Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Infernal Flame
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Infernal Flame

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Welcome to Operation Nightlight.

Dear Recruit,
Your assistance is required. You have met with our representatives and you now know what is required of you. So this will be brief. There are simply a couple of pointers we must apprise you of. The benefits if you shall succeed will be access to energy for your household for a minimum period of 10 years. All materials and necessary equipment shall be provided to you prior to your Operation Nightlight. However, once you leave Sakria with your associates there shall be no guidance or aid provided to you. You shall be on your own.
In a fortnight our representative will come for your answer.

We believe it goes without saying what the consequences are if you tell anyone about this letter or the context of Operation Nightlight regardless of your acceptance or rejection. Consider yourself forewarned.


The Citadel of Sakria, commonly called the Citadel, gets its namesake from it’s life source— Sakria. Sakria are the crystals that power and heat the city. The energy from the crystals are piped from Sakria plants in the Outland. The crystals have been working for as long as the Citadel has been inhabited but one day the flow of energy starts to stop. It starts as minor fluxes, the lights flicker, the heat turns off for an hour, but in a city dependent on energy everyone notices.

Outwardly the Sakrian Circle proclaims that nothing is the matter, that citizens should calm down but internally they panic. Unable to send troops— the troops not only lack the proper skills but sending a battalion will no doubt draw attention— the government discreetly starts recruiting people to send on a suicide mission; codename Nightlight They offer extra energy, support for their loved ones or better research in exchange for the recruits’ skills. The government would provide all the supplies up until the nearest city from the energy source but beyond that, the recruits are on their own. Under the guise of protection, but in actuality to ensure compliance during the trip, the government has sent soldiers to accompany the recruits.

Your Mission

You can play as either a soldier or a recruit embarking on this journey. You have been tasked to fix the energy system. But first you must traverse the Outland, cross invisible borders where renegades dwell, battle creatures big and small before you can arrive at your destination. Your decisions will affect the world as the Citadelians know it so choose wisely.

Set in a world where everyday is dark, overcast and very, very cold. As such energy is the most important commodity. The cities are each set far apart and traveling between cities is extremely dangerous. The closest city to the Citadel is Emberford and is an extremely perilous 3-day train-journey as, beyond those cities and their walls, the rest of the world is barren— a veritable wasteland. Creatures, big and small reign supreme. The area outside the Citadel is called The Outland and is home to, not only creatures of the Outland but renegades.

The Sakria Citadel is run by the all-powerful Sakrian Circle. The Circle is run by 12 lords and ladies who are all part of the upper class. There are no lower class representatives. The highest class anyone can achieve is that of Circle member. The Citadel is walled with the lower classes placed on near the walls in cramped houses, on atop the other. The upper class, by contrast, live near the center of the city and boast small plots of grass with few vegetable that are safe to eat.

The Outland:
The Outland is vast and unforgiving with its sparse vegetation and ravenous wildlife. The vegetation that does grow is mostly radioactive and completely toxic to humans.


The energy in Sakria Citadel is found in Sakria (which are crystals). Their monetary system is reliant on energy. These crystals are bioluminescent and different colors signify different amounts of energy contained within. A small amount of energy is carried in varying sizes of containers which limits how much you can carry.

Taking the smallest amount, in containers, as the standard base unit of measurement the energy levels of the crystals are:

(High to Low:)

Social Classes:

There are essentially two classes of people; the upper class and everyone else.
Upper Class

The upper class are the nobility and are borne into the life. They live in nicer houses, spend their days with parties and are land/property owners. They also occupy the upper reaches of the army and military and are the only ones involved with research and teaching.
The lords and ladies in Sakria do not have last names but rather house names which husbands and wives do not inherit. High Councilor Lady Catherine of Loreli will forever keep that name, even after her marriage to Lord Brokin of Atenbach.

Lower Class:

The lower class are responsible for everything else. They are the mechanics, the medics, the foot soldiers etc. The lower class tend not to have other names besides their first name as they have no ownership of land. They live in small houses along the rim of the wall that surrounds Sakria.
The lower class area is dim and very dangerous as many mercenaries and renegades are found there.


The renegades are all those who have forsaken the Citadel and Emberford. They are usually made up of former lower class people, criminals and those exiled into the Outland. They live in isolated pockets through the Outland and lead a very nomadic lifestyle. They are rarely found in groups of larger than 15 people but their knowledge of the inhospital Outland makes them a threat to Sakrian soldiers. While they might give the impression of lawlessness, the renegades have their own internal structure. No one from the cities knows how they survive in the harsh Outland without access to the Sakria pipelines. It’s a mystery.


Inspired by steampunk

The lower classes started a new “fashion”. They mixed metals and leather to make functional clothing that aided them in carrying about their daily tasks. The upper class however, has been inspired by this form of dressing and called it Irinmoda. Their style mixes metal with lace, ribbon and chiffon to make intricate designs for beauty rather than functionality.
[i] Side note: The clothing in Sakria isn’t limited to just British Victorian fashion. In an effort to increase multiculturalism in the steampunk world, clothing can include fabrics and colors drawing from different countries. However, all clothing must make sense for the character and their background. No mechanics with brightly colored attire as not only would the bright colors be too expensive but also impractical for daily life.


There are a variety of weapons— some that use Sakria and others that do not.
The guns are all powered by Sakria. The guns have three main charges: 2,000 saks; 1,500 saks and 1,000 saks. The 2,000 saks weapons have one advantage over the other two. The 2,000 saks is the only charge that can burn straight through the target. Both the 1,500 and 1,000 shoot small burst of charge in bullet-like form which can penetrate skin and bone but not pierce straight through.

Those of the upper class, and by extent the soldiers, all have guns that are powered by black, gold and silver crystals. The lower class tend to stick to orange, blue and green crystals. The purple is a mid-level gun that can rarely exceed 1,500 saks without ruining the integrity of the metal itself.

Other weapons are melee weapons which can include crystal charges. For the most part, these crystals are embedded into the weapon itself and once the energy is used up the weapon can no longer deliver charges of energy.
The other type is mechanical arms that, depending on the charge, can deliver saks of energy that can electrocute, or cause painful burning with contact. Or these arms can have built in guns that operate like any other, with the exception of the fact that the charge can not exceed 1,500 otherwise it will injure the wearer.


* All the roles must be filled in order for the rp to start (at the very least the specified amount).

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Infernal Flame
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Infernal Flame

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Ok so quick explanation- @vertigh0st and I are running this rp and we wanted to try something neither of us have done before. I'm new on this site so I'm still trying to get the hang of it and coding. We just wanted to see how many people would be interested in this idea. :)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I am usually not a big fan of non-magic RPs, but I think I can behind a more steampunk setting. I am right now thinking of a bit of a hermit nobleman that would either be a mechanic/scientist. Though medic would also be interesting for one particular character idea I have, though even beyond that, there is a lot of things you can do with it. I could even go with a guide.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Infernal Flame
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Infernal Flame

Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Leotamer Well, this is something in the works, but @vertigh0st and I have an idea that we are still hashing out that might be more related to that magic element you're looking for. I could PM you to let you know when we start up the rp thread and give you some suggestion into the magic-intense roles if you'd like. But thank you for the interest!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Ooh, I like this idea right here. I'll have to think on a character, but I am definitely interested in it
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Infernal Flame
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Infernal Flame

Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Flamelord Great! @vertigh0st or I will pm you once we get it up and running~ Thanks for your interest!
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