Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Musashi was a fighter not a lover, so she had no idea of the hidden context meaning of Kyy's comment.

"Thanks I guess?"

She wasn't quite used to getting a compliment like that. So she was just confused and tilted her head before deciding to move on. She turned and climbed up the rope and then drew her two swords.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@grandia20 @Crimson Lion
Abbygail paused her ascent as the swordsman submerged into the water. With narrowed eyes she watched until the man reappeared, bursting forth from the water like a shark after a bird, or seal, or anything else foolish enough to rest on the water's surface. He flew right past her onto the boat. A moment of silence quickly followed by shouts from one of the Legion pirates and quick replies from the swordsman. Then, a masked man fell into the water, went stiff and sunk like a rock.

"Hmmm." The purple haired woman muttered, rubbing her chin. "They all freeze up when they hit the water. Are they all fruit users?" She shook her head. "There's no way a group of pirates that weak could get their hands on so many fruits." She started to pull herself up.

Thankfully, there wasn't an immediate threat once she reached the top. "Mmm." She muttered, unhappy. "Hey!" She sighed as she called over to the man on the boat. "Do you need help getting up here?" Without waiting for a reply, she unraveled the chain around her body and tossed the weighted end down. "You're a sitting dock down there. Hurry up and climb up!"

@Shiyonichi @Crimson Lion
The sounds of footsteps came from around the corners. "Are you sure they're over here?" A voice called.
"Sure am." Another replied. "I saw one of the swordsman knock out several of our guys and took off to get reinforcements."
"How noble." Several voices echoed in perfect unison.
Two pairs of half a dozen men each appeared around a corner, carrying a mixture of spears and swords. Without a moment's hesitation, the ones with the swords rushed forward, each intent on taking a swing a swordsman with the spear holders coming up on the rear, intent on following up with attacks of their own once the preliminary sword attacks failed.

"Shit!" Abbygail muttered. She dug the sickle end of her weapon into the side of the boat and called to the sword wielders on her side "Watch out!" She took a step forward, and paused, unsure of which, if either, would need her help more.

"Hey!" Abbygail called back to the man on the boat. "Hurry up. We could use some help up here."

"Hey!" One of the men with a gun, muttered after the flying man landed. "Is it me or does this guy seem a bit off to you?"
"Everyone's off to me! What does it matter? He's demanding we surrender." The one speaking raised his rifle, while the others, whose guns were empty, either readied their firearms like bats, or dropped them to pull out their swords.
"Here's my answer." The man with the rifle shouted, firing a shot aimed at the invader's chest. The others took the explosion at the end of the gun's barrel to mean charge and did exactly that.


Four Legion pirates were heading to the top of boat when Janet landed. They didn't plan anything in advance, it was just the way the dice had rolled. They saw her as they were coming out. "Crap. That's one of the invader's, isn't it?"
"Yep. She's the one with the spears, I think. Blows everything to hell. Pretty sure she's a fruit user."

"Doesn't matter what she is. Nobody, outside the Legion pirates, goes below deck!"
Two drew their swords, while the third one, with a bucket of water to put out the fires that were starting to spread from the destruction of the cannons, didn't hesitated for a moment, because he did need the water but couldn't see a way of keeping it through the mayhem, decided to try something different. Over the men with their swords, he threw the water, hoping it would do something to dampen the young woman's explosive power.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rainer sighed in annoyance “dammit why does everything always have to go to violence” he complain as he ran forward to strike the swordsman “Sheathed blade style: Ocean Wave!!” He yelled as he did a large horizontal strike at the multiple swordsman to the left, pushing them into their spearman allies and causing most of them to fall like bowling pins while some still stood. “Miss Swordsman! Please take the ones on the right!!!” He yelled as he charged forward at the stumbling enemies. “Sheathed Blade Style: Raging River!!!!” He yelled as he use a perpetual strike to attack the dazed spearman. Knocking them down with the rest of their comrades.

Some of them were permanently down but the majority stood back up. Now surrounding him. “Crap.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"You know you should at least aim for a vital point if you want to take them down like that."

Musashi took time to criticize the half fishman's style as he was getting surrounded. Just looking at his technique was making her cry.

"See this is what happens when you don't take out groups quickly."

Musashi told Rainer, scolding him. She crossed her arms and shifted her body weight forward as she slashed at a wide X shape. Sending the ones at Rainer's back flying in the air with red gashes and white eyes.

Musashi put her swords behind her and across her back blocking the group of swords men who swung down at her who came from her left. She spun throwing their swords back and taking them off balance, she took a step back and said.

"Well miss purple haired this is an excellent time to join in."

Musashi thumbed at the staggered men as the spearmen charged her.

"You know they say it takes three times the swordsman to match a spearman, but looking at you lot all I can say is that is totally BS."

With that she swung once more with both her swords coming from each side like a pair of scissors, taking off the spearheads and leaving them with sticks.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kyy nodded and hopped onto the chain, quickly climbing up. "Hey, don't count the spearmen out just yet! First Movement: Belial's Horn!" Dashing passed her side at full speed, he takes out two before stepping to the side. "Second Movement: Amon's Nail!" He swings his spears like a bat, taking three more out.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Janet wielded two javelins with each of her hands, as she thrusted it towards the two swordsmen. Thats when she felt a splash of water, which her two hands are too occupied to ward the water with her explosion, also she was carried away from that surprise 'attack'. Drawing out another javelin, and without taking any further step, she swung her spear at the wall. The bucket guy was safe from the spear's melee reach, as the javelin exploded and engulfed him despite being drenched in water. "I'm not some gunpowder by the way~" She replied sarcastically to the dead man, sending herself closer towards the Captain's room.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 7 days ago

@jynmi88@Crimson Lion

"Very well. Staying and suffering was you choice then." Seeing as the pirates chose not to move, Lee readied himself for battle.

Sliding back slightly, Lee took the sideways stance once again. His left leg was pointed towards the man who had the rifle and too aim at him. Immediately after taking the stance, Lee ducked low to the ground as the gun was fired so that the bullet would simply whiz over his head. Pushing off his right leg, Lee lunged at the man who just fired a rifle at him. With the push of his leg and the momentum of the lunge, he jumped into the air and executed a spinning front kick to the temple of the first aggressor. For obvious reason, the man dropped limp to the ground just as Lee landed.

With a small grin on his face, he peered at the group that was now surrounding him. Through the small gaps between his aggressors, he saw that some of the people he had just met were also being attack. One in particular was being surround. "Boy! Don't you dare die after I just gave you some of my herbs!" At the end of his words, he let out a small, maniacal laugh. After the spinning kick, his right leg now pointed forward. In this stance his left arm was bent up and his fist was cover his chin. His right arm was kept loose and straight to the side of his right leg. With a small, sharp, exhale, he sent out a front push kick with his left leg, using his right leg as the pivot point, to the aggressor at his nine o'clock position. As the kick landed, the aggressor was sent tumbling back. As his left leg lands, he executed an elbow strike to the nose of the aggressor immediately to his left. With the momentum of the strike still carrying through, he hook punched the aggressor to his right using his right arm. As both hit landed, he took a small moment to gather himself, and reassessed the situation...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rainer cringed at the reprimand from Musashi and Lee. “Vital … point?” He asked as he saw Musashi defeat a large amount of enemies behind him. “Like a weak spot? Humans have weak spots? All I've been doing is hitting them in the head.” He said as he did just that to a charging swordsman.

Rainer then runs forward at the remaining spearman. The others should be a good distance away so I should be fine doing this. He thought as he cleared his throat. “Low Hum” he said as a low vibration left his body, causing the spearman to stagger, most dropping their spears. “Sheathed Blade Style: Ocean Wave!!!” He yelled as he slashed all of them in the heads. Finally knocking them out. “That’s all the guys on my side.” He said looking down at all the unconscious men. “They, probably won’t be waking up anytime soon.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Right!" The purple haired woman said, starting to move forwards, but stopped to look back at her hook, latched into the boat. Abbygail could fight without her trusted EThel, she'd done so for years in the marines, but somehow it felt wrong to engage in combat without her heirloom. She debated with herself, back and forth for a moment before the man with the spears rushed over the railing and moved to attack the men, putting a quick end to them. "Okay." She muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose. "That was bad." She took a moment to hang her head in shame before sighing heavily and quickly wrapping her chain weapon around her.

@Crimson Lion
Abbygail turned her attention to the swordsman and looked over at his handy work. There was something strange. "What did you do them?" She asked, starting to move towards the men he put down. "One second they were fine and then the next they looked like the world was spinning."

@KillBox@Crimson Lion@Shiyonichi@grandia20
"What is it with these guys?" Abbygail muttered, looking around at the limp bodies on the ground. Some of them were breathing, but just barely and for most of those cases it didn't look like they'd be doing it for much longer. "It's like they aren't afraid of death. Everyone of them'll die. Sure, some hesitate but for the most part they'll swarm an enemy to bring them down." She kicked a limp body, not hard, really it wasn't much more than a poke with her feet.

"No. Not yet!" A voice called from somewhere below deck. There was a muffled thud like an explosion from below their feet, not big enough to cause the boat to shake. On the opposite side of the boat, several thin columns of smoke began climbing into the air.

Abbygail's eyes went wide. "Is everyone here?" She muttered, looking at the people who're fighting the Legion pirates with her. "Where's the young woman with the spears?"

As Janet moved further down into the ship, the smell of smoke began filling the air. After each couple of steps she took, if she were to stop and listen, she'd notice the sound of well oiled hinges moving. If she were to turn around she'd notice hidden doors opening and legion pirates stepping out, lot's of them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rainer rubbed the back back of his head nervously at Abbygails question. “O-oh you saw that huh? Haha, um well you see, er I did this thingy,” He said as he fumbled through the sentence sweating bullets as she looked at hi. Fuck fuck fuck, I did not know anyone was watching. Man I have been really careless today. He mentally berated himself for his recklessness. “I’ll, um, I’ll tell you later,. K?” He told the purplette as he noticed the smoke nearby. “Ah, something's happening over there, we should probably check that out.” He said as he tried to divert the conversation before beginning to run to where the smoke on the boat was coming from.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kyy heard when Rainer got caught, trying to help cover for him. "It's a trick I taught him when we were fighting." He smiles genuinely. "Anyway, he's right. We should definitely look into that."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"And more people..." As Janet turned to look behind, she dropped a couple of her spears on purpose, letting them roll towards the enemy who were chasing from behind. "Minefield," Not bothering to stop, those spears would delay the pursuers' movements, the consequences of them stepping onto any of her spears are pretty obvious by now~
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Musashi shrugged and followed the others as there was nothing more to do. They should be a captain here, but he hasn't shown up for some strange reason, heck any high ranking officers haven't shown their faces either, freaking cowards.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 7 days ago

@jynmi88@Crimson Lion@grandia20@Shiyonichi

Lee gathered up with the rest of the group, assessing the damage to their future ship. There were charred marks everywhere. The overall condition of the ship was not great to start with, but now that they have been wreaking havoc on it, the condition is only getting worse. The girl with the explosion coming out of her heels also made a hole to get to the bottom level of the ship. That will definitely have to be repaired sooner rather than later...

When a girl asked if everyone has gathered, Lee tilted his head up and back down quickly at the hole on the deck. "No. Not everyone is here. Someone went down that hole and it seems like there are more of those pirates down there..." Taking a small step back, he said "I think we should get down there, deal with the threat as quickly as possible while minimizing the damage to the ship. I don't know how much more this ship can take...."

As he finished his words, he slide over towards the fishman. He leaned close and whispered, making sure he was the only audience. "Quite the technique you have there... You should be proud of who you are, instead of hiding it..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rainer looked away from Lee before whispering "Hiding your heritage and being proud are two different things." Rainer told the Zoan fruit user. Then again, I'm not exactly proud of my heritage either. He thought as an old memory briefly flashed threw his mind. He took a sharp breath, scratching his neck as if it was itching before looking around, trying to distract himself from the topic by assessing their surroundings, specifically the condition of the ship they were on. There are damages to the ships hull but nothing major. Besides the hole, burns on deck seems safe enough to walk on. Both starboard and port sides are doing fine. Bow looks reinforced with extra wood so no problem there, however the stern looks like its been through some shit even before today. I feel bad for the guy that'll have to fix that later. (Himself)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Abbygail, frowned at the bald man who mentioned taking care not to damage the ship further. "You don't have to tell me. I'm sure everyone here has been doing their best to keep the ship as intact as possible. It's those damn Legion pirates that seem not to care about what's happening it to it. I swear it's almost as if they they want this thing to go down." The floor beneath their feet shuddered again, and more smoke began pouring out of the opposite end of the ship. "Case in point." She sighed.

@Shiyonichi@grandia20@Crimson Lion@KillBox

The short woman's purple eyes narrowed as she surveyed the rest of the ship before turning her attention down to the ship. "That girl with the spears could be anywhere by now." Someone cursed from off in the ship's bowls. Another explosion from behind her followed shortly with the familiar sound of several of their enemies screaming before falling suddenly silent.

"Okay." Abbygail sighed and put her hands on her hips, before swiveling on a heel to look at the others. "So I'm not sure if anyone else has come to this conclusion." She winced as another thud vibrated from below bringing forth more smoke from somewhere down in the ship. "There's something going on here. There's no way these guys are trying to protect this ship." Another thud. "Much less trying to escape on it." She pointed her thumb behind her at the crater the spear girl had gone down. "So if nobody is up for this It's understandable. You're still a coward in my eyes and a joke to seafarers, but it's understandable. "I'm going to go down there to find that girl and wouldn't be opposed to some help in those tight spaces, but I only need one or two of you.
I'd like for the rest to stay up here to keep the exit clear. Any volunteers?"

The advancing legion pirates stopped when they saw the young woman's spears scattered on the floor, but not for long. "Will you look at that," the one in the front laughed, throwing his arms out wide. "She's put us in quite the spot, didn't she fellas?" The question was met with titters and much elbow jostling. "Probably thinks she's got us in a stale mate." The figure shook his head. "Sorry miss, but that's not how it is. Our group will be okay if these blow and we all get sucked into the ocean floor, but will you." Grinning behind his mask the man took a step forwards, aiming his foot for the nearest mine.

@Shiyonichi@grandia20@Crimson Lion@KillBox
Several quick thuds reverberated through the ship. "No time." Abbygail muttered. She ripped off a piece of her shirt and wrapped it around her face. "If you're coming come, or stay and keep a clear exit. Leave if you will." Without waiting for a reply she turned and rushed into the hole that had been created by the young lady with the spear, not making it far before encountering another large group of the Legion Pirates.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by grandia20
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grandia20 The Gale Knight

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kyy smiles. "What kind of man would leave a lady to do all the work?" He jumps down with her before coming across the group. "You take the left and I take the right?" Without awaiting for a reply, he rushes the group, taking down a fair few quickly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As abbygail descended into the hole, Rainer felt conflicted about what to do. He had the choice between leaving now or staying to fight. On one hand these guys were bad guys, they had hurt a lot of people and needed to be stopped. On the other they were already out at sea, no one was in danger anymore, and if he did leave he was sure the purplette and her friends(?) could stop them. Besides he wasn't their friend, he barely knew any of them.

He looked to the horizon at the open seas, I could leave now and it wouldn't matter. He thought before looking at the two other guys here. Kyy who helped hide his fishman traits and Lee who gave him medical herbs. These two treated me with kindness, I'll stay to return it at the least. He decided as he stood by the hole, taking out his weapon in case an enemy appeared. “You guys do whatever you need to do down there, I’ll stay here and keep your exit clear.” He said as he watched Abbygail and then Kyy jump into the hole.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Hey don't take me out of the fun."

To be honest she really did need to have a good fight these guy were just dulling her blades, she wanted a real swordsman to hone her skills against. She jumped down the hole that the others jumped from.

"So, you think we took out all the minions?"

Musashi looked ahead only tor a group of armed men to appear before them. She sighed before drawing her swords once again.

"I guess not."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 7 days ago

[color=39b54a][/color]"While I don't much like being called a coward, I think I'll stay up here with our friend here and make sure no one ambushes you folks down below decks. So, I suppose that settles it..." He said. He noticed that people have already jumped into the fray. In his opinion, it was a bit hasty. However, they are all adults and who is Lee to tell these people who he had just met what to do?

He approached the fishman. Leaning against the railing of the ship. "So. That fin you are constantly trying to cover... The more time you spend on trying to cover it, the more obvious it looks to anyone that is suspecting something..." He said to the fishman. "I do understand that hiding something is not the same thing as being proud of it. However, if one wants to hide something, they are usually not proud of it at all. Which leads me back to my point and some questions... Why are you trying to hide your heritage? and why are you here on this boat at this moment? I can tell you why I am here, personally. I am looking for my salvation. To be pardoned from my past sins. That is why I seek a journey on the seas. You? Why are you doing all of this?"

@Shiyonichi@Crimson Lion@grandia20@jynmi88@Noodles
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