Name: Victoria Hoja de Palma
Stage name: VENA
Gender: Female
Age: 24 years old
Birthday: November 1
Nationality: Mexican, grew up in Coahuila, Mexico
While presenting as VENA, Victoria wears a heavy amount of concealer and eyeshadow on the top part of her face, balanced by a dark lip color and heavy contouring. Her hair is naturally black, but is meticulously kept in an edgy shade of pine green in order for her to stand out among the crowd. The clothing she wears in this state is never spontaneous, and all her outfits tend to be coordinated in advance, carefully teetering the edge between acceptably trendy and different. She tends to stick to shades of bruise purple and pale green, her image color and her favorite color respectively. Even when going out casually in public, Victoria will frequently spend hours planning on what to wear beforehand in order to maintain a consistent persona. Chokers and waist-high skirts are personal favorites.
While researching in the privacy of her own room, Victoria wears cargo shorts, a loose-fitting t-shirt and an oversized labcoat. While performing her various analysis and experiments she tends to try things on and keep them on for the remainder of the day. It's common for visitors to see her urgently pacing back and forth in her room, wearing ten necklaces with minor cosmetic differences. She very well may be one of the only people on earth to have legitimately used every pocket in their cargo shorts.
Victoria is 165 cm, or 5'5" in burger units. Her skin is a particular shade of ghostly olive that implies that she'd have medium-toned skin if she didn't avoid the sun so avidly. She is physically active solely for aesthetic purposes and as such has a reasonably toned body.
Personality: Victoria likes to choose the best possible outcome for any given situation. While critics have called her a sellout for abandoning the math rock scene and a snake for provoking fiery musicians to further her own career, Victoria only sees those actions as ideal. It's not that she suddenly stopped finding enjoyment in math rock, she just concluded that edgy pop music has a wider appeal. It's not that she starts drama for the sake of it, she just realized that sooner or later those divas were going to have a meltdown, and it would be better directed at her.
Despite this interesting mindset, Victoria is neither manipulative nor genius. She only uses people when the outcome of their behavior is cruel and inevitable in order to at least justify her methods to herself. Her conclusions are only attainable through hours of grumbly analysis deprived of sleep, and it's only through this laborious process and a tendency to play things safe that she manages to cultivate the illusion of being smart.
As for her analysis, they consist of studying global trends, the demographics she appeals to and things that they enjoy, and most importantly, other artists in the music industry. She divides the characteristics of performers into rough categories and then sees which ones are more favored by the people, deciding whether or not to incorporate them into herself. On the rare occasion that she finds someone truly unique, she can develop stalker-like tendencies and relentlessy chase them down. This is only a small component of her much bigger personality flaws of obsession and perfectionism.
While presenting herself as VENA she maintains a cold and cool demeanor, only breaking character when another performer manages to catch her off guard with a strange technique or an out of left field strategy. Those who manage to speak to her frequently will begin to see more of the woman behind the performer, the one with several hundred nearly incomprehensible graphs and several hundred more bottles of pine green #4.
Music Industry Role: Solo performer
Specified Job Details: Victoria's stage name as a pop singer is VENA, and while she can play the bass guitar it's a skill she seldom reveals, uses, and cares for. The name means vein in spanish, and Victoria is notorious for changing the answer everytime she's asked why she picked it.
Relative Experience: Victoria was originally a member of an all girl's rock band situated near the Mexico-U.S. border cheekily named Rompeparedes, or wall breaker. The band was founded while all of their members attended the same high school as second year students, with Victoria as the designated bass guitar player. They achieved moderate success but were plagued by constant infighting between the group's members and the radically different directions that each member wanted to take.
At the age of twenty one, a year after the band ceased to be, she launched her career as a math rock solo artist in the United States with mixed results. The combination of one of her songs becoming a meme and intentionally starting a rivalry with a much more successful artist resulted in the explosive success of her single Adjective Soup. Victoria ditched the obscure genre and immediately released her second album, a self-described pop rock hybrid. The detachment from previous brainy music compositions resulted in a second hit song, which when coupled with yet another provoked celebrity scandal assured Victoria success. Her third and latest album is her most popular work by a longshot, solidifying her current style as edgy, 2000's pop. The consistent quality and seemingly exponential profits generated all but guaranteed her a spot in Cystra.
Biography: Like other children growing up near the Mexico-U.S. border, Victoria was placed in the middle of a cultural explosion where she could never really identify with one side or the other. Everything from the music she was exposed to to the things she ate to the ways people looked were double dipped in a strange and forced mix of two countries with little relation to one another. As a child, she grew up ignored and would often put on elaborate plays and acts to receive attention from grown-ups. Her passion for music wasn't born out of a love of the art, but rather her seeking out ways to receive validation.
During her time in the all girl's rock band Rompeparedes Victoria intensely grew to envy the lead singer, Helena Cruz, and the natural charm with which her words seeped. The things she would say were nothing out of the ordinary, but the tone she would give them and her physical expressions gave them a warmth that made her loved by seemingly everyone. Victoria not only wanted to be as loved as she did, she also pondered what it was that drew people to eachother. Her bandmates made her play the bass guitar in the corner, where she was used to being. Predictably, the girl grew bored of being in the shadows and began devising ways to bring more attention to not only her but the group as a whole. The girl's roughly drawn scientific conclusions on the subject were treated as blasphemy by every other member of the band, who accused her of having no soul.
Victoria never understood why no one else saw things the way she did. If what they say is true and comedy is controlled by the audience and not the comedian, then what could be said about things like power and talent? Was power determined by the way the majority viewed you? Was talent only a measure of how valuable the majority saw you in one given area? If so, Helena Cruz had talent and power, while Victoria Hojas de Palma had neither.
The band broke up after four shaky years of decent success and too many image changes to count. Unbeknownst to the other girls, Victoria had amassed information based on the archetypes that they each vaguely represented. What made a cute performer cute? What made a cool perfomer cool? What could be done to create the perfect product, a performer adored by all? Victoria began composing math rock songs by herself. It was a relatively uknown genre with a heavy focus on experimental compositions and little to no vocals, which allowed her to ease into the world of independence. The song Adjective Soup taking off gave her the first push she needed to succeed in the music world.
After her first hit single Victoria was aware of her limited time to ride the wave of success. Her second album was created and put out in a rush, sampling just a little bit of everything and taking several shots in the dark, hoping to appeal to some demographic. Sure enough, a song in the style of 2000's pop took off and she quickly knew what her third album's niche would be. The third album, generically named "Toxic Kiss" became an instant hit with its interesting influences and genre-savvy collaborations.
Victoria "VENA" Hojas de Palma is now twenty four years old and living in Cystra city, with the eyes of the world quietly watching her every move, expectant and impatient.
Helena Cruz- The former lead singer of the now defunct all girl's rock band Rompeparedes. She was the trigger that impulsed Victoria to becoming obsessed with the idea of achieving perfection
Bae Bee Boochie- A vapid pop legend who was on top of the charts a couple of decades ago, but still enjoys successful sales in our present time. Got into a fight not once, but twice with Victoria and unintentionally boosted her fame by a considerably large amount. Has an unstable and explosive temper, and now considers Victoria a bitter rival
Character Theme/Kind of music they produce
Ooooh, a new nationality to the group. I'll accept it! Seems we have someone who isn't as good as"competes" with Thom's bass playing
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