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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crosswire
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Equestria was a land of peace.

Invasions of changelings. Long slumbering conquerors. Relics of untold and heinous power. The cruel humor of a mad god of chaos. While countless dangers had befallen the magical land of Equestria in the past it was always the honest hearts of the ponies, pegasi, and unicorns that ensured it's prosperity time and time again.

One such unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, had begun experimentation on a new form of teleportation spell. It was during a bright and sunny morning that her eagerness finally outstretched her normally meticulous precautions. During her first proper casting of the spell she made a mistake.

In a flash of blinding, overpowering light Twilight found herself in a strange alien place. Cold, colorless rock seemed to cover every inch of the ground around her as constructs of glass and steel stretched into the sky above her head. It was only after casting her spell for the first time did Twilight realize it didn't simply take her to another location, but another realm entirely.

Within moments of arrival she spotted the residents of the world. Strange creatures unlike the ponies she was used to seeing. Though she wished to return home without incident her curiosity got the better of her.

After a series of long panicked misunderstandings regarding her nature Twilight was able to return home, having started a dialogue between Equestria and the strange new world of “Earth”. For a time everypony in Equestria was abuzz with talk of the new world, the new race, and the wondrous potentials that seemed to await them.

The creatures who lived on the new world, ‘Humans”, had a lot to offer. While they were ignorant and incapable in all things magic they had a wondrous grasp over the non-magical manipulation of the world around them. Trade was incredibly enticing to the humans and had the potential to be immensely lucrative for the Equestrians.

The first exchange was simple. Basic magic spell books in exchange for human science and physics textbooks. It seemed like a harmless, almost childish trade. Like students trading reading material between classes. Though Unicorn magic was largely useless to the humans, the spell books still acted as an introduction to an art long since dead and buried on Earth.

Just the mere possibilities the books presented were enough to ignite something in the humans.

Something dangerous.

It wasn’t long before human researchers managed to extrapolate the means of harnessing magic for themselves and a glorified magics arms race exploded between opposing human groups. Basic magical knowledge was used to engineer grotesque weapons that immediately made mankind’s previous arsenal of mass destruction utterly obsolete.

The Equestrians were left gaping in shock as the Humans twisted basic, almost mundane magic into horrifying engines of doom.

Plans were quickly made by the Equestrians to intervene. To warn the humans and do everything in their power to dissuade them from abusing magic any further before it was-

T̞̪o̜ͅo҉̳̫͕͈͍̹ ̡̹̪̙̗̮͖̮l̻͖̼a̢͔̜̝͎̪͖t̹̪̞e҉̹͚̖̞̞ͅ.

Tensions boiled over and with weapon and ritual in hand the humans rent the world asunder.


The Earth shuttered as it was smashed by the ungodly might being unleashed. In the blink of an eye countless people died. Cities, entire chunks of landmass vanished as fire, light, and freezing cold splintered through the sky. In a matter of minutes all of human civilization, from governments and organizations, to the very law itself crumbled into nothingness as chaos swept over the land.

Though the violence ended quickly the deaths did not. The simultaneous use of so much destructive magic spread an unstable residue energy across the entire Earth. At first it seemed to do nothing. Then after a few days it began to effect the adult humans in ghastly ways. Millions began to die from mass organ failure. Those who didn't die lost themselves as were gradually warped and twisted into horrific monstrosities.

Younger adolescent humans were seemingly unaffected by the energy, but many found themselves alone as their parents died or tried to claim their lives in fits of inhuman madness.

By the time Equestria stepped in to give aid the entire adult population of the Earth had either been killed through fighting and illness, or rendered inhuman by the aftermath of their own weapons. They arrived to a smashed world filled with nothing but monsters and frightened, confused children and teens.

Equestria was confronted with an utter nightmare and began to devote a great deal of resources to resolving the crisis.

They formed an ‘army’ of sorts made up of guards to establish order, volunteers to treat and care for the massive amounts of young human survivors, and brave individuals tasked with getting rid of the remaining magical weapons both living and inert made by the humans.

It was difficult, dangerous, threatening work but the Equestrians achieved great success for their efforts. Yet they were still left with the survivors of a civilization that had no way of leading or rebuilding itself properly.

Countless debates were held and a torrent of concerns were raised. Many felt it wasn't right to expect the traumatized masses of young humans to fend for themselves after what had happened. Some feared that if left to themselves they would simply repeat what they had done, either on themselves or Equestria.

In an atmosphere of uncertainty a solution was presented...

Equestria would take Earth into its territorial domain as a kind of colony. Special facilities called ‘Reform Schools’ would be built on Earth. Here the young humans would be taken and have their memories erased with powerful magic. Freeing them of the burdens and traumas of their pasts. Allowing them to start their lives anew and be re-raised and re-educated under Equestrian values.

The plan concerned and deeply worried some. Yet few could argue with the results. Human children, who days before were left nearly catatonic from grief, were smiling and playing with others. Seeing the pain gone from their eyes made it difficult to object to the plan...

Ten years has passed since then and the world has changed.

The Earth has healed remarkably fast thanks in part to the assistance of the Equestrians. Forests grow, fields rise, and the wilderness has rapidly reclaimed much of the once overpopulated Earth. Abandoned towns, blasted cities, and the forgotten remains of facilities are now overgrown with the creeping tendrils of nature.

In the years since the construction of the reform schools Equestria has built it’s own settlements on Earth which has come to be seen as a new frontier. A wilder, more dangerous place of adventure and opportunity. Increasing numbers of ponies, griffons, dragons, and other races have immigrated to Earth in search of employment and a new start.

Only the settlements built or rebuilt by the Equestrians are readily lived in and considered safe. Outside of the new businesses constantly opening up there is a demand for explorers, scavengers, and adventurers on Earth. A hidden wealth of technology, riches, and secrets wait to be found in the otherwise abandoned areas of the world.

Along with the rush of opportunity the Equestrians have benefited immensely from adopting various elements of human technology. Firearms, radios, modern materials, motor vehicles, advanced electronics, robotics, computers, and more have been reverse engineered and given a unique twist by the Equestrians.

While Equestria itself remains just as rural and rustic as it’s always been, the settlements on Earth employ a mix of old and new technology. Crank operated cash registers are used in stores that sell motorized carriages while guards in knight like armor made from ‘modern’ materials patrol the streets with the assistance of vacuum tube filled surveillance robots. (Think something similar to Fallout Equestria in a sense)

The humans meanwhile live happy lives. Those who 'graduated' from reform school work and live in the settlements. While the children and teens still in the reform schools receive regular meals, education, and care with some even being adopted by Equestrian families.

However all is not well.

Dangerous creatures inhabit the wilderness of the Earth. The magical energies that ended the adults seemingly altered many of animals of the world. Turning them from simple beasts of instinct to highly aggressive, invasive, and murderous monsters. Other, far older dangers were seemingly awoken by the release of magic on Earth as things once only heard of in legend began to appear.

Some humans have also begun to remember things. Complete restoration of their memories was supposed to be impossible and it was. Yet that didn't stop fragments of memory from surviving. Phrases, locations, faces, names, bits and pieces of things without much if any context.

Even during the first year of the reform schools some children weren't as happy as others. They experienced nightmares, retained phobias and biases from before their memory wipes, and developed problematic personality traits. After ten years they've grown into rebellious 'problem children' that cause issues within the otherwise harmonious Reform Schools and in the Equestrian settlements on Earth.

On top of all that strange rumors have begun to spread as of late. Whispers say that somewhere on Earth is an artifact. An artifact of fabulous power that can grant any wish. Accomplish any task. Bring to life any desire. Accomplish even that which is unobtainable even through magical means.

And the rumors whisper that it is somewhere near the Equestrian settlement of Bellbrooke, located in the former British Isles...

Most assume it is nothing more then a story, but there are those who have taken a deep interest in the rumor. Even now schemes are being hatched and a shadow has begun to loom over both Equestria and Earth...

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa yeh

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Oh hey, Ive seen this in your test thread!

Im not much of a MLP fan, but this is an interesting take on the series.

so basically, i is interested.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crosswire
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Majoras EndThanks Majora, I appreciate the compliment. I tried to put thought into this and make it as appealing as possible.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vutava
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay, character sheet.

Crepuscular Rays, Stealthy Sage

Late twenties | Unicorn | Male

◇Physical Description◇

Purple fur, blue eyes, short mane and tail (and short, scruffy beard) darker blue than eyes. Slightly taller than average (roughly average for male). Decidedly non-muscular. Cutie mark is a dotted outline of a pony. Magic aura slightly purply blue. Neutral expression appears unfriendly.

◇Personality Elements◇

  • Cranky
  • Sarcastic
  • Has trouble with social interaction
  • Generally remains quiet unless he has something to say
  • Introverted
  • Thirst for knowledge


After proving less than capable at interacting with his fellow foals, Crepuscular Rays began to prefer being ignored over the embarrassment of actually talking to other ponies. One day, he was so desperate to be left alone, he channeled his magic with the wish “Please just ignore me”. Rays was astonished when the other foals suddenly behaved as if he weren’t there. When his impromptu spell finally broke, he found a cutie mark adorning his flanks.
Rays spent many days and nights using his new privacy to study magic and history and folklore (with detours into fiction when he felt like a change of pace). He grew to crave exploration and discovery. When he heard about the new world discovered by Twilight Sparkle, he was excited beyond measure, only to become horrified by the thought of all the destroyed knowledge during humanity’s decline. When Earth became a colony of Equestria, Rays knew that somepony needed to find and protect what was left of humanity’s legacy before even more of it was lost forever. That somepony might as well be him.
◇Skills and Talents◇

Crepuscular Rays is well versed in magical theory, as well as the history and folklore of his homeworld. His knowledge of pre-Equestrian Earth is second to few, though still frustratingly minimal. Rays is a fairly adept woodsman, which serves him well while exploring. He has decent horn-flow, though his reservoir is only slightly-above-average at best. His specialty, however, is spells that reduce his presence (like the one that got him his cutie mark).
◇Relics, Spells, and Techniques◇

Rays can use telekinesis at the level of an average adult unicorn. He can also use prestidigitation, magic sight, and dancing lights. His specialty spells are, in ascending order of cost, Notice-Me-Not, See-Me-Not and Hear-Me-Not, Remember-Me-Not, and Touch-Me-Not. Due to his proficiency with these, he can combine them freely as modular components, though it costs more energy to use them this way.

Telekinesis: The inborn unicorn ability to manipulate objects with magical force. Negligible mana cost.

Prestidigitation: A prestidigitation can slowly lift 1 pound of material. It can color, clean, or soil items in a 1-foot cube each round. It can chill, warm, or flavor 1 pound of nonliving material. It cannot deal damage or affect the concentration of spellcasters. Prestidigitation can create small objects, but they look crude and artificial. The materials created by a prestidigitation spell are extremely fragile, and they cannot be used as tools, weapons, or spell components. Finally, prestidigitation lacks the power to duplicate any other spell effects. Any actual change to an object (beyond just moving, cleaning, or soiling it) persists only 1 hour. (from Pathfinder Core Rulebook) Minimal mana cost.

Magic Sight: Allows user to see and identify magical auras. Requires some concentration. Minimal mana cost.

Dancing Lights: Depending on the version selected, you create up to four lights that resemble lanterns or torches (and cast that amount of light), or up to four glowing spheres of light (which look like will-o’-wisps). The dancing lights must stay within a 10-foot-radius area in relation to each other but otherwise move as you desire (no concentration required): forward or back, up or down, straight or turning corners, or the like. The lights can move up to 100 feet per round. A light winks out if the distance between you and it exceeds the spell’s range.
You can only have one dancing lights spell active at any one time. If you cast this spell while another casting is still in effect, the previous casting is dispelled. (from Pathfinder Core Rulebook) Minimal mana cost.

Notice-Me-Not: The caster becomes extremely uninteresting to other nearby creatures. Does not affect machines. Minor mana cost.

See-Me-Not: The caster and carried gear become entirely transparent. Can be cast on others. Moderate mana cost.

Hear-Me-Not: The caster and carried gear do not radiate sound. Can be cast on others. Moderate mana cost.

Remember-Me-Not: All other creatures within 60 ft. forget caster’s existence. Memory loss temporary, returns once out of range. Does not affect machines. High mana cost.

Touch-Me-Not: Caster becomes intangible. Concentration required to maintain. Can be cast on others. High mana cost.

Cloak: Dark grey, hooded, waterproofed, lined with pockets.
Saddlebags: Brown, waterproofed when closed, enchanted to double holding capacity.
Canterhorn hiking staff: Magically toughened, enchanted for reduced weight, enchanted with recall charm (within range of 100 miles, bonded unicorn [Rays] may cast specialized cantrip, staff teleports to bonded unicorn’s possession). Very expensive (it was a graduation present).
Survival gear: Pocket knife of the Swiss persuasion, canteen, flint & steel, emergency blanket (salvaged), rope (50 ft.), compass, binoculars, small mirror, tinder, small hatchet.
First aid kit: Barely used yet.
Identification materials (whatever form those take in this setting).
Reference books: Titles TBD, no more than 5.
Currency: ~100 bits
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm definitely interested. If you don't mind, I'll make a character soon. I have passing knowledge of the MLP-verse but the setting seems interesting. Say one of these re-educated children wanted to become a soldier, do the pony overlords accept humans into their military / have special units for them?
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'll take that like as a yes, then. Will have a character made soon.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crosswire
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@DaglobsterWelcome aboard! I can't say how happy I am to see another person interested in this. Go ahead and make your character, just know I have some setting info I intend to post up once the roleplay was actually posted so you might have to edit later.

To answer your question: Kind of.

The Equestrians are doing their best not to come off like overlords, but there are some uncomfortable elements to their attempts to fix things.

Twilight Sparkle: "Welcome, welcome to City 17-er, wait no that's not right..."

They aren't super keen on the idea of humans being involved in violent activities given their history and The Rending. Reform Schools go out of their way to create an environment largely free of overt negativity, in order to foster good will and strong feelings of acceptance between the children. It's almost to the point of sheltering the reformed human children, leaving them kind and happy but somewhat naive and largely if not totally ignorant of what happened years prior.

That kind of environmental control doesn't extent to when they graduate, but the Equestrians quietly bar humans from doing certain things in order to prevent the development of...dangerous mentalities.

Originally Equestria didn't even have much of a military. They were a peaceful nation where most of their standing forces were simple guards. However when The Rending happened and they had to deal with all the horrific shit on Earth, they had to change that.

They created an expanded guard force dedicated to protecting survivors and settlements on Earth, a salvation corp which worked to save lives and treat physical and mental injuries, and a specialized group dedicated to seeking out and destroying dangerous abominations and weapons on Earth. Oh and the Wonderbolts (originally just a specialized rescue and airshow team) became the Wonderbolt Special Forces.

A human character would likely be barred from joining the hunter/seeker group (they'd probably make up some bullshit medical or bureaucratic reason why to justify it) and they would be ineligible for the Wonderbolts since they can't fly.

However your character COULD join the Guard, or become a local law enforcer (like a sheriff or a deputy) in a settlement. The Equestrians don't like the idea of Humans being involved in offensive conflict, but Guards simply work to establish order and protect others from harm (which on Earth entails fighting monsters, criminals, and all sorts of crazy shit). So they figure a human learning the value and pride in fighting to defend others would be good, and allow it.

There isn't a special group for humans in the Guard, as the Equestrians don't want to segregate humans, so they would just be welcomed on as a regular guard.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Charlotte "Bad Mother" Hestley

Guard Corporal

24 | Mixed (White/African) | Female

◇Physical Description◇

Charlotte stands at 5 feet and eleven inches tall and with a build that looks like it may have been softer once. Nowadays, all the softness has been chiseled away, and while she isn't flat by any means, her build leans more towards boyish. Her skin is a light coffee color, topped with neck-length curly black hair that she usually keeps in a tight bun. Despite her build, her facial features remain soft, and she has expressive green eyes that always seem to be slightly widened.

She has a small scar that runs alongside and above her left eyebrow, as well as a gunshot scar just a few inches above her navel.

◇Personality Elements◇

  • Loyal to her friends and superiors.
  • Open-hearted and minded.
  • Still believes there's good in the world.
  • Distrustful of those from outside the Equestrian colonies.
  • Haunted by memories.
  • Terrified of centipedes.
  • Has conflicted feelings about the re-education programs, however she understands it's the only solution so far.
  • Secretly a bit of a sadist. (There's just something about pulling the trigger and dropping a threat that brings her a measure of peace.)


Charlotte was born into a military family, to a mother that worked at ONI (US Office of Naval Intelligence) and a father who was stationed in Florida at the time of The Rending. She spent most of her time with her father, living and going to school wherever he was stationed. She had trouble makig friends, and as such was mostly withdrawn and more concerned with being independent. By the time she was 13, she could cook and clean for herself, and her father had given her an M1911 handgun for her 14th birthday for her to own when she "got older."

She only knew of her mother because her father had told her. Apparently, she'd chosen a career at ONI over the family life.

She had just turned 13 when the Equestrians made first contact, and her life became a blur at that point. Her father was redeployed every few months as US Command struggled to address the novel issue that foreign entities could now teleport directly into their cities. Unsurprisingly, she found herself fascinated by the Equestrians and their magic.

She was 14 and home alone when the world was plunged into terror. When the screams died down enough outside, she waited for her father. For anyone, really, but nobody came, and after several days of hiding indoors, she was forced to leave the house to survive. She took the gun her dad gave her for her 13th birthday and braved the horrors of the outside world.

When the Equestrian search parties looking for survivors found her, she was in depressing shape. Malnourished, traumatized from months of a living nightmare, and desensitized to the horror.

After reform and re-education, Charlotte decided she wanted to help the Equestrians reclaim her world. She remembers no specific moment of the nightmare she lived, but as the years went by, she started to remember more.

Her 21st birthday rolled around and she joined the Guard and started training. When her Equestrian drill sergeant asked her for her name, she cheekily responded with "Bad Mother" as an attempted play on Equestrian naming conventions.

The nickname stuck.

As she's racked up time in the Guard, the memories started to become more concrete, especially during those rare few times she goes beyond the wall. She deals with them as they come.

Currently, she has around three years of service in the Guard, and has some experience fighting mutated horrors and bandits, although she's more used to helping keep the peace.

◇Skills and Talents◇

Charlotte is a soldier above all. She knows how to read a situation and make the right call, and has a solid mind for tactics. She is proficient with firearms in general, and is also trained in survival techniques, stealth, and athletics. Socially, she does well at parties and similar gatherings.

◇Relics, Spells, and Techniques◇

Charlotte has only one special ability, and it's her "survivor's endurance." She survived The Rending and the months after by her lonesome, and just when things seemed bleakest and death seemed to call her name, she pulled through and survived. In dire situations, Charlotte can keep herself extraordinarily calm or tank through serious injuries although she has her limits, and if pushed too far she might do something irrational in her desperation.


-Tactical Vest W/ Kevlar Plating that covers torso and shoulders
-Kevlar plating for arms and legs as well
-Kevlar helmet with drop-down visor and built-in radio.
-gas mask designed to fit into the helmet's shape, seals helmet when used.
-Belly rig with magazine pouches (four M16A1 magazines taped together into pairs of two) (Three M1911 handgun magazines)
-M16A1 assault rifle with adjustable combat sight (x1-x4) and removable bayonet (See knife below)
-Ka-bar bayonet with knuckle guard. (Doubles as utility knife. Charlotte usually keeps the knife off the gun but will fix that bayonet if things get bad enough)
-Soldier's rucksack for whenever her duties take her beyond the settlement's boundaries (Bedroll, compass, weapon maintennance kit, handheld magic detector, journal, water canteen.)
-3 pairs of adjustsble cuffs. (Usable on humans/ponies)
-1 Unicorn horn-dampener (for apprehending those dang unicorns)

*edited because I just saw your reply to my question*
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crosswire
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Daglobster Crap, did you write your whole character sheet before seeing what I wrote?

Here are my thoughts on what you have:

-The 'race' part is meant to show actual race, not ethnicity. What kind of human you are is utterly irrelevant, its THAT your human that matters.

-When it comes to the Guard, picture something a bit more archaic then the modern military. The Equestrians picked up and adopted various pieces of human tech, but plenty of older ideas and mentalities survived. In the guard Charlotte was likely taught how to wield a spear and swing a sword before she was ever trained to fire a gun.

This should reflect in the skills she picked up from training.

-Her gear is a bit too modern. Unless she salvaged all that gear herself, that isn't likely what she'd be outfitted with. The armor used by the guard for example wouldn't be proper Kevlar, it'd be something like a cross between their old medieval-style armor and modern materials, ceramics, aromid fibers, that kind of stuff.

Imagine the combat armor from Fallout 4 with a more knightly/roman centurion kind of feel.

It'd still protect against bullets, but it'd be better suited to stopping things like swords, spears, and the pulverizing claws of some horrible monster.

Weapon wise she'd probably have a more archaic firearm and a proper melee weapon like a short sword or a spear instead of just a combat knife. The Equestrians learned how to make rapid fire firearms, but they haven't figured out how to make them cheaply or effectively. So the guard is outfitted with things like single action revolvers, falling block rifles, tubed shotguns, that kind of thing.

-And finally, and this is more a minor thing, most reformed humans actually have their names changed to something more Equestrian. The memory wipe typically kills their old names. Some kinds remember them, others don't, others do later. It's not a big deal and I don't want to sour anyone's experience by dictating names, but it's something to keep in mind.

Also here is an example character sheet for future reference.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Yeah, I did X_X

It was 1 AM when I found this thread so when I saw that like I just kinda hemorrhaged out my character before I fell asleep and lost the idea.

I don't wanna clutter up the interest check so I'll edit her appropriately with the new information I have and PM you the new CS

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crosswire
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Daglobster I totally understand, wandering and crashing into cool looking forums super early/late at night is something I do too. Your PMed character sheet is great and I really appreciate your effort and understanding in correcting things.

I'll try to get up the roleplay as soon as I can, but I just got out of surgery and am still recovering. So please forgive me if this takes a few days longer then it normally would.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by redbaron1234

redbaron1234 Full of Pluck

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Whelp, I am watching. Certainly hoping to see this go through. Incidentally, if anyone needs to ask me questions about MLP and such, feel free to ask.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crosswire
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@redbaron1234Good to have you on board! I intend this to go up in the next day or so. Still dealing with my recovery from surgery and having loud relatives over.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Normally, I don't venture to the territory called 'Advanced Roleplays' and I actually don't venture in MLP territory either aside from some episodes that air on the TV when I visit America, and they usually don't catch my fancy. But this... I can't pass this up. Please forgive me if I sometimes lack the ability Advanced players have because of my lack of experience. I hope you'll still have me.

In such case that you will, I am also interested in having a human in the Guard as well because of his thirst for violence/mischief/trouble/chaos. What are the magical capabilities that a human of this age could wield? Basic elemental spells? Telekinetic spells?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crosswire
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Polaris NorthAll I ask is that players put effort into their posts. If you have a lack of experience then the only way to improve that is by roleplaying more. So welcome aboard Polaris! I really love the eagerness and sense of enthusiasm in you're writing.

And to answer your question there are plenty of spells your human character could possibly know depending on their background and the school of magic they wield.

However you have to understand Earthly magic isn't typically taught to humans.

In fact Equestrians under normal circumstances try to keep humans away from learning or handling magic. Given the whole 'damaged their world and nearly killed off their whole race' thing. However just because you want to keep something out of someone's hands doesn't mean it is going to happen.

So you'll need a good justification for how they learned magic (given you described wanting a violent, chaotic character that shouldn't be too difficult.) but outside of that you should be fine.

I was saving this for when I put up the roleplay, but I wrote down how magic works and the two types of magic in the setting at the bottom of the post in a hider.

To quickly summarize: Human or "Earthly" magic takes longer to cast then Equestrian magic. It normally requires effort and preparation to use, but it can be sped up through clever(or sacrificial) means. There is no single way to cast Earthly magic so your character can practice a common school of magic while using a style unique to themselves.

Try to think of the magic in this roleplay a little like the magic from Dark Soul, if you've ever played that game. Just with more chanting, scrawling, and various things done before the spell is actually usable.

It is powerful and immensely beneficial. However it isn't instantaneous. Even fast spells have some kind of delay or wind up to them. I you don't set yourself up correctly or begin to cast a lengthy spell when some hulking monstrosity is two feet from your face, you're going to get thrown off a ledge to your screaming agonizing demise.

I'll write out some examples of some possible Earthly Magic schools and spells to try to give you an idea of how things work. Then we can talk over any specifics you had in mind. As long as you follow the general feel of what is presented and remember the rules of the magic in this setting, you can be as creative as you wish.
White Magic
Verbal- Focus
The reliance on miracles and divine favor to achieve prosperity is not a new concept. In the past people would pray, chant, and sing to receive boons from strange unseen things. White Magic is the more refined practice of such methods. Drawing magic not from the environment, but beings of great power that do not exist in the visible realm.

Though many White Magic users attribute their magic to beings of their choosing, they don't actually see, hear, or sense them. All they know is that when they call on the magic for their spells somethinganswers them. It could be one entity, it could be many different entities, the lack of concrete knowledge of the origin of their magic demands faith and a strong sense of belief in practitioners of White Magic.

However many debate the safety, or sanity of using White Magic. Receiving boons and favors from some unidentifiable far off force carries with it tremendous risk. Surely something of such power must want something in return or has some ulterior motive to it? White Magic is generally associated with light and life, but its origin could be more maddening and malicious then even the most heinous of demonic magics.

Traditional White Magic is cast using a small focus (an idol, a necklace, etc) and carefully recited words typically taking the form of prayer or mantra. The emotion behind the words and the feelings of the caster play an important part in whether or not the spell works as intended if at all.

Verbal- Focus - Catalyst
The arcane practice of understanding and manipulating the forces that separate life from death. Through Necromancy spirits may be understood, powerful forces may be harnessed, and the dead themselves can be turned into tools or outright weapons.

Lycoris is a practitioner of Necromancy but does so in a style she developed on her own with some experience. Typically traditional necromancy is very stationary and time consuming, but by using blood as not only a sacrificial medium but a focus Lycoris can dramatically simplify spells.

By spilling her blood (or the blood of another) and using it in her castings she hastens otherwise time consuming practices. Allowing her to use her Necromancy more offensively and on the fly. While powerful, Lycoris's approach has it's weaknesses. Like most magic associated with the 'dark' her spells are left vulnerable to magic connected to the divine or the light. Her use of blood in her spells also takes a toll on her health as Lycoris must draw her own blood, often through cutting into herself, which risks infection, greater blood loss then intended, and a number of other horrid things.

Somatic- Material
Pyromancy. The magic of the flame. Primal and Promethean in nature. This means of manipulating and creating such a base element influenced countless other schools of magic throughout the ages. One of which was Electromancy.

Countless gods have been associated with thunder and lighting. Zeus hurling thunderbolts down from the heavens being one of the most widely known. Fire may be deeply primal, but the fear of the menacing clap of thunder and the brilliant flash of lightening is almost just as old. Drawing on this Electromancy is built around harnessing, wielding, and creating lightening, electricity, and the things connected to them.

Instead of symbols, figures, words, or blood, Electromancy is cast through the practiced gestures of the body and the use of precious powdered metals. Electrum is extremely vital to Electromancy, though gold, copper, and other yellow-ish/orang-ish tinted metals and minerals and be used as substitutes with varying degrees of inferiority (gold being the next best thing to proper Electrum). As a general rule an Electromancer must have their feet firmly planted on the ground or something solid in order to cast their magic, making it difficult to cast on the move.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Oh thank you!

I think that he would be rather fitting for electromancy, or rather he would gravitate towards it because of its pure destructive capabilities. While I can probably figure out where he learned it (hearing tales from one of the ponies, stumbling upon Electrum and keeping it around and the likes) but where can he actually get the Electrum? I imagine other minerals would be hard to come by (unless scavenged) but it would he easier than finding Electrum?

And since he is going to be part of the Guard (he is constantly watched during his time on the watch and he is mostly pegged against monsters), how would they react to him utilizing magic? Would he have to hide it?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crosswire
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Polaris North
If you like Electromancy then by all means adopt it for your character. However if there is something you have in mind that you want to try and develop then by all means bring it up here. What I showed you was simply off the top examples of possible magical schools and styles.

Electrum is a naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver, and it is fairly rare. However one of the professions on Earth are adventurers and explorers who go out in search if valuables in the form of forgotten Earthly treasure, pre-Rending technology, and texts and artifacts relating to Earthly magic.

Since your character works as a guard maybe he came across a dead adventurer with some bars of Electrum that he decided to keep for himself when he reported the body. He also could have gotten hold of a magical text the same way and learned how to use Electromancy from that.

A human throwing around destructive magic would probably raise a lot of concern. The Guard probably wouldn't mind too much beyond the initial shock(after all having someone amongst them that can hurl lighting bolts would probably be comforting), but other groups and townsfolk would be worried that a human knows such things.

It could potentially work either way. Though considering the chaotic nature of your character, maybe they're a corrupt guard? Breaking the rules and conspiring with some criminal elements, keeping his magic a bit of a secret and using it whenever he needs to get rid of someone who becomes problematic for him...

@redbaron1234@Daglobster@Vutava@Majoras End

The Roleplay is finally up! I apologize if things look messy. I'm still recovering from surgery so I can't work at my best at the moment.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Oh, that could definitely work. I'll brainstorm some ideas for magic while working on my character. Thanks!

As for the hiding of magic, I imagine that he would scarcely use it when fighting against humans/ponies who create some ruckus but would lovingly obliterate anything else (unless given some direct order). And he's not chaotic in a sense that he wants to watch the world burn (though it might open up to be like that) but he just likes destruction in general. As long as he gets to harm others, be it monsters or otherwise, it's pretty much cool with him to stick with the Guard and work for them.

He did choose the profession because of its opportunities for him.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crosswire
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Polaris NorthGood to hear. I look forward to seeing your work :)
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