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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BrightSteel
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BrightSteel The hated brony

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Science Untamed

Welcome to the Galaxy Captain! As a new Captain of your very own space faring vessel let me give you a couple tips to help get you oriented. Planets are many and humans aplenty, space stations all around, and multiple governments with plenty of dead space between them.

This will be a story driven game where arcs are posted and players will work together or against eachother through them however they see fit.

The game will consist of multiple players. Thier are no dice rolls however and any PVP will be settled by DM. Feel free to get creative with a planet of origin as long as you remain a normal human by today standards. I reserve the right to change sheets if they mess with the flow and kill unsporting players that can't take an order. Apart from that as long as you don't go overboard with any power playing or god modding, or try to take over my game than well have loads of fun. Please no Mary Sue's that can handle EVERYTHING. Powerful characters will be judged and balanced by a DM.

Character sheet

Here is the discord link ---> discord.gg/HCvEqAR
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Drakey
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Drakey The Best Dragon

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Name: Mikhail Lannyster

Age: 19

Mikhail is a righteous(?) Individual. Often times, the girl will try and justify everything she does. If her actions have consequences, she wouldn't know. No matter how much evidence someone has for the purpose of dissuading Mikhail from a chosen course of actions, she will ignore it. While typically being an easygoing girl, Mikhail does get extremely angry if someone tries to mess with her machines. Often times, Mikhail will put more trust in machines than in Her fellow human beings.

Equipment: For the most pad, Mikhail doesn't have any specialized equipment. Almost all of her abilities come from her 'enhancements'. However, Mikhail is full of surprises. Here is a list of them:

1) The Spiders - Mikhail hasa tiny army of mechanical spiders that she uses for various purposes. The biggest ones being dismantling of other technology or the manufacturing of certain things.

2) Her Tools - Mikhail always carries a set of tools with her. She carries them both on the inside of her coat and in her duffel bag. It consists of all the tools that a mechanic, electrician, and an engineer would use.

3) Grappling Hook - Mikhail will carry with her, at all times, a grappling hook. She is able to fire it with pinpoint accuracy. How she is able to do this when she can't hit the broadside of anything with a firearm is a mystery.

1) Mechanical know-how - Mikhail can dismantle and rebuild just about anything. With a startling ability to understand all that passes through her hands, Mikhail is an invaluable asset, if only she would work with someone.

2) Hacking - Mikhail is also an amateur hacker. She is able to crack most firewalls, often using their faults to better her own firewall.

3) Parkour - Mikhail is a master of parkour. Growing up in the thieves den of a city that she did, her skills were invaluable to her well-being.

Appearance: Mikhail is fairly tall for a woman, standing at an even six feet. Her hair, love ng and often in a ponytail, is raven black. However, the right side f her head is completely shaved. This is for easy access to her data banks. Her jaw is well pronounced and her lips a light pink. Her eyes are mechanical implants that she received after a chemical mishap took her sight. Her right arm is also a mechanical replacement, along with her left leg. However, for the rest of her, Mikhail is an exceptionally beautiful woman.

Implants: Mikhail...well, Mikhail has a lot of stuff going on. Here is a list of her non-organic parts.

1) Her Eyes - Mikhail's natural eyes are long gone. While working in a ship yard, Mikhail had been caught in a chemical mishap that took them from her. Her new eyes, however, are much better than her original eyes. They are a bright electric blue. Mikhail is able to see in UV and Infrared. However, the most useful part of her eyes is the HUD that she uses. It is connected to the 100 tetrabyte data unit in her head.

2) Data storage - The data storage unit on the right side of Mikhail's head holds 4 tetrabytes of storage.

3) Her Arm - Mikhail has a mechanical arm that long replaced her original arm. While it isn't stronger than her other arm, it took her nearly a year to close the gap. In the wrist are multiple data jacks.

4) Her Leg - Nothing much, just a mechanical leg that replaced her old one. As with her arm, it took Mikhail a full year to get the strength in her good leg up to par.

Weakness: Guns...Mikhail is a terrible shot. It doesn't matter what she is using, if Mikhail has control of the firearm, then the bullet will never reach its target.

Other: (anything you think you need to mention not covered in the above sections.) Bubbling
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DetonatorAgent
Avatar of DetonatorAgent

DetonatorAgent I like guns. They go pew.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(NERF AWAY, I went ham on it just to get it all on the table and see what is and isn't reasonable.)

Name: Shino Asaka

Age: 21

Human or Cyborg:
-He is bionic in a sense, as his skeleton was replaced by one made of titanium as a military super soldier test. He later proceeded to escape, killing everyone involved. His left arm was replaced with a metal one in order to improve his weapon stability. It adds no core strength benefit to him, just accuracy and stamina.

-A very reasonable man, he prefers to be nice and work together with people. He enjoys friendship and ensuring better survival via it. However, in spite of his friendliness, he lives by the slogan: “Those who stand behind you, give them protection. Those who stand beside you, give them respect. Those who stand against you, show no mercy.” He’s trained himself over his life the works of pinpoint accuracy at long ranges as well as accuracy with automatics using his obsession of firearms and general practice. He has a nick for destruction, though, and will often prefer something like a .50 over a basic 30-06. The caveat to his firearms love is it’s ballistic, and as such he isn’t super familiar with lasers or plasma rifles, but more so traditional bullet firearms and rail guns.

- Anti-Materiel Sniper Rifle: Serbu BFG-50A (pic)

- Overwatch Sniper Rifle: Barrett M98B (pic)

- Assault Rifle: Steyer AUG A3 RAS (pic)

- CQC Rifle/Sidearm: HK MP7 Sport (pic)

- He has spent a great amount of time dealing with electronics and even constructing them himself, and as such is very familiar with electrical engineering and programming, reconstructing computers, etc. This allows him to easily get through most systems, if not by code, then by physical modification of the machine.
- He is extremely precise with firearms, allowing him to place shots from the longest distances with lethal results. This also allows him to use automatics efficiently, dampening recoil and enhancing control.
- He is very friendly and prefers the life he’s given, and as such he easily gets along with those who are willing to chat things out. This allows him to talk himself out of situations, or have people on his side whenever he needs them.
- Growing up tracking down the group of criminals that killed his sister, he’s very attentive to detail, and often knows when someone is bullshitting. This allows him to perform things like interrogations on people, or combined with his good side, make people accidentally slip him information.
- Following the criminal takedown scenarios, he learned over time to take things easy and not expose himself. He prefers stealth, and has practiced enough to know the best ways of approach to keep him in the shadows.
- His obsession with firearms allows him to quickly identify any ballistic firearm and most rail guns, down to the caliber and ability. With this, he is able to accurately predict and make decisions based on the gun's ability. For example, if he sees someone with a sidearm in a building, he knows exactly what pistol it is and knows exactly what he can get behind or what course of action to take in case lead starts flying in all directions.

-He has long, shaggy like hair, (like mine irl) and wears a black torn up cloak. He wears a black respirator over a thin black half-face mask, in part for aesthetics, but also due to the amount of gunpowder or harmful chemicals he is exposed to on the battlefield or inside a computer. He has a ballistic vest over a black track-type jacket, along with black jeans, combat boots, and Oakley Assault Gloves.

-His left arm was replaced on him to sustain accuracy with heavier weapons and standing or crouching with rifles. His right eye was replaced with an electric based one, and adds just a HUD to his vision that has a rangefinder and minimap, along with a synchronised magazine counter to let him know what he’s got left. The eye has an appearance similar to the normal one.

-He is completely against inhuman treatment, such as any torture without reason, injuring civilians without reason, or deaths causing long sustained pain such as burning, electricity, bleeding out, etc.
However, this is slightly countered if used against someone who did them to innocents. He still thinks it wrong for anyone to have to.

-A dark past, not known by many. He often hides or lies about his last name, and refuses to talk about the events in his past, lying if need be.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Slyguydude


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(Nerf at DM's Discretion) (May be exposed to modification with DM's Permission)

Name: Maximus "Maxim" Solarius

Age: 24

-Maxim has a bold personality, in both tongue and behavior. He doesn't think twice about an offer if it benefits him in any way. He is always up for adventure and takes shit from nobody.
-His tongue has gotten him into many situations because he doesn't know when to leave comments to himself, resulting in unwanted attention and actions. Over the years, he has tried to tone down the comments but, he can't help the comments against those he despise dearly. His constant stream of remarks has also taught him how to be persuasive and overtime, gave him a Silver Tongue.
-However, he still cares for others. He is fully committed into throwing himself into a fight if it means protecting those he cares for. When asked where he got this mentality from, he simple shrugs his shoulders and replies "I have no clue. Your guess is as good as mine." This can make him very useful on a team if he grows attached to it.
-Maxim has an OK time making friends but it can take some time for him to grow attached to people. But when he does, he treats them like family. He is more likely to listen and heed the warnings of friends more than strangers or people he is forced to work with.

- A 50. Cal Bolt action rifle with a conversion bolt that can fire 300 WinMag
-Picture: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0226/4971/products/bfg50_1024x1024.jpg?v=1478189630
-A sub-machine gun that is very reminiscent to the UMP-45 but fires bursts of lazers rather than ballistic rounds
-Picture: https://img00.deviantart.net/1e0a/i/2008/023/1/b/ump_45_by_lemmonade.jpg
-Prosthetic arm
-along with the added strength, the knuckles of the hand have been fitted with titanium caps, acting like brass knuckles build into the hand
-Picture: https://www.buyourobot.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/2015/02/00001_ARM_1750x1000.jpg (Just imagine the shell is Carbon Fiber)
-Chiappa Rhino
-.357 Revolver
-Picture: https://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/images/hiRes/80354_1.jpg

-His constant exposure to firearms has helped him become quite a shot. Due to his prosthetic arm, he has been able to hold a firearm with extreme steadiness which is far superior to the steadiness achieved with an organic arm. Along with this, He is able to withstand recoil from heavy caliber rifles easier than most people.
-Due to him constantly living in ruins for work, he has grown quite fond of using the surroundings as traps. therefore, he has knowledge on making basic traps and diversions along with basic hot wiring and hacking.
-hacking includes breaking firewalls, activation, and deactivation
-Maxim has become quite adept at using his fists and feet to attack and neutralize. He doesn't use a type of Martial Arts, he just uses a mix of things he knows and his environment.
-proficient in searching and finding supplies

-~200 lb
-Covered in Scars
-particularly the forearms and face
-Dusters Coat and Cargo Pants
-Plate Carrier
-Basic Plate that can stop up to 30-06
- reference photos
-Physique: https://i.pinimg.com/236x/12/db/d4/12dbd45586bd252289c1258436831af7--anime-guys-anime-manga.jpg
-Face: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f7/2a/a8/f72aa85d98b799acc46bcb637fb880bf--manga-art-manga-anime.jpg
-With Black hair
-Plate Carrier: https://cdn3.bigcommerce.com/s-4iwpyceis0/products/478/images/1950/Banshee2.0Black__79398.1482186038.500.500.jpg?c=2

-Right Arm
- When Maxim was 21, he got into a freak accident at a fabrication factory and had his right arm severed from his body while he was repairing a machine. His prosthetic arm consists of a Carbon Fiber shell with a titanium skeletal structure surrounded by wires and systems to act as muscles and nerves. Therefore, the arm has a sense of touch and is very resistant to corrosion. Along with all of this, the arm has increased strength, allowing him to apply 1.75x the force of his other arm. This helps him in Hand to Hand combat and firing weapons.

-Keeping to Himself
-If he has something to say, Maxim will say it, weather it's derogatory or not. He is constantly putting his own two sense into any given issue.
-Right Arm Cockiness
-Due to the strength of his prosthetic arm, he pushes the equipment far more that it can handle, resorting to damages at an alarming rate. He breaks the damn thing so often, nothing inside the arm is original.
-He is VERY Trustful of friends but sometimes, he trusts them too much. He has a history of people who back-stab him because he trusted them too much. He is slowly getting better at it but, it still happens on occasion.
-Tech know-how
-He's not very Tech Savvy. He knows the basics, like firewall breaching and turning shit off and on, but that's it. He usually relies on the team he is working with to know what to do in those situations.
-Moderate Insomnia
-His traumatic past has made it harder for him to sleep. It doesn't effect combat, as the adrenaline makes up for lost sleep. But, he is known to be tired off-duty. He has been recording number of hours slept at night and it currently averages around 4-5 hours. The most he ever slept after the traumatic events was 7 hours. He is also known for taking 20-30 minute naps before jumping awake from a nightmare.

-His Early life is something he has a hard time bringing it up and only tells his tale to those he trusts. When he was around 14 years old, his home city was raided and razed. Within this event, his father, mother, and his brother were violently killed from firing squads. He was only able to escape because he had been out of town with friends that day. They too died that day when they all split up to find their families. In any record books, He is claimed as Deceased in his hometown with his birth name "Makishimusu Taiyō", planets away from where he currently planet-hops. Making it easier to not be tracked down through old records.
-After losing his right arm, in an event he has dubbed "The Day", Maxim was removed from his work place. After spending all of his money to obtain his arm, Maxim was dead broke and had no where to go. So, he became a Mercenary to keep himself alive. This is where he obtained his bold personality.
-Due to his constant years of being a Merc, Maxim has made some pretty good allies and has some connections. He is able to get unmarked equipment, bounty info, and personal info of others. But, it's all for a price.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BrightSteel
Avatar of BrightSteel

BrightSteel The hated brony

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Name: Mikhail Lannyster

Age: 19

Mikhail is a righteous(?) Individual. Often times, the girl will try and justify everything she does. If her actions have consequences, she wouldn't know. No matter how much evidence someone has for the purpose of dissuading Mikhail from a chosen course of actions, she will ignore it. While typically being an easygoing girl, Mikhail does get extremely angry if someone tries to mess with her machines. Often times, Mikhail will put more trust in machines than in Her fellow human beings.

Equipment: For the most pad, Mikhail doesn't have any specialized equipment. Almost all of her abilities come from her 'enhancements'. However, Mikhail is full of surprises. Here is a list of them:

1) The Spiders - Mikhail hasa tiny army of mechanical spiders that she uses for various purposes. The biggest ones being dismantling of other technology or the manufacturing of certain things.

2) Her Tools - Mikhail always carries a set of tools with her. She carries them both on the inside of her coat and in her duffel bag. It consists of all the tools that a mechanic, electrician, and an engineer would use.

3) Grappling Hook - Mikhail will carry with her, at all times, a grappling hook. She is able to fire it with pinpoint accuracy. How she is able to do this when she can't hit the broadside of anything with a firearm is a mystery.

1) Mechanical know-how - Mikhail can dismantle and rebuild just about anything. With a startling ability to understand all that passes through her hands, Mikhail is an invaluable asset, if only she would work with someone.

2) Hacking - Mikhail is also an amateur hacker. She is able to crack most firewalls, often using their faults to better her own firewall.

3) Parkour - Mikhail is a master of parkour. Growing up in the thieves den of a city that she did, her skills were invaluable to her well-being.

Appearance: Mikhail is fairly tall for a woman, standing at an even six feet. Her hair, love ng and often in a ponytail, is raven black. However, the right side f her head is completely shaved. This is for easy access to her data banks. Her jaw is well pronounced and her lips a light pink. Her eyes are mechanical implants that she received after a chemical mishap took her sight. Her right arm is also a mechanical replacement, along with her left leg. However, for the rest of her, Mikhail is an exceptionally beautiful woman.

Implants: Mikhail...well, Mikhail has a lot of stuff going on. Here is a list of her non-organic parts.

1) Her Eyes - Mikhail's natural eyes are long gone. While working in a ship yard, Mikhail had been caught in a chemical mishap that took them from her. Her new eyes, however, are much better than her original eyes. They are a bright electric blue. Mikhail is able to see in UV and Infrared. However, the most useful part of her eyes is the HUD that she uses. It is connected to the 100 tetrabyte data unit in her head.

2) Data storage - The data storage unit on the right side of Mikhail's head holds 100 tetrabytes of storage.

3) Her Arm - Mikhail has a mechanical arm that long replaced her original arm. While it isn't stronger than her other arm, it took her nearly a year to close the gap. In the wrist are multiple data jacks.

4) Her Leg - Nothing much, just a mechanical leg that replaced her old one. As with her arm, it took Mikhail a full year to get the strength in her good leg up to par.

Weakness: Guns...Mikhail is a terrible shot. It doesn't matter what she is using, if Mikhail has control of the firearm, then the bullet will never reach its target.

Other: (anything you think you need to mention not covered in the above sections.) Bubbling

Less data space, like max 1 terabyte
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BrightSteel
Avatar of BrightSteel

BrightSteel The hated brony

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(NERF AWAY, I went ham on it just to get it all on the table and see what is and isn't reasonable.)

Name: Shino Asaka

Age: 21

Human or Cyborg:

-He is bionic in a sense, as his skeleton was replaced by one made of titanium as a military super soldier test. He later proceeded to escape, killing everyone involved. His left arm was replaced with a metal one in order to improve his weapon stability. It adds no core strength benefit to him, just accuracy and stamina.

-A very reasonable man, he prefers to be nice and work together with people. He enjoys friendship and ensuring better survival via it. However, in spite of his friendliness, he lives by the slogan: “Those who stand behind you, give them protection. Those who stand beside you, give them respect. Those who stand against you, show no mercy.” He’s trained himself over his life the works of pinpoint accuracy at long ranges as well as accuracy with automatics using his obsession of firearms and general practice. He has a nick for destruction, though, and will often prefer something like a .50 over a basic 30-06. The caveat to his firearms love is it’s ballistic, and as such he isn’t super familiar with lasers or plasma rifles, but more so traditional bullet firearms and rail guns.

- Anti-Materiel Sniper Rifle: Serbu BFG-50A (pic)

- Overwatch Sniper Rifle: Barrett M98B (pic)

- Assault Rifle: Steyer AUG A3 RAS (pic)

- CQC Rifle/Sidearm: HK MP7 Sport (pic)

- He has spent a great amount of time dealing with electronics and even constructing them himself, and as such is very familiar with electrical engineering and programming, reconstructing computers, etc. This allows him to easily get through most systems, if not by code, then by physical modification of the machine.
- He is extremely precise with firearms, allowing him to place shots from the longest distances with lethal results. This also allows him to use automatics efficiently, dampening recoil and enhancing control.
- He is very friendly and prefers the life he’s given, and as such he easily gets along with those who are willing to chat things out. This allows him to talk himself out of situations, or have people on his side whenever he needs them.
- Growing up tracking down the group of criminals that killed his sister, he’s very attentive to detail, and often knows when someone is bullshitting. This allows him to perform things like interrogations on people, or combined with his good side, make people accidentally slip him information.
- Following the criminal takedown scenarios, he learned over time to take things easy and not expose himself. He prefers stealth, and has practiced enough to know the best ways of approach to keep him in the shadows.
- His obsession with firearms allows him to quickly identify any ballistic firearm and most rail guns, down to the caliber and ability. With this, he is able to accurately predict and make decisions based on the gun's ability. For example, if he sees someone with a sidearm in a building, he knows exactly what pistol it is and knows exactly what he can get behind or what course of action to take in case lead starts flying in all directions.

-He has long, shaggy like hair, (like mine irl) and wears a black torn up cloak. He wears a black respirator over a thin black half-face mask, in part for aesthetics, but also due to the amount of gunpowder or harmful chemicals he is exposed to on the battlefield or inside a computer. He has a ballistic vest over a black track-type jacket, along with black jeans, combat boots, and Oakley Assault Gloves.

-His left arm was replaced on him to sustain accuracy with heavier weapons and standing or crouching with rifles. His right eye was replaced with an electric based one, and adds just a HUD to his vision that has a rangefinder and minimap, along with a synchronised magazine counter to let him know what he’s got left. The eye has an appearance similar to the normal one.

-He is completely against inhuman treatment, such as any torture without reason, injuring civilians without reason, or deaths causing long sustained pain such as burning, electricity, bleeding out, etc.
However, this is slightly countered if used against someone who did them to innocents. He still thinks it wrong for anyone to have to.

-A dark past, not known by many. He often hides or lies about his last name, and refuses to talk about the events in his past, lying if need be.

Make him kinda clumsy and choose 2 of the 4 weapons to start with.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BrightSteel
Avatar of BrightSteel

BrightSteel The hated brony

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(Nerf at DM's Discretion) (May be exposed to modification with DM's Permission)

Name: Maximus "Maxim" Solarius

Age: 24

-Maxim has a bold personality, in both tongue and behavior. He doesn't think twice about an offer if it benefits him in any way. He is always up for adventure and takes shit from nobody.
-His tongue has gotten him into many situations because he doesn't know when to leave comments to himself, resulting in unwanted attention and actions. Over the years, he has tried to tone down the comments but, he can't help the comments against those he despise dearly. His constant stream of remarks has also taught him how to be persuasive and overtime, gave him a Silver Tongue.
-However, he still cares for others. He is fully committed into throwing himself into a fight if it means protecting those he cares for. When asked where he got this mentality from, he simple shrugs his shoulders and replies "I have no clue. Your guess is as good as mine." This can make him very useful on a team if he grows attached to it.
-Maxim has an OK time making friends but it can take some time for him to grow attached to people. But when he does, he treats them like family. He is more likely to listen and heed the warnings of friends more than strangers or people he is forced to work with.

- A 50. Cal Bolt action rifle with a conversion bolt that can fire 300 WinMag
-Picture: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0226/4971/products/bfg50_1024x1024.jpg?v=1478189630
-A sub-machine gun that is very reminiscent to the UMP-45 but fires bursts of lazers rather than ballistic rounds
-Picture: https://img00.deviantart.net/1e0a/i/2008/023/1/b/ump_45_by_lemmonade.jpg
-Prosthetic arm
-along with the added strength, the knuckles of the hand have been fitted with titanium caps, acting like brass knuckles build into the hand
-Picture: https://www.buyourobot.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/2015/02/00001_ARM_1750x1000.jpg (Just imagine the shell is Carbon Fiber)
-Chiappa Rhino
-.357 Revolver
-Picture: https://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/images/hiRes/80354_1.jpg


-His constant exposure to firearms has helped him become quite a shot. Due to his prosthetic arm, he has been able to hold a firearm with extreme steadiness which is far superior to the steadiness achieved with an organic arm. Along with this, He is able to withstand recoil from heavy caliber rifles easier than most people.
-Due to him constantly living in ruins for work, he has grown quite fond of using the surroundings as traps. therefore, he has knowledge on making basic traps and diversions along with basic hot wiring and hacking.
-hacking includes breaking firewalls, activation, and deactivation
-Maxim has become quite adept at using his fists and feet to attack and neutralize. He doesn't use a type of Martial Arts, he just uses a mix of things he knows and his environment.
-proficient in searching and finding supplies

-~200 lb
-Covered in Scars
-particularly the forearms and face
-Dusters Coat and Cargo Pants
-Plate Carrier
-Basic Plate that can stop up to 30-06
- reference photos
-Physique: https://i.pinimg.com/236x/12/db/d4/12dbd45586bd252289c1258436831af7--anime-guys-anime-manga.jpg
-Face: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f7/2a/a8/f72aa85d98b799acc46bcb637fb880bf--manga-art-manga-anime.jpg
-With Black hair
-Plate Carrier: https://cdn3.bigcommerce.com/s-4iwpyceis0/products/478/images/1950/Banshee2.0Black__79398.1482186038.500.500.jpg?c=2

-Right Arm
- When Maxim was 21, he got into a freak accident at a fabrication factory and had his right arm severed from his body while he was repairing a machine. His prosthetic arm consists of a Carbon Fiber shell with a titanium skeletal structure surrounded by wires and systems to act as muscles and nerves. Therefore, the arm has a sense of touch and is very resistant to corrosion. Along with all of this, the arm has increased strength, allowing him to apply 1.75x the force of his other arm. This helps him in Hand to Hand combat and firing weapons.

-Keeping to Himself
-If he has something to say, Maxim will say it, weather it's derogatory or not. He is constantly putting his own two sense into any given issue.
-Right Arm Cockiness
-Due to the strength of his prosthetic arm, he pushes the equipment far more that it can handle, resorting to damages at an alarming rate. He breaks the damn thing so often, nothing inside the arm is original.
-He is VERY Trustful of friends but sometimes, he trusts them too much. He has a history of people who back-stab him because he trusted them too much. He is slowly getting better at it but, it still happens on occasion.
-Tech know-how
-He's not very Tech Savvy. He knows the basics, like firewall breaching and turning shit off and on, but that's it. He usually relies on the team he is working with to know what to do in those situations.
-Moderate Insomnia
-His traumatic past has made it harder for him to sleep. It doesn't effect combat, as the adrenaline makes up for lost sleep. But, he is known to be tired off-duty. He has been recording number of hours slept at night and it currently averages around 4-5 hours. The most he ever slept after the traumatic events was 7 hours. He is also known for taking 20-30 minute naps before jumping awake from a nightmare.

-His Early life is something he has a hard time bringing it up and only tells his tale to those he trusts. When he was around 14 years old, his home city was raided and razed. Within this event, his father, mother, and his brother were violently killed from firing squads. He was only able to escape because he had been out of town with friends that day. They too died that day when they all split up to find their families. In any record books, He is claimed as Deceased in his hometown with his birth name "Makishimusu Taiyō", planets away from where he currently planet-hops. Making it easier to not be tracked down through old records.
-After losing his right arm, in an event he has dubbed "The Day", Maxim was removed from his work place. After spending all of his money to obtain his arm, Maxim was dead broke and had no where to go. So, he became a Mercenary to keep himself alive. This is where he obtained his bold personality.
-Due to his constant years of being a Merc, Maxim has made some pretty good allies and has some connections. He is able to get unmarked equipment, bounty info, and personal info of others. But, it's all for a price.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BrightSteel
Avatar of BrightSteel

BrightSteel The hated brony

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sly you remind me of solid snake lol
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Blue2
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Have fun!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BrightSteel
Avatar of BrightSteel

BrightSteel The hated brony

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hi! I'm not sure where you're going with this, but it sounds interesting so I would like to join with this character:

Name: Glen Raider

Age: 34

Human or Cyborg: Human

Personality: Glen is an outgoing person, usually in a pretty good mood. He likes to joke around a little and tends to avoid tense or awkward situations. He used to be quite cocky, though since he got his own ship he's learned how hard it can be making a decision when you don't really know what would generate the best outcome and he has become less judgemental. He'll help people when they ask, but if they don't ask he probably doesn't realise they need help. He prefers to talk his way out of a situation rather than fight. This gets him into trouble every now and then, as he tends to 'exaggerate' in stressful situations.

Equipment: A stun gun

Skills: Piloting, his greatest passion. He's not afraid to use dangerous manouvers either to get away or to impress. Engineering, when you take part in races you need to know the inns and outs of your vehicle or ship.

Implants: Non

Weakness: Fighting. He can tell one end of a gun from another, but is no sharpshooter and he absolutely sucks at hand-to-hand combat

Other: Glen used to take part in racing contests and he won quite a few prizes. When he was 23 he decided it was time to get more serious about his life and joined an exploration ship. He wasn't too great at following orders, though, as he was kind of cocky, so after a few years he decided to get his own ship instead

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DetonatorAgent
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DetonatorAgent I like guns. They go pew.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(NERF AWAY, I went ham on it just to get it all on the table and see what is and isn't reasonable.)

Name: Eckie Asaka

Age: 21

Human or Cyborg:
- He is bionic in a sense, as his skeleton was replaced by one made of titanium as a military super soldier test. He later proceeded to escape, killing everyone involved. His left arm was replaced with a metal one in order to improve his weapon stability. It adds no core strength benefit to him, just accuracy and stamina.

- A very reasonable man, he prefers to be nice and work together with people. He enjoys friendship and ensuring better survival via it. However, in spite of his friendliness, he lives by the slogan: “Those who stand behind you, give them protection. Those who stand beside you, give them respect. Those who stand against you, show no mercy.” He’s trained himself over his life the works of pinpoint accuracy at long ranges as well as accuracy with automatics using his obsession of firearms and general practice. He has a nick for destruction, though, and will often prefer something like a .50 over a basic 30-06. The caveat to his firearms love is it’s ballistic, and as such he isn’t super familiar with lasers or plasma rifles, but more so traditional bullet firearms and rail guns.

- Anti-Materiel Sniper Rifle (STARTER): Serbu BFG-50A (pic)

- Overwatch Sniper Rifle: Barrett M98B (pic)

- Assault Rifle: Steyer AUG A3 RAS (pic)

- CQC Rifle/Sidearm: HK MP7 Sport (pic)

- Power/Anti-Materiel Sidearm (STARTER): Mateba 6 Unica (pic - 3D Model based on real gun)

- He has spent a great amount of time dealing with electronics and even constructing them himself, and as such is very familiar with electrical engineering and programming, reconstructing computers, etc. This allows him to easily get through most systems, if not by code, then by physical modification of the machine.
- He is extremely precise with firearms, allowing him to place shots from the longest distances with lethal results. This also allows him to use automatics efficiently, dampening recoil and enhancing control.
- He is very friendly and prefers the life he’s given, and as such he easily gets along with those who are willing to chat things out. This allows him to talk himself out of situations, or have people on his side whenever he needs them.
- Growing up tracking down the group of criminals that killed his sister, he’s very attentive to detail, and often knows when someone is bullshitting. This allows him to perform things like interrogations on people, or combined with his good side, make people accidentally slip him information.
- Following the criminal takedown scenarios, he learned over time to take things easy and not expose himself. He prefers stealth, and has practiced enough to know the best ways of approach to keep him in the shadows.
- His obsession with firearms allows him to quickly identify any ballistic firearm and most rail guns, down to the caliber and ability. With this, he is able to accurately predict and make decisions based on the gun's ability. For example, if he sees someone with a sidearm in a building, he knows exactly what pistol it is and knows exactly what he can get behind or what course of action to take in case lead starts flying in all directions.

- He has long, shaggy like hair, (like mine irl) and wears a black torn up cloak. He wears a black respirator over a thin black half-face mask, in part for aesthetics, but also due to the amount of gunpowder or harmful chemicals he is exposed to on the battlefield or inside a computer. He has a ballistic vest over a black track-type jacket, along with black jeans, combat boots, and Oakley Assault Gloves.

- His left arm was replaced on him to sustain accuracy with heavier weapons and standing or crouching with rifles. His right eye was replaced with an electric based one, and adds just a HUD to his vision that has a rangefinder and minimap, along with a synchronised magazine counter to let him know what he’s got left. The eye has an appearance similar to the normal one.

- He is completely against inhuman treatment, such as any torture without reason, injuring civilians without reason, or deaths causing long sustained pain such as burning, electricity, bleeding out, etc.
However, this is slightly countered if used against someone who did them to innocents. He still thinks it wrong for anyone to have to.

- A dark past, not known by many. He often hides or lies about his last name, and refuses to talk about the events in his past, lying if need be.
- Can be a bit clumsy sometimes, often based when he isn't focused, such as in casual situations or off-mission.

@BrightSteel This is the modified version, and I kept the original weapons on the list just so i remember what collection I'd like to find. :D Also, I changed the first name. Sue me.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BrightSteel
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BrightSteel The hated brony

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Blue2
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

So are we all supposed to go to her rescue and meet up?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BrightSteel
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BrightSteel The hated brony

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So are we all supposed to go to her rescue and meet up?

That's how the story arc starts yes. Feel free to add whatever details you like. Such as your ship, what you were doing, etc.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BrightSteel
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BrightSteel The hated brony

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The discord link is back up so everyone who joined the RP get in the group so we can all talk.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Drakey
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Drakey The Best Dragon

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Mikhail's Backstory

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BrightSteel
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BrightSteel The hated brony

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Just you and one more need to post. After you all meet stuff gets more interesting hahahah.

Moving on without those who don't post Tuesday around noonish.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Blue2
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@BrightSteel How fast does communication travel? And what'a the top speed for ships?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BrightSteel
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BrightSteel The hated brony

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@BrightSteel How fast does communication travel? And what'a the top speed for ships?

Ships are capable of faster than light travel, as well as quantum entanglement (however extremely expensive. communications are for the most part instantaneous unless your sending a message across the Galaxy. You can make it to the girl and send her a message no problem if that's what your wondering. Join the discord using the link at the to of the page.
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