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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Outcast107
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Teleportation. Aiden had seen something like this before but not as advanced as these two. He was awed by their movements as a small smile form on his lips. 'Heh, the old gang would probably have loved these two if the were the criminal type.' Aiden thought. Though thinking about his old friends and what he would consider family, made him feel sad.

Sighing as he tries to push his old memories aside as he saw the twins stop sparing with each other and teleported towards them.

"I'm Ebony."
"I'm Ivory."

"Who has fought grimm before?"
"Who has fought grimm before?"

'And now the old gang would have hated them.' Aiden chuckle. Knowing the act would get old quiclky with the low like thugs in the group. Aiden look at the two, wondering which one was female and which one was male. Or if they were both the same gender. Ugh he hated twins at times.

"Never fought grimm. Mostly stay within the city and the Grim never got the chance to venture that far in."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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The twins nodded in sync again ,the pair pointing at the boy now.

"You'll have an issue." Said Ebony.
"You'll have an issue." Said Ivory.

However, the pair of them then each pointed at one of the girls now.
"You two should have an easier time."
"You two should have an easier time."

The pair of them then blinked, one at a time, from where they were standing to the opposite end of the main street in town.

"We're testing your combat abilities." Ebony called out to the group, getting into a combat position, low and with theirback pressed against their twin's.
"We're testing your combat abilities." Ivory called out to the group, getting into a combat position, low and with theirback pressed against their twin's.

"Ten seconds." Ebony called out.
"Ten seconds." Ivory called out.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Athol
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She was right, the novelty had already worn off. Doing her best to keep her muttering to herself, Silvi drew Moonlight Shard from her hip and ejected the dark blue Dust vial from the grip, and deftly swapping it for a yellow vial from the pouch on her other side, with well-practiced ease.

Dust swap complete, she took Aegis Hammer off of its hanger and unfolded it. Moving her feet into a ready stance, with her left foot leading, she held her buckler at shoulder height, using her perspective from the twins to mask her upper torso. Her blade was held back over her right shoulder, ready to lung into an attack or parry a blow. Lastly she activated her semblance; some semblance caused overt changes with their users, Silvi’s was much more subtle. Her eyes merely glowed slightly, and her pupils dilated a significant amount, but that was about it from the outside.

To Silvi however the effect was much more pronounced. The world seemed sharper, colours brighter and even the slightest motions were noticeable. Staring at the twin over the top of her shield, she studied them, how the muscles in their necks twitched, where their eyes focused, how their body weight shifted, everything…or at least as much as she could; two opponents did make things just a tad more difficult.

From easy and relaxed, to full combat mode took her about eight seconds.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Outcast107
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Aiden shrugged when they told him he would have an issue. 'Blah blah blah..you'll have an issue. Cause you never fought grim. We speak together cause we're special' Aiden mock in his head. 'I'll show you two freaks.' Aiden thought in a more nasty tone. He never likes it when people look down on him or belittle him. Even if they have a point.

Though while Aiden was pissed on the inside, on the outside he had his 'I don't care' look he mastered. He would simply grab his twin swords as he slowly pulls them out. Looking over at Silvi getting ready. 'huh, maybe the rich girl can fight,' Aiden thought. He knew he was hypocritical but he rarely seen any type of rich person able to fight. It actually made him glad that not all of them were worthless.

"So..any plans?" Aiden asked towards his teammates. Keeping his eyes on the twins as he wonders if they will teleport behind them and if they did, which one will they teleport back too. Which two of the three of them will get attacked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mika sighed, not doing anything rash at the moment. Taking out her hammer, the girl held it in her arms and waited for them to come at her.

The Twins didn't disappoint, however the pair went at Silvi and Mika, seemingly ignoring Aiden. The first one teleported and as soon as they appeared infront of mika, the other one teleported and moved infront of silvi, each bringing their sword down and clashing with the girl's respective weapons, heading to the outside of them, leaving the students between them and Aiden, beginning to attempt to draw them out, doing a mixup of attacks, high, lows, mids, enough pressure to keep them on the defensive.

Mika seeed to struggle at first, the girl needing to use her weapon to block the incoming attacks, after a short time she seemed to be dodging them consistently.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Athol
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Athol Safety Factor 7

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"So..any plans?"


The twins attack both did and didn’t catch Silvi by surprise. On one hand, she saw the minute tensing and shifting in both of them as they made ready to strike, on the other, finding her opponent at point blank due to a near instantaneous ‘teleporting’ was not something she had ever encountered. Even with seeing the two of them demonstrating it earlier, she was still caught out by it.

Furiously blocking and parrying with her sword and shield, she quickly found she was being driven onto her back heel, fighting defensively just to stay in the fight. Never let your opponent dictate the fight. Her aunt’s words echoed in her head as she gave ground. Use your semblance, find your opening, fight on YOUR term.

As Silvi moved to deflect yet another strike, she hit a trigger concealed in the grip of Aegis Hammer. Up until now, she’d been using it in its ‘unpowered’ state, just a physical barrier to intercept and redirect incoming blows; but now, pulling the trigger activated the small vial of dark purple ‘gravity’ Dust that was loaded into the handle. As the blade struck, the face of the shield flashed purple and gave a rather significant ‘push’ to the weapon.

Prior to starting her first bits of training with her aunt, her mum had added a ‘training’ setting to the shield, as at full power it was capable of reflecting blows with lethal force, and that was far to dangerous for sparring with.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Outcast107
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Aiden hit the button on his twin short swords and they change into their range forms. Holding twin pistols as he aims one each at a twin. Firing one shot off to push the twins back a bit so they can have a breather. Walking closer to the other two as he changes one pistol back into a sword.

While Aiden would be pissed that they ignored him, it was a good move to go after them instead. Each had a single weapon while he had two. He could have blocked both and his teammates would have the chance to strike back. Another reason was due to the fact they had more training fighting Grim than him.

Though Aiden didn't like this last reason in his opinion. Just because he hadn't fought Grim didn't mean he wasn't a fighter. He was more skilled at fighting people then monsters, which might give him an upper hand here. "While I like the idea of winning, that's not really a plan. We should try to outnumber one of them. Two on one while the third person deals with the sibling. Any takers?" Aiden asked as he kept firing at the twins with his one pistol, trying to keep them dodging though he knew it was futile.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The bullets and Aiden's attacks were registered by the twins, seeming to teleport before he could actually register a proper shot. As for the shield, before her eyes, the twin attacking Silvi disappeared infront of her shield after the impact, which sent her flying. That was when she got laid out by the twin appearing behind her and using the force of being sent flying against the girl.

Meanwhile, mika kept fighting the one against her, unable to actually get an attack off, but surprisingly the teacher couldn't hit the girl either. And it truly was an impressive sight to behold, until it stopped being impressive and the girl began getting hit constantly, the teacher landing punches on her constantly, throwing a heavy punch and sending her flying, knocking the wind out of her and sending her down the block, disappearing from sight.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Athol
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Athol Safety Factor 7

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She was about to answer Aiden when a couple of things happened at once; one, was her opponent blinking out of sight just as she connected and then hitting her from behind, and two, as she was doing her best to recover from being hit by her own counter, she saw Mika get punted down the block. “Shit”

Silvi could feel her frustration mounting; her semblance could let her see how her opponent was likely to move, even before they consciously committed to an attack, but this ‘jumping’ had no tells…or at least none she’d spotted yet. If fighting with others, don’t let yourselves get separated by your opponents. If you split up let it be on your terms.

“Aiden, on me!” She yelled as she pointed to where Mika had come to a stop. Her mind was working in over drive, but one of the key things her aunt had really impressed on her during their infrequent training sessions was developing the ability to think and act quickly even in the middle of a fight. With the flick of a finger, she reset Aegis Hammer to ‘combat power’ and swapped Moonlight Shard to ‘ranged’ mode.

Slamming her shield to the ground, as she triggered the Dust, she tucked herself on top of it as she did. The gravity charge tried to push away the object in front, and when (unsurprisingly) that didn’t work the force was directed to other way, the end result being that Silvi was launched in a moderately controlled fashion towards Mika. As she did that, she fired three shots around Aiden, creating a very temporary barrier of sizzling electricity between the boy and twins.

“C’mon short stuff.” She muttered, skidding to a halt beside the smaller girl. Bringing her shield back to the ready, she switched her blade back to ‘melee’ mode at the same time she pulled the trigger and discharged the last of the energy. More modern weapons had safeties to prevent the user from doing such things as they had a tendency to be both hard on the weapons and be potentially hazardous to the wielder; what it did was ‘trap’ the charge in the blade, where it would then discharge on the first object it struck…or into the user’s hand if the grip wasn’t resistant enough.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Outcast107
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"Damn it.." Aiden said as he was trying to get a clear shot on one of the twins at least! Though they kept jumping around too fast with their teleporting that he couldn't get a great shot off. He couldn't even aim at where they were going as they were smart enough to not be obvious about that. Though as he tried to land a hit, he saw Mika get flown backward by a blow. "Double Damn," Aiden said as he heard Silvi called out to him.

“Aiden, on me!”

Listening to her as he made his way towards her and Mika. Running as fast as he can as he switches his weapon from range mode back to sword mode. In his mind, it was better to have them like this in case they both came at him and he can block both of their attacks. While he did this, he saw Silva shot a few rounds at him. No, it was around him as a barrier was made to block any attacks the twin would have done. He would have said thanks, but he needed to focus on the fight at hand as once the barrier was down, he made his way towards them double time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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The twins relented now, the one that had disappeared from the fight now reappeared as they put their weapons away.
"Enough before we start really hurting you. Clear to see some sound decision making and somewhat of an idea of how you'll fight." Said Ebony. "Enough before we start really hurting you. Clear to see some sound decision making and somewhat of an idea of how you'll fight." Said Ivory.

"We'll see you in class." said Ebony.
"We'll see you in class." said Ivory.
First Ivory disappeared, then ebony did, leaving the students there in the street.

Mika groaned. "Fuck that huts my head...." she said leaning up a bit, finally sitting up. The girl seemed to rub the back of her head. "Thankfully aura is pretty sturdy." Mika commented and got up, attempting to dust herself off without falling over.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Athol
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Silvi let out a slightly annoyed sigh as the twins vanished. “Is anyone else already sick of that ‘double-speak’ shtick of theirs?” She asked, tapping the tip of her blade on the ground; there was a sizzle and ‘pop’ of electricity as the trapped charge dissipated.

"Fuck that hurts my head....thankfully aura is pretty sturdy."

Sheathing her blade and collapsing her shield, she chuckled a bit as she placed a steadying hand on the still wobbly looking Mika. “Maybe, but you did get punted pretty hard.” With a deep and calming breath, she shut down her semblance; the faint glow receding from her eyes and the world growing a bit duller in colour and fuzzier in detail to her. She always felt a bit sad when that happened, but maintaining her semblance for extended periods of time was not something she was strong enough to do…yet.

Pulling out her Scroll, she looked at the time sighed again and stretched. “Well, I guess now we should get back…UNLESS SOMEBODY ELSE WANTS TO RANDOMLY ATTACK US?” She added, drawing a few chuckles from some of the locals who’d stopped to watch the display.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Outcast107
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Aiden watched as the twins disappear once more and this time for good. Rolling his eyes a bit from how they acted at the end. Before turning back towards his fellow teammates and smiled. Listening to them talk among themselves. "And what Silva said, I'm surprised you didn't get a concussion from that hit, Mika," Aiden said as he walks up to them.

"What now?" Aiden asked as Silva seem to have a reply.

“Well, I guess now we should get back…UNLESS SOMEBODY ELSE WANTS TO RANDOMLY ATTACK US?”

"Well..if you count old man winters over there. He looks like he could take us on." Aiden jokes as he points to an old man staring at them. He was close enough to overhear Aiden as he gave a mock fist shake at him. Aiden chuckles and waves the old man off. The old man getting a chuckle out of it as well as he continues on with his day. "But besides going back to the School..is today just a free day or do we have a class or something to go too?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"They want us back in homeroom i think..." mika said, sighing and looking about. But i don't mind their double speak... bit off putting like that movie with the crazy guy and the haunted inn.... but yeah... really only been able to rely on my aura as my semblance hasn't shown up yet..." Explained Mika scratching the back of her head and looking around. "Kinda gotten good with my aura in that regard..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Athol
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Athol Safety Factor 7

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Laughing, Silvi waved to the old man. “As much as I’d like to agree with you Aiden, I’m pretty sure Mika is right.” She replied, before looking at Mika. “No semblance? Interesting…well I guess we better get going.”

Waving to Uncle Ube and Aunt Levi, who’d been watching with some concern from inside, Silvi started making her way back towards the academy with the others. “So Mika,” She asked. “At some point could I get a bit of help with my aura control, my aunt says that’s where my biggest area of improvement is needed.” Looking at her two team/class mates, a small shiver ran down her spine, making her tail twitch slightly; she felt so awkward and out of place as she towered over them.

“Say, Aiden…” She added, starting to fiddle with her braid as she walked. “Do you have a semblance yet? Mine is sort of a ‘hyper awareness’, lets me notice subtle things about what I’m fighting…though turns out it’s not much good against someone who can teleport…”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Outcast107
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Aiden thought about it a bit before turning to his teammates. While he knew they wouldn't have heard about any of the crimes that his father and he did would reach up here. He also didn't want to risk in case someone outside of this town hears about his powers. All it would take is a rumor spreading about an explosion fist to reach vengeful ears. Though since they are going to work together he should tell them.

"Well sounds like you have an awesome semblance Silva. Mine is, heh, how can I say, a bit more direct." Chuckling lightly as he picks up a large rock and tosses it into the air. Before his fist turns yellow and lightly tab the rock midair. Making a small explosion sound as the rock blew up into pieces.

"Whatever I touch in this state, causes an explosion. Though I can increase or decrease the damage you could say...or perhaps just the field of the explosion itself. Still kindof learning all of it myself."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Exploding things? sounds interesting. And come to think of it... rather dangerous... like punching a person can make them salsa..." Pointed out Mika to aiden, then looked at Silvi. "And sure... when you move slow like me.. kinda get used to having to take a punch till you can predict things... so you learn to use your aura well. Don't even think about it most of the time now.." she explained and bundled the scarf tighter around her neck, enjoying the warmth it brought her.

The day would go by easily, classes being introductory ones, unfortunately, moose had some homework for them, explain their takes on semblence and aura and what they think they're relevant to as your person. Bob gave basic maintenance lessons to them and started going into WAY too much detail about where the origins of dust fueled weapons came from, tangenting off into way too specific details and histories of key figures and so forth... The twins went about criticizing fighting styles. Mika got too comfortable in adjusting to one speed of fighting and couldn't handle people who changed pace, silvi didn't have quite enough foresight for the twin's liking and Aiden didn't act decisively enough, leaving time for his teammates to get overwhelmed by the twins. They didn't fault them as they were kids, but approached them as areas for improvement, still with the twin speak.

A week would go by without much in the way of interesting things happening, till the next friday, a new arrival to the school, another teacher. A Biologist, but not for humans, for Grimm.
Sitting in the class, the kids watched the tall and lanky man, skinny and limbs looking a little bit too long for the torso he had. "Good Day children, I'm Professor Dawn, Grimm Biologist. My Apologies for being late, my boat was caught in a storm for the duration, we had to make island fall till the grimm and the storm went away. We are lucky to be on the island, for it has unique properties such as the semi active volcano, allowing us to travel back in time and experience some of the early grimm who were turned to stone and not dissolved like they usually do." said the pale man, looking even more like a ghost than Mika did, and she was pale to begin with.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Athol
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Classes went about as well as she’d expected…the twins ‘double talk’ still grating on her nerves, but Silvi resigned herself to just having to get used to it, though it made paying attention to their talks a bit trying. The only thing of real note during the first week was the arrival of a new teacher, a biologist specializing in Grimm of all things.

As Professor Dawn went on about fossilized Grimm, Silvi opened her mouth in a yawn that threatened to pop the top of her head off; the bed she’d been provided with seemed to be both completely bagged out and yet rock hard at the same time. She’d been more than a little tempted to try and convince Berun to bring her bed from home…but that smacked a bit too much of spoilt rich girl. Next time I talk to my folks I’ll see if they can make a donation to buy to better beds…I doubt Mika’s or Aiden’s is any better.

Tired, sore and a tad bored, she hadn’t really been listening to what the new prof had been talking about. Stretching in her seat, she rocked back slightly and put her feet up on her desk with a soft ‘clunk’ from her boots. “What does it…” She yawned once more. “What does it matter what old Grimm were like? All a huntress needs to know is how best to kill a current one quickly…” She added.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Outcast107
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The first week for Aiden was, interesting to say the least. He never really went to school all that much since his mother was sick at the time and he tried to take care of her best he could. As well as he never saw the need to after she passed. He expected it to be a bit, different but with only three students what can you do? Still, Aiden was actually enjoying every bit of it. Writing down notes in his little black notebook he picked up earlier in the week. As well as enjoying the hell out of the beds. Much comfier than the ground or anything else he had to use for a bed during his thief days.

Listening to the new professor as he talks about Grimm of the older generation. That was until Silvi brought up why they should care about this. "Well, for one Silvi, it's better to learn about our enemies past to benefit us. It could show us how the Grimm changes over time as well as what they could turn into in the future." Aiden reply. As the lesson continues, Aiden wrote down something on a piece of paper and quickly tossed it over to Silvi, "Feel like Soup again today?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Precisely young Aiden. To know where they're going, you must look at where they've been." said the professor and quickly gathered everyone up, including the slow moving and shivering mika. "We are taking a field trip!" Professor Dawn said, gesturing for the kids to follow him out of the school and towards the volcano.
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