The director for Thor: Ragnarok is making an adaption of the Akira manga (aka the vastly superior Akira)
Who cares? I do, shithead. This could bring in a wave of faithful live action adaptions that makes anime a bigger part of Western culture. Essentially continuing the job the original Akira movie started when it brought anime to the West. Y'all motherfuckers better believe that this is the biggest anime news you'll hear about in the coming year.
The director for Thor: Ragnarok is making an adaption of the Akira manga (aka the vastly superior Akira)
Who cares? I do, shithead. This could bring in a wave of faithful live action adaptions that makes anime a bigger part of Western culture. Essentially continuing the job the original Akira movie started when it brought anime to the West. Y'all motherfuckers better believe that this is the biggest anime news you'll hear about in the coming year.