Name: Anton Johanesson
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Rank: First Lieutenant

Anton is 6"4, with a distinct beard and short shaven hair, dark brown in colour. He seems to be well built, with the right amount of physical ability to carry the gear and run the Pilot's gauntlet, proving himself capable. His takedowns are brutal, often using brute force rather than his Data Knife to make a point. He seems to be to the point, and simple to understand, both to please and anger, but shows a educated and thoughtful self out of the warzone. His accent is relatively Scandinavian, though it sounds more like a British one with time spent around members of the Militia.
He appears to wear relatively heavy armour for a Pilot (see picture), given his use of an LMG, A-Wall and other tools at his disposal, he'll be in the thick of it and need suitability, with reduced mobility. A bugeye Militia helmet, coupled with a jump-pack and other standard Pilot equipment round out his arsenal.
Special Recon Squadron, Battleaxe Fireteam
---Former Vinson Dynamics Security Team
Spitfire Mk2 LMG
--Holographic Optic
RE-45 Autopistol
-Red Dot Optic
MGL Mag Launcher
A-Wall Mobile Cover
--A portable particle wall. Of course, sometimes when you're wielding an LMG and an MGL, you might get unwanted attention. It's saved Anton's skin a few times, and provides protection from some light arms, fast enough for Anton to reply.
-Wrist mounted device that can make walls less scary, even with a jump pack on. It can make him versatile in a firefight, able to move quick and deploy fire fast, an antithesis to XT-0514.
Anton grew up in the Frontier, in a mining family that followed the trail for rare earth minerals, wherever it may have been. He recieved a relatively good upbringing, his parents showing him the merit of hard work, from a former Norwegian background back on Earth themselves. He chose however, not to go down the route of a Miner, and choose instead to work in security with the IMC. He received combat training at Vinson Dynamics as a Security Technician, but joined the Miltia's Marauder Corps as a Machinegunner in the opening rebellion upon realising the reality of how much the worlds of the Frontier were being screwed, entire planets virtually stripped to bits for their resources rather than places to live with humans who made it there for themselves, proving himself to hold his own in the firefights that followed.
Proving himself capable, he underwent training to become a Pilot through both VR and programmes in the Marauder Corps, and passed with distinction. In particular, he landed himself the command of XT-0514 through a trade and courier assignment completed for an Advocate, being charged and assigned this Legion-class war-dog to play with. And Anton did just that, landing in the SRS as a Corporal-equivalent.
Model: Legion-Class Titan
Predator Cannon
--20mm Rounds, from an eight-barrelled minigun, drum fed magazine chassis. The ting goes braap and will make you deaf without ear protection, so keep that in mind..
Designation: XT-0514
Nickname: (Black) Valkyrie
A standard, friendly old Legion-class Titan. Well, it's a former IMC one, so it hasn't entirely been repainted in friendly colours, predominantly matt black/navy blue, with a few bright yellow (not faded) streaks of Militia-friendly marking to just put it clear that this isn't a full IMC tool. This is a war machine through and through, with a decal of a Valkyrie, from Norse mythology painted on the "head" of the titan's frame. The innards are super comfy too, given this is a war machine that Anton actually looks after. Everything is clean and practical, but the pilot's seat has blue suede. Of all things.

-Gunshield Wall
----A forcefield (Particle Wall) that forms from the barrel of the Predator Cannon to the front of the Legion's frame, holding back all sorts of chaos from bullets to shells. An upgrade from the initial particle gunshield as a protective measure, it gives another layer of armour to a formidable mech.
-Alternate Ammunition Feed/Mode Switch
---An ammunition feed that provides an alternative for different targets, such as titans or footsoldiers. An evolution of Power Shot exists in XT-0514- rather than creating a hailstorm of rounds from all barrels, this simply switches it for a more effective setup from a different ammunition feed, of using explosive tracer rounds (HEI-T_advanced) that are designed to shred and puncture light Titans and infantry forces to bits, while the traditional kinetic armour-piercing are used to provide greater accuracy and armour penetration for heavier targets. This is expanded beyond Short/Long range, to provide greater versatility in choice of target, not affecting weapon spin-up.
The Legion-Class is a scary beast of a titan as an evolution of the Ogre-class frame, a frightening tool able to produce lead and in itself, lead the charge, actively running towards the chaos and unleashing a devastating firepower that can puncture a point of defence with overwhelming fire, rather than eliminate multiple targets. It's a pike, not a hammer, and whilst it may be heavily armoured and easily flankable, it's not an easy target to take on alone, and can adapt and shred through cover, people, Titans. The Predator Cannon it wields may be it's only weapon, but it is as versatile as it is powerful.
XT-0514, or 514, known as "Black Valkyrie" is a former IMC mech, produced as a support asset for the 14th Rifleman Regiment of the IMC...yet has never been used in combat by the IMC as it mysteriously disappeared, sold to Anton by an Advocate, as a factory-fresh model. It's been tailored and whilst getting a few bits of dust and taking a few hits, it's well looked after and aesthetically pleasing for such a beast.
Valkyrie's AI is a rather neutral figure, usually quite toned back and practical, rather than with a mind of it's own. It's a partner, not a friend, and works well with Anton's diehard no-bullshit attitude to back him up.