What is this?
It's going to be a My Hero Academia (MHA) RP. At least one that makes use of the setting and terminologies within the MHA universe. We'll be staying away from canon characters.
What makes this different from other MHA RPs?
Well, I'm not really sure what they're plotting or what they have in store for their participants. As far as this RP goes, I'll be staying away from the whole high school setting. Or at least won't be fully focusing on that type of general environment. It'll be more similar to the idea of an apprenticeship or internship with some field training mixed into it.
What do you mean by internship/apprenticeship?
I'll initially just take in a few participants and their characters will be assigned to mentors who'll be in charge of teaching them on how to be a hero. Personally, trying to maintain a proper school-setting is a tad difficult for me, hence I went this route. For now, the story will be mission-based with time skips in between to help with improvement and skill progression for everyone's quirks.
You mentioned limited slots for the RP. How many exactly?
Let's go with at least three (3) and at most probably (6). Will be going with quality over quantity here. If the RP goes well, we can definitely get some more participants.
What do you expect from those who would wanna join this RP?
RPing etiquette, I guess. As far as how regular posts and updates are going to be, that'll depend on how often everyone posts. Personally,
I won't be strict since I know how real life and procrastination gets in the way. Once a week would probably the minimum? My goal would be a long standing RP and not necessarily one that has everyone posting each and everyday. Although that would be fun, I'd still prefer an RP and a story that lasts and actually progresses.
Last words from me?
Questions are more than appreciated and if interest builds up, we can get things started.