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Hellenic Socialist Republic

Premier Markos Vafiadis - A major leader of the Communist Party in Greece, Vafeiadis was a natural choice for leadership of the State of Greece following the success of the communist takeover. Born in the Ottoman Empire on the Island of Chios, Markos and his family became Greek nationals when the military invaded and took control of Chios during the Great War. With the island devastated by the war, Markos moved to Thessaloniki with his family in 1923. Vafiadis became actively involved in politics and quickly became a leading figure in the Communist party alongside fellow leader Nikos Zachariadis. The two conducted the military campaigns against the Kingdom of Greece during the Civil War, and Vafiadis was elected to the possition of Premier with the creation of the new State


Incessant revanchism lead to the entrance of the Kingdom of Greece into the Great War, fighting on the side of the entente with the promises of concessions of historically Greek lands as rewards for their contributions to the war effort. The Greeks actively participated in the invasions of the Ottoman Empire, taking control of Eastern Thrace and completely occupying the Aegean. Fueled by the promise of the fulfillment of the Megali Idea, the country was devastated when they were shorthanded in their share of spoils of the dying Ottoman State. While taking control of Cyprus, the Aegean Islands, and much of Eastern Thrace, the Greeks were spurned their ambitions in Anatolia, and perhaps most insulting of all, the city of Constantinople remained firmly in the control of the Turks.

With the conclusion of the war, Greece began to enter into a period of economic decline, along with the commencement of a trend of radicalization of the general public. When the Ottomans once again were vulnerable during Ataturk's uprising, the Greeks seized upon the opportunity to take what they felt was rightfully Greek land.

Using the Aegean Islands as a base, the Greeks attempted an outright invasion of Anatolia. However, they had gravely misunderestimated the power of their enemy, and the Greek invasion was badly defeated, quickly exorcized from Asia Minor, and never once entering into Constantinople. As a concession for their defeat, the Greek Kingdom was further humiliated in being forced to cede all of Eastern Thrace to the Ottomans. With this defeat, the dream of the Megali Idea died forever, and the reputation of the then ruling Liberal Party fell into the darkness.

1936 saw a severe split in the Greek public opinion, with the population nearly entirely radicalized towards the Far Right and Far Left. Elections saw the final fall of the moderate parties, with the parliament being split nearly 55/30/15% Communist, Nationalist, and Other parties respectively. It was around this time that a former general during the Great War named Ioannis Metaxas, with support from then King George II, and the backing of the Nationalist Party, took control of the Government in Athens, putting the country into a state of martial law and instituting a purge of those elements that were deemed enemies of the Greek State, most notably Communists, Socialists, Ethnic and Religious minorities (particularly Turks and Muslims), and anyone else he saw as a threat to his power, legitimsed under the auspices of the King.

Greek Civil War, 4 August, 1936

With the seizure of power by Metaxas, the Communist Party and supporters quickly reorganized and relocated to the north of the country, forming the Democratic Army of Greece in Thessaloniki with volunteers as well as turncoats from the Greek Army, and forming a powerful opposition to the Nationalist forces, and declaring a Hellenic Socialist Republic. For the next five years, Greece would be consumed by a violent civil war, with public opinion of Metaxas falling with the increasing brutality of his rule. On 4 August, 1941, The Democratic Army of Greece entered into Athens, capturing Prime Minister Metaxas and having him quickly tried and executed by hanging. King George II fled to exile in Britain, with the communists declaring the abolition of the Monarchy.

With the creation of this new socialist state, the Greek government set about fixing the state after the civil war, with massive seizing and redistribution of privately owned land prior to the revolution, and the establishment of social programs to improve the quality of life of the average Greek citizen, as well as the gradual purging of the influence of the Greek Orthodox Church from the legislation of the country, with increasing restrictions on public expression of The Church. The new government also turned it's attention towards its neighbors, with the new mission to spread the socialist revolution to all Greeks. Greece renewed its claims to Eastern Thrace, much to the chagrin of the Ottomans, and Greek espionage forces fomented the revolt of Northern Epirus and its pledge of integration into the Hellenic Socialist Republic, with Greek forces occupying the area in 1951, though the area is still recognized as a part of Albania by much of the international community.

Entering into the 1960s, the Hellenic Socilist Republic is a budding new state, a strongly socialist government that seeks to reclaim those areas it feels it has lost to the Ottomans. Having finally recovered from the scars of the civil war, the future has endless potential for Greece.


Greek espionage is active throughout the Balkans and Anatolia, especially in areas of heavy Greek popluation, such as in the borderlands with the other Balkan States and in western Anatolia and Eastern Thrace.

Greece and Albania entered into a ceasefire in the 50s that continues to this day, however the Epirus Incident remains a point of tension between the nations.

The Communist Party of Greece exists as the only legal political party in the country

Greek is the sole official language, however Turkish, Albanian and "The Romanian dialects" (Romanian, Aromanian and Megleno-Romanian) all have special minority status, thus allowing for state funding of institutions such as schools using these languages as mediums, in designated minority areas.


The population of the state as a whole is 8.5 Million, the vast majority of which are ethnic Greeks (90%), with Turks being the second most populous group at 6%, followed by "Slavic" (2%), Albanians (1%), Romanis (0.8%) with all others making up about 0.2% of the Greek population. Greek is the mostly widely spoken language, spoken as the native langauge of about 95% of the population and understood by all, with Turkish coming second with 4% speaking it as a mother tongue, and about 13% of the country understanding it as a second language. French is the most widely studied foreign language in the country with 60% of students taking a course in it, and about 30-45% of the population capable of speaking it, followed by English, studied by 30% of students and spoken by about 20% of the population.

The state is forbidden from collecting data on religious adherence, but it is estimated that 80% of the country is Christian, (further subdivided into Eastern Orthodoxy at 95% of Christians, with Catholics at 3%, and all others at 2%), 10% Atheist/Irreligious, 8% Muslim (nearly all of which are Sunni Muslims), 2% all else. The Government of Greece officially promotes State Atheism, and all public expressions of religion are heavily restricted.

While the south is nearly entirely Greek due to extensive deporations and ethnic cleansings during the Metaxas regime and after the civil war, the north of the country is notable for its vibrant Turkish minority community, many of whom can trace their ancestry all the way back to the Ottoman period. Many other Turks are leftist aligned immigrants from the Ottoman Empire. And while some may fear assimilation of future generations into the predomiant Greek culture, the Turkish minority is ironically perhaps the most patriotic and supportive group of the communist regime.

The north of the country is notably more left-leaning and liberal than the south, which is characterized as a strongly conservative area, the Peloponesse being a particularly conservative area. Thessaloniki is known as the most liberal of cities, while Sparta has a reputation as a stronghold of conservativism.


The Democratic Army of Greece

Symbol of the Democratic Army of Greece

The Democratic Army of Greece (Greek: Δημοκρατικός Στρατός Ελλάδας, DSE (ΔΣΕ)) is the standing military of the Hellenic Socialist Republic. Formed in 1936 as a response to the royally sanctioned military takeover of Ioannis Metaxas and attrocities commited in his name, the DSE was based out of the City of Thessaloniki, where its main headquarters can still be found today. While at its height in the Greek Civil War, the army had membership of 50,000, Today the military is comprised of about 34,000 members.

The Popular Civil Guard
The Popular Civil Guard (Greek: Λαϊκή Πολιτοφυλακή, PL, (ΛΠ))is the Military Police force of the Hellenic Socialist Republic. The Guard is a feared force by many, known for its acts of domestic surveillance, removal of dissidents, and espionage activities. Behaving as a kind of Secret Police, the PL is tasked in keeping the domestic integrity of the state strong, as well as carrying out acts of spying and to instigate socialist uprisings in neighboring countries. Seemingly omnicient, the people of Greece are not without good reason to fear the Popular Civil Guard.

Important People

Defense Minister Nikolaos "Nikos" Zachariadis - Greek Minister of War - Born as the son of a tobacco farmer in East Thrace, Nikos Zacharadis would go on to become a major military commander of the Communist forces of Greece. Once the civil war was completed, Zacharadis was appointed as the head of the Ministry of National Defense. Now an old man, Zacharadis can no longer participate on the battlefield, but his experience makes him a valuable asset in the military ambitions of the Greek State.

General Dimitrios Partsalidis - Head General of Democratic Army of Greece - An exile from Treibizond who was forced out during the Pontic Greece genocide, Dimitrios Partsalidis acts as a second brain in the actions and planning of the Democratic Army of Greece along side Zacharidis.

Stephanos Papayannis - Head of the Popular Civil Guard - Papayannis is the head of the Popular Civil Guard, and a man known for his zealotry in regard to Communism and his brutal, draconian policies.

Vasilis Bartziotas - Appointed Successor of PCG - Second in command to Papayannis

Anastasia Demitriades - Greek Ambassador to Ethiopia

Adrian Emirolou - Greek Ambassador to Algeria

Non-Government characters
Mustafa Georgaidis - Greek intelligence agent. Half-Turkish.

Athena Metaxas - Great-Granddaughter of Ioannis Metaxas.

Yiannis Anastasopoulos - Epirot Soldier

Thaimes Hatzi - Spartan Solider

Evangjel Tzavaranas - Arvanite boy from Athens fighting in Alabania

Ahmet Pashaj -aka Gjergj Kastrioti -Albanian Terrorist leader

Terms and Slang
Shiptar - A derogatory term for Albanians, mostly reserved for Albanians of Albania proper and Northern Epirus
Arvanite - Albanian population native to Southern Greece. Mostly wiped out in the civil war, with survivors of the Arvanite community existing in Epirus (where they are being asimilated into the "Shqip" Albanians, or to Macedonia, where they are integrating into the Macedonian Turks

Argyrokastro - The capital of the Northern Epirus Autonomous Region. A violent, dangerous shit hole

Post Catalogue:
1. The Rise of Socialism; Stake out in Cyprus; Life in Occupied Epirus.
2. Athena Metaxas and the state of Argyrokastro
3. The Mediterranean Defense Coalition; Backing a Coup in Albania
4. The boys in Epirus finally see action in Albania
5. Greece formally backs Hoxha
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

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Killian Vampire

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Nation: Great Britain

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DELETED32084


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The Kingdom of Spain

Heads of State:



Spanish Territories:

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Government Institutions:

Spanish Vehicles:

Spanish Ships:

Spanish Aircraft:


Post Catalogue:
Free State of Rhodesia
0. Established November 2017
1. The Ethiopians and Rhodesians meet
2. Henry Cornell Intro, meets with Ethiopian Ambassador
3. Intro for the Rhodesian Security Bureau
4. Intro of Andrew Walls, the drug king pin makes his mark
5. Andrew Walls is raided by the RSB
6. Rhodesians save the Seige of Mombasa
7. Intro for Sara Reicker, sexy RSB agent sent to keep an eye on things in Ethiopia
8. Andrews Walls escapes his pursuers and finds the rebels
9. Rhodesia decides to vacate the Seige of Mombasa
10. Andrew Walls is betrayed by Robert Mugabe
11. Cornell Tobacco Headquarters
12. Cornell Tobacco arrives in the Philippines
13. Cornell Tobacco pins down a massive trade deal
14. Sara Reicker executes her duty to Rhodesia
15. Rhodesian Foreign Office is down a man and Rhodesia's white future is revealed.
16. Golf buddies debate jurisdiction
17. A beautiful Journalist meets a Pilot who loves her work.
18. Russians for free, and Rhodesia is shopping
19. A Journalist defies gravity
20. Communists in Zambia
21. The Angel of Death
22. Salisbury Nightlife
23. Marijuana and Rhodesian Society
24. Rhodesia, a promised land
25. Anna Leaves the Past behind
26. Andrews Past Continues to Haunt Him
The Kingdom of Spain
00. Established February 2018
27. The Most Dangerous Game
28. The RAS Don Quixote makes waves
29. The Inquisition continues to haunt Spain
30. The King likes his games
31. The Return of Sara Reicker
32. Communists in Spain
33. A military build up on the Northern Frontier
34. A King in Portugal? Not if there is a King in Spain
35. Colonel Delgado becomes Grand Viceroy as he leads a Military coup
36. The King has blood on his hands
37. Portugal is given 24 hours to surrender.
38. The King is to marry a woman he has never met.
39. Portugal surrenders, at least on paper
40. Communist BBQ
41. The Isabel Gemio Story - Part I (The Princess and the Viceroy)
42. The Isabel Gemio Story - Part II (A Private Eye in Sao Paolo)
43. The Isabel Gemio Story - Part III (A Secret to Die For) / The King is Rejected
44. Cultural: Surfs up!
45. Cultural: Hopes and Dreams in Ibiza
46. Of Rebels and Assassins - Part I (An Ambush in Porto)
47. Of Rebels and Assassins - Part II (Delgado's Iron Will)
48. The Isabel Gemio Story - Part IV (A Fugitive in Sao Paolo)
49. Of Rebels and Assassins - Part III (We Need a Professional)
50. The Isabel Gemio Story - Part V (The Queens Naughty Secret)
51. Cultural: Backpacking in Spain
52. "Desperta Ferro!" - Part I (The Army of Morocco)
53. "Desperta Ferro!" - Part II (Don Quixote Battlegroup)
54. Of Rebels and Assassins - Part IV (Hiring a Stranger)
55. The Isabel Gemio Story - Part VI (The Hunter arrives)
56. "Desperta Ferro!" - Part III (To Kill the Infidel is Not Murder)
57. "Desperta Ferro!" - Part IV (Gods Breath)
58. Home for a Rest
59. Letter from Francisco
60. A Problem of Loyalty
61. Clearing La Zona Roja
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by EveryMemeAKing
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The Free State of Assyria





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The Empire of Japan


Credit goes to KGP for the history. It's concise and very well thought out, so I won't be changing it.

Key People:

Nobuhito -- 126th Emperor of Japan
Inaba Rai -- Prime Minister
Hakushaku (Count) Togai -- Powerful member of the Kazoku (Japanese Peerage), uncle of the Emperor.
Inspector Shinzo -- Kenpeitai commander in Korea.
Yasutake Miki -- Artist and propaganda film director.
Dokuro Abe -- Yakuza soldier.
Soo Jung Kim -- Korean student and political activist.
Danshaku (Baron) Kishimoto Nagumo -- IJN pilot ace, fighting Russian insurgents in Primosky Krai
Admiral Tanji "Tiger" Tanaka -- Commander-in-Chief, South China Fleet

Post Catalog

United States of America
9. (A Vilage co-production)
Interlude #1

The Empire of Japan
11. (An Aaron co-production)
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Rostov-Tsaritsyn Provisional Government

Green Claim


Rostov, ‘the forgotten stepping stone’. Or at least, that was what many came to see their home as. In the Great War armies had rallied there, and left, and so too was this the case when the Tsar looked to stamp out the communist menace. No matter the destruction around it the valuable port was left, more or less, unmolested to profit from the drunken soldiers and sailors that stopped there for a nights rest. It was, in the end, a fond saying.

Or perhaps it is only remembered that way. Decades of the relative prosperity that accompanied peace came to a screeching and abrupt halt upon the death of the Tsar all those years ago. The chaos that followed consumed the country and its people, but perhaps nowhere was it more evident than that once forgotten stepping stone on the sea of Azov. Anarachy came in the form of Cossacks, Communists, and worse. Rostov was besieged within months of the Tsars death, set upon by a sundry of enemies all hungering for its meagre riches. In the first year alone thousands died in the fighting, and thousands more starved when the cities remaining authorities failed to secure a consistent source of aid. The cities defenders were stalwart and without qualms when it came to demonstrating their mettle, but the wretches that came screeching from the Caucuses outnumbered them badly.

Rostov burned for two years before hope came, and when it did it came from a place none expected. For in the northeast the city of Tsaritsyn a man had risen to forge order from the chaos that threatened to consume the shattered remains of his erstwhile homeland. Vasily Sokolovsky, Tsaritsyns former chief of police, had repulsed the forces that sought to annex that city and now looked to do the same in the south, sending word that his army was coming to all who would carry it. Compared to the forces of the would be Tsars his was a motley army, composed of old soldiers and battle hardened peasants, but in spite of this it fought with a ferocity that overwhelmed those that stood in its way. It took a month before the army of Tsaritsyn cleared a path to Rostov, but and in a matter of weeks it beat back the communists who’d held the cities outskirts for years. Praised as saviours the men from Tsaritsyn were honoured with what little Rostov had left to give, and those who’d held the city for so long declared their loyalty to the man who’d risked so much to relieve them.

In the years to come the communists would try again, and again, but with the populations of two true Russian cities united behind a man some considered a more worthy ruler than the coward who'd failed to protect his own family the new southern state prevailed each time. A few short years ago the steel foundries were burning again and the mines were running alongside them. Fields were plowed without fear of their destruction. Hunger gave way, slowly and arduously, but with certainty. The people of Rostov and Tsaritsyn were no longer merely surviving, but working towards a brighter future under the direction of a man they trusted implicitly.

When the provisional government was declared many questioned why Vasily had not made himself the southern Tsar, but those who knew him only scoffed at the idea. He was a leader because his people had cried out for one, a general because his people had demanded one, but he would not be a Tsar even if they chained a crown to his head. While his public speeches are rare they have always echoed this sentiment, that he and all in his domain are Russians. To hell which Tsar is winning, or what the quarrelling dictators are calling their little fiefs, those who live under his protection need only work to the best of their ability, rebuild as much as they are able, and remember that when the day comes they are Russians above all else. In the end it matters not who rules her, for the spirit of Russia lives in the people of Rostov and Tsaritsyn as it does in the men and women of every Russian city.

Other: WIP
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jestocost
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Порядок рассвета

(“the Order of the Breaking Dawn”)


Eastern Siberia, specifically the Yakutsk Oblast and much of the territory to the north and east.


When Russia fell, few places were hit harder than Siberia. Reliant on the industries of the western empire to generate demand for the region’s abundant natural resources, the economy quickly entered a deep depression that it has yet to start recovering from. The tens of thousands of miners, loggers and oilmen that had come from Moscow and St. Petersburg to seek their fortunes in the gold found themselves stranded in the taiga, with no easy way home. Along with the loss in demand came a loss of the food imports that sustained these Siberian industrial towns. This strained the region’s agricultural base, leading to severe food shortages for a few years while what was left of the economy shifted from mineral exploitation back to farming.

Amid the confusion and panic immediately following the death of the Tsar, a new sect of Russian Orthodoxy was born, one tailored to the harsh realities of life in one of the coldest and darkest regions of the world. The orthodox priests brought to the region by the industrial workers began to preach of a time when, through the ministry of the church and the grace of God, the long, hard winters would end, the sun would shine year-round and there would be so much food that no one would ever be hungry again. This movement eventually solidified into a group calling themselves the Monastic Order of the Breaking Dawn (sometimes abbreviated to simply “the Dawn”). At first just a loose confederation of regional priests and former military chaplains that met every few months in Yakutsk to discuss the region’s spiritual health, they quickly started traveling far and wide throughout Siberia to distribute food and medical supplies to those who had none, teach farming to city-born industrial workers and spread the word of God’s light.

Eventually, the Order’s unique brand of Christianity became the dominant religion in the northern Lena River basin and the Yakutsk Oblast, and their congregation’s offerings accumulated enough that they were able to finance the construction of their own monastery to the north of Yakutsk. This rapid growth has somewhat drawn the ire of the ruling Siberian Cossacks, though with so few members and little in the way of institutional wealth apart from the monastery buildings themselves, retribution from the Cossacks has thus far been limited to occasional demands of food and currency, which to date the monks have complied with.

Though by no means a political power in the Oblast, its members have come to be greatly respected by the populace and there is talk of establishing a religious council in charge of the northern villages to better coordinate the sharing of resources and possibly begin the task of restarting the regional economy.

Other information

The Dawn is a cenobitic monastic order headquartered in a compound at the convergence of the Lena and Aldan Rivers. It has roughly 200 members who live full-time in the monastery, plus a corps of traveling priests numbering in the low hundreds who serve the northeastern reaches of the Oblast by providing medical and agricultural knowledge and religious services. Its followers number in the high tens of thousands, if not low hundreds of thousands, comprised of almost the entire rural population of the Oblast and a sizable portion of the population of Yakutsk itself.

Their differences with conventional Christianity revolve mostly around a unique interpretation of the idea of “God’s light”, with their monks teaching that God will literally bring light to their followers, allowing them to grow food year-round, raise the temperature of the land above freezing, and live free of the extremely depressing effects of the long Siberian winter. Their holy places are brightly lit twenty-four hours a day and intense light, artificial or natural, features prominently in their rituals. Other common motifs of their worship are gold, candles, mirrors, fire and, obviously, the Sun.
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