up to mid-air. Kicking up another explosion, she sent herself crashing down the deck of the enemy ship.

"WE ARE PIRATES! YE PLUNDERS, YOUR SHIP AND YOUR WOMEN BELONG TO US NOW!" Janet was eager to bring out a proclaimation since she had entered the high seas. That wasn't her words of course, she had took it from one of the books she'd read as a child. As grand as it sounds, that wasn't something she should say as a girl.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyy was about to tell Rainer no but before he could, the fishman dragged him in. He could feel his body go limp from the water but before he knew it, he was back out of the water and on a rowboat. He saw the pirate who was attempting to escape and knocked him out with the butt of his spear, tossing him overboard.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rainer climbed the side of the boat as he tried to reach the top where the sound of battle was. As he was about to reach the top he heard the voice of a female say "So miss purple haired how long do you think we have before your other friends arrive?". Knowing that this was about him and Kyy, he jumped to the top of the boat, landing near them with a thud.

"I believe that would be me Mam. And Kyy is currently rowing here, he should be here in a couple minutes." He said as he looked at the new person in front of him. He realized that the new voice was the woman who he copied the 'Trade-winds' attack of. "Good afternoon, my name is Rainer, I wish we could all meet under better circumstances" He said to the two women with a bow.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyy arrived a couple minutes later on the rowboat. Seeing as they weren't under attack, he immediately rushed to the sides of the women. "Well hello there! I didn't expect such beauties to be joining us! It's a pleasure to meet you!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Shiyonichi@grandia20@Crimson Lion

The purple haired woman's head burst forth from the waves like a whale who was testing its luck and realized all too soon that the full air capacity of its lungs was nowhere near what he had expected it to be. Face, pale, she sucked in great heaps of oxygen. "I'm definitely out of shape." She shook her head, still breathing hard. "Note to self, really have to work on my cardio."

"Hmmm?" Abbygail blinked as she turned her attention to the white haired swordswoman. It took her a few moments to realize the person in question was actually talking. So she shook her head and made another mental note to remember not to pay such obvious attention to the woman's thighs. "Friends?" She shook her head. Realization hit. "Oh them. None of us, are exactly friends, I guess, but that's probably not important, right? " She turned her face to the approaching swordsman. "Not long. One of them's already here." She paused to listen to the man introduce himself and explain his comrade was on the way, but the man's friend arrived before she could respond.
"You." Abbygail sighing, and telling herself to count to ten. "I'm already not a fan of."

Before she could continue the men on the boat above them started shouting, briefly, before several men started firing, strangely enough though, none of their shots seemed aimed at the gathering forces beneath them.

One of the legion pirates coughed as the smoke from the destroyed part of the ship choked his lungs. He pulled up his mask and looked past the quickly approaching pirates, to some other pirates who were making their way to the ship via the sky. His eyes went wide and he slammed the mask back down over his face. "Crap!" He shouted. "Hey guys, we've got some more of them coming this way." He pointed at the air.

"What the hell is that?"

"Not sure who the first one is, but the one with the explosions coming out her ass is the girl with the spear."

"Don't just talk about it. Fire away. Anyone who has a rifle, let lose. We don't want flyers on the ship, or the whole plan'll go to waste. Take them down."

With that a dozen men with rifles lined up on the part of the ship facing the boat, got into a firing position, aimed and let lose their first barrage of bullets.

@grandia20@Crimson Lion@Shiyonichi
Abbygail tensed and started submerging beneath the waves, but paused when she noted that their enemies seemed to be firing at the last remaining members of their newly assembled party. "I guess now's our chance to get on there." Smiling, she dug her sickle into the side of the boat and began climbing up. "So let's get to it."

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rainer sighed as Abbygail began to climb the boat. "Why do I have the feeling that we're gonna get into another fight." He said as he submerged hiomself under the water as he began to swim straight down as far as he can before reaching the ocean floor (I assume like 50 or 75 meters) and standing on the ground, bending his knees. He kicks off the ground and began swimming upward as fast as he could before he jets out of the water, flying past the scaling Abbygail and barely reachjing the top of the boat before reaching out and grabbing the edge of the boat. "Phew, just made it." He mumbles before climbing up onto the deck, looking for rope or something in order to throw down in order for his allies to climb up.

"Hey you!!!" A voice called out to him. Rainer turns and comes face to face with a masked man. "What are you doing here?"

Rainer looks panicked for a second before it changes to confusion. "Excuse me?"

"What, are you deaf or something? What. Are. You. Doing. Here? This boat is Legion property punk"
"O-oh, um, err, well you see I." Rainer fumbled, not knowing what to do and not wanting to get into another fight

"Listen here Blue, we have ways in dealing with stow aways." The pirate says as he reaches for his sword.

"God dammit." Rainer mutters as he quickly rushes forward and grabs the mans shirt before throwing him off the boat. The man hits the water HARD before floating face up in the water unconscious. "Why does it always have to resort to violence with these guys." He asks no one inparticular as he finally finds a rope nearby and ties it to the railing before throwing the rope off the side. "Climb up guys!!!" He yelled down to the others.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 10 days ago

As Lee kicked in midair, He spotted some of the people he had just helped either rowing towards the ship, or swim onto it. With the two men, there were two woman as well. As he was scouting out the situation, he starts to hear explosions behind him. Curiously, he peered back to see a girl with exploding heels. "Another fruit user... This gathering of people is becoming... stranger...." As he was trying to calculate the girl's trajectory, he deduced that the girl was simply headed the same direction as him, and not at him. As that is the case, he choose to not call out to the girl and continue his approach.

Turning his attention back to his destination, Lee shook his head ever so slightly. "Damn. This is going South so quickly..." He spotted about a dozen pirates on the boat, the sights of their rifles fixed on himself and the girl behind him. "I wonder how their aim is..." He thought to himself. Thinking that he had climbed high enough, Lee momentarily stopped his climb. Swinging his right arm forward into a punch, Lee changed his direction so that he was now pointed towards the pirates trying to shoot him.

As Lee pointed down, he curled both of his legs up, bending at his knees. Kicking both feet out, he shot out of his current position like a human bullet. As he made his approach towards the deck of the ship, he would kick his legs out to their sides. His right leg would go right, and his left leg would go left. Shooting forward towards the ship in a zig-zag pattern, Lee rapidly accelerated as he descended. He crossed his forearms in front of him to shield his face and head from the incoming barrage of bullets. If one was observant enough, they can see a faint golden glow from his forearms.

With a stomp, he landed on the ship. To the awe of the pirates, he had a smile on his face. "You. You all should leave now before I make you leave. This ship, this ship you claim as your own, I undo that claim and claim it for our use. Leave now, and live. Stay, and suffer. You have... three seconds to make your decision. One... Two..." To those who can sense it, a small tinge of bestial and unnerving pressure can be felt. One might even call this the start of the mythical Haki...

@Crimson Lion@jynmi88@grandia20@Noodles@Shiyonichi
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Janet was about to help that fellow flying pirate by taking down those riflemen. But, seeing that he've also boarded this ship, that makes it redundant & unnecessary for her. At least it wouldn't hinder her current plans. First thing first, aim for their leader, or what pirates call as Captain.

Carefully, Janet stomped on the wooden floor, blasting a big hole down the ship deck. Detours are too troublesome, will have to make a shortcut, and make it quick. And she figured that as long as it doesn't sink, the ship could be repaired without any hassle. "Over here!" She jumped down, storming to the Captain's room as she aims to end this quickly.
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