Name: Merdem Caspicous
Nicknames: Damned Merdem
Villain Name: The Damned Legionary
Age: 342 (he updates his gear with the age)
Gender: Male

Hellfire Spitter- a chain gun which has bullets of fire.
Hero(Villain) Equipment:
Armor of the Ghost He wears powerful armor that allows physical attacks to pass through him completely without taking damage, but energy blasts it protects against, but only if it is energy it is strong enough to block.
Blast Bombs Merdem can throw grenades that act like fragmentation grenades but spew fire instead.
Combat Section:
Merdem is large and strong and can move quite fast, but due to his size he cannot move through most spaces unless he destroys it. So he is normally limited by doors. In cramped spaces, if no one is behind him, then his enemies will have a hard time living, but otherwise he is quite vulnerable to energy users. Due to his fiery nature, he can survive flames quite hot, but not volcanos or molten substances.
He can soak and deal damage, but someone smart and small enough with energy abilities could wreck his shit up.
Strength: Fire, superior size and strength, and apparition abilities.
Endurance: He is overly fit and can do impressive feats, but his size does limit his mobility in enclosed spaces that he does not want to destroy.
Willpower: If he has a target, he won't stop till they are obliterated. His anger is his weapon, his mind, his very existence.
Speed: Fast, but his sprint is like a loping gate. He can be restricted by many obstacles however.
Reaction Speed: Fast, but he can't block attacks, but can take them.
Quirk Section: Ghost Fire
Name of Quirk: Raging Vengence
Ability of Quirk: His body is mostly corporeal, but his ability to produce and use fire is exponential to his rage.
Qualities of Quirk: Get pissed off, he gets more dangerous. His damage output increases, but can be stopped with opposing energy
Strengths of Quirk: His size to house that rage, determination, and outright destruction
Weaknesses of Quirk: Extra vulnerable to energy based attacks, easier to lead to a trap or ambush.
Limits of Quirk: When he gets to hot, he turns into a column of fire and flees to cool off.
"Vengeance is a necessary force. It must fester in order to keep balance. I was born nearly three hundred of your years ago, and anger was my drive. I was born to a religious cult of worshipers of a deranged god. Religion and the supernatural may mean nothing now, but then it was a grand deal. The last sanctuary for our practice was breached by crusaders, thinking they were killing satanists, but they were killing the people of Vengeance. I was the sole survivor. I prayed for 3 years for the power to strike back at my enemies, and my god answered with the quirk. She, the mistress of Vengeance, told me were to find the very warriors to attack, and wear to find one sympathetic to my cause to give me the weapons to make it more torturous. I went on a rampage, killing many in my path with fire and blade, till my destination was reached. I killed them all, and let out a burst of flames from my body t destroy their temple, like they did mine. My Mistress gave me the reward of Eternal youth, but not immortality. I rebuilt the temple and stayed as a guard. But as time went by, the temple was covered over. My goddess bid me to be a agent of retribution, and to sleep till those of supposed good became corrupt once more. So ever 50 years, I woke and slayed the head of a formally domestic snake. Now I wake again,
but I'm hard pressed to do my work, for my enemies have advanced to far. I joined the dark tree for help in numbers, even if their motives were horrible in their own right. As long as traitors are dead however, I can do nothing. But when they live, woe to those I face."Personality: Merdem is cold and ruthless. His rage is easy to reach, but he attempts to control it to limit collateral damage.
Other: His opinions of the rest of the world is quite low.