Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Luna Amore
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Luna Amore

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Happy that Harley had liked her idea, Natalia turned around and began walking out of the classroom.

"See you tomorrow Ms. Maeda", said the studious girl before exiting the laboratory. "See you tomorrow Ms. Saint Claire and Ms. Whitfield", uttered the teacher with an almost imperceptible smile on her visage.

Arriving at her locker, the blonde-haired girl opened the small compartment and put her white coat inside of it.

She closed the narrow storage place and looked at the cowgirl. "Now we can go to the Media Center to work on our Chemistry homework!"

"Certainly, Ms. Lewis", said Sebastian as he gently removed Samuel from the arms of Helena and Amelia and placed the boy inside the car.

Placing her kind gaze on the red-haired girl, Grace explained. "Thank you for your concern, my dear girl! I called the family doctor before coming here. He is on his way to Sammy's house as we speak."

"Nanna Grace", Amelia expressed in a soft voice. "Can I come with you?". The green-eyed girl paused for a moment and looked at her cousin inside the automobile. "I want to help you take care of Sammy."

"Of course, Ame", the old woman replied. "You are worried about him, aren't you?", she asked with a sweet expression on her face.

Nodding her head in response, the black haired girl said. "Sammy looks very sick and I want to help him get better."

Amelia shifter her gaze from her cousin to the skater girl beside her. "Thank you so much for all your help, Helena!", expressed with gratitude the glasses-wearing girl.

"And thank you for the conversation earlier." A soft smile appeared on the black-haired girl's face. "Maybe...mmm....maybe we can talk again some other time."

The green-eyed girl waved goodbye to the red-haired girl as she and Grace got inside the car.

"Sebastian... take us to the house, please", instructed the old woman with urgency to the driver. "The doctor must be there already."

"And you are late as always", said Thomas as Madison walked towards him. "So did you bring what you owed me?"

"Yes, Tommy I did." Madison knew how much he hated for her to call him like that.

"It was so much easier when we were younger. A kiss and a..." Looking at his crotch, the pink-haired continued. " blow was enough payment for you."

The image of a young freshman boy appeared on the green-eyed girl's mind.

"When did you become all about money, Tommy boy?", Madison asked with a devilish grin on her face.

"Thomas, Madison", said the blue-eyed boy in a serious tone. "It is Thomas now!"

Lifting up the pink-haired girl's chin, he looked straight into Madison's eyes. "I still enjoy those...but cold cash is more convenient for me now..." He leaned forward a gave her a seductive kiss.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flightless_Soul
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Flightless_Soul The Lusty Argonian

Member Seen 12 mos ago

@Luna Amore

"Oh...yaaay. Homework. Yippee." Harley's reply was more or less lackluster. Yes, she was all for hanging out with Nat, but she knew next to nothing about chemistry, or why she had to study it. It's not like she was gonna make some groundbreaking discovery in the world or science, or build the world's first atomic alarm clock or something. Man, that sounds like something in Fallout! She giggled in her mind. Well...I could use some help with homework, and Natalia's a dadgum genius compared to me... Yeah, why not!

"Well...alright then, partner! Let's get going!" She gave a bright smile as she took Natalia's hand.


"Oh, and what about that little girl you were talking with in the hallway at school?"

"Amelia? What about her?"

"Don't you think she could use a friend?"

"Y-yeah, but...she's already got one, and she's a total bitch."

"Well, why don't you be her friend too? She could use a friend like you."

"Pft! Yeah, whatever. A druggie with anger issues. Perfect friend material."

Why...? Why does she need a friend like me? Why...mom?

"Yeah, that would uh...that would be cool, Amelia. See ya around. Oh and...hope your cousin gets well. Bye..."

Waving goodbye to the nerdy girl, Helena stood there in the school parking lot, watching as their expensive car drove away. She sighed, lowering her head to the pavement beneath her feet, lost in thought.

She's got money, and that nanny of hers... I don't know why she would want a friend like me.

"Shit!" Suddenly she jumped, feeling a hand pat her on the shoulder.

Mr. Felton stepped backwards with a light chuckle, "Whoa! Sorry there, Helena. I didn't mean to startle you. Is everything okay?"

"Um...yeah." Helena answered with a whisper. "Everything's cool, Lou. What's up?"

Louis's brow furrowed. "Well, I was hoping we could talk. You haven't been showing up to class lately, and the teachers and I are worried about you."

"Pft! Please..." Helena scoffed rolling her eyes. "Half the fucking school's probably happy I'm ditching. Like they ever wanted to put up with me. Who cares?"

"We do, Helena." Felton answered sincerely with a serious look towards her. "As do some of the students. Jason has been wondering about-"

"Jason?" Helena cut in, her voice a tad higher than before...and a tad angrier. Her eyes narrowed at Louis. "Now I know you're lying!"

"Okay, okay..." Sensing her hostility, Louis held up his hands in defense. "I'm guessing you and Jason are on...uneven water right now, but he did ask where you were."

"Whatever..." Helena grumbled as she passed up Felton to grab her board nearby. Throwing it down on the ground, she set her foot on it, her eyes turned toward the empty street and away from the old hipster. "I'll believe it when I see it. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go home and medicate." She pushed her foot off the pavement and started skating away.

"Helena wait!" Mr. Felton called after her. Helena stopped and turned around. He resumed with a concerned look in his eyes, "Listen... If you ever need to talk about anything, I mean anything. It doesn't even have to be school related. I'm always here." Warmly he smiled.

"Uh...ok. Thanks, Lou." Helena replied softly. "Hey, just wondering though. Who was that you were on the phone with earlier."

Felton's smile faded. He sighed rubbing the back of his head, "That was uh... That was my brother. He's...well...for lack of a better word, he's into some bad shit right now." He paused a moment to grin. "Sorry you had to hear a teacher curse."

Helena shrugged returning the grin, "What? Like I ain't got the mouth of a sailor?"

"Heh...true." Louis chuckled, but again he frowned. "I'm just hoping maybe I can pull him out of it, but he's getting too erratic. He even threatened Sarah, which I won't put up with." He sighed deeply. "If I have to...I'll just have to let the cops deal with him. I don't like it, but he needs to learn..."

"Well..." Helena patted him on the shoulder. "You just do what you have to, brah. I really hope this guy doesn't decide to come after you. I mean you are the only cool teacher around here." She smiled softly at him.

Louis returned the smile. "Thanks, Helena. Frankly I'm more worried about my wife and son than I am me. Anyways, I should probably get back to the classroom. I'll be looking for you tomorrow if you don't show up, okay?" He grinned.

Helena laughed hopping back on her board, "Yeah yeah. I'll be there. Take it easy, Lou. Bye." She skated away, out of the parking lot and down the sidewalk. As she rolled along though, she decided to grab her phone and jam to some music....only to find she had a missed call along with a voucemail.

Shit...this better not be who I think it is...

With a scowl, she brought her board to a halt and listened. Sure enough, it was him.

"Hey, Hel. You remember that money you owed me? I think I got a way you can pay it back. Gimme a call when you get this message."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sewer Rat
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Sewer Rat Friendly Neighborhood Lurker

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"You son of a bitch, you told me she was 21 years old!" Sheldon, the fucking douchbag

"Yes I did, she had been old for 21 years, duh!"

Sheldon growled and ran toward him truing to punch him, landing a blow on his chest.(going to edit more but Im busy)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Luna Amore
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Luna Amore

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Running hand in hand, Natalia and Harley stopped outside the Media Center. "Let's step inside!", said the blonde-haired girl opening the door for her friend.

The petite girl waited for the cowgirl to walk in first and then she proceeded to enter the elegant and modern room as well.

"I guess I will be needing this...", thought Natalia to herself. Opening her handbag, she pulled out her Hello Kitty wallet.

The blue-eyed girl sauntered towards the library counter. "Could we use a collaborative study room, please?", asked the studious girl to the young library assistant.

"Sure!", replied the green-eyed woman with her hair tied in a bun. "I'll need your student ID card".

Natalia pulled out the ID card from her wallet and gave it to the nice-looking woman.

"Just a minute...", explained the brown-haired assistant to the student as she typed some information into her computer. Returning the ID card to the blonde-haired girl, the librarian uttered. "Please go to study room B1. Everything is ready for you now."

"Thank you!", said the blue-eyed girl with a smile on her face as she placed her ID card back in its place.

Putting her wallet inside her handbag, she walked back to where Harley was standing. "Come on study buddy, we only have 25 minutes left to finish our homework!".

Pulling back softly from the kiss, Thomas looked at Madison and with an alluring voice said. "Now, where is my money?"

"Wow!", exclaimed the pink-haired girl in amazed satisfaction as she grabbed her wallet. "You have really become a great kisser, Tommy boy!!".

"Well...I had an excellent teacher", explained the black-haired boy as he remembered how nervous he had felt when Madison gave him his first kiss ever back when they were freshmen.

"Here you go", uttered the green-eyed girl holding out the money for the boy to take it. "The four hundred dollars I owed you."

"Thank you", said the tall boy as he counted the money. "Is there any more work for me?", asked the black-haired boy with an enticing grin on his visage.

"You know there is", answered Madison as she got closer to the blue-eyed with a mischievous smile. "But...can we have a little fun first...before we talk business?", inquired the pink-haired girl looking up to Thomas' eyes.

"I guess we could", answered the boy passionately kissing the girl's lips as his hands began to caress her shapely body.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flightless_Soul
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Flightless_Soul The Lusty Argonian

Member Seen 12 mos ago

@Luna Amore

Wow...this place was so huge, Harley thought, eyes as wide as a full moon, her jaw nearly touching the tips of her boots. Back in her old school, a library was just a few shelves, a table with chairs, and maybe one desktop computer you were lucky to get a hold of before another student. She couldn't believe her eyes seeing how massive this place was. It just went to show her how life in a big city was gonna be.

Admittedly, it was a little scary for the small town Texas girl, but at least Nat was there to show her the ropes.

Taking her friend by the hand once more, they walked into the study room. She was still in a bit of shock, but managed to get a hold of herself.

She sat down at the table, setting her Fallout Vault 111 backpack to the side and pulling out her textbooks and laptop.

"Alrighty then!" A confident smile was plastered on her face, but ever slowly it faded. "Let's....umm...Nat?" She sighed. "I'm gonna be straightforward. I'm dumber than a sack of hammers when it comes to math and science. I'm more into cameras than I am chemical equations really. Do uh...do you think you can help me?" It felt embarassing of her to ask, as given by the redness of her cheeks.


Helena, she merely stared at her phone, a thousand thoughts racing through her mind. Darren was hardcore, unlike her. There was no telling what this special job would entail. Would she be doing shit she never wanted to? Would she end up killing someone? Or worse, would it end up with her being killed...or something even morw fucked up? On the other hand, she wouldn't have to worry about owing Darren anything.

Her palms sweated, her throat was dry. She felt sick to her stomach. What would she do...?

She made her decision.

"Fuck it."

Voicemail deleted

"I don't owe you shit!"

Tapping on her phone rather hastily, she skimmed through her contacts...until she found the number she was looking for.

Why did she keep his number all this time, she wondered. After all he had caused her, all the shit he put her through just by abandoning her.... But maybe...maybe he didn't.

She hesitated at first, but her thumb fell upon the number...and her phone rang.

"Hey...Jason? It's me... Could...could you meet me at the skatepark today? I...we need to chat... See ya..."

"As do some of the students. Jason has been wondering about-"

"Jason? Now I know you're lying!"

"Okay, okay...I'm guessing you and Jason are on...uneven water right now, but he did ask where you were."

"Whatever... I'll believe it when I see it..."

I guess by blowing Darren off, I've pretty much signed a death warrant. I better make peace with this world before I leave it then.

Shoving her phone in her pocket, she pushed her board onward to the skatepark.

After all these years, I doubt he still cares. Oh well, we'll just have to wait and see.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Luna Amore
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Luna Amore

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Natalia stepped into the collaborative study room and placed her handbag on the table in front of the large computer monitor.

The blond-haired girl listened to her friend with attention as she turned the monitor on.

"Of course!", said the petite girl with kindness. "I would love to help you, Harley..." She paused for a moment, her voice becoming softer. "And you are not dumb...you are smart!" The blue-eyed girl continued as she walked to the other side of the room. "...it is just you have not had the right Math and Science teachers yet..."

Standing in front of a closed wooden cabinet, Natalia turned around and looked at the cowgirl with a sweet smile on her face. "I will show you that you can be as smart as a whip!"

She opened the upper cabinet doors. Inside was a smart TV and two whiteboards on the sides of the doors. Kneeling down on the floor, the petite girl opened the lower cabinet doors. "I guess you won't be needing one since you have your laptop with you."

The blue-eyed girl took out a red leather case and a small plastic toolbox. Carrying the leather case with one hand, while the other hand was holding the box, she strolled back to the table where she had left her handbag.

Placing the toolbox on the table, Natalia unfastened the leather case. Inside of it, there was a 12.9-inch iPad Pro with a mini keyboard. She turned on the iPad and left the device next to the toolbox.

The blonde-haired girl rapidly connected some cables and pressed some buttons so that the iPad was connected to the monitor. In a matter of seconds, the images on the iPad screen were projected on the large monitor as well.

Once that was taken care of, the petite girl opened the toolbox. Inside the box were a variety of stationery items: index cars, colored pencils, colored markers, post-Its, whiteboard markers, whiteboard erasers, etc.

The studious girl took a blue marker and wrote their Chemistry assignment on the whiteboard. Finally sitting down, she placed the iPad in front of her.

"Okay...now we are ready to begin", the blue-eyed girl expressed as she looked at her study buddy.

After P.E., Jason went to his private gym locker room to freshen up. The brown-haired boy was taking a quick shower when he heard his cell phone ringing.

"It must be Madison...", he said softly. "She can't live without me..."

Stepping out of the shower with a towel around his waist, he took his cell phone and checked the missed call.

"Lena!", said the basketball boy with a shocked look on his visage. It was extremely rare for Lena to call him on his cell phone.

Even though they were not as close as before, Jason still cared deeply for Helena...for his Lena.

He had been there at the cemetery when Helena's mom was buried. From the top of a nearby hill, Jason had observed how the red-haired girl was breaking up in front of him. He had wanted to run by Helena's side and consoled her, but he had never been good at this kind of situations. He did not know what was the right thing to say or the right thing to do. But...it had been his sheer fear of hurting Helena even more what had prevented him to be by Helena's side when his dear friend needed him the most.

He did not sleep a wink on the night after Helena's mom funeral. The brown-haired boy had spent all night cursing himself because of his impuissance and had made the solemn promise to always look after Lena from the shadows like a guardian angel would do it.

Knowing how proud Helena was, Jason knew the red-haired would never accept his help if he were to offer it to her just like that. So he cautiously acted behind the curtains.

When Helena's father lost his job because of his drinking habit, Jason got extremely worried that Helena would stop going to school. The tall boy knew of the dire financial situation Helena's father had put him and his daughter in and he also knew what that meant. Without a job and with the little money that they had, Helena's father was not going to be able to afford such an expensive private school.

He immediately talked with his parents and arranged a way for Helena to stay at the school...even if that meant getting further away from Lena.

"Hey...Jason? It's me... Could...could you meet me at the skatepark today? I...we need to chat... See ya..."

He stood with the phone on his hand and a thoughtful expression on his visage after hearing the red-haired girl's message. Taking a deep breath, Jason put his clean clothes as fast as he could.

Throwing his backpack over his shoulder, he strode out of the room and headed to the skatepark.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Alisdragon911
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Roxanne notices two guys fighting over a girl. She is looking for her cousin Kat. “You two break it up, there are plenty of sexy women in this darn place.” She says a bit piss that they could not get a grip.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sewer Rat
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Sewer Rat Friendly Neighborhood Lurker

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Looking up, the unidentified man, old enough to be a senior, but is a teacher, wearing a Hello, my name ia tablet, faded. "Hello, oh no, I'm not legaly allowed to touch any students, something about underage shit... Speaking of touching students.." He grabbed Sheldons arm and threw him over his shoulder, " See you in class," He said winking at him, walking away.

When he reached his car he noticed his keys and wallet were stolen, grimanceing, he stromed all the way back to the circle, "All right asshole, give back my shit or going to see Jesus!" He said, shoveing Sheldon
"You really think I have on me? Ha! My boy's have it right now," Spitting on his face. The teacher threw him toward a wall. "Tell me where the hell it is now!" Sheldon, now spiting blood muffled out, "City libary."

The teacher had to walk the whole way, seeing the faded letters of the libary, he looked up to see boy's on the roof, "Hey! Give back my shit or I will- I will give ypu F's," He muttered under his breath " I ran put of threats."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Flightless_Soul
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Flightless_Soul The Lusty Argonian

Member Seen 12 mos ago

@Luna Amore

Dadgum...! I swear this girl's a guardian angel or somethin'!

Harley blinked for a moment, astounded beyond all measure. She thought she'd have to slap herself silly just to get out of the trance she was in. It was amazing, almost too amazing to believe how much this girl Natalia had stepped up to help her, and this was only her first day here.


No...not yet. Maybe after the trip to the park. I still need to call mama tonight and see how Jack's doin'.

However...she wouldn't be expecting any good news. Firing up her laptop, she flipped open her textbook and turned it to the page Nat wrote on the whiteboard. All the while, she smiled at the blonde, but she had forgotten something.

When her laptop kicked on, she quickly noticed she forgot to change her background and hurriedly slammed it shut with a sharp gasp.

"Ah...um...sorry, Nat! It was a spider!" A nervous grin she isssued, her face white as a ghost.

Spider, sure, that was a good excuse. She didn't want Natalia to see it, her background.

...the picture of her and her brother, the one her mama took before Jack was shipped out to Afghanistan.

Carefully, Harley peeled back the screen of her laptop. She hoped that stupid move didn't just fry it. Thankfully no. She quickly clicked on her notepad, so as not to see that picture, and pretended to brush away the supposed dead spider.

There were a few kids hanging around, a bunch of posers from the looks of their Thrasher shirts and their cheap ass Walmart boards. One of the kids even brought a fucking Ripstick to the park. It took all Helena had to choke back a gut laugh. She doubted half those little punks have ever broken teeth or bones on those boards. God knows she has.

Eventually those posers left, but not before Helena shot them a glare that said, Beat it, you pussies! At last, she was alone.

She looked around. Jason hadn't shown up yet. Honestly, she doubted he would...

Not when he has that succubus to suck his dick all day...

With a sigh, she slipped in her earbuds and put on some music, and then, she just let her board go wherever.


Here, she had no care at all. No dad, no Darren, nothing. It was just her and the pavement. She went up a ramp, popping her board into a stalefish then came down going towards a rail. Her board popped up again doing an ollie onto the rail, which she 50/50'd in one fluid motion. More or less just showing off even though virtually nobody was around. But skating, if you asked her, it was a high better than what drugs could give. To feel the wind hitting your face, the sound of the trucks grinding a rail or the wheels rolling across concrete, it was damn right euphoric to Helena, and it just erased all her worries, all her demons.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Alisdragon911
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Roxanne sighs and wonders which class does this teacher teaches. She looks at the guy spitting up blood and follows the teacher to the city library. Roxanne is thinking that is not how to get your stuff back. She climbs a ladder to the roof and punches one of the guys in the stomach.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sewer Rat
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Sewer Rat Friendly Neighborhood Lurker

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Surprised at the girl for both following him and punching the guy, he was frozen for that second, thinking for that second, Why is she helping him?
Will she find the water bottle thats not really water? Why the hell am I thinking!?
. Finally shakeing into reality he grabbed a near by rock and narrowed his eyes for a minute. Then finally throwing the rock, hitting the boy with his things in the head accurately, drawing blood. Meanwhile, the boy punched in the stomach was trying to grab the girl, "Fucking- spider-monkey!" Taking a grab for her hands.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Alisdragon911
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Roxanne did not noticed the water bottle as she has her own problems at the moment. The guy grabs one of her arms, she kicks him in the nuts to shake him off of her. She did not know if this guy is going to pull a weapon on her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sewer Rat
Avatar of Sewer Rat

Sewer Rat Friendly Neighborhood Lurker

Member Seen 12 mos ago

The guy with the keys and wallet fell, while the last guy was still struggleing. The boy fell on his back, he is not dead, but exteremly hurt. The teacher ran up to the boy, hearong loud noises once near, taking thwm he yelled at the women, " Hey kid! Get out of there, I've got my things."

The boy was still makig a grab, when he felt a pain in his crouch he lowered himself and layed down on the roof.

Tape 0YJ016 0546 Date deleted T-A

T: So let's talk about how many you have.
5-second interval
A: What do you mean?
T: You know what I mean.
12 second interval
A: I just have no idea how many.. maybe I have more than the five, or it's juat the five..
T: Can you tell me who are the five?
7 second interval
T: How about tell me just one.
4 second interval
A: Well his name is Orbstro, he's he agreasive one, he tricks people, twists words, gets into fights dor the fun of it.
T:How does he appear?
A: I'm tired, can I go?
T: Once you finish this question, you job.. how is it?
A: What job? I got fired because some stupid asshole told the dean that I had this thing...
T: Are yoy going to reapply?
15 second interval
T: Very well, let us suspend.
End Tape 0YJ016
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Luna Amore
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Luna Amore

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"A spider?", thought Natalia to herself with a puzzled expression on her visage. "That was no spider I am sure of it". Harley's face being so pale confirmed the blue-eyed girl's suspicion, her friend was hiding something from her.

A deep sigh escaped the blonde-haired girl's rosy lips. "I know I told you this before..." Her voice sounded sad and a little bit disappointed. "But...I don't like to pry into a person's secrets. I rather patiently wait until the person is ready to share that personal information with me."

She took a deep breath and continued. "Harley...I will patiently wait until you feel completely prepared to tell me about it...which I have a feeling it is related to the phone call you received earlier and with the "spider"...you just killed."

Natalia shifted her gaze from the cowgirl to the iPad's screen. "The Steps of the Scientific Method", the petite girl typed on the small keyboard. She quickly looked for the links containing the best information on the topic. Videos, images, texts, and e-books suddenly appeared on the large monitor. With every one of those learning aids, the studious girl explained each one of the steps of the scientific method to her friend.

The blue-eyed girl would take turns between tutoring her friend and doing the Chemistry homework. Once she finished writing her paper, she checked it to make sure the assignment was properly done and send it to be printed.

Getting up from her chair, the blonde-haired girl walked towards the table under the monitor. She removed her assignment from the printer and looked at her friend with kindness in her eyes. "Are you ready to print your paper, Harley?",

"Nice tricks, Lena!", shouted Jason just a few steps away from the skatepark. "Come on girl show me what you got!", he continued in a half-teasing and half-proud tone.

He felt proud of how good Helena had gotten at skateboarding during the past few months, gone was the little girl wearing a helmet, knee pads, and all kind of protective gear. With a nostalgic smile on his face, he remembered the image of Helena when she just started skateboarding.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Flightless_Soul
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Flightless_Soul The Lusty Argonian

Member Seen 12 mos ago

@Luna Amore


She was like an open book to her friend, it seemed. No way of hiding. No way of dodging. Harley felt her gut wrench with those very few words she spoke, her palms sweat, her mouth feeling like she had swallowed sand. Sooner or later, Natalia was gonna pry the truth from her...

So why bother hiding it anymore.

Despite a few hiccups, their study session had gone well. Harley knew alot more now than she did about the scientific method, thanks to all those videos and articles Nat pulled up. It really helped her alot, and the cowgirl was thankful for that, but still...she was troubled.

When asked if she wanted to print her paper, she merely sighed and bowed her head closing her eyes.

Dear God...give me the strength to get through this please...

"Hey...Natalia?" She lifted her head to meet the blonde standing by the printer. Her voice...it was quiet as a mouse and shook with sadness. "You...you were right. It wasn't a spider... I'm...sorry I lied to you again. I can't hold onto it anymore."

She took a deep breath before resuming.

"That phone call I got earlier. That was my mama. She...well...she was calling to check up on me, and...tell me about my brother.
He's...he's not doing to well."

The tears...she was fighting them with everything she had, Harley, but one slipped as she opened her laptop and showed Natalia...the picture.

"This is him, my big brother Jack. He's gonna be turning 26 next July...that is...if he makes it till then. He was in the Marines, always wanted to be a soldier when he grew up. I don't know why, really. I guess...cause he wanted to protect me and mama and daddy. He was over there for about two years when...when his humvee got blown up and all his buddies got killed. Jack survived, but now...now he's in a coma...and...and the doctors are saying...he ain't ever gonna wake up!"

That did it for her. How embarassing it was to her, to fall apart like this in front of a sweet young girl like Natalia, but Harley's face fell into the desk...and she cried every single tear she was holding back.

"Nice tricks, Lena!"

It couldn't be...

Helena's heart skipped a beat in her chest upon hearing such a familiar voice yet again. Her face turned nearly stark white, her eyes almost bulging out of her skull with how wide they grew.

Slowly, she picked up her board and turned around. There he was.

Not a word she said though, completely silent, in shock that he actually decided to show up. If the old Helena was standing here, she would have immediately run to him with a big smile on her face. Jumped right into the air and threw her arms around him, tackling him to the ground laughing with joy. But sadly...that Helena was dead and buried, beside her mom's grave at that fucking cemetery, the day of the funeral.

Now...there was only her left.

Helena looked at him for a moment, then sighed beraking her long silence.

"So...what took you so long?" She muttered, albeit a tad bitter.

What did take him so long? So long to show that he probably did still care for her, eventhough he had Madison and all his basketball bros? So long to show that maybe...he was sorry for abandoning her, for throwing her to the wolves like he did?
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sewer Rat
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Sewer Rat Friendly Neighborhood Lurker

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Simon Southerlen

Sitting on a round table outside the local bakery, sipping a black coffee next to a blueberry muffin, Simon had been thinking about that day.

"Hey there buddy boy!" Said a bald stranger from across looking up from his food he saw him, Simon only waved at the man friendly though he had no idea who he was.The man looked surprised, disappointed even." You don't remember me?" Simon only shook his head, maybe this guy was crazy...He dealt with crazy people before, after all, he is talking with him across the street." It's me! Uncle Sammy?"

It took him a millisecond to soak it in, This is Uncle Sammy? The one taking care of me?

Simon ushered him to come closer he didn't want to talk to him like this..

He wasn't the fittest of men, but he was a good runner, he jolted across the street and met with him across a fence barricading the outside part of the shop to the sidewalk, panting." So.." catching his breath every word, " How are you Simon?"

Aw crap! Did Sam know he was mute? He had to know.... Simon brushed crumbs off his shirt and signed, Fine, do you..?

"Yes I know that your whatca' ma' call it." Not wanting to say mute.

[color=ff200] Great.[/color] His face lit up, [color=ff200] I will so you at the house after I'm done with this..[/color]

The man smiled at walked off, " Bye Si.."

As Sam was gone Simon's face dropped, he was frustrated that people think he was going to be offended by saying 'mute' just say it! He would say that...but...

He just sighed and left his table, unsatisfied with the end of this.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Alisdragon911
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Roxanne sighs as she is not a kid, she climbs down the ladder guessing the teacher did not want to talk to her or stick around for the police to show up either. She walks away quickly guessing she go back to school as she is walking she text her cousin.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Luna Amore
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Luna Amore

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Natalia stood next to the printer listening with great attention to Harley was saying. The blonde-haired girl had a feeling that whatever was that was troubling the cowgirl was something serious, but she had not expected for the situation to be that serious.

The more the blue-eyed girl learned about the circumstances surrounding the brown-haired girl's brother, the more her heart ached.

With tears in her eyes, the petite girl placed her paper on the table and walked towards her friend. She wrapped her arms around the cowgirl's frame.

"Thank you...", said Natalia with a soft and warm voice as tears began rolling down her cheeks. "Thank you for opening your heart to me...", she uttered between sobs. "Thank you for being so brave...". Gently pressing her arms around Harley, the blond-haired girl continued. "but...you are not alone...not anymore...I am here for you..."

"I was freshening up just for you my lady...", answered Jason in a teasing way. He had noticed a bit of resentment in Helena's voice and hoped to light up her mood by teasing her.

The brown-haired boy had always been good at the detecting even the smallest changes in her childhood friend's behavior.

Standing in front of the skater girl, the tall boy raised his eyebrows and asked: "Unless you would have preferred me all sweaty and musky?

With her back against the wall and with her arms around Thomas' neck, Madison continued French kissing the black haired boy.

"Enough fun for today...", said the blue-eyed boy as he gently pulled away from the pink-haired girl's lips.

Slowly removing his right hand from the green-eyed girl's breasts, he freed the end part of his arm from underneath the girl's tank top.

The tall boy carefully walked backwards to the wall across from where Madison was standing. "Now...tell me what is my task for this week?"

Opening her eyes slowly, the pink-haired girl expressed with blissfulness. "Who would have thought that such a shy boy back then would turn into such an amazing lover?"

"You taught me well", uttered Thomas with a smirk on his visage. "But now...let's get down to business", straightforwardly demanded the tall boy.

"I need you to find me some information about Mr. Felton", indicated Madison as she fixed her short sleeveless shirt. "...and I need you to take care of all my assignments for this week as well."

Lifting up her gaze from her tank top to the boy standing across from her, she proceeded. "I will WhatsApp you my homework for today after school."

A half-suppressed laugh escaped from the tall boy's mouth. "So I guess he is the new "Mr. Collins".

Realizing what Thomas was referring to, the pink-haired girl defended herself.

"It was not my fault that James got himself fired", explained Madison with a fake innocent-girl expression on her face. "He should have been more careful and not let his wife find out about us".

She paused for a moment and continued. "It was not my fault that he didn't clean the collar of his shirts or that he did not protect his cell phone with a stronger password."

"You have not changed a bit...", said Thomas in half-sarcastic and half-sorry tone. "I will contact you when I find something interesting about your new teacher toy", said Thomas walking out of the cleaning-supplies room.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flightless_Soul
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Flightless_Soul The Lusty Argonian

Member Seen 12 mos ago

@Luna Amore

Feeling the blonde wrap her arms around her, it brought even more tears to the cowgirl's eyes. But these were not tears of sorrow Harley shed. "Thanks...Natalia.." She whimpered, letting herself be held. It was hard enough having to leave her family back in Texas, feeling alone and lost in a big city like this. Jack's turmoil, it was another heavy burden to bear. "Thank you...for everything..."

With a soft smile to her dear friend, she gently removed herself from Natalia's arms and stood up, drying her eyes. "I...I probably shouldn't spend all day blubberin' though. Jack wouldn't want that. Thanks Nat. I'm really glad I have a friend like you. Don't know what I'd do if you didn't come along."

Helena's look remained indifferent for a bit, but slowly, a small smile crept across her lips. She had to admit, eventhough he was Mr. Popular at school now, Jason was still a little goofball.

She chuckled slightly, "Heh... So Prince Charming gets all dolled up for his date with the Wicked Witch. Dunno why you went through the trouble, man. I still smell like a beer joint." She would admit she too would have gone home and cleaned up...if she cared enough. It seemed after everything, she just lost all resolve. "Anyways..." She sighed, her smile fading. "I...didn't think you were gonna show up..."

It was quiet in his classroom, but rather than burn up the last of his phone's battery life by streaming music, Louis decided to contend with the quiet while he graded assignments. Normally, seeing the amazing work of his students brought joy and a comforting warmth to his heart, but alas, he was troubled...deeply, by his brother's words over the phone. His last conversation with Darren, it echoed still in his ears, causing him to shut his eyes with a slight shiver.

"I know you fucking have it, Louie! Either you pay up, or I'll fuck you up! You and your bitch wife! You fucking hear me, camera boy!"

"I'm warning you, little brother. If you come around my family causing trouble, I will call the police."

"And what the fuck are they gonna do? Arrest me?"

"Yes, they will arrest you, and then maybe you'll learn your lesson and get cleaned up."

"HA! FUCK! YOU! LOUIE! You always were a little bitch! Never wanted to face your problems head on! Always wanted to run from them and hide behind your little fucking blanket! No wonder dad thought you were a little pussy!"

"I have to go now. Tell mom I said hi."

This ain't over, Lou! You better have that fucking money, or-"


He sighed, ruffling his hands through his hair.

Darren can't possibly know about...no.. No...he's just trying to exploit me for more money. That's all.

There was a lump forming in his throat. He choked it down...looking over at his phone.

I should give Sarah a call...see if everything's okay.

Parked outside a rather elegant looking apartment building in Manhattan, Darren sat and watched as the people went in and out through the revolving doors. He took a short hit off his meth pipe, a chill going over his body as the drugs seeped into his lips and tainted him.

Not long, he saw a beautiful, brunette woman strolling down the sidewalk with another. She, the brunette, looked to be around maybe three to four months pregnant. Darren wasn't a fucking doctor, so how could he tell?

He waited until the two women hugged and said their goodbyes and the pregnant woman walked into the building, then he fired up his car and drove off, but not before leaving his worthless lackey a heated text.

Sent to: Helena:

"Yo, why the fuck ain't you answering my call? You fucking flaking on me, bitch?!"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Luna Amore
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Luna Amore

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"You mean... if you hadn't bumped into my nose", said Natalia with a soft laugh as she dried the tears from her face gently with her hand.

The blonde-haired girl looked at the clock on the wall. 10:56 was the time showing on the wooden timepiece.

"Send me your paper right now, Harley!", requested the blue-eyed girl with urgency. "We only have four more minutes left before our next class!"

As she ran towards the printer, the petite girl asked. "By the way...what class do you have next?"

Jason still had it, the magic power to make Helena laugh. Even if the smile and the laugh were short-lived, it was wonderful to see them again on the red-haired girl's face.

"Wicked Witch?", said the tall boy with a puzzled look on his visage. "You are no wicked witch", he denied it by shaking his head.

"If anything you are an enchanted princess." The brown-haired boy bowed and scraped before the skater girl. He closed his eyes and lowered his head as he softly moved his right arm to his chest and his left arm away from his frame. "And here is your Prince Charming..." Jason paused for a brief moment before continuing with a very gentleman-like voice. "...who has come to help you break the evil spell that befell you."
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