Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Renval
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Renval Prince of Dreams

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

In the world of Ellon a deep magick runs within the veins of the earth, bringing forth life as all who dwell there know it. It is said that when man, beast, and all manner of creatures first arose from the wells of the arcane essence known simply as 'Mana' that they each carved their own paths across the land and settled where they deemed fit. Of the many that chose to go their own separate ways, the most tender of Mana's children, fearing that their siblings may one day harness a greater power to destroy them, sought to go together and so their pact was formed upon the land they deemed Pereas, the Land of the People. Upon this land the children formed two factions.

The first formed by three facets of Mana's children all alike in their direct ties to certain magickal leylines buried deep within the the core of the world: the Elvish, incredibly humanoid save for their tall stature and eternal youth; the Fae, enigmatic beings of mischievous character and unbridled power; and the Creaton, furthest in similarity to the rest of Pereas' people in that they were born half of the beasts the siblings so feared. Together these magicked people formed a pact of solidarity in keeping with reverence for their connections to the world and formed the Sy’tri Alliance.

The second formed by what we know today as Humanity, the least innately gifted of all of Mana's children. They chose not to form the same solidarity as their extended kin. Instead they lived alone, exploring the lands not taken by their brethren, ever-seeking to learn more about the land they had claimed than to just honor where it came from. For a time these people lived in harmony, surrounding the Alliance and providing them with the knowledge they slowly attained, but all would not stay well.

Mankind developed much faster than any of Mana's other children. Its peoples spread and learned and built and ascended to an understanding that even they could not exist peacefully with. They developed prejudices for the kin they had traveled with, turned against them for not forming together, and deemed them lowly for their lack of curiosity and magicked features. The Creaton, worst of all, for they were viewed as savages––beasts half-born of the monsters humanity and its brethren had sought to escape. These opinions, however, were not reserved for the Alliance. The peoples of the section faction fought each other, in turns; those who figured themselves as the more innovative and knowledgable eventually split apart and traveled to the northwest regions of their land. Into the deserts where no one else would chase them and built up an impressive empire known today as the Winoan Empire.

Those who did not dare to venture in the harsh climes of the north, settled alongside a massive river and lake which cut them away from the Alliance, and kept them free from the critical eyes of those who ran. Over time, the people came to care for one another, not prizing their knowledge above each other, but instead glorifying compassion. Their world, after all, was not meant to be wrought with hatred for one another. No. These people came to realize that Mana had allowed them to create Pereas as it was originally intended: for the People. Realizing their mistakes, they formed a marvelous bridge and docks along the lake and, although it was not with great difficulty, some began to form a relation with their lost kin. The kingdom that formed became known as Alsonde.

It is here––a century and a half later––that we lay our scene.

– – – – –

Welcome to Ellon. Those among you have ventured to the Royal City of Arcedes in the Kingdom of Alsonde hoping to find a new life. Perhaps you come from a neighboring town in Alsonde, have fled from the totalitarian Winoan Empire, or crossed over from the forests – no matter your history, you have come seeking a new horizon. Life can be what you want it to be in Arcedes. An innkeeper by the name of Mayella Mulburri has introduced you to one another and offered you refuge for the time being – the choice of what to do now is your own, but she suggests sticking together until it is time to go your separate ways.

Will you strike out to explore the world? Or will you get caught up in your new lives here in Arcedes? Either way, one thing is for certain: fate has a strange way of rerouting your chosen path and things in Pereas are about to get darker than anyone could possibly imagine.

– – – – –

This roleplay will feature statistical elements very similar to Final Fantasy Tactics. You will create your own abilities and move around a grid during battle. Just in case anyone is unfamiliar, I will have a tutorial sheet and battle set up. I look forward to sharing this story with you all! :)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

You have peaked my interest! Now suffer my wrath!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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AlternateMan there is calcium in my bones

Member Seen 1 day ago

A fantasy rp? Count me in!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renval
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Renval Prince of Dreams

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Awesome! It would be really nice to get at least one more person (max I would be willing to take is five) so we can have a balanced party.

Below here I will be going through the character profile for this roleplay:

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to PM me!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 3 days ago

could be interesting
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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AlternateMan there is calcium in my bones

Member Seen 1 day ago

Guys, I need your opinions, I’m considering two concepts.
1. Dude with a greatshield and spear
Gonna be an awesome tanker with awesome muscles. Skills would be based on defending allies.

2. Dude with a giant mounted crossbow
Glass cannon with long range attacks, skills based on wiping dangerous targets off the battlefield with devastating damage.
And meme-based quotes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

Maybe the dude with the great shield, that sounds interesting. I, on the other hand, plan to play a sort of battle mage who will have a sword and spells, it’ll be fun as heck
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago


How does this sound as a D-Ability;

Abracadavre: Destroys the initial target and infuses the body with an unstable magik, turning it into a bomb which is then launched towards the nearest group of enemies to bring them a corpse they can study before an explosive death. Requires initial target to be below 10% total health. Cast causes execution of initial target and infused with magic to become a bomb. Corpse then launched up to 10 squares away and causes explosion dealing 200% INT damage in the surrounding tiles, 150% percent two tiles away, etc. Explosion range 4 tiles.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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AlternateMan there is calcium in my bones

Member Seen 1 day ago


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renval
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Renval Prince of Dreams

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Lauder That looks good! The only piece of advice I have for you is to think about boss fights where there might not be anyone to use it on (Boss battles are typically where D-Abilities see most of their use.) If you're not concerned with that then great!

@AlternateMan This is looking good so far. I would advise you to take a look at your damage percentages. 20% and 50% won't be doing much damage output – I know the character is a tank, but just something to consider. I will go through and edit MP Costs and stats and such as we get closer to actual posting. For your character, please tag on (Shieldbearer) after the flavor text for your character's profession. This will denote that your character gets an additional equipment slot specifically for the shield. I'd also like a little more clarity with the S-Ability. I understand the less damage from sides that are not directly behind, but not the second half – it looks like there's a clause missing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago


Too be fair, the ability would still be able to be used and such with a boss. There are no requirements for there having to be any other enemies around, it would act as a simple execution move otherwise, with a badass explosion
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renval
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Renval Prince of Dreams

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Lauder Every boss would be immune to Instant Death – which is what the first effect of the D-Ability would be under.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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AlternateMan there is calcium in my bones

Member Seen 1 day ago

Edited, take a look.
I gotta think a bit more for his D ability..
Most definitely a buff, but gotta think of it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago


mumbles in elven
“Damn bosses and their death defying abilities... show them what I can do... bake a cake... kill their kids.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

I suppose it doesn’t matter anyways. It’s more for crowd control anyways.

It at this point where I have no clue why I didn’t just edit the original post.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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AlternateMan there is calcium in my bones

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Renval another edit up
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renval
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Renval Prince of Dreams

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@AlternateMan The D-Ability needs to be dampened. There's way too much going on, even for an ultimate ability. Everything else looks good though. Don't forget to list what your Accessory boosts!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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AlternateMan there is calcium in my bones

Member Seen 1 day ago

@AlternateMan The D-Ability needs to be dampened. There's way too much going on, even for an ultimate ability. Everything else looks good though. Don't forget to list what your Accessory boosts!

Fixed D-Ability, added rusty armor def stat. Added boosted ststs behind weapon/clothing/armor flavor texts.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 3 days ago

I decided to play and made a guy. I'm pretty sure he'll need to be revised, which I'll do after Christmas.

Anyway I'd like to lay out two criticisms.

First one is that I don't like how video gamey some of the mechanics are with regards to your stats. Like a passive dodge percentage is kinda silly since most tabletop games have you rolling your defense to like see if the hit avoids you completely, and if it does hit you have a chance to soak the damage with an appropriate stat, item, and or ability. Same goes for crit rates since in tabletop games, if they have critical hits then it tends to be part of hitting a certain threshold during the attack process. Why is our damage in percentages? That's a weird presentation choice.

Secondly, while I understand that like it's easier for people to get into these sorts of games by hiding the more complex mathy bits away from them. As someone already familiar with them, the lack of informations on how stuff works really makes it hard for me to like gauge whether or not something works or not. Such as like if my dude's gimmick works or like how many cells can I hit from at level 1 and stuff like that.

Anyway Merry Christmas and stuff.

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