Hello! The name's Silvy! I left this site some time ago, although I forgot my reasoning.
I prefer that you be able to type a good paragraph and understandable grammar. The occasional spelling mistake or so is fine, as I probably make them too.
I also prefer to play female characters, however, I am fine with doubling! In fact, I'd actually encourage doubling.
If we plot something from scratch, I would prefer for you to help too. I get kinda disinterested if you just let me do all the work.
I can use an anime or realistic face claim, if we do a human roleplay, as well.
Now that that's out of the way, onto things I'll roleplay!
The more *'s, the more muse I have.
I prefer rping in pm. Also, I'm fine with sexual scenes, but if you aren't ok with that then we can fade out without a problem!
I prefer that you be able to type a good paragraph and understandable grammar. The occasional spelling mistake or so is fine, as I probably make them too.
I also prefer to play female characters, however, I am fine with doubling! In fact, I'd actually encourage doubling.
If we plot something from scratch, I would prefer for you to help too. I get kinda disinterested if you just let me do all the work.
I can use an anime or realistic face claim, if we do a human roleplay, as well.
Now that that's out of the way, onto things I'll roleplay!
The more *'s, the more muse I have.
I prefer rping in pm. Also, I'm fine with sexual scenes, but if you aren't ok with that then we can fade out without a problem!