Name: Reron Swordbreaker
Age: 40
Sex: Male
Race: Orc
Class: Warrior
Equipment and Gear: A single massive Battle axe that is coated in the blood of various demons. A mixed set of battle armor taken from the various enemies that he has gone against and beaten over the years. A small number of healing potions. A small photograph of his parents and another one of an Orc female
History: Reron's story is a long and somewhat tragic one. From a young age, he found the life of a farmer boring and at the first opportunity he had, he joined the Horde. Despite being raised as a farmer, he found that a life of nearly constant battle was a dream come true for the young Orc who excelled at combat. As the years went by, more and more enemies of the Horde found themselves on the business end of his Battle axe. More years passed by and he eventually found himself fighting new foes among the shattered land of Outland. His weapon tasted the blood of many demons and eventually, he found himself able to return home once his part in the campaign was deemed finished. After the journey back to Azeroth he returned home, eager to tell his mother and father of his battles against the various foes in Outland and found his home deserted. After asking around, he found that his mother and father had died of natural causes.
He had missed them by only a week.
It was shortly after that Reron changed. The thrill of battle no longer brought him as much joy as it once had. He barely had time to mourn his parents when the Horde demanded his services once again, this time in the Frozen North of Northrend. Once again, Reron found himself fighting for the Horde. His axe claimed many of the undead servants of the Lich King. Among the battlefields of Northrend, he often found himself battling alongside a female Orc Shaman by the name of Elinda. The two became fast friends during the Northrend campaign and Reron formed a healthy respect for her. It was then that the two found themselves at the Wrathgate.
The two found themselves fighting back to back against the undead and Reron was able to save Elinda a number of times with the Shaman returning the favor a few times. It was then that the Lich King appeared. For a brief moment, Reron thought that battle was over. Many of the undead had been killed and although Dranosh Saurfang was killed, he thought for a moment they could claim victory.
It was at that moment that Grand Apothecary Putress appeared and the battle turned into a massacre as Putress unleashed the plague on Horde, Alliance and undead alike. The last thing Reron remembered was seeing Elinda running towards him.
He awoke a number of days later at Warsong hold to find dozens of wounded warriors being treated and saw that Elinda was assisting with treating the wounded as well. It took nearly a week for Reron to get back on his feet but once he did, he found that the Lich King had been defeated. For a moment, Reron thought perhaps this was the end. That he wound no longer need to fight for the Horde. Once the Northrend Campaign was finished, Reron asked Elinda if she would like to see the family home. The female Orc agreed to return home with Reron. After a number of weeks, Reron and Elinda eventually fell in love with one another. A year later, Reron became a father as Elinda gave birth to their daughter, Rosan. Despite his past as a solder, Reron was able to provide a living for his family as a farmer as his parents had once been.
But his newfound happy life was not to last.
Deathwing the Destroyer had returned.
Reron once again found himself donning his armor and grabbing his Battle axe as Garrosh Hellscream, the new leader of the Horde issued a call to battle once again. Although Reron was mostly able to stay out of the fighting, he did see some heavy fighting in the stonetalon mountains under Overlord Krom'gar. Despite being among other hardened solders, Reron had found that he had lost his taste for battle. And he was disgusted when he saw what Krom'gar had done. The only satisfaction he got from his position was seeing Garrosh "deal" with Krom'gar. After the death of Krom'gar, Reron was finally able to return home but what he saw nearly broke his spirit and nearly shattered his mind.
The home he had made with Elinda and his daughter was nothing but a charred heap. The Orc nearly died that day as his despair threatened to overtake him. He later found out that a member of the Kor'kron had fought with his wife in the city and had been defeated by her Shaman abilities. Humiliated, the Kor'kron guard had returned with a number of allies for revenge and had burned the house to the ground after dispatching of Reron's wife. What happened to his daughter, he never found out. After finding the one who killed Elinda and brutally killing him, He made the decision to leave the Horde and become a Wanderer. Despite being pursued by various Horde agents, he was able to kill them and has been left alone. Despite sitting out the battles in Pandaria and Draenor, he realized that with the return of the Burning Legion, he would be needed once more.

Personality: Although Reron seems like a typical Orc, he doesn't enjoy fighting unless he has to. He's somewhat more compassionate then the average Orc and has a soft spot for women and children after what happened to his wife and daughter.