Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

[color=00aeef][/color]Jax opened her eyes slowly feeling a warmth surrounding her. This was the third time she had woken up beside Morthos but something felt different. She looked at his sleeping face for a few minutes before pulling away from him. She left the bed and headed into the bathroom shutting the door lightly behind her. After finishing her morning business, she took a good look in the mirror, her expression slightly reserved, and a little angry. She shook her head her eyes turning towards the door again. She paused taking a minute to collect herself before she walked out making her way towards the outer door leaving Morthos to his slumber. She walked over to her room and banged on the door violently with the side of her fist, "Alright lovebirds let me in. I'm out here in a damn shirt."

Ophelia got up out of bed, awake since she didn’t need to sleep. She was wearing a simple, elegant pair of pajamas that she had changed into after Roxas had fallen asleep. Jax was banging on the door, and Ophelia felt annoyed at the violence of it. She rolled her eyes.
Don’t need to be so rude about it, Jax.

She said, looking at her sister with her eyebrow raised. “Some of us are asleep still.

Jax walked past Ophelia quickly her expression slightly annoyed herself as she moved to her bag, pulling out some clothes, “Sorry. I just needed to get out of there. You shouldn’t have done that last night.

She dug through her bag pulling out a black shirt and some fresh jeans before she turned back to her sister, “Why did you do it anyway. For you or for me?

Ophelia stared at Jax in annoyance at her arrogance, her already dark eyes darkening even more as she stood before her twin.
I heard what Dad said to you last night. I never tried to pry or force you to tell me what happened Jax. But something did, and I know that you aren’t okay because of it. And I did it because you need to stop acting like everything is fine and dandy, and especially stop playing Morthos for a fool. He cares about you so much it’s almost sickening, yet you refuse to even accept that he might actually be good for you. You needed to talk to him if you weren’t going to talk to me.

Her emotions were running high, and her eyes stung with the threat of tears. She just wanted her sister to be okay. The things that happened to Ophelia she could deal with, but she knew what happened to Jax had to have been worse. Or at least that’s how it seemed.
You don’t need to charade around me… I love you for who and what you are. I just wish you’d let the barrier down…

She watched Jax’s expression closely, unsure whether her comments would anger her, or if she would react differently.

Jax looked over at Ophelia the anger and annoyance being removed by exhaustion and slight pain. She shook her head before speaking slowly, “I know you care about me and you worry. I worry about you just as much but I can’t tell you or Morthos what happened. It was horrible Ophelia, and the only reason I got through it in the first place was by being strong, by myself.

She looked straight at her sister, “I have four years before the darkness either kills me or I find the strongest mythic to give myself over to. Morthos doesn’t care like I do about power or strength. He doesn’t want it like I do. The ambition isn’t there. Tell me honestly… do you think he will be strong enough to push me to S level?”

You haven’t even given him a chance Jax. You’re using him as a plaything. It’s fucking wrong, you know it, I know it. Even he knows it. You won’t ever know unless you try.” Ophelia was pissed at this point, the way Jax was talking was ridiculous. She never understood and wouldn’t understand if Jax refused to tell her anything.

She stared at Jax again, “If you don’t even want to give him a chance, then tell him straight up to fuck off. If he isn’t worth your time, give him the green light to move the hell on. Don’t be so damn selfish… I know deep down inside you, if someone used you the way you do to others, you’d be bent out of shape.

For a brief moment Jax looked like she was going to rage then she continued to listen her eyes turning sad. She took a step back, tears threatening to fall, “You’re right.

She clenched the clothes tightly, “I’m just being selfish and cruel. You are completely right. I am just doing to him what I did to Eric.

She stiffened looking straight at her sister with cold eyes, “I’m going to end it. I’m going to tell him that it’s not going to work and encourage him to find someone else. I was an idiot for thinking I could have it both ways. Thank you. Honestly...I needed to hear that.

Ophelia’s eyes widened slightly, unsure how to respond at first and her brows then furrowed together. She took a step toward her sister, her voice sounding gentle, trying to reason.
That’s not what I meant… You’ll regret it if you do that… I know you care about Morthos, Jax. Just give him a chance…” She wanted to see Jax happy. And she could feel the tension and emotion between Jax and Morthos sometimes when they let their guards down. Jax was stubborn though, and probably wouldn’t listen anymore, but it was worth trying.

Jax gave her sister a small smile, “I do care about him. I possibly even love him maybe...but I care more about being strong then I do about love. I forgot that.” She walked over to her sister and gave her a soft hug, “I’m going to be fine. He is going to be fine. We aren’t even dating anyways. I won’t hurt him this way. It’s for the better. I can see that now.

I don’t believe you. And it sounds more like you’re trying to convince you, and not me.” Ophelia stated, hugging Jax back slightly, though feeling disappointed in her sister.

I might not know very much, but I do know some things. I think you’re making the wrong choice. But I will still support you because I love you.

Ophelia reached up, wiping at her eyes. She glances over for a moment, making sure that Roxas was still asleep, which he was. He was probably exhausted anyway from the day before.

Jax hugged her, “One day...when I am ready. I will tell you what happened. I’m just… not ready. Also don’t worry about me. If I am tough enough to survive Hell, I am tough enough to survive a breakup. Even though it’s going to hurt like a bitch.

She watched as Ophelia looked over to Roxas and she put on a disheartened giggle, “Sleeping beauty eh? You really know how to pick them to don’t you?

She looked over at Roxas again and then nodded slightly, feeling sad. “I’m so tired. I just wish I could sleep when he does. But anyway, what time do we leave?

In an hour or so. You should talk to mom about being tired though. I don’t know enough about vampires to tell if that’s a good or a bad sign. Anyway, I should probably get back to… Morthos. I will see you downstairs in the lobby in an hour. Tell Roxas to bring my shit down and I will do the same for him. Also, don’t let him forget my weights.

She rubbed her sister’s hair, before giving her one last hug before heading back to the room with Morthos. She walked in solemnly noting that he was awake. She cranked up her confident cocky smile that didn’t reach her eyes, “Hey. We need to talk.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

When Morthos woke up he noticed Jax had left, probably to go wake up the other two. He hadn't even changed his clothes last night, he just fell asleep above the covers, holding Jax. Before he had time to get up Jax had returned and he smiled seeing her, but he could tell something was wrong. "Hey. We need to talk."

Those words sent a shiver down his spine, he'd never even been in a relationship and knew that nothing good ever came of those words. "Um, ya, sure, what about?" She sat on the bed next to him and told him that even though she cared about him she cared about being powerful more, and that wasn't fair to him. She still wanted to be friends and teammates, but that he deserved a girl who put him first. When she was done Morthos didn't know what to say, he just let out a big sigh and said nothing. He'd been broken, he'd really thought after last night there was a chance they might be able to be in a real relationship, but it was all just an illusion.

Jax sat beside him, hating the fact that she was causing him pain, "I know that wasn't what you wanted to hear..." She waited a few moments before speaking again, "Come on speak to me. Get mad or something and tell me how you feel. I can handle it."

Morthos rubbed his eyes before getting up and walking to the window, "This was never supposed to be a permanent thing anyways, it was just some fun between friends, right?" He took a shuddering breath, as if he could break down at any moment, he repeated more quietly and more to himself, "it was always just for fun. It was made very clear this wasn't ever supposed to be anything more serious." He took another shaky breath and turned back to face Jax, tears welled up in his eyes, "you warned me, and I didn't listen. It's really my fault." He sat down on the other bed and put his head in his hands, he took deep breaths, trying his hardest not to sob, it would only make Jax feel worse. "Go on downstairs, I'll meet you down there," his voice was muffled since he was hiding in his hands but he was sure she got the message.

Jax listened patiently feeling like absolute shit. When he said it was his fault Jax stood up preparing to go into a tandem that it was her damn fault. She was the one hurting him and Ophelia was right she shouldn't have pushed for anything if it was going to turn out like this. She could tell he was on the verge of tears and every part of her wanted to go up and hug him. To tell him she was a liar and she didn't mean any of it. She took a step forward only to clench her fists and step back. He encouraged her to go downstairs, his voice catching at the words. Tears were forming in her eyes but she just clenched her fists harder, repressing them. She watched him for a few minutes before she nodded, "Yeah...I'll see you down there... " She grabbed Roxas' bag and headed towards the door turning to look at him, "Morthos...I...I'm sorry." She exited the room quickly, shutting the door behind her. She paused, tears rolling down her cheeks as she grit her teeth, knowing that that was the hardest thing she had ever had to do. She didn't understand why it meant so much she just knew it was for the better, regarless of how much it hurt. So she had to be strong. She took in a breath before wiping her eyes and continued down the hallway, without looking back.

Morthos heard her leave and took that as his cue to break down sobbing on the bed. After a few minutes he'd gotten it mostly out of his system and started packing up his clothes, talking to himself. I'm not strong enough for you? Is that it? Sure he can outsmart someone but he doesn't have the raw magic strength I need. Well sorry what you've seen isn't impressive enough for you. Do I need to summon things too? Is that impressive enough? Your dad liked me, but no, all that matters is strength. Well fine, you want raw magical power? Then that's what you'll get." The venting felt good, he could never hate Jax, but right now he was hurt and just needed to at least pretend he hated her. He finally got all his stuff together and headed down to the lobby and found Jax, "so, first mission as a team was a success, ya?" Morthos was trying to make things feel normal, but he could tell for the next while it might be awkward between them.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sleep was the only way Roxas could get away from everything. Usually he would have a good sleep and wake up feeling refreshed, but this morning he awoke to Jax giving Ophelia an ear full. He knew it wasn't his conversation to overhear, but it was kinda hard when Jax was very loud. She was pretty mad with Ophelia right now and so he decided to just stay still and pretend to sleep. Most of the conversation went in one ear and out the other, but there was one part he couldn't ignore. When Jax said she was going to break it off with Morthos, Roxas shifted a little. He knew it was going to happen at some point, but now that's just going to make things weird around them. Knew this was going to happen. He thought to himself as they talked. "Roxas you been listening to this? Haha. This is great! You know I actually had my money on them getting into a relationship, but I'm okay with this too." Ifrit was having the time of his life. It made sense though sense he thrived on people's pain and suffering. "Shut up." He said under his breath so the others couldn't hear.

Once Jax had left, Roxas waited a few minutes to "wake up". Ophelia was still there and he just smiled at her and gave her a little kiss before disappearing into the bathroom. "Good morning my love." He said as he kissed her. The shower was nice and hot and it made Roxas feel a little happier to get in. He didn't take to long though. Just a wash up only to realize that he didn't have any clothes in the room. A little annoyed at himself, Roxas grabbed a towel, wrapped it around himself, then made his way over to his room. "I'll meet you in the lobby. I need to grab my clothes." He stormed off over to his room only to notice that his bag wasn't there. Morthos was packing, muttering to himself. He knew what about. Jax must have broke it to him already. He chose to leave that alone for now. There was more important matters at hand. He was only wearing a towel! "Morthos?" He said calm but annoyed. "Where's my bag?" Morthos looked up at him for a second. He told him Jax had taken it and left it at that.

Roxas nodded and said thanks. He was now on a mission to rescue his bag from Jax and not walk around with only a damn towel. On his way down to the lobby, people were giving Roxas strange looks from the corner of their eye. Ifrit was laughing his ass off, but he paid it no mind. Once in the lobby he stood there and looked around. After not finding her in the first sweep, he just took a deep breath and yelled. "JAX!" His voice boomed through the lobby and people looked at him. Some of the girls giggled and the men laughed and walked away. Jax was sitting down in one of the chairs and looked right at him. She laughed at the sight of him as he walked over to her. "Give me that." He said annoyed. Jax looked like she was about to fall over in her chair. Roxas glared then stuck out his tongue at her. He quickly walked to the nearest bathroom and changed in the stall. This is embarrassing. He though as he zipped up the bag. Wearing his normal clothes, Roxas walked out of the bathroom back over to were Jax was.

Ophelia was there once Roxas made his way over. Jax was telling her about what had just happened and the two of them were laughing at Roxas. "Yeah yeah laugh it up." He said as he sat down, looking very unimpressed. Ophelia handed him the clothes he left in her room along with his mask. He quickly shoved the clothes in his bag and placed the mask in his pocket. Morthos came down not that long after and they all made their way to the train.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

When Roxas finally woke up, he kissed Ophelia gently and showered, but realized that his clothes weren't there so went off to go find them. Ophelia's gaze moved to Jax's bag and her weights and she frowned slightly. So much for Roxas taking these down, she thought. She gathered up everything from the room and changed into some comfy clothes for travel. Once everything was packed, she took her bag in one hand, and Jax's in the other, easily hauling them down toward the lobby of the hotel with Roxas' clothes on top of her own bag.

Once she arrived there, she heard Morthos say that the first mission was a success. Ophelia felt bad, knowing that Jax had already talked to him, and she just stayed quiet for a while, while Roxas told her about Jax taking his clothes. She handed him the clothes from yesterday, but didn't say too much. At least they'd be on their way home soon.

---- A few hours later ----

Finally walking into SPA, Ophelia felt more relaxed. She even smiled, and couldn't wait to get back to her routine again. Even though she enjoyed doing missions, everything lately had been extremely intense and fast. She did a tiny little dance as she walked through the doors. She headed with the group straight to get paid. One the Solars had been transferred to each of their accounts, Ophelia gave Jax a high five, feeling accomplished.

"We did it!" she said, smiling.

Ophelia looked over to Roxas, who looked fairly pleased with himself, and then to Morthos, who's expression was not on the happy side of things. Ophelia turned her gaze away, back to Jax and Roxas.

"I'm going to go pay for my ballet, and do some other stuff before heading home, okay?" She leaned in, hugging Jax tightly before moving to kiss Roxas on the cheek, and disappearing into the crowds of people to do her errands.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
Avatar of KiraVanhelsing

KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Jax remained silent for most of the way home, falling asleep against the window for part of it. When they headed back to SPA she was feeling like shit still but again at least more herself. Ophelia and Roxas seemed to be in good spirits. She laughed thinking back to him walking down in a towel. She almost fell off her chair in laughter. When the solars entered her account she felt slightly lighter, happy that the team had finished the first mission alive and well, but it was the points they scored for their quickness that made her really excited. She was closer. Even by a small bit, she was closer to accomplishing her dream. She eyed Morthos for a minute. Even if it meant she had to sacrifice for it. She nodded to Ophelia, before she left, "I will see ya later at home."

She took Ophelia's bag with her own and turned to the boys, her expression warm, "I suppose we've earned a few days off before we sign up for the next mission, plus I have to go do my duties at the church the next few days."

She put on a wider smile, "Also don't be strangers. Pop by the house and come visit if you want. We always have an open door." She looked to Morthos trying to be encouraging, "Seriously. Just because of what happened... I still want to see you, but if you want to take a break from me I get it."

She paused turning to Roxas with a slightly jokey tone, "You...on the other hand can take your sweet time coming over. I've had enough of ya for a bit." She giggled, sticking out her tongue at Roxas, knowing she would probably see him often due to Ophelia. After a few minutes, she turned, heading for the door waving at a group of people before she headed out into the street. When she came home she opened the door only to be thrown back onto the step as Hargul started to kiss and hug her tightly, "MISTRESS JAX! HARGUL MISSED YOU AND MISS OPHELIA SOOOOO MUCH!!!! HE LONELY! BALLET GIRLS AND HARGUL WENT SHOPPING BUT IT WASN'T THE SAME!!!! NO FASHION SENSE! THEY SHIT SPOONS! EWWWW! DID YOU LOSE EYEBALL? HARGUL MAKE NEW ONE FOR YOU!"

Jax burst into laughter, laying out on the street in surprise, "Awe...Honey! I missed you too! Also no. The eye is still there, just a face scratch. Next time you can come! I promise. It was weird you not being there anyway, my little prince charming!"

She stood, hugging him close before heading inside dropping off the bags in both rooms. She turned, "Come on! Let's go get food?"

Jax knelt slightly so Hargul could jump up and crawl up onto her shoulders, his scaly skin grazing hers lightly. Hargul spoke up, "WHERE ARE OTHERS? MISS OPHELIA, BROTHERKIN, AND SHIT SPOON?"

Jax headed out leaving her scythe and locking the door as she headed towards the store to stock up, "They are busy. Ophelia should be home soon and I assume ROXAS not shit spoon will be over tomorrow at some point."

Hargul leaned over peering at Jax, "Brotherkin to?"

Jax turned slightly sad but kept walking, "I don't know if he wants to see me right now...we will see, sugar!"

Hargul nodded slowly, "YOU AND I, UNTIL WE DIE!"

Jax looked at the little creature with pure love, "You and I eat all the pie!"

Jax and Hargul giggled moving into the grocery store, stomach's grumbling.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Morthos just stared out the window for the train ride back to SPA, he wasn't angry at Jax, she could live her life however she chose. They got back and everyone got their payday, they were all pretty excited, Morthos already had lots of money so it wasn't as big a deal to him. Of course he didn't have infinite money so it was good to make money, but for now it was just like a little bonus.

He managed to give Jax just the faintest of smiles, it was still nice hearing her say she wanted to see him, "ya, maybe I'll come by tomorrow, right now I just need some time to myself. I'll see you around, and Roxas I'll be seeing you too bud, peace." With that Morthos left to go back to his place. He tossed his stuff next to his bed and took a minute to do something he hadn't done in a while, call his mom back home. It wasn't exactly a normal phone call though, his mom was a bit old-fashioned so they only talked using a type of scrying ritual. Morthos basically needed a dish with some oil and the magic would do its thing so he could talk with his mother.

It was a mostly normal conversation, he told her about the mission, but something seemed to be on her mind. Apparently her brother, Morthos' uncle, was visiting for a bit. He was sometimes a handful, Morthos wished her luck in dealing with him and let her go. He then went to his bookshelf and grabbed a book that had been in the family for generations which contained spells secret to the family bloodline. Even if someone else were to find this book only those descended from house Zolfura could cast these spells. If Jax wanted someone strong he was sure something in here would impress her. Flipping through he found just the spell he wanted to be his next focus.

Morthos made sure his house was kind of on the edge of town for a reason. He had it custom made with a basement only he could access where he could train and practice his magic. He went down and began his training, after several hours Morthos felt he was starting to get a feel for how this spell went. Unfortunately he needed food, as he felt like he may pass out. He ascended back to the normal world and left the house, wondering what he would decide to eat.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As much money as he had, Roxas was still pretty pleased with himself. It had been a while since he got a haul this large. Ophelia and Jax looked happy too, but Morthos looked like he could have cared less. Ophelia went off to do her own thing and Roxas asked if she wanted him to come with. She said no, but kissed him on the cheek. A little disappointed, he turned and looked at the others. Jax told Morthos to not be a stranger and he nodded and went his own way. She looked over at Roxas and told him the complete opposite. Joking obviously.

Roxas cracked a smile and laughed a bit. "I'm kinda dating your sister for life. You wont be able to get rid of me."

They both shared a laugh then went their own way. Roxas slowly made his way back to his house, buying essentials on the way. He stopped and looked at the weapons for a bit then decided to buy a new one.

"Hey Reggie got anything new and my style?" Roxas said as he entered.

"Let me take a look. I might be able to find something for you." Reggie disappeared into the back for a few minutes only to return empty handed. "Sorry Roxas, but if you want something newer than you already have you'll have to custom order it."

Roxas looked frusterated, but nodded and left. Nothing new today. It didn't take to long to get back to the house. It was still in the same order he left it in. Clean and ready for guests that would never come. The only people ever to come into his house were his new found team. Thinking about them made him smile a bit. It was nice to been needed and in a group he could trust again. That happiness was short lived though. Seconds after putting his bags down, his head started to pound. Roxas grimaced and fell to one knee. The pain was extraordinary and it almost made him throw up on the spot. Before he could though, he got up and ran to his bathroom. It couldn't have been timed better, but as he entered the bathroom and lifted the toilet seat, vomet started to come out. Luckily it all made it into the toilet, but it was violent.

"So this is what we have to deal with now huh?" He said to Ifrit after he was done. He flushed, but stayed next to the toilet in case there was another episode.

"It wasn't great for me either. I may have my own feeling still, but whenever you have an episode like that, I feel it too." Ifrit grumbled. "It's because of the other day. You used my power longer than you could handle. I'm a little surprised you didn't die."

Roxas just laughed then groaned and winced as his stomach was hurting now too. "I'm tougher now. I think I can handle a little more."

Ifrit just grunted then shut up. Withen the hour Roxas had thrown up four times and by the time he was finished the last time, it was all finished. After all that he walked over to the bed and laid down. He was exhausted after all that. The moment he had shut his eyes, they opened again and three hours had passed. It was still daylight, but it looked like the sun was going down. In that instance, Roxas knew something was wrong.

"Who's there!?" He shot up, head still pounding. He may not be able to sense who was around, but he could always tell when someone was in the house. It only took a second for him to get up and grab a dagger, but not before looking in the mirror. He looked like death. That episode really did a number on him and if someone was here and dangerous, then he might not be able to fight them off. Thinking about it for a second, he sat down at the desk, placed the dagger on top, and opened one of the secret drawers underneath then pulled out an old and very rare revolver. He may not be able to fight hand to hand, but someone's taking a bullet.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

When Roxas asked her if she wanted him to come, she shook her head slightly, her eyes shifting to the ground. She had told him no. It felt weird, and she felt a pang of guilt at his expression, but she didn't really want him to know what other errands she was running. She wasn't sure whether he would think the idea was stupid or not.

Either way, Ophelia made her way into the shopping area of the city. The ballet studio wasn't quite 'shopping' but it was still nearby. She moved at human speed, enjoying her time alone on the way there. She hadn't been by herself in a while so she was savoring this time to herself. She also hadn't practiced her ballet in some time, and she was itching to start again. After a while of walking, she made it to the studio. She stopped outside for a few moments to look at the building, and then opened the door and stepped inside. Once the door closed behind her, her gaze shifted around the room, looking for her instructor. Finally her eyes came to land on a tall, thin female. Her hair was white as snow, similar to Ophelia's. You'd almost think they could be twins.

Ophelia smiled gently, her eyes sparkling a little happily. She walked up to the fellow ballerina and she hugged her for a moment.

The woman spoke then her voice melodic, "Good day, Ophelia. It's been a while."

"Yes. I've been busy at SPA. I promise though to come more regularly now, Camille."

"Are you here to dance, now?" Camille asked, watching Ophelia's gaze carefully.

"No, I'm actually here to pay the next year's lessons. I hope that's alright?" Ophelia asked her, shifting slightly.

Camille nodded and lead her to the front desk, moving in behind it to set up the payment. Since Ophelia had been a member for some time, the studio already had her account information, and the Solars were transferred over almost instantly.

"There we go. All done!" Camille said, smiling, two small fangs visible between her lips.

Ophelia grinned and moved to hug Camille once more.

"Thank you so much, lovely. I have some more things I need to do. But, I will be seeing you tomorrow!!" Ophelia waved at her and made her way out of the studio, back out onto the street. She gazed around now, taking note of who was around, and thinking which places might be able to assist her in her next errand. She first decided to go to Elias's Alchemy shop. She entered slowly, pulling up the hood of her cloak before doing so, despite the fact this might make her look suspicious.

Entering the shop she could smell mixtures of chemicals and other things. Brightly colored vials topped with corks rested in holders in multiple rows along the walls around the room, neighboring different plants in small pots and other, less identifiable objects placed upon tables. Ophelia moved slowly through the shop, gazing at each item as she passed by it, before reaching the front desk. Soft music played in the background, and she looked around for someone to help her. She cleared her throat slightly, which she realized at this point was now starting to burn with thirst. She shook her head slightly, ignoring it, and waited.

"O-oh! Hello! Be right there!" A male's voice called from somewhere in the shop.

Ophelia waited patiently and finally an extremely tall elf male walked out from behind a curtain, his brown hair frizzy around his face, from work no doubt. He smiled at Ophelia, greeting her with a firm hand shake. Ophelia lowered her hood and let it rest against her back and shoulders. She brushed the strands away from her face and looked up at the man, who she assumed was Elias.

"Hello. I was wondering..." Ophelia began, though hesitant. She wanted to word her question correctly, but knew it was going to be odd nonetheless.

"You were wondering?" He said back, waiting.

"I was wondering, if perhaps you had some type of, Vampiric sleeping potion. Something I could take nightly to make me sleep." She said, trying to sound confident.

The elf looked at her curiously, his head tilting to one side.

"Why on Earth would you need such a potion?" he asked, still rattled at her words.

Her eyes moved toward the counter for a moment while she spoke, "My bond... Is not a Vampire, you see? I want to be able to sleep when he does."

Elias looked at her, concern crossing his face. It wasn't unheard of for Vampires to bond with other creatures outside of their race, but it also wasn't common. Ophelia gazed up just in time to see Elias shake his head.

"I'm sorry dear. I don't have anything like that here... You may want to try speaking with the council. They might have something, or some advice, for you that could work." His eyes were kind along with his voice, but Ophelia felt disappointed.

"Alright. Thank you for your time anyway. Would you know how I could get there?" She asked, hoping he would at least be able to direct her.

After a few moments, he drew out a map with a feather quill and ink on some parchment. Handing it to her, he smiled, "Good luck, young one."

And with that, Ophelia turned and left the shop, staring down at the map in her hand. She began on the journey, unsure how long it would take her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
Avatar of KiraVanhelsing

KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Jax and Hargul were making there way home, brown paper bags in each of her arms when her phone rang in her pocket. She grumbled walking over to the side of the street to place her groceries on the ground, before pulling out her phone, "You got Jax!"

"Hello Jax, It's me, Douglas, I am sorry to bother you seeing as you just arrived but Maria came in yesterday morning and her condition is getting worse the longer she is plagued. Can you perhaps come in tonight?" Father Douglas' voice sounded reserved but slightly desperate.

Jax pinched the bridge of her nose, really wanting to just go home and eat the pound of ice-cream she bought, "Fuc... I mean Jesus... I mean... ugh... I can't keep helping her every time she uses the Ouija board. Yeah, I have to go home first but I will head over in a few minutes."

Father Douglas sounded relieved, "Thank you so much for this. We appreciate it so much."

Jax looked over at Hargul and sighed, "Yeah. See ya soon."

-----------------------The Church-------------------------------

Jax walked into the church about an hour later, her expression slightly annoyed after having to drop off her food and Hargul at home. The church was silent apart from a few lost soul's looking for a place to sleep for the evening. Jax headed down the center, her eyes poised towards the large glass window depicting Jesus in all his glory. She immediately felt a warmth around her as she got closer. She paused closing her eyes for a few minutes and apologized for missing her morning prayer yesterday. A moment later Douglas spoke up, "The room is ready when you need a moment. I don't want to interrupt your time with him."

Jax opened her eyes, "It's fine. He knows what I need him to. Is she pretending or has he made himself known yet?"

"There are glimpses of him behind her. Father Miles and Father Tunnelson have been trying there best to keep it at bay whilst you were away. Are you going to be okay to perform this task?"

Jax turned motioning to the bandages on her face, "Ahh...Nothing but a flesh wound. Ignore it. There was no one at SPA, you could use?"

Father Douglas walked ahead with Jax following behind, "Well as you know Excorcist's themselves are a rare type. There is one more at SPA but he is in critical condition after a long mission in the East. Also, he is Buddhist so he doesn't know the names as well as someone local. We tried a few guilds nearby but again either there is an occupancy that needs to be filled, or the worker is on a mission. We are in trying times child. Demons rise in strength when the balance is flipped..and darkness is setting on us like a plague, I fear."

Jax felt a rightness in his words as they reached the door. She didn't know exactly what was happening but she could sense a cold fear that things were changing, not just in her little town but in the world. Douglas opened the door and she walked in.

Maria was sitting in the center of the room, changed to a holy weight by her arms. The walls as before were stained with her blood, the words illuminated by candles set into the corners. Tunnelson was in the corner speaking the slow verses of the Holy Book. Miles was sitting in front of Maria praying, his wooden cross sticking out of his fingers. Jax held her clenched hand in front of her face and let out a small noise of interruption. Tunnelson finished the verse he was on then stood up, at the same time Miles pulled away from Maria whose blue eyes stared quietly at Jax. Jax gave the young woman a similar expression before looking to the Fathers, "You two have done an amazing job. We would have lost her if you were not here. You can rest. I will take over from here."

She gave them a warm smile then turned to Douglas, "It's going to be awhile. Keep the other priest's away from the room and call Maria's mother to come get..."

"My mother does not need to come here. I am perfectly fine. These infernal priests have kept me here for two days and I demand to be let go immediately." Maria spoke evenly, her voice eerily kind and calm.

Jax continued ignoring Maria, "Call her. Also, have some food and water ready."

Maria screamed at the top of her lungs, "DON'T YOU FUCKING IGNORE ME, GIRL!! LET ME OUT OF HERE YOU FUCKING SOW!!!!!!! I DEMAND YOU LET ME GO HOME!!!!!!"

He leaned forward and placed his palm on Jax's head, "Be strong, child. He is with you."

Jax gave a small smile, nodding lightly as Douglas and the priests walked out. She paused locking the door behind them before she turned back to Maria, her eyes turning to full green as her palms began to burn. Maria was a beautiful woman or was at one point. She had long flowing black hair, stunning brown and green eyes, and olive skin, but pain made her look worn. Her eyes were highlighted with bruised bags, her skin was too tight on her small frame exposing the bone beneath, and her fingernails were worn down and showed signs of bleeding. Jax hid her emotions like a pro and put on a cocky smile speaking slowly as she stared down at Maria,"Hiding in the dark will not save you, Demon. I see you behind her. I'm going to help you Maria, but you have to be strong okay. I know you are still there. Keep it away from your heart."

She leaned down staring Maria straight in the face her voice nothing but a whisper as two runic shapes began to appear under Jax's eyes, "Let us begin."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

A new place had opened while they were away, it was called Red's and the food looked really good. As he was sitting and checking out a menu he heard a familiar voice, "hey there good lookin', glad you like the duds I picked out for you." Looking up it was the elven guy who helped at the store when Morthos did his makeover, Eddie....no, Edwin. "You don't mind if I join you, do you?"

"No, go ahead, I'm alone tonight, feel free," Morthos wished he wasn't alone tonight but that's how it was. He was sure Jax was busy with something at the church anyways.

"Oh same for me, my boo is out of town for a few days visiting family. Where's the cutie who came shopping with you? You guys were cute together."

Morthos sighed slightly, trying to keep himself from sounded downtrodden, "she's busy with something else tonight. And we're not together, we're just friends. She made that abundantly clear," he mumbled that last part, but Edwin still heard him.

"Oh honey, I could tell from when you were in my shop that she's in to you, with good reason too. Just don't give up on her, girls are complicated."

Morthos didn't really want to get in to it with Edwin, luckily a waiter came up to take their order which was a welcome distraction. The rest of the meal went off without relationship talk, they moved to something Morthos was much more comfortable with, magic. Edwin was skilled with illusion magic. Morthos was a bit familiar with that type of magic, his ghost sound ability was a form of illusion magic, and illusion magic paired nicely with charm magic which his mother was quite adept at.

"How come you never used a glamour to change how you look if you didn't like the looks people gave you? I could even do one for you"

Morthos had considered something like that before, just to make him look more like a normal person, but he never would have really done it. "I guess it's because I'm not ashamed of who I am and where I come from," Morthos said to Edwin, trying to articulate exactly how he felt, "my people were nobles. We hailed from a great and powerful empire, I'm proud of that history, and if other people don't like how I look they can deal with it. I kinda just figured that out recently."

"Well I'm glad you're feeling better about yourself"

Morthos smiled, he was feeling better, talking with Edwin had really cheered him up, "thanks for sitting with me Edwin, I'll pay for dinner. Don't you protest or I'm never shopping at your store again."

Edwin just rolled his eyes in an exasperated way but smiled slyly, "oh alright. But I'm getting the bill next time, maybe a double date when that girl figures out you're a great guy."

"We'll see, I know where to find you," Morthos paid the bill and they went their separate ways. After that Morthos just kind of wandered the town, not sure where he would go next.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxas waited patiently in his chair, gun in hand and ready to fire at anything that walked through that door. The headache he had after waking up was getting worse and there was no guarantee that he was going to be able to stay up much longer. This was the worst he felt in a long time. Normally the pain he felt after prolonged use of Ifrit's power wasn't so bad. Must have been to much for him this time. It didn't matter. Someone was approaching the door very slowly and it was almost agonizing having to wait and see who it was. Roxas gripped the gun to where his knuckles were turning white. In that second of pure heart pounding stress, the door slowly opened and in walked the scariest thing Roxes never thought he'd see again. Covered from head to toe, you couldn't see an inch of skin. A pointed hat with a long pointed mask covering the face. Clothes as black as night and cloak made of what looked like crow feathers.

"Eileen the Crow."

Roxas shot the gun as fast as he could, only able to get off one shot which seemed to pass right through the woman. He fell out of his chair and hit his head against the ground almost blacking out, but forcing himself to stay awake. This woman wasn't getting him. Not again.

"I see you've lost your edge Roxas. I'm a little disappointed in you. I thought we had something."

Even through the mask she had, her voice was as clear as it could be. She sounded like a siren with the way she spoke. Able to slay any man with a single word. Eileen walked over to him and giggled to herself as she kneeled down by him. Unable to move, Roxas just layed there, waiting to see what was going to happen.

"How are you here. I thought I killed you seven years ago. If I failed in doing so, why come for me now? What do you want from me."

Eileen only laughed then put his head in her lap, stroking his hair with one hand and taking his hand in the other. There was no way he could get out of this right now, he couldn't move an inch. All he could do was think about Ophelia and wish she was there right now. She may not be able to stand a chance against Eileen, but she would be able to help him get out of there and to a safer place.

"Oh my love, you know you couldn't kill me. We were meant to be together through fate has brought be here to you. I have looked for you for so long and now I have finaly found you."

Roxas grimaced, his stomach acting up again. As painful and probably fatal as it would have been, Roxas wished that his mask was on him. At least he could try to get away with that.

"I told you then and I'll tell you know, I am not interested in someone as evil as you. I will never love you and I will never let you use me again!"

He yelled but that only made her giggle more. She lifted her mask only slightly so you could see her lips. They were red like blood and smiling. She rain her fingers through his hair again then leaned down and kissed him softly on the lips.

"Just you wait. Nothing will keep us apart. No matter where you go I will find you and you will be mine. We will take over this world together. Starting with the SPA. Until then I will leave you for now. I will return so next time be a little more.. living."

She smiled again then moved the mask back down covering her mouth. After, she laid him softly onto the ground and walked out of the room. Roxas' mind was racing trying to figure out what had just happened. He had to tell the others and especially Ophelia. If Eileen found out that he and Ophelia were together, she would stop at nothing until Ophelia was dead. This scared the crap out of him and he almost began to cry out of fear. He was shaking violently now due to all the pent up stress from that encounter. Eileen was the most evil and psychotic woman he had ever met. She tried to use him once before for his power and now has returned to do it again. Seven years ago he thought he had killed her, but it doesn't seem to be that way. Why was she here now though? It just didn't make sense to him at all. Why wait seven years to find him. It's not like he moved all over the place to try to get away from her. As much as he wanted to ask questions, none of them would be answered now. He had to get to the others and tell them what happened. Their lives were now in more danger than they could imagine and he wasn't losing another team. Not again.

Roxas' eye's shot open and he was in his bed once again.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

[color=39b54a][/color]gJax kept her eyes closed as she was letting forth a babble of whispers in Latin, her posture rigid as she gripped the wall in front of Maria. The disheveled woman was crying and screaming extremities, in order to sway Jax to let her go. Her words went unheeded and after awhile Jax stopped speaking the wall behind her disappeared, fading into a deep black darkness, but you could still see the opposite walls in a reflection as if a mirror was blocking off the darkness, the truth was visible but only if you looked at the opposite image. Jax opened her eyes the green luminescence narrowing in on Maria, her voice was cold and sharp, “I walk the valley of the dark and the light. Choosing no path but the one I build myself. I worship no god but the job. The duty of my faith. You have forgotten the face of your creator. I invoke his punishment as a means to know your name. What is your name demon?

Maria's body contorted as she stood up straight, her expression turning malicious, "Why can't you just leave me alone! YOU FILTHY WHORE. She wants this. That's why she keeps calling me back."

Jax gave her own malicious smile, hiding her true emotions. Now, most people think that being able to summon demons makes a good exorcist but it's not. It's definitely beneficial, but it isn't even close to the key ingredient. It's a healthy dose of bravado, cockiness and a whole lot of narcissism. You want to beat the devil. You better be fucking confident enough to outsmart him. Jax spoke evenly, "She wants her husband, you prick. You're just an insect trying to leach your way into our world. Now tell me your name demon, before I call them in."

Maria took a step backward, her chains tightening, as something began to crawl forward behind Jax in the deep blackness. Slick almost wet black shapes came forward. The smile on Maria's face faltered, as a hint of a demonic voice crept through her words, "No. Not them...anything but them. I WILL TAKE THE BITCH WITH ME TO HELL!"

Jax took another step forward, her voice strong yet calm, "I walk the road of two worlds. Hear my voice demon as the voice of your father. Here my voice as the retribution of the holy creator. You may not respect me but you will respect power. NOW, what is your name demon?"

The demon crouched as the figures took a step forward, barely shown through the translucent image, words ripping through her throat harshly, "Laxeron. My name is...Laxeron..."

Jax let out a breath, relieved that the demon was of a weaker variety. She had spent hours in this room trying to remove the last demon and she was worried that this would be a repeat. She was lucky this time, the demon falling right into her hands. Her smile fell away leaving a discouraged serious expression, as she slammed her hands together with the light from her pentagrams intensifying as two figures rushed out to slam into Maria. Jax used latin incantations of power to strengthen her power, making sure that the soul rippers were well aware who was in full control. They tore and bit and clawed the dark spot of Maria's soul, black oozing blood from the demon covering the room as Jax continued to speak. When the last bit of the demon was ripped apart Jax let out a gasp, before taking a few step forward to catch Maria so she wouldn't hit the floor, her body giving out on her. She grit her teeth, bloody tears falling down her cheeks, one staining her bandaged eye with blood as the soul rippers were pulled back into the darkness. Jax felt them ebb away but knew she had to hold out until she was entirely sure they were in the loss. When the moment was right, she let go of Maria and stood up turning to close the gate when a somber-faced man with pure white skin and large dinner plate eyes hid just behind the mirror. Jax stopped, reaching out into the darkness, preparing to take a step towards him when a hand came up to cover her eyes pulling her backward. Jax's strength was gone as a whisper formed, "Etro..."

She felt a whisper in her ear, "You can't save them all child..and this time...she has earned her slumber."

Jax shivered, pain and anger visible in her voice, "I promised.."

The voice was so soft yet the weight of eon's of life made it seem so powerful, "You kept it. She is at peace and she will find whom she is looking for. Keep walking the road...the time that we all face is coming closer for more than you think. Be ready...your time is coming."

Jax was about to speak when suddenly she hit the dusty floor softly, the room turning back to what it was. She let out a gasp sitting up and looking for any sign of Etro. He was gone..and when her eyes hit Maria she realized that she was too. Douglas entered a few moments later and Jax stared up at him with tears in her eyes and a sob in her throat, "She's..."

Douglas looked at Maria with a deep sadness as he moved down to Jax, "Gone. It was her choice. You couldn't change her mind anymore. You can't save everyone."

Jax shut her eyes pulling herself back from the edge of hysterics. After the events with Morthos and her family, she wanted to just curl up and cry. Instead, she stood up and looked at Douglas with an exhausted expression, "I'm going home."

She walked past him opening the door to see the two other priests and an older dark haired woman with soft brown hopeful eyes. Jax was about to speak when the woman looked past her and burst into tears. Jax's heart sunk. She had so much to say but knew that it wouldn't mean anything so she just gave a shake of her head, "I'm sorry. I tried."

She shut her eyes, wiping the blood from her nose as she took her coat from Douglas who came up behind her and walked towards the door, her focus on going home. He called out quickly before she headed out to the main hall, "Tomorrow morning?"

She turned back nodding, "Always."

The main hall opened up around her as she exited the hallway, brushing past a man who had just entered the church. She looked up into solid grey eyes and for a split second she felt a stab in her brain and an image of hell came up like a geyser. She shut her eyes letting out a gasp at the same time the man did. She came to faster then he did and pushed him towards the pews her eyes lighting up to green, "Try that invasive shit again and I will make you regret it, asshole. I'm fine Douglas. See you tomorrow."

She shook her head fixing her jacket before she exited the church giving the man one last angry glare before she left, heading into the night with thoughts of Maria coming into full focus.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After a long while, Ophelia finally made it to her destination. The council was sure to laugh at her request, she figured, but it was worth trying nonetheless. She looked up at the building, taking in the features of the structure. It was intimidating, but beautiful all at once. She had never been here before, but knew that this probably wouldn't be the last time she'd visit. Two tall Vampires stood outside of the main door, their eyes remaining steadily ahead. As Ophelia approached, she folded the little map and placed it inside of her cloaks inner pocket. Before she could say anything the two men shifted, opening up the door with a simple wave of their dominant hands. Ophelia's eyes watched curiously, in awe of their abilities. Every creature she came across in her life had been so unique, it never ceased to amaze her of their power.

Unsure at first where to go, she turned to one of the guards, her expression slightly confused. "Where do I go?" she asked finally.

The Vampires then answered her in unison, and it made her hair stand on end. "Use your senses, and you will find the way."

Her brow furrowed and her lips turned downward in a slight frown at their response, and she nodded. She normally was only very in tune with her sense of smell. Despite her senses being extremely heightened, she realized she didn't use them often, nor all at once. Maybe it was because she never really felt threatened in a way where she needed to be so on guard. Finally then, Ophelia took a deep breath in through her nose, catching scents of Vampires who she could tell were wise in their age and power. She listened, hearing footsteps in nearby corridors, and murmuring coming from the distance. She began walking toward the scent and sound of the Vampires and eventually came to another doorway, though this one was just a tall, rounded archway.

Inside of the room sat four tall, marble thrones placed in the shape of a crescent moon along the back wall, which was shaped the same. Two males and two females sat in the thrones and they were talking amongst themselves. Even though Ophelia knew better than to assume they didn't know she was there, she pretended they didn't, and took the time to look at each one individually. The first male to her left had mocha colored skin, with long hair the color of obsidian and stone grey eyes. His features were more rounded, and he was of average height. The first female was much paler in comparison, her complexion more similar to Ophelia's, though her hair was the color of amber when the sun hits it. Her nose and jawline were sharp and angular, chiseled almost. She felt intimidating just by appearance. The next was another female, this one Ophelia immediately recognized as Camille. A slight smile played on Ophelia's lips, and the last male had chocolate brown hair, and was much smaller than the first Vampire. She figured though he was either very old, very powerful, or both despite his size.

Finally Camille spoke up then, her eyes shifting from the redheaded female, to meet Ophelia's gaze. "Come on in, Miss Kariana."

Her voice sounded so formal, compared to when she spoke to her earlier. Ophelia smiled again faintly and stepped slowly into the room, noting there were two smaller seats facing the council members. Camille's hand motioned for Ophelia to sit, which she did without hesitation. She tried to make herself comfortable, but found she was sitting on the edge of the seat, figuring her position matched the building anxiety in her throat. She wasn't sure whether she could begin talking right away, so decided it best to wait until she was spoken to.

"What brings you here, young one?" the first, mocha skinned Vampire called out to Ophelia.

She barely had to think about her answer, and decided to get straight to the point. She knew that whether she was blunt or not, they'd find out what she was there for.

"I am bonded with a human. And despite that I am aware that is not the norm, I was curious whether there was a way I could possibly sleep at night when he does." Her question seemed simple enough in her mind, and hoped they would have a solution.

She could feel the tension in the air thicken as the Vampires shared glances. Even Camille seemed slightly surprised at this request. Ophelia's attention then turned to the smallest, male Vampire, who began to speak immediately. His voice was deep and strong, and Ophelia's eyes widened just slightly.

"There is a way. But it requires you to gather the items first, and then have someone very skilled create the serum for you. It will take many nights to complete once you have found everything required, but if you are willing to do that, then you shall have what you wish for."

"May I have a list of the items I will need?" Ophelia asked, as politely as she could.

The Vampire nodded, and a paper appeared before her then, each item written out in a sharp cursive style with crimson ink. Ophelia reached out, taking the list and looked it over once before placing inside her cloak pocket alongside the map.

"I will warn you though, child. There can be some... Negative... Side affects to taking this serum daily. Just keep that in mind, my dear."

Ophelia's gaze met his strongly and his expression was serious. She nodded, and thanked them for helping her.

"Farewell for now. We will be seeing you again... Sooner than you think."

The Vampires words echoed in Ophelia's mind the entire way back toward the city, and she chewed on her bottom lip so much that she bit into it. Wondering on what the words meant, Ophelia found herself entering Roxas' home, though only to be immediately greeted by a silver bullet through her chest and left shoulder.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ophelia’s arms reached out as the bullet went through her chest and out through the back of her shoulder blade. She grabbed at the door frame, gasping as pain overtook her sensations. Blood began to pour down the front and back of her body. She let out a loud, guttural growl from her throat, her eyes shifting even darker than they had been previously.

She tried her best to focus, moving inside of the house further then. Her eyes came to rest on Roxas, who seemed to be unconscious or something in the living room. Ophelia could feel the wound begin to heal, her clothing stained with blood, and her cloak shredded against her back slightly. She staggered over to Roxas then and leaned down next to him, moving her fingertips to his throat to feel for a pulse. From what she could tell, he seemed fine, so with much effort, she lifted him up off the floor and brought him to his bedroom, placing him on his back on the bed.

Ophelia left the room momentarily once Roxas was on the bed, and went into the bathroom to try and clean the wound before it fully healed. She winced as the water entered the wound and she could tell she was lucky it missed literally everything vital to her life force. Once she was cleaned up slightly, she headed back to the bedroom quickly, sitting down on the bed and watching Roxas’ face intently.

Roxas’ eyes shot open and it took him a minute to figure out where he was. He felt around with his hand and concluded that he was in fact in bed. He moved his head around to check the room out and make sure that Eileen was gone. When he looked, no one was in the room, until his gaze fell on Ophelia. He almost couldn’t focus on her because his head still felt like a nuclear bomb had just gone off and the half life was going to be a round for a very long time.

He was able to see that her dress was all bloody and it took him a bit to figure out that what he saw was just a dream and he actually shot Ophelia. With all he could muster up, Roxas tried to open his mouth. “O..Ophelia, I’m sorry.” His voice was low and raspy. He was hardly able to even talk. Guilt shot through his heart as his head acted up again and grimaced. His hand shot to the side of his head and all he could do at the moment was look down at his legs.

Ophelia watched as Roxas came to suddenly, his gaze shifting around the room in almost a panic. Eventually his eyes met hers, and she stared at him quietly for a moment. She really had no idea what was going on. Why he shot at her, or why he was unconscious after. She listened to him apologize, and the sound of his voice sent a shiver up her spine. By this point her wound would be mostly healed, and she saw his eyes move downward, like he was embarrassed or something.

“I’ll be okay… Nothing vital was hit. But what is going on? You need to tell me, right now.” Her voice was nearly a whisper, but the intensity in it was apparent.

Roxas was shaking now and couldn’t stop it. The thought of Eileen being back scared the shit out of him and there was nothing he could do, but think about it. “Something… someone scared me. I.. I thought you were them.” His voice was starting to come back now. The headache was slowly going away and it started to make him think a bit. Normally he never has an episode like that. Something else must of caused it and it couldn’t have been Ifrit.

He looked up at Ophelia once more, the fear in his eyes couldn’t be hidden from her. “Someone I thought was dead.”

Ophelia’s brow furrowed together and she listened hesitantly. “Are you sure it was real? It could have been from something else, couldn’t it?”

Roxas shook his head gently. “It looked as real as you are right now. I guess I was too delirious or something and I could have just been seeing things, but still. I never want to see that again.” He was very tired at this point and rested his head on Ophelia’s lap. He curled up a bit and was still shaking. He started to mutter to himself as he closed his eyes again. “She shouldn’t be here. She should be dead. I killed her she should be dead.”

He opened his eyes again and looked up into Ophelia’s eyes then over to the blood stain. “I’ll get you a clean shirt.” He said gently as he tried to get up but, started to fall over, catching himself against the bedpost.

“I’ll get it…” Ophelia pulled Roxas back onto the bed carefully, then got up and went over to his closet. She grabbed one of his plain shirts and took her dress off, changing into the shirt and climbing back onto the bed.

She moved to lay next to him then, pulling the blankets up over her legs slightly, sighing softly. “What do you want to do? Is there something I can do to help?”

“Don’t go anywhere tonight please. Stay here and when you’re not with me, if you see someone in a crow mask with crow feathers for a cape, runaway. Do not fight her or go anywhere near her. Tell me the second you can.” Roxas looked over at Ophelia. "I won’t let her take you away from me.” He laid his head back down against the pillow then cuddled up next to her. “I love you. I don’t want you to die.”

“I promise I’ll be careful. And, for the record, I feel like you might die before me, if I’m honest.” A small smile played along her lips, and she moved to press them to his gently then. “Get some sleep?”

Roxas smiled back after she kissed him. “Don’t let me then. I’ll try my hardest to stay alive for you.” He took in as much as he could of Ophelia then shut his eyes. “I love you.” He said gently before falling asleep again.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

As Morthos wandered the streets he found himself actually feeling pretty good about himself. His chat with Edwin had him thinking about Jax and thinking that he was more okay with her not feeling the same way he did than he realized. Maybe one day she'd come around, but for now he was actually just happy having someone like her in his life. In the moment when Jax had ended their friends with limited benefits relationship he felt devastated, but now with some distance from it and time to think he was happy to let Jax do what she felt she had to, at least for now. Ever since he'd met Jax Morthos had been feeling more confident in himself, and his life was a lot better now. He had a few good friends and that was really all he'd ever wanted in life.

As he was walking he found himself by the church where Jax got her blessings every morning. Speaking of Jax, he was pretty sure he saw her rounding a corner away from the church. Morthos jogged a bit and rounded the corner after her to catch up. Upon getting close he used mage hand to tap her right shoulder and stood on her left side. "Hey there good lookin', what are you...oh." He started with a cheery greeting but when he saw the look on her face he could tell something was up, "what's wrong? Something go down at church?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Jax heard Morthos' voice and turned around, not hiding her expression at all. She wasn't crying but she looked and felt exhausted and defeated. She gave him a shake of her head, "I'm fine. Just a bad day. Exorcism went bad and lost another innocent soul to a fucking de.."

She stopped, not wanting to insult Morthos' heritage. She knew not all demons were evil and she didn't want her angry words to be misconstrued so she changed the subject, "Anyways, I shouldn't have gone and done it. My soul wasn't strong enough tonight to save her and she passed on. It was what she wanted, but I hate it when the demon wins. I just need to get stronger."

She cocked her head looking around the area, "So..uh why you out so late? I figure you would be at home or at the library tonight. Enjoying our night off, so to speak?"

She was diverting. She didn't want to talk any more about her want to grow stronger. It just made her feel selfish and honestly after their earlier discussion she felt it was like stabbing the wound with a stick. She brushed her fingers through her hair and looked past him to see a couple young teenagers walking down the opposite side of the street gig
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Morthos appreciated that Jax was trying to to insult his demonic side, even if he wouldn't have taken it personally anyways. "I'm sorry you couldn't save this one, but they have to want to be saved. If she wanted to pass on you'd probably have a hard time trying to convince her otherwise." He figured she was probably taking this hard, and she wanted to change the subject so he went with it. "I spent some time at my place working on some stuff. Had some dinner, did some soul searching. I was kind of wandering aimlessly and happened to find you," he chuckled then idly wondered if his attitude would put her off. Last she saw him he was barely functioning, now he was like a whole new person all chipper and what not.

Jax gave a light smile that didn't reach her eyes, "I know your right. I just hope she got what she wanted. Of course it's out of my hands now though." She watched him closely as he told her about his evening, seeming to be in better spirits since their last talk. She was happy about that. She laughed, "I guess the fates just have their plans. Well...do you want to come over for dinner or go out and do something. Platonically...um of course. Not that I needed to say that." She tried to not be awkward because she genuinely wanted to be friends.

"I'm feeling like a night out on the town is the perfect date idea, platonic date of course," Morthos just gave her a cheeky wink and laughed. Things could have been awkward but he was in a good mood and being with Jax just made him feel better. "I know a great place we can go too, I've always wanted to go but never wanted to go alone. Come on, it's this way," without really thinking he took her arm and started walking. After a few steps he let go, "oops, sorry, just got a bit excited there."

Jax gave him a teasing smirk as she shook her head at his cheeky wink. After a few minutes she was being dragged along with him to a mysterious location. She didn't fight his touch, still enjoying it regardless of what she told herself but when he let go she shook her head with him, "That's alright. Just don't let it happen again or taste certain doom!" She laughed, "So where are we going? I love adventures. Oh OH...is it a bakery? or an ice cream parlour?"

"You're on the right track with food, though this is a lot more fun." After a few more minutes of walking they got to the place, it was just called Bar+ and advertised having both a lounge with karaoke and private rooms if you only wanted to make a fool of yourself in front of your friends instead of a whole crowd. Just then though Morthos realized he had no clue if Jax even liked karaoke, "so, as you may know I'm a big dork. I really like singing so I've wanted to come here but I never had anyone to come with. Does karaoke sound fun? Would you prefer a room just us or the whole bar? Or we can go somewhere else, you know, if this isn't your kind of thing....." At this point Morthos was over thinking things and desperately needed Jax to bring him back to earth.

Jax got immediately excited when they arrived at Bar+ she had noticed it a few times but had never actually gone in. She squealed a bit, "Hell yeah it's my kind of thing! I love partying. I am so under dressed though. Ahh well I am gorgeous whatever I am wearing." She headed inside giving a wink to the bouncer, "Let's use the whole bar. More people always means more fun!" As they got inside she put her hands together then placed the tips of her fingers up to her nose, "Hmmm...what to sing! I am a RoXy fan but I also enjoy Goblin Black! Oh what are you going to sing?" She looked over at the bar and saw a few people she knew. She gave them a light wave then turned to Morthos, "Sorry. I always seem to run into people."

"Yes you do," Morthos said quietly at her comment of always looking gorgeous as they entered. She apologized for waving to some people but that barely even registered to Morthos, "don't worry about it. From my perspective you seem to know everyone, I'd be more surprised if you didn't see anyone you know. As for what I'll sing...." Morthos trailed off as he grabbed one of the tablets to scroll through the song list, "I'll see what catches my eye, you hungry? I have the strangest feeling you haven't eaten anything all day. You get some food first then we can have some fun singing."

Jax laughed at his comment then nodded enthusiastically when he mentioned food. She started pulling off her jacket as she headed over to the bar and ordered some food and beers before pointing to a table to the left of the main stage where a young witch was belting to Stevie Nicks. She sauntered over and threw her jacket into a seat as a waitress brought over a few beers. She pushed her hair out of the way and grabbed one taking a few chugs before nodding at Morthos before she took a seat. "Hope you don't mind I ordered nachos to share? I paid as well so don't bother asking her for the bill."

She laughed, sticking out her tongue, before she took another chug of her beer, "Hey...I was meaning to ask you. Does your family know any way to amplify controlling demonic energy? I have been trying to wrap my brain around growing stronger with my summoning but it's hard on my body to keep the demonic energy at bay. I've been reading a lot about it, and honestly asking the source is out of the question. I figured your family might know a trick or something...It's alright if you don't. I was just curious.."

"You know me, I'm always down to eat, nachos sound great. I guess I can't always pay for everything so fine, I'll allow you to pay, call us even on getting food." He drank some of his beer and thought about her question. "My uncle deals with that kind of stuff. He's not an exorcist like you, but I know his particular brand of magic lends him to the demonic arts. I'll see if I can get in contact with him to see if he can't help you out." Morthos didn't particularly like his uncle but he wasn't going to tell her that, if it meant helping Jax he'd put up with his uncle's unpleasantness. "I also have something I wanted to ask you, do you think we could maybe do some combat training together? On our mission I realized if I can't cast magic I'm pretty screwed. I'm not weak, I just have no technique." Glancing at the tablet he saw there was still a few more people to go before they were up so there was time.

Jax listened intently to him talk about his uncle, her interest highly peaked, "Oh that would be awesome! I would really appreciate any help I can get." She paused listening to him ask her about combat training. She took a sip of beer, trying to hold back a mean smile, "I can help with you with that. My training is tough though, if we spar expect some heavy bruises and sore muscles." She laughed lighting knowing full well that her training was insane for an average person. She knew Morthos could handle it, but she also knew that he would have to work his ass off to get to her level. She was about to say something when a young blonde woman walked up, smiling at first at Jax then at Morthos, "Hey...sorry to interrupt you guys. My friend over there," she pointed to a another girl with blue skin, gills and coral coloured hair, "thinks that you are super cute and was wondering if you would be interested in taking her number." Unlike Jax's previous drunken stupor she remained calm and gave Morthos an encouraging smile.

Morthos was about to respond when a blonde girl came up to give Morthos her friends number. He looked over at the other girl, a merperson? Morthos wasn't entirely sure, he gave her a wave as she was looking at them expectantly and she covered her face with her hands. He turned his attention back to the girl in front of him, "well I'm flattered, I'll gladly take her number." The girl handed him a paper with the number on it as she ran away giggling back to her friend. Morthos quickly texted the number saying it's the red guy you think is cute, my name's Morthos, what's yours? He out his phone away, he'd respond when he got home later. "Well that was unexpected, what were we talking about? Your ridiculous training regimen? I won't say no to the challenge, I'm serious about getting stronger."

Jax watched as he took the mermaid's number and then proceeded to text said girl. Jax's reaction was a long chug of beer and long inner monologue about how this was what she wanted. When his attention was back to her she gave a cool smile, "Eh, not surprised. Girl has good taste. Anyway sounds good. I go to church in the morning but I'll meet you at the SPA gym at about 5 if you want to do some sparring. I go early with Hargul because there is usually less people around. We can train on evenings though to. Whenever you have time. Don't forget water and gym clothes. Oh..." She gave him a wicked smile, "Looks like it's your turn to shine. Mr. Super cute!" She teased him lightly, mimicking the other girl who approached the table.

"Sounds good, and you're up after me so I hope you're ready," Morthos got up on the stage and the song he chose was one he didn't particularly identify with anymore but at one point he considered it his theme song. The song was Monster by Skillet. Morthos is decently good at singing so he pretty much nailed it, as he sang he couldn't help but think of how his outlook had changed to make him not think this song was about him. Really Jax had made him realize that he wasn't some kind of monster, he was just different and he should embrace that about himself. When he was done he got off stage and sat back with Jax, "your turn now, I can't wait to hear what you've got planned."

Jax screamed and hooted as Morthos nailed the song. His rasp coinciding perfectly well with the beat. She enjoyed the song, jamming along when finally the nachos came. She ordered another two beers and started to booth dance as she ate. Suddenly the song was over, with the crowd going crazy as Morthos walked over. Jax gave him a thumbs up, "You nailed that! Damn, you can sing to! Man of many talents." He responded and she shook her fingers, taking another sip of beer before she licked her lips, "Oh you will see." She scooted out of the booth and smacked Morthos on the arm before she sauntered up to the top of the stage, taking the mic and giving the room a smirk. She set her boots in adrenaline pumping through her veins as she grabbed at her pony tail, pulling away the small band to let the tangle of red hair fall down her shoulders. Suddenly she began to sing Dead Posey's, "Don't Stop the Devil." Her voice was definitely an alto, the voice gritty and a bit scratchy but all around good. She hit the notes with confidence swaying slightly to the beat. She couldn't dance worth shit but Jax could definitely sing. When the song ended she let go of the stand letting it hit the ground as cheers went off. She raised a fist then walked over to the table, "The performing arts are not really my thing but damn that is fun! We should do a duet or something!"

Morthos found himself munching on the nachos and cheering for Jax when she was done. Did she pick that song specifically for him? Nah, definitely over thinking it. Jax mentioned a duet, "ya that does sound fun, and I know just the song. If you don't know this one then I'm not sure we can be friends anymore." A bit of time passed and it was their turn up again, the song Morthos picked was a classic, Don't Stop Believin'. He really enjoyed being up there with Jax just having a good time. When they were done people cheered and they went back to their table. Morthos was having a great time, he even ordered a couple of shots for each of them.

Jax watched as he picked a classic, whilst munching wildly on nachos. She gulped, "Of course I know that song. See we are destined to be best buds!" Jax and him got up there a few minutes later, singing there hearts out. She didn't want to admit it, but she was having a great time and as selfish as it was she was thankful that Morthos could help clear her mind for awhile. After they had sung a few more songs and finished off the plate of nachos they left the bar walking towards home. When they hit the street that would turn off towards both of there homes Jax turned and gave Morthos a warm hug, "Thank you for tonight. I really needed a friend, also remember tomorrow. See ya at the gym at five. Be ready." She pulled back giving him a smirk before she, punched him lightly in the shoulder before she headed off home to Ophelia's empty bed and Hargul's snuggles.

"Hey, what else are friends for if not showing you a good time. I'll see you tomorrow...I'd say at the ass crack of dawn but I think at this time of year the sun isn't even up until closer to 6." Morthos laughed and they both went their separate ways, as he walked home he checked his phone, the girl from the bar had responded, her name was Melanie but she preferred Mel. They didn't talk too much, but she seemed like a nice enough girl. As soon as he was home he set an alarm to be up early and fell asleep. The alarm sounded what felt like a minute later, but Morthos got up and did his normal morning routine to wake himself up. He found drinking a few glasses of water really helped. He gathered up what he needed for some intense training with Jax and made his way to the gym. If he was going to master this new magical technique he was working on he also needed some fighting ability.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

---- Roughly One Month Later ----

Ophelia's white hair was pinned up tightly at the back of her head, and she wore an elegant band with feathers around her head. Her tutu matched with the headband, and her eyes were accented with silver shadow. Over the course of the two ish hours, the performance went smoothly and she moved with grace and purpose. The emotions of her character showed on her face while an orchestra played during each scene. By the time the performance ended, Ophelia felt exhausted, the adrenaline she felt at the beginning having worn off at this point. Before she left the stage on the last scene, she managed to catch a glimpse of Roxas, Jax, and Morthos in the audience. Her blue eyes shone gently in the spot lights and she disappeared offstage to change.

Shortly after she reached her dressing room, the door swung open and Hargul entered, still wearing his outfit from the ballet. Ophelia smiled at him and motioned him to come over. She was mostly naked, but she did live with him so it wasn't like she cared much. She slipped into a silver evening gown, taking her hair out of the bun and styling into something more appropriate for the after party which would be to celebrate the performance. The only person who would be allowed to join her at the party unfortunately would be Roxas, but she knew that Jax and Morthos would understand. She finally made her way to an open lounge type area where most of the people who were watching would arrive or leave from the building. She saw the three standing there, and she held Hargul's hand as she approached them.

Despite feeling extremely happy and excited in this moment, Ophelia really was exhausted. She felt slightly sick to her stomach as well, and she thought she might be sick. She breathed in twice through her nose, exhaling out her mouth to try and settle her stomach. Normally her nerves didn't bother her this much, and she let the feelings happen and then pass. Once she was feeling a little better, she spoke up.

"So? What did you think?" she said, smiling widely, her fangs quite obvious. Hargul jumped over to Jax and sat up on her shoulder. Ophelia stood next to Roxas, fairly close. Their relationship over the last month grew slightly. Roxas had become more open with Ophelia and she trusted him more likewise. They still had a long road ahead, but either way, things were good currently. Once everyone responded, Camille walked up to the group and smiled softly to them.

"Hate to interrupt, but you are needed to head to the celebration now, love," Camille said, her voice smooth as silk, then turned and disappeared.

Ophelia nodded, and then looked to Jax and Morthos quickly before departing.

"Have either of you found any new missions yet? It has been a little bit since our last group one. If you hear of anything, let us know!" Ophelia said, then took Roxas and guided him toward a vehicle that would bring them to a private building that was booked for the party. Camille would be there shortly if she wasn't already, and while on the way, Ophelia sent Jax a text. "Be home later. I love you!!"

---- A few hours later ----

Once the party was over, Ophelia and Roxas headed back to her place. She opened up the door and stepped inside, yawning gently. Luckily she had her little potion here to take once Roxas fell asleep, if he was planning to stay.She went to change into a pair of pajamas, and found Jax after. "I hope you had a good time today? I'm really tired, and want to hear about your day, but I need to rest... I haven't been feeling well lately?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Jax watched her sister with slight wonder, as she danced across the large stage. Ophelia always, since they were little, had a sort of grace or inner peace that Jax was always jealous of. Her dancing showed this flawless elegance and beauty that seemed almost religious if one cared to use the term. Jax squealed like a soccer mom when she saw Hargul fulfill his small role. Even if the demon was 376 years older then her she felt a certain maternal pride over the little beast. She turned to pat Morthos' hand, her smile widening as she watched the ballet with amazement. When the curtains had finally closed, Jax hooted out with the crowd before following Roxas to the lounge area with Morthos in tow. She was chatting about how insane the choreography of the performance was when her sister came out in one of her gorgeous gowns. When she asked what they thought Jax barked first, "IT WAS INCREDIBLE. You both were soooo good. Mom would be so proud. You were stunning up there Ophelia. I swear you almost had me crying in the second act." Suddenly Hargul jumped on her shoulders, "And you my little muffin! YOU WERE AMAZING. You were the best frog I have ever seen! Plus might I say you looked so dashing with those scales of yours."

Hargul hissed wildly in giggles, "OH MISS JAX. YOU TEASE. YOU TEASE. HARGUL WAS BEAUTIFUL? YES?"

Jax giggled, "Always beautiful. Sugar pie."


Jax blushed, "Hargul...Shitspoon's name is Roxas. He's been around the house enough for you to know that now."


Jax covered her mouth in giggles before listening to the other's talk about the performance. After that, a gorgeous vampire woman came over and mentioned that Ophelia was needed at the after party. Jax was a bit miffed that she was not invited to the said party, but she understood that Roxas was now going to be taking that role from her when it came to her sister. When her sister mentioned a new mission she shook her head. She had been checking the board every day but nothing for a group size had come up. They had each done some missions in between but it had been awhile for something large enough to come up. When Roxas and Ophelia felt it was time to go Jax called back to her, "See ya later. Love ya as well."

She turned to Morthos and in an old woman's voice, "Ya know when I was beautiful I would be invited to parties. Now that I have this scar..no one wants to take me to the ball."

She stuck out her tongue at him. It had been a month and she had been incessantly teasing him about her eye scar, bringing it up at very inappropriate times, just for fun. It was one of their things. During the last few weeks, their friendship was better than ever and a calm normal had spread between them. Jax always enjoyed hanging out with him and with her sister growing closer to Roxas it was nice to have a friend who she could count on. She headed out the door with Morthos beside her, the cold instantly hitting her legs below her nice blue dress. She paused looking down the street parts of her long copper hair trying to escape from her updo. She turned to Morthos, pulling her black shawl tighter around her shoulders, "Going to see Mel again tonight?"

At his response, she nodded trying to hide her emotions. It surprised her that even now after how well she had been in keeping it 'friendly' she was downright jealous of Mel. She really wanted to be nice to the girl and honestly, she could see a potential friendship with her, but she couldn't get past the fact that everytime her slimy fish stick finger's touched Morthos she wanted to hook line and sink her. She sighed after his response, "Ahh...perhaps I will head over to the bar than for a late night snack. Might snag a cutie for kicks. Try not to stay out too late we have training in the morning."

That they did. Since they had arrived back they have been training every day together. Jax hated to admit it but Morthos was getting better too. She was always ahead, but he was getting faster and his punches were stronger by the day. She hailed down a cab then turned back to Morthos, waving Hargul over. He jumped on her shoulder and she gave Morthos a small smile, "Also if you see any missions on the board on your way home. Text me! See ya Sparky!"

She gave him a small wave then headed into the cab, giving him her address. She wasn't going to the bar. In fact, she hadn't gone to the bar since a month ago, let alone been with anyone else. She didn't know why but she just lost the urge...LIES AND BULLSHIT...YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHY...because all the S level men are taken...OR YOU COULD BE MISSING SOME BIG RED...tomatoes we have to buy tomatoes and some BEEFY RED SKINNED BOY WHO HAS BECOME QUITE TONED WHILE WORKING OUT. SHAAAAAAAAAAMMMMEEE... Jax blinked, "NO! Stop that.." Hargul looked up from the seat beside her, "YOU ARE LOSING IT, MISS JAX."

Jax rested her head on her hand which was set up against the window, "You eat glue, and hump teddy bears. Don't judge me, little man."


Jax threw a disgusted look his way, "I am never touching that bear again.."

When the two got home Hargul headed towards the bathroom to go wash and clean himself and Jax got into her pajamas and pulled out the Ben and Jerry's before putting on her favorite show Robo Goblin. She followed the episode word for word quoting her favorite character Captain Rigzod Rogers the handsome goblin space captain who seemed to always face danger with a smile and a witty catchphrase. She spoke up loudly, "ALRIGHT FIZBO. YOU BETTER GIVE UP AND FACE THE OVEN, BECAUSE TONIGHT...THE CHICKEN IS DONE!"

She almost choked with laughter when Ophelia came in finding her and Hargul snuggled on the couch. He took the ice cream from her and she turned to Ophelia quietly after she had gone to grab some pajama's, a worrisome expression on her face, "Oh really? Vamp thing you think? Hey, you don't think it's that sleeping thing you take. I can phone mom and ask what she thinks about it?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"You know, ballet isn't really my thing but it was good, I enjoyed myself," Morthos said in response to Ophelia asking what they all thought. He laughed as Hargul jumped on his shoulders. "Ya you were great buddy, I think Ophelia has to look out or you might be upstaging her next time." Soon after Ophelia and Roxas left to their after party and Jax and Morthos were left to their own devices. Jax made a joke about her scar as she often did, "you look great even with the scar and you know it, sometimes I swear you're fishing for compliments." He stuck his tongue right back at her, two could play at that game.

She asked if he was seeing Mel again tonight, ever since that night at Bar+ he and Mel had been in a relationship. Nothing too serious as of yet but they were exclusive, so that was something. "She's working at the cafe tonight, I think I might go bug her before her shift is done." They went their separate ways, and Morthos did indeed go to bug Mel at her job. She worked as a maid at a maid cafe which meant bugging her at work was extra fun for Morthos.

After a few hours Mel's shift ended and Morthos walked her home. They had a quick kiss and Morthos started making his way back to his own house. Thinking about it, he realized he hadn't told Mel yet that he was nobility. He had mentioned that all tieflings were technically nobles but didn't say that he still had that power very directly. He shook off the thought, he'd mention it next time he saw her. He moved his attention to the mission board, it was on his way home so he figured he'd check to see if there was anything good.

Glancing over them all nothing was really catching his eye, then he felt a pull to the charity portion of the board. The missions listed there paid nothing or way less than what a mission of that caliber should pay. He was about to dismiss this board also when he caught a town name which he knew all too well, "Dunwich?" His township was fairly wealthy, he still had access to his funds, so why was this on the charity board? The request was clearly written by someone who was distressed. Apparently an archdemon had begun terrorizing the town, destroying their resources, and they couldn't take it on themselves. The ruling Lady was going to try to take it down herself, "no....mom..."

Morthos didn't bother reading the rest, he sprinted over to the girls' house and nearly knocked the door down trying to get in. "Mission. Grab Roxas. Hometown. Archdemon. Mom in danger." Morthos could barely string together a sentence due to being out of breath and also being very worried about his home. "We need to get there fast, train is too slow. Wait a minute, Ley Lines, yes yes yes, we're right near a nexus point, and SPA is on top of a huge ley Line Nexus, excellent." At this point Morthos was talking to himself, muttering his plans, he was clearly not in a right state of mind currently.
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