Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Forett
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Forett Corporate Dragon Lord

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Thymund White

Thymund would return his greeting with a very sincere, yet sinister smile. “Is your life only worth one mortal and a goblin, Desdemona?” No sooner had Thymund finished then the audible sound of spanish followed by a "¡Oye, detenerlo! Let go!" would come from behind the snake. Thymund would shift his stance slightly, knowing that Desdemona would likely try all she could to escape. The shouting, however, had caused her to lose her focus for only a moment. Before Thymund lunged, he would hear the shout of the goblin behind Desdemona as he was launched across the room.

With a slight step backwards, Thymund would raise a black clawed hand to Desdemona’s chin as she lurched forward from being hit in the back with a goblin. Thymund had to keep himself from laughing, as he knew the mortal had to be the cause of such a ‘feat’. His experience held him well as he now had claws touching Desdemona’s throat with her chin in his palm. “Perhaps you're oblivious nature is the reason you have stumbled upon me, for it seems a human- a sheep has evaded you.” His claws gently pressed against both sides of her throat as he could now see over her. Erin would now be able to see Thymund, who appeared to be a normal looking man aside from a large set of horns and very strange eyes.

He was interested to see a female had been one to be abducted, however Thymund knew well that beggars could not be choosers. Desdemona had evaded him until today, she had hidden away as she slowly became more and more desperate. He remembered well how she had escaped their last encounter, though it was not without it’s merits. If he knew what the snake was good at, it was attempting to be convincing. When her life was on the line, she would give much to evade capture. This sentiment had Thymund curious, as she had given away her precious cover for nothing more than a single mortal.

“Do not move if you wish to keep your breath, thief.” Thymund would look at the girl they had nearly stolen away through the edge of his vision, not daring to take his eyes completely off of Desdemona. His feet were poised as he was mindful of her coils, though thankfully her careful balance had been offset by the goblin that had hit her in the back. Thymund knew she could fight, however he also knew that she would not dare fight himself without the advantage of surprise. He was doing his best to attempt to keep her from gaining such an edge. He was moreso looking in Erin’s direction to make sure the goblin was not going to try anything.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Yin paused and looked at Elsa a brow raised at the thanks that he just received. He blinked and then flicked his ears. "Not all humans annoy me...human." Being that he had just been annoyed to no end and was now being faced with the opposite of what he considered an annoyance, rather he found it quite enduring that someone praised him. His ego was not exactly on the small side and this particular human just stroked it. He nodded to her before moving to the back of the group and herding all of his little sheep across the bridge.

Yin gave each fae a glare as they watched his herd, a warning to ensure that none of them touched his sheep. All nine of his tails waved as he followed them across the bridge. He then weaved slightly to get back to the front of the group and stand in front of the gates. Nine tails waved once more as he looked at the gates with his fox like eyes. He was more then done with these humans. After all, he had watched a human dare to annoy him and then said human was removed before he could eat it. Why that one was so interesting was completely lost on him...to him that thing was not going to be a useful servant. But, that was not his choice.

Yin while looking at these gates and getting ready to go in, wondered how exactly he was going to deal with that missing human. He would have to find it and then drag it safely all the way to the gates. Wonderful, a chore.


Yusuke had been at the back of the group like he had been this entire trip. He did not seem to react to several of the scenarios, but did react to Bodil being suddenly dragged away by an unknown force. He found himself blinking at this and then he looked at the fox's eyes and felt a bit glad that the woman was dragged away before she got eaten. At least she got to maybe live on somewhere else...maybe?

Yusuke then walked forward as the fox herded the group across the bridge. He seemed to be in his own world as he absorbed each detail of his surroundings. He was rather uncertain if he should be concerned about where he was and what the next location was, but he was more worried about memorizing all the details around him because it was so beautiful to him. He might not ever see sights like this again if he were to die.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As they got closer to the palace and facing the court, Elsa felt her nerves getting the better of her. You had one chance to prove yourself worth keeping alive. Just one. She had one song. Her life hung on a single performance.
What song to chose for a life and death performance?

Elsa knew what she wanted to do, but also knew that it was important to tailor your work to your audience. She was trying to impress a being more powerful then she could imagine. The very spirit of Fall.

Hmm... the spirit of Fall...

A song hit her like a ton of bricks. It was perfect! Or at least she hoped it was.
One problem.
It was a duet.

She bit her lip. No other song would do. It had to be this one. But who could she convince to do it with her? She needed someone talented, someone who could play and sing with her.
Her eyes swept the lot of humans and settled on her only good option. The Native American woman, Vae.
Approaching her, she cleared her thought nervously. "I have an idea that could save us both from being someone's dinner or torture doll. But I need your help. You said you play the violin. Do you also sing? Do you know the song 'The Last Rose of Summer'? If we perform it together, perhaps we can impress the Fae King enough for him to keep us alive and unharmed. What do you think?"

It was the most Elsa had spoken to any of the people here after nearly a month of traveling together. Now that she was speaking about music some of her ice melted away. Her eyes now burned with an energy that only another musician could understand.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 25 days ago

Samhain Intrigues

-Location: Under the Mountain/ Lower Quarter-

Whatever hope the lamia had of getting out of this alive was slowly dwindling as she found herself with claws at her throat. No one really knew what Thymond White was. They hazard guesses and tried to dig out the information, but it was rarely successful. Raising too many questions and too few answers. Swallowing the panic Desdemona flickered her tongue with a terrified hiss. "The Sheep is rather strong willed," She noted slyly as the Goblin sat frozen in fear behind her.

The old withered being was not about to give Thymond any reason to pay attention to him. Desdemona knew that if she could get the goblin out of this alive and intact- she might still have a shot. A chance at what she wanted. If she could convince the dangerous Fae before her that she was better off left alive. "Sssurely you would not be overly cruel asss to deny a poor lamia- as beautiful asss myssself- a little pleasssure from watching a mere mortal sssuffer? Adding to my meager ssstoresss a few coinsss for better comfortsss." She crooned. Shifting her form so very slowly to better display what was her great beauty. One thing that was well known was Thymond's love of flesh, and Desdemona strove to move this to her favor.

-Location: Under the Mountain/ The High Road-

The great dark doors gleamed with a pale blue light as they creeked open to admit the kitsune Fae and the humans. Once the last mortal and Fae who wished to enter- or did not wish but did enter- passed across the threshold the doors creaked close with a ominous boom. A sound that echoed through the massive halls and drew looks from the darkest and most powerful of Fae Under the Mountain. The weak did not dwell within the Court of Nightmares for long. The floor was a shiny white that was at odds with the gleaming ceiling of dark stone and glittering gems and metals. The walls were decorated in various paintings and trophies from various hunts. Skins, heads, horns, claws and fangs. But the runners of dark deep blue that covered the marble, offering a weak warmth from the chill of the stone, led the eye up to a second door. This one just as large, and up a grand staircase. A woman on one side was holding the handle and thus hand of the man on the other. She was fair to look upon. With an angular cat-like face her eyes were pure emeralds that looked at one with the door. The man on her opposite was as wilde as she was not. Storm winds whipped his great cloak about him shrouding his body in mystery along with his face. Though the moon at his back echoed the rose at hers.

Yin, however, might find some comfort in the scene. A man- reedy and thin- not a hint of his martial training about him stood off to one side. Looking rather annoyed at the kitsune. "You are late, aid." Kiron Morrigant intoned in his brass battlefield voice. For as reedy and weak this man looked he was the leader of the Stygian Company. The guard force and army of Under the Mountain. The elites. With coal black eyes the man looked over the flock of humans. Mortals were food- prey to the fae. That they now relied so heavily on them was a bone stuck in his craw. "This is it? I would think His Majesty could secure proper help than a rabble of halfwits." A flick of a scarred hand motioned a servant forward- a shadowy fae. "See them to the Mortal Hall. Freshen them up before his Lordship arrives." He sneered, "If you can do even that." The double comment was aimed at both Mortals and Yin alike as the Steward glanced back at Yin sourly.

The dark fae, led the humans down a twisting stair into cavernous tunnels. While it was warm, and pleasantly so, there were also thick doors of wood. Hinges of copper or bronze. Iron and steel seemed to be a foriegn concept so far as any mortal who noticed would see. "Your rooms." The dark fae shrouded in the black robe and cowl intoned in a dead voice. "Four per room. There's is bathing behind this door and each room will have the necessities for mortal life." Then they were gone. Flickering lights of candles- actual normal candles- showered the tunnel that twisted lower in the bowels of the Mountain in limited light. IF they were to look into the bathing chamber as the fae put it, they would see a room filled with a large pool. Water draining from one side into the room next door. Polished rocks formed the lining and flagstones tiled the limited space that was not underwater. In the rooms themselves there were single beds, a bunk above each to either side of the door. A small door in the back opened into a small restroom. But if they looked upward. The tunnel opened into a large lounge. Boasting a pool table, along with several normal tables. Shelves filled with battered volumes. Several other mortals were mending clothes and chatting albeit nervously and cautiously. There was even a piano in one corner- a leg stabilized with books. Again the polished rock was the only siding but it was a far cry from the wilderness.

-Location: Falk's Hall-

Silvery mist swirled about the entrance as the air's current was disturbed. The tall and still-shirtless form of the Fall King appeared once more in the cavern's mouth. His stormy grey eyes lit with a mixture of disapproval and amusement when he notice Bodil's emotional state. With a flip of his hand, a set of lightly woven fabric was floated over to her on dark tendrils of psychic power. It was a basic woven tunic of a deep grey. The hems embroidered with black and silver dragons in flight. The work was the height of a craftsman's life. A light silver belt seemingly made of the actual metal. Woven from strands so find and limber they felt like hard leather. Black leggings- much like his own- were the other main article. Smaller bits of cloth needed for a female were there as well. Though outdated to Bodil's time. The Lord of the Hunt gave her a slight chuckle as he turned away once more. "I do not plan on eating you- not that there is much to go around." His footsteps silent as they were when he appeared, though his voice floated back. "Neither are you much to look at- on the other hand."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Noah Griffin

When Yin fell to the back of the group, Noah scrutinized the fox from his peripheral vision. The creature was the most violent one at the drop of a hat. It increased Noah’s desire to completely avoid the aggressive thing.

The thief's attention distracted by an approaching woman, he slipped to the front. The more distance between Yin and himself, the better. Noah's progress came to a halt behind an individual who was lost in his own world. Head bent down, he scratched away on his paper and seemed intent to capture everything. Drawn by the sounds, Noah studied the younger man. Not wanting to be rude, he forced his sight to drift elsewhere.

That’s when he caught the fox weaving all the way back to the front. Noah gritted his teeth in silence. So much for that little idea working out well, he chided his luck. Trying to keep a low profile, he remained in place while the doors were opened. Shortly they were ushered in. The moment the doors boomed shut, Noah jerked in place. His head jerked over his shoulder as it became clear the known exit was blocked. They couldn't retrace their steps now.

Depressed at this fact, his surveyed their current location. It blended elegance and monstrosity together well, an art twisted into a dark style. A perfect representation of those who dwell in this place.

Any further lingering was disrupted when a deep voice spoke. Noah turned to note the owner, a twig of a man, as the individual reprimanded their shepherd. The crass look upon each of them reflected the disgust in his words at their present state.

Noah drew in his breath but bit his tongue. Mentally he rolled his eyes. They were forced marched for a whole month's time, without a choice.

Not wasting more time, the group was led down to what Noah assumed was the place’s bowels. Where else would you place the undesirables? Out of sight, out of mind fit this situation far too well for his liking.

After Noah’s eyes adjusted to the dim light, he was the first to notice the lack of modern advancement. The copper and brass hinges stuck out like a sore thumb to him. Dracula’s castle, from the old black and white movies, could’ve been this place’s twin. The whole place bled a brooding, ancient atmosphere.

As the dark fae showed them around, Noah mentally made notes where everything was. The arrangements weren’t too shabby for what appeared to be the servants’ quarters. However, Noah knew no matter how you dressed it up, this place was still a cage.

Before he learned the rules, he first needed a bath. He casually shuffled into the nearest room. After a brief search, Noah saw nothing bizarre causing him to relax. His hands removed his belt, with all his tools, followed by his shoes. He shoved them both underneath his chosen bunk. At this point, he was too filthy to care about neatness. Noah could practically feel the grit flaking off his scalp when he itched his head. It made him disgusted at his hygiene and drove him toward the bathing chamber.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Bodil Bera

Bodil felt as though she had shed three pounds of grime and muck with just that one bath. There was nothing more heavenly than warm water and soap. Well, perhaps maybe a nice plush warm bed, but she wouldn't get her hopes up. Didn't that horrible beastman say he'd terrorize her dreams? Not that she dreamt much anymore. But she'd take depthless, deep dreamless sleep over the string of nightmares she grew up with. Looking at her soak clothes, she wondered if these Fae things even slept. The kingdom she had seen was nightmarish, dark, cold, apathetic, and cruel. It stooped itself in decay and buckled under greedy frivolous creatures who were too confused to know what they valued and what they didn't.

The humans they chose to capture were either utter failures, like herself, or they were half out of their wits already. Her dark bobbed hair sent little droplets of water onto the floor as she thought over the events of the last month. Survival at its most basic. Running like a deer from the hunter, always sleeping in short spurts, always trying to stay three steps ahead... And then to be corralled back to the mass herd of sheep-brain humans. Her fingers clenched at the drenched soil material of her over-worn clothes from the mortal realm. Why did it always have to be like this? If she wasn't trying to escape one cage, she was getting caught in another. Bodil pressed her cheek to her naked shoulder as if comforting herself in that smallest of gestures. Always running, never safe... Why couldn't she just be left alone?

Mist like dancing dreams waltzed around the ancient bathing chamber. The soft humidity was disturbed by the return of some sort of cold air. Bodil shivered and looked up with a silent glare. Her small and overly lean body curled in on itself, crouched over her soaking pile of clothes. She felt like an animal shorn of its protective fur, antlers, and claws under the mocking gaze of the hideously perfect king. His cold gaze etched over what must be a savage scene. The civilized creature analyzing the lesser being before it, faintly amused and disgusted at the vulnerable and mortified thing. How barbaric she must be to these Fae, with so little antique etiquette or demure disposition or some such other entirely useless and frivolous quality that they might hold in high reguard. If anything was held in high esteem in this realm anyway.

Stilled under the eyes of the ruler of nightmares and monstrosities, Bodil glared clutching her wet clothes to her body. Her face was red, in cherry coated mortification, but she refused to let him see her so affected. Not again. His lack of modesty had taken her by surprise before, but now she leveled him with an open glower. He'd not find her stammering like a blushing school girl again. With a flick of his long fingers, a stream of fabric floated towards her. Shallow grey, a ghostly color on her pale milk skin and deep dark hair coloring, dropped on her. She half expected there to be some sort of horrible beast hidden in the clothes, but it was just cloth. Terribly fine cloth, now that she examined it, searching for poisoned tendrils or even pricking thorns.

Suspicious. Why would such finely hemmed clothing be given to her? She wasn't just a slave, for 'servant' was certainly no how she saw the other humans that existed in this place, but an unruly, rebellious and troublesome pest. Bodil narrowed her eyes, but her need for modesty won out over petty spite once more. How she wanted to throw these fine things in this looming ethereal creature's face, he looked so smug. He even had the nerve to comment on her physical appearance while she was at her most vulnerable! Bodil's face flushed with another wave of humiliation. But she needed clothes just as much as she needed to hide away from the king of terrors, so she turned her back to him and quickly dressed.

The hems embroidered with black and silver dragons in flight, such work was the height of a craftsman's life, so detailed and painstaking... And a mere slave wearing it? Bodil fit the delicate silver belt around her tiny waist, so agile the work of the belt she was able to wrap it twice around her form. The small pieces of cloth, like ancient underthings for a woman, she fit on under the tunic, not daring to turn around least she see the fowl king laughing at her. The black leggings, like leather at first sight and yet as flexible and breathing as a stretchy cotton, were last. All in all, it was excellent grade clothing, though why he was wasting it on her she seriously did not know.

'Not much to look at'... Bodil felt as though he had prodded an old wound with those long fingers of his. "I already know that," she whispered the grumbling words to herself. Shaking her wet head, her short hair already losing the moisture of her bath, she ran her fingers through it, combing it into submission. An easy thing with short and listless hair. Grabbing her damp purse, she wondered if she should grab her mortal world clothes too. No, perhaps not. They were ratty and half rotting from all the abuse a month of wearing them had taken. Not to mention she had run through and slept in the forest like an animal in them. At least she could be flexible about her clothing, adaptable to that at the very least.

"And if you tried to eat me, you'd choke anyway," she stood, still grumbling under her breath, slinging her purse pack onto her back. Bodil stood tall, though her height didn't make her very imposing, and walked to the door the 'Falcon King' had gone through. Hesitating, she looked back at the warm womb-like bathing room. "At least they have one good thing in this awful world," she huffed. Then turned to the threshold and walked through without any regrets. "What do you plan on doing, if you aren't going to eat me, anyway?" she called to the shadows, still brazen if a bit less bristly than their last 'conversation', "Make an example out of me, like the Fox enjoys doing everytime someone so much as sneezes in his direction?" Silence for a moment. "Hey! Are you still there?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

After Vae's response Elsa stayed silent as they were brought to two other fae creatures who seemed disgusted by them. Not surprising considering that the humans reeked of their month-long journey. But that wasn't their choice.

The sight of the batheing chambers nearly made Elsa weep in relief. Finally. To be clean once more was next to heaven at the moment.
Elsa immediately went to the pool and began to take off her shoes. A sharp cry of pain escaped her as she pulled off her socks too quickly. A month's worth of open sores and dried blood had nearly fused the socks to her feet. The pain was blinding and she bit her hand trying to stifle her cries, drawing blood from her hand. Tears squeezed out from behind her tightly closed eyes as sobs racked her body.
There was no time for this. She had to move quickly. The moment her damaged feet hit the water there was no stifling the scream of agony. Her hands flew over her mouth in a futile attempt to muffle her sobs.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

~| Location: Unknown|~

“I know I’m different. Than what you expected. But I’ve been playing a role. It’s time that you know the truth.” Vae sang inside her mind when the fae departed to allow them to clean up. Her figure shifted inside on of the rooms, humming the lyrics, as she closed the door completely. It wasn’t completely private but it did provide some distance. Granted that anyone could walk inside the room at any given time. ”You may not want me anymore. I’m not what you’ve been looking for. But under these pieces and parts. Is a beautiful heart and it loves you.”

The girl knew her singing voice wasn’t perfect. It wasn’t the perfect pitch for an actual singer would be able to use but it wasn’t the worst. The young woman knew her second oldest sister’s voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard making everyone cringe in pure pain. ”I’ve been waiting for so long. To feel like I’m whole. More than what you see. Please don’t define me. This is bigger than you and I. So give me a chance. And meet me at midnight.” Vae’s voice smoothly continued as she grabbed the clothes that laid upon the bed she would be using. Her fingers grasped the outfit before walking out the door and into the bathing area. ”Always told what to believe. Now nothing is quite what it seemed. It’s a battle of head verus heart. Can’t tell them apart like before.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

No one came. Not that she was expecting them to. Elsa had grown up taking care of herself. The only time any suffering on her part was noticed was if she disturbed others by making noise.
Eventually, like sticking your finger in candle wax, the burning pain numbed. Elsa nearly fainted as she slid the rest of the way into the water.

It was hot, making her wonder if there were hot springs located somewhere beneath them or if this was magic. Elsa pulled off her sopping clothes, dropping them in a heap on the floor.
Layers of dirt and sweat bubbled away. Her skin took on its pale hue once again, a slight blush from the heat of the water. A large piece of cloth to wrap around herself acted as a cover up of sorts.

Her old clothing would most likely be destroyed. It didn't matter to her. They were worn and dirty from a month of travel. She didn't want them back.

The other humans in the room showed her wear she could choose her own clothing from a small assortment.
Elsa eyed each item carefully. There were distinct styles here and she couldn't help but feel as though this might be some kind of test. A few of the other female humans had chosen quite slutty attire, looking for attention no doubt. Maximize their assets as they were.
But as for Elsa, she already knew her body would be desired so there was no point in revealing so much. In her mind it was better to cover oneself, leave something to the imagination. To her that was more sexy than dressing like Slave Leia from Star Wars.

In the end she chose something she knew would catch the eye hopefully in a good way.

It conveyed modesty and mystery at the same time. It was simple, showing humility as well.

Not knowing when they would be summoned, all they could do was find something to do while they waited. Elsa went to the piano. By playing perhaps she could calm those around her. And prepare to play for her life.

She chose one of her favorite calming pieces by Yiruma : Kiss the Rain.
The music was gentle and soothing, like a lullaby in a garden on a rainy day.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


interacting with (eventually): Noah

Yin rolled his eyes as he chose not to respond to the annoyances given by the other fae. Of course he was being poked at, it was much like second nature for them. Perhaps they could not stand his splendor so they had to resort to trying to downplay it to survive in it. Yin moved away with a small flounce to his steps. He was going to have some fun now, he felt that he deserved it after all.

Yin made his way to a bathing chamber, without any full intentions of messing with noah. But, after he smelled a certain scent he developed that plan rather quickly. With quick movements he stripped and sunk into the warm waters that occupied the space. Said water ended up covering the face that he was completely nude, but he wanted to have some fun until the humans fell asleep....when the real fun would begin for him. He leaned against the side of the water and with eager eyes as he awaited for the human that would be coming into the bath at any point. Of course after his dip he would have to go grab some clothing, but for now it would be more than worth it.


Yusuke tilted his head as he walked through the gates behind the others. He had no idea what he had been expecting, but what he saw was not it. What unexpected sights he saw he committed to memory and as soon as he could made a bee line for a place to put his things down. Once everything was settled, he made his way to where he could bathe and did so at a surprisingly quick speed that soon had him out and in a pair of pants before yin appeared and nodded to him as he pulled on the softer tunic he found and left.

Once Yusuke passed his things he picked them up and made his way back to the other mortals. He quickly found a corner and sat where he could watch how the other humans acted. The were after all, acting nervous and he wanted to see if he could figure out why. His black hair dripped onto him as he failed to try it, but he seemed to be ignoring it in favor for his self assigned task. He could just ask them, but where was the fun in that.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Erin Céleste

Erin hovered by the open pathway as she watched the Fae warily. The goblin she'd thrown was just sitting on the floor beside them now, and it seemed he wasn't going to try and do anything else at the moment- frozen in place with fear of the newcomer. Erin really couldn't see very well from where she stood, but it seemed... This newcomer was threatening the Lamia's life because of her? That didn't really make sense- all the Fae she'd seen so far had either threatened the humans or just not cared, and now this one was about to kill the Lamia just because Erin was with her?

The horned man looked over at her from where he stood just outside the room, and an involuntary shiver ran through Erin's body. His eyes were the strangest thing about him, surreal and.. entrancing. Erin purposefully glanced down the Stairwell behind the bookcase again, just so she wouldn't have to see those eyes for a few seconds. The thought crossed her mind to run- to just make a break for it through this corridor- but she dismissed it as soon as it came. She didn't know where it would lead her, and even if she could get away to a safe place, what would the point of this had been? She still knew nothing.

She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest and closing her eyes for a moment as she thought to herself. What little patience she had going into this encounter had turned to frustration and a dangerous lack of caring about her appearances anymore. She felt a familiar urge begin to tug at the corners of her mind- a childish need for the answers to all of the questions that had been swirling around like miniature tornadoes in her head. One voice speaks, and then another, and of course then the third joins in- not one to be left out of anything. A Swirling, chaotic cacophony of questions spoken by all of them at once. She wanted to yell, shout, scream at them to shut up.


It took her a few seconds to realize that she actually had shouted- and indeed the voices went silent as she opened her eyes to the scene before her once again. Only a second or two had passed, but still to Erin it may as well have been an hour. Her stance changed as she put her hands on her hips, narrowing her gaze on the back of the Lamia's head. If either Fae had ever seen an angry Abuela before, Erin looked much like one in that moment. As for who she was actually angry at, well... She'd accidentally spoken to the Voices out loud, yelled even, now she had to say something to the Fae or else they'd think she was crazy- or just stupid.

Torchlight glinted off of the Lamia's scales as she moved, squirming in the horned-man's grasp. Erin heard the words they spoke to each other easily- it was a small room after all- and one of the voices began speaking in tandem with Erin's as she thought through what she wanted to say. "Te entiendo, serpiente. Se suponía que me dijeras cuál era nuestro propósito aquí: ¿por qué somos prisioneros en este mundo desordenado?" She kept her expression as blank as she could, considering the other one was the one that could see her at the moment. Her disappointment and frustration still shone through in her eyes though. "Supongo que realmente solo tengo una opción aquí ahora...."

She switched to English now- for the other Fae's sake as she addressed him now. "Sir? I asked her to take me here. I had a question, and she said she would show me the answer." Her tone of voice had shifted dramatically with the language switch- though her gold-flecked eyes still held that air of disappointed anger about them, very thinly veiled as she pulled her thoughts back together. "She didn't do anything wrong Sir, so please let her go." Hopefully, she could save the Lamia's life, and finally get a straight answer from her later.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Forett
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Forett Corporate Dragon Lord

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Thymund White

Thymund knew humans could be foolish, but this was starting to be ridiculous. Surly these creatures were not so easy as to trust strangers where they come from? A mystery Thymund would never solve, as his care for mortal health was less than that for the liamia he had by the neck. Thymund would lift Desdemona slightly, aiming to keep her from thinking on how to escape his grip via the threat of five very painful claws. Thymund was not gentle as he forced Desdemona to move backwards and into this small room while watching the three as best he could.

Thymund did not have anything to say upon hearing this frustrated human’s concern for the being in his grip. His sharpened talons would dig in slightly as though he were using them to better get a grip. His thumb would sink into her lower jaw, drawing a small amount of blood as his other digits threatened to open her throat. With a proper grip, he would finally address the human who was starting to speak in a language the Lamia could understand. Thymund would wait for her to finish repeating herself as he closed the small door behind himself to make the affairs of this room private.

“She wishes to sell you for favor, you are nothing more than a toy to her… and yet you want me to let her go?” Thumynd would pull Desdemona in a little closer, placing his other hand on top of her head. He would let his claws dig slightly to get a grip on her skull. “She would like that, but she knows better than any what happens to a person who steals from me.” Thymund would look fully at Erin as he slid his claws into Desdemona’s throat. The hold on her head keeping her from vaulting back. The black claw tips stuck from the back of her neck as they cleanly passed through. “I will take you back to those that may listen to your questions as soon as I am finished.” Thymund would say in passing, as though he was not currently in the process of killing someone.
“Do not make me chase you.”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 25 days ago

Samhain Intrigues

@BlackPanther @LovelyAnastasia @Belle @Demonic Angel @Vesuvius00 @Fallenreaper @Forett

-Location: Under the Mountain/ Lower Quarter-

Desdemona gave a pleading whimper as Thymond backed her into the room. The Goblin falling back to eye the stair, but knowing far better than to take that route. This larger Fae would be on him in moment and the lamia would be of little help. The room was now far more claustrophobic with the twenty foot odd Desdemona, now very pale as the Fae spoke the mortal girl who had pleaded for the wrong doer's life. Not a common thing, but less common was the feel of Thymond's talon in her jaw. And far, far less welcomed.

"P-please! I can tell you-!" She endured his claw in her jaw- it could be healed. Hopefully. But when claws sliced into her throat, she gripped the man's wrist and strained to pull it away. Her arms lacking the strength of her coils. However strong she was, she would be unlikely to pull the man from from her. The Goblin merely looked on, wringing his hand and hoping with all his little twisted heart that Thymond did not turn his claws and gaze upon him. He was a old goblin- even among the fae. Erin would see him eyeing the new comer and the stairs. Tempted but too terrified to try.

-Location: Court of Nightmares/Servant Quarters-

Yusuke found himself left alone, the humans seemingly respecting his needs for solitary. It was not uncommon amongst those who came here. However, they did spy the kitsune- Yin- and seem to drift to the opposite side of the room from where they saw him. They knew the Fae on site- and some by prior experience. Yin would note a few humans- those here before his flock- fled the bathing chamber upon his arrival. Not wanting to tangle with the fox. One woman- her red hair thick and tangled from the damp- however wandered close. Her hips swaying temptingly as she held the scant barrier of a towel to conceal herself. Yet fully hint. Fluttering her blue eyes at the Lieutenant of the UnSeelie King. The well endowed woman gave a flirty smile, "So kind of you to join us here, My Lord. May I be of service- in any way?" It was not uncommon among some to get extra security through some Fae who deemed to take mortals for lovers. Plying the lesser lived with gifts and protection.

The artist, however, would note Elsa being shown a assortment of clothing. All very fine seeming from where he sat. Young ladies they all were, their bright eyes filled with malice and mischief as Elsa turned away with a chosen piece. The small group of four sniggered and whispered between each other, walking back pass the artist and to their original seats with their embroidery. "Clarice will be so very angry!" "Thus it's perfect. She takes the clothes. We showed her Clarice's beautiful selection! Merely showed! If she stole a piece. Tis not out doing." The last was said by a darker haired woman with freckles. Her eyes gleaming as she preened with the others admiration of her plan. A third chirped up with her own opinion. "That new meat thinks she's better with her covered bossom? She'll learn the lay of things soon enough once one drunk guard snags her." The others hissed at her to keep her tone down. Though her voice would not have carried to the piano or over it's tune.

As Elsa sat at the piano minutes earlier and started the play. The bench was worn, and creaked under her. The piano, however, was in decent shape and sang true. It's melody however was soft. Creaking on the louder notes. But as the melody filled the room, so did a few timed taps of the foot and some gentle humming. Soft sounds that accompanied the music while the human men and women moved about their tasks. Enjoying this breif bit of innocent relaxation. Never mind that Yin had passed through minutes earlier. Though, a few cast Elsa sharp glances. Others with their own worried looks. They had not been pleased with this new musician taking up so suddenly and quickly with Clarice's little 'feather-heads' as one woman noted to another far too softly for the newcomers to hear. Was she another little pet? Was she being set up? It was a bad situation under that innocent tune.

-Location: Falk's Hall-

The stone walls echoed Bodil's voice back at her slightly. But the Fall King paused, glancing back at the mortal with those storm filled eyes. Gesturing at her to follow, his black hair fell in a dark pool down his shoulder and back. Held back by a silver clasp, looking like diamond stars spilling into the night. "You are to be of use, while we of the Fair Folk take on more burdensome tasks." His long legs took him down the darkened hall, not looking back to see if the woman was following. Slight lights appearing on the walls. Globes of witch lights, hovering. "And I do not need to make a example with a mortal. As I said- you stand before me again. Alive, intact. Though your actions nearly led to you being a broken husk- mindless-, as Yin is wont to do. Thus I have granted you mercy in preventing this. As I said."

His form moved along the twisting corridor, several opening fleeing off into various side rooms. One being a bed room, it's large dark curtains that acting as a door open enough for Bodil to catch a glimpse of scattered weapons. Gleams of jewels and fabric discarded about. As if in a frenzied search or from a simply messing person. Another room was also blocked by the thick curtains. But the Unseelie Lord merely walked by, and up as the hall sloped into a upward spiral. Opening into a vast room filled with long bookshelves, of which there were at least fifty four, and a desk tucked into alcove. A couch, two plush armchairs- one with a arm that didn't look like it would remain attached much longer- and a low black stone coffee table. Oddly modern in such a dismal world. The dim light however remained. Giving this large library even more of a air of stillness. Far below from where they came the soft sound of bells being hit by water echoed up. Floating to form a melody that was barely there and quickly forgotten. Though Falk did not seem to note this as he paused by a shelf and scanned the books. Otherwise ignoring if the mortal had followed or not.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Noah Griffin
Vae Lynn SaDablio

As Noah shuffled out of his chosen room, he stretched. His right arm lifted over his head while his other arm curled behind it. The shoulder gave a subtle fleshy pop in his ear causing him to mentally flinch for a moment. Each step set his soles on fire, evidence that few blisters had ruptured during the trip. However, it was better than staining his work boots with his own blood.

His eyes drifted to the bath only to see a few human evacuate it. Noah’s lips pressed tightly as his arms fell to his side, one rose up to stroke his goatee in thought. He had a very nasty feeling in his gut. It caused him to pause at the door to the bath as he fought with his options.

Vae slowly crept towards the bathing chamber, her clothes being more simple than her family wanted, and yet that was just fine. The girl’s stepmother called it a stage right now. That every teenager had some stage of it. Her mother would have apologized to the family hed in order to regain favor. Considering that the two of them were treading on extremely thin lines. The young woman slowly her walking, rubbing her eyes in order to help push those thoughts away.

These thoughts were completely unwanted and would drag her down if not removed. Back into the complete darkness in the formal years that her former lover had caused. The lingering pain was the only thing to make the female stranger throughout the beating which nearly took her life multiple times. In a way, the native American knew when it would happen. Actually, it was easy to tell when the teenager was furious. A subtle twitch in his left hand, eyes being rubbed by the left limb as a lingering sigh, only to be followed by a quick raised motion. Enough force to cause a mark and show how much the guy owned her.

Vae shivered as the image popped inside her mind. In all honesty Stefan would have loved Yin. The wâkoshęha was violent with others if they misbehaved granted that he would have attempted to talk the animal into hurting the ones responsible. A rather twisted smile crossing his lips. Yes, Yin didn’t really seem like the one to follow those he didn’t like. If that was what you called that here. Perhaps Yin would have killed Stephen in one single claw swipe. Right now none of this matter. All she needed now was a distraction. Someone to help forced these images away. Perhaps the young woman would find the African American again. Yes. Her figure shifted forward towards the bathing area as if she was a zombie in need of brains only to slam into Noah.

Noah jerked forward from the impact. Startled by the sudden shove, his foot took a few steps to recover his balance then he twisted about to face Vae. He opened his mouth, about to reprimand her for not watching her path, when he noticed her blank expression. She seemed stuck in life’s motions. His right hand rested on his narrow hips as his other hand pinched his nose bridge in thought. The man inhaled then exhaled, finally latched onto what to say.

He removed his hand from his nose to address Vae.

“Careful where you’re going, you’re going to hurt yourself or worse.”

”Huh? Sorry about that. I guess I lost myself in thought.” She remarked with a small shake of her head. Her eyes scanned the area, noting the barely occupied room, and sighed. It wasn't a bad thing that they would get the room to themselves granted the different genders made things a bit...awkward. The girl slowly placed her hand towards her temple.

” A community bath is great and all but when it comes to strangers that is rather inconvenient. So glad my ‘husband’ isn't here or else things would get rather tense. Oh, how I long to be in a castle for him to save me. Phew.” Vae remarked with a snare.

” I've been meaning to ask you something neniwa. What is your name?”

Noah noticed the word again. His eyes sized her up, trying to find some clue to the meaning, only to come up empty. Her face gave nothing away. This irritated him since he was pretty good at observing others and figuring out their intentions. However, this woman seemed to be nothing more than a living statue on the outside.

It gave him the shivers along his spine. Shrugging it off, he considered an answer to her question.

“Call me No, my younger brother did. And for the public bath, I’m not exactly excited about having my junk on display.”

” Vae Lynn SaDablio. Neniwa means your gender in the Mississippi Fox and Sac Tribe. I’m only saying this because of your facial features. Yes, I’m full-blooded Native American. Both my parent’s bloodlines have different tribes. I was born in Mississippi and moved to Germany around 8 or 9. My family units love me and accept me…” Vae remarked in a completely robotic tone. This was always the greeting that she was taught by that sadistic grandmother of hers. You introduce yourself with the full name. Tell people your family loves you just in case they begin to wonder about the sibling’s strange behavior. After this, you talk about whatever subjects the guest are talking about. If you don’t know anything about it you’re to stand next to your husband and stay quiet.

” Fucking hell Vae. Screw it. Formalities are out the window at this point. Dismiss the whole introduction and allow me to restart. My name is Vae Lynn SaDablio. I’m 16 years old. I’ve lived through hell between two step-siblings, a drunk father, stepfamily who tell you what to think along with what to do. I’m also married one of many abusive males in the world. Before you ask the answer to the possible question is yes. Yes, my parents know we’re married. In fact, they’re all fooled by the asshole. I’ve learned to be unemotional. So all of this,” She gestured between them. ” Is completely new to me.”

Noah’s mouth opened to speak then just popped shut. No words could describe his thoughts over Vae’s robotic display. Her words were so rehearsed that there was no reason to believe they were earnest. Unable to even know how to approach this, he fell to his natural reaction. Caution. Unsure if the old saying about crazy being contagious, Noah took a step backward to put more space between them.

“A small suggestion, talking to yourself will make people uncomfortable around you. So… don’t do that. Next, nice to meet you. You’ve explained a lot.”

His tone was polite, but wariness tinted the otherwise friendly statement. Noah’s eyes drifted back to the bath chamber. He really needed to bath because the filth on his skin was beginning to itch. Even worse, he didn’t want to see what happened if he didn’t get cleaned up for their ‘lordship’.

” First off I'm emotionally compromised. It's been years since I've allowed myself to even feel. This whole trip has been nothing but emotions around every corner. You would be surprised how many times I expected someone to throw a punch or pull a knife out. Trust is something I have little of. The second thing is the whole step back. That's rude. Very fucking rude. I'm not crazy. Yes, I know that phrase well. Speaking out loud helps me stay sane. Thirdly what are you doing standing here?” She asked in a monotone voice.

‘You could fool me lady…’ Noah’s thoughts were dripping with sarcasm, but he wisely kept silent. Any retort would likely lead to an argument he personally wanted to avoid. Especially with this woman.

At her question, Noah’s guard came up once more.

“A few people came flying out of the bathing chamber. I’m trying to figure out if I want to risk heading in or risk the consequences of not getting cleaned up.”

Vae just looked at Noah, as if she was looking for something hidden for a few seconds, before pushing him inside with her right at his heels.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Yin luckily sunk into the water as some form of decency, without his tails for the moment, stared at the woman with a raised brow. His eyes moved up and down and while sure this toy could prove fun, there were other newer toys that would prove far more entertaining. Though, certainly not in the same way as this one was offering. "Silly human....you are trying far too hard for me" He shook his head and waved dismissively, after all humans were much more fun when they were not that willing. That one was just trying far too hard to gain his interest.

Yin waited for her to leave and looked back toward the door where he was certain a few humans would be coming through to see him front and center. Large ears were pricked up and faced the doors and just as he thought the doors were suddenly opened and not one but two humans came inside. Yin tilted his head and gave a rather obnoxious smile. "Oh my not one but two humans? Lovely." He motioned at the water and kept eye contact with the humans while he did such. "Come in and clean yourselves off." If the two humans really looked they would notice the pile of clothes...and that the only thing keeping him from complete nudity viewing was the water. Yin knew this and seemed to be eagerly awaiting reactions.


Yusuke saw that not much was happening save for a group of women gossiping. He paused, was that as uneventful as he thought. He then focused in and discovered that no no it was not as uneventful as he thought. A plan was being hatched right in front of his eyes. How interesting. He found several options open up in front of his eyes. One in particular he found to be most interesting.

With a flourish he straightened and made his way to the piano where he took a seat on the floor next to the bench. He leaned against a leg and tilted his head back to look up at Elsa. "Lovely tune." With this he could monitor who decided to walk up to them and possibly also mess up any plans that were being hatched. He was quite interested to see how this would go and well, being a person with very little danger sense saw this as more of a situation generator then a danger situation.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Elsa started when a voice spoke to her and paused in her playing. She got so involved in music she sometimes forgot her surroundings.
It was a young man who she remembered from the group. She resumed playing after a moment.
He had said something. She should reply, right? But what to reply? What was there to say? Elsa was terrible at making small talk.

"It is my favorite piece by Yiruma," she said. "You might know who that is. He has become more mainstream since the Twilight movie franchise basically plagerized his work for their films," she froze for a second and looked at him with wide eyes. "I apologize if you enjoy that film series."

After a bit she tried again. "It's called Kiss the Rain. Yiruma is one of my favorite composers. You... you are an artist, correct?"
This was possibly the most she had said to anyone and definitely was the most amiable she had been. Music had the ability to change her into almost a completely different person. Elsa seemed more at peace, more open than she had until now.

"Are you nervous at all? I am. I just want to survive. I am praying one of those creatures sees some use in my musical abilities and will keep me alive for entertainment purposes if anything."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Bodil winced a bit at the echo of her voice. After all who knew what ghastly things were standing guard in the shadows of this place. Not that this particular monarch looked like he needed much protecting. Heck, people probably needing guarding from him. He made a motion for her to follow and so she did, more with worry about what could happen should she fall behind. Who knew what was lurking about. After all, it wasn't as if she were particularly obedient, as was previously established. Her actions stemmed more from her gut instincts and emotions, rather than logic and reasoning.

The silver clasp holding the king's hair winked at her ominously, drawing her from her contemplations. 'Be of use' what did that even mean? She wasn't going to 'be of use' to anyone, especially not Fox and most certainly not even King. A bit suspicious, Bodil wrapped her arms around herself as she followed him three paces behind. Not too close, not too far away. She might have touched the Fox on accident, letting her guard down enough to mistake him for fractionally human-like, but she wasn't going to give her self even the slightest hint of chance around this king. Touching him probably turned humans into stone or ash or shadows or fall leaves or something.

"Ah, 'burdensome tasks'..." she scoffed under her breath, mumbling like a rebellious adolescent on a school trip, "So 'burdensome' to drink, make merry, and torment humans all day..." He probably heard it, but she could have said worse. If anything, she at least didn't interrupt. She was too wary of him to be overtly rude or ostentatious. She watched the odd firefly-like orb lights that glowed like faint heartbeats in the walls.

He said he didn't need to make an example of her. Small mercies. Not that she let her hopes up. Something equal awful was probably in store for her. A dance in white hot iron shoes to entertain Fae, a nightly dream date of torture from a Fox with a grudge, or even being handed to Fae kitchens to place some hint of order on a messy and disastrous cooking area. The list went on and on in her head. Each more horrible than the last. After all, these Fae didn't seem to do much work at all. At least not any she had seen. The reconstruction of the ruins was as fruitful as trying to fist fight the ocean.

Bodil decided it probably wise not to comment on the fox bit of information to his grand dasterly's sentences. She had enough common sense to hold her tongue for the king of horrors at least. Instead, she continued to look around, following three paces behind him, glancing at him warily from time to time. Each room that passed was as odd and alien as the last. A gothic bedroom littered with shining weaponry, some of which she couldn't even name. A dressing room with gems and jewels and silks and finery messily slumped and forgot in piles on every surface. A room of just curtains hiding who knew what. Odder and odder it all got. Crystal decor with ruby and diamond eyes inside blinking about. Feathers of all kind of birds that couldn't possibly exist, like purple and black peacocks' feathers or yellow and red-spotted owls' feathers. Ribbons that weren't ribbons, connecting from one solid surface through the other, like glimmering wires or vines that just ghostly pasted through soild stone. It was all beautiful yet very odd. And very, very messy. Didn't they have maids in this place? Honestly, there was no way anyone would ever be able to find anything at all in a magical fantasy-object slopheap like these rooms.

Following the Falk up a spiral walking-way, they entered a library. Bodil watched as the dark king sauntered through the still room, dust swirling like silk tresses behind him. Even the library was a mess. She didn't dare touch anything, lest it fall apart or have tiny alien crawly-things skitter out from it. Not to mention, she'd never stop sneezing if she ever got started in a place like this. Though much like the other rooms she had seen glimpses of, this one had an otherworldly beauty to it too. There was so much to look at. The multicolored covers the glowed in the soft living light. The sheen of the desk as it huddled away in its alcove, papers and jewel-feathered quills littering its surface. The slouching furniture, of exquisite craftsmanship, lazing about. The clamor of ages came to a disjointed pinnacle in this too-still room. Strange music haunted about as Bodil frowned in confusion. It was all lovely yes, sure, but why were they here? And where was a dust rag when you needed it? Whoever the maids were they were doing a horrible job. Probably just Fae work ethic.

"Looking for anything in particular?" she asked a bit confused but still as softly bristled and suspicious as ever. Maybe a magic book to make her mute or a summoning alarm to ward her with so she couldn't ever run away. Though she was still a bit unclear on whether she was valuable or worthless in this world (she was betting on worthless), the Fae seemed to do plenty of unnecessary things no matter the worth of the object. Kill one human, save the other. Bodil rubbed her forehead and looked around again, watching for creep-crawlies and any shadwos big enough to hide beastly torture guards.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Erin Céleste

“She wishes to sell you for favor, you are nothing more than a toy to her... and yet you want me to let her go?”

"Yes." Erin said plainly, watching the man as he continued to squeeze the Lamia. "You call her a thief but-"

“She would like that, but she knows better than any what happens to a person who steals from me.” Erin frowned as she was interrupted by the very thing she was going to make a point about. She didn't belong to anyone. She opened her mouth to speak again, but fell silent at the sudden realization that she was witnessing the death of the Lamia. Erin hadn't thought that he would actually kill the woman- it had seemed like just a scare tactic at first.. but now a very real threat. She stepped forward, a hand raised as if she were going to pull the two apart herself. Of course she couldn't though, and the hand fell back to her side as she tried to think of anything to say to save the Lamia.

"She really didn't do anything wrong- I followed her here willingly. I had asked her a question and she was going to show me the answer."

“I will take you back to those that may listen to your questions as soon as I am finished.”

Really? She glanced around the room, noticing the goblin that was still there but seemed to be frozen in fear, and also looking down the path behind the bookcase once more. She wasn't going to take that route, but it seemed the the newcomer noticed her this time, because he then told her not to run. She was half tempted to go only ten feet down the path now, just to spite him, but considering what he seemed capable of it was probably better not to do that. She crossed her arms and stood there, just sort of glaring at him for a moment. "You're not the boss of me."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Forett
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Forett Corporate Dragon Lord

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Thymund White

Thymund would look at Erin as she glanced down the tunnel, taking the opportunity to end the snake he had held quickly. With a swift movement Thymund would clench his hand into a fist as he pulled backwards, tearing out Desdemona’s throat. His grip on her head would not loosen, keeping her standing as the motion was made. Thymund’s eyes seemed absent of any feeling, as though they belonged within the skull of an animal who has just captured nothing more than prey.
“You may be used to being pampered… but I am sure you will be kind enough to cooperate with me.” Thymund would hold on to Desdemona as she died, speaking as though he were in a room preparing tea. His claws would be absent of blood, though this did not stop the stream of blood that would quickly spill down the woman’s chest and over her coils. Thymund would then throw the hunk of bloodied flesh at the goblin as if to remind the creature he had not been ignored or forgotten.
Thymund would be mostly silent should either of them speak to him while Desdemona died, however after she would pass he would release her. “I am called Thymund White… I apologize for meeting you in such circumstance.” He spoke as though he may soon become a broken record. His eyes would quickly fall to the goblin, however. “Any questions you have may be voiced now that I may provide you with my undivided attention.” Thymunds eyes would lock on the goblin, as if daring him to attempt anything at all. “Though as I said before, I will not be able to speak of everything you wish to know… but I will be taking you to a more reliable informant. Far more so than a goblin and a snake.” Thymund’s clawed hands would slowly rest at his sides after letting go of Desdemona. The snake’s corpse would be free to hit the floor with the absent stare of death.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 25 days ago

Samhain Intrigues

@BlackPanther @LovelyAnastasia @Belle @Demonic Angel @Vesuvius00 @Fallenreaper @Forett

-Location: Under the Mountain/ Lower Quarter-

The goblin winced as the lamia hit the ground with a resounding thud. The rasp of twitching coils filled the room along with the copper tang of blood as it pooled beneath the fae. The flesh that the greater fae had pulled out smacked against the rough stone floor. Leaving a trail of red on several papers. Cowering beneath Thymund's gaze, the aged goblin wasn't about to make a move that could be interpreted as 'wrong'. While the lamia had been over confident and cocky, he saw no reason to follow suit. Just look when it had gotten Desdemona. Though he did have the good sense to nod in rapid agreement that this being could provide better information.

-Location: Court of Nightmares/Servant Quarters-

As Yusuke and Elsa spoke to each other, a woman spoke up. Her eyes were haunted, but she seemed sound enough other than that small fact. Dressed in a decent plain skirt and blouse, her hair tightly braided back and showing flecks of grey. A common enough face if they were to glance at the other humans. "You two fresh off? 'nd sent ter the Court o' Nightmares?" The wariness in her voice was there along with the queer look in her eye. As if she didn't rightly believe them. "But aye girl. If they Fae Lords take likin' ter ye, they'll use yer gift or what yer advertisin'. Spare ye from the servant labor like the rest o' us." A man who was mending a strap muttered something along the lines of 'war relief'.

The red headed Clarice gave the kitsune a sickly sweet smile. "Of course, my Lord." She turned away, towards the side to gather up her discarded close. It however would not stop Yin from noticing the flare of indignant anger that flashed across her face. That she had propositioned and turned down was not something Clarice was fond of. And to be rejected by one of the King's own hands? That was a sting to her pride. But with quick steps, the red head fled from the room. Yanking the man standing in the door way the rest of the way in and shoving by the new come woman who also blocked her way. A sneer upon her face as she shoved by both, though she was wise enough to not say anything in the fox's hearing.

-Location: Falk's Hall-

The stormy eyes lacked the power they had when he had ordered a hunt on her- glanced at her with a bored expression. Their gleam of magic. Absent, which was probably something the mortal girl might find herself thankful for. Turning his gaze back to the books, he spoke in that voice like rustling leaves. "I doubt you would understand the language of the Fae or your own ancient tongue from eons before your people founded Rome or Athens." Indeed the spines were generally blank but those with various symbols were in strange designs. Though a few were roman numerals. Bodil might note some of these tomes looked halfways to the grave while others looked new. Some bore the scars of fire, flood, or the touch of blade. One spine even had a arrow sticking out of it. "As for those tasks," The Fall King continued after several long seconds- perhaps minutes. "I doubt mortals could preform feats of magic to restore towers or forests. To bring the land to fertility again. Perhaps you could have once, but those were ancient days." He seemed lost in thought, thinking back to times long ago.

Reaching up to a high shelf, the Lord plucked a fragile book from above his head and opened it to scan the pages. "We must restore our infrastructure, which to you would be economy. Though to those of the Fae this goes deeper. The very Land is our base, and to restore the Fae we must restore it. The Land is made up of ley lines. A web, so to speak, of magic that flows in our very blood and bone. They were damaged during the collaspe that happened and thus require restoration. But not all realize this or see it as the problematic fate it is." His voice darkened slightly, his eyes gleaming faintly as he replaced the book and walked a bit further down the aisle to pull free another and look through it instead. "Politics are far more deadly and complicated in the Fae. Our laws were made to stop the eternal wars and blood shed. We are not a kind people, though we have our moments. But we carry favors- owed and due-, promises, and grudges." His eyes slide to Bodil again, something like regret in them, but not quite fitting it. Turning his gaze back to the book, he continues reading.
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