Name:Yvonne Nikkal Goodchild
Race: Human
Age: Appears to be in her early 20s but as she is cyber-augmented her actual age is moot
Sex: Female
- Height= 1.88
- Weight= 83.9
- Hair= Usually black and to the middle of her back in length
- Eyes= Amber
- Skintone= Alabaster
History: Born in the Luna Colony Yvonne was a sickly child from the very beginning. Her mother tried to do what she could for her and kept her till she was 3 years old before pleading that the medical board take custody of her; the board agreed.
Like any child taken into custody Yvonne was tested and the board was stunned to discover she had a grasp on speech that was on a level with 10 year olds and her intelligence as advanced which is why they decided to do as much as they could for her rather than shuffle her off to some backwater foster facility.
She was as previously stated a sickly child and by age 8 unable to even walk with braces in the Lunar gravity but mandatory testing revealed she had an IQ that was nearly off the charts so the board once more bent the rules and allowed her to live though she was a drain on the foster systems finances.
All was going as well as could be expected till she was diagnosed with Friedreichβs Ataxia and would eventually die a horrible death because of its degenerative effects so she was slated to be humanely euthanized.
Only 10 years old and under a death sentence by nature and authority it seemed she would never grow any older till only days before her procedure was scheduled a stranger walked into her room and sat with her asking her strange questions. They were all on the subject of Deep space transport, some beyond the studies she had done on the subject but was able to theorize on using previous information as a base.
Soon she was whisked away and under the knife her brain removed from her ravaged body and decanted into a suspension system for study and testing for full body conversion.
For her first 2 years as a decanted brain she was subjected to rigorous testing and showed a resistance to Cyberpsychosis which made her a good candidate for the next stage of her existence.
Placed in a training body she was turned over to her trainer at the age of 13 who was to become her friend and mentor as far as the use and adaptation to cybernetics was concerned.
At age 16 Yvonneβs true purpose was revealed to her when she was subjected to intensive Space/Atmos craft piloting for 2 years external and who knows how long virtually eventually making her a pilot without peer.
(Very little is available beyond the above due to the Alvirstein penchant to be mysterious and the above information should be considered available only to those who have the resources to discover)
Personality: Yvonne is all business to those outside of her faction but to those who are members of the Alvirstein faction she is friendly and helpful.
Yvonne is dedicated to her faction and would do anything asked of her by her savior and has even undergone modifications that may or may not be used (Need to know)
She sees the body in which she resides as a vehicle the same as any other and because of this can sacrifice any part of it without reservation or assume another with none of the normal emotional attachment issues; this is likely due to her biological body having been so ravaged by her medical issues.
Having had little to no real childhood has left her with a sense of wonder usually found only in those younger than herself
Allegiance: Alvirstein
Occupation: Pilot / Mercenary
Personal Effects: Dark Star Class FB VacDesigned for use by Full Body Cyborgs the Dark Star model is fully armored against Microids (small arms), X Ray, Gamma, and Charged Particles found in EVA activities. While this may sound impressive it is necessary and designed to protect Yvonne and those built like her not biologicals.
The Dark Star is also equipped with vectored thrust for maneuvering with a hard burn lasting only 23 seconds at 3-G of acceleration or 1.43 minutes at 1-G (Translating into 9.8 meters a second which if it could be maintained would allow her to travel from earth to the moon in 2h 22m 12s but as part of its fuel is from her life support sheβd be dead literally when she reached it and unable to decelerate so a moot point. For those Math Nerds hereβs the formula d=(1/2) a t^2)
The Dark Star is also equipped with a sensor enhancement helmet that contains active emitters for IR/UV spots and Stellar Navigation suite as well as adaptive weapons sightings systems for ship and Zero-G intercept in EVA Combat.
For ground operations Yvonne has a suit of
Harlock ArmorMade for hostile environments it is able to stand up to small crew-served weapons as well as use spinner jet jump pack that can send her across spaces 200 meters wide or 80 meters up.
Enhanced senses are class A weapons sighting systems making her deadly with crew served weapons, sniper rifles and missles
Her Favored weapons are handguns but she is rudimentarily trained in larger weapons and either Gauss or Energy Projection
Most commonly armed with a
Terran Arms 3mm ROF 1- 1000 rpm / clip 100 rnds.
Yvonne normally has her ROF set at 5 round burst
Yvonneβs personal
CyberdeckStatistics- Processor speed = 36 petaflop
- Ram = 24 terraflop
- Memory = 300 petabytes