ℂ𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 ℙ𝕠𝕤𝕥 / / @Deathmyster@Baklava
𝕄𝕠𝕟: 𝕆𝕔𝕥. 𝟙𝟚, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 / / ℂ𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕟 ℂ𝕦𝕝𝕡𝕒𝕖 / / 𝔸 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕖 / / 𝟙𝟡𝟘𝟘
What's this? Who's that? Is that really who it is? Indeed, it is actually Grant, not holed up in his room for once, walking the sidewalks of the town. As usual, his hands occupy his pockets as he watches on ahead. His eyes lazily glance around at his surroundings, taking everything in. He wasn't sure just exactly what he was expecting to get out of stepping out of his room and exploring the town. Knowledge? An actual use of his funds? But why get any new stuff if what he already has was enough? Perhaps he needed spare clothing, just in case what he has isn't enough. Yes, that sounds fine.
Yawn. Pushing a door open and returning to the great indoors. A store to buy all your needs and wants. Not as good as the bedroom, but while he's out on the town, it'll do. Wandering around for the clothing section, he is ready to release another might yawn when- oh hey, she looks familiar. She's a classmate. Name. Think. Ah, Callan. Good, he remembered. Yet, the fact that she was so close means the best option would be to talk to her. He can hardly remember the last conversation they had, and he can imagine it wasn't good. She was the one from his first fight, after all. That was not a good time. Not at all. Time to move.
"Callan?" Grant asked. Yes, good start.
Callan had already gathered a good number of items in the shopping basket around her arm. Several packages of cup noodles, a bottle of hot sauce, a three pack of pizza-shaped erasers, purple gift bag paper, and a silver basket. She'd been drawn in by a large section boasting jewelry, earrings, bracelets, and a plethora of scarves. Lost in what might as well have been a life or death decision, she was staring adamantly at two around the time she heard her name.
That voice... she didn't recognize it at all. Lowering the two scarves, she turned to see Grant, of all people, standing there. Somehow, he never struck her as the type to be out on the town shopping. Not without someone to drag him there, at least. Her eyes darted to either side of him, as if searching for that someone.
"Uh... hey, Grant," she answered, thoroughly perplexed as her gaze finally settled on him.
Blink blink. He looks left and right when Callan had glanced to his sides before their gazes collided once more. Her confusion against his stoicity. Who will win? His gaze lowers to see the many items that she held in her basket before his eyes lifted again. She seemed to be doing well, for the most part. Though, having a bit of a handful right now. Oh, it was his turn to speak.
"How are you?" His hand raises out of his pocket in a wave with the question.
She turned to more fully face him. "I'm doin' alright. All things considered...," she draped one of the scarves over her arm and pushed an aquamarine curl behind her ear, nervously shifting her weight. Things hadn't changed since the Flag Football match. Every time she saw him, the memory of her senseless shouting echoed ominously through her head.
"Sh-she's fucking dead! And you just stood there and watched!"
She mentally winced. After what happened in Wisford, she only felt worse about it. Avoiding Grant had been painfully easy ever since that day. He'd seemed stand-offish before, but still. She couldn't help but wonder if she was to blame.
It doesn't seem Grant held any malice or ill will toward the supergirl ever since they last talked. Then again, it's hard to tell what emotion was going through him with his tired face. Though, he is hoping to gain a better understanding with Callan. With the question thrown back at him, he seems to think for a moment before shrugging.
"I suppose I'm not bad. What is the occasion for all the items?" Again, his gaze shifts to the shopping basket in her hand as he approaches since he almost quite literally called to her from a bit away.
Not an answer that carried much confidence, but Grant was a hard read. So maybe he was fine? Thoughts drawn to the question, Callan held the basket up and glanced over the contents herself. "Uh... just some stuff for Emma," she shrugged, "No occasion."
Looking back down at the basket of all sorts of goods, he tilted his head in thought. Emma... Emma... Think, think... Then it popped in his head. He placed his fist into his palm as if suddenly getting an idea.
"Oh, scarf girl. Emma. Right. She seems to have a attachment to scarves." Grant returned his hands to his pockets as he lifted his head up to look at her again. "I was in town to take a look around and maybe buy some clothes for myself. It's really my first time casually coming to town, I think."
"Yeah. Scarf girl," Callan chuckled, "Pretty sure something happened to the one she had back at the estate, though. Since she hasn't worn it in a while...." As if to enunciate her point, she lifted the two scarves she'd been looking at. Eager to steer the topic away from their last impromptu battle, however, she continued.
"Kinda late for clothes shopping though, isn't it?" she said with a slightly concerned smile, "I've been in town a handful of times, but it seems like all the weirdos come out at night."
Grant tilted his head in a bit of confusion when Callan brought up the time. A glance toward the nearest window later and he looked back to the supergirl.
"Is it? I don't think I would know the perfect time to go shopping for clothes. And if any 'weirdo' were to come at me, I think I will be able to handle myself in such a situation."
"Oh, that's right," Callan grinned, averting her eyes, "I guess you could just grab some pants off the nearest rack and smother anyone who gets too close, huh?"
Blink blink. Oh, she was referring to the flag football game from a while ago. He wondered if she had any problem with him due to the nature he had dispatched her.
"Yes, that would be a way to deal with them and make sure they don't come back again." Grant said with a nod. He takes a moment to think... "I'm sorry for dealing with you that way during the flag football game, by the way. I was running out of options."
She forced a laugh. That was definitely a bad attempt at a joke on her part-- and not just because Grant didn't so much as chuckle.
"D-don't worry about it," she waved her hand, comparing the scarves again as an excuse not to show her face, "You gotta do what you gotta do. You guys won fair and square. Besides, that was a long time ago. I don't even remember it." Lies. She definitely remembered. It was one of those memories that made her want to cringe into the next century. But at least she could joke about it now.
"Was it really that long ago? I don't think it is something so easily forgotten." Grant said before giving a simple shrug. "But I just wanted to apologize about it in case there was any bad blood between us."
"Heh," she grimaced, finally choosing a scarf and folding it into her basket, "Well, it's fine. No bad blood. Promise."
Grant gave a nod while offering a very, very subtle smile. Barely noticeable, but it was still there. Looking back down at the basket, he thought for a bit.
"Do you need any help with your shopping?"
"Uh," she was taken off-guard by the offer, "Sure... I was just about to go grab some drinks." She pointed her thumb towards the back of the store.
Nod nod. Grant's hands slithered their way back into his jean pockets as he looked over to the direction of Callan's destination.
"Okay. I can help bring the drinks to the front in that case." The offer seemed sort of redundant, due to the girl he was trying to help out already have super strength, but at least he was offering. That should count toward something, right?
"Alright, sweet," she returned the other scarf to the hanger and led the way, eventually falling in step with Grant. Desperate to fill the strange silence, as always, Callan eventually piped up, "So Grant... where are you from?"
"Hmm." Was what came out of Grant at first as he appeared to think about the question at first. Almost as if strategizing his own words and how they would work out. It only took a few moments before he spoke up once again. "More north from here. New York." Left hand comes up and brushes his hair a bit with his fingers. "You?"
Even though it was only a moment's hesitation, Callan couldn't help but notice. Most people didn't need to think about where they came from. Did he not want to say or was Grant just... bizarrely forgetful? "Atlanta," she shrugged, "Born and raised."
"That sounds nice. How was it, down there for when you lived there?" Though his stoic, tired expression barely gave anything away, he seemed a bit quick to jump on the question for some reason. His head turned to look over at her nonetheless, returning his hand to his pocket.
"Uhm," Callan floundered for a moment. Had Grant always been this talkative? "It was nice, I guess. Kinda humid sometimes. Good neighborhood." She thought for a moment, "You know, I think Marcus and Emma are from up north, too. What part of New York are you from?"
Grant looked over at that question, again seeming to pause at the curiosity of his own life. It takes a moment before he looked back ahead and he answered. "Manhattan. I did not know that Marcus and Emma were from up north too. They are both from New York as well?" Once again, quick to latch onto a question regarding something other than him. Despite that, a smooth transition. Mostly.
There it was again...! Why did he keep pausing? Callan stared at up at him fixedly. "Yep... both of 'em," she squinted suspiciously for a second before looking away, "How was Manhattan?" It occurred to her a bit too late that Grant was probably trying to change the subject for a reason, but the question was already out.
He paused again, closing his eyes as he let them both walk a bit more distance. The answer came eventually, of course. ”Luxurious. Comfortable, I suppose. I had thought I would spend my life there, but I guess not. I am here now, after all.” This time, he didn’t bother to change the topic, as there we no way to do so in a clean manner.
Hard to read as ever, Callan tried her best to gauge what he'd said, but was coming up empty handed again. It didn't good, but Grant seemed largely unaffected by what he was saying. She quickly turned her attention back to the drinks up ahead. "Right. Sorry. We can change the subject if you'd like," she offered with a weak smile.
He looked over at her when she offered a chance of subject. It was a good out of the topic that he seemed to not be comfortable with. He didn’t answer for a bit again before he shook his head, looking back ahead. ”If you’d rather ask about me, I do not mind. I don’t guarantee a satisfying answer to everything, though.”
She gave a subdued chuckle, entirely caught out in her curiosity. "I don't want to stick my nose where it doesn't belong," she said as they finally reached the several rows of drinks, "I just don't know anything about you after all this time... Less than most anyway. I don't know if I've been going blind or you stay in your room 24/7 because it feels like I never see you."
She quickly thought twice about her assertion. Hadn't she been the one holing herself up for three weeks? Who was to say he hadn't been more social during that time. "Then again, I haven't gotten out much until recently, so what do I know, y'know?" she added flippantly, picking up three heavy boxes of energy drinks and tucking them under her arm as if they weighed no more than styrofoam.
Grant blinked when Callan would easily pick up three boxes of energy drinks, tilting his head at her words as well. ”No, you are mostly correct. I rarely leave my room at all. Some words from Brent made me want to go out and talk more with the classmates around me. I barely know much about you all other than your powers to a point.” He turned to look at her again. ”Did something trouble you to hide yourself in your room?”
"Uhm," Callan hesitated to respond, but kept filling her basket with as many of the boxes as would fit. Just as the strain on the handles seemed as though it might break, she quickly shifted her hold so that it was balanced in her hand. She did so easily, clearly thinking about the answer to Grant's question while she went through the motions. "You could say that," she finally settled on, "D.C. was a rough time for me, but I'm doing alright now." It wasn't in an effort to change the topic, but the simple revival of her curiosity that prompted the next question.
"I completely forgot Brent was your roommate," she hesitated again, briefly this time, "How is that, by the way?"
Grant watched the powered girl load up on boxes upon boxes of drinks, curious. Yet, his attention was temporarily shifted from one thin to another. He looked back up at her, thinking about her question. “He is amusing, I would say. He is also encouraging. Aside from that, I have not conversed too much with him, regrettably.” A quick break from the current topic, he points to the drinks. ”Do you need assistance with the drinks?
"'Amusing', huh...," Callan briefly mulled over the appropriateness of Grant's description. She really hadn't spent much time with Brent outside of that one day at the school gym and that night at the hospital, but... she supposed it worked. Reminded of Grant's offer to help, she quickly looked down at the drinks in her arms. She already had enough to last her a while, but... "Yeah, just, uh... grab another box for me, would you?"
At the request, Grant’s attention was fully on a box of energy drinks as a chain formed behind him. It moved to a box before making contact with it, easily pulled it up and into the air. He was very well aware of his lack of strength to lift up the box of his own, so he resorted to his power instead. ”That is all?”
Her mouth formed a small 'o' as her eyes followed the chain's movements. She looked between the chained box and the shelves, greedily considering the opportunity. "...How many can you carry?" she half-whispered in excitement.
Blink blink. He looked at the box on his chain already before looking back to the shelf holding all the boxes. ”Well, I have three chains in total, so I can carry three boxes if you’d like. Unless you would want me to uproot the entire shelf.” That was his own attempt at being humorous. At least, it was funny to him. He wasn’t sure how it would deliver, as his tone barely changed. Either way, he summoned the rest of his chains behind him, letting them sway from side to side.
"You can do that?" she looked the shelf over, almost as if she were really considering it for a moment. She laughed, shaking her head. No, that was an awful idea-- even if he'd only been joking. She quite liked this store and wasn't keen on getting thrown out any time soon. "How easily could you carry this?"
She held out the basket, teeming with the other objects she'd gathered as well as three boxes.
Grant had cracked another small smile at Callan’s laughter before her question. Looking at the full basket, it was intimidating to think about carrying it with only his bare hands. He tilted his head a bit before sending his remaining to chains to the basket, both taking hold of it. Unlike previous times with his power, it didn’t seem to bother him too much, despite the weight. His chains carried the basket with ease. ”Very easily, it seems.”
"Hmmm," Callan nodded approvingly, "Awesome-- then you hang on to that. And I'll..." With her her hands free of the basket, Callan began stacking more boxes into her arms. Two... four... six... eight... ten. The stack was a good foot or so above her head, but she didn't seem to be having any trouble. "Alright," she beamed, rotating her hips so she could walk and see, "Let's go check out."
As he let Callan go do whatever she was doing, Grant sorted out his chains and how they were carrying the basket and box. It wasn’t until she spoke up when he would look back over, and his eyes instantly went up to the stack of boxes that went higher than even her. His mouth was slightly agape in awe, looking back and forth between the stack and Callan herself. ”...Yes.” was all he could manage before he would begin walking to the front with her, although he stuck close, wondering if the stack was going to topple at any moment.
Customers and staff alike stayed far away from the subnatural pair, warily eyeing the tower of drinks with the very same concern. Already familiar with the store's layout, Callan nodded Grant towards one of the self-check out machines and placed the stack on the conveyor belt. She swiped everything through in a timely fashion, bagging what she could. Before she began handing things to Grant, however, she paused. "Didn't you have anything you needed to buy?" she asked, suddenly worried that she might have been severely inconveniencing him, "I'm gonna head back to my dorm now, but I can carry this stuff pretty easily now that it's bagged."
At the self-check out, he let her swipe her giant tower of energy drink boxes down before he would do the same with his box and the full basket. He waited for a bag to be held out to him, moving his chain to it before he stopped with her. At her words, it seems it takes a while to think. “Ah, right, I was going to buy clothes.” He said, hitting his palm with his fist, tilted his head. ”I do not mind assisting and getting clothes for myself some other time. It is a strange time for it, as you said, yes?”
The concern in her expression grew more severe, "Er... yeah. But... clothes are kind of important, aren't they?" She frowned, "Are you sure?"
He tilted his head the other way from her question, raising his brow only a bit. ”It is not like I am having a mass epidemic on clothing.” Fantastic humor.
"Well... alright," she handed him several bags, taking the bulk of it in her arms again, "Let's get going then!"
Grant blinked when she suddenly thrusted several bags into his arms. His limbs shook, struggling to carry the bags of mostly energy drinks. His brows furrowed as he instantly connected his chains to the bags, freeing him from the weight. Breath out. Collecting himself again, he gave a nod to Callan so they can get a move on once again. Just as in the store, the regulars outside gave the two arbiters a wide berth. If Callan was at all bothered, she hid it well, waiting until they were at the bus stop before speaking again.
"Aw, geez," she set the stack down again, pulling out her phone to check the time, "We just missed it-- sorry." She sat down with sigh. The next bus would come by soon enough, but she was already feeling like a major thorn in Grant's side. Even if he was the one to offer-- that neutral expression of his played more in favor of her doubts than optimism.
He merely stood where he was, the bags swaying around in the air as he turned to look over at her. Head tilt and glance off to the side, as if thinking. "You do not really have to be sorry about that. It is only a little unfortunate. But I suppose I need more fresh air, after all." What's this? Grant's attempt at trying to actually comfort Callan? He looked back to the road, brushing through his incredibly messy bedhead with his fingers. "It's okay, I'm saying.
"Hmm." She didn't sound convinced. In fact, her mind had been drifting towards other, more 'unfortunate'problems. Some silence passed again, with Callan's eyes darting between her phone and the perpetually tired looking mage. Clearly she wanted to say something but... that was a long time ago. Dredging up the past might not be the best idea. She had no idea how Grant had managed to deal with Padma's death after that first fight. She'd tried to apologize, but that was it. That was all she'd done. "Grant," she said, getting his attention. She hesitated again before continuing, "Uh... so what sort of stuff do you like to do?"
Not really the sort of thing she typically asked classmates, but it was better than her original question.
Attention caught. Grant's head turned back to the girl, blinking slowly at her hesitation to ask such a simple question. He thought on that a bit, his gaze locked on her. He decided to answer her first, his eyes shifting up to the sky. "I do not really do much stuff in general. I guess sleeping would fit that the most, but I wouldn't say that's exactly 'doing' something." He took a moment to pause and let her process his answer before he spoke again.
"So what did you actually want to ask me?"
Just sleep? Maybe she could sympathize with that a little. Sleep was pretty great after all. Then again, maybe he just didn't feel like sharing his hobbies with someone like her.
"Oh. Uh...," she tensed at the sudden question. Think of something else. Something else. ...But no ideas came. Not quickly enough anyway. "It's nothing!" she lied poorly.
"I doubt it is nothing if you are making such a big deal about it. Your panic at me mentioning it is written all over your face." He tilted his head the other way, looking at her, his face unchanging from its tired state. "I would appreciate it if you just told me.
Callan bit her lip, gripping her phone tightly. She certainly couldn't try and come up with an excuse when he put it that way. Resigned to her fate, she sighed. "Okay...." He asked for it, right?
"I was wondering... if you're... if you, uhm..." Say it already! She smiled incredulously, "Why are you talking to me?"
Blink blink. Blink blink. He looked ahead at the road, then back at her, as if trying to think of an answer for that. Honestly, he was still suspicious, yet her question equally seemed to take him off guard. Grant was silent for quite some time before he finally spoke up again. ".....Why not? Is there a reason not to?"
Callan scoffed, shaking her head at him. Was he joking? "That first fight we had after we got here..." she folded her arms tightly across her chest, "I was really horrible. Yelled at you in front of everyone." A pause, watching him carefully. "She was your roommate... wasn't she?"
He blinked at the sudden mention of... Her. His gaze turned down to the ground, tensing up a bit. Breath in. Breath out. He gave a small shrug. "She was supposed to be. We only really spent one day and one night in the same room, I believe. Even so, she protected me when I was supposed to be the one who died that day. If it weren't for my panic, she would still be alive today." His eyes closed, thinking to himself. "I should have accepted that offer to run with her. If I had known that was the last we would be able to speak.
"No-- nobody should have died that day," Callan leaned forward on the bench, "And I shouldn't have put the blame on you. It was..." Just like Marcus said. "Nobody's fault."
"I'm sorry if I'm the one that made you feel that way," she frowned, taking another breath, "None of us had ever fought monsters before. We did the best we could under the circumstances."
His shoulders tensed up more at her words and he shook his head and shut his eyes. "It was my fault!" Emotion suddenly fills his voice. His chains falter a bit, drooping before they raise back up again, swaying in a faster rhythm. "I was a coward that day. I couldn't move. My body failed me and I failed Padma. I failed her. Because of me and my lack of ability to get my shit together, she died!" Heavy breaths left Grant as he recovered from his sudden outburst. His head turned away from Callan, silent.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice."
Startled by the sudden contrast in Grant's demeanor, Callan gripped her phone a little too tight. Quietly, the screen cracked. Her grip only tightened as he continued, a few small bits of glass and chipped plastic collecting in her palm. Then, just as quickly as it started, it stopped. Leaving behind only regret.
She glanced down at the broken device, her thoughts far away from the inconvenience of needed to pick up a new one later. "I know how you feel," she said after a moment, closing her eyes as she slipped the phone into her pocket.
Grant took a moment to calm himself, brushing through his hair again. It took a bit before he looked over at her, his usual expression back on his face. His chains slowed their sway as well. "How so?" he asked, his tone having a more quiet volume than before.
Callan quickly averted her eyes the moment he looked at her. Bringing up the past had turned out even worse than she though it would. His question was only fair, "I mean I've gotten people killed. Tried to save them, but I couldn't..." She looked up at the sky, "It sucks, but... you can't focus on all the stuff you didn't do. Or at least you shouldn't. We do what we can and that has to be enough."
She looked back at him, "You have to make it enough. Or else you shut down... that's how it is for me anyway." Callan swung her feet, thinking for a moment, "I never forget... and the pain is still there sometimes... but it helps me keep moving."
Grant focused on the words that came from the supergirl. Of course, they were correct. Not to focus on what he didn't do, yet it was still hard for him. He let out a breath, closing his eyes in thought. "I understand... I am trying to use what Padma gave me to better myself. But I have only started now. I suppose that would be disappointing to see." He looked back to Callan, continuing to speak, "It is because of that first fight that I've realized that I cannot be scared. That I need to act or someone else close to me may die. It is also why I am talking to you."
"Me?" She gave him a wary smile. Had he been planning on bringing this up all along? Taking a page from Brent's book? At least she got a chance to speak her piece this time.
He gave a small shrug to her questioning response. "Well, I am trying to speak more to my classmates in general. It just so happens that you were nearby at the time. To be able to talk about what had happened in the first battle with someone who fought with me is admittedly... relieving," Grant said, smiling a very subtle smile once more. "So I am thankful for that."
Her smiled widened, genuinely relieved herself to hear that he hadn't been hunting her down just to tell her off for her misplaced anger that day. "Hey, any time," she scratched the back of her head sheepishly, "And... again, I really am sorry for yelling at you."
Grant exhaled through his nose, sounding like a chuckle. He shook his head and gave a simple wave of his hand. "You do not have to be sorry about that. It was warranted for the time. Let's not let that hang between us."
"Hmm... alright. If you say so," Callan shrugged. 'Warranted'. It didn't seem as though she'd fully convinced him. But if he was anything like herself, it seemed unlikely words alone ever would. Just then, the bus came rolling up the road, stopping in front of them. By some stroke of luck, it didn't seem anyone was interested in going anywhere on a Monday night. Picking up half of the stack of sodas, Callan loaded them into the second seat on the bus, vaguely aware of the looks she was getting from the driver. Wanting to keep an eye on her things, Callan took a seat near the front, stretching her legs across a whole row of seats as she waited for Grant.
Entering the bus, he probably looked just as weird with his chains bringing the bags into the bus, if not more. He set them down with the rest before making his way to a seat near her, taking it. With most of what was to say out of the way, the bus ride back was particularly quiet between the two. It even seemed like Grant easily fell asleep on the way back. After not too long of a bus ride back, they unloaded their things and themselves out of the bus where they moved to the dorms.
Yawn. Pushing a door open and returning to the great indoors. A store to buy all your needs and wants. Not as good as the bedroom, but while he's out on the town, it'll do. Wandering around for the clothing section, he is ready to release another might yawn when- oh hey, she looks familiar. She's a classmate. Name. Think. Ah, Callan. Good, he remembered. Yet, the fact that she was so close means the best option would be to talk to her. He can hardly remember the last conversation they had, and he can imagine it wasn't good. She was the one from his first fight, after all. That was not a good time. Not at all. Time to move.
"Callan?" Grant asked. Yes, good start.
Callan had already gathered a good number of items in the shopping basket around her arm. Several packages of cup noodles, a bottle of hot sauce, a three pack of pizza-shaped erasers, purple gift bag paper, and a silver basket. She'd been drawn in by a large section boasting jewelry, earrings, bracelets, and a plethora of scarves. Lost in what might as well have been a life or death decision, she was staring adamantly at two around the time she heard her name.
That voice... she didn't recognize it at all. Lowering the two scarves, she turned to see Grant, of all people, standing there. Somehow, he never struck her as the type to be out on the town shopping. Not without someone to drag him there, at least. Her eyes darted to either side of him, as if searching for that someone.
"Uh... hey, Grant," she answered, thoroughly perplexed as her gaze finally settled on him.
Blink blink. He looks left and right when Callan had glanced to his sides before their gazes collided once more. Her confusion against his stoicity. Who will win? His gaze lowers to see the many items that she held in her basket before his eyes lifted again. She seemed to be doing well, for the most part. Though, having a bit of a handful right now. Oh, it was his turn to speak.
"How are you?" His hand raises out of his pocket in a wave with the question.
She turned to more fully face him. "I'm doin' alright. All things considered...," she draped one of the scarves over her arm and pushed an aquamarine curl behind her ear, nervously shifting her weight. Things hadn't changed since the Flag Football match. Every time she saw him, the memory of her senseless shouting echoed ominously through her head.
"Sh-she's fucking dead! And you just stood there and watched!"
She mentally winced. After what happened in Wisford, she only felt worse about it. Avoiding Grant had been painfully easy ever since that day. He'd seemed stand-offish before, but still. She couldn't help but wonder if she was to blame.
It doesn't seem Grant held any malice or ill will toward the supergirl ever since they last talked. Then again, it's hard to tell what emotion was going through him with his tired face. Though, he is hoping to gain a better understanding with Callan. With the question thrown back at him, he seems to think for a moment before shrugging.
"I suppose I'm not bad. What is the occasion for all the items?" Again, his gaze shifts to the shopping basket in her hand as he approaches since he almost quite literally called to her from a bit away.
Not an answer that carried much confidence, but Grant was a hard read. So maybe he was fine? Thoughts drawn to the question, Callan held the basket up and glanced over the contents herself. "Uh... just some stuff for Emma," she shrugged, "No occasion."
Looking back down at the basket of all sorts of goods, he tilted his head in thought. Emma... Emma... Think, think... Then it popped in his head. He placed his fist into his palm as if suddenly getting an idea.
"Oh, scarf girl. Emma. Right. She seems to have a attachment to scarves." Grant returned his hands to his pockets as he lifted his head up to look at her again. "I was in town to take a look around and maybe buy some clothes for myself. It's really my first time casually coming to town, I think."
"Yeah. Scarf girl," Callan chuckled, "Pretty sure something happened to the one she had back at the estate, though. Since she hasn't worn it in a while...." As if to enunciate her point, she lifted the two scarves she'd been looking at. Eager to steer the topic away from their last impromptu battle, however, she continued.
"Kinda late for clothes shopping though, isn't it?" she said with a slightly concerned smile, "I've been in town a handful of times, but it seems like all the weirdos come out at night."
Grant tilted his head in a bit of confusion when Callan brought up the time. A glance toward the nearest window later and he looked back to the supergirl.
"Is it? I don't think I would know the perfect time to go shopping for clothes. And if any 'weirdo' were to come at me, I think I will be able to handle myself in such a situation."
"Oh, that's right," Callan grinned, averting her eyes, "I guess you could just grab some pants off the nearest rack and smother anyone who gets too close, huh?"
Blink blink. Oh, she was referring to the flag football game from a while ago. He wondered if she had any problem with him due to the nature he had dispatched her.
"Yes, that would be a way to deal with them and make sure they don't come back again." Grant said with a nod. He takes a moment to think... "I'm sorry for dealing with you that way during the flag football game, by the way. I was running out of options."
She forced a laugh. That was definitely a bad attempt at a joke on her part-- and not just because Grant didn't so much as chuckle.
"D-don't worry about it," she waved her hand, comparing the scarves again as an excuse not to show her face, "You gotta do what you gotta do. You guys won fair and square. Besides, that was a long time ago. I don't even remember it." Lies. She definitely remembered. It was one of those memories that made her want to cringe into the next century. But at least she could joke about it now.
"Was it really that long ago? I don't think it is something so easily forgotten." Grant said before giving a simple shrug. "But I just wanted to apologize about it in case there was any bad blood between us."
"Heh," she grimaced, finally choosing a scarf and folding it into her basket, "Well, it's fine. No bad blood. Promise."
Grant gave a nod while offering a very, very subtle smile. Barely noticeable, but it was still there. Looking back down at the basket, he thought for a bit.
"Do you need any help with your shopping?"
"Uh," she was taken off-guard by the offer, "Sure... I was just about to go grab some drinks." She pointed her thumb towards the back of the store.
Nod nod. Grant's hands slithered their way back into his jean pockets as he looked over to the direction of Callan's destination.
"Okay. I can help bring the drinks to the front in that case." The offer seemed sort of redundant, due to the girl he was trying to help out already have super strength, but at least he was offering. That should count toward something, right?
"Alright, sweet," she returned the other scarf to the hanger and led the way, eventually falling in step with Grant. Desperate to fill the strange silence, as always, Callan eventually piped up, "So Grant... where are you from?"
"Hmm." Was what came out of Grant at first as he appeared to think about the question at first. Almost as if strategizing his own words and how they would work out. It only took a few moments before he spoke up once again. "More north from here. New York." Left hand comes up and brushes his hair a bit with his fingers. "You?"
Even though it was only a moment's hesitation, Callan couldn't help but notice. Most people didn't need to think about where they came from. Did he not want to say or was Grant just... bizarrely forgetful? "Atlanta," she shrugged, "Born and raised."
"That sounds nice. How was it, down there for when you lived there?" Though his stoic, tired expression barely gave anything away, he seemed a bit quick to jump on the question for some reason. His head turned to look over at her nonetheless, returning his hand to his pocket.
"Uhm," Callan floundered for a moment. Had Grant always been this talkative? "It was nice, I guess. Kinda humid sometimes. Good neighborhood." She thought for a moment, "You know, I think Marcus and Emma are from up north, too. What part of New York are you from?"
Grant looked over at that question, again seeming to pause at the curiosity of his own life. It takes a moment before he looked back ahead and he answered. "Manhattan. I did not know that Marcus and Emma were from up north too. They are both from New York as well?" Once again, quick to latch onto a question regarding something other than him. Despite that, a smooth transition. Mostly.
There it was again...! Why did he keep pausing? Callan stared at up at him fixedly. "Yep... both of 'em," she squinted suspiciously for a second before looking away, "How was Manhattan?" It occurred to her a bit too late that Grant was probably trying to change the subject for a reason, but the question was already out.
He paused again, closing his eyes as he let them both walk a bit more distance. The answer came eventually, of course. ”Luxurious. Comfortable, I suppose. I had thought I would spend my life there, but I guess not. I am here now, after all.” This time, he didn’t bother to change the topic, as there we no way to do so in a clean manner.
Hard to read as ever, Callan tried her best to gauge what he'd said, but was coming up empty handed again. It didn't good, but Grant seemed largely unaffected by what he was saying. She quickly turned her attention back to the drinks up ahead. "Right. Sorry. We can change the subject if you'd like," she offered with a weak smile.
He looked over at her when she offered a chance of subject. It was a good out of the topic that he seemed to not be comfortable with. He didn’t answer for a bit again before he shook his head, looking back ahead. ”If you’d rather ask about me, I do not mind. I don’t guarantee a satisfying answer to everything, though.”
She gave a subdued chuckle, entirely caught out in her curiosity. "I don't want to stick my nose where it doesn't belong," she said as they finally reached the several rows of drinks, "I just don't know anything about you after all this time... Less than most anyway. I don't know if I've been going blind or you stay in your room 24/7 because it feels like I never see you."
She quickly thought twice about her assertion. Hadn't she been the one holing herself up for three weeks? Who was to say he hadn't been more social during that time. "Then again, I haven't gotten out much until recently, so what do I know, y'know?" she added flippantly, picking up three heavy boxes of energy drinks and tucking them under her arm as if they weighed no more than styrofoam.
Grant blinked when Callan would easily pick up three boxes of energy drinks, tilting his head at her words as well. ”No, you are mostly correct. I rarely leave my room at all. Some words from Brent made me want to go out and talk more with the classmates around me. I barely know much about you all other than your powers to a point.” He turned to look at her again. ”Did something trouble you to hide yourself in your room?”
"Uhm," Callan hesitated to respond, but kept filling her basket with as many of the boxes as would fit. Just as the strain on the handles seemed as though it might break, she quickly shifted her hold so that it was balanced in her hand. She did so easily, clearly thinking about the answer to Grant's question while she went through the motions. "You could say that," she finally settled on, "D.C. was a rough time for me, but I'm doing alright now." It wasn't in an effort to change the topic, but the simple revival of her curiosity that prompted the next question.
"I completely forgot Brent was your roommate," she hesitated again, briefly this time, "How is that, by the way?"
Grant watched the powered girl load up on boxes upon boxes of drinks, curious. Yet, his attention was temporarily shifted from one thin to another. He looked back up at her, thinking about her question. “He is amusing, I would say. He is also encouraging. Aside from that, I have not conversed too much with him, regrettably.” A quick break from the current topic, he points to the drinks. ”Do you need assistance with the drinks?
"'Amusing', huh...," Callan briefly mulled over the appropriateness of Grant's description. She really hadn't spent much time with Brent outside of that one day at the school gym and that night at the hospital, but... she supposed it worked. Reminded of Grant's offer to help, she quickly looked down at the drinks in her arms. She already had enough to last her a while, but... "Yeah, just, uh... grab another box for me, would you?"
At the request, Grant’s attention was fully on a box of energy drinks as a chain formed behind him. It moved to a box before making contact with it, easily pulled it up and into the air. He was very well aware of his lack of strength to lift up the box of his own, so he resorted to his power instead. ”That is all?”
Her mouth formed a small 'o' as her eyes followed the chain's movements. She looked between the chained box and the shelves, greedily considering the opportunity. "...How many can you carry?" she half-whispered in excitement.
Blink blink. He looked at the box on his chain already before looking back to the shelf holding all the boxes. ”Well, I have three chains in total, so I can carry three boxes if you’d like. Unless you would want me to uproot the entire shelf.” That was his own attempt at being humorous. At least, it was funny to him. He wasn’t sure how it would deliver, as his tone barely changed. Either way, he summoned the rest of his chains behind him, letting them sway from side to side.
"You can do that?" she looked the shelf over, almost as if she were really considering it for a moment. She laughed, shaking her head. No, that was an awful idea-- even if he'd only been joking. She quite liked this store and wasn't keen on getting thrown out any time soon. "How easily could you carry this?"
She held out the basket, teeming with the other objects she'd gathered as well as three boxes.
Grant had cracked another small smile at Callan’s laughter before her question. Looking at the full basket, it was intimidating to think about carrying it with only his bare hands. He tilted his head a bit before sending his remaining to chains to the basket, both taking hold of it. Unlike previous times with his power, it didn’t seem to bother him too much, despite the weight. His chains carried the basket with ease. ”Very easily, it seems.”
"Hmmm," Callan nodded approvingly, "Awesome-- then you hang on to that. And I'll..." With her her hands free of the basket, Callan began stacking more boxes into her arms. Two... four... six... eight... ten. The stack was a good foot or so above her head, but she didn't seem to be having any trouble. "Alright," she beamed, rotating her hips so she could walk and see, "Let's go check out."
As he let Callan go do whatever she was doing, Grant sorted out his chains and how they were carrying the basket and box. It wasn’t until she spoke up when he would look back over, and his eyes instantly went up to the stack of boxes that went higher than even her. His mouth was slightly agape in awe, looking back and forth between the stack and Callan herself. ”...Yes.” was all he could manage before he would begin walking to the front with her, although he stuck close, wondering if the stack was going to topple at any moment.
Customers and staff alike stayed far away from the subnatural pair, warily eyeing the tower of drinks with the very same concern. Already familiar with the store's layout, Callan nodded Grant towards one of the self-check out machines and placed the stack on the conveyor belt. She swiped everything through in a timely fashion, bagging what she could. Before she began handing things to Grant, however, she paused. "Didn't you have anything you needed to buy?" she asked, suddenly worried that she might have been severely inconveniencing him, "I'm gonna head back to my dorm now, but I can carry this stuff pretty easily now that it's bagged."
At the self-check out, he let her swipe her giant tower of energy drink boxes down before he would do the same with his box and the full basket. He waited for a bag to be held out to him, moving his chain to it before he stopped with her. At her words, it seems it takes a while to think. “Ah, right, I was going to buy clothes.” He said, hitting his palm with his fist, tilted his head. ”I do not mind assisting and getting clothes for myself some other time. It is a strange time for it, as you said, yes?”
The concern in her expression grew more severe, "Er... yeah. But... clothes are kind of important, aren't they?" She frowned, "Are you sure?"
He tilted his head the other way from her question, raising his brow only a bit. ”It is not like I am having a mass epidemic on clothing.” Fantastic humor.
"Well... alright," she handed him several bags, taking the bulk of it in her arms again, "Let's get going then!"
Grant blinked when she suddenly thrusted several bags into his arms. His limbs shook, struggling to carry the bags of mostly energy drinks. His brows furrowed as he instantly connected his chains to the bags, freeing him from the weight. Breath out. Collecting himself again, he gave a nod to Callan so they can get a move on once again. Just as in the store, the regulars outside gave the two arbiters a wide berth. If Callan was at all bothered, she hid it well, waiting until they were at the bus stop before speaking again.
"Aw, geez," she set the stack down again, pulling out her phone to check the time, "We just missed it-- sorry." She sat down with sigh. The next bus would come by soon enough, but she was already feeling like a major thorn in Grant's side. Even if he was the one to offer-- that neutral expression of his played more in favor of her doubts than optimism.
He merely stood where he was, the bags swaying around in the air as he turned to look over at her. Head tilt and glance off to the side, as if thinking. "You do not really have to be sorry about that. It is only a little unfortunate. But I suppose I need more fresh air, after all." What's this? Grant's attempt at trying to actually comfort Callan? He looked back to the road, brushing through his incredibly messy bedhead with his fingers. "It's okay, I'm saying.
"Hmm." She didn't sound convinced. In fact, her mind had been drifting towards other, more 'unfortunate'problems. Some silence passed again, with Callan's eyes darting between her phone and the perpetually tired looking mage. Clearly she wanted to say something but... that was a long time ago. Dredging up the past might not be the best idea. She had no idea how Grant had managed to deal with Padma's death after that first fight. She'd tried to apologize, but that was it. That was all she'd done. "Grant," she said, getting his attention. She hesitated again before continuing, "Uh... so what sort of stuff do you like to do?"
Not really the sort of thing she typically asked classmates, but it was better than her original question.
Attention caught. Grant's head turned back to the girl, blinking slowly at her hesitation to ask such a simple question. He thought on that a bit, his gaze locked on her. He decided to answer her first, his eyes shifting up to the sky. "I do not really do much stuff in general. I guess sleeping would fit that the most, but I wouldn't say that's exactly 'doing' something." He took a moment to pause and let her process his answer before he spoke again.
"So what did you actually want to ask me?"
Just sleep? Maybe she could sympathize with that a little. Sleep was pretty great after all. Then again, maybe he just didn't feel like sharing his hobbies with someone like her.
"Oh. Uh...," she tensed at the sudden question. Think of something else. Something else. ...But no ideas came. Not quickly enough anyway. "It's nothing!" she lied poorly.
"I doubt it is nothing if you are making such a big deal about it. Your panic at me mentioning it is written all over your face." He tilted his head the other way, looking at her, his face unchanging from its tired state. "I would appreciate it if you just told me.
Callan bit her lip, gripping her phone tightly. She certainly couldn't try and come up with an excuse when he put it that way. Resigned to her fate, she sighed. "Okay...." He asked for it, right?
"I was wondering... if you're... if you, uhm..." Say it already! She smiled incredulously, "Why are you talking to me?"
Blink blink. Blink blink. He looked ahead at the road, then back at her, as if trying to think of an answer for that. Honestly, he was still suspicious, yet her question equally seemed to take him off guard. Grant was silent for quite some time before he finally spoke up again. ".....Why not? Is there a reason not to?"
Callan scoffed, shaking her head at him. Was he joking? "That first fight we had after we got here..." she folded her arms tightly across her chest, "I was really horrible. Yelled at you in front of everyone." A pause, watching him carefully. "She was your roommate... wasn't she?"
He blinked at the sudden mention of... Her. His gaze turned down to the ground, tensing up a bit. Breath in. Breath out. He gave a small shrug. "She was supposed to be. We only really spent one day and one night in the same room, I believe. Even so, she protected me when I was supposed to be the one who died that day. If it weren't for my panic, she would still be alive today." His eyes closed, thinking to himself. "I should have accepted that offer to run with her. If I had known that was the last we would be able to speak.
"No-- nobody should have died that day," Callan leaned forward on the bench, "And I shouldn't have put the blame on you. It was..." Just like Marcus said. "Nobody's fault."
"I'm sorry if I'm the one that made you feel that way," she frowned, taking another breath, "None of us had ever fought monsters before. We did the best we could under the circumstances."
His shoulders tensed up more at her words and he shook his head and shut his eyes. "It was my fault!" Emotion suddenly fills his voice. His chains falter a bit, drooping before they raise back up again, swaying in a faster rhythm. "I was a coward that day. I couldn't move. My body failed me and I failed Padma. I failed her. Because of me and my lack of ability to get my shit together, she died!" Heavy breaths left Grant as he recovered from his sudden outburst. His head turned away from Callan, silent.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice."
Startled by the sudden contrast in Grant's demeanor, Callan gripped her phone a little too tight. Quietly, the screen cracked. Her grip only tightened as he continued, a few small bits of glass and chipped plastic collecting in her palm. Then, just as quickly as it started, it stopped. Leaving behind only regret.
She glanced down at the broken device, her thoughts far away from the inconvenience of needed to pick up a new one later. "I know how you feel," she said after a moment, closing her eyes as she slipped the phone into her pocket.
Grant took a moment to calm himself, brushing through his hair again. It took a bit before he looked over at her, his usual expression back on his face. His chains slowed their sway as well. "How so?" he asked, his tone having a more quiet volume than before.
Callan quickly averted her eyes the moment he looked at her. Bringing up the past had turned out even worse than she though it would. His question was only fair, "I mean I've gotten people killed. Tried to save them, but I couldn't..." She looked up at the sky, "It sucks, but... you can't focus on all the stuff you didn't do. Or at least you shouldn't. We do what we can and that has to be enough."
She looked back at him, "You have to make it enough. Or else you shut down... that's how it is for me anyway." Callan swung her feet, thinking for a moment, "I never forget... and the pain is still there sometimes... but it helps me keep moving."
Grant focused on the words that came from the supergirl. Of course, they were correct. Not to focus on what he didn't do, yet it was still hard for him. He let out a breath, closing his eyes in thought. "I understand... I am trying to use what Padma gave me to better myself. But I have only started now. I suppose that would be disappointing to see." He looked back to Callan, continuing to speak, "It is because of that first fight that I've realized that I cannot be scared. That I need to act or someone else close to me may die. It is also why I am talking to you."
"Me?" She gave him a wary smile. Had he been planning on bringing this up all along? Taking a page from Brent's book? At least she got a chance to speak her piece this time.
He gave a small shrug to her questioning response. "Well, I am trying to speak more to my classmates in general. It just so happens that you were nearby at the time. To be able to talk about what had happened in the first battle with someone who fought with me is admittedly... relieving," Grant said, smiling a very subtle smile once more. "So I am thankful for that."
Her smiled widened, genuinely relieved herself to hear that he hadn't been hunting her down just to tell her off for her misplaced anger that day. "Hey, any time," she scratched the back of her head sheepishly, "And... again, I really am sorry for yelling at you."
Grant exhaled through his nose, sounding like a chuckle. He shook his head and gave a simple wave of his hand. "You do not have to be sorry about that. It was warranted for the time. Let's not let that hang between us."
"Hmm... alright. If you say so," Callan shrugged. 'Warranted'. It didn't seem as though she'd fully convinced him. But if he was anything like herself, it seemed unlikely words alone ever would. Just then, the bus came rolling up the road, stopping in front of them. By some stroke of luck, it didn't seem anyone was interested in going anywhere on a Monday night. Picking up half of the stack of sodas, Callan loaded them into the second seat on the bus, vaguely aware of the looks she was getting from the driver. Wanting to keep an eye on her things, Callan took a seat near the front, stretching her legs across a whole row of seats as she waited for Grant.
Entering the bus, he probably looked just as weird with his chains bringing the bags into the bus, if not more. He set them down with the rest before making his way to a seat near her, taking it. With most of what was to say out of the way, the bus ride back was particularly quiet between the two. It even seemed like Grant easily fell asleep on the way back. After not too long of a bus ride back, they unloaded their things and themselves out of the bus where they moved to the dorms.

𝕄𝕠𝕟: 𝕆𝕔𝕥. 𝟙𝟚, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 / / 𝕌𝕊𝔸ℝ𝕀𝕃ℕ 𝔼𝕒𝕤𝕥 / / 𝕊𝕦𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝟜𝟛𝟘 / / 𝟚𝟘𝟛𝟘
In front of Callan's room, he looked over at her. "I suppose this is where we part ways," he said, his chains beginning to lower the bags.
"I suppose so!" Callan sighed, setting all of her boxes onto the floor. She'd have to find a place for it all after her left. Maybe under the bed.... "Thanks again for helping."
Grant set the bags that he had been helping carry onto the floor next to all the boxes that Callan carried. His chains quickly retracted behind him, vanishing out of sight. "You're welcome," he replied with a nod. "I'll be off, then," he said, pointing back to the door leading back into the hall.
A blur of brown fur darted from the bedroom at a startling speed for something as small as it was. Chief Tater Tot, in all his canine glory, dashed directly for the unfamiliar presence, eagerly bounding up to Grant, enthusiastically sniffing around the boy, tail wagging as though he'd discovered the newest best thing. Finding satisfaction with his identification ritual, the dog punctuated an excitable look with a bark.
Said bark seemed to be enough to summon the dog's owner.
"Tater Tot, you know that--oh!" A familiar face. Grant? Grant. That was the correct name...right? Siena offered a nervous attempt at a smile. "H-hey, sorry about him."
Just as Grant was turning to leave, he heard a... peculiar sound. Turning to said noise, he was a bit startled to see a small animal quickly rush him. This was it. This was... oh, it was only sniffing him. Grant seemed to just be staring down at the dog, his mouth a bit ajar, watching its excited exploits. His gaze turned up toward the new voice. Oh, he knew him. It was... her name... it... it was an S, that was for sure... oh, Siena. Right? Right. He looked back and forth between the dog and its owner a few times before his eyes finally settled on her. That's when he pointed down to the dog.
"May I pet him?" He asked, almost as if a twinkle just appeared in his usually expressionless eyes.
"Of course. He loves the attention." Siena's smile drifted from nervous to warm, a controlled shift of expression. The girl's mind churned, dredging up memories of recent events, of their first combat experience, and she pushed them away. Not important. "I think he likes you too." The Arbiter motioned toward the dog, the canine's gaze looking up as though expecting exactly what Grant had requested.
At the confirmation for him to pet the dog, he knelt down, his hands beginning. It has only begun. His double hand petting technique. It looked like he was even smiling a bit again as he gave the dog just what it expected. "He is nice," he stated, trying to pet all sorts of spots all over the dog. Pet pet pet. "I am sorry for the intrusion... Tater Tot, you said his name was?" he inquired, yet his gaze and attention was completely set on the brown canine.
Callan smiled at the sight, picking up a few boxes and setting them on the kitchen counter. It'd been a while since she'd seen anyone so happy to pet a dog. Captivated by the beginning of Grant's silly conversation, she watched on.
It was hard to believe that the boy petting Tater Tot was the same one that she'd fought alongside with their second night at the facility. The same one that had told her to be prepared to kill if hostile subnaturals appeared in Wisford. Siena felt the smile grow a little warmer despite herself.
"Chief Tater Tot, according to the papers he came with," Siena replied. The dog gave a small sound of approval, evidently pleased by the amount of attention he was receiving. His tail continued to wag like a motor as he tried to return the affection the only way a dog knew how--sloppy licks on anything that his tongue could reach.
D'aw. D'AW. The dog's tongue lapped sloppily at Grant's hands as he pet relentlessly. No mercy. He nodded at Siena's words, his smile growing a bit more as he kept petting the canine. "Such a peculiar name. Yet... fitting," he commented, rub rub all over the animal. Will it ever end? Probably not any time soon. "Hmm... do you like this spot?... He mumbled out as he continued to pet and experiment with many strategies. Behind the ear? Maybe his stomach. "Oh... perhaps here..."
Tater Tot panted eagerly, rolling onto his back to expose his belly, one leg twitching as Grant managed to scratch a particular spot, tongue lolling out as he reveled in the moment. Clearly, he was in doggy paradise--almost.
Siena dared a glance toward her roommate, the smile on her face more than enough to relay an unspoken message. How unbelievably precious.
"Would you like to give him a treat?"
Oh. The dog was now on his back. Grant has noted where he needed to pet. The weak spot. This was it. This was the moment. This pet was the pet that will pierce the heavens. Here it comes. MAXIMUM-
"Treat?" Grant let out, snapping out from his trance, looking back up at the owner of the dog. His hand moved over to the spot that Tater Tot seemed to really like, scratching away lightly at it. "Yes.. yes, that sounds nice... may I?" he asked, continuing to pet away at the dog.
Callan's smile widened at the suggestion. She eagerly dashed towards cupboard where they kept the treats. "Here," she opened the box and held it out for Grant.
Grant blinked as he looked up at Callan who bestowed upon him a box of treats. His hand came up with a subtle nod, taking one from the box, his other hand still petting Tater Tot. "...Thank you," he said before looking back down at the dog, taking his petting hand away and now holding the treat up for the canine to take. "Here you go, Tater Tot..."
Tater Tot smelled the delicacies before he saw them, and he rolled eagerly back to an upright position as he watched new humans person take one from the special box. The dog's tail wagged with even greater enthusiasm, expression alight with a bright joy. Treat! Treat! The dog stood on his hind legs, front paws up as though about to embrace the hand with the treat. When his balance faltered, Tater Tot performed a quick spin, falling back onto all four paws before returning to carefully--as carefully as a dog could manage it, at least--take the proffered treat. Treat!
Clearly, it was a day of celebration.
Did it just?
Oh lord, it just. Grant watched as the bright canine roll back to his front and try to take the treat. Yet, he did a spin. A spin. That was reason enough to give the dog a treat if ever. He lowered his hand for Tater Tot to take the treat and enjoy it. Once the treat was taken, his hand dropped to the dog's neck to begin petting and scratching away. "Good boy..." Grant can't help but chuckle a bit as he returned to petting.
Siena couldn't help but grin to herself. She didn't know what she'd expected, but it certainly wasn't this. Tater Tot seemed to be relishing the attention too, completely at ease. Maybe her initial judgements on Grant were off the mark. That was...nice, surprisingly enough. It wasn't often that things turned out better than her first assumptions in recent times.
"He really seems to like you," Siena claimed with a soft chuckle. "You know, if you ever want to come by and visit, I'm sure Tater Tot would enjoy the company." Ah, wait. Her gaze darted back to Callan. "E-er, if...if you guys don't mind, of course."
It took a second before Callan was able to tear herself away from the sight of Grant and Tater Tot, glancing at Siena with a thoroughly amused look in her eye, "No, I don't mind at all." She looked back at Grant, "Seriously, come over any time. Chief's in freaking paradise right now." She laughed.
As if to punctuate the claim, Tater Tot gave an eager bark.
Grant blinked at the sudden offer. He lifted his head to look at the two in the room, his hand on autopilot as he pet Tater Tot. He looked back down at the dog, bringing his free finger up to his own cheek and scratching it. He seemed to think once again, watching the dog... "...I suppose if you truly don't mind, I might take you up on that offer," he stated as he brought his hand to the dog's belly once again to find his weak spot.
"Here, give me your phone and I'll put my number in," Callan chuckled, holding her hand out.
The boy looked up from the dog that he was currently assaulting with his pets, staring at Callan's hand. It took a few moments before his gaze shifted up to her. "I don't have a phone."
"Oh, um..." That made things a bit harder. Grey eyes flicked over to Callan, then to Grant, mind churning for a few minutes before a possible solution presented itself--aside from the obvious need to somehow provide Grant with a phone. "Do you have a roommate? Maybe we can work through them for a bit."
Grant's head tilted after Siena's suggestion, thinking to himself. His hands continued to move automatically, shifting his knee to keep it in a comfortable position. "I have Brent as a roommate, if you know who he is," he eventually answered.
One blink. Two.
"'Know' is putting it a bit lightly..." Well, that was quite a convenient coincidence. Apparently she wasn't going to get away from her fellow role-filler, though at least it provided an easy option. "He has my number, so we can work through him for now."
Grant watched her, curious as to what she meant by her first statement. Even after she explained what they could do, he stared at her. It took a bit but he nodded eventually. ”Okay. That sounds fine,” he stated, looking down at Tater Tot, halting his pets. He gave a pat to his head before standing up. ”Then I guess I shouldn’t overstay my welcome.”
"I'm gonna head out in a bit," Callan said, almost regretful. She glanced at Siena, deferring to her, "But I mean...?"
"I don't mind if you want to stay longer," Siena smiled. "I didn't have plans to head out anytime soon."
He blinked, reaching up and lightly scratching his cheek as he looked back down at the dog once more. He shrugged subtly, looking back up at Siena. "I do not have any other things to do either. I suppose staying longer would not hurt," Grant said, kneeling down and continuing the now nonstop petting.
"Aaalright, then," Callan finished putting all the boxes of drinks in their proper place under her bed. Grabbing her bag, she said her goodbyes and headed off for Ground Zero.
"I suppose so!" Callan sighed, setting all of her boxes onto the floor. She'd have to find a place for it all after her left. Maybe under the bed.... "Thanks again for helping."
Grant set the bags that he had been helping carry onto the floor next to all the boxes that Callan carried. His chains quickly retracted behind him, vanishing out of sight. "You're welcome," he replied with a nod. "I'll be off, then," he said, pointing back to the door leading back into the hall.
A blur of brown fur darted from the bedroom at a startling speed for something as small as it was. Chief Tater Tot, in all his canine glory, dashed directly for the unfamiliar presence, eagerly bounding up to Grant, enthusiastically sniffing around the boy, tail wagging as though he'd discovered the newest best thing. Finding satisfaction with his identification ritual, the dog punctuated an excitable look with a bark.
Said bark seemed to be enough to summon the dog's owner.
"Tater Tot, you know that--oh!" A familiar face. Grant? Grant. That was the correct name...right? Siena offered a nervous attempt at a smile. "H-hey, sorry about him."
Just as Grant was turning to leave, he heard a... peculiar sound. Turning to said noise, he was a bit startled to see a small animal quickly rush him. This was it. This was... oh, it was only sniffing him. Grant seemed to just be staring down at the dog, his mouth a bit ajar, watching its excited exploits. His gaze turned up toward the new voice. Oh, he knew him. It was... her name... it... it was an S, that was for sure... oh, Siena. Right? Right. He looked back and forth between the dog and its owner a few times before his eyes finally settled on her. That's when he pointed down to the dog.
"May I pet him?" He asked, almost as if a twinkle just appeared in his usually expressionless eyes.
"Of course. He loves the attention." Siena's smile drifted from nervous to warm, a controlled shift of expression. The girl's mind churned, dredging up memories of recent events, of their first combat experience, and she pushed them away. Not important. "I think he likes you too." The Arbiter motioned toward the dog, the canine's gaze looking up as though expecting exactly what Grant had requested.
At the confirmation for him to pet the dog, he knelt down, his hands beginning. It has only begun. His double hand petting technique. It looked like he was even smiling a bit again as he gave the dog just what it expected. "He is nice," he stated, trying to pet all sorts of spots all over the dog. Pet pet pet. "I am sorry for the intrusion... Tater Tot, you said his name was?" he inquired, yet his gaze and attention was completely set on the brown canine.
Callan smiled at the sight, picking up a few boxes and setting them on the kitchen counter. It'd been a while since she'd seen anyone so happy to pet a dog. Captivated by the beginning of Grant's silly conversation, she watched on.
It was hard to believe that the boy petting Tater Tot was the same one that she'd fought alongside with their second night at the facility. The same one that had told her to be prepared to kill if hostile subnaturals appeared in Wisford. Siena felt the smile grow a little warmer despite herself.
"Chief Tater Tot, according to the papers he came with," Siena replied. The dog gave a small sound of approval, evidently pleased by the amount of attention he was receiving. His tail continued to wag like a motor as he tried to return the affection the only way a dog knew how--sloppy licks on anything that his tongue could reach.
D'aw. D'AW. The dog's tongue lapped sloppily at Grant's hands as he pet relentlessly. No mercy. He nodded at Siena's words, his smile growing a bit more as he kept petting the canine. "Such a peculiar name. Yet... fitting," he commented, rub rub all over the animal. Will it ever end? Probably not any time soon. "Hmm... do you like this spot?... He mumbled out as he continued to pet and experiment with many strategies. Behind the ear? Maybe his stomach. "Oh... perhaps here..."
Tater Tot panted eagerly, rolling onto his back to expose his belly, one leg twitching as Grant managed to scratch a particular spot, tongue lolling out as he reveled in the moment. Clearly, he was in doggy paradise--almost.
Siena dared a glance toward her roommate, the smile on her face more than enough to relay an unspoken message. How unbelievably precious.
"Would you like to give him a treat?"
Oh. The dog was now on his back. Grant has noted where he needed to pet. The weak spot. This was it. This was the moment. This pet was the pet that will pierce the heavens. Here it comes. MAXIMUM-
"Treat?" Grant let out, snapping out from his trance, looking back up at the owner of the dog. His hand moved over to the spot that Tater Tot seemed to really like, scratching away lightly at it. "Yes.. yes, that sounds nice... may I?" he asked, continuing to pet away at the dog.
Callan's smile widened at the suggestion. She eagerly dashed towards cupboard where they kept the treats. "Here," she opened the box and held it out for Grant.
Grant blinked as he looked up at Callan who bestowed upon him a box of treats. His hand came up with a subtle nod, taking one from the box, his other hand still petting Tater Tot. "...Thank you," he said before looking back down at the dog, taking his petting hand away and now holding the treat up for the canine to take. "Here you go, Tater Tot..."
Tater Tot smelled the delicacies before he saw them, and he rolled eagerly back to an upright position as he watched new humans person take one from the special box. The dog's tail wagged with even greater enthusiasm, expression alight with a bright joy. Treat! Treat! The dog stood on his hind legs, front paws up as though about to embrace the hand with the treat. When his balance faltered, Tater Tot performed a quick spin, falling back onto all four paws before returning to carefully--as carefully as a dog could manage it, at least--take the proffered treat. Treat!
Clearly, it was a day of celebration.
Did it just?
Oh lord, it just. Grant watched as the bright canine roll back to his front and try to take the treat. Yet, he did a spin. A spin. That was reason enough to give the dog a treat if ever. He lowered his hand for Tater Tot to take the treat and enjoy it. Once the treat was taken, his hand dropped to the dog's neck to begin petting and scratching away. "Good boy..." Grant can't help but chuckle a bit as he returned to petting.
Siena couldn't help but grin to herself. She didn't know what she'd expected, but it certainly wasn't this. Tater Tot seemed to be relishing the attention too, completely at ease. Maybe her initial judgements on Grant were off the mark. That was...nice, surprisingly enough. It wasn't often that things turned out better than her first assumptions in recent times.
"He really seems to like you," Siena claimed with a soft chuckle. "You know, if you ever want to come by and visit, I'm sure Tater Tot would enjoy the company." Ah, wait. Her gaze darted back to Callan. "E-er, if...if you guys don't mind, of course."
It took a second before Callan was able to tear herself away from the sight of Grant and Tater Tot, glancing at Siena with a thoroughly amused look in her eye, "No, I don't mind at all." She looked back at Grant, "Seriously, come over any time. Chief's in freaking paradise right now." She laughed.
As if to punctuate the claim, Tater Tot gave an eager bark.
Grant blinked at the sudden offer. He lifted his head to look at the two in the room, his hand on autopilot as he pet Tater Tot. He looked back down at the dog, bringing his free finger up to his own cheek and scratching it. He seemed to think once again, watching the dog... "...I suppose if you truly don't mind, I might take you up on that offer," he stated as he brought his hand to the dog's belly once again to find his weak spot.
"Here, give me your phone and I'll put my number in," Callan chuckled, holding her hand out.
The boy looked up from the dog that he was currently assaulting with his pets, staring at Callan's hand. It took a few moments before his gaze shifted up to her. "I don't have a phone."
"Oh, um..." That made things a bit harder. Grey eyes flicked over to Callan, then to Grant, mind churning for a few minutes before a possible solution presented itself--aside from the obvious need to somehow provide Grant with a phone. "Do you have a roommate? Maybe we can work through them for a bit."
Grant's head tilted after Siena's suggestion, thinking to himself. His hands continued to move automatically, shifting his knee to keep it in a comfortable position. "I have Brent as a roommate, if you know who he is," he eventually answered.
One blink. Two.
"'Know' is putting it a bit lightly..." Well, that was quite a convenient coincidence. Apparently she wasn't going to get away from her fellow role-filler, though at least it provided an easy option. "He has my number, so we can work through him for now."
Grant watched her, curious as to what she meant by her first statement. Even after she explained what they could do, he stared at her. It took a bit but he nodded eventually. ”Okay. That sounds fine,” he stated, looking down at Tater Tot, halting his pets. He gave a pat to his head before standing up. ”Then I guess I shouldn’t overstay my welcome.”
"I'm gonna head out in a bit," Callan said, almost regretful. She glanced at Siena, deferring to her, "But I mean...?"
"I don't mind if you want to stay longer," Siena smiled. "I didn't have plans to head out anytime soon."
He blinked, reaching up and lightly scratching his cheek as he looked back down at the dog once more. He shrugged subtly, looking back up at Siena. "I do not have any other things to do either. I suppose staying longer would not hurt," Grant said, kneeling down and continuing the now nonstop petting.
"Aaalright, then," Callan finished putting all the boxes of drinks in their proper place under her bed. Grabbing her bag, she said her goodbyes and headed off for Ground Zero.
yo did Grant go home yet?
Yeah, after a while. Tater Tot was sad to see him go.
LOL poor puppy. least he made a new friend
I think we might have an honorary fourth suite member now!
haha I think you're right

𝕄𝕠𝕟: 𝕆𝕔𝕥. 𝟙𝟚, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 / / 𝕌𝕊𝔸ℝ𝕀𝕃ℕ 𝔼𝕒𝕤𝕥 / / 𝔾𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 ℤ𝕖𝕣𝕠 / / 𝟚𝟚𝟛𝟘
Even compared to her usual stints in Ground Zero, Zoe was painfully exhausted. Having to speak with Chris had delayed everything, and now it was a whole lot later than she was used to. She'd figured she could just forego recovery time and make her way back, but turned out a completely fresh injury was even more of a pain than it had been when she'd taken a couple hours to deal with it. So here she was, sat on a pile of debris not too far from the entrance as she waited to feel like she could make the journey back to the dorms.
The lateness didn't bother her, really - wasn't too long a walk back to the dorms anyway, and she'd had more than enough time to make sure things were still bandaged up. Wasn't like she'd been trying to get much sleep this week even when she did get back on time. As it was, the aberration figured she wouldn't need that much longer before she could make her way back to the room, but for now it seemed best to sit back and wait.
One mistep away from walking right past Zoe and suddenly Callan found herself hiding behind a nearby building, running at least five different scenarios through her head. All based around what mood Zoe might be in and how an impromptu chat might go. It wasn't good form-- asking someone to have your back in case you ever lose control of your ability and then angrily trying to lecture that person the moment they have the same problem. In front of everyone, no less. It was bad enough she originally planned on completely avoiding Zoe. Forever, if possible.
But now that she was here, it felt like more of a sign. She couldn't keep pretending like nothing happened. Niether of them could. Callan took a deep breath.
Meekly, she stepped out into plain sight, lowering her hood and approaching, though she was sure to keep a relatively safe distance. "Hey Zoe," she piped up, her eyes flickered to a small trail of smoke was rising from the side of her shirt. A nervous grin wormed it's way across her mouth, "Didn't expect to see you here so late."
"Guess I got delayed today." Zoe cut off her ability almost immediately as Callan spoke, trying to ignore the discomfort of trusting the task to her sub-par bandaging skills. She was more resigned than hostile, frowning in anticipation of a lecture that would probably be deserved - if unlikely to be anything she didn't already know. With a sigh, she raised her head to look at the other girl. "...so, you need something?"
Callan stepped a bit closer, twiddling anxious fingers inside the pocket of her hoodie. "Well... no, not really..." she said, noncommittal, "but can we talk?"
Zoe looked slightly surprised at that, but shrugged. "If you want. I'm not going anywhere."
She took a seat a a good couple of feet away, dropping her duffel at her feet. Clearing her throat, Callan drummed her fingers across her knees, pursing her lips tightly as she tried to recollect her thoughts. She hadn't thought she'd make it this far.
"How've been?" Callan asked.
How she'd been? Zoe wasn't sure how to answer that question. Telling the truth about that... seemed like a little much to reveal to someone that had every reason to hate her guts. That, and her issues weren't anyone else's problem to worry about. After a moment she settled on being as honest as felt comfortable, which ended up being a bit of a non-answer.
"As well as I could expect, I guess. How about you? After..." She frowned. "You know. Everything."
"I'm alright," Callan sighed, "And Kusari's..." She'd told her up front that she couldn't get over it. And it seemed unlikely that either of them would seek each other out for a nice chat any time soon. But Callan didn't want to make Zoe feel worse than she already did. That wasn't why she was here. "Coping," she finished, "But she's alive. So... you know. I'm okay."
Zoe, of course, hadn't asked about how the immortal was doing, but she thought it best to get that out of the way first. Callan wasn't about to try and bite her head off about it again, at least.
"Right." Zoe's frown deepened. Kusari-- she'd given her every warning, and not one had been taken seriously, but she knew the girl still didn't deserve that. Still, the memory was fresh, and her expression twisted in disgust as she thought it over. Words escaped almost without her realising, before she could think them over. "I wish I could take it back, for what that's worth. Everything I've..." She trailed off, looking at the floor.
Callan was silent for a moment. She thought she felt she could relate. Just a little. The gutted carcass of her old house came to mind. And that news article Dom sent her-- one in critical condition. But still. She'd never actually killed anyone herself... besides that Amigo at Bald Head. But that was entirely self defence. Different... right?
"It's okay," Callan attempted to reassure her, "I mean, probably would've been better if it didn't happen, but... uh... I don't want to speak for Kusari." She idly pushed a small piece of debris down the pile with her shoe. "I'm actually here because I wanted to say sorry. I lost my cool back there.... Completely threw you under the bus."
"I lost it completely. I've hurt you guys before, and it keeps getting worse. That's not okay." Zoe shook her head. She appreciated what Callan was trying to do, but she didn't feel like being forgiven for actions she'd probably end up repeating.
Still, it was odd. Kind of hurt, almost, to have someone else seeking her out to make an apology. Even - well, especially an undeserved one. She wasn't sure how to deal with the idea of anyone giving enough of a damn for that; although she was well aware that it probably came from Callan being soft-hearted and naive as all hell. Raising her head, she smiled drily. "Nice of you to say, but you've got nothing to be sorry for. I more than deserved it."
'Not okay'. Zoe had a point. Callan was still plenty aware of the dangers involved, but... she'd told her about Misery because she felt like she could trust her. That or she wanted to feel like she could... either way, there was something about Zoe that Callan found worth admiring. Not that she'd ever admit as much. "Well... I was just thinkin'... I asked you to watch my back. In a sense. But our agreement back at the island... wasn't very balanced, you know?" she felt uncertain about where she was going with this, but it felt like the right direction, "So, uh... maybe I could help you out somehow. If something like that ever happens again?"
She thought for a moment.
"Maybe we could carry around, like, a cow or something!" she suggested, apparently too caught up with the sudden idea to acknowledge its ludicrousy, "PETA would have a fit, but I could totally do that. It'd be easy to carry!"
Zoe was silent for a long moment as she absorbed what Callan had just said. And then a longer moment after that as she tried to keep a straight face and figure out a reply. "Yeah, well--" Despite herself, the aberration burst into genuine laughter - though she brought it quickly under control. "If you think you can get permission to cart a farm around, be my guest. I'd love to see what they name you."
It had been a while since she'd laughed properly, hadn't it? At least since the laugh had been all her, not some rabid thing that came in as a replacement. Looking back to Cal, she seemed at least a little more relaxed than before. "Seriously though, I don't think there's much you can do for me. No need to try and balance it out."
That's right, Callan hadn't been granted any sort of media nickname yet. More than the inconvenience of lugging around a cart full of animals, however, the thought of forever being known to the world based off of that made her grimace. "There's gotta be something...," she frowned, "We're both on the same team, you know. And what I asked you to do... it wasn't exactly a small thing to promise."
Zoe scowled, trying to find the right words."Told you, didn't I? That I know what it's like to be scared. That's enough." And that she wasn't the only person she'd tried to kill for it.
"Just try and make sure it won't come to that, alright?" She didn't need to see Callan's death when she closed her eyes.
Callan made a sound in her throat, voicing her discontent. Zoe wasn't one of those people she felt confident pushing, but at least she could say that she tried.
"Alright," she submitted, "I can try and manage that, I guess."
"...why d'you even care, anyway? I mean, I almost murdered your friend, took your arm off, and promised to kill you." Zoe looked at her curiously. "You've got plenty of reason not to give a damn about me."
A short sigh. Followed by an equally short silence. She was afraid this sort of question might pop up... but she didn't see much of a way around it.
"Because..." Callan met Zoe's gaze for only a moment before looking forward again, "We're both on the same team. Like I said... And whether I like it or not, you're a really strong part of it. 'The worst of us by a long shot'... I think is what you said."
She flashed Zoe an uncertain smile, "You took out most of those rogues in Wisford. Made it look damn easy, too.... Then you helped take out the baddies in D.C... And in the last fight you helped keep those tree things off our backs and then went ahead and captured one of the Amigos-- alive. And you did it all by yourself."
She propped her head up on one elbow, kicking more bits of debris down the pile, "Took like four of us just to take down that monster guy with the claws...."
Somewhere along the line, it seemed like she'd lost the point she was trying to make. Best case scenario, Zoe understood that Callan thought she was a key part of the team. Worst case....
Callan nervously scratched her cheek with her free hand, trying to hide the uncomfortable smile that was cropping up. She admired her. That wasn't to say she didn't disagree with some of Zoe's beliefs... beliefs which, now that she thought of it, reminded her an awful lot of Kusari, but...that was just the way it was. Zoe seemed to accomplish so much during their fights. A pillar of confidence and knowing exactly what the fuck to do.
Zoe was quiet for a long moment as she thought the answer over. It was true what Cal was saying, the way she saw it. The redhead had pretty much always considered herself one of their most effective people on the battlefield. It just didn't seem to cancel anything else out; being really good at killing people wasn't much of a redeeming quality, all things considered. Regardless, part of her appreciated it.
Although 'strong' was the last word she'd use to describe herself these days.
"Yeah, well," she looked at Cal with a slight grin, "can't go picking fights all your life without getting kinda good at it. Least I've got powers to help me out now." And she'd been able to save them for the most part when she was there to. Save them from everything that wasn't her, anyway. Problem was that she felt like more of a danger than their enemies sometimes.
"I'm kind of a shitty person to be praising, but... thanks, I guess."
"Heh," Callan grabbed her bag and stood up, brushing the dust off her pants, "I'm just sayin. If you can do all that... you can beat this. At least... I think you can." Emma and Ernie didn't seem to be having quite as hard a time, but everyone's stigma was different... wasn't that right?
She shrugged, finally looking back at Zoe again, "I don't want to pretend like I know you that well or anything... just... I'm here if you need help. That's all."
Beat this? Zoe couldn't find herself sharing in the optimism, but she didn't feel like arguing with someone else today. "Well, thanks for the vote of confidence. I'll try and remember you're around." A week ago, she wouldn't have considered help - and even now, she wasn't sure. But trying to do this alone wasn't working anymore, and she couldn't even get herself killed without catching someone else in the crossfire. It was worth considering, if nothing else.
Of course, seeing Callan get up reminded her she was running out of time. Gritting her teeth, Zoe forced herself to her feet with a grunt, shooting her classmate a strained smile. "Should probably get going, though. Don't think they'll like it if I'm out past curfew."
"Yeah," Callan agreed, noting the expression. Did she hurt herself? She wondered about the smoke she'd seen earlier, but didn't even think to ask about it. If she needed help, she could tell her so. Otherwise, Callan was content with the apology and having made the offer known.
"Guess I'll head back, too," Callan lied, her voice an octave too high. She hopped off the pile of debris, further than any normal person could have ever managed so casually, hoping to get a headstart so she could hide out somewhere and come back for her night training. It did occur to her that Zoe was one of the few people she didn't need to hide that from, but they were teammates. Not friends. And she preferred to keep her private sessions on a need to know basis.
"I'll see you around," she waved politely. And with that, she left.
The lateness didn't bother her, really - wasn't too long a walk back to the dorms anyway, and she'd had more than enough time to make sure things were still bandaged up. Wasn't like she'd been trying to get much sleep this week even when she did get back on time. As it was, the aberration figured she wouldn't need that much longer before she could make her way back to the room, but for now it seemed best to sit back and wait.
One mistep away from walking right past Zoe and suddenly Callan found herself hiding behind a nearby building, running at least five different scenarios through her head. All based around what mood Zoe might be in and how an impromptu chat might go. It wasn't good form-- asking someone to have your back in case you ever lose control of your ability and then angrily trying to lecture that person the moment they have the same problem. In front of everyone, no less. It was bad enough she originally planned on completely avoiding Zoe. Forever, if possible.
But now that she was here, it felt like more of a sign. She couldn't keep pretending like nothing happened. Niether of them could. Callan took a deep breath.
Meekly, she stepped out into plain sight, lowering her hood and approaching, though she was sure to keep a relatively safe distance. "Hey Zoe," she piped up, her eyes flickered to a small trail of smoke was rising from the side of her shirt. A nervous grin wormed it's way across her mouth, "Didn't expect to see you here so late."
"Guess I got delayed today." Zoe cut off her ability almost immediately as Callan spoke, trying to ignore the discomfort of trusting the task to her sub-par bandaging skills. She was more resigned than hostile, frowning in anticipation of a lecture that would probably be deserved - if unlikely to be anything she didn't already know. With a sigh, she raised her head to look at the other girl. "...so, you need something?"
Callan stepped a bit closer, twiddling anxious fingers inside the pocket of her hoodie. "Well... no, not really..." she said, noncommittal, "but can we talk?"
Zoe looked slightly surprised at that, but shrugged. "If you want. I'm not going anywhere."
She took a seat a a good couple of feet away, dropping her duffel at her feet. Clearing her throat, Callan drummed her fingers across her knees, pursing her lips tightly as she tried to recollect her thoughts. She hadn't thought she'd make it this far.
"How've been?" Callan asked.
How she'd been? Zoe wasn't sure how to answer that question. Telling the truth about that... seemed like a little much to reveal to someone that had every reason to hate her guts. That, and her issues weren't anyone else's problem to worry about. After a moment she settled on being as honest as felt comfortable, which ended up being a bit of a non-answer.
"As well as I could expect, I guess. How about you? After..." She frowned. "You know. Everything."
"I'm alright," Callan sighed, "And Kusari's..." She'd told her up front that she couldn't get over it. And it seemed unlikely that either of them would seek each other out for a nice chat any time soon. But Callan didn't want to make Zoe feel worse than she already did. That wasn't why she was here. "Coping," she finished, "But she's alive. So... you know. I'm okay."
Zoe, of course, hadn't asked about how the immortal was doing, but she thought it best to get that out of the way first. Callan wasn't about to try and bite her head off about it again, at least.
"Right." Zoe's frown deepened. Kusari-- she'd given her every warning, and not one had been taken seriously, but she knew the girl still didn't deserve that. Still, the memory was fresh, and her expression twisted in disgust as she thought it over. Words escaped almost without her realising, before she could think them over. "I wish I could take it back, for what that's worth. Everything I've..." She trailed off, looking at the floor.
Callan was silent for a moment. She thought she felt she could relate. Just a little. The gutted carcass of her old house came to mind. And that news article Dom sent her-- one in critical condition. But still. She'd never actually killed anyone herself... besides that Amigo at Bald Head. But that was entirely self defence. Different... right?
"It's okay," Callan attempted to reassure her, "I mean, probably would've been better if it didn't happen, but... uh... I don't want to speak for Kusari." She idly pushed a small piece of debris down the pile with her shoe. "I'm actually here because I wanted to say sorry. I lost my cool back there.... Completely threw you under the bus."
"I lost it completely. I've hurt you guys before, and it keeps getting worse. That's not okay." Zoe shook her head. She appreciated what Callan was trying to do, but she didn't feel like being forgiven for actions she'd probably end up repeating.
Still, it was odd. Kind of hurt, almost, to have someone else seeking her out to make an apology. Even - well, especially an undeserved one. She wasn't sure how to deal with the idea of anyone giving enough of a damn for that; although she was well aware that it probably came from Callan being soft-hearted and naive as all hell. Raising her head, she smiled drily. "Nice of you to say, but you've got nothing to be sorry for. I more than deserved it."
'Not okay'. Zoe had a point. Callan was still plenty aware of the dangers involved, but... she'd told her about Misery because she felt like she could trust her. That or she wanted to feel like she could... either way, there was something about Zoe that Callan found worth admiring. Not that she'd ever admit as much. "Well... I was just thinkin'... I asked you to watch my back. In a sense. But our agreement back at the island... wasn't very balanced, you know?" she felt uncertain about where she was going with this, but it felt like the right direction, "So, uh... maybe I could help you out somehow. If something like that ever happens again?"
She thought for a moment.
"Maybe we could carry around, like, a cow or something!" she suggested, apparently too caught up with the sudden idea to acknowledge its ludicrousy, "PETA would have a fit, but I could totally do that. It'd be easy to carry!"
Zoe was silent for a long moment as she absorbed what Callan had just said. And then a longer moment after that as she tried to keep a straight face and figure out a reply. "Yeah, well--" Despite herself, the aberration burst into genuine laughter - though she brought it quickly under control. "If you think you can get permission to cart a farm around, be my guest. I'd love to see what they name you."
It had been a while since she'd laughed properly, hadn't it? At least since the laugh had been all her, not some rabid thing that came in as a replacement. Looking back to Cal, she seemed at least a little more relaxed than before. "Seriously though, I don't think there's much you can do for me. No need to try and balance it out."
That's right, Callan hadn't been granted any sort of media nickname yet. More than the inconvenience of lugging around a cart full of animals, however, the thought of forever being known to the world based off of that made her grimace. "There's gotta be something...," she frowned, "We're both on the same team, you know. And what I asked you to do... it wasn't exactly a small thing to promise."
Zoe scowled, trying to find the right words."Told you, didn't I? That I know what it's like to be scared. That's enough." And that she wasn't the only person she'd tried to kill for it.
"Just try and make sure it won't come to that, alright?" She didn't need to see Callan's death when she closed her eyes.
Callan made a sound in her throat, voicing her discontent. Zoe wasn't one of those people she felt confident pushing, but at least she could say that she tried.
"Alright," she submitted, "I can try and manage that, I guess."
"...why d'you even care, anyway? I mean, I almost murdered your friend, took your arm off, and promised to kill you." Zoe looked at her curiously. "You've got plenty of reason not to give a damn about me."
A short sigh. Followed by an equally short silence. She was afraid this sort of question might pop up... but she didn't see much of a way around it.
"Because..." Callan met Zoe's gaze for only a moment before looking forward again, "We're both on the same team. Like I said... And whether I like it or not, you're a really strong part of it. 'The worst of us by a long shot'... I think is what you said."
She flashed Zoe an uncertain smile, "You took out most of those rogues in Wisford. Made it look damn easy, too.... Then you helped take out the baddies in D.C... And in the last fight you helped keep those tree things off our backs and then went ahead and captured one of the Amigos-- alive. And you did it all by yourself."
She propped her head up on one elbow, kicking more bits of debris down the pile, "Took like four of us just to take down that monster guy with the claws...."
Somewhere along the line, it seemed like she'd lost the point she was trying to make. Best case scenario, Zoe understood that Callan thought she was a key part of the team. Worst case....
Callan nervously scratched her cheek with her free hand, trying to hide the uncomfortable smile that was cropping up. She admired her. That wasn't to say she didn't disagree with some of Zoe's beliefs... beliefs which, now that she thought of it, reminded her an awful lot of Kusari, but...that was just the way it was. Zoe seemed to accomplish so much during their fights. A pillar of confidence and knowing exactly what the fuck to do.
Zoe was quiet for a long moment as she thought the answer over. It was true what Cal was saying, the way she saw it. The redhead had pretty much always considered herself one of their most effective people on the battlefield. It just didn't seem to cancel anything else out; being really good at killing people wasn't much of a redeeming quality, all things considered. Regardless, part of her appreciated it.
Although 'strong' was the last word she'd use to describe herself these days.
"Yeah, well," she looked at Cal with a slight grin, "can't go picking fights all your life without getting kinda good at it. Least I've got powers to help me out now." And she'd been able to save them for the most part when she was there to. Save them from everything that wasn't her, anyway. Problem was that she felt like more of a danger than their enemies sometimes.
"I'm kind of a shitty person to be praising, but... thanks, I guess."
"Heh," Callan grabbed her bag and stood up, brushing the dust off her pants, "I'm just sayin. If you can do all that... you can beat this. At least... I think you can." Emma and Ernie didn't seem to be having quite as hard a time, but everyone's stigma was different... wasn't that right?
She shrugged, finally looking back at Zoe again, "I don't want to pretend like I know you that well or anything... just... I'm here if you need help. That's all."
Beat this? Zoe couldn't find herself sharing in the optimism, but she didn't feel like arguing with someone else today. "Well, thanks for the vote of confidence. I'll try and remember you're around." A week ago, she wouldn't have considered help - and even now, she wasn't sure. But trying to do this alone wasn't working anymore, and she couldn't even get herself killed without catching someone else in the crossfire. It was worth considering, if nothing else.
Of course, seeing Callan get up reminded her she was running out of time. Gritting her teeth, Zoe forced herself to her feet with a grunt, shooting her classmate a strained smile. "Should probably get going, though. Don't think they'll like it if I'm out past curfew."
"Yeah," Callan agreed, noting the expression. Did she hurt herself? She wondered about the smoke she'd seen earlier, but didn't even think to ask about it. If she needed help, she could tell her so. Otherwise, Callan was content with the apology and having made the offer known.
"Guess I'll head back, too," Callan lied, her voice an octave too high. She hopped off the pile of debris, further than any normal person could have ever managed so casually, hoping to get a headstart so she could hide out somewhere and come back for her night training. It did occur to her that Zoe was one of the few people she didn't need to hide that from, but they were teammates. Not friends. And she preferred to keep her private sessions on a need to know basis.
"I'll see you around," she waved politely. And with that, she left.

ℂ𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 ℙ𝕠𝕤𝕥 / / @GreenGoat@Baklava
𝕋𝕦𝕖𝕤: 𝕆𝕔𝕥. 𝟙𝟛, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 / / 𝕌𝕊𝔸ℝ𝕀𝕃ℕ 𝔼𝕒𝕤𝕥 / / 𝔾𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 ℤ𝕖𝕣𝕠 / / 𝟚𝟘𝟘𝟘
She stretched out her hands, grasping towards the stars in the dark sky. Tentatively Hazel had removed her collar, feeling somehow odd ever since she got off that island. Now that she was back here in Ground Zero, she finally figured out what it was. That scratching feeling, that heavy weight pressing into her head at the back, the feeling of tiny hands grasping at her mind weighting it down, all of it felt so very far now.
It felt odd, dangerous, but somehow more... exciting without the collar on. Hazel could try to search for more words to describe that odd mixture of exhiliriation and utter panic that seemed to flutter in her bosom, but she would much rather try to figure out her rapidly evolving abilities more. All thoughts of invincibility with the armor upgrade she gained had fled from her mind upon that single demon tearing through her projections like nothing. And certainly trying to defend herself with her projections seemed suicidal now that she knew how much damage could be transfered from it to her. Then what could she do? Hazel had been puzzling over that, considering the others survived much longer than she did, as well as doing much more. Project a weapon, they break it, she gets injured. Project armor, they break it, she gets injured. What did they have that she didn't?
There was an unfamiliar feeling swirling around now, one she did not recognize, but it feels irritating and odd.
On the other side of a large brick wall, Callan readjusted her headphones one last time before summoning her weapon. A sword styled like a katana, but far bigger. She could only admire it for a second before it got too heavy and she was forced to let it rest on the ground. She still had a few hours before her plans with Sander and figured there was nothing wrong with getting a little training in as long as she was awake. Her mind still felt thick with thoughts since her talk with Ernie the other day, so she did her best to focus on the lyrics.
"We wasn't supposed to make it past 25. Jokes on you we still alive," Callan sang under her breath, skipping few words here and there each time she sliced through a mail box or street sign. She continued in blissful ignorance, completely unaware of Hazel being nearby.
Hearing a voice singing, Hazel ignored it before realizing it wasn't a voice that echoed in her head as usual. Someone else was actually here? Forgetting all about her collar for the moment, she skipped around the brick wall, before seeing someone swinging a large sword around. That hair, she recognized it as belonging to Callan, but she had no idea she could project items as well. It was similar to what Hazel did, but also different, and interesting, and odd because of that.
"I see. You have the ability to project weapons as well," she spoke suddenly. "Are you here to train?"
Hazel was lucky she caught Callan in between songs or else she might not have heard her. Callan, on the other hand, jumped so badly that the katana flopped right out of her grasp, dissipating into smoky tendrils that were quickly absorbed by her shadow. Getting caught in the middle of singing was already enough to fluster her pretty badly. The fact that it was Hazel of all people only made matters worse.
Callan turned and stared, something between a glare and curiousity fixed on her face for a good several seconds before she finally responded. "Yes," she answered curtly, resummoning her sword.
"Then, will you train with me?"
It was an opportunity in her mind. That shadowy construct reminded her of that demon, that thing that tore through her and her newly acquired ability like it was nothing. The unknown feeling rose up again upon the mere thought of that happening, bubbling and barely kept in check. Training with another was something she had not the chance to do much, if at all. Fighting with another one of them was apparently what she did once that cloud haze clawed into her head, but all she wanted now was someone to fight against, someone to train with.
There was an intense look on her face as she projected an armored gauntlet holding a sword as well as another arm holding a shield, her hands dissappearing from the wrist up.
Callan narrowed her eyes. There was something about Hazel that really creeped her out. Even if she used to be Emma's roommate, it was just one of those feelings she couldn't shake. Of course, D.C. hadn't helped that much either. She didn't even need to think about it-- but she wasn't given the chance to answer right away.
Almost immediately, the girl activated her ability. Her skin crawled at the sight, amethyst eyes darting upwards at the looming projections. She gripped her sword a little tighter and swallowed.
"I don't think that's a good idea," she said plainly, still keeping her guard up in case Hazel randomly snapped. Still facing the 'armed' aberration, she glanced around to see if anyone was with her. Anyone who could potentially intervene if things went south.
"Why?" Hazel was genuinely curious. "I have concluded that simply tearing through helpless shadows and inanimate objects will not allow my abilities to progress further. By the same reasoning, it will not help yours as well."
She advanced slightly, getting better footing. The shield swung around to cover her front, as the sword moved closer towards the shield. A larger projection with only part of her body, one that does not contain vital organs. It was a simple test she was running in Ground Zero, to see how much she can do without exposing herself to danger.
"Do not worry. I will be sure to hold back."
Callan took a hasty step back, pulling her headphones down around her neck. She grimaced, furrowing her brow at not only Hazel's logic, but her offer to hold back. Even though she knew Hazel was strong, it felt weirdly insulting. Being made out to be less capable than a psycho girl in a maid's uniform.
"Because you don't know how to control yourself," she said matter-of-factly, trying to reason. She gripped her shadow katana even tighter. Hazel was making her nervous. Really nervous.
"Is that so?" Hazel tilted her head slightly. "I have felt much better than I had ever been before recently."
As if to accentuate her point, she stopped her projections and pointed at her neck, where the black mark sat in contrast to her pale skin. Her collar was off, and she did not feel as bad as she thought she would. It felt even less than it was before WITH the collar on. It was odd that the concept of control came up again, however, considering her last talk with Sienna. Humming an unknown tune to herself, she jumped onto a wall, walking haphazardly upon it before sitting down upon a pillar.
"Are you afraid?" She asked.
It was the same question she had asked of Sienna, wondering if Callan too was afraid of her own abilities.
Her posture relaxed the moment the projections faded away. She waited for a moment, finally figuring it was safe to dispel her own weapon once Hazel sat down.
"No," Callan answered a little too prematurely. It was a fair question. One she hadn't expected Hazel to be astute enough to ask. But for the record-- yes. She had to admit, at least to herself, that she was a little afraid.
"I'm concerned," she said instead. "Not that I don't want to believe you're feeling better, but I'd rather we not repeat what happened back in Washington."
"Washington," Hazel repeated. "What happened in Washington?"
She started swinging her feet, her shoes making a dull thud every time it hit the concrete pillar she sat on. She wanted to do something more interesting than this, but it can't be helped that Callan didn't seem to be in any mood to train with her.
"Why do you look so tense?"
It wasn't any sort of amazing observational skill on Hazel's part; it was simply the way Callan seemed a bit antsy, impatient, as if she was expecting battle very soon. Fear, apprehension, feelings she was very familiar with.
Callan gawked. She didn't know? Or did she just want her to say it out loud..?
No, that had to be her competitive side creeping out where it shouldn't be. Though it was tempting to keep Hazel in the dark, Callan ultimately sighed. Two questions, one answer.
"You attacked me," she smiled, trying to reassure her that there were no ill feelings. Of course, it was frustrating... but they were still teammates. And that was a long time ago. Callan knew as well as anyone how much a person can change in a week, let alone three. "Beat me up pretty good, too...," she chuckled, scratching her cheek and averting her eyes.
"Ah," Hazel spoke nonchalantly. "All I remember was taking off the collar and going off alone to fight an ice giant. I was so certain I would die in that battle."
She looked towards the dark night's sky still swining her feet against the pillar, wondering when the stars looked that pretty.
"I had not accounted for another also going up against it. I had assumed everyone would retreat, considering there wasn't any real reason for anyone to stay and fight. ...but then why did I stay and fight?"
That last part was spoken more to herself as she frowned slightly. She had felt her blood boil, and had wanted to fight, to destroy, to tear down that magnificent symbol of power. But there was no order to engage, nor was there any reason for her to feel threathened enough from it to fight it.
Shaking off that thought, she turned back to Callan. "Then, you are afraid of training with me, because you are afraid of losing again?"
Had Hazel been on a suicide mission? All alone? And what did she mean there was no 'real reason' to fight? Callan opened her mouth to say something, but then... that question.
She smiled defeatedly, "Uhh..." Telling someone she barely knew about Misery just to save face would be a dumb idea... wouldn't it? The fact that she even considered it at all spoke of how much losing bothered her. "I just don't want anyone to get hurt. Er-- either of us to get hurt," she chuckled, satisfied with that much of an answer.
"I'll tell you what, if you can get someone to supervise... we can spar," she negotiated, because although it was obvious that Hazel wanted to train and Callan was all for improving the strength of the team, Hazel's explaination, tone and childish feet kicking was still making her all kinds of uncomfortable. Even if they fought now and nobody was injured, the thought of possibly having to walk across campus in her birthday suit was a genuine fear she was beyond unwilling to admit to.
"I don't know anyone." Hazel replied. While she did know some of them, she had no idea who would supervise such a fight. Feeling bored, she started to lift herself with her hands, her legs straightening up as she did the feat. "I did not know your ability was similar to mine."
Having lifted herself on the pole, she started to slowly maneuver into a handstand on the pillar, oblivious to her skirt falling down. "I had thought your ability had been only enhanced physique, but to have that as well."
Already Hazel was losing interest fast in the training session. In her mind, there was no concept of 'sparring', only 'struggle'. Every single scenario with battle she had been in was for her life. A supervisor for a training session was odd for her, unless Callan meant for one to record their performances and such. Even so, the only ones she knew of would be back at the Plant.
Had Hazel always been this spry? Callan immediately averted her eyes the moment she saw the dress beginning to fall, staring up at the stars with Hazel at her back. "Y-yeah," she answered, quickly becoming flustered, "Mine aren't quite as big as yours, though." She forced a small laugh, she had absolutely no idea how to deal with this girl. Should she text Emma?
"Did you..." Callan started the sentence without thinking. Screw it, what was the worst that could happen? "... wanna see?" Hesitating for a moment, Callan summoned a large sword, pretty standard in form. Anything to get her skirt back down.
A few moments after Callan turned away from her, Hazel toppled over, her arms giving out, her head hitting the pillar as she fell into the dirt behind it. Dusting herself off, she turned towards the projected sword, rubbing the sore spot on her head. Eying it from different angles, it seemed... servicable? There were clear differences from the way hers worked and this one worked, but it was still similar. Did Callan also have a mental image of the object to maintain?
"Similar. It looks similar. "
Almost automatically, she reached out to grab it, curious about how it felt in the hand. It felt warm and solid, almost alive as it seemed to squirm in her hands. Nothing like hers at all.
"Is it alive?"
Callan seemed alarmed by Hazel's quick assessment, but quickly tried to mask it behind another nervous laugh. "No," she lied, "I don't think so, anyway." That was at least half true. If you believed all living things had something of a conscience.
Hazel stepped closer to Callan, leaning in towards her face. There was nothing but curiosity on Hazel's face as she tried to decipher that odd expression that flitted past.
"I see."
That was all she said as she stepped away. Hazel could find no conclusion, nor any real confimation of what it was.
"Then, if you will excuse me, I will need to resume training." Bowing slightly, she continued speaking. "Thank you for showing that to me."
Weighed down by her heavy weapon, Callan struggled to lean away, her mouth pursing into a thin line while Hazel observed to her heart's content. One relieved sigh later and it was over. Callan stared as Hazel made her bow, confusion clearluy etched onto her face. "Uh... yeah. Sure. No problem," she said, simply. "I'll... see you around."
It felt odd, dangerous, but somehow more... exciting without the collar on. Hazel could try to search for more words to describe that odd mixture of exhiliriation and utter panic that seemed to flutter in her bosom, but she would much rather try to figure out her rapidly evolving abilities more. All thoughts of invincibility with the armor upgrade she gained had fled from her mind upon that single demon tearing through her projections like nothing. And certainly trying to defend herself with her projections seemed suicidal now that she knew how much damage could be transfered from it to her. Then what could she do? Hazel had been puzzling over that, considering the others survived much longer than she did, as well as doing much more. Project a weapon, they break it, she gets injured. Project armor, they break it, she gets injured. What did they have that she didn't?
There was an unfamiliar feeling swirling around now, one she did not recognize, but it feels irritating and odd.
On the other side of a large brick wall, Callan readjusted her headphones one last time before summoning her weapon. A sword styled like a katana, but far bigger. She could only admire it for a second before it got too heavy and she was forced to let it rest on the ground. She still had a few hours before her plans with Sander and figured there was nothing wrong with getting a little training in as long as she was awake. Her mind still felt thick with thoughts since her talk with Ernie the other day, so she did her best to focus on the lyrics.
"We wasn't supposed to make it past 25. Jokes on you we still alive," Callan sang under her breath, skipping few words here and there each time she sliced through a mail box or street sign. She continued in blissful ignorance, completely unaware of Hazel being nearby.
Hearing a voice singing, Hazel ignored it before realizing it wasn't a voice that echoed in her head as usual. Someone else was actually here? Forgetting all about her collar for the moment, she skipped around the brick wall, before seeing someone swinging a large sword around. That hair, she recognized it as belonging to Callan, but she had no idea she could project items as well. It was similar to what Hazel did, but also different, and interesting, and odd because of that.
"I see. You have the ability to project weapons as well," she spoke suddenly. "Are you here to train?"
Hazel was lucky she caught Callan in between songs or else she might not have heard her. Callan, on the other hand, jumped so badly that the katana flopped right out of her grasp, dissipating into smoky tendrils that were quickly absorbed by her shadow. Getting caught in the middle of singing was already enough to fluster her pretty badly. The fact that it was Hazel of all people only made matters worse.
Callan turned and stared, something between a glare and curiousity fixed on her face for a good several seconds before she finally responded. "Yes," she answered curtly, resummoning her sword.
"Then, will you train with me?"
It was an opportunity in her mind. That shadowy construct reminded her of that demon, that thing that tore through her and her newly acquired ability like it was nothing. The unknown feeling rose up again upon the mere thought of that happening, bubbling and barely kept in check. Training with another was something she had not the chance to do much, if at all. Fighting with another one of them was apparently what she did once that cloud haze clawed into her head, but all she wanted now was someone to fight against, someone to train with.
There was an intense look on her face as she projected an armored gauntlet holding a sword as well as another arm holding a shield, her hands dissappearing from the wrist up.
Callan narrowed her eyes. There was something about Hazel that really creeped her out. Even if she used to be Emma's roommate, it was just one of those feelings she couldn't shake. Of course, D.C. hadn't helped that much either. She didn't even need to think about it-- but she wasn't given the chance to answer right away.
Almost immediately, the girl activated her ability. Her skin crawled at the sight, amethyst eyes darting upwards at the looming projections. She gripped her sword a little tighter and swallowed.
"I don't think that's a good idea," she said plainly, still keeping her guard up in case Hazel randomly snapped. Still facing the 'armed' aberration, she glanced around to see if anyone was with her. Anyone who could potentially intervene if things went south.
"Why?" Hazel was genuinely curious. "I have concluded that simply tearing through helpless shadows and inanimate objects will not allow my abilities to progress further. By the same reasoning, it will not help yours as well."
She advanced slightly, getting better footing. The shield swung around to cover her front, as the sword moved closer towards the shield. A larger projection with only part of her body, one that does not contain vital organs. It was a simple test she was running in Ground Zero, to see how much she can do without exposing herself to danger.
"Do not worry. I will be sure to hold back."
Callan took a hasty step back, pulling her headphones down around her neck. She grimaced, furrowing her brow at not only Hazel's logic, but her offer to hold back. Even though she knew Hazel was strong, it felt weirdly insulting. Being made out to be less capable than a psycho girl in a maid's uniform.
"Because you don't know how to control yourself," she said matter-of-factly, trying to reason. She gripped her shadow katana even tighter. Hazel was making her nervous. Really nervous.
"Is that so?" Hazel tilted her head slightly. "I have felt much better than I had ever been before recently."
As if to accentuate her point, she stopped her projections and pointed at her neck, where the black mark sat in contrast to her pale skin. Her collar was off, and she did not feel as bad as she thought she would. It felt even less than it was before WITH the collar on. It was odd that the concept of control came up again, however, considering her last talk with Sienna. Humming an unknown tune to herself, she jumped onto a wall, walking haphazardly upon it before sitting down upon a pillar.
"Are you afraid?" She asked.
It was the same question she had asked of Sienna, wondering if Callan too was afraid of her own abilities.
Her posture relaxed the moment the projections faded away. She waited for a moment, finally figuring it was safe to dispel her own weapon once Hazel sat down.
"No," Callan answered a little too prematurely. It was a fair question. One she hadn't expected Hazel to be astute enough to ask. But for the record-- yes. She had to admit, at least to herself, that she was a little afraid.
"I'm concerned," she said instead. "Not that I don't want to believe you're feeling better, but I'd rather we not repeat what happened back in Washington."
"Washington," Hazel repeated. "What happened in Washington?"
She started swinging her feet, her shoes making a dull thud every time it hit the concrete pillar she sat on. She wanted to do something more interesting than this, but it can't be helped that Callan didn't seem to be in any mood to train with her.
"Why do you look so tense?"
It wasn't any sort of amazing observational skill on Hazel's part; it was simply the way Callan seemed a bit antsy, impatient, as if she was expecting battle very soon. Fear, apprehension, feelings she was very familiar with.
Callan gawked. She didn't know? Or did she just want her to say it out loud..?
No, that had to be her competitive side creeping out where it shouldn't be. Though it was tempting to keep Hazel in the dark, Callan ultimately sighed. Two questions, one answer.
"You attacked me," she smiled, trying to reassure her that there were no ill feelings. Of course, it was frustrating... but they were still teammates. And that was a long time ago. Callan knew as well as anyone how much a person can change in a week, let alone three. "Beat me up pretty good, too...," she chuckled, scratching her cheek and averting her eyes.
"Ah," Hazel spoke nonchalantly. "All I remember was taking off the collar and going off alone to fight an ice giant. I was so certain I would die in that battle."
She looked towards the dark night's sky still swining her feet against the pillar, wondering when the stars looked that pretty.
"I had not accounted for another also going up against it. I had assumed everyone would retreat, considering there wasn't any real reason for anyone to stay and fight. ...but then why did I stay and fight?"
That last part was spoken more to herself as she frowned slightly. She had felt her blood boil, and had wanted to fight, to destroy, to tear down that magnificent symbol of power. But there was no order to engage, nor was there any reason for her to feel threathened enough from it to fight it.
Shaking off that thought, she turned back to Callan. "Then, you are afraid of training with me, because you are afraid of losing again?"
Had Hazel been on a suicide mission? All alone? And what did she mean there was no 'real reason' to fight? Callan opened her mouth to say something, but then... that question.
She smiled defeatedly, "Uhh..." Telling someone she barely knew about Misery just to save face would be a dumb idea... wouldn't it? The fact that she even considered it at all spoke of how much losing bothered her. "I just don't want anyone to get hurt. Er-- either of us to get hurt," she chuckled, satisfied with that much of an answer.
"I'll tell you what, if you can get someone to supervise... we can spar," she negotiated, because although it was obvious that Hazel wanted to train and Callan was all for improving the strength of the team, Hazel's explaination, tone and childish feet kicking was still making her all kinds of uncomfortable. Even if they fought now and nobody was injured, the thought of possibly having to walk across campus in her birthday suit was a genuine fear she was beyond unwilling to admit to.
"I don't know anyone." Hazel replied. While she did know some of them, she had no idea who would supervise such a fight. Feeling bored, she started to lift herself with her hands, her legs straightening up as she did the feat. "I did not know your ability was similar to mine."
Having lifted herself on the pole, she started to slowly maneuver into a handstand on the pillar, oblivious to her skirt falling down. "I had thought your ability had been only enhanced physique, but to have that as well."
Already Hazel was losing interest fast in the training session. In her mind, there was no concept of 'sparring', only 'struggle'. Every single scenario with battle she had been in was for her life. A supervisor for a training session was odd for her, unless Callan meant for one to record their performances and such. Even so, the only ones she knew of would be back at the Plant.
Had Hazel always been this spry? Callan immediately averted her eyes the moment she saw the dress beginning to fall, staring up at the stars with Hazel at her back. "Y-yeah," she answered, quickly becoming flustered, "Mine aren't quite as big as yours, though." She forced a small laugh, she had absolutely no idea how to deal with this girl. Should she text Emma?
"Did you..." Callan started the sentence without thinking. Screw it, what was the worst that could happen? "... wanna see?" Hesitating for a moment, Callan summoned a large sword, pretty standard in form. Anything to get her skirt back down.
A few moments after Callan turned away from her, Hazel toppled over, her arms giving out, her head hitting the pillar as she fell into the dirt behind it. Dusting herself off, she turned towards the projected sword, rubbing the sore spot on her head. Eying it from different angles, it seemed... servicable? There were clear differences from the way hers worked and this one worked, but it was still similar. Did Callan also have a mental image of the object to maintain?
"Similar. It looks similar. "
Almost automatically, she reached out to grab it, curious about how it felt in the hand. It felt warm and solid, almost alive as it seemed to squirm in her hands. Nothing like hers at all.
"Is it alive?"
Callan seemed alarmed by Hazel's quick assessment, but quickly tried to mask it behind another nervous laugh. "No," she lied, "I don't think so, anyway." That was at least half true. If you believed all living things had something of a conscience.
Hazel stepped closer to Callan, leaning in towards her face. There was nothing but curiosity on Hazel's face as she tried to decipher that odd expression that flitted past.
"I see."
That was all she said as she stepped away. Hazel could find no conclusion, nor any real confimation of what it was.
"Then, if you will excuse me, I will need to resume training." Bowing slightly, she continued speaking. "Thank you for showing that to me."
Weighed down by her heavy weapon, Callan struggled to lean away, her mouth pursing into a thin line while Hazel observed to her heart's content. One relieved sigh later and it was over. Callan stared as Hazel made her bow, confusion clearluy etched onto her face. "Uh... yeah. Sure. No problem," she said, simply. "I'll... see you around."